#kurt mckenna
masterroadtripper · 11 months
James Lance as Matt Harvey, Adrian Bower as Brian Steadman, and Navin Chowdhry as Kurt McKenna in Teachers (2002) ↳ behind the scenes, making of episode 3x12
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Crew: turn over JL: [american accent] Tom Cruise
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Crew: What's it like, having Andrew Lincoln as your director? JL: it's all right NC: What, of...this episode? Really? JL: Yeah, he's the director, dude. NC: No but he's- JL: Yeah, that's him...No NC: He's an actor AB: He left NC: He's directing it? AB: No, he left, er...he left, and then came back, then left again, and came back as a director.
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AB: When do you learn your lines? JL: Wednesdays. AB: I do them Thursdays NC: good day, Wednesdays
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NC: I think the girls probably find it hardest to get into character. They tend to complicate it. AB: yeah NC: and they're not particularly funny, either on screen or off. [laughter]
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Gillian Beven: Good morning, thank you. May I remind everyone that sports day approaches. Parents have been invited, the police have been alerted. [laughter]
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NC: Jimmy comes in and steals a cup of tea- JL: Off of Lindsay, played by Vicky Hall- NC: What's around that, to kind of fill it in- JL: is inconsequential- NC: the most important moment is- JL: when I come in!
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NC: you can't beat me in a race JL: I don't think you'd beat me AB: I think I'd beat you NC: you?! JL: I don't think he would, I think I'd win AB: I'm a sports teacher JL: yeah AB: I'm bound to beat the pair of you
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milliondollarbaby87 · 6 months
Road House (1989) Review
James Dalton is a bouncer who was hired to clean up one of the worst bars in a small Missouri town, what he didn’t realise was that trying to do this would see the villianious local entrepreneur Brad Wesley to rebel against it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Road House (1989) Review
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dropoutdottv · 4 months
😂🔊Now presenting: the trailer for season three of 'Make Some Noise'! Premiering June 24th.
Make Some Noise season three is our biggest and noisiest season yet and will consist of a whopping 20 episodes with host Sam Reich back behind the desk.
Featuring the return of the Noise Boys (Josh Ruben, Zac Oyama, Brennan Lee Mulligan) and an incredible slew of guests: Anna Garcia, Chris Grace, Carl Tart, Ify Nwadiwe, Ally Beardsley, Erika Ishii, Geoff Ross, Izzy Roland, Jacob Wysocki, Jacquis Neal, Jeremy Culhane, Jess McKenna, Jiavani, Kimia Behpoornia, Kurt Maloney, Lauren Pritchard, Lou Wilson, Nick Mandernach, Rashawn Scott, Ross Bryant, Vic Michaelis, Zac Oyama, Zeke Nicholson, Paul F. Tompkins, Talia Tabin, Victoria Longwell, Devin Field, Rachel Bloom, Hannah Pilkes, D.J. Mausner, Malachai Komanoff Bandy, Mimi von Schack, Maame-Yaa Aforo, Sarah Claspell, Ryder Dunagan, Caitlin Reilly, Pete Holmes, Bri Giger, Echo Kellum, Angela Giarratana, Corin Wells, Ben Schwartz, and Ryan Gaul!
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marleyelona · 5 months
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Sons of Anarchy. All rights go to Kurt Sutter, FX and any others that made this amazing show possible. I do, however, own my character, Letitia Morrow, and any other OCs I might add in the future, along with their backstories and their storylines within the show.
GRAPHICS: I MAKE the gifs that are used throughout this book. On occasion I will use gifs I find on google, which I will clarify. Any gifs I haven't made, all rights of those should go to the rightful creators. I also DO the aesthetics, covers, tags and trailers that are made. Please do not steal them. HOWEVER most of the images you see in this book are made by A.I imaging unless stated otherwise.
WARNING (Mature Audience Only)⚠️: violence, murder, gore, coarse language, mental health issues, domestic violence, drug and alcohol use, and detailed sex scenes will appear in this book. If any of these are a trigger for you, please take caution if you decide to continue. 
A Trunk Full of Problems
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[Pre-Season One]
" There are two sides to my daughter; the angelic side of her mother and the devious side of me. And you never know which side you're gonna get from one moment to the next. She can switch just like that. "
Emmy Rossum as Letitia Morrow
Penn Badgley as Lewis Mckenna 
TRIGGER WARNING⚠️: Mentions of domestic abuse, a shooting, minor gore and some coarse language.
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A TWENTY ONE YEAR OLD LETITIA MORROW sped down the highway so fast if she took a wide corner her car would most likely turn over. Apart of her was dreading seeing the 'Welcome to Charming' sign. Letty or Lett, as she was called by many of the small town's residences, speed increased, while tears streamed down her beaten and bruised face. A dark purplish bruise hung under her left eye, her bright cherry lips had grown two sizes too big, as blood oozed out of the corner of her mouth. 
Pressing her foot down on the gas, made her engine let out a loud roar, as a sob escaped her lips when she aggressively rubbed her blood stained hands onto her ripped jeans. Her tears continued to flow like a tap, as the memories of the night prior flashed through her mind like an old movie projector. 
A blood curdling scream echoed in her ears, as she gasped, her eyes shot wide open at the sight of a car inches away from colliding with her front bumper, their bright head lights shinning into her eyes, almost blinding the brunette. 
Her shaky hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, as she turned it, managing to dodge the oncoming car without damaging her beautiful mustang - Thank God or her dad would have killed her. 
The car was in fact her baby. She received him on her sixteenth birthday from her father, who just so happened to be the President of Samcro, Clay Morrow. 
Her father and her had a complicated relationship, childhood worth of resentment hung heavy for Letty, and she was just as stubborn as him, so any chance she got, she liked to remind him how much he wasn't there for her growing up. Sometimes they were too similar, because of this, they constantly butted heads. But at the end of the day they loved each other deeply and were very protective over one another - they would quite literally kill for each other. 
