#kylar the loner rp
number-one-crush · 2 years
LF DoL M!LIxF!PC RP! (w/ me as the LIs and you as the PC!)
What an absolute fucking MESS of a title that is, lmaoooo TT
ASSORTED WARNINGS: 22+!! TW: dead dove and shit, it’s Degrees of Lewdity, please be careful people who don’t know what that is!
Hey (maybe future) friends! I’ve recently gotten into DOL and have been pretty obsessed with it lately. It’s got all the things I love, and by all the things I love, I mostly mean: EVERYONE LOVES ONE PERSON AND NO ONE IS HAPPY ABOUT IT and TOXIC FUCKING OBSESSIVE RELATIONSHIPS. So, without further ado…
My favorite characters by far are Whitney and Kylar. I imagine I’d also probably really like Eden, too, but I actually haven’t really tried anything with him yet, and honestly, as much as he sounds like a real catch, I just really, really thrive off all the jealous drama between Whitney, Kylar, Sydney and Robin at school.
So like, I’d really like to RP that. And by that, I mean that I’d like to write Whitney and Kylar… and to a lesser extent, (mostly for drama) Robin and Sydney, as being wildly in love with and obsessed with your PC so we can explore the absolute mess of a fall out that inevitably causes. :v
My favorite thing to do with characters I love is to write for them: there’s something really fun about getting into that headspace and exploring the way they feel and how they’d behave, and I love it. I could write fanfiction, and I can’t lie: the temptations have been there! But honestly, it’s hard for me to motivate myself writing fanfiction when the chance to write against someone else and geek out over the absolute fucking disaster-nonsense our characters get up to together is so much more fun. ):
I really only do MxF, with me playing the LIs as dudes and you playing the PC as a lady. Sorry for any other pairing combination, I just wouldn’t have the same inspiration to write for other configurations. ): I’m not going to tell you how your PC should look or really behave, and I look forward to hearing about her from you! I love getting excited about other peoples’ OCs!
I’ve got headcanons for the boys (which are pretty typical, honestly!), but I am of course open to input from you on what you’d like to see, too. :> 
Since this is DOL, obvious content warnings apply! Noncon/dubcon, abusive and messed-up situations… they pretty much come with the territory, though I’m not looking to make anyone uncomfy and I’ve got no problem toning some things down or ratcheting things up based on what you do or don’t feel comfy with! I’d like to feel comfortable talking OOC to make sure everyone feels okay about stuff. 
Which brings my rambling to my next point: DOL is obviously a sex game and I’m not opposed to raw smut or anything. But what I miss from the game is the emotional turmoil and fucked up sense of longing – and an obvious desire to possess PC – that I feel Kylar and even Whitney are drowning in. We get to see their actions, but not their thoughts, and I really want to do this to develop and dwell on those feelings! I want to see them and the PC involved in situations (fucked up as they are) that allow those things to really flourish and shine. I am an absolute slut for deep, anguished, sometimes violent obsession in characters… I just think getting to explore that is SUPER sexy in fiction, so maybe expect a like 80/20 plot to smut ration. Maybe 70/30? I feel like the smut hits a LOT harder if you’ve got a lot of pent up feelings behind it. 
Honestly, I don’t even NEED smut, but like, it’s DOL, so it kinda feels like it comes with the territory? Your girl here really lives the tumultuous, angsty emotional foreplay, whoops. ): I just really wanna write a bunch of really fucked up dudes falling in love with PC – bullying her, stalking her, meekly trying to protect her… you get the vibe!
ANYWAY, some things I’d hope for/need from you!:
+ Absolutely, positively, with no exceptions, you need to be like, middish twenties or older. I’m older myself and I absolutely have no desire to interact with teenagers. No offense to teenagers, you all can make great writers – just as someone who is absolutely not a teenager, it’s just what I’m comfortable with. Even if the subject matter wasn’t super-ultra-fucked, I wouldn’t feel comfy with it.
