#kruger doai
purplechaosguardian · 5 months
Okay okay so apparently my brain keeps feeding me random ideas that I don’t know what to do with but hear me out (inspired by @spookmuth ‘s post): what if we rope kruger into this. Could line up with the “wanted criminal” thing and the “patient 66 is freed” thing, too?
Cuz if I remember correctly, Kruger’s canonical deathdate was sometime in 1996? And patient 66 isn’t taken to the asylum until around 1990… Yeah I really don’t know where the hell I’m going with these but I just enjoy putting my little skrunklies in continuously fucked up situations and proceeding to put these traumatized little weirdos into an eventual found family (ft. their 6’6 demon cat)
Also Kruger gets to do this eventually (except instead of a shining figure he’s basically. half corpse):
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Kruger being the default father figure by default because one is still traumatized by her treatment at at asylum, one is a magnet for the Horrors, and Clyde is Clyde.
Speaking of which
“Jesus Christ what is that.”
“Its name is Clyde.”
“You named it?”
They eventually steal a car and it soon gets so full of veldigun and people it looks like this
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doggosomniac · 5 months
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some candy mouse. does anyone remember that show
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they-thespian666 · 4 months
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Officer Kruger dying in a glue trap from the whiteboard <3
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corelex · 5 months
My brain randomly generated this thought and it is a banger:
Alex and co. (Clyde, Simon, The Flock, 66, Kenneth, and possibly Winfrey) discovers and uses an abandoned but functional radio station to persuade the town to not believe the foundation, the police, and especially Lankmann.
Cue the "Stayed Gone" banter and finale.
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secret-spirit · 3 months
How i imagine Kenneth Kruger would look mainly in the sitcom au
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Yes he's bald I ain't holding back.
Also he's wearing sun glasses.
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s1cklyheart · 4 months
M’kay so i’ve been thinking about officer Kruger
At some point someone said “hey what if officer Kruger got turned into a caretaker” and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.
I already had a hunch that Kenneth didn’t stay as an experiment for long and that 9 years looked like too long to study a nearly dead person. And with the introduction of the caretakers…I started to look into things a little further.
First off,and this might be the most obvious,the breathing. During Vol.0 we actually hear Kruger breathing during the police training tape,and in Vol.1 similar breathing can be heard when we see one of the caretakers enter Patient 66’s house.
Because I like overanalyzing shit let’s take a look at what was said about Kruger during In Loving Memory,shall we?
“A beloved member of our community,and a caring father.”
Oh,and Vol.1 too,because I have the suspicion that maybe Alex somehow managed to talk to Kruger (I have no idea how they didn’t get caught tbh)
“Someone I know and care about has been hurt.”
This kinda just pushed me further into believing Kruger was turned into a caretaker. In Vol.1 it is a mandated rule that staff CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE interact with the caretakers. I doubt that would be a rule unless SOMEBODY had some stuff they wanted to say,and Lankmann knew that if everyone ignored the caretakers that certain someone wouldn’t get the chance to reveal anything.
I came up with all of this at like 1 in the morning during the weekend,and it’s consumed my mindddd……
I rlly hope none of this theory sounds dumb I’m sorry ffbjjfdf
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doodle-girl · 2 months
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Let’s dance in the graveyard, cha-cha-oo!
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havoc-bloom · 2 years
Rat Trap
An angsty, horrible, no-good ficlet starring Klaus and Jack.
(TW: Physical abuse mentions. Just… Klaus being a general asshole. Also the relationship between Klaus and Jack is EXTREMELY toxic and I’m not going to sugarcoat it. It is terribly unhealthy and manipulative, and in no way is this an attempt at “romanticizing” it. It’s fucked up. You have been warned.)
The warehouse was hardly a home. It was hardly even a house. It was more like a place of residence. It didn’t deserve the title “home,” because home is where you are loved. It didn’t deserve the title “house,” because in a house you’re supposed to feel safe.
As the winter sun began to peek through the fogged windows, Jack felt anything but safe or loved. As he tried to sleep, he kept hearing his… for lack of a better word, “partner,” Klaus. Pacing. Rambling to himself under his breath. The occasional clatter of him punching a wall or any standing object.
