#kuroken babies own my entire heart
megoomies-art · 1 year
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amjustagirl · 3 years
hELLU NIKKI JIE i finally cleared that last midterm earlier today and i just read ch 5 of when the sun loves the moon (as my reward aksjdj HAHAHAH) and im v full of emotion rn
askfjsks this was such a rollercoaster aaaa meeting the stalker asfkfjsk i was ready to hate her but she turned out to be a kid and i dont even know how to feel skdjskdn reader was so very kind and sweet for talking to her the way that she did; and then READERS MOM askdjskds im feeling v soft i adore how you portrayed her mum and their relationship aaa ANDANDAND YOU WROTE IN KUROKEN FRIENDSHIP ASKDJKDJS I WAS SMILING SOOO WIDE hELP i did not see that coming it was a v pleasant surprise skdskjd (maybe im in love w this cuz of this one longfic platonic nekoma fic i read that just made me want to befriend the whole nekoma team🥺) i absolutely adore how you wrote kuroo and kenma here, kuroo dragging them both out, how kenma was so chill in giving her a job HAHA, how kenma looked out for her, even offering her a bodyguard aaaa that was honestly soso sweet and i love that you write all these things in a platonic sense cuz i feel like little acts of kindness like these are usually shown as hints that someone has a crush on reader or wtv but theyre things that good friends would do for each other too
okay wait back to bokuto HAHAHAH ahh my heart was damn pain askfjsk he seems so miserable and desperate and my heart is ACHING for him, but i really dont think he has any right to call reader 'baby' and 'sweetheart' rn much less grab her when she obviously feels uncomfortable with him doing that aaaaaa 😭💔 im really soso sad for him and it breaks my heart into a million pieces seeing him so sad but i think aside from showing that he wants to talk to reader again, he should wait for her to want to give him a chance too; but im glad to see reader is starting to soften up abit and contemplating giving him another chance (and aaaa that fruit stalls analogy reader used with her mum askfjsk i love how her mum was able to turn it around to make her understand the underlying issues other than her fruit seller selling her bad fruit and that whole convo made my heart swell 🥺)
eep this turned out alot longer than i expected askfksjlks SORRY ill put the rest of my ramblings in another ask HAHAH ~ann:>
Hello Ann meimei! Congrats on your midterms ending!
I definitely wanted the reader to see herself in yuki, and realise that she's just a kid in need of help herself. And she's been hurt sm she just doesn't wanna perpetuate that cycle of hurt and pain, if that makes sense?
Then the scenes w kenma and kuroo are a blast, they're really loads of fun hehe. I do adore the entire nekoma team, their interactions, and I headcanon that they're all good, kind ppl who'll look out for each other (and I think kuroo defo has his own ulterior motives in looking out for the reader, cos at least he can make sure shes somewhere safe, at least for his friends sake? If you get what I mean!).
Bokuto and the reader... Theres so much to unpack and bokuto defo went abt it the absolute worst way! The reader already has all her walls up and she's prickly as hell, tho her mama did help soften her up 😉
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ghostkawa · 3 years
Eternal Soulmates (Kuroken)
Soulmates, a factious topic, truly. Many were sceptical, whether they truly existed. How could one possibly know if they were in the same timeline as their soulmate, the same universe, perhaps? What if you had multiple chances to find your soulmate and live out your eternity with them, however long that may be? Or perhaps, if you had already crossed your soulmate but things hadn't been right, could you try again? It sounded like a dream. Kuroo sometimes believed he was, actually dreaming. Pinching himself as he sat in class, no- he was absolutely awake. Ouch. Kuroo wondered if you had endless chances, or perhaps each person was assigned a set amount of chances - possibly based on their worth, their past lives, how good they'd been? No, no, he wasn't in The Good Place, things didn't work like that. Surely, you didn't have eternal chances-
"Tetsurō. The answer to number four, please." The teacher asked, pulling him immediately from his thoughts.
"Uh- Seventeen?" The hesitant voice came,
"Pay attention or you'll be in detention." A stern reprimanding voice followed. So it wasn't seventeen, great. It felt like hours but what was only fifteen minutes did eventually pass and Kuroo was free from the hell that was maths.
"Oi, Kitten!" Kuroo called when he spotted the small blonde on his way to the gym. Kenma froze up hearing his name, turning and breaking into a smile when he saw his childhood best friend racing over. Kuroo noticed immediately, however, the way Kenma's eyebrows were knit together, and his breathing seemed laboured. That wasn't right.
"Hey, Kitten, you doing alright?" He asked as he caught up, worrying lacing through his words. Of course, Kenma was quick to nod his head,
"hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just, chest hurts a little." He insisted, promising that he was fine for practice.