Admittedly, it had been a few years since Letty had been back to Charming, she had moved pretty quickly after she graduated from high school, not wanting to end up some Sons' old lady like Gemma. God, she loved that woman like a mother, but she did not want to turn out like her. 
Gemma and Letty had a close relationship. Letty's mother died in 1987 during an emergency c-section. And when her father married Gemma, she became mum to her, as she had helped raise her pretty much since birth, making her the woman she is today. 
Gemma was the one person Letty was worried to see, as she headed towards the club house. After she left, they had talked on the phone a few times here and there, but it wasn't the same. Gemma didn't fully support her leaving town, so she wasn't excited about the lecture she would mostly definitely receive when they came face to face again after three years. 
Her eyes travelled to the back seat of her car at the many bags she stuffed inside, knowing she couldn't return to her house in Los Angeles, not after what happened the night prior with her boyfriend of three years, who she met during her freshman year of college, where she went onto complete a diploma in nursing. 
That was probably the hardest thing about her decision to race back home to Charming, having to quit a job she loved with people she loved. But she was sure she'd be able to pick up a nursing job at the hospital easy, as they always seem to be short staffed. 
As she passed the out dated 'Welcome to Charming' sign, which hadn't been updated since she was born, maybe even longer, a cold chill ran down her spine. She wonder what the small town of Charming would have in stall for this next chapter of her life. Because one thing was for sure, Charming was never boring, there was always something happening, whether it was good or bad that was up for interpretation. 
Sure, she was happy to see her old friends and family. There was Jax and Opie, who were like her older brothers growing up. Before she had left she got pretty close with Opie's wife Donna, while Opie was inside. Donna actually helped Letty look for colleges far away from Charming and Samcro, thinking if she couldn't get out of the crippling town herself and away from the toxicity of the club, she'd want someone to, who else more deserving than the sweetheart that was Letty Morrow. 
She'd love to see all the boys again. Chibs, Bobby, Tig and Piney were all in the waiting room of the maternity ward when Letita Loraine Morrow was brought into this world. They all actually got kicked out for smoking a couple fat cigars. A story that was continuously told throughout her life, the boys thought it was pretty funny, mainly trying to shine some light on the day they lost a good woman, Loraine Morrow, the most caring woman you'd ever meet, a trait her daughter inherited. 
Letty was close with them all, but Chibs was like a second father to her, so even when her dad wasn't around much when she was a kid, Chibs was there to fill that emptiness in her heart. 
Piney was someone she loved to call her crazy grandpa, she had actually went to calling him Pops or Poppy at a young age. 
And Bobby and Tig were like her eccentrically crazy uncles that would willingly get her plastered, partying right into the night together - she loved them to death. 
As Letty finally pulled into Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair Shop, that was used as a front for their motorcycle club's dealings, she gave herself a small pep talk inside her head, 'It's going to be okay. Sure, you haven't seen most of these people in years, but you got this. It'll be fine'. In fact, she was so deep in her own thoughts and still pretty hysterical, that she didn't realise how far she actually drove into the large compound and before she knew it...BANG! 
A loud CRASH! Followed by a continuous horn caught the Sons' attention from inside the Chapel. Like any other day, the boys sat around the table discussing current business, before they were oh-so-rudely interrupted. 
Instantly, they were all on their feet, their senses on high alert, because when you were apart of a motorcycle club that did questionable dealings, you should always expect the worst. Each member had a hand clamped around their gun that sat on their hips; ready to draw it if need be. 
Clay Morrow held up a hand, signalling from them all to stay put. Placing a finger to his lips, he motioned with his head for them to quietly follow him outside. 
Making it outside and around the back of the large compound, they all noticed the familiar red mustang, which had clearly crashed into the garage sliding door. 
"Jesus Christ!" Clay hissed under his breath, running hand through his white-blonde hair, as he released his grip from his glock. Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Bobby Munson, Piney Winston, Tig Trager and Opie Winston, followed suit, relaxing slightly. Although, both Juice Ortiz and Half-Sack Epps were still clearly on high alert - what the hell was going on? 
Concern and worry had washed over the older members' faces, Clay being the first one to rush over to the car. But all of them sighed in relief when the driver's side door opened and a girl with long, brown, curly hair stepped out of the vehicle. Juice and Half-sack had held back; having no idea what was happening. 
"Daddy!" Letty immediately broke down at the sight of her father, instantly running into his arms and soaking his chest with tears, as she sobbed. And as Juice watched the scene unfold, he felt a small pang in his heart for the poor girl. 
Clay pulled back, holding the woman at arms length, as he cupped her beautiful face. And once Juice finally got a good look at her features, his jaw almost hit the floor. She was hot. No, not hot...Gorgeous. He honestly thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his whole life. And he had been with his fair share of beautiful women, but not one of them held a candle to Letty Morrow.
"Honey, what happened--?" Clay started to ask, before his face fell, noticing the state she was in and the bruises that scattered her entire body, not just her face. "Did he beat you again?" Clay's whole face turned murderous, as he tightly gripped his daughter's shoulders, which made her wince in pain. 
All the girl managed was a nod of her head, which only angered Clay more. 
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" the man clenched his fists, as he started to storm towards his bike, but Letty was quick to grab his arm. 
"No! You're not going anywhere," she declared, sending her father a stern look. 
Yanking his arm back, he glared at his only daughter, "Don't tell me what I'm gonna fucking do. He put his hands on you, baby!" 
"I understand that," she said, matching his tone. If the situation wasn't so serious the boys would of had a laugh at how quickly father and daughter had started arguing. It was always said, 'You can't have Clay and Letty in the same room for too long or a storm would brew'. 
Clay went to open his mouth to argue once again, but Letty cut him off and continued with what she was saying, "That's why I took care of it," she said in a tone of voice that gave nothing away, her face even remained solemn, so you couldn't even read her facial expressions to guess what she meant by that statement. 
