#kuki Shinobu gi
favficbirthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday
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Kuki Shinobu (27th July)
Genshin Impact
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twisted-lies · 1 year
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༊·˚ Purple Kuki Shinobu Icons :: Requested by Anonymous
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
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largeonions · 2 years
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hidden dreams in the depths
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razorblade180 · 8 months
Itto: I will be the number one beetle champion and show that overgrown lizard what’s what!
Kuki:You were supposed to be the reasonable one with me.
Aether:It could be fun! What could happen?
Itto:I’m gonna earn tuition and get a mechanical engineering degree.
Aether:It’s never a dull moment with you two. Godspeed Itto.
Paimon:If Paimon had a Sticky Honey Roast for every time someone unexpected ends up going to school, Paimon would have two.
Itto:Who’s the other?
Nahida:Interesting paper, but you’re going to need more substantial evidence to back up your claim on the decline of Inazuma’s weapon smithing if you want to convince people.
Wanderer:….Now you know damn well why that’s impossible.
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correct-genshin · 8 months
Itto: I need a doctor’s appointment Shinobu: Okay, how about 10 tomorrow? Ittoi: No, I don’t need that many
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der-gao · 4 months
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bennett and kuki shinobu part 1 part 2
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Them reacting to seeing you do something weird
characters: Collei / Kuki Shinobu x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: I decided to try and write something for two of my favorite 4 stars again since I don’t get all too many requests for them.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Among the forest Rangers in Avidya Forest, almost no one could confidently call themself a bigger expert than you when it came to the wildlife inhabiting the forest. If there was an animal living in it, you knew it, if someone needed to know how it looked like so they’d be able to recognize it, you had sketchbooks full of detailed portraits at the ready and if there was anyone that wanted to learn about them, their best choice of action was to ask you.
That being said, you had a tendency to get lost when wandering around the forest alone, and so Collei was quickly assigned to helping you keep your sense of directions when out to research, the win-win situation of you having a helping hand while Collei got the opportunity to learn from the experts beating the prospect of having to search for you day and night everyday.
“I remember the first time I ventured out into the forest, I was what? Barely ten years old? My mother always told me how panicked my father was when I didn’t return at nightfall, you should have seen his face when he found me playing with a shame lion not far from home, he was so relieved you could basically see the weight fall off his shoulders, it was great… I did get into trouble afterwards, but that didn’t stop me from going back barely a week later”, you talked about your childhood while shoving branches to your side, trying to make a somewhat clear path for the two of you, all the while Collei listened to you as if put under a spell. 
You weren’t that much older than her, probably only a few years older, and yet you were already regarded as an expert in your old field. Collei couldn’t help but admire you and yet, when she heard how early you started to get interested in the animals living in the rainforest, she started to understand the reason for your success.
That being said, not everything in your stories seemed to make sense.
“Your father was relieved when he saw you playing with lions??”, you could hear the shock in Collei’s voice as clear as day and while her reactions seemed like the only plausible one when confronted with such a detail in your childhood story, the sheer and utter confusion on your face made her question if playing with lions wasn’t as abnormal as she thought.
“Lions? Oh Archon, no. Shame lions, those small green creatures that can change their colors depending on the background. I can show them to you if you need a refresher”, you offered, shooting her a quick smile before turning your head back forwards.
“Shame lions? …Do you mean Chameleons?”, Collei asked hesitantly, hoping she was on the same page as you and didn’t accidentally insult you by implying you didn’t know how to pronounce the animal’s name.
“...Chameleons? I-is that how you pronounce that? Heh, that explains quite a few of my weirder conversations actually”, you stated with a nervous giggle, your face growing red as you awkwardly scratched your cheek, only to eventually break out into full-on laughter, worrying your companion for a moment, before your laughing eventually infected the ranger.
“Thanks for telling me, I guess the others didn’t have the courage to correct me… that or they were far too confused to.”
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Kuki Shinobu
For most of her days, Shinobu was surrounded by Inazuma’s brightest, watching their sober forms do things normal thinking people wouldn’t do after drinking a barrel of the strongest alcohol money could buy the same way a child would watch an animal in a zoo, and yet, she knew her colleagues long enough to not bat an eye, no matter how stupid the predicament they found themselves in.
