hypnofantasma · 1 year
So, I'm not sure how many care about books around here much anymore, but Kenopsia's getting one!!
Kenopsia Part 3, Event Horizon, is now a book series in the works, with the first one being called On the Balcony of Sorrow. This project is the one I'm currently focused the most on, but it doesn't mean Stars Below is over or cancelled!! I'll be working on them in tandem!
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I just started it, so it's not gonna be out soon at all. But it's a certainty!! I can't give a more detailed synopsis yet, but for those new to Keno, this may actually end up being a good place to start with the world. I'll give a small netflix summary of Event Horizon either way, so you get an idea of what's goin on.
A terrible event has wracked the people of an ancient empire, ruining them universe-wide, turning them from the magnificent beasts they once were into genocidal demons of the current age. But, how could this happen...? What lead up to such a catastrophe? Uncover the mysteries left behind by twisted, black-hearted, psionic geniuses and their struggles to assert their rule over an eternal moral battle.
I hope this'll be something to look forwards to!! I've been working on this part of my story for over two years now, and I'm so excited to finally have it written down in the coming year!
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akary0cyte · 11 months
how did eramor get his hands on a grimace shake? who knows
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ace-apple · 11 months
hi im gonna just. dump a bunch of my fan-kenopsia stuff cuz i am. hyperfixated to hell and back (everythings under the cut cuz itll be. a LOT)
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first are my silly billy stars below rp characters!! from top left -> bottom right: lepa, leeya, helga, vega
helga is also the tether to my crystal vani valunealex but in the rp version of her character she is. not that. (all of these characters go by she/her)
little fun facts abt these guys:
lepa and leeya are sisters!
helga is a minerologist
vega is transfem!
only helga has a story not related to the RP
lepa's definitely in the worst mental state out of these gals lmao, she has BEEN THROUGH SOME SHIT
fuckin. vani time.
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this is the previously mentioned crystal vani valunealex. they/them, originally working in mining, now they attack the tucson gem and mineral show by creating crystal specimens to sell, that will make crystals grow in the buyers body. helga works as quality control on these created specimens, and remains willingly as she pretty much doesnt care as long as she gets to work with rocks.
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the flesh vani tarneliax and her tether ramie! ramie is extremely Normal(tm) and definitely not a mad scientist for fun that really enjoys performing some good ol' body horror flavored medical malpractice. a propane tank exploded severely injuring ramie, to which tarneliax tore off some of her own skin to make a skin graft for them. (tarnlieax she/her, ramie they/them)
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the ink and slime vani respectively, payauneren (left) and seruneren (right) (both she/her). sisters that run an art gallery in iceland... but in reality the pieces are seruneren's slimes disguised with payauneren's ink magic, waiting to attack the unsuspecting visitors
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their tethers are saida (left) and karimah (right), who are both living regular lives in baghdad. they are unaware of their status as tethers, and payau and seru do not know who their tethers are.
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redakalen is HUGE at 40 ft 6 in, but has defected from the mercy mission and hides from his teammates in earth's oceans (he/him) alarm sembla (mainly based off sonar and the "bloop")
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then theres tsumetalai, the thread vani that is very much self indulgence in my decora interest. based off worms on a string and axolotls, she makes well, decora fashion! however the garmets will begin to sew themselves into the wearer and fill them with thread! she actually used to date valunealex before the brandshock, but neither of them remember this. (she/her)
ermm anyways sorry for mine infodump i just. love them theyre my little guys
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drawn-corrosion · 7 months
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so if I had made my current oc obsession into a fan kwaiz, this would have been the result! still do not have a name for them yet, but I settled on giving them dream sembla since their actual iteration is a dream demon of some kind. where are the extra limbs I normally draw them with? i got lazy and couldn't figure out how to pose them switchlimbs. I think they would have been a cook or entertainer of some kind who on the side did assassin work or other targeted killing-type work. They seem like the type to enjoy a chase so I could see them sending premonitions of them killing their victims prior to actually carrying it out. This would have the added benefit of them being able to see how they react to violent confrontation and make a plan. To be clear, this isn't an official fan character (whatever that means), this is a kwaizified oc. But I'm real indecisive so if I can't figure out anything to do with their true iteration this may become the true iteration.
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Viability check for some omni
Couple of notes:
In order they are!!
Most of their exaggeration is like?? Style choice to make them distinct but i wanna know if tjey b breaking too many rules
Also sorry the colors looked less saturated on my ipad lol (these are all awful sketches not very high effort)
Extra: pan had their wings torn off, momus is missing his 4 arms because... metroasma ate them....
