#kugo x ahmya
k1nky-fool · 2 years
For my next act, I am choosing "Helping you put your necklace on and sneak a quick kiss on your neck before complimenting you." with milf Maeko and Ahmya
That's so sweet and cute, I hope you like it!
Still taking requests for this ask game
"Did we have to leave Kugo behind?" Ahmya pouted a little, despite the treat she knew her and her wife were in for.
"It's a gift for your birthday, love." Maeko reminded. "It wouldn't be much of a gift if it was for all three of us. In fact the only reason I'm here is because you wanted some company."
The week long vacation in Okinawa was Kugo's response to a somewhat funny joke. When he'd asked Ahmya what she wanted for her birthday, her answer was something along the lines of 'a fucking break.' And Kugo was nothing if not committed to a subtle bit.
"I know, I guess I'm just feeling a little homesick." Ahmya figured.
"It's only been a day, Ahmya." Maeko chuckled lightly as she searched through Ahmya's jewelry to pick something for a night full of the most interesting luxuries Kugo could find.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the rest of the trip." She'd picked out a square collared, white dress with some pink flowering that would go well with a rose gold pendant. "I guess it just feels a little odd to be taking a vacation without him or any of the kids."
"Tell you what," Maeko found the rose gold charm of an orca that she had to stop Ahmya from shoplifting from an aquarium in her excitement a few years back. "We enjoy our night: go to the show, have a lovely dinner, and walk down the beach."
"Then what?" Ahmya asks, moving her hair so Maeko can put the necklace on her wife.
"Then we come back, and get a good night's sleep." Maeko smiles, clasping the chain behind Ahmya's neck. She wraps her arms around Ahmya's waist from behind, looking at her in the mirror, resting her chin on her wife's shoulder. "And in the morning, we can give them a call, and maybe start brainstorming about gifts we can bring back for Kugo and the kids. How's that sound?"
Ahmya relaxed against Maeko. "Yeah, that sounds nice."
Maeko sneaks a quick kiss just above the delicate chain of the necklace. "You look stunning, by the way."
Ahmya giggled at the ticklish kiss to her neck. "You practically chose my whole look."
"And I have wonderful taste."
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k1nky-fool · 2 years
Switchblades my beloveds - 10 (can be a pair or all), 20, 29, 32, 51, 52, 57
Mita and Pepper i lov them so much - 2, 7 the answer better be yes :(, 20, 30, 44, 60
Devo and dead twink walking - 2, 7, 20, 42, 49, 55, 60
Also that polycule you and Puffer got going on I don't know you know the one - 7, 13 between Rosie and Eddie, 20, 27 (funny), 29, 48, 57, 60
And extra questions that can be used (they do not have to be but if you want to use them you can because you said i could)
They walk in to their favorite meal on the table made by their partner(s)! How do they respond?
What's their favorite "cancelled" media to consume? (Bad content creators, music, etc)
A Tumblr or Twitter post they would make
This isn't a question I just ur great :)
I gotchu bro
10.Describe their first date.
Well, Maeko and Kugo took Kazu to an amusement park and they call that their first date, but with Ahmya, the three of them went out to a cute dinner and only got into one fight at the beach. A fan of Kugo's wouldn't leave him alone, and Ahmya was the one to size him up and try fighting him. It was kind of like watching a chihuahua scare off a much larger dog. Kugo didn't stop her, but it's what impressed Maeko most since their first meeting.
20.Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Bang by AJR
29.Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
Kugo is the most likely to jump, just because he knows it freaks the fuck out of Maeko.
32.Who's the better storyteller?
Maeko by default, only because Ahmya says very alarming things in passing, and Kugo often forgets key parts of the story and has to backtrack.
51.What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Maeko really only jokes with people she loves, so any amount of humor from her is a silent 'I love you.' She also gives love in the form of teaching skills or giving information, even if it's just gossip or how her day was.
