kurinhimenezu · 1 year
Mr. Loverman
Holy crap this is long but hopefully good enough for a read! <3 
Emmet x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Afab!Reader (not sure if I ever put in pronouns in here, I did try to make it as gender neutral as possible), Long fic, you and Ems get into a fight
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Watching the security cameras wasn’t as interesting as he thought it would be. Since he was grounded to desk duty, Emmet was stuck doing paperwork or watching over the station. It wasn’t his fault Metro, his joltik hitched a ride in his pocket and ate through the fuse box! He’s a hungry boy! 
Emmet snorted, a stray thought passing through his head as he watched the passengers mill around his platform. ‘I am Emmet and I am the train god, watching over the little people’   
His bored eyes flitted through the screens as he changed the camera channel. Stopping at a random platform, Emmet leaned back against his chair. He can hear Metro snoozing near a framed picture on his desk. 
Emmet bit his lip. It’s been literal years…he can’t get over it. It was a picture of him, Ingo…and you…on the very first day of the gym challenges.  
You and him had been friends since the both of you were in diapers. He knew you were the one, ever since you beat him in a double battle and seeing your unbridled joy when his last pokemon fell,  he knew you and him will stay together forever…maybe..that’s why it drove you away. 
“Emmy, come on! Don’t be mean or I’m telling Ingo! I thought you said you got that for me!” 
A teenaged Emmet grinned, holding a tynamo keychain over their heads. He was always taller than you and he never lets you forget it. Ingo had always wanted a baby sister to take care of, mom says it’s because dad was such a family man that it rubbed off on him. 
You were so spoiled with Ingo and just so cute when you pouted like that. Emmet doesn’t see you as a sister..he never did.  
Lunging at him, he laughed and held you tight against his chest, stopping you from bowling the both of you over. 
“I am Emmet and I’ll give it…if you give me a kiss!” 
The both of you froze in place.
Oh. Oh no. He wasn’t supposed to say that. 
“W-what..?” Your face flushed red and slowly curled your fingers against his chest. The keychain was forgotten momentarily. 
Emmet swallowed the lump in his throat. Well…he did say he likes winning more than anything else..he’s not gonna lose! 
“I…I said, I a-am..Emmet” Your nodded slowly.  . 
Were you always this cute? Of course you are. He can feel a burning blush creeping up from his neck to the tips of his ears. 
“A-and..I’ll give this..if!” He can feel his hands sweat as he nervously grips the stuffed keychain in his fist. “If you give me a kis-mph!” 
His eyes widened at the way you held him tight. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, if he listens closely he can almost hear the way your heart started beating in sync with his. Fluttery and nervous. 
Emmet softened his hold just as you pulled away, just barely leaving his lips. “I-uhm..you were taking too long and-” 
“Wow..”  He had that dreamy look on his face as he sighed dreamily. “I want more” 
Emmet’s smile widened as he kissed you again, 
And again. 
And again. 
The both of you giggling against each other’s lips as you and him continued to smooch. Arms wrapped around each other, the toy completely forgotten as it fell on the grass. 
Lil toy tynamo was attached to your bag the next time he kissed you.. It’s been a few days since you and Emmet made your relationship official. Ingo begrudgingly accepted this but warned Emmet to care for you like he does. 
“Don’t worry brother! Of course I will! I won’t say they’re my sister though! Cause that's weird!"
Emmet quickly dodged an incoming punch from Ingo. 
The first few months of the relationship was great! Emmet is so attentive and loving! Always having an encouraging thing to say during a loss and tight hug after every win. 
Everything was bliss and it feels like nothing's gonna change it. Just the two of you..plus Ingo. 
As it is with young love, the honeymoon phase didn't last forever and with roughing it out in the wilds during the gym challenges…it wasn't always smooth sailing. 
The battles were getting harder and the losses were piling higher than the wins. Granted, you were getting pissed off at the losses as well. I mean..the gyms wouldn’t be a challenge if it was easy now would it? A battle isn't fun if it wasn't serious after all. 
Ingo gnawed on his nail as the both of you waited in the gym’s lobby while Emmet took his turn to battle. So far, only Ingo had won this gym’s badge while you and Emmet were struggling. You managed to get it on the second try but Emmet…Emmet’s starting to get a little impatient. 
Emmet was too brash in making decisions, talented as he is but when the pressure was on, he tended to stutter a result from him being selectively mute as a child making Ingo do all the talking to compensate. 
HIs pokemon tended to hesitate during those times making them vulnerable to attacks.
You can feel the tension as Emmet walked out of the battle court. Despite the smile on his face, the way his eyes were hardened into a glower shows how infuriated he truly is. 
“Another loss” 
Uh-oh. Blunt Emmet. 
“I’m sure you’ll get them next time Emmy” You smiled, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. The younger twin stiffened at your touch. 
“I am Emmet! And I don’t like to lose!” Emmet pushed your hand away and rubbed his face in frustration. You can’t help but feel hurt by the rejection but pushed on. It’s been a cycle lately. 
Other than impatience, Emmet was always more prone to explode when his emotions get the better of him. 
Ingo frowned, standing up. “Brother! Don’t be rude” He grabbed his and Emmet’s bag before handing it to him. “It’s not like the league gave us a time limit to finish the gyms...we’ll just try again” 
“It’s okay Ingo! He didn’t mean it! Em's just a little miffed" You waved your hands dismissively. 
Emmet approached and wrapped his arms around you tight. “I am sorry..I will make it up to you with a date mhm!” You giggled, pressing a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll hold you to that” 
He wiggled his eyebrows and pressed his lips against your temple before locking his arms around your shoulders to smother  your face in kisses. 
You squealed, laughing at how he's tickling you. "Em! Stop!" 
Ingo sighed but smiled in relief. 
The date never happened. 
Things started to get off track as Emmet decided to spend all his time honing his team's moveset. Granted, you know how this means to him but would it kill him to take a break and spend time with you? Ingo sometimes does his own thing and you don't have the heart to butt in when he sometimes prefer to work solo to give his ‘mons his full attention.
You bit your lip, staring down at the pizza that Elesa bought for the group. Emmet came back to the diner after going to the PC box with a new friend and said she was doing the gym challenge too. 
Elesa is a sweet girl, albeit a little eccentric with her red and blue shoes and big puffy yellow dress. She dreams of becoming a model that does battling and right now her and Emmet were discussing joltiks. 
"That's why I made this dress! It's inspired by my cousin’s joltik because they're so cute and fluffy and bright yellow!"
Emmet oohed, pinching the puff sleeves of Elesa's dress. The electrifying girl beamed with pride as he examined it.
"How talented! Yup! Very joltik like" He took a bite of pizza and hummed. "I haven't had pizza in a while! It's always rice balls" 
You frowned. You made those rice balls…and Emmet always said he likes them. Especially the ones with jelly in the middle. They were saving money because potions and revives are expensive in the city and-and if he wanted something different then why didn't he tell you?? 
You can't help but feel the green eyed monster pop up. You were supposed to be sitting next to your Emmy but coming back from the bathroom you found that Elesa was sitting beside him to show one of her battles in the previous gym.
Ingo placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled that skitty smile he tends to do. "Don't worry, I like your cooking, home cooked meals are always the best"  You just bite into your pizza, not really tasting anything.
Day in and out, the four of you trained as diligently as you could to beat the gyms…but a heavy feeling in your chest started to form at seeing your exhausted pokemon while the twins’ plus Elesa's barely broke a sweat. 
You never remember having to catch up to them before. It came to the point that sometimes it takes 3 tries to beat one gym while Ingo and Emmet stayed in the lobby to wait for you.
You don't remember falling behind..
Ingo doesn’t seem to mind but Emmet seems slightly irate at having to wait. He was never good at being patient. He was never malicious of course but the feeling of being inadequate still settled in your chest at seeing how the twins seem to be more interested in talking to their new friend than they were with you.  
You try to join in on their conversations and at least Elesa pays attention to you but then on occasion Ingo and Emmet seem to drown you out with topics you can't seem to follow, rendering you to fall quiet in the background.
Elesa has never had to redo battles. 
"My dad was a small town gym leader and gave me tips! I can teach you if you like!"
They were walking to the Pokémon center after another gym battle. As usual, you were the last to finish. 
You were walking behind the three as they laughed at some story Elesa was telling. You missed the punchline since your fight took a little longer than usual. 
Emmet got you a castelia cone in a cup. It was a little melted…and they already finished theirs while waiting. 
Irritation bubbled to the surface at seeing how the twins were more in sync with Elesa than with you anymore.
Emmet nodded, "Oh yeah! Do that darling! That way we can go to the championships quicker! Yup!" 
Ingo's brows furrowed at how insensitive his brother is being. "Emmet-" 
You frowned, "I can do just fine, but thank you for the offer" 
Your boyfriend blinked confused at the icy tone in your voice
"My darling is verryy hardworking but it doesn't hurt to get help sometimes right?" He smiled, reaching to hold your hand and give it a small kiss. 
You would've smiled at the gesture if he wasn't implying that you were too incompetent to train your own team. 
A gasp was heard and Elesa waved at you three. "Emmy! Look!"
"This guy is selling evolution stones! Maybe he has a thunder stone for your Eelektrik!"