+ I’d like someone who understands that, as an adult, I have a job and a partner and a relatively active social life with my (one) good friend, so I will probably manage a post or two a day, sometimes a post every two! It might be more than that if I really get into the vibe, but ya know…
+ I like to be descriptive when I write, somewhere between pretentious-fuckoffery and wordy-but-functional. Sometimes I’ll do a few paragraphs… sometimes, I really get into it and it can be a couple pages. I tend to be reactive to what is needed for a scene: flashy back-and-forth dialogue is gonna make for shorter posts, but sometimes I really like getting into my character’s headspace and waxing poetic about how much they want their love interest for like, a few paragraphs or more. I’d like someone who can at least manage a few paragraphs! One liner stuff does nothing to me; I want to be able to feel like my characters have a reason to WANT your character, so I need something to work with! Please have a pretty good grasp of grammar and what not, too! Obviously stylistic choices can make for some fun grammar fuckery, and I’m not about to judge for some spelling errors, but like, please please have a pretty good grasp of writing! I live for good writing partners. ):
+ TENSE/POV: I am not super picky, but I admit I love the present tense second person of the game. As someone who was super into Homestuck, that shit just jives with me. That said, I’m open to a lot of different things, just absolutely NO FIRST PERSON. I cannot stand it in RP, it really takes me out. We can hash it out!
+ The ability to advocate for yourself OOC! The subject matter is icky, and I don’t want to traumatize anyone. We don’t need to be best OOC friends, but I hope we can feel comfortable with each other enough to hash things out outside of RP so we can both feel okay with whatever is going on! I’d also really like to just be able to gush about our characters OOC, please! TT Like, let’s be dumb and make playlists and pinterests, ahhhhhh! If you got a song you got that reminds you of things, PLEASE TELL ME, I wanna be a total fucking nerd about our fucked up children!
+ Discord! I tend to use discord to RP because servers make things easier to organize! Please use it! I don’t really like using anything else, womp womp. ):
So! If you’ve read all that, and you’re interested, please hmu here on Tumblr! I hate the ask/messaging system here, so like, you can just drop me some info on your PC and maybe your discord handle via one of those, and we can move to Discord to see if we’d make good RP partners! 
Thanks a bunch and looking forward to hearing from you! 
PS: Please excuse the Dabi theme-ing, I’m too lazy to change my very basic theme-ing. I love love fucked up dudes, and I cannot lie.
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1am-yan · 3 months
i know i just made it but is it ok if you add @somethingwatchingyou to the rp blog masterlist... its transfem kylar...
added! here's the link to the masterlist for anyone interested -> (link)
glad to see people making new dol rp blogs!! it makes me happy :3
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
is kylar's dick big?
WHAAA???!1! ㄟ(°ロ°)ㄏ omg u can't just ask people that XDDD itz personal & i don't think he'd B comfortable w/ me talking abt it on here XD
orrrrr...? would he like it if i bragged 2 ppls about his dick?? ಠಿ_ಠ ROFLZ HAHAHAHA XDD nvm omg X_X
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divinetouchdown · 9 months
I'm gonna be honest with you... You're an ass
-Camille M.
Heyyyy!! Aww, if it isn’t Sera’s new internet mummy :) To what do I owe the pleasure? 😅
I’m with you, ma’am! She’s stubborn as fuck about that freak. Kylar is creepy as fuck & there’s a reason most people don’t like him 😭 It’s not some “Aww poor baby always getting bullied because he exists 🥺” like she acts like it is 🙏😂
Nah the dude is genuinely unhinged & no self respecting person wants to be around him. Holy shit… 😱 Carrying a knife around school and brandishing it at people who stare at ur GF is unsettling? No wayyy…!
I think he should be in jail 😁 But noooo I’m the one who gets community service for “thievery” and “physical assault”. Where’s that dudes jail time? 😭 Seraphina also robs everyone she touches iykwim but nah, it’s me who gets in legal trouble 🙄🫤
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
i think it'd totally be cute if you did a neon green raccoon strip in kylar's hair!! then you'd be the cutest scene couple eva!! <3
AWWWWW OMG!! hmm…. i think he’d get upset if it waz neon green bcoz he might think i’m trying 2 make him look like abel,,,, but maybe i can use my leftover dye & make it red like mine x3 ^^ we could match!!! i know he’d love that ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
that little kylar freak must have some fire d if you're this insistent on keeping him around... get a grip girl!!! the milf from earlier is right!
ghhhh,,,i mean……? ur not far off bcoz itssogooood… 〒▽〒... he looks @ me like im tha most special girl evr. big pretty puppy eyes that looking at me like likeee like i’m his evrything & he'll literally suffocate & die if he’s not in my proximity ಥ_ಥ
hes so cute n my pleasure iz always his #1 priority even b4 himself & he’s so kind 2 me :((( none of u know kylar like i do & u r so annoying abt it. if u all gave him a chance u wld see that he's not how u think (¬_¬ )
camille means well & i know it but ky needs me. just as much as robin does. and i rlly love him, so that's why i'm "insistent on keeping him around" (ㆆ_ㆆ)
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
erm... girl, u have SUCH a bad taste in men :/ ur like literally dating a psycho stalker (he literally kidnapped you?? tf is ur problem) nd a wanted criminal (u can see his ugly ass face pasted in tons of wanted posters like WTF???).
are you well in the head??? did ur mum drop u as a child?