It was normal now. Klaus often stayed up well into the daylight to vent his frustration from the previous night. He would break things, he would yell, he would let his rage boil over and scald whatever it touched. Klaus being angry was a usual occurrence, and most nights Jack would sleep through it.
Other nights, when he was unfortunate enough to be awake, Jack would act as a punching bag. Klaus seemed to blame a lot of things on Jack, whether he was the cause of an unsuccessful hunt or he’d talk too loud when Klaus had a migraine. It wasn’t unlike him to be aggressive. That aggression led to Jack’s skin being littered with marks. Bruises. Scars. And so Jack began to go to sleep earlier, so he wouldn’t be subjected to Klaus’ rage.
Tonight was different.
As Jack began to drift off to sleep, to finally find peace and comfort in the confines of his unconscious mind, he heard something from across the warehouse. Something so bizarre, so out-of-place, that for a moment he believed himself to be dreaming.
He heard crying.
It was small. Only the occasional quiet, choked sobs followed by the slightest sniffles and whimpers. And considering he hadn’t heard anyone being stabbed to death by now, he was sure it wasn’t a human. Slowly it turned to little mumbling between sobs, soft apologies barely made coherent as they echoed across metal walls.
“... What happened … left me alone … stupid, stupid, fucking stupid!…”
The clatter of metal against concrete. And the loudest, gut-wrenching, pained scream he’d ever heard.
An instinctual fear washed over him as he jolted upright, scrambling to his feet and finding his footing before sprinting towards the noise. He hoped, dreamed, prayed to any god that would listen that Klaus hadn’t been hurt. That instinct to protect was overwhelming. Even if the person he was trying to save would never do the same for him, the urge to do so despite that consumed him. Because that’s what Veldigun do. They find a partner, and they don’t separate. No matter what.
Turning a corner, Jack cringed at the smell of blood and rot and artificial birthday cake. The scent always lingered around Klaus. It was used to lure in children, and made it much easier for Jack to find his way to his partner. Nose in the air, he followed the stench of death. Nearly sliding past, he dashed into an open doorway. “Klaus!? I heard a scream, what-”
There was Klaus. This overbearing, arrogant, terrifying monster was reduced to a weeping mess on the ground. Curled up in a corner, knees tight against his chest, and sobbing his eyes out. As viscous black liquid poured from the corners of his eyes, he looked up at Jack with an emotion he’d never seen out of his partner before.
Klaus felt grief. And to Jack, this revelation fell somewhere between terrifying and glorifying. He’d never admit it, though there was something satisfying about seeing Klaus this way, feeling such human emotion. Shaking off the feeling, he crouched down next to his partner, worry etched on his face.
“K-Klaus? Are you… are you alright?”
The rat scoffed despite his tears. “Does it look like I’m alright, jackass?” He was barely able to muster up a chuckle before a sob overtook his throat again, and he choked on his words.
“Hey, it’s gonna be alright…” Jack reached out his hand to rest it on Klaus’ shoulder. “You can tell me whatever you need to, I’m right here-”
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” He flinched away violently, curling in on himself more. “Sorry!…” Jack muttered, the worry in his expression quickly turning to one of sympathy. He lowered his hand back down to his side. “Do you… need anything?”
Klaus paused for a moment. “...I don’t know.” He sniffled. “I don’t fucking know anymore.” The sniveling quickly turned to strained weeping, throat sore and eyes red, and he buried his face into his knees. Jack, unsure of what else to do, sat next to him. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t move. He just sat. And though Klaus had put him through so much pain, he couldn’t help but feel sympathy. He despised the pity he felt, but it welled up inside him, gnawing at his insides.
And as much as Klaus hated to admit it, Jack’s presence did bring comfort. Vague comfort, one he hadn’t felt in a long time, but comfort nonetheless. He didn’t know what drove him to do it; overwhelming grief? A singular grasp at something resembling comfort? Either way, he grabbed hold of his partner, and pulled him into an embrace. Sobbing into his chest, clawing into his back. And Jack returned it with soft arms.
They eventually fell asleep, holding each other. Klaus first, exhausted from crying his heart out. Jack couldn’t seem to fall asleep for a long while, though. Something ate at the back of his mind. Guilt, regret, anxiety, all viciously clawing at him, mocking him. Why do you care for him? Why haven’t you just left? You have nothing to win and everything to lose. There’s no use.