"Tynamo evolved?" Your shoulders slumped a bit, hand falling from Emmet's. "How come you didn't tell me? That's..great!" 
Emmet furrowed his brows as he was wracking his brain for something. "Did I not tell you? He evolved a while ago!"
"But you told Elesa..?" 
"I must've forgotten in the excitement..I'm sorry darling" Emmet leaned down and gave your cheek a kiss.  "I'll make it up to you, yeah?" 
He smiled, marched around you and waved at the man behind the stall. "I am Emmet and I want a thunder stone please!"
Ingo was already at the counter looking at items. Leaving you behind. 
You didn't really need anything to evolve your ‘mons..well maybe metal coat for your scyther but that's a special trade..
You frowned, you refused to have to fall behind and decided to train, almost decimating the local bug population to be at least up to par with the twins’ team up. Especially when some wild Pokémon decides to do double battling. 
You're getting kinda good at this. 
The hard work paid off and the losses were becoming minimal and the momentum brought you all to Nimbasa City. 
Coming from a small town, all the lights and the sounds were so foreign despite being in the same region. 
The twins' eyes sparkled at seeing the Nimbasa City Train Station. You and Elesa shared an amused look before following the twins march into the building.
Ingo and Emmet scampered around the place gawking at the parked train cars, spouting out facts and did-you-knows and even decided to try out the Battle Subway. 
Only to be sorely disappointed at how easy it was to plow through. It only took them an hour to finish. 
"How disappointing brother, maybe they should make the trainers do double battles instead! Make it more exciting! Yup yup!” 
Ingo shrugs, “It would certainly make it more interesting, yes” He waved at the two of you. “And make it longer to finish too...” 
Elesa went ahead as you paid for some snacks to talk to Ingo. 
You were about to hand over a bottle of Feraligatorade to Emmet when Elesa beat you to the punch and handed the both of them some juice bottles. It shouldn’t have hurt, Elesa is their friend too but it kind of felt like they didn’t even notice your outstretched hand. 
You slowly placed the extra bottle in your bag. Thorny vines tightening around your chest.
“-and that’s why as a future Subway Boss, I’ll enforce double battling on my line and you have to go through 20 battles to get to me!” 
Emmet grinned and finished his drink. “Thank you Elesa! That really hit the spot” 
The thorns surrounding your heart start to constrict even tighter. 
Elesa grinned, patting Emmet’s arm before grabbing his hand. “Now come on! Let’s go to the amusement park ! You promised!” 
“H-hey..What about-” They both started to run ahead of you and Ingo. 
Ingo sighed, finishing his bottle. “I swear those two can get so excited: He chuckled, waving a hand towards you. “Let’s go my dear lest we lose them in the crowd” 
You rubbed your arm, following behind him. “What about the gym..?” Ingo hummed, “Well we can always do it after..besides I think the gym is near the rollercoasters anyway” 
I thought you and Emmet wanted to go to the championships quickly? 
Bitter thoughts swirled around your head as Emmet’s attention was consumed by Elesa. 
Elesa wasn’t doing anything wrong. She even corrected a vendor when they thought she was dating Emmet! Pulling you towards them to show the matching tynamo keychain that you and the younger twin had attached to your bags. 
You don’t blame the vendor…Emmet hasn’t been a very attentive boyfriend lately. Everytime you tried to spend time with him, it was always cut short to train or to challenge someone to a battle.
Ingo started to spend more time with you because of this. Assuring you that Emmet still loves you with all his heart. He just gets easily distracted. The sad part was you did try to believe Ingo but Ingo shouldn’t be the one to assure you…Emmet was! 
You know he still loves you. He goes to you at the end of every day. Sleeps in the same bed and says I love you but is it so hard for him to notice you? 
Actually talk to you outside of strategizing your fights? Treat you like an actual girlfriend? 
You were starting to feel a little neglected and frankly ignored. The I love yous were starting to feel empty and routine when they’re only words without actions. 
The nimbasa city badge felt like a hollow victory when all four of you managed to beat it once. 
Camping out in the wilds was a lot more exciting than staying in the inns, a lot more cost effective too. A trainer’s budget isn’t that large after all.
You and Emmet finally managed to set up the tents while Ingo and Elesa went back to the city to grab supplies they forgot to get. 
“Emmet…? Can we talk-” 
The younger twin was already grabbing his bag and cap before he stopped to look at you. 
“What the hell-are you just gonna run off again??” The frustration of being always left behind was slowly spilling over. 
“I am Emmet and I have no idea what you’re talking about. We never left you behind! That would be verrry mean”  
His eyebrows furrowed as he slowly grips his bag, “We always wait for you before we set off on our next leg of the adventure”  
The whole relationship has been on thin ice ever since that big fight you had with him a few days ago. You and Emmet never had a fight before and everything spilled over without any filters. 
It was harsh and cruel and with the both of you being too young and brash, words were said before Ingo and Elesa had to pull you two apart before the both of you said something you might regret. 
“I am Emmet and that is not fair and you know it! You changed too!” 
“All I’m saying is would it kill you to pay attention to me for once!? You used to be so sweet and actually feel like you’re interested in me! What happened??” 
“I pay attention! Mhm! I know your favourite ice cream flavour, I know when you’re hungry, I know what type of gifts you like-!” 
“None of that matters when they all feel empty!” 
“Empty-!? How dare-you think me spending my hard earned cash on you is empty!? I say I love you for arceus’ sake!” 
Ingo grabbed Emmet’s arms before he could march up to your face. “Emmet! Stop this!” 
Elesa was holding you back too. “Wait sweetie! This isn’t right! Stop!” 
“It’s not about the material things and you know it! When was the last time you held me that isn’t with you dead tired at the end of the day?!” 
“What else is there-!?” 
Ingo got in between you two. “Stop this! At once!” His brotherly instincts take over with his booming voice. Pidoves flying away from the volume. “The both of you will continue this talk once you cool off! No ifs or buts! Now walk!!” 
Emmet shoves Ingo’s hand away and stalks off while you turn your back and start rearranging the camping gear, Ignoring the tears falling down your face. Elesa hands you a handkerchief before leaving you alone with your thoughts. 
Sweet, nice, bright Elesa. 
You know it’s not her fault but why does it feel like you’re being slowly replaced? Elesa is way prettier and more talented and more exciting than plain old you.. Does he even like you anymore? 
Emmet shuffled in place. He doesn’t want to fight. Not like that again. It hurt. It hurt so much seeing you cry. He didn’t go very far when he stomped off. He couldn’t leave you alone after that. 
The wild flowers he picked up along the way didn’t seem enough of an apology and he trashed it before he could hand it over to you. 
He crawled into bed with you that evening and hugged you tight. You didn’t hug him back like you usually did at the end of the day. Your back facing him. 
But he did hear you sniffle. The quiet way your body shook as you tried to keep your cries down so as to not wake him. Did he do this? 
Emmet didn’t sleep at all that night. 
You don’t like gifts…you don’t like it when he suggested you and him eat at this cute crepe stands you like so much. It’s like you gave up…gave up on him. He didn’t mean to make you feel this way..
Did he really ignore you like you said? He thought the four of you were having fun? Traveling together with friends and meeting pokemon and battling challengers! 
He thought you were okay after? He apologized after that fight! He held you close as you both cried and gave kisses to each other! 
But after that…everything stayed the same. Nothing changed.
When was the last time he held you that didn’t involve the fight? Gave kisses for no reason? Words are meaningless if they aren’t backed up.
Is that why you won’t look him in the eyes right now? Emmet swallowed the dread forming in his throat. 
You sigh, shoulders slump over and letting your hands fall to your sides tiredly. 
 “It’s..whatever, just go do whatever it is you’re gonna do” 
Do whatever? You never said that to him before..When did he break you down like this? When did he get so unafraid that you won’t leave him no matter what he does? 
But he’s afraid now…he’s very afraid.
“I…I am Emmet, I didn’t mean-..” 
“That’s just it Em..you didn’t mean to, I know you didn’t mean to, I know it’s hard for you to express your feelings in words and sometimes physical touch makes you squirm but sometimes.. Sometimes I wonder if..” 
Emmet can feel the bitter dread come up his throat. It makes him wanna throw up. 
“Sometimes I wonder if..it’s worth it to-” 
“No, do not continue the thought” Emmet clamps his hands over his ears, trying not to think about THAT possibility. 
“Emmet! I need you to listen to me! I am not going to be ignored this time!” 
The younger twin flinched hard, his hands slowly falling to his side. “Emmet..?” 
Emmet. Emmet?? He was never Emmet to you! He was always honey, Emmy, Em, love! So many nicknames! He was NOT Emmet to you! 
“I..am..Emmet..? I-” You sighed, rubbing your face. “Emmet..I” You can feel your lip split from your biting too hard. You can’t take it anymore..you had a long think about whether it's healthy to play second fiddle to everything else on his list. To ignore your feelings in favour of not rocking the boat. 
It’s not. And you don’t want to feel less than. 
“You only started paying attention to me when we had that fight..is that gonna be our future? I know we’re basically too young to think about long terms. but..if it means we always need to fight for you to notice me then I don’t want to be in this type of relationship anymore” 
You crossed your arms.
“You pay more attention to Elesa than your own girlfriend that even Ingo noticed..”