- g0r3_4ng3lz
omgggg wowowow thatz so crazzzyyy cos i didn’t fuckin ask :D!! <3
green iz not ur colour babez :( soz u don’t have strong men who wld litrally protect u w/ their liveeezzz!!! not me tho!!!! XD i could snap my fingerz n kylar would come running like a dog hehe U・ᴥ・U he’d do anything 4 me bcoz he loves me sm & yous just don’t get it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sux 2 suck!!!
also ur actually delusional, abel is SO HOT & YA he has wanted posterz all over town but that just meanz i get 2 see his pretty face everywhere i gooo hehehehe (/∇\*) GOD u WISH u had a bf who was epic & talented like him! cool af band & £ to spend on you ^.^ Lolzzz
also. FYI. i AM well in tha head :/ every week dr. harper says i’m fine soooo. go fuck urself u jealous cunt
baiii byebyeee !!! (´ ε ` )♡
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
quick! robin, kylar, whitney, and abel are all in danger, and only you can help. but you can one save one! who are you saving, and why?(╹◡╹)
(;´д`)ゞ UR SO MEAN!!!! :( why would they B in danger?! i hate this question T^T ur gonna make ppls mad at meeee...... </3
but um..... i'd save robin ^^ thatz wat my gut said when i read thiz >.<' whitney & abel r strong enough 2 fend 4 themselves,, if anything bad happened they could do moar 4 themselves than i could, umm.... and kylar,,, um. i know he wantz me to protect him w/ my life but hez more capable of protecting himself than robin—
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
wait wait wait wait nonono no no we don't have 2 break up i promise I'll be good I'm so sorry im sorry please forgive me I'd do anything for you just please dont leave me. You're the only one i have please you have to understand please please please forgive me please i dont want to hurt you i never meant to hurt you i just want to look after you i want to be together you're literally the best thing that has happened to me. You treat me like an actual person and not something inferior i just have such strong feelings for you that if you were gone id still love you so so so much.
I can't let you go, im sorry. I'm so sorry. I just need you. I'll make you see that you need me too.
- Xxky_da_lonerrxX
.....okay. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that-- kylar, i love you,, so much,,, but i can't be just yours.
i have.... so much love inside me & i know u would gladly take the burden of carrying it all but i have do other ppl who rely & depend on me just as much as you do. they need me to care for them too, i can't abandon them.
you deserve to be treated better and i'm sorry that people are so awful to you, i never want to be someone who does that to you,, i just panicked. i love you.
can u come over? i'm so sad and tired,,, i just need u 2 lay w/ me. ur parents wont let me sleep when i come over-- i promise afterwards i'll come home & help clean up the manor,,, ok?
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
um. hi again, sera… u know i love u. I’m sorry if i overreacted before, but u obviously understand why. i know ur trying, it just all makes me so mad…
uh, but… who is that other person in the ask box that’s been talking recently?? sorry, but if someone’s going to be an asshole about me like that, why bother replying? u know i’m just looking out for u. like u said. maybe this “camille” is being nice to u now, but u know how people are, especially online. i can’t stop u from replying or anything, but don’t accept any offers from this person or anything, please… i don't trust her.
she’s telling u to stop talking to me… she doesn’t even know me! u know that ur the only person i talk to. i wouldn’t be anything without u. I don’t have any friends or anything… everyone at school hates me for no reason… ur the only one that understands me. please don’t let her get to ur head, my beloved.
