#kushee talks
princessofmerc · 3 years
16 and 28 💛
Hello thank you for sending these in Kushee
16. Is there a driver who you made you drastically change your opinion of him? In the negative: Lando bc I can’t get over misogyny just like that. In the positive: I saw a picture with Nicky with facial hair and fell in love
28.Do you have a least favourite team? Which one and why? Red Bull because it’s a toxic shit place. “But the mechanics and engineers seem nice” yeah but Horner and Marko are such assholes. Like even with Checo now who’s an experienced driver. He didn’t give them the results they wanted and Marko’s already bad mouthing him. We’re two races into the season what the hell. The whole Alex seat thing (I’m not even talking about if he deserved it or Checo or whatever, I’m talking about the having signed Checo in  Abu Dhabi and only telling Alex and Hulk apparently 5 and 10 minutes before the announcement a week or something later). And with Pierre exposing them like he did... I just don’t think they have a good team athmosphere. (Ferrari is on thin ice for the way they treated Seb tho)
Hope you’re having a good evening
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
Fact that the girl is literally being referred to as the sex position that he’s obviously gone and bragged to his friends about is revolting. It just epitomises the whole idea that in his view the girl is only valuable for sex and does not mean anything more than just the sexual gratification she has provided him.
I think everyone needs to let that sink in.
He referred to the girl as a sex position.
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
I don't know who in the community has been receiving death threats and anon hate but I've seen multiple of my mutuals mention it today and I just want to say that if you're sending anyone death threats simply because of who they support then fuck you!
When will people realise that there's an actual real person on the receiving end of these messages, people who's mental health you know absolutely nothing about, would you really be happy, pleased, proud or even at peace with yourself if your message caused someone to actually hurt themselves or god forbid end their life
If seeing their posts effects your mental health enough to wish these heinous things upon them then I urge you to please block them or take a step back from social media for a little while, sending hate and throwing negativity out onto someone else is never the answer
These people who seemingly either can't control their emotions well enough or enjoying inflicting negativity and pain upon other people because of their own hurt feelings are beginning to get too common on f1blr, all you'll end up achieving is either driving everyone away from talking about F1 on Tumblr which would be a real pity or getting blogs to turn off the anon feature because we all know you'd never have the guts to say any of the vile shit you say off the safety of anon
Please step back and get some perspective on your behaviour
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
your a pathetic excuse of an english person for actively wishing that england looses and wanting to see them humiliated
Babes if I ever show an ounce of patriotism please shoot me
Seeing overly optimistic and cocky English people being defeated will always bring me joy, deal with it.
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
It’s disgusting to me that in the clip you posted right at the beginning they’re talking about “cowboy” and “rounds” (which clearly refers to s*x positions and times they’ve done it and honestly, no one needs to know, especially without the permission of the girl)
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
tarkov and maybe some ragezone stream on Max fewtrells twitch between 1:2.30 and 1:6:3 I personally also found this quite horrible to hear and i think its also important that people also know about that incident. Cause it is truly shocking for me how they talk about women there.
Yes also that incident!
They speak about women as possessions it's vile
(This is from the stream on 19th March for anyone who wants to watch it)
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
man wb was just having some fun writing some rpf and he's getting flamed on my tl ✋😭
i don't think it's a serious article bc he'd have to be seriously coked out to see 4 years into the future and predict the results of the next 3 seasons or so ahahahhaahsjdjdjjd
I'm just jealous, I also want to get paid by f1 to mainstream spread my role play fantasy propaganda
Seriously the man is on coke though if he thinks Lance is going to retire at the mere age of 25
Omg maybe Horner gave him some coke in exchange for him saying RB were gonna win for 3 years
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
start spreading alex to indy propaganda
do it
I support and approve of any and all Alex Albon propaganda
I just wanna see the sexy boi do sexy things
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
why is it always lance stans trying to stir shit up with lando lol
I'm also a Seb stan, a Lewis stan, a George stan, a Alex stan...is any of that relevant? No it's not.
I'm not trying to "stir" anything
I'm calling out misogyny when I see it
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
Been following Lando for quite some time so here’s my two cents on the whole situation. Yall are so quick to attack complete strangers on the internet. Check yourself and your friends first. As a 21 year old with a big group of friends, these kinds of conversations are something that happens all the time, and they come from both boys and girls. I’m not saying that it’s the most correct thing to do but the guy is not fucking Armie Hammer. You are spreading more hate and negative energy by making numerous posts about a bunch of immature guys talking about something that interests many 21 year olds- and thats sex and relationships. And don’t even try to tell me that you don’t talk to your friends about your experiences with those things. Lando is going to mature and come out of this phase eventually, it comes naturally for most people. Imagine someone following your every single step and being aware of everything that you do and say and then calling you out because of it. Humans are not painted black and white, most of us correct our behaviour on our own as time passes and sorry to break it to you but this is really not a big deal + the whole sex position thing is a lie and you have been attacking him unfairly because the “cowboy” nickname references the girl Lando is talking about because she has a cowboy emoji (🤠) in her instagram bio. So if you’re going to be so sensitive all the time, just write it in your diary and go on with your day. If you think the world should be a little kinder, start from yourself. I doubt that Lando is going to necessarily learn anything from this situation, mainly because he is already a good person and this is just ridiculously dragged on social media so the only thing he could possibly get from this situation is anxiety and a therapist visit- because you people are ruthless. Also, he will continue to talk to his friends about girls but next time he’ll just do it in private. So I guess your whole point is to idealise him so much that he can’t even be relaxed on his own streams and he will continue to portray this complete “good guy” image just to keep you satisfied.