Emmet frowned. You’re just jealous? You have nothing to feel jealous about! “Elesa is just a friend and you know it…she never expressed feelings for me!” 
“I know! She’s just a friend but when was the last time you treated me like a girlfriend and not some kind of bed warmer or-or a battle partner?? We’re not in sync anymore Emmet..not..happy” 
“I see..not happy because of this jealousy then?” 
“Have you not been listening to me ohmyGOD” 
You swear you’re this close to tearing your hair out. “It’s not because I’m jealous! We’re just not happy with each other and you seem to be more focused on battling than you are with me! I don’t want to be on the back burner!”
“You never were! I am Emmet and I love you!  You never told me all this until we had that fight!” “I tried! I tried talking to you but you always brush me off! I just-!” 
He can’t lose. 
He always did say he loves winning more than anything else. You won’t leave him. You promised. You never back out of your promises.
“Well fine! You say we’re not happy! Then we probably aren’t!” Emmet’s emotions are getting the better of him. He just wants this over with! Impatience is a bad habit but he can’t seem to kick it out of his system.
He was being unreasonable, he knows. He knows what he’s doing is wrong. He should have been paying more attention. He should have noticed how you’re pulling away. He shouldn’t have assumed that you can figure all this out on your own and will come back to him when you’re settled and the both of you will have your happily ever after.  
It’ll be fine. Later on, he’ll apologize again. He’ll get flowers, take you on dates-!
Why can’t things go back to how they were? His thoughts are too loud and overwhelming and he can feel his fingertips prickle as he shakes his hands like he’s drying them after a wash. 
Why is everything so loud?? When did his breathing get shallow? He can’t think properly! 
Emmet can feel a headache forming and didn’t notice what he said next. 
“In fact! Why don’t we just end it if you’re so unhappy!?” 
The thorns squeezed your heart until you felt it give way, the pieces slowly breaking and falling apart. 
“Ah..I see” 
His hands stopped shaking as his brain managed to finally catch up to what he blurted out. Hands clamped his mouth shut before quickly walking over and grabbing your hands to hold on to. 
“I am Emmet…I didn’t mean it..! I didn’t mean to say it!” 
Your hands were limp in his hold as you refused to look at him any longer, glaring at the grass.  “No..no you’re right..”
“No…No! I didn’t mean it..! Please..” His eyes started to water as he whimpered out your name, shakily pulling your arms and holding you close to his chest. 
You closed your eyes and sighed, slumping against him. It did feel nice to finally hold him like this again. Hearing the way his heart beat rapidly against your ear. 
But..this isn’t right. The fighting..the feeling of abandonment..the hurtful words..it’s not healthy to stay in this cycle. 
You slowly start to pull away. 
No…! No!  You’re bluffing! You promised him you’ll love him forever! His hands refused to let go as you struggled to get out of his hold. 
“Emmet..! Emmet..please let me go..it’s not healthy for the both of us and you’re right..maybe we do need to break up, to clear our heads” 
“I am not…Emmet..not to you! I am Emmy! I am sweetie! Beloved! I am yours! And You are mine! We love each other! You can’t leave me!” 
You finally managed to hold his wrists away from you as his eyes start to well up with tears. It almost made you feel bad but the days of him ignoring you was just getting too old to deal with. 
He didn’t treat you like a girlfriend and now…he doesn’t have to. 
You stepped back and he almost fell over as you took off the matching tynamo keychain and handed it back to him. 
“Tell Ingo and Elesa I’m sorry…I can’t stay” You grab your bag and cup his face, wiping the tears from his face only for it to be futile as more came falling down. 
“I really did love you Emmet..I’m sorry..maybe we’ll see each other again someday okay?” You attempted a smile, Emmet’s cheek resting against your hand.
Emmet stares at the stuffed keychain in his hand. You shouldn’t have apologized. He’s the one who should’ve said sorry!. 
He felt your hand leave him and looked up to stop you but all he saw was your Braviary already taking flight. 
A yell of your name was all you heard before the small camp disappeared from your view. 
Ingo comes back from the pokemon center with Elesa to find Emmet alone and sobbing against a tree. Curled up with the stuffed tynamo in his hold as he wails into his hands. 
He’s a subway boss now as he flips the old and worn keychain in between his fingers. A desk drawer that was usually locked, opened with a key hanging from the lock.  
Metro the joltik woke up to chew on some spare batteries as Emmet thumbed the worn fabric with his gloved hands. The stitching was loose, one of the eyes was missing and the chain itself broke some time ago.
Him and Ingo never finished their adventure as he was too distraught to continue, Ingo refuses to go without him while Elesa continued but decided she didn’t need to beat the Elite Four.  That wasn’t her goal anyway. 
Emmet has very little regrets in his life but the big thing that haunts him is that he managed to let you go without a fight. He never fell in love after you. No matter what he does or how many dates he goes on, he can never replace you. He just doesn’t have the interest. 
He can never hate you either for his failed relationships. He did try verrry hard to be a good boyfriend to his exes but…there was always something missing. 
Silver eyes scanned the cameras again and paused, seeing a familiar face in one of the lines to board the trains. 
Him and Ingo never really saw you again. Ingo was the one who found news of you. You took on the Sinnoh league and managed to beat Cynthia making you the new champion. 
At first he couldn’t believe it. You left Unova? You left him? Completely? He tried to call at least to congratulate you but was only sent to a disconnected line. Of course. Different regions..different lines..
But now.
You’re here! You’re older now but he recognizes you! It has to be you! He grabbed the keychain and ran out of the office. 
He can catch up to you this time! He can apologize! He can take you on dates and tell you how much he loves you! He never stopped loving you! 
The crowd parted as he tried to be as polite as possible in trying not to run over anyone in his way. 
He’s stronger now! He’s not a gym leader but he’s a subway boss! Gear Station is his domain! 
Him and Ingo improved the train lines! The Battle Subway! Made Nimbasa a battle central on the map! He’s proud of you! He’s proud of what you achieved! He just hopes you’re proud of the man he has become. 
Emmet can feel tears prick the edges of his eyes as he stops at platform 4, searching through the rush hour crowds for you. 
There! The train line he saw you in! 
Wait..no..why are the doors closing? He can hear Ingo’s pre-recorded announcement in the speakers. The train is leaving? 
No! Stop! 
“S-..s-stop…!” Damn this stutter! Emmet rushed just as the train closed its doors.. He can see you! You’re so close! He can make an emergency stop! 
The train started to pull away from the station. 
Emmet saw the back of your head turn. 
Before you both managed to make eye contact, the train went through the tunnel, heading straight to Mistralton City Airport..and away from him. 
Emmet feels his soul get crushed all over again. 
Suddenly, Emmet is 15 years old again. Standing there on the platform alone and in his overalls and cap. He’s never felt so small. 
The tynamo keychain was getting crushed in his grip as he watched the train go further and further away from him. 
Along with you in it. 
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Alternate Ending: 
A can of lemonade popped out of the vending machine just as your train left the station. 
You opened the can of lemonade and took a sip, watching a madman running after it before missing the train by a few seconds. 
Poor guy…did he miss his train? You took a peek at your watch, thankful that you decided to go earlier than your scheduled flight. Cynthia has asked you to deliver some important documents to the city’s muse-
“H-hey..are you okay?” You flinched as the man in white stopped his fast paced muttering and turned quickly to face you. 
He was taller than you remembered. A wet sob heaved out of his mouth before his arms engulfed you in a death-like grip. 
The way his lips wobbled in an anguished frown makes him look like a certain twin from your childhood…but you were always good at telling them apart. You held him just as tight as you let him cry over your shoulder. 
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kurinhimenezu · 1 year
I may have gone left field when I started writing..lol hopefully I did @nc-eikin​’s Battle Assistant!Reader justice. I did ask permission first of course <3 It’s just a cute little blurb on how I think they first met! Soooo enjoy! <33
Warnings: none
Pairing: Emmet X Reader
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                                   “Do you remember how we met?”
Emmet watched bored at the cute secretary fussing over Ingo. The sugar cookie in his hand started to slowly crumble with how much he’s pressing into it with his fingers. 
Emmet bit the head off the sugar cookie and gnashed his teeth as he chewed. Like the cookie was the reason the green eyed monster started rearing its ugly head. 
“Ingo! Your tie is crooked..how unlike you~” She grinned, smoothing down the tie like she didn’t just pull Ingo into the closet for a quick romp. “Can’t have you meeting the new recruits all sloppy”
Ingo coughed into his hand, a blush spread across his cheeks and down his neck. No one would’ve guessed that dark, stoic, mysterious Ingo was such a simp for his secretary.  Emmet can tell how his older brother practically melts against her gentle hands. 
“Are you coming Emm?  We mustn't be late”  Ingo chided, opening the door for his partner. 
“I am Emmet and I’ll be out in a few minutes” He dusted off his crumb coated front before wrapping up the rest of the cookies and placing them back in the tin. It was nice of their parents to send in some Christmas cookies before they went off on their holiday. 
Gear Station has a direct line to Castelia City’s ferry docks and their parents managed to book tickets to Alola for their holiday.
Emmet sighed, fixing his cap. It’ll be the first time that he and Ingo wouldn’t be home for the holidays and the first time since–he shuddred, letting out a soft scoff. What an infuriating–! That’s the last time Emmet listens to Elesa about the dry spell he’s been having lately. He’s getting bored of the hook ups. Especially the ones that will not follow the rules. 