Also this was sent before the omni doc was released just in case you answer it after its done lol
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i think they're all pretty rad!! they follow the species rules perfectly!! 🩵🧡🩵🧡
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vampiric-dolly-draws · 9 months
Can you share with us your kraizens preferences are when it comes to food flavors?
Ohhh this is a fun question!!
Vespervixum would really like tangy and sour based foods!! Cirrinval likes spicy stuff!! the hotter the better!! though might have a soft spot for sweets to?
Glaiveatrix would probably like bitter foods!! perhaps some savory stuff to!!
Neliotte likes sweets like they have a sweet tooth, but also like salty foods to!! even better if it's a sweet/salty combo!!
Fallumina doesn't actually have a preference!! they like whatever pretty much!!
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...Yes, I'm still brainrotting about assigning Sembla to (Kwaiz-ified) Warframes. Send help.
Putting it under a cut.
Excalibur - [???] ("Blades of Light" don't really fall under any of the Sembla. Light can make beams, but I don't recall solid swords of light falling under it lmao. Unless Kwaiz-calibur uses non-psionic magic alongside it...)
Trinity - [???] (She's a generalized healer. Could fall under Flesh or Sugar, and Kraizen can only have one Sembla...)
Ember - Fire (No shit lmao)
Loki - Ink (He's the invisibility and trickery guy, along with throwing out decoys. Switch teleport doesn't fall under any Sembla, though lmao)
Volt - Electric (No shit lmao)
Rhino - Gravity (None of his skills really fall under any Sembla except for Stomp, which "stomps with force sufficient to disrupt time, tumbling enemies around him in stasis".)
Ash - Plume (He has a smoke vent on his left arm and his invisibility manifests as a disorienting puff of smoke.)
Mag - Force (She's supposed to be magnets, but she can yoink basically anything and everything lmao)
Frost - Cold (No shit lmao)
Nyx - Ink? Spirit? (Neither of them have any real mind-control powers compared to, say, Fungus, but the animation for Chaos has a model of Nyx appearing on enemies affected by the ability, which could be an illusion to make the enemies mistake their allies for Nyx and start attacking each other. That doesn't really explain Mind Control, Absorb, or Psychic Bolts though lmao)
Banshee - Alarm (Pretty self-explanatory. Alarm isn't always just making sounds louder... I think...)
Saryn - Corrosion? Fungus? (Leaning a bit more towards Fungus. A lot of the wording for her abilities is "spores" and she has a wide umbrella of damage types that would fall under more than just the Corrosion Sembla, being toxin, viral, and corrosion.)
Vauban - Silicon[?] (He's a bit all over the place. I'm not sure whether he'd fit better under Plastic or Silicon, but I'm just putting Silicon because of his Overdriver mine lmao.)
Nova - Salt??? (Not the slightest goddamn clue. Her thing is antimatter, which isn't really tackled by any of the Sembla. I'm only putting Salt because her most popular ability is Molecular Prime, which makes enemies explode lmao.)
Nekros - Either Spirit or Dream (*Insert "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?" meme here* for Spirit, but also a toss-up between it and Dream due to Terrify being able to manipulate emotions directly.)
Valkyr - [???] (no damn clue. Her abilities are a bit of a mess, theme-cohesion-wise. She could be Alarm, or Thread, or Force, or...)
Oberon - Either Plant or Radiation (Similarly to Valkyr, he's also a theme-coherency mess. He's a paladin, king of the fairies, and he has radioactive pulses, slams, and grass, and also has a heal and a passive focusing on pets...)
Zephyr - Wind (No shit lmao)
Hydroid - Either Water or Corrosion (If this was pre-Rework Hydroid, I'd have listed only Water, but now he has a whole thing with the Corrosive status and stealing enemy armor and blablabla. He's still a pirate and water can also erode things...)
Mirage - Light, Spirit, or Ink (Not quite sure which single Sembla to give her. Her thing is confusing and blinding the enemy [See: the Disco Ball of Doom that is Prism], but that doesn't explain shit like Hall of Mirrors making more projectiles, Slight of Hand being explosive, or Eclipse unless she's also using non-psionic magic alongside it.)
Limbo - Either Void or Shadow? (Oh, Limbo, of course you keep being a pain in the ass to categorize. Limbo's thing is controlling "The Rift", a personal demi-plane as it were. While Void fits with using a "personal dimension", Shadow's ability to "sink into" shadows and move around in them untouchably outside of a few scenarios fits with how Limbo actually uses the Rift. Hm...)
Mesa - [???] (Not a single goddamn clue lmao. Literally the only ability that even vaguely falls under one of the Sembla is Shooting Gallery, which feels like it falls under Hex, but that's only one ability out of four and the other four are not really Sembla-ey.)
