#Senator oc
coldbrewarts · 8 months
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I can’t stop drawing these two and I ain’t even written anything about them 😫 so here’s a bit of a breakdown.
Tapper (Clone OC)
He’s not a defective clone but he’s smaller than the rest and his voice is quieter and not as rough as the others. He is the leader of the 708th legion under General Jura and Commander Agria Dar (Jedi and Padawan OCs.). On a mission to accompany a Senator, Kala San (more later), the two become close friends. Upon a second time being the Senator’s company, they fall in love and later marry in secret, much like Anakin and Padmé. With the help of Ruth and Agria he gets his inhibitor chip removed during order 66. They eventually leave to help the clone rebellion.
Kala San (Senator OC)
A Senator from Be'rael, she was very vocal about the clones having rights, but was always drowned out by the rest of the senate. If she has a cause, you can bet she is passionate. Though she learned some self defense as a teenager, Tapper teaches her combat skills that later allow her to help the rebels. She’s very good at getting hurt, which causes Tapper to be a perpetual basketcase. She is sort of the equivalent of a prequels Leia.
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arsonisticpotato · 4 months
Sometimes you just gotta make an oc just to ship with canon characters. This is Senator Ayako and Master Kenobi dancing somewhere fancy idk
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Yes I did use a color palatte for this~
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ladyzirkonia · 22 days
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Varin Tanochi
is a charismatic and cunning Pantoran senator with a sharp wit and a ruthless ambition hidden behind a charming smile. With a silver tongue and a network of underworld connections, he manipulates the Senate's power dynamics to his advantage, always playing multiple sides to stay on top. Arrogant, strategic, and unafraid to get his hands dirty, Varin is a dangerous player in the galaxy’s political game and the kind of politician who knows everyone’s secrets and isn’t afraid to use them.
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karritakar · 1 year
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More characters for our great Star Wars Universe 'Unit 317', two out of 27 characters XD
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pufffinn · 1 year
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you know what i’m gonna post MOREE of my ocs cause i drew a lot of them recently
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reneeofthestars · 2 years
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“How long will we continue to ignore the disenfranchisement of the worlds in the Outer Rim? If we continue to neglect the needs of their people, they will decide that being a Republic member world is of no benefit to them.”
Senator Lethaa Daal, of Shili
Just finished this piece of my prequels-era Togruta OC, and i'm so, so happy with how she turned out! I've made so much progress in my art, and I'm excited to see how I continue to improve!
✨ Commissions are OPEN ✨
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This has been bouncing around in my head like a screen saver for a bit so I wrote Vaughn's Senatorial resignation notice because Adderal does things to me.
Everyone has to come to grips with loss at some point in their lives I suppose. I have with my mate. I loved them deeply and dearly. Their passing cut deep. But I still had our son.
 But now I don’t. Imagine finding your child is dead. It’s something no parent should endure. No father should ever have to outlive his son.
What would you feel? Would you feel anything? I imagine many would feel grief. That knife directly into your heart that makes you bleed for what feels like an eternity. Do you feel angry? Angry that this could ever happen to your child. And what’s worse is how I found out my only son is dead. I am a senator of the Republic, I was standing in the senate when the chancellor addressed us. He was hooded and disfigured and spun a tale of the betrayal to us all. I didn’t believe what he spoke of. Many Jedi I have known are not people of coupes and takeovers. But nonetheless, he stirred the senate up into a bloodlust. I had to stand there and listen to them call for my own son’s death. How could I stand there in it? I don’t know how I did it but I did. I saw the temple in flames that night. I tried to go. There were children in that temple. Children from my own planet, children of people I knew personally. 
When I approached the temple, blasters were shoved in my face. I was forbidden to interfere with the execution of children. I lost control and think I’d physically assaulted 5 of them before Senator Organa pulled me away. The announcement that the last of the Jedi were being executed was met with cheering from the senate. I was numb. I couldn’t cheer. I couldn’t scream. 
For a brief moment, I wanted those senators to lose their children. I wanted them to feel this. To feel what myself and likely thousands of parents in the galaxy were all feeling. I still do in a way. If any of you reading this are those senators, I’m sorry. I have sent 74 requests to the “Emperor” to release the bodies of the children from my home. I have begged for them to come home and be honored as is traditional for us. I don’t even want my son anymore. I want those children. They must suffer in death with no kind words spoken of them. With no family to respect them on our holidays. Their ashes will not join their families’ on the hearth. I am writing this as my resignation from my position. I will no longer count myself as a member of the “Galactic Empire.” And I write this on behalf of everyone who will forever grieve for their children who can’t ever come home.
Former Senator Co-Vaughn, father of Jedi Master Co-Yorin.
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thatwashhingmashine · 2 years
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Have some Rubrys.
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tsl-otherartblog · 1 year
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Okay I really wanted to try my hand on what a TFA style Senator Shockwave would look like and honestly I think I did pretty well with it! Anyways hope y’all like what I did!
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dimorphodon-x · 8 months
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Senator Skyback is not a very remarkable mech. He’s quiet and observant, preferring to mind his own business and let others do whatever. His habits make him a rather poor politician and the other senators tend to get frustrated with him.
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rider6666 · 3 months
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Shockwave x Astra💕(tfp oc) I hope that this comic will meet the criteria of some who wanted to understand their relationship a little better ;)
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coldbrewarts · 8 months
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Kala and the Rebel clone boys!
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slowpumpkins · 7 months
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Commissions Open!
I've been working on commissions fulltime for a while, and I those are my Chibi commissions samples.
one like this costs only $50 USD
I can do Fan arts and OCs.
I can do sexy or violent stuff, but I'm not working with NSFW content at moment.
If you want one like this send a message here or email to: [email protected]
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cryptcoop · 15 days
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stagbeetleboy · 2 months
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Not finishing this just look
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Another out of context shitpost:
Wolffe: *waking up after having surgery* Arran: Hello Wolffe, I'm Arran. I'm going to be the healer taking care of you while you recover. Wolffe, still high off of anesthesia and trying to deal with the fact his Jedi healer is Fine™️: Damn, I should get injured more often. Fox, watching on the sidelines: *chokes*
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