The boss opened the door before stepping out. He almost cringes at the bright Christmas lights that the depot agents (plus Ingo! What a sap) insisted they put up for the festive season. 
Like the oversized christmas tree in the middle of the station wasn’t enough. (Someone decided to place chibi versions of the subway bosses as christmas toppers, how they managed to get the sold out merchandize from the pokemon center is beyond them, Emmet suspects Depot Agent Jackie)
The station was dressed up with the works. Multicoloured fairy lights decorated the ceiling, light up standees of oversized presents and abomasnows in christmas garb in some corners, fake snow inside the station scattered across the floor and a delibird perched up above the ticket counters like some kind of elf on the shelf and an actual delibird waddling around the place and giving small gifts to little children that happens to catch them flapping by. 
That’s got to be a violation somehow but seeing Iggy’s skitty smile at the children’s happy faces makes Emmet decide it isn’t worth the trouble of upsetting his soft hearted brother.  
Speaking of which
Emmet opened the files he was holding as he briskly walked towards platform 9 ¾  to greet the new holiday recruits. None seem to stand out as he expected. They usually hire contractual workers when it comes to the holidays to help out during the inevitable hectic rush hour. He eyes a cozy looking couple waiting for their train to arrive. 
He sighed, a pang of loneliness striking his chest as his eyes slid back down to his papers. Ingo has his secretary…Elesa has Skyla while he has nad-
A body crashed into him from behind, a delibird squawking away from the crash. Emmet grabbed the files before it could make a mess. 
A green depot cap clattered softly against the floor as the boss managed to quickly grab the offender by the arm so they both wouldn't come tumbling down.  
Emmet was always thankful he towers over everyone else. It makes him feel powerful and big and important but right now.. 
Gloved hands gripped his arm tight to keep themselves from completely falling to the floor. Hair sprawled in some sort of messy halo that Emmet swore later on it was made that way to enthrall him. 
A new face looked up from below him, eyes slowly opening to see who stopped their fall. Emmet had his legs bent to brace the impact, the person below him was inches above ground, his arm and their leg the only thing keeping them afloat.
“So strong..”
 The both of you stood there frozen for a second, a zing sparking in your eyes before Emmet slowly pulled you back on your feet. 
Time seemed to slow down as the both of you got your bearings, awestruck looks never leaving the other. 
“I am Emmet..you shouldn’t run through the platforms..follow the rules! Safe driving! Mhm!” 
You bit your lip, cheeks dusting pinkish at being reprimanded by the Subway Boss Emmet. Doesn’t help that the only reason you got this job was- 
“I-I’m sorry Sir…I was late..the holiday traffic and then a delibird-!” You’re so flustered that you can barely form a complete sentence without sounding like you’re just making excuses. Nevermind that your roommate accidentally killed your alarm clock the night before and your phone having a too quiet alarm-
Emmet’s smile turned soft at how flustered this little one seemed to be. He didn’t even mind that she was a little late to their line up. Hell they were late as well due to some…delays. He should probably tell Iggy about the lipstick mark on his collar soon. 
“-and then I tripped and crashed into you! I’m so sorry Boss Emmet!”  You doubt covering your face would do anything but you heard a chuckle before a hand came down to gently place the uniform’s cap on your head. 
“It is alright..! I am Emmet and let me escort you to where the others are..it seems our tracks were derailed slightly” Silver irises followed your every move as he offered his elbow for you to hold on to. 
“All aboard! Let us depart to our station!” 
This is probably inappropriate…it’s not like anything will come out of this right? You gripped his arm, a bit shy as you peeked from under your cap before looking down again. Ever present smile in place as he led you to the line up across the room. You like to believe that the lingering touch as you both separated, him to the front and you with the rest, was his way of  not wanting to let go just yet. 
“Wishful thinking..”
If you had paid any attention…you would have noticed that Emmet’s gaze never left yours. 
                                     “I am Emmet…how can I forget?” 
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kurinhimenezu · 1 year
Missed Connections
No warnings as of right now. Think of this as an intro to a possible AU that’s been banging around my head lately. Imma tag @nc-eikin​ for indulging me with their fics lately UwU 
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“What do you mean we should open the SDV Tracks?” 
“I’m just saying..it seems like such a shame if we let the station there rot like it never mattered! And with the war going on-”
Emmet almost flinched as all sound stopped in the empty workshop as his brother dropped the heavy wrench inside his toolbox, making a loud racket as it settled in. 
Ingo rolled out from under the cart he was working on as he sat up, wiping off the grease from his face, only spreading it around more. 
 “How shameful to think I even have to question opening the old station” 
He tried to ignore the cries of his name he kept hearing in his dreams as a soft hand was ripped from twins’ in the panic of the crowd. 
The younger twin stood up from his squat beside his brother,  stretching his arms above his head.
“I am Emmet…what do you say?” 
Ingo fixes his cap before stiffly pointing to the old parked railroad car. “All aboard!” 
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kurinhimenezu · 1 year
Submas twins x Reader
Warnings: suggestive themes but nothing happens...yet 
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“My...~ look brother! A sweet little deerling has come to our forest mhm” 
You held the basket tight against your chest. “Who’s there?! I have a hard ass wine bottle and I’m not afraid to use it!” 
The sound of a snapping twig makes you turn while you reached in the basket to rip out the bottle. 
No one was there but you did hear a low growl, chuckling to themselves. 
A tail flicked from your peripheral view, making you jump and turn in circles trying to find the source. 
“Now now..~ don’t scare them too much Em..our cute little deerling might run off if you spook them too much” 
You whimpered. It’s late and dark and no one can hear you scream in Pinwheel Forest. Pokemon rangers will find your ravaged body in a ditch somewhere come morning if you don’t GET. OUT!
“I can’t help it Igs..!” 
The voices still haven’t shown themselves and you’re starting to slowly back up the way you came. Fuck girls’ night, Elesa can handle a rain check. 
Something ran behind your blind spot with a snarl making you scream and take a wild swing. 
A rough hand gripped your wrist from behind as the assailant's other arm trapped you against their body. The size difference between you and the stranger almost made your knees buckle. 
Your legs crossed, shaking at the sensation as one of the Big Bad Wolves dragged his calloused hand up your body, dragging up the front of your top to grasp at your neck. 
This man is solid. Barely moving at all as you struggled in his hold.
You let out a loud startled moan as he leaned down with a deep purr to drag the flat of his slimy wet tongue along your neck up to your ear and circling the inside with the tip of his pointed tongue. 
Clawed fingertips held your jaw tight, making you pant with your mouth opened slightly as his sharpened grin pressed against your ear. 
“They look good enough to eat” 
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Did y'all notice that these 3 songs can be like the start, middle and ending of a love story ? Tbh I kinda imagine this to be Hawks. Have a 3-in-1 ficlet before I forget and listen to the songs to get the mood :D
||Break Even|| Hawks X Reader
Hawks was always so busy. Being the number two hero does that to a person.
You should've known better. You tried to understand, being a hero yourself, though not on the Top 5 even, the people come first but always being put on the back burner does a number to a person. As you waited for Hawks to come through the front door, anniversary dinner getting colder by the minute, you sighed, not pretending to even hope and blew out the candle. It was already late. Already the next day actually, the clock chiming out at midnight.
The door swung open quietly just as you put the cork back in the half empty wine bottle. 5 years old, very expensive.
"Oh Dove...did you wait for me?" You didn't turn around as you closed the refrigerator door softly. "I'm sorry I should've messaged-"
"It's okay Hawks"
The way the tone of your voice said his name made him feel like ice was slowly freezing his bones. He saw the candles, the way you wore the dress on the first date he asked you to be his (of course he remembers! When he first saw you in that dress it felt like Cupid stabbed him with a dozen arrows) and the way your eyes just look so tired.
His heart stopped as he swallowed the lump at his throat.
"(Y/n).. I'm so..I'm so sorry..I know I placed our anniversary on my calender it's just.." He trailed off as you stood there staring at him, he's scared. Do something..please say anything don't say that it's fine..yell at me!
"(Y/n)... I..I love you.."
You just smiled and nodded, loosening the curls in your hair that took you hours to get right. He can see your eyes misting over.
"I'll be better..I'll make more time.."
"Hawks ..? Can..can you sleep in the guest room tonight..? I need..to think things through"
"Okay.. I'll make breakfast-" The bedroom door closed before he could finish.
||The Man who can't be Moved|| Hawks X Reader
He still remembers the day you left him. He didn't bother looking up as he made his patrols, just letting his feathers do the work as much as he can.
Because of his latest blunder, not even getting up when he was knocked to the ground by a low grade villain he was assigned to just do patrols near the agency.
It's only been 6 months and the pain was still fresh. When he fought villains, his sidekicks had to pull him away before he might actually kill someone. The tabloids were all over it. His aggression, his sloppy hero work, his break up. Why can't they just leave him alone ?
It's amazing he's still number 2. He has his loyal fans to thank for that. They heard about his break up and was giving him encouragement and keeping his popularity up. How long will that last ? Will their love for him die out like it did with you? He couldn't even muster to be angry at you be cause why should he ? You deserved someone better than him. Someone who can give you their time and love.