But instinct compelled him to stay. Without anyone, what was he to do? He was directionless without Klaus. His entire existence was hinged on him. He became dependent on the individual that seemed to hate him most. He couldn’t leave. He just couldn’t. And with that thought, he drifted to sleep.
When he woke, Klaus was gone. He heard the sharpening of a knife outside the little room, and assumed his partner was waiting for him.
Veldigun stick together. They hunt together, they live together, they are their only source of company. How lonely it is, to be a monster, when your only companion is a monster much worse than you.
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luxury-nightmare · 4 months
mom says it’s my turn on the writing
(I haven’t written for Doai but I haven’t seen much new stuff for the Sitcom Au and I refuse to let the flame die out)
For the first time in years, Dr. Hebert Lankmann had no control over the situation.
Sirens blared across the asylum, bathing it in red as the doctor rushed down the hall. He didn’t look back, he couldn’t look back, because he knew what was behind him, and he didn’t have the luxury of not knowing who it was.
Alex Willams. Specimen 03. The immune. That damned employee to nosy for their own good. Lankmann needed to know what made them immune, for the good of Eastridge and all of humanity.
(And maybe to cure his own sickness)
This was not what he expected.
Velidgun conversion was unheard of before Alex. The idea that a human could become one of those creatures had never crossed the doctor’s mind and he cursed himself for not seeing the signs sooner. How Alex seemed tired since inviting the Demon into their home, the frailty, the eyes.
But he hadn’t. And here they were, Demon chasing Human, as it should be.
Something grabbed his ankle, he didn’t look down, he just kept running. It pulled, causing him to fall. He scrambled to get back up, but it dragged him towards his pursuer. Lankmann finally got a good look at the thing, green and striped and sharp. A tail.
Something hit him on the side of the head, blood pooling from the wound. Alex went in for another hit, but the doctor swung his hands up to block it. “Alex please!” He cried, staring up at them. Far to many eyes looked down at him, crooked and yellow and staring down from a face covered in shadow.
Alex went in for another hit. Lankmann threw his hands up to block again, but missed, and they hit again. Lankmann got a look at their weapon, where the hell did they get a crowbar?
Thwack. Obsidian black claws gripped the crowbar, a purple eye staring back at the doctor from the back of the palm
Thwack. The tail dug deeper into his ankle, spines drawing blood.
Thwack. Wings, green as the forest, blocked Lankmann’s vision.
“Alex, we can be reasonable about this!” Thwack. The crowbar hit the side of his head again, forcing him back. His back hit the wall.
“Please Alex, I can give whatever you need!” A pause. Alex didn’t lower their crowbar.
“Let them go”
Lankmann paused. Alex’s voice was clearly stolen, like most Velidgun, but not from another person. It sounded identical to the silly cartoon Lankmann that was shown around the facility in training tapes. Alex did the voice for those right?
“Patient 66, Mortimer, Kruger, Winfrey, everyone. Let them free”
Lankmann paused, that last name. “Specimen 02-“
“It’s NAME” Alex interrupted “is Winfrey”
“You know I can’t do that Alex, those things are to dangerous-“
Thwack. The crowbar came down onto the doctor’s head once more, and as he looked up at the Velidgun before him, he knew he had sealed his fate as a dead man.
“Wrong Answer”
it’s jarring, to hear your own voice repeated back at you
Lankmann looked back up at his attacker, but looking back at him wasn’t Alex Willams.
