#kure clan
sanjisluvbot · 2 months
As Above So Below
Kure Rain X Black fem reader [ All are welcome but I always write with black y/n ]
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Synopsis: You had your entire life just beginning, fresh into college, and as a treat, you were going on a trip across the world where you find out what your father truly does for work and why you were able to move into a nice new home. A normal young girl thrust into a world where she needed to relearn everything she ever knew and escape the clutches of an assassin clan who wanted her as a wife.
Warnings: specific warnings will be in each chapter
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There had never really been too much talk about what your father did for work, where he went to once a year for five days, and that was simply what it was. All you were told when you asked was that he liked fighting tournaments and his job required him to travel—this year had finally been different for multiple reasons.
Your father got a promotion that had you move out of your two-bedroom apartment that you called home your entire life and the whole family would be coming with him on his yearly endeavors. 
It was your first year of college and spring break was the time when your father would go on his trip. The news was brought to you one afternoon in February and from then on you had spent time planning outfits and hoping that the weather would be warm enough for a short dress.
The day had finally neared and you left your morning class giddily, having multiple appointments to doll yourself up and having your father pay for it was a true treat. 
After running your errands you went home hoping to double check your bags again before dinner. Opening the door your father called out for you from the kitchen. He explained the trip's basic ins and outs, including the tournament.
“Are there going to be any well-known fighters at the tournament? Like from wrestling or something?” you questioned. 
“ Well, I do believe this year there might be a famous wrestler but I don’t think he is on your radar, I also wanted to mention why I go on these yearly trips in the first place,” he explained.
You sat on a chair paying full attention as he went through the betting system, he explained his boss sends him to his place to either represent his company if they had their fighter or simply just to place his bets. The tournament was five days long and companies worldwide including many world elites attended placing billions of dollars in this secret tournament, With the information overload your eyes widened from shock. 
The Kengan association was not only a secret fighting ring for elites which initially shocked you but, the amount of money that goes into these tournaments had your jaw hanging to the ground. The excitement had steadily built up the rest of the night even through dinner. As you were getting ready for bed a crashing sound went through the house. 
“ Have you lost your mind !” You froze in fear hearing your mother scream through the house. Quietly, you tiptoed towards your door placing your ear to hear the conversation happening across the hall. There was a constant back and forth, your mother’s anger and your father raising his voice now and then which usually meant not only was he wrong for whatever he did but—- he was trying to rationalize his misdeeds. 
Your face scrunched up hoping to hear more than just bits and pieces and you finally creaked open your door. You heard the exasperated sighs of your mother, “ How could you even wager something like this, to sign your name on those papers knowing there is a fifty percent chance you will lose it all… and for what?” 
“ I didn’t have much of a choice, you don’t understand! If I didn’t sign something could’ve happened to myself or one of you. I needed to take that chance.” My father said solemnly. 
Your head was now sticking out of your door as your curiosity grew. Hours before the first family trip in years they were fighting and it seemed to be serious, analyzing the conversation you could understand just how idiotic your father had been. He signed his life away with whatever contract and decided to come clean. You wanted to dare yourself to get a little bit closer as their voices returned to regular volume but the possibility of getting caught in their crossfire limited you. 
“ Are you going to tell y/n? Or are you going to let her know only if you lose? Truth is you don’t have the option because if you don’t do it I most certainly will.” 
Your father sighed and you heard him begin whispering, gnawing at your lip didn’t cease, and the excitement of being sneaky was trying to overpower your senses. Releasing your lip you carefully inched out of your room praying to all above that your creaky door wouldn’t be so creaky today. Just as you were about halfway out your door whined, slowly and loudly. 
Thinking fast you ran to your dresser grabbed your cup and continued out the door, your mother soon appeared out of her room. You scrolled mindlessly on your phone hoping she thinks your demeanor is natural and head downstairs. You groaned internally as she followed knowing she was going to question whether or not you heard the conversation. You continued your act as you got your drink and she finally spoke up, “ I know you heard me and your father, I need to tell you the full situation.” You groaned internally and turned around leaning on the edge of the sink. 
“ I wasn’t really eavesdropping you guys are just way too loud…”
She laughed softly and made her way to the cabinet grabbing a wine glass. You watched her like a hawk, she was going to tell you something that could possibly give you a panic attack and this laid-back attitude was already sending alarms to your brain. “ I’ll cut to the chase… Your father decided to sign a contract binding the entire family on whether or not his boss wins or loses,” She said popping her bottle of wine. As the shock began to spread across my features she poured her class silently before making eye contact. 
“ If the fighter we represent loses we will lose everything, no college, no home, nowhere to run and his boss knows that. My theory is that your father’s boss wants to ensure that the losses don’t only affect him and use us as his shield.” 
I couldn’t think clearly, her voice fading out as the reality of my situation began settling in. How could someone who claims that his family is everything— the family who he worked so hard to move them up in life— how could he forfeit our freedom so easily? My vision focused back onto her as she moved towards the island sitting on one of the stools, I quickly moved towards siting beside her. 
“ I heard the last few bits of your conversation earlier, he said he didn’t have a choice but it was his choice to start this gamble in the first place,” you said irritably. 
She sighed and shrugged her shoulder in agreement before continuing, “ Honestly I should’ve known your father was in too deep when we moved into this house only a month after his promotion.” As she spoke my mind felt like it had become clear as if the rose-tinted glasses were taken off. You had always held my father in high regard alongside my mother, they kept you happy and you’ve lived a decent life and never truly had to ask for a thing.
However, this recent promotion after twelve years made no sense when you look objectively. Being sent away to the same place every year for five years, never truly knowing what your father did for work other than ‘ he is a businessman, you and your mother were purposefully kept out of the truth to ensnare your father in a devious relationship.  
“ I think he owes us the truth, what is really going to happen if we lose the fight? What has he been doing for work and why he got this big promotion.” You declare. She nodded in agreement and continued sipping her wine. There was a comfortable silence between you now as you had no choice but to make peace with the fact that your father was a liar who signed away your entire family’s freedom. 
You both sat there for a while and made small talk about what went on during the day, how you both went out to prepare for the trip, and what you were excited to see. Anything to distract each other from a terrible reality. Sometime thereafter you heard your father softly make his way down the stairs, you looked over to your mother and saw the anger that seethed beneath her soft features, it festered hotter as he grew close. 
When he appeared no one said a word. The sadness in his eyes was clear as day and you could almost hear his thoughts racing, wondering what exactly he was going to say to his wife and daughter that could justify his carelessness. 
“ Before I say anything else— I want to apologize for putting the two of you through this.”
He sat the opposite of us and you had to keep your eyes away from him, not ready to see such distraught emotions your father had never once showed me in all my years. He cleared his throat and proceeded, “ My boss… he is a very powerful man and unfortunately, I am just being shown his true colors. After working so many years I never thought he would make me sign such a contract, I had signed multiple NDAs for the tournament this time of year I didn’t really put much thought.” He further explains how his boss spent years crafting him into the perfect vessel, the one he would sacrifice if everything went to shit.