Oh but he loves you..he loves you so much.
Do you miss him as much as he misses you? If he could take everything back..he would. In a heartbeat. He felt his heart lurch. Hawks stopped his patrol as he looked where he was. He almost threw up when he saw the corner cafe you two always meet up during lunch breaks. He can still remember your exact order, down to the last sugar level. His lip trembled as he slumped against the brick wall of the cafe.
The owner gave him a pitying look as he gave the hero a pat on the back, resuming his work.
Ironically, this was the first place he saw you too. A villain attack that launched you across the street and into the wall. You didn't even hesitate when launching back to the fight. He smiled in nostalgia's sake as he remembered all the memories of you two.
He never felt so pathetic. He tried to get back in the swing of things. In the first month he dived deep into his work that he almost passed out in exhaustion during a mission. On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th he got angry. Angry at himself, at his responsibility as a hero. All he wanted to get rid of crime so he can have all the time to relax! On the 5th..he stopped caring..on the 6th he finds himself hurting and slumped against the cafe.
Hawks took off his visor and rubbed his eyes. He can feel the waterworks coming in again. He didn't notice the owner handing him a cup of coffee on the table beside him nor the group of teenagers live tweeting his misery.
His eyes widened at the voice he's been wanting to hear for months.
||Say You Won't Let Go|| Hawks X Reader
3 years has passed and he has never been better.
Granted it was a rocky one. He had a lot of making up to do. A lot of trust to build back up.
Hawks became your friend again and in due time, your love again.
He learned how to manage his time. Remembering to kiss you good morning and goodnight. Remembering the important dates, saying I love you and putting you first.
He will always put you first.
Hawks was smiling again, you were laughing at his cheesy pick up lines.
Dancing in the dark of your apartment, laughing at how dumb the both of you look but not caring, eating together and fighting crime together.
Reaching across the bed to softly touch your sleeping face. Whispering "I love yous" in the dead of night.
And after one particularly drunken night, as you were puking your stomach out near an alleyway as he held your hair up, he knew he loves you. Truly loves you.
He wants to stay with you till the both of you grow old, live with you till you're both ghosts. He'll love you till his lungs give out. Till his wings turn grey from age. He'll scream it to the heavens if he has to.
You have his heart to hold and he wouldn't want it any other way.
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@nashiexo @thedreadthreadanomaly @quirkless-fics @savnofilter @punqueensav @tooloudarts @sadistiks @kingtamakimurder @fortheloveofbakugo
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
===First Kiss===
~~~Shinso Hitoshi~~~
The clock read 2.30am
You've been working non stop for almost 6 hours now. Your eye were dull; not really seeing anything as your fingers move on their own accord, mod plans already memorized in your head. A mis-clip of a wire sends the whole mod sparking uselessly in your hands.
You yelped in pain at the sting of the zap and with a cry of indignation; threw the whole thing in a pile of more broken mods. Ignoring the pain and the possible blisters, you slumped against the work bench in defeat. You spied your phone still on the last message your aunt has given you.
*You're still there at UA right? When are you going to make some money out of your tinkering toys?*
'They're not toys..they're support items for heroes!'
*I cannot believe you didn't end up in the hero course! That's where the money is really at*
'Heroes need support too auntie..'
*your mother should've know better..sending you to an expensive school with your weak quirk and you didn't even end up a hero! What a waste*
*Did you know that Inko's kid got into the hero course?? And HE'S QUIRKLESS*
You buried your face in your arms, eyes shut; refusing to let the tears fall. 'Why can't she let me be..? I don't even live with her anymore..I didn't even pay for this school..I got in on a support tech recommendation..!' You couldn't help but let out a small whimper.
'Still..is it true..is this all just a waste..?' The girl straightened her protective goggles and looked at all her pending blueprints..all the unfinished mods and WIP prints. 'My efforts..my ideas..' Then looked towards Mei's workbench and saw all her completed 'babies' as she called them.
You slowly turned your head at a wide eyed brainwasher. "Shinso..kun..? What..how did you even get in here? This mechanic room is for support students and their heroes-in-progress only.."
"I couldn't sleep and I got bored-hey..your hand.." Shinso strolled inside the workroom and frowned, seeing her red, blistering hands.
Pulling out a soothing salve from his pocket, he kneeled down before her and takes her hands in his before applying the cream; making sure to get every inch. You were too exhausted to even care how gentle he was being.
"How did you even know I'd get injured like this?"
Lavender eyes looked up at her briefly before giving the other a Cheshire grin. "Let's just say I've taken to carrying medical supplies whenever I'm around you and your crazy group of friends..I guess it got to the point that it became a habit to carry supplies around".
Closing the container, Shinso frowned, now noticing how her eyes lost their shine. Even when she's having an off day, her eyes were still expressive. It was the first thing he noticed the first time they met in middle school. She was never scared to talk to him, her eyes so open to everyone she talks to and now..now they look almost dead. It gave him chills.
"Did..something happen..?"
The girl sighed and took off her goggles. Fingers fumbling with the frames.
"Shinso..can you..brainwash me..?"
He froze at the request. He could never..not her..never to her.
You sensed his hesitation and grabbed at his wrists in desperation. "Please ! Just this once! I'm tired of feeling like I can never contribute to anything! Friends..family..academics..its never enough!"
You couldn't help the tears that flowed as you lowered your head. "Just this once..tell me to not feel like this..please.."
Shinso's heart shattered seeing her so broken like this. He wasn't a stranger to feeling like he wasn't enough. His childhood was more or less the epitome of the feeling. He bit his lip before eyeing the opened messages on the table.
The boy frowned, a sudden urge to protect coursed through him as he stood up and wrapped his arms around his girl. 'That hag...!' He tightened his grip around her, an arm around her shoulder and a hand at the back of her head. He knew how much she loves the feeling of getting petted.
"Brain washing is not the answer kitten..you know this.." he gave her a soft chuckle when she mumbled something about quirk evolution and memory alteration. How can she not see how smart she is? How her friends look up at her intellect? He even overheard the teachers praising how innovative her mods are for non-combative quirks! Shinso pulled back slightly, not letting her out of his embrace as he wiped her eyes.
"Don't you dare listen to that woman. You are smart enough to get in here..make amazing weapons and not even for physical quirks..Principal Nezu is eyeing you to even intern under him and you think your aunt knows what she's talking about?" Shinso snorted, making you let out a watery laugh.
He smiled softly and pulled her head back into him. Pressing his cheek against her temple. "You're amazing..more amazing than anyone I've ever known..you throw out ideas and theories like it's nothing..people would kill to have a brain and drive like yours..don't ever doubt yourself..and even if you do, know that I'm here..cheering you on and believing in our capabilities for the both of us"
You closed your eyes as he talked. You always did lovethe sound of his voice. Quiet and deep. So soothing. You're convinced that his relaxing voice is part of his quirk.
You can feel your despair ebb away at each word that comes out of his mouth. Letting out a long exhale, you buried your face against his body, finally relaxing. "Thank you..so much Hitoshi..you've.." you sucked your bottom lip in hesitation.
Shinso chuckled and tilted her chin up to look up at his face. "Anything for you..my kitty~"
Your face flushed red as you shut your eyes tight. He couldn't stop himself in time before leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.
You gasped, eyes popping open.
The boy pulled back slowly and cupped your cheeks; gently stroking your face. "Was that okay..?"
You smiled happily as you nodded your head. Shinso smiled back in relief and brought you into his arms again.
"Yes kitten..?"
"You're my hero"
Hugging you tighter, his eyes watered as he smiled against your hair.
The clock read 3am.
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@thedreadthread @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @savnofilter @tooloudarts U3U
Message me if you want to be tagged ! ^3^ trying to get my writing out there ! A little self indulgent but-
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Reply Back?
==[Shinso Hitoshi]==
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You sighed, closing your notebook.
'Stupid...Its not like he's gonna magically appear at this time of night..'
Stretching your back against your seat, groaning in satisfaction when you felt the pops, you sighed at all the notes that you managed to study.
'Then again...when did he ever manage to sleep early anyway?'
You stared at the clock on your wall. It read 1:44am. You smiled slightly, 'This is early for him'
Picking up the phone, you pressed his number on speed dial and waited for him to pick up.
"I was wondering when you'd call..did you miss me kitten?"
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@thedreadthread @quirkless-fics @savnofilter @tooloudarts U3U
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
|| One Last Night ||
[Anyone X Reader] - BNHA
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"What would you do, could you tell me if you knew, that I'd never see you again?" You asked them one day.
"Babe..that is a weird ass question"
You grinned and bumped your hips against theirs, making them stumble slightly. "It's not that weird, now answer"
They huffed out a small laugh and kissed your lips softly, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Well...if you're gone, who will I take to Paris with me after this?"
You let out a huff, as you pouted. "I still think it's unfair that they assigned us this mission before our anniversary"
"Afteeeer, we'll be on our way to our vacation for 2 weeks..just you and me"
"Can't wait~"
I'll be the one holding on
Until it's done girl
Before we all perish
I'm taking you to Paris
"No! No! Keep your eyes on me ! Come on!"
The mission was a complete bust. Fighting, fires and screaming broke out as their backup arrived to fight off the opposition.