Kugo is very protective of the people he loves. In general he likes to have his wives in his line of sight or even better, he likes to have physical contact. Usually holding their hand or an arm around their shoulder or waist.
Ahmya cooks as a love language. If Ahmya brings food, she's either trying to say she loves you, or trying to poison you. It's a toss up, but for her spouses, she just wants to let them know she loves them very much.
52.Describe their weekend getaway?
You, you, me gas station. What are we getting for dinner? Sushi of course!
In all seriousness, a weekend getaway is stressful to set up. Finding someone to babysit the kids, finding a place to go, and being able to either check in on the kids, or someone they all trust enough to handle things on their own is all difficult.
If they manage though, a cruise ship would be heaven for these three. A long weekend on the ocean is peaceful for Kugo, Ahmya enjoys the atmosphere and probably the alcohol, and Maeko can't get enough of the food.
57.Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
As much as you'd expect Kugo to be the one taking the lead here, it's actually Maeko. Ahmya is everywhere and she goes missing for a little, only to come back with her arms full of her favorite snacks and obscure ingredients that caught her eye. Kugo could eat his weight in seafood, and Maeko has to stop him from buying everything in the refrigerators and freezers. Maeko brought her list, and while she's willing to compromise on some things and grab a few new things to try, it's like herding cats with her spouses at a grocery store.
Mita and Pepper
2.What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Pepper was warned before they ever started sleeping in the same bed that this was a possibility for Mita. She was well prepared with a soft voice and welcoming arms. Mita's gotten better about calming down over the years, but sometimes it's not so easy. Her time as the four-eyed creature is not as common of a nightmare topic these days, and while losing Vander hurt, in the last ten years, she's been coping with it as well as she can be.
Now her nightmares are about Ekko, Sketch, Scar, or even Pepper being hurt. But Pepper is always ready to listen and care for Mita. There's a certain softness to Pepper that very few people get to see.
Pepper also has nightmares, but Mita has learned that it's better to give a comforting touch before saying anything. The sense brings Pepper back to reality and it takes very little time for her to hide herself in Mita's hold. Her nightmares tend to come from times she felt weak and scared, so having someone there to help her feel protected is valuable to her. She usually doesn't talk about it, but that's because it's usually the same every time. She'll fall back to sleep resting on Mita's chest.
7.Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
They wouldn't come up with the idea themselves, that's for sure. While Mita and Pepper are not the type to build a pillow fort, Ekko and Sketch are, even well into their adulthood. If they're invited, Mita and Pepper will join their kids in their pillow fort journey.
20.Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
Both of them have this energy ngl.
42.What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Springtime storms are their favorite.
49.Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
Both Mita and Pepper are pretty good being independent, but if they haven't seen each other in a second for reasons outside their control, it's bound to make fuses short.
55.Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
Once upon a time Devo gave Mita a crash course on a few stars and how to spot some cool stuff in the night sky. Mita absolutely loves pointing them out to Pepper now.
60.Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Occasionally, when Mita is asleep, she'll accidentally reduce Pepper to a convenient teddy bear. The amount of times that Pepper has woken up with Mita hugging her for dear life should be alarming, but Pepper just finds it endearing.
Create Your Own! - They walk in to their favorite meal on the table made by their partner! How do they respond?
I think I've mentioned before that Mita can't cook, but Pepper has some food that can knock her out in five minutes. If Mita were to come home to Pepper having some food for her, it would be a slice of heaven. Pepper's getting whatever she wants for the next week.
Devo and Viktor
2.What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
When Devo wakes up from a nightmare in a manic state, she tends to have a habit of just leaving the room before she can get her bearings. Most of the time she'll come back after a few minutes and she'll just cuddle up to Viktor to get to sleep.