Your father went in depth about the manipulation he faced, his boss convinced him their relationship was tight nit and he trusted my father with these tournaments because he always got the job done without ever messing up. 
The night continued and the horrible truth unraveled. The contempt for your father was on a rollercoaster, you couldn’t truly decide if you felt sorry for this poor bastard or if you wanted to scream at him till your vocal chords were raw. You settled with keeping quiet as your mother vocalized her anger for his selfishness and reckless behavior. Deep into the night, you all returned to your rooms as the flight would be at nine sharp. Laying down you laugh to yourself, a trip that was supposed to be fun and filled with new adventures was replaced with a trip that would determine the rest of your life.
The morning came fast and you were out the door before you knew it, the brisk air of the morning was waking you up faster than you would like. The drive had been quiet, with no singing and laughing everyone just running scenarios of the worst outcomes through their minds. The airport was emptier than usual and after checking in you were greeted by a group of men dressed like men in black. 
You looked towards your father as they handed him a letter, he quickly opened it to view its contents and then nervously smiled at the men before him. Looking over to me and my mother he explained that these men would be escorting us during our entire trip and we would be riding privately. On a regular day, most people being told they not only had an escort but were riding privately to their destination would be a dream come true but we all could see between the lines. This was to keep us in check and to make sure we knew, there was nowhere to run. 
The plane was luxurious, the seats more comfortable than your own bed and the people doting on you made you almost forget the sinister undertone. Mimosas, full meals, everything you could ask for was just handed to you, who wouldn’t feel like an elite? The flight went smoothly but the guards were stationed all throughout the plane and even though their glasses were tinted you could feel the eyes watching your family’s every move. 
Fourteen hours seemed to go quickly when you had no choice but to sleep or have a starring contest with a group of guards. Once you landed you were escorted in a car bringing you to your first destination. One of the guards told us we would be brought to a hotel to get ready for the night, our luggage would be boarded onto the yacht that was going to bring us to the island. 
Arriving at our destination you could tell you were by the docks, the hotel was small and truly fit for a one-day stay. The room you were provided had two twin beds and a window that showcased a wonderful view of all the boats. A smile made its way to your face seeing such a sight and you decided to relax a while before you would get ready. The guards left us to ourselves for a while and you could feel the tension in your shoulders dissipate. Your father clarified that the guards were only heading out to get the clothing we were going to wear on the boat. 
A few hours passed and the sun soon began its descent, a swift knock came to the door and your mother opened it allowing the guards to enter with bags and boxes full of clothes you couldn’t even name. You were provided formal wear and then told your family needed to be ready to leave before the sun went fully down. The next hour was spent with everyone showering and rushing past one another in and out of the bathroom. Although the situation was far from perfect you had relaxed into it letting excitement run through your veins for the first time in seventy-two hours. 
The dress fitted perfectly along with your shoes, you bit your lip thinking about the fact that your sizes were known to these people and knew that was only the bare minimum of information they had on you and your family. Half an hour later when the moon was shining brightly into the room there was another knock signaling it was time to go. You kept your head down when leaving the hotel wanting to bite back the urge to burst into tears. These next five days would determine everything but you refused to show such vulnerability to evil people who would surely laugh in your face. 
The boat was magnificent, you were quickly escorted into a ballroom where already hundreds of people filled in. The guard urged your father to mingle stating the boss wanted to make new connections and maintain current relations with overseas companies. You held onto your clutch ferociously as you smiled into the crowd, your father making his rounds introducing you to people you’ve read nasty articles about. The entire situation was so surreal it all felt like such a fever dream until your father ran into an old man with onyx-colored eyes.
Chills ran down your spine as you discretely looked at the people surrounding this man, they all had black eyes and a menacing aura surrounded them. The old man smiled shaking hands with your father and you could’ve sworn you seen your father gulp. 
“ It is nice to see you once again Mr. L/n, and you’ve finally brought your family I see.” The man commented. 
“ It’s a pleasure to see you and the rest of your clan once more Mr. Erioh,” 
“ Your boss and I spoke earlier, I am so glad you decided to sign the contract, we both knew you would eventually crack,” The man laughed sinisterly. You bit your lip as you looked at the people surrounding the man, they were surveying your family thoroughly making you want to run and hide where they couldn’t find you. You looked amongst the group and made eye contact with a man with spikey blonde hair. 
He zeroed in on you and a smirk etched its way onto his face. He could tell just how much you didn’t want to be there and you could tell just how much that excited him. You broke eye contact and returned your sight to the floor hoping this interaction would end quickly. From your peripheral, you see the man lean towards the old man and whisper something into his ear and your worst fears come to fruition.
The man cleared and then motioned toward my mother and me before speaking, “ This is your wife and daughter correct?” It felt like the alarm for the purge was sounding off as the spotlight was brought to you. You lifted your head to see everyone with black eyes staring at you and your mother like you were meat. 
“ Yes this is my daughter y/n and my wife // “
Your mother spoke up first, introducing herself, and then clasped your hand tightly in hers silently nudging you to speak up. You robotically introduced yourself and noticed the blonde man fully breaking out into a smile and chuckling to himself while you spoke. 
“ And how lovely they both are— Tell me if I’m correct, you daughter, she is in college?”
“ Yes she is attending one of the top schools, it is her first year,” 
The old man smiled towards you congratulating you on your accomplishments. You thanked him and begged silently for the attention to go toward something else not liking the amount of eyes ( especially the beadily little eyes that were drilling into you from the blonde ) that focused on every ounce of your being. 
“ I hear she has played many sports including boxing, taekwondo, and basketball to name a few,” 
Your father nervously laughed and nodded his head, “ Yes she has always been a very active girl and we made sure she had her outlets,” 
The man hummed before snapping his fingers, the blonde quickly leaned towards him and the man spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, “ Raian I believe you have a lot in common with young y/n please accompany her for the rest of their trip. I think it would be great if the two of you got to know one another a little bit,” 
Your eyes widened and you looked over to your mother in fear. You wanted absolutely nothing to do with this man and the people surrounding him, your stomach turned in knots and your mother squeezed your hand once again before releasing it. You let out a huff in disbelief, she turned away from you and moved closer to your father as a sign for you to go with him. 
Your brain short circuited when the man stood tall in front of you smiling down at you insidiously. He placed his hand on the small of your back turning you towards the rest of the party, he quickly ushered you to walk without a word and you panicked pushing his arm off of you and turning towards your parents for an explanation. 
“ Y/n let Raian escort you for the rest of the night, your father has much to talk about with Mr. Erioh,” Your mother said pleadingly. 
You softly nodded and turned around, if your mother was begging you to just go with it you knew these people weren’t ones you wanted to piss off. Still, this nagging feeling in the back of your throat wouldn’t go away, there was something more to this— this entire fiasco wasn’t as simple as your father explained and your mother was trying her best to keep it together as well. 