Clay furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What does that even mean?" he slightly snapped, throwing his hands up in frustration. 
"I came here because I need your help," she stated, making her way over to her car, Clay and the boys followed after her as she started to unlock her boot. Pulling the door open, the boys leaned over to look inside and their eyes widened at the sight of a man all tied up with a gun shot wound on his lower region, his blood staining the lining of the boot. 
"You stupid fucking bitch!" Lewis Mckenna hissed, glaring bloody murder at his girlfriend of three years, as he thrusted around, trying to get free from the tight binds. "You actually fucking shot me! Oh, my God, you shot me in the dick!" he cried, looking down at his wounded genitals that oozed with blood. 
While amusement was clear on the older members' faces, Juice and Half-Sack were watching on, completely confused, but also very intrigued, watching this all play out like it was a brand new movie at the cinemas. All they were missing was popcorn. 
"And I should of done worse, you fucking cock sucker!" she sneered, shooting daggers with her eyes at her latest ex-boyfriend. 
A growl sounded from the back of Lewis' throat, as his glared up at her hatefully, "I'm going to fucking kill, you crazy bitch--!" 
The guy's threat was cut short by an elbow to the face, knocking him out cold, "That's enough out of," Jax smirked, owner of said elbow, earning him a chuckle from the girl that was basically his sister, they gave each other enough wedgies growing up to justify that. 
"As you can see..." she said to her father, putting on her best, 'I'm sweet and innocent' look "...I fucked up." 
"Yeah, you should of went for the head," Clay hissed, looking at the man in complete disgust, like he was the piece of gum under his shoe. 
"I thought it showed creativity," Letty pouted like a five year old who was just refused ice cream for dinner, crossing her arms over her chest. "So sue me," she shrugged nonchalantly. 
"I thought it was pretty creative, darlin'," Tig stated with that somewhat sinister smirk of his. "Take away a man's equipment -Worse and most painful punishment there is." 
"Thanks, Tigga," she said, sending the man a kind smile. Her nickname for Tig came from when she was a toddler and just learning to say a few words here and there, so when Tig tried to teach her his name or his nickname, she kept just getting excited repeatedly yelling her favourite cartoon character's name and the nickname just stuck ever since. 
Clay shot his Sergeant in Arms a glare, "Don't encourage her," he scolded. 
Tig raised his hands in mock-surrender, "Hey! She's your daughter."
Clay's glare sharpened at his words, making him take a step back, his hands still raised, "That's all I'm saying." 
"Letty?!" the voice of Gemma Teller-Morrow sounded from behind the girl. The woman had stepped out of the office to investigate what the commotion was all about, she didn't recognise the woman at first, squinting her eyes, as she blocked out the sun's UV rays with her hand. And that's when she saw it, the face she hadn't seen in nearly three whole years. One she'd recognise from a mile away.
Letty was quick to whip her head around and a smile immediately graced her face as she spotted Gemma striding over to her in a quick pace. 
"Well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in," chuckled Gemma, as she reached the girl, looking at her fondly. 
"Gemma," Letty beamed, bringing the woman into a hug. 
"Gemma?" the woman frowned in confusion as they parted. "What happened to Mum?" she questioned, tilting her head to the side, as she raised an eyebrow, staring the girl down. "Been gone too long, you forgot who raised your skinny ass," she teased, cupping the girl's chin as she gave her face a playful shake. "Huh?" 
Letty chuckled, shaking her head amusingly, "Never." 
Gemma smiled, wrapping her arm around her step-daughter's shoulders, before leading her back over to her car and examined the contents of her boot, a hum leaving her lips, "This is the boyfriend I'm guessing?" 
"Ex-boyfriend," Letty corrected. 
"Well, they can't say you don't know how to make an entrance." 
"Well, you know..." she said, shrugging nonchalantly. "I gotta keep the old man on his toes," she said, flashing her father a cheeky smirk, as she sent him a wink, earning a playful glare in response.
Gemma let out a loud chuckle, snapping her head back in amusement, "Well, what do you say, why don't we leave the boys to clean up this mess you created, and you and I grab a cuppa and catch up?" she asked, as she started to guide the girl back over to her father's office. "It's been so long. I've missed you around here, baby!" Gemma beamed happily, as she rubbed her shoulders - glad her daughter was back. 
"Yeah, I've missed you guys, too," Letty said, and it was true, she did. She never wanted to leave the people. She wanted to leave the club and small town life behind. 
Meanwhile, Juice was in a hypnotic state, his eyes watching Letty closely as she walked away, he was practically drooling over her, "She's beautiful, isn't she?" he whispered to Half-Sack in a monotone voice. Juice didn't think about who was around at that moment, as the words slipped from his lips. 
"Yeah," Half-Sack rapidly nodded his head in agreement, while he was actually drooling over her and had to readjust the spring in his jeans. "Hard to think she came from Clay," he chuckled. 
"Hey!" Clay whacked both the zombie like boys on the back of the head.
"Ow!" they both hissed simultaneously, rubbing the back of their heads. 
"Both of your ugly mugs better not be thinking what I think your thinking about," he warned, pointing a stern finger in their faces. 
"Hell no, sir" Half-Sack immediately uttered, his eyes awkwardly finding his feet when he looked away from the girl, not knowing where else to look in the mean time. 
"Yeah, that's what I thought," Clay shot back with narrowed eyes. 
"Damn," Juice whistled, his eyes still locked on the girl, who was now inside, sipping a coffee as she talked with Gemma, still visible through the window, as he remained in his hypnotic state. 
"Oh, Juicy Boy," Tig chuckled amusingly, coming over to wrap his arm over the boy's shoulders, giving him a light pat. "She's gonna chew you up and spit you out." 
"Ain't that the truth," Opie agreed, shaking his head in amusement - Juice could not handle a girl like Letty Morrow, not in the slightest. Stronger men have tried and let's just say, it didn't end well for them. 