A small cough was all it took to have blood splatter across your chest and cheek.
They look down and gripped you tighter. "Hey there..you'll be okay. I promise alright?"
You smiled and nodded weakly, committing everything to memory. How their eyes, even glassy with tears, seemed to sparkle, the way their arms feel hugging you close to their chest, the warmth they give off to your cooling body...their face.
"I love you..so much" You gave them a small grin, your hand on top of theirs.
They look back at you in a panic, "I love you..I love you! Keep your eyes open for me alright?"
You just smiled and nodded your head.
And if the stars fell down
You would've missed them
A picture I'm convincing
If the ground caved in
Blood was pouring heavily from your head, he can practically hear it dripping down to the ground.
There's no denying
You blinked slowly.
Their eyes widened as they felt their body turn to ice; the small velvet box in their pocket feeling heavier as it weighed them down.
We'll be flying around the world tonight
You didn't open your eyes again as they screamed in agony.
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@thedreadthreadanomaly @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @tooloudarts @savnofilter @nashiexo @alright-same
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Gentiana Scabra
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“It’s a cold night out” Todoroki Rei looked out her open window as a soft gust of wind gently blew into the room, rustling the dying flowers on the window sill. 
She admired the full moon as the stars twinkled in their spot in the sky. 
A figure hummed softly in agreement before replacing the half-dead flowers with the new ones he brought. She always did favour the vibrant blue of the petals. 
They kept quiet as the other threw the wilted flowers in the trash bin, letting the woman next to him bask in the cool breeze. Her hair seemed to glow under the moonlight as the wind picked up again. 
“I hope that you’ve been keeping yourself warm sweetheart, just because you have your father’s quirk doesn’t excuse you in foregoing a jacket” A teasing smile on her lips, as Rei turned to look at her eldest. “Touya…” 
He walked over to his mother and slowly sat on the floor in front of her. “I promise I’m taking care of myself mom” He grinned, his turquoise eyes glinting mischievously; indicating that he may or may not have been fibbing. The woman huffs out a laugh and pinches his ear, just like when he was a child. 
“You stubborn boy! What am I going to do with you?” The sound of soft laughter echoed across the empty room as Rei tugged at his ear again and him letting her good naturedly. Once the quiet settled in again, he lays his head on her lap, remembering a time when he used to do this as a kid. When everything was, in a way, normal in their household, minus the sound of yelling of his father and the cries of his baby brother. His mother, wrapping the burns on his arms and neck. 
‘No..that wasn’t normal..no home should be filled with misery..' He thought to himself.
He bit his lip at the bitter memory before his frown fell from his face when Rei gently pushed his hair back from his forehead, “Your hair used to be so vibrant..why did you dye it again?” 
The man kept his mouth shut as the other let out a soft “oh..” 
Her hand stopped combing through his hair and he looked up at her in confusion. 
“I’m sorry..!”
Her eyes watered as she tried to keep her tears in. “I never should have told you that you looked like your father...I know how you feel about him;along with your brother too” 
He simply shook his head and took out a tissue. “It’s not your fault mom..I just..wanted to try something new” 
Rei let out a small huff and dabbed the tissue at her eyes. “Thank you for sparing my feelings dear” The other just rolled his eyes as he stood up and gave her a tight hug. He remembered she used to do this to him when he needed comforting. 
'I wonder if this consoles her as much as it did for me'
His mother just nodded, blowing her nose as she patted his arms, frowning slightly when she felt the dying skin. “Hmn..? Oh Touya..be careful of your fire. You’re going to burn yourself if you’re not careful” 
“...I'll try” 
“Please don’t say goodbye..how will I know if you’re eating well?” 
Her fists crumpled his ragged jacket as he softly patted her head. “It’s not goodbye mom, it’ll only be till society is safe from-” The man bit his lip, stopping himself from saying anything more. Rei looked up at him sadly and nodded in understanding. “Alright, I understand..it’s not as safe as before anymore..a group of villains attacked a school today..did you know that? And rumours going around that heroes are being targeted near Hosu city..I don’t want you going near danger do you hear me?” 
He was taken aback at how determined her eyes were that it only left him nodding quietly. This was a mother that would take on any big bads to ensure her children are safe. It was better when he first visited her. Back then her eyes were so sad and empty;he was glad it held at least some life and emotion now. 
Rei let his jacket go and sighs, “I sometimes forget that you’re all grown now..you may not need me anymore to dote on you or your siblings..I'm sorry for not being a good mother” 
Frowning slightly, he knelt in front of her hair and held her hands in his scarred ones. “This is not your fault and it never was! It was his...you tried your best..I..I should’ve been a better son..I should’ve pushed myself further..maybe if I did, Sho-” 
“Hush my dear..it’s never too late to get back up again” 
'I can’t tell her..she'll be used as a target..'
He simply nodded and gave her a tight hug. It almost felt like a goodbye. “...DId you know a christian missionary came to visit us in therapy days ago? He was a nice man albeit very odd, I did learn something from him reading his little black book though..In hebrew, there’s a word for ‘dearly beloved’;Dabi. I noticed the japanese meaning for it seems to be in tune with your quirk don’t you think?” She grinned at her son, thinking it might be as interesting as she thought it was. 
The boy simply started laugh too loudly, “Mom! You’re so weird!” 
A vein popped on her head as she smacked him upside the head. 
“Don’t insult your mother!” 
“Hahaha I’m sor-OW Mom! Hahaha I’m sorry!” 
“In other news, Chizome Akaguro also known as Hero Killer: Stain has been captured in Hosu city--” 
“Students from UA seems to have gotten caught in between the fight as monstrous beasts attacked lower downtown-” 
“Endeavor! What can you say about-” 
Shigaraki looked up from his half finished drink and glared at the newbies that walked through his doors. 
“Himiko Toga!” 
“Twice! We-I am Twice!” 
His eyes landed on the burnt victim next to Giran. “You..what’s your name?” 
Sharp turquoise eyes stared at him lazily as he placed his hands in his pockets. He inwardly smirked at the way this so called leader was starting to get aggravated. 
"Keep her safe.."
“...I go by Dabi now” 
Rei Todoroki frowned as her Gentiana scabra flower dropped a blue petal on her window sill. 
“Oh no..it's going to wilt soon”
She turned in her seat as she heard her room door open. 
“Hello mother..I brought you flowers, Midoriya-san said it may help brighten the room” 
A smile formed on her lips as she greeted her son, taking the flowers from him. “My..these are lovely..thank you Shoto”  
@thedreadthread @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @savnofilter @tooloudarts (figured you guys might wanna have a looksee. Tell me if you wanna be tagged or not 😁)
If you want to be tagged for other fics just message me :D I'd be glad to add you!
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
~~~[Kaminari Denki/Kyoka Jirō]~~~
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"Wow...you look amazing" 
She can see his grin from across the room. It was almost kinda cute how he was almost rolling on the balls of his feet.
You looked so happy, face flushed red at the compliment.
When Mina heard that you were going out, she was so excited that she had the rest of the girls fix you up. It was kinda fun she's not gonna lie.
Jiro sighs and looks down back at her notebook. Still blank as she tapped mindlessly against the empty page. The school festival was just around the corner and class 1A was supposed to open with a show, a simple concert to get the crowd excited. She normally knows what to write but right now her mind was blank, distracted at the soft laughter near the doors.
'What the hell am I thinking? I was the one who told him to pursue them in the first place..just leave already damn..'
Jiro looked back at them just in time to see Denki do a bow and offer his hand out to you. Obviously a show of silly extravagance. Jirou would have rolled her eyes at the cheesiness but you genuinely laughed at his antics to impress. 
Giggling, you took it gingerly as he stood up straight, eager to get the ball rolling. He was already leading you out the building's doors; but not before you noticed your best friend, Jiro watching from the common area. 
You gave her a small, excited wave, silently pointing at the blonde next to you. Jiro only gave you a grin and a thumbs up as she watched the doors close behind you both. 
Her smile dropped slowly, heart heavy with..regret? 
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"You should stop with the flirting, Denki" she snorted as the blonde almost fried his brain again for a joke. 
"Awww come on! It's funny don't deny it" He grinned at her, wiggling his eyebrows. Jirou just rolled her eyes at him and faced the front of the class as Aizawa entered the room. 
Jiro didn't notice Denki stare at her softly with a longing look on his face. 
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"Denki! What the fuck! I'm going to bust a lung!!" You laughed, holding on to your stomach at his 'wheeeeeeyy' face. Jiro spat out a laugh, her whole body shaking as Denki gave the two girls his signature thumbs up. His eyes twinkling at the earphone jack. 
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"Yeah go for it! I mean obviously your flirting ain't gonna work on me..maybe they'll like your lame pick up lines Jammingway" 
The blonde smiled, finally accepting her decision. "You think so huh?"
Denki gasped at the other dramatically, "They are not lame ! They're specially tailored to the specific lady! Or dude~ I'm not picky" He grinned at her. She ignored the confusing twinge at her chest as she pushed the other towards your form near the lockers. Jiro can see you conversing with Kirishima about something as you put your books away.
"Just hurry up and go loser! Someone else might snatch them up!" 
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Her hand dropped to her lap, still staring at the closed door in front of her.  Pen rolling off to the floor, forgotten.
 'Why...did I tell him to pursue them instead?' 