You followed the man out of the ballroom silently hearing your heartbeat pounding throughout your eardrums like a symphony of death. The voices began to fade as the man directed you down many halls, there were fewer people as you continued your journey and you were opening your mouth every once and again thinking of what to say first. Finally, as he directed you onto the deck and into fresh air you stopped in your tracks and stared into his blue irises.
“ Do you mind explaining what exactly is going on here?”
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🪼: if you’d like to be tagged for this series please give me a thumbs up below ! And lmk your feed back
A/N: Ik you’re probably like… didn’t you say you were gonna post ch 2 of Isekai Yandere op. Yes!!! And I will however, I’m in a bit of a rut because of school and honestly the pressure of living up to thw first part lol. A lot of you really liked it and more people began writing for it so I don’t want this continuation to be underwhelming. I’m going to make a separate post abt everything but I hope you enjoy this like I did! Mwuah 🫶🏽
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
Doffy and Rosi have a baby brother…and he’s Raian Kure!!!
Law: *looking at a photo*
“…hey Cora-San, I didn’t know Doflamingo had black sclera eyes…that’s why he wears sunglasses”
Rosinantè: *rolls his eyes* “no, he fucking doesn’t…he has the worst eyesight ever and they’re tested sunglasses…did he tell you that? He says stupid shit like that to act cool”
Law: *hands the picture over* “..then who the hell is this?”
Rosinantè: *looks at the picture* “…fuck…I have to go”
Somewhere on the beach…
Doffy: *napping on the beach while tanning*
Rosinantè: “Doffffffyyy! I found our long lost baby brother!!!”
Doffy: *wakes up, sighs softly and looks over* “…you can’t be serious, Rosi”
Rosinantè: *shows him the picture of Raian Kure*
Doffy: “..holy shit, Rosi…we need to find him”
Finally meets Raian Kure…
*Doffy and Raian having the time their lives talking about their kill counts and shit*
Rosinantè: “…suddenly…I feel like I’m the adopted one”
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number1alienlover · 1 year
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Another one of my Kengan Ashura OCs! Her name is Hanae Kure and she's the younger sister of my other Kengan OC, Kotaro. Her Removal percentage is around 40% and she's twenty years old. Hanae is extremely shy and soft spoken. She has a timid personality and a tendency to hide behind her brother when meeting new people. Very non-confrontational and hates all forms of conflict, which is unfortunate given the clan she comes from. She works alongside her brother at their grandparents' restaurant. Her hobbies are collecting flowers, catching butterflies, cooking/baking, sewing, watching soap operas, and going shopping for cute clothes. Commission done by SAINTKXZUME
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darkblueart · 6 hours
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Karura Kure💖🏝️
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kyusrak · 1 year
Kaneda has muscle
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Ohma: You’re being chased by the Kure?
Emilio: Yeah.
Ohma: Why are they even after you?
Emilio: Well…
Emilio: Why are you after the Chairman?
Kure Female Assassin: I got a contract and I aim to deliver.
Emilio: Hm, I can’t let you do that. I got to pain rent soon and can’t be out of a job.
The Kure Female Assassin (KMF) lunges before creating a spear fist, following with a series of combinations of fist strikes and knee strikes. Emilio narrows his guard before deflecting and countering the KMF, realizing the whites of her eyes were black.
Emilio: Wu clan?!
KMF: Wu Clan! I’m offended, I am Kure! And I am-
Emilio blitzes the KMF before striking them in the temples, causing the KMF to be stunned and Emilio striking them with a series of chain punches to the solar plexus causing them to be knocked out.
Emilio: There down… Fucking Kure…
KMF: Want to?
Emilio: Uh… I don’t want to talk about it, Tokita.
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sameatzz · 2 months
[ ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ɪᴄᴏɴs ]
⎯ 𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒂𝒏 𝑲𝒖𝒓𝒆 | 𝑩𝒂𝒌𝒊 𝑽𝒔 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒏. 𔘓
Como me encanta Raian, tiene algo que me atrae mucho. Su personalidad tal vez 🫦 nonono; hay algo en el que me gusta mucho. Lo amo 💟
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specs-mcfucks · 2 years
i forgot I can also post my ocs here so i guess i’ll be posting some comms i’ve gotten over the years over the next few weeks once i get to it
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kenganbreeder · 2 months
Raian x F!Reader + — "Condoms and Contraceptives" What does he think of them?
Headcanons include; Breeding/Pregnancy kink (addiction), mentions of contraceptives such as birth controls, pills, and condoms, male dom, 18+ ONLY
Contraceptives? For someone like him who gets off on breeding? Pray tell. Contraceptives are non-existent to him and probably the rest of the Kure clan. Pills are acceptable but the thought of needing to wrap a rubber around his cock before fucking you takes the fun away from him and he'd rather just not proceed to sinking his hips into yours. Unless you allow him to go raw and use the pull-out method.
Condoms are such an annoying piece of shit for him, Not only because he can't cum inside, but also because he's unable to fully enjoy each spasms of your warm walls around his cock. He just really hates the tight rubbery feeling that's stopping him from feeling the sopping wet warmth when he's obsessed with ur pusshy, it's like you're forbidding him from having fun (And he gets turned off pretty easily too)
If you won't let him slip out of the condom, Raian will, and I mean, he would, free himself off of the condom while you and your pussy is busy being fingered or eaten out by him as a distraction. In some instances, he will sometimes just pull out and slip out of it but that rarely happens because you're persistent as well.
Endless spurs of curse words will be the only thing you'll be hearing from him when he fucks you with it. "Fuck! This thing's annoying as hell. Are you even feeling anything down there? I'm not. So let me go raw, Y/N, come on.." "I don't feel anything at all, I'm gonna rip this fucking thing off and you're not stopping me." *Pulls out and messes with the rubber*
Instead, he'll purposely slip the rubber on first before doing things that he certainly knows how to distract you with and keep your mind off of his hand sneaking down to slide the rubber off of his length. Then once you're ready, he'll sink his cock inside all raw, without any rubber protecting it. You won't be able to tell the difference by then now that he knows your pussy's too drunk to even notice it, taking advantage of your pleasure-driven state.
Raian would sometimes accidentally cum inside and it doesn't make it any better that he blames it all on you for any unrelated reason he has. Would blame your pussy for being too "tight" it ate the condom away while in reality he was fucking you even harder after slipping out of the condom himself because he couldn't stand having his dick in that rubber. He thinks it's pathetic as hell to have his weapon trapped in that shit.
Cumming inside is the best feeling for him though, the only part he loves about pulling out is seeing you smeared with his cum melting on your skin while you whined about him pulling off that shitty trick again. He loves seeing your pouting face sticking with his cum all over while you complain to him.
He won't apologize for it though, and nor will he stop so you have to suck it up at any point, he'll just do it over and over again until you finally resort to taking the birth control pills instead so you can let him hit it raw once again.