He wasn't. The last thing Kenma remembered was setting to Lev, feeling his chest tighten as his heart thumped painfully in his chest - a panic attack? He'd had plenty of those but this, this felt different. Something was wrong- he needed to get to Kuroo, and quick. He didn't make it through, as his body slumped down into a cold heap on the floor, out cold. He awoke to white walls, panic spreading through him as he tried to sit up, but a large hand immediately pushed him back down, very gently. Kenma's eyelids felt heavy, they were hard to open and even harder to keep open. The first thing he saw was wires- so many wires and a- a tube? Why was it attached to his face- his nose?
"Hey, hey, Kitten, you're okay. Just relax, relax for me." Came those sweet, reassuring words from his childhood best friend, as Kuroo made a pathetic attempt to wipe those tears from his cheeks with shaky hands.
"Kuro? What's wrong with me?" Came that small, shaky voice, more tears slipping down Kuroo's cheeks. Still trying to come to terms with the news himself.
"Baby, we're going to get you help, I promise. I love you, I'm not leaving you," Kuroo started but was cut off by Kenma, reaching out for his hand. Gently, he took the small boys shaking hand in his own, holding it tight, pressing soft kisses into his fingers,
"what is it, Kuro?" He asked again. Kuroo needed a moment to breathe, he felt selfish for that, all things considered now.
"Lung cancer." That was all he could say, tears dripping down his cheeks. Kenma was silent. He couldn't find any words to say, how could he? Suddenly, his world was falling on him, he felt like he was suffocating. That lump in his throat was tight and painful, as he stared up at the ceiling. He felt numb.
But, he'd have another chance, right? Another chance with Kuro? Surely they had another life, after this one. Another lifetime. If this one didn't work out, they could try again. He tried so hard to convince himself that this couldn't possibly be their last. He didn't know he was crying until Kuroo was gently wiping the tears from his cheeks.
"Hey, hey, relax, you're alright baby. We're going to get you better, we will." Kuroo insisted. They had to, Kenma had to get better.
It was comforting though, knowing that they had another chance after this lifetime. Kuroo knew, deep down, that Kenma was his soulmate and Kenma knew it too, even if they hadn't discussed it, they didn't need to. They were wordless but their love said it all for them.
As the weeks progressed, Kenma became frailer and frailer, sicker by the day. His lithe body wasn't coping well with chemo and, it didn't seem to be working either. Well, they had that confirmation when the nurses gently spoke with Kuroo,
"you should have a conversation with him and his family, about where he'd be most comfortable."
The dreaded comfort talk. Where Kenma would go to die, are the words they sugar-coated. Of course, they chose Kenma's home, where Kuroo was now staying, well- he was staying until-
He'd promised he wouldn't leave, so he wouldn't.
"Kuro?" Came a small voice, pulling Kuroo from the current movie they were watching together, curled up on the couch. Kenma had, for some reason, taken to sleeping on the couch rather than his bed. Who was Kuroo to deny that of him now? He'd give Kenma the entire world if he could.
"Hm, Kitten? Are you okay?" Kuroo asked softly, looking down at the sick boy who lay on the couch, his head in Kuroo's lap, Kuroo gently massaging soft circles into the boys head. He'd gotten away with not shaving his head, but it was definitely thin and Kuroo was terrified to run his fingers through it.
"We were soulmates, weren't we?"
"We are, Kitten. We always will be." Kuroo replied to the soft question, the tense making him frown, what did he mean 'were'? Did Kenma know something he didn't? Surely not. This wouldn't be the end even if it was- they had another chance.
Kenma knew otherwise.
"Yeah, we always will be," the small voice corrected himself, causing Kuroo to look back down at him, smiling softly to see the boy looking somewhat relaxed, his hand moving to run gentle circles into his usually sore chest when it hit him. His chest wasn't rising and falling, with those quiet wheezes. It was-
It was still.
A scream tore from his lips, Kuroo trying desperately to awake the small, lithe, now still figure in his lap. The day felt unreal. Kuroo pinched himself, over and over, as he sat in the hospital waiting room. It hurt. He was alive. He didn't want to be awake, he didn't want to be alive, what he'd give to trade places with the poor, sweet soul right now. Kenma never deserved any of this. He didn't even get to tell him he loved him one final time, although, in his heart, he knew Kenma would always know how Kuroo truly felt, how much Kuroo loved Kenma, his love was endless, just like they were supposed to be.
'We have another chance. We have to, of course, we do.'