Clay joyfully chuckled, finding the boy's crush on his daughter kind of hilarious, knowing she had no interest in dating a Son. He would have applied the rule when she turned eighteen himself, but she had already stated she would never date one of his 'brothers' way before that. 
"There are two sides to my daughter; the angelic side of her mother and the devious side of me. And you never know what side you're gonna get from one moment to the next. She can switch just like that," he said, clicking his fingers together, as a sinister smirk tugged at the corner his lips. "So, this should be fun to watch, aye, boys?" he mocked, as they all roared with laughter. 
Poor Juice had no idea what he was getting himself into; swooning over the President's daughter. 
Originally Published on Wattpad on the 10/03/2024
Please not, all Images were created by Bing's AI generator. Although, the title tag at the top was made by me.
Let me know what you thought of the Prologue to my Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction - Ride or Die.
Marley 😁
Words: 3182
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grizzledyoungimpact · 9 months
To Love An Outlaw
Whumpuary 2024 January 7-8th 2024 "Help Me"/Lightheaded/Kneeling Nolee Angle (oc)/Eddie Kingston Medieval AU
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The young princess released a shuddering breath as she watched her father's men lead the prisoner into the throne room. Heavy chains bound the man's hands together, connected to the thick chain around the man's neck. It was a far cry from how she had last seen the commoner, bathed in moonlight with a charming but devilish gleam in his eyes. Now here he was, forced to kneel on the cold marble tile floor before her fathers throne.
Oh, this was all her fault!
Princess Nolee Angle had always known what she wanted out of life and what was expected of her. She wanted to be treated as her brother was, a talented warrior who could one day lead their people. She had already proven her talent with a sword, and she was more of a natural at battle strategy. However, her father and stepmother were traditionalists. Karen tried to keep Nolee in the home as often as she could. The tutors often taught her sewing and music, which Nolee only half enjoyed. Embroidery was only a little more interesting, and only because she could use the needle to stab and take our her frustrations.
The worst; however, had to be the man Kurt and Karen expected her to wed.
Most princesses would have been honored to find themselves betrothed to a man like Prince Tyson Smith. He was handsome and younger than others Nolee could have found herself betrothed to. Kurt had found an interest in Tyson's abilities as a capable fighter and diplomat. Yet, Nolee had seen the truth at more than one royal gala. Tyson was cruel at the very heart of it. He had little care for the people he would one day serve and instead enjoyed spending his waking hours with the few lords he had deemed his elite.
Nolee hadn't wanted to be the meager wife of a cruel husband, she wanted to be a warrior who saw adventure in her life.
And so, in the cover of night with the help of her lady-in-waiting McKenna Flemin, Nolee had snuck to the town just outside the castle to visit the tavern. Nolee still remembered the first time she saw the prisoner now forced to kneel upon the cold stone floor. He had looked like the reward posters scattered around the kingdom, and yet the rogue with the storm gray eyes and gleaming smile drank freely in the tavern with no fear of being turned in.
Their eyes had met, and Nolee felt seen for the first time in her life.
There were many more tavern meetings after that. Edward had become a mystery Nolee wished to solve bit by bit. He fought and stole for those who couldn't do so for themselves. Edward was a man bound by his own code, a determination to make the world a better place. With his earnest honesty, Nolee had felt terrible with each lie she had been forced to tell. Edward couldn't know she was a princess. It would be too dangerous for the man she had grown to truly love.
The look in his eyes as their gaze met gave all the betrayal he could possibly feel.
"Shoulda known you were royal," Edward spoke up as he averted his gaze again.
"You will hold your tongue in the presense of my daughter," Kurt hissed from where he sat upon his throne, "However did you manage to capture him, Noah?"
The prince, who was almost the spitting image of his father, gave a proud smirk, "He attempted to rob the wrong man. Lord Gresham single-handedly managed to apprehend the cur. We checked his person and he had this pinned to his cloak."
Nolee didn't have to look at the item Noah now held in his fingers to know exactly what it was.
The brooch was one Nolee had received years ago from her father, taking the appearance of the medal that was the Angle family crest. It was inlaid with rubies and sapphires, pearls separating each. On their last meeting, they had traded tokens. Beneath the collar of the dress she wore laid the trinket Edward had given her, a cross the outlaw had carved with his own hands. It was everything to her, a symbol of love.
A reminder of the kiss they had shared that night.
"How did you come to be in possession of such an heirloom so precious to my family?" Kurt questioned gruffly.
Nolee could barely believe her own actions as she stepped from her spot behind her father to move to kneel in front of Edward. Her Edward. "I gave it to him, father."
"Impossible," Kurt scoffed with a wave of his hand in dismissal, "you would have had to meet the villain first."
"He's no villain, papa," Nolee protested as she cupped her love's face, "Edward is a man of the people. A hero."
"He is an outlaw and a murderer," Noah corrected his sister, "how have you any knowledge of the man?"
"Every night for a month," Nolee began gently, "I have been in his company. I have laid my soul bare as he had laid his troubles upon me. I love him."
Edward's storm gray eyes lit up in surprise as he allowed his gaze to meet Nolee's once again, "You...Nolee..."
"With all that I have ever been," Nolee pressed a gentle kiss to her beloved's cheek. With her free hand, she pressed a pin from her hair into his hands. She was no fool. Love would not free Edward from the crimes he had committed, but she could help protect him.
Edward's lips pressed to his love's painted ones, every bit as passionate as the first time they had kissed. The court was aghast at the bravery of the prison as he was pulled to his feet, "I love you too, princess. Wait for me."
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breedaboyd · 1 year
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OC Profiles
(Icons created using KRMR's Picrew. Profiles created by yours truly.)
Alistair Moreau (Sandman Universe) is paired with the Corinthian.
August (Predator 2018) is paired with Quinn McKenna.