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Tags! @thedreadthread @quirkless-fics @tooloudarts @savnofilter u3u
This has been sitting in my Google docs for a while and I figured why not?
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
[Anyone X Reader - Any fandom]
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Another day.
They’ve been ignoring you for a while now and frankly, it’s getting really childish. 
“I told you I’m sorry..I was in a dark place and I made a mistake..why won’t you look to me?”
You can feel them shiver when you wrapped your arms around their chest; their muscles relaxes slightly against your hold before pulling away, going towards their home office. 
You frowned, it’s been almost two days since they started this. Everything started out so normal to,until-
Again, they didn't speak and just turned their chair away; looking down at some paperwork.
Irritation ran through your body. I mean, their job is important too but can’t they spare even a single glance your way? 
Feeling your patience running thin, you gripped your fists tightly.
“Fine! Be like that then!” You stormed away from their office. In your haste you managed to bump into a stack of papers.
Cursing, you kneeled on the floor to clean the mess before a hand next to yours picked one up. 
Your eyes softened as you watched your lover stare down at the piece of paper. Their eyes blank before tears welled up inside of them. 
“Why..why did-?” They mumbled, sobbing on the floor in front of you. Fat tears rolled down their cheeks, staining the note. The ink running across the page, joining the dried up tracks from previous days.
“I could’ve helped..I could’ve done..done something..! Anything..!” They choked, gasping for air as they sobbed harder. 
Your eyes lowered to the ground, guilt stuck in your throat as you teared up as well. “I’m so sorry..don’t cry anymore please it hurts to see you like this, forgive me love, I’m so so so sorry..” 
Kneeling up, you wrapped your arms around them, hugging them tight against your chest. They were mumbling something. 
“What was that love?” 
Your lover has been very sad lately, crying silently in their office clutching the very same paper they were sobbing into now. “I wish I told you thatI love you too..everyday” 
Your eyes widened, tears slowly dropping down your face. You forgot again. Call it self-preservation but remembering it full force now only made you scream out again in pain.
You remembered.
The words floating through the air as you remembered how your love left for work that day. The door closing before you managed to finish your sentence. It was the normal now. I love you texts being left on read. Dinners alone and date nights rescheduled to the point of not pushing through at all. Work piling and schedules never lining up for the both of you.
The spark was gone.
They wiped their eyes as they looked down at your suicide note.
You screamed for him to look at you, acknowledge your presence. Tell him that you love him. Tell him that you regret every wasted moment. Screaming to any god that would listen that the both of you would do better this time. Say I love you, kiss with passion anything just please-!
Your hand went through him in your panic.
And it can never be rekindled again.
They looked around the empty room. Everything felt too big and too lonely now. A soft cool breeze brushed against their face.
“Why did you leave me?”  
Somewhere a clock began to chime and it started again.
"Love? Why won't you look at me?"
Another day.
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@thedreadthreadanomaly @quirkless-fics @savnofilter @nashiexo @alright-same @tooloudarts @kingtamakimurder @lady-bakuhoe
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Part 1/2
[Kaminari Denki] BNHA
Kaminari sighed at the sight before him as he wrapped a shoulder around your shoulder. 
As per usual, he was used to this type of scene. 
Umiiyak ka nanaman ( you’re crying again) 
Langya talaga wala ka bang ibang alam (goddammit is this the only thing you know?) 
Namumugtong mga mata (your eyes are so puffy) 
Kailan pa ba kaya ikaw magsasawa (When will you get sick of it?) 
You came knocking at his door after another one of your fights with your boyfriend. Kaminari cringed at the thought. He still wonders how you two lasted a year. 
He resumed rubbing your back in comfort after he offered you a glass of water to rehydrate. You hiccuped slightly before continuing your tirade of rants about your ‘supposed love’,according to you. It would’ve been easy to say to just leave the guy, the problem was your boyfriend was Bakugo Katsuki. Contrary to popular belief he does like living and not being blasted to pieces. 
Sa problema mo iyong pinapasan (the problems you shoulder)
Hatid sayo ng boyfriend hindi mo maintindihan (brought to you by your boyfriend you can’t understand)
May kwento kang pandrama na naman (you have a dramatic story to tell again) 
You and Bakugo had been dating for a year and ever since, had been like a soap opera his mother used to watch when he was a kid. 
“I just don’t understand..with how long we’ve been together, you think he’d be okay with us at least holding hands in public..or a kiss on the cheek..or anything really! I know being a hero is important too but can’t just waste your years away like that..you need a break too right Denki??” 
Kaminari nodded along as he handed you a tissue to blow your nose in. It was true Bakugo had been training harder since they were in their 2nd year..but that doesn’t mean he should ignore you. 
He sighed again as you leaned against his shoulder. 
“Bakubro’s an idiot, want me to shock him for you lil mama?” He grinned as you laughed, giving the other a hug.  “I don’t want you to die, you dunce!” 
“Well I can’t just leave my best friend hanging like this, how about we go to that new crepe place you’ve been bugging me to come with tomorrow? My treat” He smiled, heart stuttering as you looked up at him, eyes sparkling. He always did think you were beautiful. He thought you were pretty but now…
“I would love to but..I promised Bakugo to train with him tomorrow..” 
Kaminari gripped his pant leg to prevent his body from deflating. It’s like this now, ever since, Bakugo has been taking much of your time. “It’s cool! Next time then alright?” 
He stiffened when he heard you sniffle slightly, ‘Ah shit did I-’
“I have standards babe-wait who told you I was like Mineta?!” 
“You’re such an understanding friend Denkichu! You’re not like Mineta like they say!”
“...no one you should be worried about” 
He ignored the twinge at his heart when you left his room with a wave. 
Parang pang TV na walang katapusan (like a tv show with no end)
Hanggang kailan ka bang ganyan (when will you be like this?) 
Hindi mo ba alam na walang pupuntahan (don’t you know there’s no point) 
Ang pagtiyaga mo dyan sa boyfriend mong tanga (in your wasted patience on your idiot boyfriend)
Na wala nang ginawa kundi ang paluhain ka (that does nothing but make you cry) 
Staring at the posters on his ceiling, Kaminari recalled how you looked when you told him the news. You looked so happy, you were sparkling. One of your sparkles probably hit Aoyama (mon dieu!). He can’t blame you for crushing on the explosive blonde. Bakugo was dirven, he knows what he wants and works hard to get them. Even when he seems cold and angry all the time, there were moments where he really does care about his friends. Flashing back to the aftermath of the Kamino incident. Bakugo paid back Kirishima because he bought those expensive binoculars and asked him if he could fry his brain slightly to be ‘dunce face’ to make the class laugh away the tension. 
‘Bakugo is a good guy..just an idiot when it comes to being social’ 
Kaminari rolled to his side and pulled out the picture of you and him from under his pillow. You had your arms around his neck as you laughed at the camera. He had ice cream on his cheek from your surprise picture. 
He smiled at the picture sadly, rubbing a thumb on your side of the picture. Kaminari placed the picture beside his head and closed his eyes. Who was he to meddle in your relationship?
He would love you the way you deserved to be loved. 
Sa libu-libong pagkakataon na tayo’y nagkasama (of the hundreds of times that we’re together) 
Iilang ulit palang kitang makitang masaya (I’ve only seen you happy a handle of times) 
Naiinis akong isipin na ginaganyan ka nya (I get annoyed thinking of how he treats you) 
Siguro ay hindi niya lang alam ang iyong (Maybe he just doesn’t know your) 
Tunay na halaga (true worth) 
Kaminari sat in the classroom, sneakily playing a game on his phone as they all waited for Aizawa to enter. Iida was already on his ass about pulling out his phone, he doesn’t feel like getting nagged so early in the morning. He stretched his back as he kept his dying phone back in his pocket. ‘Gotta remember to charge it later’ 
His eyes caught you walking through the room doors. You smiled at him with a small wave before walking past him to your desk. Just as he was about to turn around to talk to you, Bakugo stood up and marched towards your desk. He caught your frown slowly melt into a small relieved smile. A small ‘okay’ leaving past your lips as the ash-blonde hooked your pinkies together. 
Kaminari bit his lip and turned his gaze down on his desk. 
“Bro you need to grow a pair and be manly with your feelings!” 
He jolts, sparking up his body slightly. “Dude! For being known to be a wall of muscle you can be pretty fucking quiet” Kaminari huffed, righting himself. 
Kirishima let out a laugh, smacking the blonde at his back. 
“Sorry about that man, but it’s true anyway right? You like her? Why not tell her how you feel? She’s been your friend the longest, she’ll understand. (Y/n) isn’t the type of person to just dump a good friend” 
Kaminari frowned slightly, watching you get flustered at whatever Bakugo is saying. “I guess but..” 
Sero popped in beside the redhead and flicked the blonde’s forehead. “Mina is betting you wouldn’t confess to her bro, come ooonn my allowance is on the line!” 
“Assholes” He grinned. “Maybe..but they look so happy together” 
Kirishima looked up and winced, “Spoke too soon “ 
Just as he said that, Bakugo came steaming past them and back to his seat. Kirishima sighed, hanging his head. “Wonder what he said this time.. I gotta go guys”
Kaminari and Sero sent prayers towards him to stop Bakugo from exploding the redhead. 
