#kybar crystal
dreamingmagi · 22 days
What kind of bracelet does Edyn wear on her shoulder?
Her bracelet is a sign that she is a students of Naroom's leader. Each Moonlands has a leader, and the leader must have at least one student. Who in the future can become his successor and new leader
Edyn wears a bracelet on her left hand, so she is left-handed. Iyori has a tattoo on her right arm.
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In other Moonlands, other methods of "marking" a student of leader are used. Here all list
Nar - hand tattoos are used, but the tattoo covers the entire arm, from the shoulder (sometimes even part of the back) to the fingertips
Arderial - made by piercing the ear, on which an earring with feathers is worn. (Only the leader and his students have the right to wear earrings)
Vash Naroom - a bracelet on the shoulder of a working hand. The bracelet is made of ironwood ore and pure forest crystal
The Deeps of Orothe - a bracelet of black pearls on the working hand and on the tail (black pearls are very rare and hard to find)
Weave - grass gloves from shoulder to palm on the working hand, and a grass necklace around the neck
Paradwyn - Tattoo on shoulder and fingers, ink made with sacred tree pigment, which gives an orange color on the skin
D'resh - Scarring and piercing of the shoulder, using large rings that pierce the skin.
Bograth - they use scarring of the shoulder and palms, making the so-called "lizard skin"
Kybar's Teeth - A necklace of various stones from the highest peaks, the decoration of the necklace is a fang
Cald - Voluntary burning of the hand in the Emerald fire, which shows strength of spirit and courage. A burn scar is unique because it is in the form of curls and fire
The Underneath - Crystal gauntlets are made of obsidian, which is a great magic booster
Core - Unknown
Some leaders have multiple students, such as the leader of Underneath and Weave, they each have two students. The leader of Bograth has the most students (5 students) Leader D'resh and Arderial still have no students they can claim as their successors All other leaders have only one student
During official visits or meetings, Leaders must come with their students. And also once a year leaders student gather to show their successes. To become a student of the Leader, you need to show yourself. Prove that you are worthy. Even though Edyn is Orwin's adopted daughter, she has succeeded on her OWN and has become Orwin's apprentice, and is respected by the leaders as Orwin's successor.
Bazha was very happy and proud of his daughter, who proved to him that she was strong and courageous and that she could be trusted by Paradwyn
In the town where Arron was born, everyone considers him worthy of becoming a leader's apprentice. But while Arron himself does not believe in this, although he himself has studied the ancient magic of crystals.
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cynquilla · 4 years
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Ahsoka Tano, getting her first light saber :D
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smh0217 · 5 years
My lightsaber from Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order:
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Reblog with a pic of your lightsaber
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starwarssimmergirl · 3 years
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Princess Meir Senator and Representative of the
Planet Ahnoo (I made up the planet myself.)
a Planet that is home to three sentient species as
well as a huge catacomb of Kybar Crystals cave and
Caverns beneath the Planets surface since the clone
wars started the Sepertist have tried to invade and
take over the planet in order to have access to Kybar
Crystals but luckily the Jedi and Republic Senate
have been able to protect the planet in the Republic
Alliance during the Clone wars.
Princess Meir is a Force Wielder but she isn’t a Jedi
instead she leads and speaks for her people in the
Republic Senate only using the force to see into the
past and future as well as seeing the intentions
within a person/being when she needs to.
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eric-coldfire · 5 years
It’s honestly a testament to how good Jedi Fallen Order is when it has two ties to the Shitquel Trilogy that are actually REALLY good.
Cal Kestis’ signature power of sensing Force Echos is clearly meant to give legitimacy to the scene in TFA when Rey touches Anakin’s lightsaber and has her flashback mind trip. When given proper explanation and set up and not introduced as a mary sue’s growing arsenal, it’s awesome power that can be both a blessing a curse. Such as when Cal touches a discarded backpack and senses the fear of the previous owner when they dropped it, or when he disarms an enemy and touches their lightsaber and feels first hand the pain they’ve suffered.