They were the only words getting him through now. Getting him through the pitying looks as Kenma was announced dead, getting him through his funeral.
Akaashi and Bokuto were by Kuroo's side the entire time, trying to console the man, but, Kuroo never shed a tear. He couldn't feel anything. He felt numb, empty, like Kenma had taken everything with him, robbed him of his entire being. He'd taken his heart with him, he knew that much. Kuroo felt hollow inside. His speech at Kenma's funeral was a shaky one.
"He was my soulmate, he'll forever be my soulmate and in another life, I know, I know we will have our eternity." The words came out like begs, pleads to the universe, as if somebody up there would hear him, perhaps take pity on his poor, broken soul. Or maybe they were up there laughing at him, as they robbed him of the one person he lived for. The one person he found a reason to carry on for. Now nothing felt worth his energy, or existence. Kenma had become his everything and now, without everything, he was nothing.
Akaashi and Bokuto forced Kuroo to stay with them, they knew deep down what Kuroo would try, they took it in turns to be on Kuroo watch but, someone the boy slipped through their fingers, one Friday night.
"You'll be okay, right? We'll be back in half an hour Kuroo. Please, we love you, get some food, settle down for the night," Akaashi spoke, in a tone so gentle he was barely audible.
"I'll be okay, go, I'll see you both soon," Kuroo spoke as they left, and he walked back into his home, trudging back to the spare room. He wondered if maybe he should return to Kenma's home, have one final look at the memories, maybe return to his own home- but facing his own family was far too painful to even comprehend. He knew they'd lecture him about uni and his future but none of that mattered anymore.
Maybe he was selfish, maybe he wasn't well himself. They had another chance, they were soulmates. If he just ended his own life here, they might start another at the same time, they could grow old together, spend their eternity together. What Akaashi had never expected, was to return home with Bokuto and find Kuroo, sobbing on the bathroom floor. Surrounded by pills and deep cuts into arms that didn't bleed. He couldn't die.
Kenma knew that Kuroo was on his final chance.
He'd left Kuroo, to live his eternity, without his soulmate by his side.
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sourestlemon · 4 years
So. I made a bet with my friend that I could get through Omegaverse Haikyuu fanfiction because he says I can’t so if I read https://archiveofourown.org/works/13330632/chapters/30514041 that I’m going to get free icecream and twenty bucks.
But still, Bokuaka! Bokuaka is beautiful, I should rant about it more actually
This is me talking about this fic as I read, so it’ll be updated until I finish
Note, I’ve finished and it’s very very long. You’ve been warned
There’s my review and meta at the end of this as well as some critiques
Spoilers ahead.
“The Jewel of Seijou”
Bokuaka is so fucking cute dear god.
Oh. It’s sinful now
Ushijima better stop throwing shade at my boi’s
“"I can't believe you all think that you can go against the crown and live!" Ushishima says silencing them all. The alpha was slowly emitting his pheromones wanting to show them all his superiority. No one said a word against him. "Toru! I didn't know you'll be as lowly to use your family name to gather us here!" The alpha seethed to the omega that could have been his wife. Iwazumi hackles raised and bared his lips at the beginning of a growl. "And you!" Ushijima turned to Bokuto full on emitting his pheromones making the rest of the alpha's shoulder hackle cautiously and Oikawa to cling at Iwazumi. But Bokuto meet Ushijima calmly, unfazed by the bloodlust while Akaashi was frozen to his spot but didn't show any emotion.”
So what we get out of this paragraph is
1) Bitchy Ushi. I love Ushijima don’t get me wrong he’s precious but like. This fic Ushijima? Son of a bitch walking up in here like “Toru! How dare you be so lowly—“ and fucking trying to dominate everyone.
2) Protective Iwaizumi. Protect the precious Seijou Jewel. Do it, fight for him, protect him he’s scared.
3) Is Ushijima salty because Oikawa didn’t choose him? Oh god, he is isn’t he.
4) Akaashi’s go to emotion isn’t emotion.
5) Shits about to go down, Bokuto is gonna flip eventually, if Ushi threatens anyone—it’d probably be Oikawa or Akaashi seeing as they’re omega’s—I can see Bokuto and Iwaizumi just flipping their shit.
God I’m way to invested. Why did I read this
Awww Kageyama cares, Tsukki cares
More people came surrounding them. "What the hell," Akaashi recognized Iwazumi's voice.
Iwaizumi’s reaction is the only respectable reaction.
Wait this has major character death in the tags
Everyone has decided that Oikawa and Akaashi must be defended but just once I want them to flip their shit and kill someone. Just once.
Bokuto, Lev and Iwaizumi all want to protect Oikawa but Iwaizumi doesn’t even fucking trust em.