Just like him, Kirishima became the shoulder to cry on when the angry pomeranian had another fight with you. 
Kaminari felt bad at the lovesick and hopeless gaze the redhead was giving the ash-blonde.
‘Is that what I look like when I stare at (y/n)?’ Before he could go up and check on you, Aizawa entered the room. 
'Next time...'
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@thedreadthreadanomaly @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @savnofilter @nashiexo @tooloudarts
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
I was Made for Loving You
== KurinH ==
~~~Mr. Compress~~~Atsuhiro Sako~~~
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A dangerous plan 
A stranger’s hand clutched in mine.. 
“Would you do me the honour, my love..?” 
Never would he thought that he would find himself in this position. 
He remembered the first time he saw you. Your laugh was the first thing he noticed, so full of sparkle and mirth. Next was your smile, so bright and always manages to brighten his day. He remembered how you said that when you laugh, you snort and it made you feel so embarrassed to even laugh too loudly while together, but to him, it made you all the more charming in his eyes. 
I’ll take this chance 
So call me blind..
Shigaraki called him a lovesick fool when he found out about his little crush. Kurogiri warned him to not be blinded and to be careful. 
He took his chance though, performing his tricks and magic. His heart feels so full every time you give him a standing ovation and an enthusiastic “Bravo!” on your lips. You loved the little shows he performs for you, always giving him a big kiss on the cheek after each one. 
Soon, your love bloomed, you didn’t care that he was in the League, in society’s eyes, you were a nobody. Not to him...to him, you put the stars in the sky, you make the flowers bloom wherever you tread. You are his love, his everything. You have no idea what kind of power you hold over his heart. Atsuhiro was willing to give his all for you. 
I’ve been waiting all my life
Please don’t scar this young heart.. 
Oh, you were so scared when he asked you to be officially his. It was almost adorable, if it wasn’t so sad. You were hurt so badly before. 
“How would I know!?” You yelled out in frustration towards him one time. 
Tears were shed as he held your hands in his. 
Kissing your fingers one by one, he only said,”I won’t scar your young heart, just take my hand, even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through, every bone screaming...but all I know is darling, I was made for loving you…” 
Your kiss was the sweetest thing he had ever tasted.
Please don’t go
I’ve been waiting for so long.. 
When you got hurt, he was beside himself with regret. You were caught in the crossfire and he blames only himself. Atsuhiro watched from the shadows as the heroes took you to safety
...away from him. 
He cried himself to sleep that night. His peers hearing his grieving sobs from behind his door. They can hear his heart breaking in his chest. 
Hold me close
Through the night
Don’t let me go, we’ll be alright 
You assured him that you were fine, nothing on earth will take you away from him, not even this. Both of you cried in each other’s arms in that silent hospital room. Two hearts mending with love with each passing day. 
Touch my soul and hold it tight 
Here he is now, one knee on the grass as he held his breath. You look so beautiful in the moonlight. Your eyes sparkling with unshed tears. 
I’ve been waiting all my life..
Atsuhiro Sako took a deep breath as he adored you from below.
“Would you do me the honour, my love..of being my wife?”
A watery laugh broke through your lips as he, ever the showman, magicked a ring to appear in his hand. 
He laughed, tears dripping down his cheeks as you screamed out a “Yes!!” and tackled him to the ground, sobbing. 
He held you in his arms as he slipped the ring on your finger. Atsuhiro gave you a firm kiss on the top of your head as he began to sing softly. 
“Cause I was made for loving you
Even though we may be hopeless hearts just passing through...
...All I know is darling, I was made for loving you..”
@thedreadthread @quirkless-fics
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
Kurin’s Masterlist
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Updated Masterlist: 09/23/2020
[A/N]: Will add more characters soon
Have a coffee break ~! https://ko-fi.com/kurinhimenezu
Request Status: Open (BNHA/KNY/Ouran)
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---- HEROES ----
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(these are the last ones I'll be posting with them being students)
First Kiss
Reply Back?
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(last fics of them being students)  
Worth - Part 1/2 , Part 2/2
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---- VILLAINS ----
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Gentiana scabra
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I was Made for Loving You
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One Last Night [BNHA!Anyone x reader] 
Notes [AnyFandom!Anyone x reader] - tw*
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 Rise of the First - Part 1/3, Part 2/3, Part 3/3
Two Things
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
[Kaminari Denki] - BNHA
Part 2/2
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'..Next time..'
Kaminari felt bad at the lovesick and hopeless gaze the redhead was giving the ash blonde.
‘Is that what I look like with (y/n)?'
Before he could go up and check on you, Aizawa entered the room. 
‘..next time..’
Hindi na dapat pag-usapan pa (we should stop discussing this) 
Napapagod na rin ako sa aking kakasalita (even I’m getting tired of my own words) 
Hindi ka rin naman nakikinig ( you’re not even listening) 
Kahit sobrang pagod na ang aking bibig (even when my mouth is getting tired) 
Sa mga payo kong di mo pinapansin (of the advice you don’t heed) 
Akala mo'y nakikinig di rin naman tatanggapin ( you think you’re listening but you won’t accept it)
Ayoko nang isipin pa ( I don’t want to think about it anymore) 
Di ko alam ba't di mo makayanan na iwanan sya (I don’t know why you can’t seem to leave him) 
“It’s cause-!” 
He raised a brow offering you a can of your favourite drink from the park’s vending machine. Familiar scene, different location. This time they’re outside the building near the small park across the school. Kaminari thought it’d be better to talk away from prying ears.This time though, it seems like they’re actually getting somewhere. 
You smiled at the gesture, surprised he still remembered. It has been a long while since they hung out like they used to. You were starting to feel guilty at all the times you brushed him off even if Kaminari says, it’s okay. 
Sipping your drinks slowly, it cooled you down from the heat as the both of you swung from the swings slightly. “Yeah..?” He prompted. 
“I don’t..want to be alone..we’re graduating soon..half of us are in work study..I’ve seen how heroes get so busy and are in demand that they get so busy and  go home to an empty house..it’s sad..it’s like society forgot that heroes are human too..I figured if I start a relationship while we’re still students...I mean I like Bakugo but..sorry I’m rambling” 
Kaminari smiled softly, punching your arm gently. “I like when you ramble, it’s cute and it just shows that you trust me enough to vomit out your thoughts”
You laughed, “What a gross way to tell me it’s fine” You ignored the way your cheeks burned from the compliment. ‘He called me cute..’ “Anyway..my quirk isn’t that impressive either..who would like me enough to date me??” 
“I bet there’s someone out there who loves you, someone who would love you the way you deserve to be loved, give you flowers just because. Make you snacks when you’re hangry or when you’re just in one of those moods, someone-”
“Someone..someone like..you..Denki..?” 
His breath hitched, he was thinking so much that he almost slipped. 
“Denki?” Your eyes were wide when he looked back at you with that smile of his. 
“Don’t worry about it lil mama! Now come on..we gotta get back to campus, Aizawa would probably kick our asses again with detention if we end up after curfew hours” 
You blinked slowly, nodding as you got up from the swing. “Okay..let’s go” 
He almost swooned as you flashed him that smile of yours. 
As the both of you walked back towards campus, competing with each other to see which one of you can step on the most crunchy leaves, Kaminari thought that this is fine. It was obvious now how he felt about you even you can tell now. Even if you didn’t return his feelings.
It’s okay. As long as you’re still in his life. As long as you’re happy. You’re always going to be number one to him. 
Ang dami-dami naman diyang iba (there’s so many else out there)
Wag kang mangangambang baka wala ka nang ibang Makita (don’t fret if you think you can’t find) 
Na lalake na magmahal sayo (a guy to love you)
At hinding hindi nya sasayangin ang pag-ibig mo ( and won’t waste your love) 
I’m right here for you. 
He snapped back into focus from his daydreaming at his desk and looked down at his empty notebook. ‘Aw dammit..gotta ask the bros for their notes again’
“Man you gotta stop with the blank look on your face” You laughed and poked his cheek. “What were you even thinking about anyway?” 
Kaminari blinked, cheeks burning slightly. “I uh..the new pro-hero from the Philippines..Sero was talking about how Sea Hunter: Wave defended the Philippine seas from foreign villains invading her country! It was so cool dude I saw her fight on HeroTube! Has more views than the Stain video!” 
You grinned at how much of a dork he really is. It’s endearing. Kinda cute. “Denki..I took your advice..” He stopped from his rant as he grabbed his backpack. 
“You’re right..I shouldn’t spread myself so thinly and give my all to someone who won’t meet halfway..so I talked to Bakugo..It’s over and don’t worry! I didn’t mention any names so you don’t have to worry about being blown up” You smiled. 
His eyes softened, it must have been hard for her to do that. “You deserve to be happy” 
You just nodded and grinned, “Wanna go to that crepe place now?” 
“Hell yeah, I’m starving” 
'It’s a start'
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Fun fact! Wave is an actual superhero! Marvel introduced her a few years ago.
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@thedreadthreadanomaly @quirkless-fics @sadistiks @savnofilter @tooloudarts @nashiexo
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kurinhimenezu · 4 years
My new notebook!! :D I got a lot of ideas for writing 😌😌❤❤👌
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I really like how the cover feels. Soft and very sturdy. It even has black page edges :D
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