If you finally gave up on condoms and resorted to the pills, Raian would simply "punish" you by cumming inside as much as he wants as payback.
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maochira · 6 months
Synopsis: For some reason, your brother thinks you and Ohma are dating. And you decide to take this chance to mess with him.
Tags: gn!Raian's older sibling!reader, reader is about Ohma's age, overprotective lil bro!Raian, mentions/descriptions of jealous Karura, lots of chaos, based on this ask I sent to @yellowelectroslime and the reblogs, @aneenasevla asked for this to be a fic and I am here to serve
Your younger brother has been behaving a little odd lately. Sure, he's always been weirdly overprotective over you while insisting on having a harsh rivalry with you at the same time, but his actions in recent times are... new.
The moment you are in a 10-meter radius of Ohma, Raian becomes tense. It always seems like half of his attention is on you and the other half is on Ohma.
No matter how much you think about it, you're never quite able to figure out a reason that makes sense. Your brother's aggressive and often irrational personality doesn't make it much easier. It's nothing you could address directly either because Raian is never honest about his feelings when it comes to something that concerns you. He'd rather find excuses or act as if you didn't say anything at all.
He has never even admitted how overprotective he is over you, no matter how many of the Kure Clan members have teased him about it and pointed it out.
You promised your brother to accompany him on a mission today. But you were so busy training with Ohma, you lost track of time and Raian ended up going without you. It's not like he needs your help anyway. It just would have been nice to spend time together as siblings - like you used to when you were younger.
You find yourself feeling guilty and knocking at your brother's door to apologize.
"You're just a tiny bit too late, you know?" Raian hisses while he opens the door. Even before he saw who knocked, he knew it could only be you. Who else would come to his room voluntarily?
"I'm sorry", you immediately apologize. "I forgot-"
"Yeah yeah I get it you were too busy making out with your boyfriend." Raian rolls his eyes while leaning against the doorframe. "I got the job done so don't worry about that."
The mention of "boyfriend" made your eyes widen a bit. This is the moment you realize why Raian has been acting so odd lately: He thinks you and Ohma are a couple.
Your reaction seems to prove Raian's suspicion - although he couldn't be more wrong. A condescending grin forms on his lips as he begins to speak again. "You really think I didn't notice what's going on between you and Ohma?"
It takes a lot of effort for you to hold back your own grin. "Oh? What do you think is going on between Ohma and me?"
A short huff escapes Raian. "It's so obvious that you're dating. Why didn't you simply tell me about it?" His expression begins to darken. "Don't you trust me?"
"Raian, come on-"
He quickly interrupts you. "Whatever. I figured it out on my own anyway."
Without giving you the chance to respond Raian shuts the door. You stand there for a few more seconds, wondering what to do now.
Every other person would clear up the misunderstanding. But not you. To you, this is the perfect opportunity to mess with your brother.
The next day when you meet up with Ohma to train, you immediately tell him what happened and that he should pretend to be your boyfriend. While Ohma doesn't completely understand why you want him to do that, he sees this as a chance to hopefully get Karura to understand he's not her boyfriend or future husband.
For the next two weeks, you and Ohma have your fun fake-dating and laughing about Raian's reactions in secret. It's hilarious to see your brother getting angry over something that's not even real.
Karura on the other side is extremely jealous of you. She's passive-aggressive whenever she talks to you and sees you as a rival now. Unfortunately for Ohma, she keeps accusing him of cheating on her and tells you to stay away from him. Occasionally you get death threats from her and just to be extra careful you don't accept any food from her - who knows if she poisoned it?
"Maybe it's time to drop our lie." Ohma suggests as you finish today's training. "I don't want Karura to end up hurting you." While he says it with a slight chuckle, you also know he's serious.
"Eh, I'm way stronger than her so that's not an issue. I know she'd never attack me anyway." You respond with a shrug, although you still agree with Ohma's suggestion. "But yes, we should tell them. I think if we keep this up any longer the other clan members are going to think we're a couple as well."
Ohma nods in agreement and leans his back against the wall. "Alright. It was your idea, so you have to be the one to tell Raian the truth."
Simply imagining a scenario like that causes you to groan in frustration. Ohma is right, it was your idea. And also, Raian is your brother. If Ohma told him the truth things would end up a lot worse than you intended when you started messing with Raian.
After leaving the training grounds you spot Raian on your way home, so you decide right now is the best moment to tell him. As long as you're outside, he hopefully won't yell too loud.
"Yo, lil bro!" You call out and walk into your brother's direction.
"Don't call me that." He hisses and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
He's always hated being called your little brother. To him, it sounds as if you were above him. Raian prefers the term "younger brother" because it only points out the age difference. And besides, he's taller than you, because for some reason the youngest siblings are always the tallest.
"Do you have a moment to talk? There's something important I wanna tell you."
Raian raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued but not wanting to show it too much. "Shoot."
"Ohma and I aren't dating." You reply rather bluntly.
For a few moments, Raian only stares back at you. He's confused and goes through all the things that would prove you and Ohma being a couple.
Since your brother doesn't say anything in response, you decide to continue.
"When you first told me you knew Ohma was my boyfriend, I was confused but thought it'd be fun for us to pretend to mess with you."
The grin on your face is quickly wiped away when Raian suddenly grabs your collar and steps closer to tower over you. "You son of a bitch! Why would you do that?!"
Being called "son of a bitch" by your brother sure is ironic, but right now isn't the moment to point that out. Instead, you begin to smirk again because there's no way you're letting your little brother have the upper hand right now. It was you who messed with him in the first place, and it should be you who gets the last word in this.
"It was funny. Seeing how my little brother gets all overprotective just because he thought I had a boyfriend. And you always pretend to not care that much about me."
"Shut up!" Raian yells right into your face before letting you go. "I am NOT overprotective! I was just... whatever, that's unimportant by now anyways! Thank god you're not actually dating him."
There's so much more you could respond, but Raian sees Ohma walking by and immediately calls his name, then challenges him to a fight.
You being you, you immediately say you'll join as well.
If you liked this, please remember to reblog with fun tags or any type of feedback! It's the best way to support me and my writing!
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rotdistressxox · 1 month
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"Missed You"
Ohma Tokita x Afab!Reader
Synopsis: Ohma is back and better than ever. After years of waiting, you and him share a passionate night together. (Takes place during Kengan Omega)
Content: 18+, Smut, A wee bit of angst, Afab bodyparts, Marking, Cunnilingus, P in V sex(unprotected), Creampie
Word Count: 2,596
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How long had it been since you'd seen his face? How long had it been since you'd heard his voice nonchalantly say your name? How it rolled off his tongue when you were chatting normally, or when he'd say it in more sensual settings.
You'd refuse to belive he was actually gone. Holding your face in the palm of your hands almost every night as you sobbed in the comfort of your bathroom. The other fighters couldn't know how badly you were still grieving the loss of your one and only Ohma.