"Yall are so quick to attack complete strangers on the internet" they say and then go on to attack me, a complete stranger, on the internet, maybe take your own advice?
Another bit of advice? Don't send me anon hate and then post the same thing word for word in the tag @vrckava
To address some of the things you've mentioned:
I have not "attacked" Lando, I wrote a post, on a social media site that Lando isn't even on, explaining my disgust at his and his friends behaviour. That post was entirely my opinions, nobody had to agree with me, numerous people did because they felt the same way. I am entitled to express my opinions on public media.
You talk a lot about how this topic of conversation is common and normal to have between friends and I agree, it is normal to have these conversations with your friends in private. Lando and Max F had these discussions on stream, I doubt that the girl (girls?) consented to have her sex life discussed in front of thousands of people.
Also you seem to skip past the thing that most people are disgusted by: the way they talk about the girl. This is open to interpretation and different people will have different opinions but many people, myself included, felt like the vocabulary they used was derogatory and objectifying.
Again the whole "cowboy" nickname thing is up to interpretation, some think it's based on a Instagram bio, some think it's based on a sex position, who's to say who's right. But the thing I would like to point out here is that a lot of people have been defending Lando's sex talks on stream because he nicknames the girls to protect their privacy, but if this "cowboy" girl is the Instagram bio girl then Lando didn't do a very good job of protecting her privacy, did he? Do you think she's ok with having people find her and know about her sex life, including how many "rounds" she's had with Lando and that Lando thinks she's boring but apparently still good enough for sex? Do you think she was ok with that broadcasting live to thousands of people and then having thousands more rewatch it?
Don't try that weird shaming thing by trying to gaslight me into thinking I could cause Lando anxiety and therapy visits. I didn't attack him and more important than that, I asked people not to cancel and be hateful towards him. If people did do that, that's on them, not me. It's fucked up to use someone else's mental health as a gaslighting tool.
"Also, he will continue to talk to his friends about girls but next time he'll just do it in private" that's the hope 🤞🏽 not only to avoid potential uncomfortable language but also to protect the girl. There's no chance of someone figuring out Lando's stream nicknames for girls if he's not nicknaming them on stream.
Lastly, I do not want Lando to be perfect and ideal. No human is perfect, perfection is overrated. I would like him to 1. Not talk about women in derogatory ways and 2. Be a bit more mindful on stream of his large following and his young impressionable fans.
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
daniel/lando will win a race
With that new Mercedes power unit who knows what McLaren are gonna be able to do, I think it's a very real possibility that Daniel and Lando could win races this year. I just want them to get a double podium so we get a McLaren double shoey
Send me your unpopular F1 2021 predictions
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
5 & 11 for the ask game :) hope you’re having a good day 💕
5. If you could make a line up with only drivers that aren’t race in F1, which driver will you chose?
Jenson Button and Alex Albon, I'm going for sex appeal and kindness over everything else here
11. Give me a name of one driver (ONE ONLY) that you think as everything to won a championship? (Lewis doesn’t count, Max is leading the championship so he doesn’t count either)
This year? Lando, he's been on top of his game all year and it says a lot that he's out scoring Valtteri and Checo who are in better cars
F1 Questions
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
4 and 13👀
4. Which driver has the potential to become world champion according to you?
Charles Leclerc, no doubt in my mind, he will have a world championship at some point 🏆
13. What is your favorite 2021 race so far?
It's a close call between Hungary and Azerbaijan, clearly I like the chaos races where Seb gets podiums
F1 Questions
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
Hi, do you have a timestamp where they say those things in Maxes stream? I went through clips, but didn't find anything. I just want to watch it for myself. They are saying worse and worse things about women every stream. I have a feeling like watching a couple of 16 year old virgins, who just talked to a girl for the first time. Lando is getting pissed, that people are digging in his private life, so like maybe don't talk about your sex life on stream? Wow, insane thought, I know.
This is the one I was referring to in my post
But there's also a bit in Max Fewtrell's stream from 19th March the timestamp is around 1:02:30 - 1:06:30
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
I zoomed in because I was looking at Daniel 😊 and saw the little papaya bit and thought that must be Lando's cap
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its-sir-actually · 3 years
9 & 21 💚
9. What is your happiest moment as a F1 fan?
Ok Sebastian, good job. I need to wait until everybody crosses the line. I need to wait, but it's looking good. You just wait sunshine ☀️, you just wait. Hamilton P2, Button P3. There's another two cars coming round in 15 and 16. Rosberg P4, Kubica P5
Ahhhh thank you boys! Unbelievable! UNBELIEVABLE! Thank you, I love you! I need a moment
(Sorry I got carried away)
21. What would be your ideal 2022 lineup? (all teams)
Ok so this is gonna be a long post...sorry 🙃
Mercedes- Hamilton/Russell
Red Bull- Verstappen/Perez
McLaren- Norris/Ricciardo
Ferrari- Leclerc/Sainz
Alpine- Ocon/Gasly
Aston Martin- Vettel/Stroll
Alpha Tauri- Albon/Tsunoda
Williams- Latifi/Chadwick
Alfa Romeo- Schumacher/Ilott
Haas- Kvyat/Shwartzman
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