Damien Parker (Justified: City Primeval) is paired with Clement Mansell.
Ezra May (The Cursed 2021) is paired with John McBride.
Kurt Ackerman (Logan 2017) is paired with Donald Pierce.
Miguel Escareno (Narcos) is paired with Steve Murphy.
Stephan Wolff (Indiana Jones 5) is paired with Eli Klaber.
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Micheleamidalajedi's fanfiction and moodboard masterlist! 💫
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Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Kate bishop
Bucky Barnes
Luke Cage
Carol Danvers
Peter Parker
Jessica Jones
Sam Wilson
Pepper Potts
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
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Emily Prentiss
Spencer Reid
Jennifer Jareau
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
Matthew Simmons
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Kate Callahan
Aaron Hotchner
Ashley Seaver
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Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Sirius Black
Katie Bell
Neville Longbottom
Minerva Mcgonagall
Blaise Zabini
Nymphodora Tonks
Rubeus Hagrid
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
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Jill Valentine
Leon Kennedy
Helena Harper
Carlos Oliveira
Claire Redfield
Jake Muller
Sherry Birkin
Chris Redfield
Piers Nivan
Sheva Alomar
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Nick Stokes
Sara Sidle
Greg Sanders
Catherine Willows
Warrick Brown
Mia Dickerson
Gil Grissom
Riley Adams
Raymond Langston
Julie Finlay
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Tifa Lockhart
Hope Esthiem
Oerba Dia Vanille
Cloud Strife
Aerith Gainsborough
Snow Villers
Lighting Farron
Vincent Valentine
Oerba Yun Fang
Zack Fair
Yuffie Kirasagi
Prompto Argentum
Serah Farron
Squall Leonhart
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Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Ororo Munroe
Charles Xavier
Raven Darkholme
Warren Worthington
Kitty Pryde
Kurt Wagner
Logan Howlett
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Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe
Natalia Boa Vista
Horatio Caine
Marisol Delko
Jesse Cardoza
Calleigh Duquesne
Walter Simmons
Eric Delko
Kyle Harmon
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Mordin Solus
Liara T'soni
Garrus Vakarian
Thane Krios
Tali'zorah nar rayya
Urdnot Wrex
Suvi Anwar
Liam Kostas
Kasumi Goto
Jaal ama darav
Pelessaria B'sayle
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Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Din Djarin
Ashoka Tano
Poe Dameron
Rey Skywalker
Galen Marek
Jyn Erso
Obi wan kenobi
Bo katan kryze
Luke Skywalker
Cara Dune
Cere Junda
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Mission Vao
Cal Kestis
Barriss Offee
Qui gon jin
Don Billingsley
Celine Naville
Santiago Garcia
Kimberly Corman
Bam Margera
Alex Law
Monica Long Dutton
Wally West
Kara AX400
Robert Lewis
Wendy Christensen
Frank Mccullen
Beverly Marsh
Connor RK900
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan
Christopher Robin
Mike Hanlon
Haruhi Fujioka
Ben Miller
Peter Pevensie
Mason "Mace" Brown
Susan Pevensie
Will Miller
Judy Alvarez
Gavin "Spinner" Mason
Callie Adams Foster
Tori Spring
Jane Vaughn
Murphy Macmanus
Panam Palmer
Ryan Dunn
Harland Mckenna
Artemis Crock
Adam Banks
Emma Nelson
Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Lucy Pevensie
Connor Kent
Peyton Sawyer
Edmund Pevensie
Connie Monreau
Kung Jin
Carol Peletier
Guy Germaine
Brooke Davis
Johnny Knoxville
Emily Fields
Ben Hanscom
Jacqui Briggs
Charlie Conway
Beth Greene
Luis Mendoza
Amelia Sheperd
Elliott Alderson
Heather Mason
John Wick
Takashi Takeda
Beth Dutton
Cassie Cage
Kazuma Kiryu
Megan Morse
Chris Pontius
Ellie Nash
Legolas Greenleaf
Mariana Foster
Dick Grayson
Lara Croft
Frankie Morales
Mark Renton
Julia Salinger
Rip Wheeler
Pixie O'brien
Foxy Cleopatra
Austin Powers
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insidious-apple · 2 years
It’s spotify wrapped time
the whole fuckin thing
1. Soldier Poet King by the Oh Hellos 2. Test Drive by John Powell 3. She’s a Handsome Woman by Panic! at the Disco 4. 5 Years Time by Noah And The Whale 5. Meet Me At Our Spot - Live by THE ANXIETY, WILLOW, Tyler Cole 6. Once Upon a Time by Toby Fox 7. Buttercup by Jack Stauber 8. Waving Through A Window from Dear Evan Hansen 9. Sweetness by Jimmy Eat World 10. Camisado by Panic! at the Disco 11. My Ordinary Life by The Living Tombstone 12. Hang ‘Em High by My Chemical Romance 13. What I Got by Sublime 14. Wild Heart by Bleachers 15. ROOFTOP RUN: ACT1 by SEGA SOUND TEAM, Tomoya Ohtani 16. Vegas Lights by Panic! at the Disco 17. Death By Glamour by Toby Fox 18. Life By The Sea by Tubbo, CG5 19. I Was a Teenage Anarchist by Against Me! 20. Shut Up And Drive by Rihanna 21. Daniel In The Den by Bastille 22. Forbidden Friendship by John Powell 23. LA Devotee by Panic! at the Disco 24. Thanks fr th Mmrs by Fall Out Boy 25. Metal Crusher by Toby Fox 26. No Shows by Gerard Way 27. Heaven Is a Halfpipe (If I Die) by OPM 28. Kyouran Hey Kids!!! by THE ORAL CIGARETTES 29. Romantic Flight by John Powell 30. Peach Fuzz by Caamp 31. space girl by Frances Forever 32. Crooked Teeth by Death Cab for Cutie 33. Even Flow by Pearl Jam 34. The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage by Panic! at the Disco 35. Home by Toby Fox 36. Rät by Penelope Scott 37. The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You by My Chemical Romance 38. I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers 39. Coming Back Around by John Powell 40. Superseded (feat. Adam Tell) by Simpli, Adam Tell 41. The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny by Lemon Demon 42. Speak Easy by 311 43. Brazil by Declan McKenna 44. Jolene by Dolly Parton 45. Don’t Look Back In Anger by Oasis 46. The Curse of Curves by Cute Is What We Aim For 47. You Reposted in the Wrong Neighborhood | Glue70 Mashup by Shokk 48. Concrete by Lovejoy 49. Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind 50. Savior by Rise Against 51. Coconut Mall by Arcade Player 52. Delfino Plaza by Qumu 53. Look Who’s Inside Again by Bo Burnham 54. World’s Smallest Violin by AJR 55. Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon 56. Minecraft Pigstep - Remix by FlyxTheKid 57. Cool Party by Mal Blum 58. I’d Do Anything by Simple Plan 59. INFERNO by Sub Urban, Bella Poarch 60. The Games by Patrick Doyle 61. Dogsong by Toby Fox 62. Second chan... by sunscin 63. Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths 64. Run-Around by Blues Traveler 65. This Is Berk by John Powell 66. Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown 67. Pretty Pimpin by Kurt Vile 68. Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye 69. Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns 70. Undertale by Toby Fox 71. Syndicate by Derivakat 72. It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish by My Chemical Romance 73. Mary On A Cross by Ghost 74. Rollercoaster by Bleachers 75. POLTERGEIST! by CORPSE, OmenXIII 76. Bubble Toes by Jack Johnson 77. But It’s Better If You Do by Panic! at the Disco 78. Choice by Jack Stauber’s Micropop 79. Kingdom Dance by Alan Menken 80. Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson 81. Make You Mine by PUBLIC 82. Fallen Down by Toby Fox 83. Hidden In the Sand by Tally Hall 84. Content by Bo Burnham 85. Mama by My Chemical Romance 86. Good Day by Luce 87. Jamie All Over by Mayday Parade 88. Nails for Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks by Panic! at the Disco 89. Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups 90. Dead on Arrival by Fall Out Boy 91. I Would by One Direction 92. Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) by Panic! at the Disco 93. Spider Dance by Toby Fox 94. Rainbow Road by Qumu 95. Domino by Jessie J 96. Joy To The World by Three Dog Night 97. Turn Back Time by Derivakat 98. Ready To Go (Get Me Out of My Mind) by Panic! at the Disco 99. Not So Fireproof by John Powell 100. Hey Julie by Fountains of Wayne 101. No Mercy by The Living Tombstone, Black Gryph0n, LittleJayneyCakes
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blakeboldt-blog · 6 years
Best Albums of 2018
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Highest honors:
"May Your Kindness Remain," Courtney Marie Andrews.
"Negro Swan," Blood Orange.
"boygenius," boygenius.
"Good Thing," Leon Bridges.
"Port Saint Joe," Brothers Osborne.
"By the Way, I Forgive You," Brandi Carlile.
"Hell-On," Neko Case.
"Chris," Christine and the Queens.
"Freedom," Amen Dunes.
"Double Negative," Low.
"Be the Cowboy," Mitski.
"Dirty Computer," Janelle Monae.
"Sparrow," Ashley Monroe & "Interstate Gospel," Pistol Annies.
"Golden Hour," Kacey Musgraves.
"Ventriloquism," Meshell Ndegeocello.
"SASSAFRASS!" Tami Nielson.
"Hope Downs," Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever.
"Soil," serpentwithfeet.
"Clean," Soccer Mommy.
"What a Time to Be Alive," Superchunk.
High honors:
"Invasion of Privacy," Cardi B.
"Head Over Heels," Chromeo.
"Last Building Burning," Cloud Nothings.
"Look Now," Elvis Costello & the Imposters.
"Passwords," Dawes.
"God's Favorite Customer," Father John Misty.
"Sweetener," Ariana Grande.
"See You Around," I'm with Her.
"Dying Star," Ruston Kelly.
"Vide Noir," Lord Huron.
"Dirty Pictures (Part 2)," Low Cut Connie.
"Girl Going Nowhere," Ashley McBryde.
"Room 25," Noname.
"Wide Awake!" Parquet Courts.
"Honey," Robyn.
"Young Romance," Roosevelt.
"The Window," Cecile McLorin Salvant.
"Devotion," Tirzah.
"Isolation," Kali Uchis.
"A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships," The 1975.
"Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino," Arctic Monkeys.
"Tell Me How You Really Feel," Courtney Barnett.
"Hollywood Africans," Jon Batiste.
"7," Beach House.
"The Mountain," Dierks Bentley.
"Find a Light," Blackberry Smoke.
"Sex & Cigarettes," Toni Braxton.
"Black Velvet," Charles Bradley.
"All Nerve," The Breeders.
"Camila," Camila Cabello.
"The Thread That Keeps Us," Calexico.
"Caution," Mariah Carey.
"Twin Fantasy," Car Seat Headrest.
"Everything Is Love," The Carters.
"She Remembers Everything," Rosanne Cash.
"Wanderer," Cat Power.
"Desperate Man," Eric Church.
"Providence Canyon," Brent Cobb.
"Historian," Lucy Dacus.
"Cactus," Elise Davis.
"Scorpion," Drake.
"Encore," Anderson East.
"The Crossing," Alejandro Escovedo.
"Ruins," First Aid Kit.
"High As Hope," Florence & the Machine.
"Nearer My God," Foxing.
"The Now Now," Gorillaz.
"Anthem of the Peaceful Army," Greta Van Fleet.
"Mr. Jukebox," Joshua Hedley.
"My American Dream," Will Hoge.
"Hive Mind," The Internet.