And yet....here he was. Standing infront of you yet again. You'd almost fainted when you were on the couch next to Kaede, but...she took the role for you. Casually strolling in next to Kazuo, his eyes firstly settling on you. Grinning as you jumped into his arms while babbling like a child.
Yes, you were angry at the same time. How could he, no, the Kure clan AND him keep this from you? However, all the pain accumulated over the years had vanished as soon as he wrapped his arms around you.
Ohma and you had retired to your apartment for the night. God it felt like a dream watching him lazily take off his shoes and jacket. How his muscular shoulders rolled the piece of clothing off of his back. His wavy black hair swaying gently as he turned to look at you.
You gulped before starting a sentence "I-"
He grabbed the back of your head pressed your lips into his. Your fingers grabbed a fistful of his shirt as he pressed you against the wall. He sharply inhaled as your lips parted for barely a second before he went in again.
Breathless and panting into his mouth, your hands squeezed at his biceps as you groaned. Not even 5 minutes being alone with eachother, and Ohma was already desperate to get his hands all over you.
Fuck he missed this. All those lonely nights in the Kure village thinking about you were over. He had you here, in his arms. He had been starved too damn long of your touch, your smell, your taste. He didn't want to waste any time talking, it could wait.
His hands felt up your waist down to the backs of your thighs. He hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his hips and carried you to the couch. Pressing you down into the cushions as his hand rested on the back of your head.
"Ohma-" You whined.
"Hm?" He stared at you with a half lidded gaze, eyebrows relaxed. His chest was pressed into your stomach as his chin was almost touching the dip between your breasts.
You almost choked on your words. This was a sight to behold.
"I missed you" Your fingers ran through his black locks. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a smirk. "Really?" His body snaked closer and up yours so he was face to face with you.
"Ohma...it's too early for teasing" You pouted, looking into his gray eyes that poured back into yours. He chuckled and lowered his mouth to your neck, grazing his teeth against the skin. Your body shuttered at the feeling of his fangs, escpecially his canines, delicately pressing into your skin little by little.
A deep sigh escaped your mouth as his own latched onto your neck. He remembered where your sweet spot was, enough do that memories of moments like this flooded your mind again. A twinge of pain ran up your spine as he clamped down harder. Whimpering, you pressed your body into his as your fingers tugged on his hair.
Ohma eventually let go of your neck before his teeth traced down to your collar. This time he nibbled all along the protruding bone, making sure there was still marks left but not biting hard enough to hurt you.
His hips shifted onto you as he groaned into your skin. You felt his bulge rubbing against your inner thigh. Your hips moved against his, making Ohma hiss and furrow his eyebrows.
"Missed me huh?" He clicked his tongue before sitting up and looking down at your form. Drinking it all in. He was noticeably a little sweaty, a thin layer of his glistening on his skin as the sunlight cascading from the window danced on his tan skin.
Your stomach fluttered as he stared you down. His chest rising and falling as the two of you sat in silence. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. Throwing it to the side without care. His chest and arms were still handsomely scarred as you remembered them being.
"You've got no damn idea how long I've been waiting" his calloused palms began sliding up your slides, pushing up your shirt to see your stomach. It tickled, so you let out a small giggle. But he didn't stop.
He pushed your shirt up and over your breasts. Staring at your bra as his thumbs pressed into its fabric.
"Ohma, please" You couldn't bear how long he was taking to finally touch you.
"So needy" he huffed and moved the cups of your bra out of the way before delving in with his mouth again. His hands cupping your tits so he could suck on them easier. Muffling your moan with the back of your hand every time his tongue danced over your nipple.
He hummed to your body's reaction, taking satisfaction in how much he could tell you wanted him. He switched to your other breast, giving it as much attention as the other one. Making sure your nipples were puffy and covered in his saliva.
The boner in his pants strained harder against his denim jeans. You could feel it twitch against your leg, so you grinded yourself into him. The pressure made the fabric of your pants rub against your entrance and aching clit.
Your eyes widened when you realized just how wet you had gotten just from this alone.
Ohmas mouth released your nipple before looking up at you.
"Moving your hips against me like that. Your body knows what it wants, huh" Ohma said lowly as his hand reached down to your waistband, snaking under it before pressing his digits onto your soaked underwear. You swore under your breath as one of his fingers felt around you clothed slit.
"Ohma- please use your fingers" You almost cried. You didn't care how desperate you seemed, all you wanted was for him to make you orgasm again.
"We're not doing that today" he took his hand out of your pants. Instead, he unzipped his pants and slid them down this thighs. You looked at his hard-on, and felt yourself throb with want.
"I'm hungry" he stood up and grabbed your legs, forcing your bottom half to slightly hang off the couch cushion.
"Wha-" you were caught off guard by his actions. He tugged the waistband of your pants down before sliding them off of your legs. He looked back at you and saw your underwear, getting down on his knees so that he was facing between your thighs. Taking both of his thumbs, he ripped the leg openings with a single swipe before using his teeth to rip it off of you.
You could feel his breath on your entrance as he panted. His arms wrapped under your thighs, placing them on his shoulders as his thumbs pressed into your hip bones, holding you in place.
His nose nudged against your clit, making you squirm.
"Relax a little, I wanna make sure you remember this" Ohma turned his head so that his mouth was on one of your thighs. He bit it gently, his nibbles growing closer to where you wanted his lips to be.
You exhaled through your nose, not knowing when he'd actually do something. But enjoying it nonetheless. Then it caught you off guard.
His hot mouth was now flush against your aching entrance, lapping up your wetness and licking at your folds. You almost lept out of his grasp with how harshly you jolted at the sensation. It had been a while afterall...
You choked out a mewl as he ravaged you like a starved man. Everytime his tongue bumped your clit your thighs squeezed his head tighter.
"Oh fuck" you moaned, both of your hands going down to grab his head for some sort of leverage. Ohma was too caught up in eating you out to care about how much you were pulling his hair. The way you tasted to him had his cock already dripping with precum.
Your juices ran down from his lips to his chin. He relished in all of your noises that he had missed over the years. But most of all, he just wanted to see you cum. His mouth mouth slightly upwards from your folds and to your clit. Where he began to suck on your sensitive bundle of nerves.
You felt yourself rapture in bliss. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you let out an erotic sob. He groaned at your reaction but didn't stop.
Thighs twitching, a coil inside of you was about to burst. Your heart started to beat out of your chest as you neared your peak.
"Look at me" Ohma commanded. Your sight was slightly blurred from the tears of pleasure, but you looked at him anyways. He looked up at you with lustful and carnivorous intent.
That alone was just enough to have your back arching as you came on his mouth, crying out his name. Your hips twitched and your back fell onto the cushion again, coming down from your high as you looked at him.
"That...was..." You paused to catch your breath "Amazing"
He separated from your clit and licked his lips. His chin glistened with your arousal, he wiped off what was left with the back of his hand before standing up. You sat up as well, taking his wrist. Guiding it so that he'd sit down next to you, which he obliged surprisingly.