if u come over i could show u my love again… i just want to see you. <3
- kylar
hii kyky <3 i love you too!! i hope u know that <33 ofc u have every right to be upset. i shouldn't have been hiding anything from u. u put sm trust into me & deserve tha same amount of effort 2 b put back into u :(
the person in my inbox is just a kind someone who stumbled upon my page ^_^ she means well & wants me 2 be safe like u do but ummm,,, ya ur right
she doesn't know us irl so ofc take whut she says w/ a grain of salt. it's hard 2 judge a situation when ur not in it and idk apparently ppl think i'm "prone to exaggeration" on here and apparently too "unwell" that it makes me overemotional & clouds my judgment (¬_¬ ). so maybe i dont portray thingz 100% accurately (╯︿╰)???
either way plz dont worry any of that !!! i've no plans to take any offers to get away from u <3 um.... if you want me 2 stop replying to her,, i guess i could? idk :( i know u dont trust her but— idk. we will talk abt this face 2 face in a bit ^^;
ehehehe "show u my love" o-m-g. stopp it you,,,, (´▽`ʃƪ) 'm kidding p;ls dontstop,iloveit. as soon i post this i'll b over in 10 min :] wont keep u waiting i promise!! <3
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
hey, fifi? seraphina? my love, my one and only… we really need to talk.
i was reading through your old posts and i found some REALLY weird stuff there.
like, okay, i know we’ve talked about ur other… flings before. i’ll tolerate them for you, you still know that. but.. what’s this about working at the brothel??? PLEASE tell me someone was joking writing that… in all of those asks… this has to be some weird joke, right???
at least with ur modeling and streaming, i can keep you safe. no one can hurt u there. but the brothel? sure, the whole town is crawling with rapists, but why would u intentionally go where they’re all gathered??? u even SAID that u KNOW it’s unsafe. why do u keep working there? it has to be a joke. if it’s not, u need to quit.
please. I can get us a flat or something since u can’t stay at my house. or get my parents to like u more. It’ll just take a bit more time. u don’t have to keep working to earn money. or at least not there. i could keep us safe, and happy… i just don’t know why u don’t trust me to do that!!
…i need to go look through the rest of ur posts now too. don’t block me, i have other accounts too, you already know that. u can’t keep hiding these things from me.
is there anything else u want to admit now too?? u know i'll find out eventually.
i’m TRYING to be good for u here. but it’s getting really fucking hard. i'm just trying to protect u.
…please reply.
- kylar
hhh hello kylar! my love, my pretty boy!!! umm!! tha thing abt my old posts is that they r old! ^.^ no need to look through the rest of them. not that i'm hiding anything from u— i just think we should talk b4 u... mmm, rile urself up more maybe ??
ofc i have no reason 2 lie to u sooo ahaha... ^_^ yes, i used to work at the brothel. i mean...,, i technically still do but mostly just to restock the facilities! i dont dance anymore. except for fridays,,, but all of that is very meticulously planned out and none of it is real! just a show!! briar makes sure it's safe 4 me bc umm the audience rlly likes me and i make her a lot of money so i can't just... quit really–
i don't have 2 fuck anyone there anymore, so its okay, right?? i could go over tha terms n conditions of shows w/ u if it'd make u more comfortable ??? ^^' i swear ik what i'm doing & i am being safe now, i didn't tell u bcos i knew u wld get worried and i never want to make u upset im sorry :((
baby, that sounds wonderful but... how would you even afford a flat— ? i mean, i could pitch in of course, but i still have to pay off bailey :/ and i have 2 be responsible 4 robin as well,,, u know im working hard 2 get on ur parents good sides but it will take time ಥ_ಥ
i do trust u!! i know u have my best interest in mind <3 it's just that um... sometimes wat u want isn't... realistic- like,,, even if i did quit, the problems wouldn't go away. i made my bed n now i gotta lie in it & until i have tha resources to cover it up,,, its smth we have 2 live w/ 〒▽〒 ghhh im sorry that i've dragged u into all of this :( i will make it up 2 u i promise !!!
u are being so good and i'm so proud of u, i love u so much <3 plz be patient w/ me, i'm also trying,,,
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1am-yan · 9 months
No promises but I kiind of want to make a Kylar rp blog (I know there was one I was aware of before but I don't remember the username and that was a while ago I think?)
Probably M!Kylar cause he's more defined to me but I'd do F!Kylar tooo if anyone wanted (probably make it on a separate one)
But anyway, important question! Since the PC is kind of integral to Kylar's lore and such how should I handle that??
I won't necessarily go with the most popular option but this helps! And make your arguments if you care thank youu... or just about anything related to this topic! Again this is just semi hypothetical though!