"Primal Heart," Kimbra.
"Go to School," The Lemon Twigs.
"I'm All Ears," Let's Eat Grandma.
"Wouldn't It Be Great," Loretta Lynn.
"Among the Ghosts," Lucero.
"One Stone," Trixie Mattel.
"The Tree," Lori McKenna.
"All the Things That I Did and All the Things That I Didn’t Do,” The Milk Carton Kids.
"Other Arrangements," Parker Millsap.
"Golden," Kylie Minogue.
"Kin," Mogwai.
"Tearing at the Seams," Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats.
"Last Man Standing," Willie Nelson.
"Volunteer," Old Crow Medicine Show.
"Liberty," Lindi Ortega.
"Oxnard," Anderson .Paak.
"C'est La Vie," Phosphorescent.
"The Tree of Forgiveness," John Prine.
"All Aboard," Punch Brothers."Daytona," Pusha T.
"Loner," Caroline Rose."Care for Me," Saba.
"Sunset," Amanda Shires.
"Years," Sarah Shook & the Disarmers.
"Route One," Sigur Ros.
"E.G.O.," Lucie Silvas.
"Bloom," Troy Sivan.
"Lush," Snail Mail.
"FM!" Vince Staples.
"Karma for Cheap," Aaron Lee Tasjan.
"13 Rivers," Richard Thompson.
"Record," Tracey Thorn.
"Life Is Good on the Open Road," Trampled by Turtles.
"Western Movies," Traveller.
"WARM," Jeff Tweedy."Offerings," Typhoon.
"In a Poem Unlimited," U.S. Girls.
"Restoration: Reimagining the Songs of Elton John and Bernie Taupin," Various.
"Bottle It In," Kurt Vile.
"Healing Tide," The War and Treaty.
"Heaven and Earth," Kamasi Washington.
"My Dear Melancholy," The Weeknd.
"Greetings from the Wild Frontier," Wild Feathers.
"Yolk in the Fur," Wild Pink.
"One Drop of Truth," The Wood Brothers.
"The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs," Wye Oak.
"There's a Riot Going On," Yo La Tengo.
"Suspiria," Thom Yorke.
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blacktopmemories · 7 months
Playlist for Saturday, February 17, 2024
Ty Segall - "Reflections" Mia Joy - "That's a Lie" The Decemberists - "Burial Ground" Old Sea Brigade - "Hands in the Dirt" Wintersleep - "Never Let You Go" Kurt Vile - "Breathin' Out" Cass McCombs - "Prima Donna" Declan McKenna - "Elevator Hum" The Smile - "Wall of Eyes" Frankie and the Witch Fingers - "Electricide" Kevin Devine "Now: Navigate" The Weakerthans - "Sun in an Empty Room" Julien Baker - "Everybody Does" Mastersystem - "Notes on a Life Not Quite Lived" Vacations - "Terms and Conditions" Katy Kirby - "Drop Dead" Crystal Canyon - "Judy Moody" The Brook and the Bluff - "Knock" David Bazan - "Trouble with Boys" Foxing - "Beacons" Kings of Leon - "My Party" Sleater-Kinney - "Don't Feel Right" Beruit - "So Many Plans" Darksoft - "Less is More" North & South - "Walls" The Hidden Cameras - "Gay Goth Scene" xo - b. To download or stream the show, click here!
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eitmonline · 11 months
EITM Playlist 11/6/23
Garth Brooks, Ronnie Dunn - Rodeo Man | 6:04
Lukas Nelson and Promise Of The Real - Alcohallelujah | 6:20
Lukas Nelson and Promise Of The Real - Every Time I Drink | 6:25
U2 - Seconds | 6:54
Kurt Vile - Another good year for the roses | 7:23
Kid Cudi ft. Pharrell Williams & Travis Scott - AT THE PARTY | 7:40
WILLOW - alone | 7:45
almost monday - sweet feelings | 8:22
The Struts - Pretty Vicious | 8:46
The Voidz - Flexorcist | 9:07
Madness - Baby Burglar | 9:22
The Gaslight Anthem - Spider Bites | 9:27
Declan McKenna - Nothing Works | 10:04
Momma - Sunday | 10:25
0 notes
todaysbiggesthits · 1 year
Odds, Ends
JD’s 16-23
16. Kurt Vile - (watch my moves) 17. Horsegirl - Versions of Modern Performance 18. Tindersticks - Stars at Noon Soundtrack 19. Various Artists - Gigantic Audubon Society Comp 20. Raum - Daughter 21. Arctic Monkeys - The Car 22. Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers 23. Various Artists - After Dark 4 Comp 24. Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork
New to Code in 2022
hotline tnt - nineteen in love krakow loves adana - follow the voice lori mckenna - the balladeer dinner - dream work anika - change mount eerie - lost wisdom pt 2 german error message - mend shelf life - fearless
Arden’s Top Hits of 2022
0 notes
henrique-bs · 2 years
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sobre a felicidade de ir em celebrações brilhanteeess e conhecer almas mt astraisss, dias de glória sempre chegam pra celebrarmos em família ihaaaa abençoado demais ao ouvir tanta arte foda esses tempos, seria um crime desejar mais cultura música e arte pro todooo? Cultura é educação, eis a importância de colocarmos o facismo no chão, tolerância zero a violência de quem permanece na caverna de platão, zero armas, comida na mesa da população e direitos garantidos como a educação! fora bozo ✨❤️✊ ps: pochete ::: uma das melhores criações pra guardar o celular, documentos e não perder ficha tomando umas brejas ✨ Sócrates — ''O verdadeiro conhecimento vem de dentro.'' Sócrates — “A sabedoria começa na reflexão.” Sonia Corazza — “Respirar é a primeira coisa que fazemos ao nascer e a última quando morremos. Que todos esses milhões de movimentos sejam valiosamente aproveitados em sua vida!” Soraya Aragão — “A cada manhã, quando o sol desponta, nos é dado um novo dia, uma nova oportunidade para refletir, pra mudar… É momento de reconciliação, de novas propostas, de dar carinho a si mesmo, de se perceber como pessoa em constante processo, em devir. Nada para tudo está em constante mudança; acompanhe o passo. Inspire-se, escute sua voz interior.” Steve Jobs — ''Lembrar que estarei morto em breve é a ferramenta mais importante que já encontrei para me ajudar a fazer grandes escolhas na vida. Porque quase tudo - expectativas externas, orgulho, medo de passar vergonha ou falhar - simplesmente some diante da face da morte, deixando apenas o que é verdadeiramente importante. Lembrar que você vai morrer é a melhor maneira que conheço para evitar a armadilha de pensar que você tem algo a perder. Você já está nu.'' Kurt Kobain - “Bem, eu realmente aprendi algumas coisas e uma delas é que a felicidade não tem nada a ver com a aprovação das outras pessoas. O que é realmente importante é estar feliz com você mesmo, encontrar alguém que é importante para você e seguir adiante sem ligar para que os outros falam.” Terence McKenna — ''⁠O que chamamos de realidade nada mais é do que uma alucinação culturalmente sancionada e linguisticamente reforçada.'' (em Memorial da América Latina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkxquNA4xp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grizzledyoungimpact · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 14: Blood-Stained Tiles