On really bad nights, she'll just sit on the couch, trying to deal with it alone. It doesn't take Viktor long to realize she's not in bed, and he'll go find her out there. By then, it's usually a lost cause for her to try getting back to sleep, so Viktor will just make some tea and stay with her until she's alright. Viktor also has plenty of distractions, but the easiest one is getting Devo on an astronomy rant, or they'll start working out some hextech problem together. Admittedly, Devo is lost on the engineering part of it, but she has some occasional insight.
Viktor is less prone to nightmares, but it's not like he's never had them. Growing up in the undercity in general is going to have some lasting effects on one's sleep schedule. A common visions of his nightmares are his disease taking his life and leaving Devo and Jayce alone and occasionally Rio. He knows he shouldn't compare trauma, but he doesn't feel like he's allowed to complain to Devo about it when he knows she's seen much worse days than he has.
Devo shuts that train of thought down before it leaves the station. She knows he's comforted by touch, and talking it out helps him get back to sleep. Devo feels like he has more than enough to be scared of, and that he handles it better than she ever could. Viktor usually falls asleep again in her arms.
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Yes, and they don't care that it's impractical. It's gonna be cozy as fuck.
20.Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Curses by The Crane Wives
42.What's their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
While Devo and Viktor both have some level of disdain for thunder and lightning, heavy rain can be appreciated by them. It means Devo has to take a night off anyway, and usually Viktor comes home early on rainy days, but this is usually the cause of a very cozy night in.
49.Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
I know it doesn't sound super romantic, but both of them are pretty good on their own, and sometimes it's even preferable. That doesn't mean they hate being around each other, but both of them are very passionate about their work.
55.Do they like watching clouds or star gazing?
When most people mention cloud watching or star gazing, they mean it as just a relaxing activity that isn't usually supposed to have a function.
But Devo is an astronomer so of course she's going to take this very seriously. But remember how I said she'd often hang around the Hextech lab just to keep Viktor company without really doing anything together? Well, Viktor does that too, but the logistics of stargazing make it possible for him to participate with her. She'll ramble about what she's doing and observing, and she'll also show Viktor and explain in detail what he's looking at.
I don't know if I'd say it's relaxing, but it's more like a date that's more focused on Devo.
60.Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
I understand the urge for writers to say Viktor is a warm bedmate. However I fully believe that this man is made of actual ice. Devo is a furnace, and it's always Viktor reaching out for her when he's sleeping
Create Your Own! - A Tumblr or Twitter post they would make.
Devoan: I've come to make an announcement Marcus The Sheriff's a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his Enforcer quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "This big" and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post om my Twitter, Marcus the Sheriff, you've got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and geuss what? Here's what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO QUILLS, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it's like two balls and a bong. I fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, HEIMERDINGER? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT THE FUCKING EARTH NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO.
anonymous asked: do you think ghost hunting is ableist?
The Babysitter Squad (Rosie Calhoun, Eddie Munson, Viola Anderson, Steve Harrington)
Note: while I do have stories planned for Rosie x Eddie, as well as Viola x Steve, the Babysitter Squad is mostly a playground that I mess around with alongside a good friend of mine. I don't have plans to write the polycule as a full story, but I could be convinced to write it into my set stories or separate stories depending on how the first two go.
7.Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Yes, but Steve would be the one saying it's childish the whole time, but still happily participating.
13.Who’s the bigger tease? (Between Eddie and Rosie)
Eddie by default because as big as Rosie talks, she can't tell Eddie no to save her life.
20.Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
The name of the upcoming fic is a song title, so it'd have to be Save Our Souls by Mötley Crüe.
27.Who is the light weight that needs to be taken care of after a party?
Viola has the alcohol tolerance of a small dog, and she starts stealing things. Not that she intends to steal things, she just keeps picking shit up because it looks interesting and she forgets that she's holding it. She also gets very brave and will climb anywhere that doesn't have barbed wire protection. The amount of times that Steve and Eddie have found her in a tree or on a roof has got to mean something.
29.Who is more likely to jump in an elevator? Who freaks out?