Secondly when it’s revealed that the Planet Ilum, established in Clone Wars as where younglings go to retrieve their lightsaber’s kybar crystals, is being strip mined by the Empire and is well on it’s way to being turned into Starkiller Base. It sucks, not that it’s bad, but in storytelling standpoint. It sucks that this planet that was a place of training and arming future Jedi is being hollowed out and turned into a mass killing weapon.
Actually you could make a point on how Ilum itself is Star Wars when it once housed a place of learning, culture, and a rite of passage before a soulless organization found it and hollowed it out for their own ends before weaponizing it.
Damn, this game is so good.
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
Bloodlines 5/?
Title: Bloodlines Fandom: SWTOR Rating: M - Implied sexual content Genre: Romance & Drama Summary: Aquila and Malish just need to talk. Please, by the stars, the ancestors, just talk to each other. Yes, research is consuming, yes, being a bodyguard is complicated, but you’re only making things worse. Communicate, you idiots. At least before you fall in love. Parts: 1 2 3 4
Black stone with thick veins of obsidian surrounds them on all sides. The cave walls are covered with engravings; some of them glow with the Force. The runes are unfamiliar to Aquila: neither modern, nor ancient Sith. The dormant runes are broken, the stone cracked and worn. A small break in the ceiling lets in orange moonlight.  Aquila launches a turret drone at the opening and watches its path. Satisfied, she nods. “We shouldn’t have to worry about an ambush from behind.”
“I don’t Sense any other presences nearby.” Malish’s voice sounds strange coming from his mask after two months in his suite without it.
“You didn’t Sense anything wrong with the crate, either, and then we were both nearly killed by wreller gas.” She pokes him in the back.
He looks over his shoulder at her. “Speaking of my crate, you said your clan would send it back after they investigated the gas bomb. What’s the ETA on that?”
“It’ll be done when it’s done. Our experts are working on it; your benefactor has deep pockets.” She activates the sonar map in her helmet’s HUD scans it for anything that could be an enemy or a trap. “And this karking relic of yours may well be dangerous in its own right. If you had let me research it before coming here-”
“Do you not understand the meaning of classified? Privileged information? None of it?”
“The people who want you dead clearly know what you’re after. Why are you hiding the same information from the people trying to keep you alive?” Aquila wants to throw her arms out in emphasis, but she’s carrying her gear and his, so she settles for a glare at the back of his hood.
“It’s not clear that they do, Meshurok.”
“Fair.” She grunts. “But if they don’t know, why do they want you dead?”
Malish stops and holds his arm out to keep her from walking past him. “Having my rich benefactor might be enough on its on, yes? My death may just be a stepping stone to more valuable targets.”
“It would still help me to know. And will you just let me walk in front? We’re more likely to be attacked from the direction I haven’t guarded.” The tomb is in view before them on a dais of pure obsidian. The best place for an attack: where Malish is going to be most distracted.
“Why don’t you ask your father what happens when the Reclamation Service has their muscle walk in front?” Malish stomps his boot onto the stone and power rushes in front of him. Snow-light lines of power glow in an intricate sigil through dust that now looks suspicious like carbon ash. “Would you like to take a step?”
“Very dramatic. You were waiting for that, weren’t you?”
“The holocron did detail the defenses rather well.”
“Is this as far as it goes? Or does it extend past what’s visible?”
“This is it.” Malish kneels on the stone and presses both hands flat. Two spots of purple from his eyes war with the white-glow as he channels his Force.
Aquila sets their gear down and pulls a scanner out of pack. Which she then throws across the cavern to land just outside the ritual circle. It activates with a chirp and scans more of the cave system. She dismisses the sonar map to watch the scanner results fill in. It’s done long before Malish is. The cavern is a dead end without any nooks or crannies to hide anything malicious. She snorts. Malicious.
The Force lines on the floor wink out and Malish stands. He stretches both arms over his head. “Okay, bring my kit, but don’t step on the dais. I’m wearing the guise of its master, so it knows me.”