"Let me take care of you now" you said softly as you straddled his lap. He placed his hands on your hips, raising his eyebrow. You took the liberty of pulling off his underwear, seeing his cock spring out of its restraints. It slapped against his stomach, which made you quietly chuckle.
Your hand wraps around the girth of his cock. It almost caught you off guard with how warm and hard it was. Reminding you again how long it had been since you'd had sex with him. You rubbed your slit against it, feeling the head of it slightly nudge your swollen clit.
Ohma closed his eyes, gritting his teeth when he felt your slick, wet entrance.
"Gonna make you feel good...missed you" You guided his tip in, feeling it just barely stretch your walls. Fuck you were in for it now. Your hips lowered slowly, his dick stretching you out. Your mouth hung open as you felt him hit your g-spot, thighs meeting his own.
He grunted, the grasp on your hips getting tight enough to leave bruises. "So fuckin' tight" he rasped, controlling the urge to move his hips.
Your hips began to rise again, feeling him slowly slide out made you huff in relief before slowly sliding down again. Your arms wrapped around his neck, resting your chin on his shoulder as you whimpered. You picked up the pace a little, this time settling for more grinding motions.
Your spine arches again as you begin riding him. Feeling his cock stretch you out repeatedly with every motion you took. Another tear slipped down your cheek again as pathetic excuses for moans began slipping from your mouth.
Ohma was in the same boat, mind almost going blank at feeling your pussy tighten and flutter around him. His nails punctured your skin as he let out a low groan in your ear. He wanted to buck into you so bad, but it was just as hot seeing you milking his cock for him.
Your knees chafed against the couch cushion whilst you lifted your head to look at his face. His eyes darted to look at you, his mouth slightly open while his eyebrows contorted in concentration. You rested your forehead on his, closing your eyes and letting your body do the talking.
With every movement you made, waves of pleasure washed through you. But with every motion your thighs began to grow sore and tired. You weren't sure if you could keep up with chasing another orgasm. Your movements became staggered and slow, which Ohma took notice of.
"You need some help?" He asked with a cocky smile. You nodded weakly.
His hands grabbed the underside of your thighs and picked you up, making you squeal in surprise. He was still inside of you as he carried you, pressing you against the wall. "Hold onto me"
Your legs wrapped around his hips as his hands released your thighs to cage your body in. Your own hands held onto his large trap muscles.
"M'gonna move" he began slowly thrusting into you, rocking your body into the wall behind you. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head as his cock stuffed you slowly.
"Faster" you muttered under your breath sensually. Ohma let out a groan as he slightly adjusted himself before picking up his pace. You cried out as he rutted into you, your nails raking down from his shoulders to his chest. Desperately trying to cling onto him.
The sound of his skin slapping softly against yours echoed through the room along with various noises emanating from the both of your mouths. Your inner thighs became sticky with your spreaded wetness that dripped down from you.
"Shit- Ohma" you mewled as one of your hands went down to rub your clit in figure 8's. Your fingers felt his pubes repeatedly connecting with your mound, almost tickling it as he pounded into you. He gave you another lustful kiss, silencing your moans as his movements got sloppier and more desperate.
"Gonna cum in you" Ohma said feverishly "Been too long since this pussy's been filled." You fluttered around him at hearing his words. His fingers clawed into the wall, puncturing the drywall as he passionately thrusted into you.
You almost threw your head back as your writhed on his cock, orgasming again. Ohma cussed, feeling your walls clamp down on him as you came. "Too damn tight" his forehead rested on the wall next to you.
"Cum inside me please" You sobbed into his ear. Your face felt hot and your hair stuck to the sweat on your face. You could've been cockdrunk at this point. He let out the throatiest and guttural moan you had ever heard as his hips snapped into you one last time.
His cock twitched inside as you felt your stomach grow warm with his seed. It spilled out of you and dripped on the floor the deeper he pressed himself into you. Ohma and you were both breathless and panting. His head slid down to your shoulder as he slightly lifted you up, pulling out of you. You laughed at the current state of Ohma and yourself.
He wrapped his arms around you, embracing you tightly. Pressing his nose in your shoulder blade and inhaling your scent deeply. He definitely missed you, too.
"Promise to never leave me again?" You asked in a hushed tone.
"Mhm" he hummed into your skin.
"Good. Let's clean ourselves up then"
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sanjisluvbot · 23 days
As Above So Below
Previous || Next
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Synopsis: You had your entire life just beginning, fresh into college, and as a treat, you were going on a trip across the world where you find out what your father truly does for work and why you were able to move into a nice new home. A normal young girl thrust into a world where she needed to relearn everything she ever knew and escape the clutches of an assassin clan who wanted her as a wife.
Perfectly manicured nails are now chipped and brittle. Your mother spent the next half an hour pacing your new hotel room. You lay slumped on a chair, eyes following her every move back and forth, forth and back. You bit your lip knowing the millions of thoughts running overdrive in her mind not knowing whether or not to speak up. 
You wanted to comfort her but knowing your mother that might make the situation worse, the last thing you needed was to be at odds with her after what just went down. Rubbing your hands down your arms you give yourself slight comfort, a touch of warmth in a room chilled by the reality and graveness of the situation. With a sharp intake of breath, you regained determination. 
“ I think you should get off your feet and take a shower, it’s been a long night,” 
She paused, turning to you eyes slightly wide as if she had broken out of a trance. Seeing the exhausted state you were in, her gaze softened, still all done up as if it were a good night to remember. A lump formed in her throat seeing the bags forming underneath her daughter's eyes while draped in glitter and riches like a star falling from grace. 
 Dropping her hand from her lips she smiled softly, “ Would you like to shower first? I’ll order some room service and we can maybe watch a movie…”
You nodded and unstrapped the clasps of your heels, you silently made your way to the bathroom while your mother went over to her suitcase. The blinding fluorescent light felt too harsh as you stared at yourself in the mirror. You looked so pretty, in a nice dress with accessories you dreamed of owning, it felt foreign looking at the girl in the mirror. 
You sighed and turned the shower on quickly undressing and stepping into the warmth of the water. You took your time, even letting your hair get wet, wanting to wash away everything from the last few hours— the previous few days you’ve had to endure. 
After everything was said and done you were curled into your mother's side on the bed. The exhaustion finally beginning to take its toll on the two of you. You shared whispered giggles over the movie you watched, a piece of nostalgia for the movie your mother had rented, it was one you constantly watched on tape as a child. A thought popped into your head before you drifted off to sleep. It angered you slightly as your father's face popped into your mind's eye. 
Was he alright? What happened when the two of you left? Would you both speak to him in the morning? 
The next morning you felt anew. The rest was needed and the jet lag completely dissipated, You woke to your mother on the phone and scribbling on a notepad. You made your presence known and she smiled pointing to the line connecting to room service in the corner of the room. 
