Kuhn: I need to get something off my chest
Kogyeol: is it your shirt? Please say yes
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bittieuniverse · 6 years
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up10tionpicsource · 6 years
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rekaszabo · 6 years
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Some Kuhngyeol moments from the So Beautiful m/v ಥ_ಥ (what a way to scandalize poor Wooshin lmao)
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incorrectu10n-blog · 6 years
Kuhn: Kogyeol and I can never be just friends. I wrote down a list of bullet points why Kogyeol and I should be together, and I’m going to find the perfect moment today and I’m going to tell him.
Kuhn: [looks at smudged writing on hand]
Kuhn: Number one, “Kogyeol, you and I are soup snakes.” And the reason is that, in terms of the soup, we like to… that doesn’t make any sense. We’re soulmates. Kogyeol and I are soulmates.
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annrey127 · 7 years
It’s time for another post about my favourite groups, and yes, another underrated group :c
How I found out about them: I was watching some older videos from King of mask singer, and found one that was particularly interesting. It was Sunyoul from Up10tion and his unique voice that made everyone believe that he was an older woman. I fell in love with his voice, and immediately looked up Up10tion, and I’m glad that I did.
Bias: Sunyoul No surprise here, he’s one of my favourite vocalists of kpop. A precious bunny, cutests aegyo and a sweetheart. 
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2nd bias: Wei I just love high rappers so much, Wei’s voice is absolutely perfect and exactly what I love in rappers <3 His parts are always my favourite.
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Now for the ships. I would just like to say that I ship pretty much everyone with everyone, but I’ll choose 3.
1st ship - Sunyoul/Wei, Weiyoul (I almost always ship my two main biases) This part in Catch Me! is the best thing that’s ever happened, and that’s a fact.
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2nd ship - Kuhn/Kogyeol, Kuhngyeol There is ‘something’ going on between these two. Flustered Kogyeol is my favourite.
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3rd ship - Hwanhee/Xiao, Xiaohee (?), the maknae line They have a lot of cute moments and I absolutely adore them.
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Now for the last, and the hardest part, my (3) favourite songs. I love all of them. They don’t have a one bad song. Catch Me! - Wei’s parts in this song are amazing, and it’s overall amazing <3 Hot Blood - not a title song, but it should be. Definitely my favourite, especially the Sunyoul-Wei-Sunyoul part, their voices are amazing. Definitely give it a listen. I wish a miracle - Another non title track, it’s such an underrated song, but so beautiful. Absolutely just melts my heart, appreciate it please <3 Like I said, I love all of their songs, title or not, and you should definitely give them a chance.
Well, that’s about it. I could talk about these boys forever, their unique and beautiful voices, talent, amazing dances, raps,vocals.. I’m very passionate about this group, and I hope that they can get more recognition in the future. Also, Wooshin, I hope that you can get well soon my dear <3
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cutegyeol · 7 years
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Kuhn confessing to complimenting Kogyeol (๑>ᴗ<๑)
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shinh-tion10-blog · 7 years
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Cr. En la imagen 
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Yeah, my boyfriend’s pretty cool, but he’s not as cool as me.
Kuhn, about Kogyeol
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bittieuniverse · 6 years
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angeliqqi · 7 years
kuhngyeol everywhere ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
urgh words can’t describe how much i like kuhngyeol dynamic.
if you look closely you will see kogyeol not joining much in the game. (does not like to get his clothes dirty. always has to keep prim and proper image).
and kuhn is always cracking jokes and doing dumb things to make people laugh and being just generally hyper and clumsy and just
:(((((((( as;dlgk best formula for a rom com.
(why is hwanhee always crying.)
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weiamilikethis · 7 years
A Broken Kiss
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 2148
A/N: LMAO Y’all I lied I made it angsty sorry about that but I’ll make up for it I promise
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“Oh come on you two it’s just a game! Stop being such chickens.”
The maknae whined loudly at the two sitting on opposite sides of the circle. If they weren’t going to follow to rules of True or Dare then they have to follow through and not be sitting ducks. Originally this game had started out lighthearted and fun but now, now it was a slight nightmare for everyone.
“I am not a chicken Xiao, I just never signed up for this.”
“Then prove it Hyung. Show us that you’re not a chicken.”
Wooshin sighed heavily as he began to rethink his life choices up until this point in time. Sitting in front of Kogyeol, he realized this was a bad idea and even though it was just a game, there was something very wrong with this situation. Sure, he wasn’t going to deny that he’s had a crush on the older for a while now but there was one thing, or should I say one person, standing in his was: Kuhn. Kogyeol and Kuhn had been dating since basically forever and when Wooshin found out it almost broke the boys’ heart. 
Now, at present, he was faced with two choices and depending on which one he takes it will either end with him having a nice old shiner or him forever being called a chicken by his friends. He glanced at the boy in front of him, a small smile gracing the others’ lips, then he made his choice. Hopefully the consequences wouldn’t be too…severe.