Why does everyone act like Nishinoya not wanting to move on so quickly is a bad thing? It’s perfectly reasonable and I hate how everyone is like “What’s wrong with you, do you not like us?” And getting super standoffish or snappish simply because Nishinoya loves Asahi so much and doesn’t want to feel like they didn’t need him.
I really don’t like how Nishinoya/Tanaka/Ennoshita became a thing in this fic. It would be cute if it didn’t just happen because Nishinoya was desperate and if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have fucked Tanaka.
Oh dear god I don’t want Kenma to die.
Oh thank god it’s okay.
Fuck I forgot they had boobs
Did Bokuto almost name the Kuroken baby Oya but changed last minute?
I’m feelin a little sniffly. I might fucking cry over an Omegaverse fic. Oh how the mighty have fallen
Oh my god the stars. I don’t think Bo is coming back y’all. I’m so nervous
The fuckin royals aren’t getting Keiji. No. Nuh-uh FUCK THAT SHIT
-cue mac worrying about oikawa because seijou is allied with fukurodani and an easy way to tear seijou away from the alliance is to kidnap oikawa and iwaizumi might split to keep him safe and ushi fucking knows this and possibly tendou also oiks is pretty as fuck-
Iwaizumi making Bokuto promise to save Oikawa if things went to shit makes me so worried but the same time his lil speech made my IwaOi heart so happy.
Suga bby...
Tendou, Ushijima I never thought I’d say this but I fucking hate them right now. They better not hurt the other best Boi’s.
Ushijima is salty as fuck confirmed.
"You truly are a piece of art," Ushijima said gently ...."But not as beautiful as him," the alpha muttered as he threw the omega to the floor.
So, this little snippet sent disgusting shivers down my spine for two reasons.
1) Ushijima just yeeted Akaashi, my son and
2) Any reader knows who the ‘he’ Ushi is talking about is, the only person in this book who is said to be as beautiful as Akaashi. You guessed it, the boi who rejected Ushi-fucking-jima, Jewel of Seijou himself Oikawa Tooru.
The thing that grosses me out the most about this paragraph just on its own is that Ushijima is either guessing about what Oikawa looks like, or he actually knows which overall just gives me the heebie jeebies because Oikawa definitely didn’t want that. What makes my skin crawl in this little snippet is what Ushijima would do when if he got his angry little hands on Oikawa—or Iwaizumi, but Iwa would probably be killed or used as a bargaining chip.
Hmmmmm, I’m pretty sure Ushi is in love with Tendou but the beauty statement still stands possibly???? Unless specified otherwise, because Akaashi and Oikawa are canonically considered the most beautiful people in the fic.
Also this entire chapter just makes me feel so gross, fuck Ushijima man. Fuck him.
My Ushijima loving heart hurts reading this fic.
I just want Akaashi and Oikawa to straight up kill someone. Please, anyone who I don’t care about
"I came right on time," Bokuto forced out his voice cracking with emotion. "Now I can engulf you in my arms and brighten your days despite the absence of the sun. You will no longer have to endure the cold winters alone. I'll be with you, I be there for you and our child," The alpha vowed his hands itching in need.
"Are you going to leave us again?" Akaashi needed to know. The omega already knew that he wouldn't be able to survive being apart from the alpha. He knew that he wouldn't win the battle with the overwhelming loneliness.
"The seas could dry up, the mountains could turn to pebbles, the trees could die and the whole world could be on fire and I still won't leave your side."
That was all Akashi needed to hear as he leaped into his alphas arm and let go of all the pain he has held in
I’m not crying I swear
They walked together side by side and Akaashi finally faced them. They were both beaten, bloody, and torn butinstead of feeling satisfaction he felt remorse. They both looked at him with soft, wide eyes, and he realized that this was the moment they were waiting for. They wanted to see the child that they both desperately wanted and Akaashi decided to give them a parting gift.
Akaashi had won, he had won from the very beginning and he held his trophy who was a small babe with golden orbs, with mutant white and black hair. He hadn't lied to Tendou when he had said that the baby looked exactly like his father.
Meta and Review
So I just read A/B/O for the first time and I knew absolutely nothing about the entire trope that Mpreg existed and to stay the hell away from it. Please remember this in the meta and tell me if there way of dividing characters is ever specified or if it’s just decided by top-bottom dynamics.
The story was pretty good outside of what I’m about to talk about. I liked the ships and most of the buildup, the worldbuilding seems solid, the war and UshiTens situation was really interesting to me and it made Ushi and Tendou a bit morally gray and could’ve talked about how people could do bad things for what they thought were the right reason and everything was clean cut.