The morning came and went and you felt you could take the day by storm facing anything thrown at you head-on without fear. An announcement on the ship had notified you and your mother that you would arrive on the island, you made a note from a previous conversation that the room number on the ship would be the same as the one within the hotel. The island was clear as day, and you grew jittery thinking about being on land once again. 
The two of you were quick to leave the ship and go to the hotel, your mother had told you that she would be spending the day talking to lawyers about the contract. Looking out the window you notice the large pool and there were already a few people basking in the sun. You quickly change smiling to your mother on your way out of the room letting her know you’d be right where she could see you out at the pool. 
You walked passed people carefully eyeing them to make sure you didn’t run into the moron you met last night. “ The last thing I need is to see that freak by the pool,” you thought to yourself. When you settled into your chair a waiter quickly passed you by and you ordered a drink to help you relax. The sun beamed down in all its glory, you generously sprayed sunscreen on every inch of skin you could reach. You felt the eyes on you, perverted and judgemental all the same. Moving your hair over your shoulder, you try your best to get your back. You bit your lip out of frustration and embarrassment, it felt like everyone was laughing at your awkward position. 
“ Need a helping hand, wife.” 
A large hand easily slipped the spray out of your hand while another steadied you by your waist. You hastily pushed the hands off of you turning around to face the dark-eyed bastard you prayed never to see again. He gleamed down at you menacingly, wide-toothed demonic smile shining right at you so proud of himself for catching you in such a state. 
Dressed head to toe in Dakr clothing without a care in the world for the heat, you glared back at him lip scrunching up in disgust at how he dared to touch you.
 “ Give me back my sunscreen,”
He laughed manically shaking his head. You click your tongue before trying to snatch it from his hand. He swiftly evaded you and tossed it into his other hand and when you went to strike again he held it over his head. How childish you think, you huffed before looking off at the pool seeing people's gaze even more on you than before. While looking away Raian’s eyes wandered over your figure. He was more than used to seeing different kinds of people but the way your skin seemed to glow under the sun was distracting, to say the least. He wanted to tease you more, have your eyes solely focused on him rather than the fucktards who meant nothing staring at his woman. 
He sucked his teeth at the skimpy little bikini you wore. Wanting to ask you why the only thing left to the imagination seemed to be your nipples. When he first spotted you he went from your hair straight to the roundness of your ass and the small triangle of cloth up your ass. He was sure if you bent over everyone would get a nice view of what he planned to take claim of on your wedding night, he couldn’t help but make his way over to you. 
Your fiery gaze was upon him again and that gaze was the lighter to the match in his chest. Raian never really focused much on women throughout his last twenty-one years as from a very young age he knew that his marriage would be arranged. He would never say he didn’t let his eyes wander, that he was ignorant to human nature but— he never truly sought out a woman before you. 
Letting his mind wander he didn’t realize until you were right under his nose, that you were pushing him toward the pool hoping he would release the hold on your sunscreen and fall right on his ass. He smiled once again before snaking his arm around your waist and falling back into the pool. 
The water was a stark contrast to the heat of the sun, drenching you in icy coldness. His hold was still tight on you as you came back up to the surface. He laughed heartily at your disheveled state, his hand wandering lower on your waist. You wriggled out of his grasp pulling yourself out of the water. Fingers pointed and hushed whispers were all you could focus on as you wrapped your towel around yourself. 
“ What’s the matter? Can’t handle what you dish out or—”
You didn’t stay to hear anymore grabbing your phone and running into the hotel. What an embarrassment, was he trying to belittle you and let you know just how powerless you were in this situation? Your damp skin was making you shiver as you squeaked through the main hall, loudly stomping in your flip-flops not caring about the water you were tracking in the lobby. You all but slammed your finger on the elevator button hoping that would make it come down faster. 
The door opened and a few people sparred you glances, you shifted your head towards the floor and leaned on the elevator walls pressing the button to your floor. As the door was closing you met his gaze, he had just run into the lobby searching for you and you were thankful he didn’t make it in time. The ride up to your floor was accompanied by annoying soft music that did more to irritate than to calm you. 
You rolled your eyes in annoyance when instead of the thirtieth floor it stopped on the twentieth. As the doors opened your eyes widened in shock, Although slightly out of breath Raian was towering in the doorway. You were quick to try and slip out but his arm slammed on the door in front of you. 
Voice trembling in fear and anger you say, “ Move out of my way. Now!” 
He doesn’t move an inch and you duck under only to be jerked back by your arm. You look up to him and there isn’t a trace of a smile on his face, making him look even more intimidating if that were possible. He gave you a once-over before taking his eyes from you and pulling you completely out of the elevator. You berated him with your words and dragged your feet across the ground and he ignored your angered pleas of release as he stalked through the hallway. 
Using his free hand he dug into his pocket pulling out his key card and a dangerous thought made its way into your mind. The room opened and you felt tears well up in your eyes. The room was almost pitch black, the curtains blocking out most of the light. He threw the card onto the mini desk before finally turning to you. His eyes held something different— something softer if that could be used for a man like him. 
You held the towel tighter taking a step back, something flashed in his eyes almost like he could smell the fear brewing inside you. He stepped towards you and you took another step back quickly turning your head to the door to try and make a run for it. He licked his lips before grabbing you once more, you yelped in fear when he pulled you close. You fought for your towel until he completely took it off you. 
“ Don’t do this, please…Raian,” 
He felt like his heart was going to leap from his chest, His name had never sounded better. He looked into your fear-stricken eyes once more, the tears already falling as you begged him not to hurt you. Without a word, he placed the towel on your head trying his best to be soft while drying your hair. 
You had calmed down slightly allowing him to dry you off. When he removed the towel you both stared at one another, who was going to make the first move. The silence was unbearable and with a huff, you were finally out the door. You didn’t want to give this psychopath any kind of wrong impression by lingering in his room in the dark too long. 
You choose the stairway instead of the elevator feeling overexposed without your towel. You exhausted your last energy running up the ten floors, unbeknownst to you the cameras had been watching your every move. 
“ Grandfather, is it alright for the two of them to be alone together so soon?” 
The old man chuckled light-heartedly at his granddaughter, he was more than glad to see the way Raian was already zeroing in on you. He thought it would take a much more forceful approach to get you to comply but his grandson was less of an anomaly than he thought. 
The old man knew better than to think the two of you had been intimate behind that door as he watched the situation unfold before his eyes. He knew that In Raian’s way, he was trying to apologize for embarrassing you and making a scene in front of all those people. 
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A/N: Is this the calm before the storm?
🏷️: @arans-princess-reblogs @imaginarydreams
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count-alucard-tepes · 3 months
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Alright…so hot genetics run in the Kure family! Omg I would risk it all for young Erioh Kure😍😍😍
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number1alienlover · 7 months
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Sharing another Kengan Ashura OC with you all! This is a commissioned work that was done by this lovely artist: https://jonelzleo.carrd.co/
This beautiful woman is the grandmother of my OCs Hanae and Kotaro. She's a businesswoman within the Kure Village and owns a massive corporation that oversees several different shops, from restaurants to grocery stores. Her main source of income however is her assassin career. She's renowned on the black market for never failing to eliminate a target and she's considered one of the best assassins within the Kure Clan.