Looking back at him was the Angel of Silence
Angel of Silence idea was from @secret-spirit, and the overall idea was inspired by @redleaderdemon fic
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kaosanddestruction · 22 days
What are your thoughts on klaus
i'll assume u mean doai klaus? if so, I find the old lore that I can remember abt him pretty interesting, the fact that he was a veldigun who murdered out of sadistic glee rather than actually eating the people he killed? hella interesting another thing that I personally find like. ik I keep using the word interesting, but I swear, the fucking alignment chart for the veldigun mind boggles me in the best way. klaus is lawful evil iirc, and that shit like. WHAT /POS. officer kruger's son's name is klaus, so that implies he was probably consumed by a veldigun at some point if the veldigun lore we have still applies, and and and! fucking hell! this shit's genuinely making me go a lil fucking bonkers! I don't know what it all means, but it's wtv! anyways yeah klaus is pretty cool to think abt
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mintymimby · 3 months
hgghrhgrh the hyperfixation is getting bad
My theory on how ✨veldiguniction✨ happens!!!! So, DOAI, we have only two confirmed Veldigun, those being Clyde and Winfrey (Winfrey was not outright said in the series, although it was confirmed on Twitter. I did my homework for this post :3). Although there is an obvious reference of more “by a SPECIES of creature we've come to know as The Veldigun. These dangerous CREATURES . . . ect” (—Toon Lankmann, Vol 1.) I doubt they'd talk about it being such an issue unless there were QUITE a few, especially since Winfrey was being kept in the Asylum. Characters Pastra has shown that have not appeared in series are; Simon, The Flock, Mortimer, Jack, and Klaus (I'm not forgetting any right???) Though, in a reply on September 26, 2023, Pastra said that the Mortimer that they showed was NOT a Veldigun. However, Pastra also said on October 8th 2023 “all the OTHER Veldigun” on a post regarding Winfrey, implying that there was way more Veldigun who had designs. Now, more into Klaus and Mortimer, both of these we have reason to believe ARE Veldigun. The traits they have fit the traits of Veldigun. As well as their names being said IN DOAI. Mortimer Grey, the artist for Toon Lankmann, and Klaus, Officer Kruger's son. Klaus (Kruger's son) and Klaus (Pastra's character thingy) could very well be the same person. Klaus (Pastra) has a somewhat cute, childlike appearance, looking like the mascot for some child cartoon (besides the scary factors of it) and Klaus (Kruger) is a child. And then Mortimer (Pastra) has a cartoony, rubberhose design, while Mortimer (Grey) is a cartoon animator. There's too many similarities for them to NOT be the same characters. So, we'll say they are. But, in DOAI, they were clearly normal humans at SOME point. Which, brings me into ✨️Veldiguniction✨️, the transformation from just a normal human to a Veldigun. My theory on this is that when a normal human spends too long close to (not touching) a Veldigun, or too long close to someone with Veldigun Sickness, they begin to transform into a Veldigun. Another possibility is contracting some mutated strand Veldigun Sickness or something like that. This would work in the situation of Klaus and Mortimer. Mortimer presumably working in the Foundation, and Klaus being the son of Kruger—who contracted Veldigun Sickness.Uhhh so yeah!!!! Hope you understand my autistic ranting
And I hope I didn't make any very stupid ignorant mistakes!!!!
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secret-spirit · 5 months
Mom said it's my turn to write again
Alex Williams.
That was the name the Eastridge County Police Department was assigned to catch.
None of the personnel however knew why, the Lankmann Foundation only gave out vague details of what this person did to have them all of the police in exchange for a big amount of money from the Foundation, all they got was Treason.
Alex was rather known around Eastridge, especially the police after the Halloween Incident. They were a kind man, having the same sense of justice as Kenneth Kruger. It wasn't like them to commit a crime.
The higher ups didn't care, only aiming for the cash in return. But to those who followed and admired Kruger's sense of justice, they kept questioning why.
Those policemen were quickly shut down if they kept asking more questions, a Higher up saying that that's why Alex got marked as a criminal, they were too curious for there own good.
One of the police was good friends with Alex, but when they questioned him he shunned them down.
After they kept seeing the vandalized posters of Alex, seeing text that says he didn't do anything wrong, and don't trust the Foundation. People within the department began to question their morals, if Alex was just another victim. Some did grow suspicious of the Foundation, not trusting their independency and the cash deals they've been getting to keep quiet about everything.
But one things for sure
Alex is getting protection from the Eastridge Demon.
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s1cklyheart · 3 months
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Late fathers day thing I only just now finished
Enjoy the happiness
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s1cklyheart · 10 months
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Veldigun Kenneth Kruger AU (design and AU made by @/dopiysworldsend)
I LOVE this AU so much specifically for these two omfg fmdkfkkfkr-
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secret-spirit · 5 months
Random as hell idea Doai sitcom au gang (Alex, Clyde, 66, Kruger, Simon, The Flock, maybe Tommy too) doing Karaoke inside Simon's barn after he found a small karaoke box
Just episodic ideas maybe
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