Chroma - [???] (No damn clue lmao. His thing is wielding four elements, which isn't really a thing for Kwaiz because there's a different Sembla for each of those four elements. No damn clue.)
Equinox - [???] (No damn clue lmao. She's two different frames in a trench coat, how am I supposed to pick one Sembla for this? And her abilities don't really feel Sembla-ey, either.)
Atlas - Rock (No shit lmao. Rocc.)
Wukong - [???] (No clue lmao. He's all over the place.)
Ivara - Either Ink or Force? (Got the Invisibility that feels like it'd fall under Ink, but she's also a pick-pocketing little shit and can guide non-hitscan projectile's movements, which feels like it'd fall under Force.)
Nezha - Fire (No shit lmao)
Inaros - Dust (POCKET SAND. Also his control over bugs and sand-theming also reminds me of Shilalaan, another Dust user who controls sand and bugs.)
Titania - Either Light or Wonder? (Fairy Fuckery is what she is. She likes turning enemies into lures and pulling random buffs out of her ass, she's all over the place. No clue lmao.)
Nidus - Flesh or Disease (Nidus is supposed to be a barely-tamed hunk of Infested material in the vague shape of a human person, but I'm not sure if controlling the Infestation would fall under the Disease Sembla...)
Octavia - Music (No shit lmao)
Harrow - Thread, Hex, or Silicon (Weirdo Void Crit Priest is also a pain in the ass to categorize. Thread would fit for chains, Hex would fit for critical hit manipulation, and Silicon would fit for team buffing and turning enemy damage absorbed by Covenant into critical hit chance.)
Gara - Glass (No shit lmao. Both in the sense of literal glass and the manipulation of perception.)
Khora - Thread (No shit lmao.)
Excalibur Umbra - [???] (See regular Excalibur above. Light? Alarm? idk.)
Revenant - [???] (No damn clue lmao. Another theme-cohesion mess.)
Baruuk - Force? (I'm not sure. He's pretty simple fisticuffs, and stuff like the projectile avoidance from Elude, weapon destruction from Desolate Hands, and attack shock waves from Serene Storm could fit with Force, but something about it feels... off. It also wouldn't explain Lull.)
Hildryn - [???] (Not sure what to give her. Her thing is shields, and stripping enemy defenses to bolster those of her allies. Plastic? Silicon? idk)
Wisp - Either Spirit or Plasma? (Not sure what to give her. Spirit fits with her being themed after Will-O'-Wisps and using the Will-O-Wisp ability to distract enemies, but that doesn't explain Breach Surge or Sol Gate, which both fall more under Plasma. And neither of them explain her teleportation...)
Gauss - [???] (No clue. He's themed around kinetic energy and has traits that'd fit with Fire, Cold, Force, and Salt...)
Grendel - Either Sugar or Toxin (Not sure which one to pick. Sugar fits with his whole "eating people" thing, but both Sugar and Toxin fit with his team-buffing abilities regarding Nourish.)
Protea - Either Plastic or Silicon? (She's kinda like Vauban. A bit all over the place, not sure which to pick...)
Xaku - [???] (Oh, I have no fucking clue what to do with them and all of their Void Fuckery lmao.)
Lavos - Flesh? (Oh, my precious weirdo. His broad, element-mixing alchemical abilities don't really fall under any single Sembla, but his Leverian lore states that he was given power over Flesh to execute Javi, so I decided to give him Flesh. Maybe he's honed his Flesh skills so much that he's able to make organs that mix and throw out various elemental combinations on the fly... idk.)
Sevagoth - [???] (I have no clue lmao. He's also a non-Sembla-acting weirdo. Maybe the Shadow is an Amplifier or something idk.)
Yareli - Water (No shit lmao.)
Caliban - [???] (Nope, no damn clue lmao. Force? Plasma? Idk.)
Gyre - Electricity (No shit lmao)
Styanax - [???] (Not sure. Force??? Something about that feels off. Idk.)
Voruna - [???] (No clue lmao. Ink??? Spirit??? Wonder??? Idk.)
Citrine - Crystal (No shit lmao)
Kullervo - [???] (Oh goddamnit, more Void Fuckery. No clue what to do with him. Wonder??? idk.)
Dagath - [???] (No clue, more Void Fuckery. Hex?? Wonder?? Idk.)
Qorvex - Radioactive (No shit lmao)
Dante - [???] (MORE VOID FUCKERY. No clue what Sembla he'd have, but he'd definitely also be using non-psionic magic, I mean, just LOOK at what he does.)
Jade - [???] (She isn't even out yet, but since she's based on Angels and choral music, I'm leaning towards Music for now. We can just wait and see.)