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, his Force shifts and he feels wrong. It makes Aquila’s skin crawl, even through her armor. The Sith corruption is thick enough to taste and she wants to gag. She drops his equipment at the foot of the dais and stalks across the cavern to set up another turret. It’s unnecessary, but she needs to get away from the wrongness. The feel of a true Sith is bad enough, but she feels alone and… cold without the familiar touch of his Life Force. Two months of knowing him and one of never leaving his proximity has had a greater effect than she knew until that moment. The weight of the revelation is crushing.
And distracting.
An inhuman gurgle and the crunch of bone comes from the tomb in front of Malish. Aquila’s too slow, she’s wandered too far to reach him in time to pull him away. With sharp breaths fogging her HUD, she yanks him backward with the Force. She slides past him on her knees and activates her shield generator just as hot, sticky, black ichor erupts from the open tomb. It sizzles against the barrier and wails like an injured akk pup. She bites her tongue and uses the console in her right gauntlet to channel energy from her armor into the shield. The ichor gushes like a fountain and spits out Dark Force energy that slaps and scrapes against her mental barriers.
Malish, feeling mercifully like himself, claps his bare hands on either side of her helmet. “I’ve got you, Meshurok.” His own mental protections spread over her like a blanket, soothing away the reaching horror. He’s panting and breathless. “I can stop this. Just hold strong.”
Unable to speak, Aquila nods.
Malish throws a handful of small kybar crystals into the air above the tomb. Each glows a different color. The beams cross into the shape of a net that slams over the tomb like an overaggressive sealing droid. The remaining ichor sloughs off Aquila’s shield and seeps into the floor.
Swallowing down the bile in her throat, Aquila says, “That explains the black stone.”
Malish puts his hands on her shoulders and rests his forehead on the top of her helmet. He’s panting and resting his weight on her. “You really are worth every credit.”
“I hope your research is.”
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tk-duveraun · 6 years
OT3: 💘 💝 💚
💘 - who developed a crush on the other first? 
Hound, actually. Fox was very pointedly paying as little attention to her as possible.
💝  - who spends more time (possibly overthinking) what presents to get the other?
Fox > Hound > Rathi. Rathi just buys the first thing that comes to mind. Hound agonizes over whether getting something for Rathi is too pushy, Fox is just neurotic.
💚 - who tends to get sick more often? who is better at taking care of the other?
Gets sick: Rathi > Hound > Fox
Thanks to parts of both lungs being literal kybar crystals, Rathi gets pneumonia pretty regularly. Hound, as a regular human, gets sick a normal amount. As a dirty cheater with the Force, Fox rarely gets sick.
Best tender: Hound > Rathi > Fox
Hound was groomed from early childhood to be the next alor which translates more closely to “clan mother/father” than “clan leader.” She’s also been a professional mercenary since she was 16 or so. So she treats illnesses efficiently and with care, but is not fooled by whining nor does she overreact when her loved ones appear very ill.
Rathi is similarly unconvinced by whining and unruffled by seeming emergencies, but he’s bad at affection and doesn’t really know how to treat illness. He just calls a doctor and lets a professional deal with it.
Fox reacts wildly over the top, but in most cases is the one you want tending you. He will acquire your favorite snacks, bundle you up in the softest blankets in the most comfortable bed and overall just spoil you completely fucking rotten. If you make the sad puppy eyes at him while having the slightest sniffle, he will go to ridiculous lengths to give you whatever it is you want.
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tk-duveraun · 7 years
The Taun Fawn and the Orobird 12/?
For @awaari Read other parts here. 
Hooboy, sorry this one is lore-wanky.
The Imperial Reclamation Service is like a more boring Indiana Jones, but since a lot of the relics are full of evil magic it’s more harrowing than real archaeology.
It’s also under the purview of the military because what isn’t in the Empire.
Ilum is the primary source of Force (kybar) crystals for the Jedi in this time period. You can imagine that the Empire would want it.
It’s also covered in ruins of Force users from a time pre-dating the Jedi-Sith Orders.