Hanging around Itto and his boys made her appreciate the quieter moments in life as well as thank whatever deity was responsible for introducing people to each other that you were a part of her life. You knew how to hold a conversation, were kind and always thought about how your actions impacted others and hid a brain behind those eyes of yours… a welcome change of pace for her.
So when the two of you bumped into each other on her way home, only to decide to walk along the beach in hopes just being near the water would be enough to cool you down somewhat, considering the scorching hot weather, only for you to ask her to stop for a bit so you could cool your feet in the water, refusal wasn’t on Shinobu’s mind for even a second.
“Don’t you want to step into the water as well? It has just the right temperature!”, you happily asked after putting your hand in it for a second, testing the water before quickly readying yourself to step into it, pulling your pants up a bit so they wouldn’t get wet, only to stop when Shinobu called out to you.
“Your shoes.”
Without missing a beat, you hit your forehead with the palm of your head, an embarrassed look spreading across your face as you giggled to yourself. 
“Of course, I nearly forgot. Thanks a lot Shinobu!” Your shining smile coupled with hearing her name leave your mouth was enough to make her cheeks heat up, not enough for you to notice, considering her facemask, however, something she thanked the heavens for.
Just as quickly as you had stopped, you returned to pulling off your shoes before placing them on the sand and jumping into knee deep waters… your socks noticeably still on your feet, a fact Kuki didn’t miss in the slightest, her eyes widening at the sight of your drenched socks.
“Something’s wrong?”, you asked, completely oblivious to what caused the person in front of you to be rendered completely speechless. 
It took her a few seconds and about ten times of blinking her eyes in hopes it would all turn out to be a hallucination before she finally responded, trying her best to look away as to not constantly remember her brain of what was in front of her.
“N-no, nothing.”
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Model references for Kuki Shinobu - Genshin Impact
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genshinincorrectly · 1 month
Shinobu: Come on, Itto. Nobody actually believes that Heizou is in love with me
Itto, to The Arataki Gang: Raise your hand if you think that Heizou is hopelessly in love with Shinobu
*Everyone raises their hand*
Shinobu: Heizou, put your hand down
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sustineree · 2 years
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🍠 boy & 🍆 girl
(kuki’s repost just because)
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Hi! Is it possible to get a pocky game kiss scenario with Kuki, Ayaka, Sara and maybe Shenhe with fem reader separately? If not,any one of the characters is fine as well! Love your work!
It's very much possible to get the full package >:)
Pocky game kiss with Kuki, Ayaka, Sara and Shenhe
This is a part of 3x Valentines event (All slots are taken)
Reader here is female
Kuki Shinobu
You found yourself finding a lot of interesting excuses to get her to take off her mask so you can kiss her. Still the pocky game was so self explanatory she could only roll her eyes.
At this point you could just say to her right away if you'd like a kiss or something. I mean, you're dating for quite a while so request like that isn't anything unusual.
But she definitely can't say that she isn't enjoying it at all. It's a bit stupid, but in a good way.
You played the game normally and although she was slightly flustered, she was going to go through with it.
The kiss wasn't too long or too short, it was just right. The moment it was over though she put her mask back on.
"There you have it, happy now?"
Kamisato Ayaka
Whenever Ayaka wants to try something new, you're the first person she goes to. And with the pocky game you're the only person she'd like to play with to begin with.
This was probably one of the things she was really curious about. Although it doesn't sound very special.
And while she was aware of it, she almost entirely ignored the kissing part of the game... Until you got to it.
She was flustered, but she was determined to get the full experience.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds, it was gentle. When you eventually pulled away she seemed a bit shy, but satisfied nonetheless.
"We should do this again sometime..."
Ever since you thought about it, it was almost all you could think about. So waiting for Sara to come back from work and any additional training felt like forever.
When you approached her quicker than usual she knew immediately that you wanted something from her.
Imagine her surprise when you took out that candy. She waited for you to elaborate and she listened carefully to the rules of the game.
Such a sweet surprise is something she should learn to expect from you by now but really, you coming up with such a thing just about made her day.
She was a little bit more competitive than expected, you almost ended up biting each other.
But the kiss itself wasn't as rough as the start made it out to be.
"I missed you so much"
You honestly don't know when did you get the idea. But all you could think about is her possible reactions.
When you described the rules you didn't include the possibility of kissing. And you couldn't really tell if the dots connected for her.
Her blank stare was making you nervous but if that was a game, she planned to win.