“Xiao maybe you shouldn’t have him do this dare. I realize it’s a game but daring him to use the pepero stick with Kogyeol…you’ve gone too far.”
Sunyoul placed a hang on youngers’ shoulder, a look of concern washing over his facial features. No body moved as he was right: daring Wooshin to play the pepero game was one thing but with Kogyeol, that’s a no. Kuhn, currently sitting next to said male, had a dark look to him as he held on to his lovers’ waist protectively. He didn’t like what the maknae was proposing, even if it was just a game between friends.
“I’m not a chicken, Wei give me that pepero stick.”
Said male held out the box hesitantly, his eyes darted from Wooshin to Kogyeol, as the black-haired boy took one of the sticks. He placed it between his lips and motioned for the red head to sit in front of him, which he didn’t refuse. Kuhn watched with hawk eyes as the two scooted closer together in what seemed like slow motion to him. For Wooshin on the other hand, he felt like things were moving at the speed of light as he sat in front of the one person he loved more than anything.
“You ready?”
All he could do was nod his head as Kogyeol wrapped an arm around his neck, bringing the younger closer to him. The boys held their breaths as they watched, some in horror and others…not so much when the two began to eat the pepero stick. As their faces got closer to each other Wooshin was losing his balance, without thinking he placed his right hand on Kogyeols’ neck to steady himself.
The air in the room grew cold, stale, suspense hung around the circle as they watched the scene before them with anticipation. Kuhn held his breath as his lover and friend came together, his eyes growing larger by the second. Wooshin blushed bright pink as he felt the warmth of Kogyeol’s breath on his lips. The latter smiled smugly but proceeded with his train of action until their lips were three centimeters apart.
He was about to pull away from the younger then someone shoved him from behind causing him to fall into Wooshin. Within a second the pepero stick was gone and the two boys were lip locked and wide eyed while everyone else laughed their heads off. Kuhn was the only one who didn’t laugh, in fact he looked rather stone like as he stared at the pair of idiots. Kogyeol quickly pulled away only to rid his lips of Wooshin’s lip balm and scoot back to Kuhn.
The tall male snaked his arm around the vocal and a devilish smile creeped over his lips but no one noticed. They were all too busy with the blushin Wooshin who sat still in the middle of the circle dumbfounded. He touched his lips lightly before scooting back to his place in the circle and letting the game proceed. Hwanhee and Xiao got picked next and they ended up doing something not meant for kids their age.
“Dude are you okay?”
The black-haired boy turned to the voice that spoke quietly in his ear and nodded his head slowly. Wei frowned but decided it was best not to argue with him or pry at the moment so he let is slide. Kuhn and Kogyeol had gone into their own world once again, with Kuhn making the younger blush like mad and sneak kisses. Wooshin watched silently with a heavy heart but an even heavier conscience. What they had done was out of line and he knew that very well but whoever pushed Kogyeol into him was going to pay a big price.
“I’m going to bed.”
His voice was barely audible but the guys got the message and bid him good night. Only Kuhn and Kogyeol weren’t paying attention but he couldn’t care less about those two. If anything, he wanted to forget what had just transpired between them. Sleep was always his way of relieving the stress of the day and now he really needed to knock out. Wei and Gyujin watched him slowly retreat from the living room, his back showed exactly how he felt: lost and unsure of what would come next.
“Go check on him in a few minutes just to be sure…” 
Wei whispered to the younger who nodded his head before turning his attention to Bitto who had called him out for Truth or Dare. It was unsettling to say the least, everyone knew how bad the situation was but instead of helping they made it worse. Unlike Wooshin, Wei knew who pushed Kogyeol into him: Kuhn. It was a horrible trick and he was being a horrible team mate to the younger but did her care?
“Alright guys I think that’s enough for tonight, let’s all go to bed.”
Jinhoo said cheerily while herding Hwanhee and Xiao to their room with Gyujin trailing behind them. Bitto chuckled at the sight as he stood up and went into his room, followed by Sunyoul who rubbed his eyes sleepily. Only Kuhn, Wei, and Kogyeol were left in the living room and Wei was about to go off. He waited until the two love birds were about to get up to shoot up from his seat and shove them both back to the ground.
He pinned down Kuhn quickly, he knew Kogyeol wouldn’t interfere with him, and a low growl came from his throat. His eyes were rage filled and all Kuhn could do was lay there in silence and slight terror. Wei didn’t say anything for a while as he wanted to gather his thoughts in a coherent way before he started yelling at the top of his lungs. 
“You. Rat. Bastard.”
“I’m sorry man I really am but Wooshin was going to tr—“
“Oh shut the fuck up you ding bat and listen to me. You get to apologize to Wooshin tomorrow and don’t even think I won’t be watching.”
He swiveled his head in an animalistic manner towards Kogyeol and his frown deepened. The red head didn’t move a muscle as he glanced from his boyfriend to his best friend who was threatening both of them. This was a very different side of Sungjoon that he’d never seen before but he knew right away he didn’t like it.