Febuwhump 2024 February 14th, 2024 Blood-Stained Tiles Noah Angle (OC)/McKenna Fleming (OC) Medieval AU
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The invasion had come quickly after Princess Nolee Angle had escaped with her beloved, Edward Kingston. In a way, Noah couldn't blame his younger sister. Love was the purest thing in the world, wasn't it? He wasn't quite sure of that anymore. The golden prince, Tyson Smith, had not been pleased to hear that the woman who was to be his bride had instead chosen to run away with a commoner.
Noah's father had not been prepared for an invasion from someone he considered an ally. The betrayal of Noah's mother, Queen Karen, for the golden prince and the lover she had chosen, a lord named Jeffrey who had served his father for ages, had only solidified his father's forceful removal from the throne. Noah had done his best to defend the castle, but even his skill with sword and shield had been no match for now King Smith. The only mercy that Noah had been given was his life. Instead of being murdered as his father had been, Noah had been conscripted into the new kings service.
That included being amongst some of the worst of the worst.
Lukas Gallows was a brute known for his self-centered ways, one of the oldest members of the Elite. What he lacked in brain power, he made up for in his lecherous ways and propensity for the drink. Noah had seen it happen at one too many banquets, the poor serving girls he would pull flush against his body arguing in protest. Tonight was no different. The castle was gathered for another raucous banquet, the drink flowing freely amongst warriors. Lukas had focused on another serving girl.
He had just focused on the wrong serving girl.
McKenna Fleming was unlike any woman Noah had ever known. She had once acted as the lady-in-waiting to his sister. Noah had always admired her beauty, her grace, and yet he had always been too afraid to tell her. After all, she was wedded to a lord and knight of the kingdom, a man known to many by the octopus helm he wore into battle. When Kurt had fallen, Gresham had also been one of the knights who fell in service. McKenna had gone from a happy, loving home with her husband and a child on the way to a serving girl with a young daughter. And tonight?
Tonight Gallows had made the mistake of fixating on her.
The moment he had pulled McKenna close, she had retaliated. One punch from the woman had made the drunken Gallows relinquish his grip on her arm. There was a moment before Lukas raised his hand to her, about to slap McKenna. Noah rushed from his seat to stand between the two, the blow from Gallows enough to knock the former prince off of his feet. The corner of the long table caught him on the way down, leaving a gash above his eye. The tiles of the great hall stained with what collected, but Noah got up as quickly as he could. "Don't ever touch her," Noah hissed as he pushed Lukas to the wall, fury in his eyes and a growl in his throat.
"Look like the Angle prince has feelings," Lukas laughed, not phased by Noah's sudden anger.
"Noah...it is alright..." McKenna stood at his right, a gentle hand on his shoulder.
To the left, Tyson stood and crossed to the pair. In his hand, he held one of the carving knives from supper. He pressed it firmly into Noah's hand, looking between the two. "Well, Noah? Are you going to let him get away with such an injustice?"
"Tyson," Lukas hesitated, looking at his king with surprise.
"You took an oath of loyalty, Lukas," Tyson politely reminded, "consider mine shifted."
Despite McKenna's pleading, Noah slid the knife into the man, anger in his heart. He wanted so badly to rip 𝒉𝒊𝒎 apart, but was Lukas really the him? Was Tyson, the man who had started all of this, even the him?
Or was Noah wanting to stain the tiles of the Angle palace with the blood of the thief Edward Kingston?
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How about these awesome S/S 1990 Alaia and Galliano swimsuits s? I loved this editorial "Toutes en lignes" with Tatjana Patitz in the May 1990 issue of Vogue Paris.  Hair Kevin Mancuso for Oribe, make up Fran Cooper. Fashion editor Joe Mc Kenna. Photo Kurt Markus.
From top to bottom:
-S/S 1990 Azzedine Alaia
-S/S 1990 John Galliano
- S/S 1990 John Galliano
-S/S 1990 Azzedine Alaia
- S/S 1990 John Galliano
Archived and edited by The Nostalgic Fashionista.
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vntge-music · 4 years
Depressing playlist🌔
- Big long now, Nirvana
- Something in the way, Nirvana
- Burn the rain, Kurt Cobain
- Another space song, Failure
- Let down, Radiohead
- No suprises, Radiohead
- Dawn chorus, Thom Yorke
- Suspirium, Thom Yorke
- Where is my mind? Pixies
- Epitaph, King Crimson
- Brew, Declan McKenna
- Lazarus, David Bowie
- Free as a bird, The beatles
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