She was really competitive with her bites and she got to kiss you in no time. Almost fast enough for you to be unable to process it.
But when all was done you could see a soft smile on her face. She wasn't all that flustered about kissing you, and she definitely enjoyed it more than the sweets.
"That was fun. Let's play again"
~Mod Lisa
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Kuki Shinobu (27th July)
Genshin Impact
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pridewishes · 6 months
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250x250 || bisexual || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
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craziechwiv · 3 months
Itto is THEIR'S to bully.
Itto: Alright! Let's cause some mayhem, right Shinobu?
Shinobu: *sigh* Really? Right when I just got you out of jail?!
Itto: O-Oh...right. I should probably just uh...wait huh?
Shinobu: No, no. Go ahead. If you get caught again, I'll bail you out in a week!
Itto: W-Wait! No, please don't!
Itto: Sooo, we meet again! My greatest rival yet!
Sara: ...It is 2 am...in the morning. On a Saturday no less!
Itto: ...Y-Yes. So are we fighting or-
Sara: Leave now or I'll turn your pair into fried meat balls.
Itto: *Already a decent distance away* YOU GOT IT!
Sara: That idiot...I wonder if I can nail him from here, least he'd be decently useful as a target.
Sara: You already know why I'm here Shinobu, hand him over.
Shinobu: Y'know I can't do that, as much as I would love to. But surprisingly, I haven't seen him all day. I thought you already captured him.
Sara: What? No, you're lying! I caught wind of a disturbance caused by the leader of your gang, and I demand to know where he is!
Sara: Don't make me ask again, you vile fiend.
As both ladies held their weapons ready to fight, the man of the hour walks in, more bruised than usual.
Itto: Ow...H-Hey Shinobu, sorry I'm late. What did you need- Sara?
Shinobu: Itto? I mean, boss?! What happened to you?!
Sara: Hmph, careless actions in a fight perhaps. I won't hold sympathy towards you Oni, rise up and come with me to the slammer.
Itto: Fine...but I'll have you know wasn't in a fight. I got ambushed by those treasure hoarding gang. They really got me good, but I took care of them. I ain't the leader of this place without reason! Right Shinobu?
Itto: Uh...Shinobu? K-Kuki? Sara? Hello?
Shinobu: What did you say?
Itto: W-What do you mean?
Itto: Uhm...Sara? I kind of wanna go to jail today. Can we hurry this u-ah.
Sara: *holding her bow towards his head* Answer the question Oni. Who did it.
Itto: ...
Treasure hoarders: x-x
Sara: Such vile waste of humans...THIS IS A GREATER LOW THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!
Itto: Wow...
Heizou: Sorry I'm late, I just got wind that there was a bit of a- what the hell happened here?
Itto: Something spectacular happened. That's what.
Heizou: ...Riiight. You do know you're still detained right?
Itto: Yeah, I do. Let's hurry up before they switch up on me.
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razorblade180 · 1 year
Yanfei:*grabs paper*
“Golden Hair Traveler Shifts the Tide on Fontaine’s Biggest Murder Mystery!
An inside look on the fledgling attorney’s breaking discoveries!”
Yanfei:..I guess he’s doing well for himself. Heh, that’s good to know. Wait, fledging attorney!?
Yanfei:*grabs paper*
“From Rising Hero to Submerged Convict!? Traveler Sentenced to Fort Meropide!”
Yanfei:….*puts paper down*
Yelan:*serves tea* Here you are. What are you reading? The Steam Bird?
Yanfei:We need a ship.
Yanfei:I said we need a ship, and we need one tonight.
Aether:*in jail* I really hope Neuvillette didn’t let this news go public.
Paimon:Even if it did, it would be awhile before it made the rounds, right?
Back on a boat
Beidou:*steering* What’s it look like up there!?
Kazuha:Rough waves ahead!
Yanfei:We push through! For justice!
Heizou:For the truth!
Kuki:*studying Fontaine law* Guys, what if things don’t go away legally?
Yelan:*looking at jail blueprints* For plausible deniability reasons, don’t worry things like that. Just keep your pretty eyes on that book.
Paimon:On second thought, we do know some pretty proactive people. But they’re also level headed!
Paimon:Neuvillette better have made this private information.
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effeiya · 10 months
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Inspired by this old tumblr post that I think about every other day.
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