Eddie jumps, it scares the shit out of Steve. (Elevators and Steve are not friends).
48.Who's the better driver?
Rosie is the best driver in the sense that her skills are unmatched, not necessarily in the sense that she follows traffic laws. She has active methods and plans that go into effect the second she sees police lights behind her, and she hasn't gotten a ticket for anything in the last five years despite being a menace to cops on traffic duty. You choose her as your getaway driver, not if you want your son to get to school on time. Unless you're ok with her teaching him a thing or two about disrespecting law enforcement.
If you're looking for road safety, ask Steve.
57.Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart?
Steve is the most serious, Eddie is the least serious. Viola and Rosie fall somewhere between them.
Steve brought a list and will grab a few things for everyone to try. Viola has very specific tastes, but her autism makes it fun for everyone to see how she reacts to certain new things. Rosie doesn't bring a list, and will forget half the shit she needed and she'll also grab a few extra things that catch her interest. Eddie should never go to a grocery store alone if you actually need something. Eddie will come back with so much junk food, but this also means he's the perfect person to send for late night snack runs.
60.Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
Everybody wants to cuddle Rosie. Steve is a close second, but Rosie just has a certain softness that's like crack to everyone else. The bed situation for them is usually a pairing up situation, but they'll switch around depending on how they're feeling that night. They have been known to fight about who gets to cuddle Rosie, and she'll usually have to break it up by choosing someone based on a rotating schedule she keeps in mind. Any time they fight, she'll just choose the next person in the rotation.
Create Your Own! - What's their favorite "cancelled" media to consume? (Bad content creators, music, etc.)
I'm going with modern!au because I can't be bothered to research problematic media from the 70s and 80s for this.
Viola - She watches those god awful animes from the early 2000s because she thinks they're so bad that they loop back around to being funny. Something about a terrible reverse harem can be very entertaining.
Eddie - You can't tell me this man did not read Twilight and you especially can't tell me he didn't enjoy it to a certain degree. He does rant about how awful the majority of it is, but there are some things he defends to a little too much to be considered normal. Stuff like the sparkling, seems to have resonated with him in a strange way.
Rosie - Consider that she wouldn't watch old cancelled youtubers, but she would watch those 1-2 hour long video essays that deep dive the whole story. She never even vaguely liked prank channels, but she will watch jaubry go into extreme detail on the rise and fall of the daddy-o-five channel.
Steve - Even in a modern!au, Steve can't get enough of dramatic and/or romantic movies. Like, he knows Heathers is supposed to be a satire on the old high school romance trope, but it's a damn good story, and he wouldn't ever date someone like JD, but he can admit out loud the social outcast is a hot look while he's avoiding eye contact with Eddie.
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k1nky-fool · 2 years
pt 2 electric boogaloo or whatever i didnt watch whatever that meme came from also these have a few more because i didnt want it to be as short since were missing like 2 other characters (cause yk i usually ask 4 or 5, its not favoritism i just like them to be even)
Maeko- 4, 7, 11, 22, 45, 51, 52, 55
Mania- 2, 8, 19, 25, 30, 45, 51, 53
love you :) I hope you feel better !!!
I'm feeling a bit better now that I have my distraction.
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
I've mentioned a few times that Maeko was a softball player in high school and college, and that's definitely something she wishes she could do more often. She hasn't played in years, but she'd definitely like to have a reason to run without her life being in danger.
7. What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
"Ayo, who's funky kid is this!?" Even if she has all her kids, she can never shake the feeling that one of them has wandered off, and one of them might be in front of a stranger.
Let's be honest, pretty much everyone would say something relating to her kids. Kugo would know to pick whichever kid she's the most worried about at that moment, and Ahmya would likely just start crying.
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
"Who's your favorite child?"