Her personality is very cold and blunt. She doesn't mince her words and always gets straight to the point when engaging with others. Not one for small talk either.
Her weapons of choice are usually swords or steel fans. Though her martial arts skill is more than sufficient to bring down a target most of the time.
When she was younger, she competed in underground tournaments and brutalized her competition ruthlessly. Back then, she was a sadist and took joy in spilling the blood of others. She's calmed down significantly with age, though traces of her past persona will come out if she's faced with an opponent that can really push her to her limits.
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hoe4rairai · 3 months
《 ♤ Scenario 3 ♤ 》
Shivering S/O in a cold night, Raian being considerably gentle and mindful or NOT 😈
〰️ Let's Gooooooo 〰️
This is unorthodox Raian version ...
S/O is a hit woman. Both sometimes merge missions together, though Raian hates to be with her on missions. She has the power to distract the assassin. The only human who has that power . S/O is a fun sized girl whom he enjoys manhandling, and she loves it when he does.
A mission was assigned to them, both finished their part but something complicated their exit, and they were stuck in the lower deck of the corrupted millionaire yacht where they assassinated him and his entire crew. No electricity, it was one of those cold winter nights. The deck was cold and pitch black, Raian's vision is as sharp as a wolf in the dark but that's given being a kure, S/O settled next to her boyfriend's massive body frame. The cold started to creep up on her, and her teeth started chattering. She thought Raian was in a hibernating mode since his breathing is very steady and low, and that also is a kure survival technique. She moved closer, almost squeezing herself into him. She is cold, and he has a deep heat body machine. He didn't budge a muscle and she is trying to find any source of warmth to keep her going till the clan sends a rescue to pick them up, they are literally in the middle of the ocean.
A few hours passed, and she probably fell asleep. When she opened her eyes, she was positioned like a baby between his arms. Her head was resting on one arm , face snuggled between his arm and chest, legs curled up , his arms around her to offer her some more warmth.
They heard noises coming from the upper deck of the yacht.Raian and the rescue team usually have a sign code they communicate with. These ppl aren't them. Raian gestured to keep quiet. He literally glided on the floor, hard to believe such heavy man can be this light. The door cracked open, guns shooting , sound of bones breaking, blood splattering everywhere. Raian and his S/O teamwork and synergy is a top notch because they read each other's minds and work stimolysly.
No one left alive. Raian peaked at the horizon and spotted 2 boats approaching boats that didn't belong to the clan. Raian knew if they did not move now, they were doomed. He knew they would bomb the yacht. He grabbed S/O without a word or a second thought jumping right into the freezing water. The water was like daggers piercing her body, the coldness numbed her, Raian is trained and done that few times. He was ahead of her, breaking his way through the waves , she started to drown, Raian was calm , he knew the outcome and reminded himself : ( That's fuckin WHY I hate going on hits with you .. What a fuckin burden.) He pulled S/O, swam to the a nearby shore , fell on his back and she was unconscious laying next him, cold as ice. She was going through hypothermia obviously, he pulled her body quickly into a hidden spot, took off her clothes and his and basically used his entire body as a blanket to heat her's up.
A few long minutes till she opened her eyes, the heat she was immersed with felt so good, the chest moving ever so slowly against her's, Raian was literally wrapped around her like a skin cover. She strongly felt safe , warm, and kinda funky 😈. S/O made the slightest move to let him know she is awake and okay, thanks to him.
A low, hoarse lazy voice demand: stay put don't move, his cold breath was hitting her forehead. She wanted to warm him up, too, but she could only do this much. S/O started to run her hand gently, over his hairless chest and arms. He didn't mind, she then started rubbing his back slowly and gently creating warm fractions, he kinda enjoyed it, WHAT A FUCKING WEIRED COUPLE I SWEAR 😏...Her feet is warm now so she started to rub his thighs and Bingo ... ... WDF ...
His head titled downwards looking at her, black eyes piercing her soul, a deep voice comes out as a low growl : ( see da fuck you did, now ?? ) S/O blushed when she felt his hard errection tickling her abdomen. Both naked , both turned on and both in the middle of nowhere.
Raian, for the first time in his entire life, spooned. He hates the position because he thinks it's for old lazy bustards. He was lazy, though, trying to gain warmth and regenerate strength again. Raian, when he is vulnerable, can be without any arguments, the sexiest man alive.
Raian shifted his S/O body to the side her back facing him, her ass pushed backwards, allowing him to enter her from behind, hand grabbed her waist not too firmly but steady enough to control her body. He could not control his own growle when he met her heat its cold outside but fucking damn oven from the inside the feeling blew his mind, suddenly eagerness with each powerful thrust , suddenly Raian is back again fully charged. Fuck the cold , he is not getting out of her, he will knot her like a fucking beast time and time again till she collapses .
The next thing she knows, she is their bed again cuddled by her boyfriend,feeling cosy, safe, and probably pregnant.
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** fanart belongs to the rightful owner
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bokutosbiceps · 11 months
stay away 
kure raian x afab!reader | fluff/angst (??) | 300 words
warnings: yandere!raian if you squint ? mild cursing because d u h. 18+ themes.
a/n: good lord, i've missed this man so much 🥲 i lowkey wrote this for myself because i know raian probs ain't in the new season, so no one's in his tag. everyone's an ohma slut now, which is totally understandable + valid.
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raian returns to his primal instincts, snarling and sneering and baring his teeth at anyone who comes within a five foot radius of you, when you're bearing his child.
his eyes are always trained on your swollen belly, a sense of pride at his accomplishment of doing that to you is shoved deeper into his chest to make room for his need to protect you. “can't let anyone near our kid. i knocked you up, it's my responsibility.” you didn't even know the word responsibility was in his vocabulary. maybe getting you pregnant was all that was needed to bring out a more mature raian, a raian that could proudly be appointed head of the kure clan by his grandfather. 
his arm is always slung around your waist, pulling you close to him everytime he hears your heart skip a beat or your breath become shallow. “it’s just my body adjusting to the baby, rai.” you’d always tell him, but he doesn't care. if he senses anything out of the norm for you, he's there in an instant.
his head is always on a swivel, daring anyone and everyone to even try coming close to you. let 'em try it, he'll fucking kill ‘em. quick and easy. “rai, i can protect myself!” is what you’d say, but he always just grunts in response. “you're my bitch so i'm gonna take care of ya.”
and even though you thought it was sweet, the way that raian would palm your belly and growl as he pressed toothy kisses to your neck and jaw always made you feel like you were being harbored by a beast. and that your only purpose to him was to give birth to his progeny. 
but to say you were okay with being bred by him was an understatement.
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tag list: @thebigevilsamp @kenganparadise @kengan-ass @tearslikeglass-blog @aloelotustea @juliusreinholdswig @itbitesback
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