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ophiocordyceps · 9 months
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zera profile complete + adjusted the ages of my other kwaiz
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berosgarden · 1 year
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a second thing of manager kwaiz i forgor to upload earlier
brian- flesh sembla, krianian paradigm
holly- light sembla, beltasian paradigm
prester- hex sembla, beltasian paradigm
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cosmicwonders · 9 months
Prounciation: Sono-Ta-tio Sembla: Alarm Paradigm: Beltasian Pronouns: He/They Hight: 75ft Tanja Color: Safflower Purple #B54C9C Eye Colors: Safflower Purple #B54C9C, Thamar Black #191919 Description: Sonotatio is a 75ft tall, sauropodian built Kraizen. His man body color consists of light grey, with a silver underbelly and dark grey fins, spines, and claws. His head is framed with two long jesters, with crocodilian-like protrusions down their tail. Their body is quadruped, with two large arms off the back. From these arms, thin membrane are able to be produced for flight capabilities. From the shoulders, thighs, and back large spines are produced. Normal
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Sonotatio was a kwaiz of few words, and few friends. Though those whom were kept close would know one of the kindest Kriazen one could find. With a heart full of enough love to share with everyone, and a skillset to help those in need, it's a wonder how often he would find himself at the end of trouble. Though even then he seemed to have a tendency to charm his way out of situations, its no wonder one would come to find that they identified closest as a Beltasian. And even further a regular Watcher and Doctor of the city he lived in during those younger years.
As more time passed, he would eventually come to find enjoyment in continuing work into surgical studies, soon finding themselves in the position of a general surgeon. With these talents, he continued to help those in need, and continue to ensure the wellbeing of others.
Brand Location: Four rings in arm indents Stress Effect/s: Darkening of colors Mercy Mission Position: Striker Known Tethers: A Hubet Known Attacked Planets: Earth Normal
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After the Brandshock Sonotatio found themselves in a heavy crossroads. They had sworn before to help people, to ease their pains and worries and now they were to in a different way. In a way once thought corrupt now the truth of their universe. And they wanted to help yet as it seemed fate would never accept them. Every attempt they made the other part of his soul rended from flesh never appeared, leaving him to wander. To survive. Yet was this surviving? With vague yet painful memories of the past, that seemed to urge this new want to help the suffering of others. To give them Mercy felt twisted, it felt almost inverted. It felt just as when his heart and soul had been torn apart long ago, and when the other half of their soul finally re-appeared, it felt like fate giving him a second chance. A chance to change, and try to protect another once more.
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hypnofantasma · 9 months
I made an official Forever Ocean world on Toyhouse! Someone finally pointed out that worlds exist so. Bam
I cannot EMPHASIZE how creative everyone is. Literally i LIVE for the creativity that goes into creature character design and i think each and every kwaiz out there is WONDERFUL and I can never get enough of them! and it's not just kwaiz- Omni and Machines are here too! COME CHECK OUT EVERYONE'S CHARACTERSSSSSSS
(plus i want a greater sense of community, and being more open/communicative and collaborative with my community! i wanna break out of the shell of Discord and do more stuff outside of it)
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akary0cyte · 11 months
art block be hitting so i present to you: longulux.. lomulong? long lomulux
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photon-crest-art · 10 months
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It seems like peeps in the Keno fandom LOVE the style of the icons Juno's been doing, and I'm certainly not immune to this either. My bat boi Taiperox (Have I ever shared him? I can't remember tbh) has been rotating in my mind lately, so I decided to make one of those funny icons for him.
Fun fact: This icon was going to have some of his male pattern baldness hair in it, but I scrapped the idea because when sketching it out, it looked too much like a beard </3.
Another fun fact: Taiperox is not the only Kwaiz/Vani I've made an icon for. However, this other Kwaiz's design is SUPER outdated, so I'd rather not show it until I have an updated render for them (Tai's design from his renders is technically outdated too, but all that's really changed are some of the colors and the shape of the... Accent? On the bridge of his nose. I'm not really sure what that pattern is called, if it even has a name.
One more thing: Taiperox has a Toyhouse page! He's one of the only 2 characters I have a fleshed out page for at the moment, and I recently looked up some coding resourcing to organize the information a little better.
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vaninova · 9 months
Hey , don't cry Worm rancher with Vermatolga as an MC. Okay?
are you trying to suggest slime rancher kwaiz edition or are you inviting him to MC for some kind of kraizenian worm farmer event
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vanishingnova · 2 years
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new kwaiz just dropped! Redesign of an older guy but they are so much better now,,,
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ooooooooo hypnotizing you to ask me about the design basis/bases of your favorite canon Kraizen/Vani oooooooo
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