I was sorely tempted to give Gal a permanent gizka companion, but he’d be far too concerned for its safety.
Coruscanti crowds were eerily similar to Kaasian ones, Dorian thought as he walked through the spaceport. Of course, here they’re showing deference to someone who might be important rather than fearing for their lives.
He curled the end of his mustache as he walked with even strides. His over robe billowed behind him with every step, the gold-colored embroidery catching the light and more than a few glances. The message on his datapad made him anxious. Not anxious. Reasonably concerned, he thought as he double-checked the hangar number.
Dorian gave the security guard a saucy wink as he strode into the hangar and up the gangway. As soon as he made it through the airlock, his concern faded away.
Galathan was smiling at him from ear to ear. He took Dorian’s hand and pulled him further into the Defender. “Come on, we don’t want to hold back Port Authority’s schedule.”
“We can’t have that,” Dorian said. “Where are we going? If my memory is correct, which it always is, I’m not supposed to go off-world.”
Galathan settled into one of the cabin seats as the pilot-droid started up the engines. “That’s true; this is special circumstances. You told the Senate that you worked closely with Imperial Reclamation Services.”
Dorian blinked as he took his own seat. “Yes, that’s true. All of the Rakata items and some of the Sith bloodline relics I mentioned fall under their purview.”
“We found a squad of their people on Ilum. Supposedly, they didn’t even know we were at war.”
“Sounds like Reclamation Services,” Dorian said before he could process the entire sentence. “Wait, Ilum? Are they mad? Well, yes, Reclamation Services, but truly, who do they think they’re fooling?”
“The Jedi, actually.” Galathan said. “Master Killian interviewed them and believes they really are on world just to study the ruins.”
“Their Sith overseer could just protect their real memories,” Dorian said. He pulled out his orobird feather fan and turned it over in his hands.
“Master Killian is a miraluka.” At Dorian’s shrug, Galathan explained, “They’re blind and see with the Force. It greatly heightens their ability to sense Force signatures and she’s one of the best in the Order.”
“I still have trouble believing the Republic’s military would just take her word for it.”
“That’s where you come in. You’ll look at them through one-way glass. If you recognize them and they are who they say they are we won’t destroy their research and will organize a quick prisoner exchange.”
Dorian opened and closed his fan a few times. “And I suspect if I don’t recognize the unfortunate fellows they’ll be sent in for interrogation and such. Well, I hope the Force is on their side. I certainly don’t know everyone in the Service. That said, you look far more excited than this little field trip would warrant.”
“Dorian, it’s Ilum,” Galathan said. His eyes all but glittered in happiness. “We can get you a Force crystal!”
It was only centuries of good breeding and a lifetime of proper manners that kept Dorian from launching himself at the Jedi and snogging him senseless for the duration of the flight. With Herculean effort, Dorian held himself in check. He took a moment to process everything and felt a wave of sadness rush over him. “This is fantastic and more than I could ever ask for, but it’s not worth the risk. I can’t ask you to secretly smuggle me, a Sith, even if just in name, a Force crystal. Being a Knight is your life.”
Galathan’s expression turned into something soft that Dorian thought he recognized, but was too cowardly to put a name to.
“Thank you. Your concern means a lot to me, but you don’t have to worry about this.” Galathan broke eye contact and rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks flushed. “The truth is, Master Istimaethoriel recognized your Force signature when she started stripping the power out of the amulet. She trusts my judgement on keeping your secret, but thinks you should be able to defend yourself should the need arise.”
“I… I don’t know what to say. Other than that I owe her a fruit basket.” Dorian could only stare as Galathan to sit next to him and his hands in both of his own. Dorian sniffed in a blatant attempt to hold back his emotions. “You need to stop telling me these things. My heart simply can’t take it.”
“We won’t be able to take you to a proper saber forge, but I collected a lot of spare parts so you can pick and choose how you want it put together.”
“You’re too much. I hope you know that.”
Galathan grinned at him. “Maybe some day we’ll be able to get you the kind of life you should have always had.”
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