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
have u ever told kylar about ur work at the brothel?!
absolutely not ^^; … i steer clear away from talking about work w/ him, just as i do w/ robin….
he’d surely try 2 convince me it’s unsafe & i should stop immediately cuz i’m his and all of those ppl R whores who don’t deserve 2 look at me & especially not touch meeee!!! bc it’s supposed 2 be special and no 1 else can fuck me like himmm ⋆。°✩
i think tha brothel shld have better security but appointing kylar as my personal body guard would ummm…. kill Any business EVR!!!! and probably put my clients in danger bc he likes to flip knives on ppl who try stuff w/ me ^.^
he’s already not a fan of my streaming or modeling LOLZ sooo itz better he stays unaware (。>﹏<)
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 10 months
does tht mean ur dating other guyz? why would u lie 2 me u stupid whore?!
wait... no, I didn't mean that. plz dnt get mad @ me, I just wanted 2 say tht... I thought I'd be the only 1.
I SHOULD b the only 1 4 u! u dnt need any1 else u only need ME. I can protect u too... I can buy u thingz 2! u don't fucking need him!
Is it bcz I'm ugly???? do u jst not love me anymore??? do u think he fucks u better than i do u slut????
- Xxky_da_lonerrxX
kylar... i need u 2 listen to me so clearly, ok? no sudden reactions, no rash moves,,, just plz read & don't do anything hysterical ^^;
i never lied 2 u. i had a bf before i even met u.
u never asked me out, not officially— you started parading me around the halls & calling me ur gf. which i— i embraced it bc i really did have feelings 4 u (& I STILL DO don't get me wrong but).....
ur not the only one and i don’t want u 2 be.
i know you can protect me, i truly appreciate wat u do 4 me & i don't take ur efforts for granted— i love you, ur so attractive, its not abt ur looks or sex, you fuck me so good i just
i just think we want different thingz,,,, um. i want to break up,,,, im sorry. i dont want 2 do this anymore. im so sick of fighting & being scared stiff
 | + Trauma | + + + Stress
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
Fifi!1! u should come over tonite <3 i tried calling you earlier... and you didn't pick up but that's okay! u must be busy. i wanna show u smth cool!! i promise u'll love it <333 pls call me back.
kylar!!! wahhh hi my love!!! <3 soz 4 not picking up mmh u know how busy life gets sometimez (╥﹏╥)
i know it’s been a while since i came over but ummmm i don’t think i can tonite :( had a rlly exhausting n socially draining day so i kinda just… need 2 decompress— & ur parents don’t like when i sleep over so i can’t,,, i’m so so sorry!!!
um….. could u bring it over to me instead maybe ? i’d love 2 see u ^^’ ugh it’s been quite a while since i came over i rlly feel so bad :( !!! i miss u so much i miss touching u n being w/ u i’m just ,,, not feeling well recently hhhhh °(°ˊДˋ°) ° ….
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
Dear Seraphina
Don't worry, me and my husband have already made up, and he has proven how much more careful he wil be on the internet talking to strangers.... He very throughly demonstrated he how will be much more receptive of my input ;-)
As for the Kylar problem... I will leave you to think, however I do think he is crossing your boundaries with what you are comfortable with. I know you have multiple partners aside from Kylar, and I don't see him being very approving of them, which already probes you are not on the same foot.... This won't be good for your future if it isn't addressed, but it seems to me he is probe to overwhelming you and dominating you in conversations...As I said, you are clever and skillful on your feet... You are like that even if Kylar is in your life or not, yes?
I won't stress you further with this anymore... for now.
-Camille M.
OMMGG... winky face xDD...?? hehehe cami u r a woman close 2 my own morals </3 whutever works 2 get it in their skulls yk xD
ty, ur concerns r appreciated n listened 2 ig but im glad ur stepping back a bit bcoz tbh im tired of running in circlez ^^' ya ofc there r thingz he doesn't approve of but he's mature enough 2 b patient and either deal w/ it bc he loves me or work w/ me 2 make it better.
we r addressing issues as they come up. he's allowed 2 be upset abt me hiding thingz from him bcoz thats a bitchy thing 2 do. if he trusts me,, tha least i can do is not lie 2 him :/
yes, i'm like that whether he's in my life or not. and i can totally speak up 4 myself if he does smth im uncomfy w/.
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