Overall? Eh. Could’ve been done better
Not onto the rest
This doesn’t seem as toxic or inherently bad as most fics I’ve seen, I didn’t really like how Omega’s are always inherently feminine—the dresses, jewels, how they’re seen as inherently weaker and sometimes helpless, how they’re always referred to as “my lady”—and aren’t really given another choice because they might have the ability to reproduce in A/B/O but they aren’t women. It’s okay if a man is really feminine but for all of them to be? It rubbed my the wrong way.
I wish that the power structure was handled different in A/B/O in general. Omega’s seem to be treated like they’re helpless and I just...don’t like it? Omega’s might be submissive but that doesn’t make them physically weaker and if it did, I would’ve thought they would have picked up some other useful skills like diplomacy or strategy.
As usually, my example of how a character could’ve been handled better is Oikawa.
He’s my favorite character and I adored him but he just didn’t really deliver. It felt like he was being treated like a kid throughout this entire fic, it didn’t seem like he was doing anything during the war. Even if Omega’s don’t have a lot of physically prowess and abilities, what happened to Oikawa’s strategic and analytical nature? Why was it never mentioned in any of Bokuto’s POV sections because out all the leaders of the Allied Kingdoms, Oikawa is the best strategist—Kuroo is the exception, not the rule and I thought they should’ve been working together because smort boys—but he was simply hidden away.
Now I have no problems with all the protective IwaOi scenes when they’re in immediate danger—it makes perfect sense if Omega’s are physically weaker but have other usable talents that are taken seriously—and Oikawa simply can’t talk his way out of said problem.
I do however, have a problem with cowering Oikawa. That feels so OOC at the beginning of the first scene I cited, where is all of the quick wit and worthless pride from the show? Now, it makes sense for Oikawa to start getting scared and simply slip behind Iwaizumi once Ushijima tries to dominate everyone and all the Alphas start freaking out if Oikawa is at an actual, physical disadvantage—I feel like the alpha’s their have similar frames, or at least most of them do. Bokuto, Ushijima, Kuroo and Iwaizumi are jacked and beefy, everyone but Iwa is relatively tall too. Now, Oikawa’s tall too but he’s much thinner and leaner. I’d be scared too if everyone could break me like a twig if it came down to it—but no ??? Apparently at the first sign of any conflict he just gets scared??? He doesn’t know what’s going on in his own fucking kingdom ???
This is not Oikawa.
I didn’t like how they treated most of the Omega’s actually, it felt like they were just reverted to helpless damsels in distress. What happened to Kenma’s observation skills? Nishinoya’s everything?
More importantly, what decides Alpha’s and Omega’s? Is it up in the air like gender is? What are Beta’s then? It can’t just be who’s top and who’s bottom, that would mean the alpha-beta-omega- status wouldn’t be decided until you had a mate
From what I’ve seen in the fic, it goes by ship dynamics but what if the characters who had more strategic, cunning, observant traits and weren’t as buff and muscly would be Omega’s and had the brain power while characters who relied more on physical prowess would be Alpha’s and dominant in a purely physical way sometimes while characters who were an odd combination of the two would be Beta’s.
Going by my logic, instead of the top being the alpha and the bottom just being an omega without any personality it would be...
Bokuto- Alpha, like he was in the story. He’s definitely more physically inclined then Akaashi.
Akaashi: Omega, same as in the fic. Not to say he isn’t athletic but he relies more on his mind.
Iwaizumi- Alpha, like in the fic but from a purely physical standpoint and because he can rein Oikawa in when his friend starts going nuts.
Oikawa - Beta, he’s quite powerful but he’s also manipulative, strategic and his mind is scary as fuck.
Kuroo- Beta, he relies on his physical prowess and dorkily perfect brain a lot so he’s also a mixture of both.
Kenma- Omega, physically he’s a twig but his mind is what makes him the brain of Nekoma
Hinata- Alpha, he doesn’t use his brain a lot and has a lot of physical power
Kageyama - Beta, he’s pretty smart when it comes to volleyball and he’s also physically strong
Suga - Omega, he’s quite clever and his brain power out ways his physical prowess by a landslide
Daichi- Beta, he firms strategies and relies on his brain, plus his killer thighs
Tsukishima - Beta, he has his hue fur and athleticism but his brain power is also strong as fuck
Yamaguchi - Beta, he seems to be really people smart and eventually his serves are pretty good.
Can Betas get into a relationship with other Betas? I don’t know or care, we stan Alpha-Alpha, Beta-Beta and Omega-Omega ships here
do I have to read more
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