You'd assume the correct answer is that she doesn't have a favorite, or that she loves all of her children equally, but Maeko actually has a bit that she's been using ever since she met Tamaki Amajiki. He's her favorite, and she will not elaborate.
But I will elaborate. Basically she met Amajiki when he started his work study with Fatgum, and he got along very well with her kids. So well that all of them immediately behave when he shows up, and they get unironically excited whenever they see him, even well into high school. So everyone in the Sakamata family knows that Tamaki Amajiki is her favorite child.
22. What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
Maeko absolutely hates swimming. Which seems odd considering who her spouses are. Beach day is already a nightmare for Maeko, but as soon as someone suggest she go in the ocean, she's walking home no matter how far it is.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Oatmilk. She hates the taste, and the gross film that it coats her tongue in, and it's a much worse version of an already great milk alternative of almond milk. She won't judge you if you do like it, but if you thought you were doing something nice and bring her any coffee with oatmilk in it, she will hit you.
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Not so much a phrase as a facial expression that she does a lot that I struggle to write every time she does it. I feel like the expression is worth more than enough words. It's sort of one of those
faces that she makes when she's stumped or slightly annoyed and can't do anything about it.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Sometimes she doesn't have the time to wait for the facts, and has to go off a gut feeling, but any time she can wait for facts, she will.
55. What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
You'd think as a private investigator, she'd actually enjoy extensive research, but if she could make literally anybody else comb through files, news sites, police reports, and records, she would pay them so much money. But unfortunately, she needs to know all that stuff and she can currently only trust herself to get that information and compile it in a way that makes sense to her.
2. How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
Very strictly. If I'm being entirely honest, the only reason she ever called Flynn a friend is because he proved exactly what he was willing to do to keep her alive and safe. The only other person she'll really consider a friend is Dr. Kostadinov for pretty much the same reason.
8. How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Even more strict than the term "friend." As you can imagine, vulnerability for her is extremely rare, and when it comes to ever letting someone know she’s comfortable enough around them to be vulnerable, she will likely second guess herself several times before she ever gets brave enough to say it.
19. What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Tara’s first solution would be to give them the silent treatment, in favor of trying to get the hell out on her own. If it’s a silly situation where it’s clear they have to work together in order to get out, she’ll only talk about how to get out, and blatantly ignore any efforts to talk about something else. If they specifically trapped her there so she couldn’t escape while they talked to her, you can imagine that they’re lucky if her answer isn’t violence. If her answer is to finally confront them, then it will likely be a massive showdown regardless.
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Tara always had a bias toward science classes, but her second love was actually horror media. She can track the horror genre to its beginning and she has several essays on the genre, including her pride and joy, the history of queer representation in horror media.
30. When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
If she’s managed to mess something up in her profession of mechanical repair, then someone’s probably gonna die. If she managed to send something away and it blew up and killed someone, Tara would be absolutely destroyed. And her new profession of demon killing has very similar consequences. If she fails to kill something, it’ll either kill her, or go after someone else that can’t protect themself.
Now, personal guilt will very likely result in avoidance. Tara will outright ignore and avoid whoever she thinks she wronged until it's either too much, or they confront her about it.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Any red and white color scheme. It's easy to try and say that it's because the Lazarus facility used that color scheme, but honestly, Tara had hated it long before she ever met Dr. Hive. She just thinks it looks so stupid no matter how you slice it, and she will bully you about it.
She also just absolutely hates caramel. It's literally just sugar, and it's not even good. It's so much work for literally no flavor. It's nothing but sweetness and there's no way to balance it with any flavor that doesn't make her want to throw up.
51. What’s a phrase they say a lot?
I think "fuck" counts as a phrase considering how many different ways she uses it.
But specifically "I think the fuck not." I am disappointed with how few times I've actually managed to write it in.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
Literally nobody, especially not as of now on the story. Even long into the future, not even her closest friends or lovers are beyond question. Her life is just too high stakes for there to be anybody that she trusts with no thought.
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