“And you. You could have said no. Both of you are horrible people.”
With that Wei stood up to his full height, looming over the two boys on the floor who couldn’t bring themselves to say anything. He gave one last glare before stomping off to his shared room with Wooshin and promptly slammed the door. The repsonce to this was Jinhoo popping his head out from around the corner, looking wide eyed for a split second and then glaring at the two on the floor.
“You guys better make it up to both of them. Go to sleep.”
His door too slammed shut but no one else responded as they all knew what two slams of doors meant: stay in your rooms or suffer the consequences. The two looked at each other for a moment then went to their room in silence. No words were exchanged for the rest of the night and they knew very well if they didn’t fix the problem they created then Jinhoo would actually kick them out.
The next morning everything was silent, that it until a loud crash could be heard from the kitchen and a scream came from somewhere in a bedroom. Jinhoo and Gyujin came running out first to find Wei screaming at the island table in the kitchen. It took only a moment before they realized someone was on the other side of the island and they quickly moved to look. There on the floor was Wooshin, a pool of blood circling his arms as he lay there motionless.
“Get a fucking ambulance right now and get me the two fuckers from the back room. We’re settling this old school.” 
Wei and Gyujin took to his words, moving at the speed of light as they rushed around. The pillar called the hospital and held Wooshin gently while Gyujin banged pots and pans until the two love birds came out. That’s when he let them have a piece of his mind then yelled, for everyone to hear, “YOU ARE PAYING FOR THIS OPERATION ON WOOSHIN AND YOU ARE GOING TO APOLOGIZE OR I’M GOING TO ACTUALLY BREAK BOTH OF YOUR LEGS AND ARMS SO YOU CAN’T BE IN THIS BAND!”
When he came back to the kitchen Jinhoo and Wei could’ve sworn they saw literal fumes coming out of his ears but they decided it was best not to say anything about it. The ambulance came in ten minutes and took Wooshin to the hospital with Wei going along to make sure things went fine. Jinhoo gathered the boys all together in the living room but said nothing as his evident glare and hunched back showed he was already pissed enough.
All eyes turned to the couple and waited for them to talk, but nothing like that happened. Finally Xiao groaned in exasperation, stood up, then smacked Kuhn across the face. The sound echoed through the dorm as it was the only sound to be heard. This caused everyone to flinch but keep their positions until other actions became necessary. The older held his cheek and glared back at the youngest who returned the look with pure rage and defiance.
“You did this. I hate you.”
Hwanhee gently pulled the youngest back to sitting and rubbed his back in steady circular motions as it’s the fastest and best way to calm him down. Kogyeol turned away from his lover for a moment then stood up and moved to sit with Sunyoul who stiffened a bit but didn’t object to squeezing the older’s shoulder for comfort. Kuhn sighed heavily, he knew he lost and somehow, he still wanted to believe this wasn’t happening.
“I’ll apologize to Wooshin when he wakes up.” “If he wakes up you bastard. If Wooshin dies because of this then you get to explain to Andy what happened.”
Xiao growled and everyone watched as his hands balled into fists so tightly that his knuckles went white as a sheet. Kuhn took good note of how angry the youngest was, the divide was already so clear but no one would back down enough. Jinhoo frowned more as he waited for Kuhn to say something, anything, but that didn’t happen.
“Let’s all go. We need to check on Wooshin. Gyujin you stay with Kuhn and make sure he doesn’t do anything as stupid as last night. Kogyeol you get to stay in my room for the rest of the day until we all get back.”
The others stood up and walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind them as they exited. Neither of the boys tried to fight Gyujin, they knew what happens when he gets angry and it wasn’t pretty. Kuhn stayed put in the living room while Kogyeol went to Jinhoo’s room to reflect on what happened. There was peace in the dorm for the first time in the last 12 hours but would it be kept?
   - Admin A
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moonlightsunoops · 7 years
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Tag yourself, I’m Wei
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u10tquotes · 7 years
Tension up! Annyeonghaseyo Up10tion Kuhngyeol ibnida!
Kuhngyeol’s greeting
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egg-sunyoulk · 7 years
how up10tion would pair up
In this video (a vid up10tion played at zepp tour), up10tion does this lil skit fanservice thing where everyone looks super serious but then hwanhee and dongyeol are playing footsies and then everyone else starts smiling and then they all pair up to attack each other, in these pairs:
- xiaohee (lots of screams from the audience)
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- kuhngyeol (even loUDER SCREAMS. u10t thinks this is pretty popular bc they focused on kuhngyeol a lot. if you’re a kuhngyeol stan you will probably die from this video)
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- gyuyoul (<3)
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- woobit (bitshin?)
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- weihoo (jinwei?)
[photo has been censored for... questionable poses]
also there was a lapdance. and humping. it was concerning but everyone was distracted by kuhngyeol so their eyes were probably not tainted
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Kuhn: Hi I’m Kuhn, and you are?
Kogyeol: Questioning my sexuality.
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