anisaanisa · 2 years
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Inuyasha, Volume 24, 2001, Rumiko Takahashi ☆
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
His brutality and size meant he was mistaken for an ogre, and in truth, Kyōkotsu was more demon than man. He relished in the destruction he caused, and killing was second nature. Too bad his intellect did not match his size. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
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grayluforever · 1 month
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doslopez · 2 years
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Going to Be Running Around Helping the Artists at @youmaconofficial Today & Tomorrow! Hope to see You! 😸🎵 🎵 Check Out My Nonsense Haunted House Mix for the Weekend Festivities or Just Hanging Out. 😸(Link in Story) 🎵https://www.mixcloud.com/DosLopez/nonsense-haunted-house/ 😸 🎵 🌟 😸 🎵 🌟 😸 🎵 🌟 #DosLopez #cosplayparty #Michigan #SpreadYourMusictotheWorld #Cosplay #CosplayDJ #bleachanime #zanpakutospirit #Otaku #ninja #AlienFromSpace #animegirl #reptilianshapeshifters #skullbow #KyokotsuBleach #Kyokotsu #katenKyokotsu #animeconvention #youmacom #convention #detroitanime #Halloweenparty #zanpakuto #gotei13 #soulsociety #bankai #ShunsuiKyoraku #cosplaycontest #prioritypass https://www.instagram.com/p/CkiywIkuUDY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Is Zaraki's able to see Zanpaktou spirits because he himself was once a weapon?
Any plans for Sode no Shirayuki? How does she feel about being considered the most beautiful Zanpaktou?
Point 1: Yes, also because he's the (adopted) son of a Minor Kami and a [SPOILER], but mostly because it's funny if he has no spiritual sense except that he can see sword spirits. Zanpaktou spend most of their time Resting in a little pocket dimension inside the Sword- all those showy super-attacks take a lot of energy, and they are fueled by but one person! But if a Zanpaktou wants to talk to their wielder or is bored and wants to watch The Shinigami Show, they can manifest outside the sword in a spirit form only visible to Their Wielder Specifically, and other Zanpaktou that are also currently in spirit form or in shikai/bankai. In general, one Shinigami cannot perceive the zanpaktou spirit form of another Shinigami, Unless Some Weird Shit Be Afoot, so it's a hell of a surprise to the spirits when they find out Zaraki can see them, as they (like everyone else) assumed he was Human. He can't see Zanpaktou when they're resting in the pocket dimension though, because they're in a different dimension. Kenpachi does have a bit of a problem though, in that Sword Spirits look just as real and normal to him as humans and other people, and he's seen such an enormous variety of People that he does not necessarily notice that a Zanpaktou is a Zanpaktou. He thought that was Just Some Guy, and he's the last person who should be commenting on appearances. He's learned from living in the heavily forested Far North where they are common, that Many Minor spirits like Koropokkuru and Kodama are invisible to most people and startle if seen, and that more material beings don't like it when he talks to them without being some kind of introduced first, so he's adopted an informal policy of generally ignoring people until they make the first move. ...Which is how nobody in the Gotei-13 noticed Kenpachi could see Zanpaktou until a solid 57 years after he became captain, when he lightly ruined one of Shunsui's moon-veiwing parties.
Point 2: She doesn't think much about it because she is not "Generally Considered" to be the most beautiful zanpaktou, even if she was voted to be so. In AEIWAM, Sode no Shirayuki is an Ice Apparition that takes the form of an Artic Hare and All the Chappy Gikon have a crush on her, and when all the Chappys took a vote, they agreed unanimously on the most beautiful, and espouse her virtues to anyone that will listen. She's usually busy beating the shit out of someone if there's a Chappy in her vicinity, and so she doesn't listen to them and is entirely unaware of their affections.
Point 3: Lots of the Zanpaktou Spirits look different than how they're depicted in the Zanpaktou Arc, because many of those designs were frankly Uninspired, especially compared to the ones that appear in the Manga. ...This post got kinda long though, Zanpaktou spirit appearances under the cut:
Zabimaru appears much as they do in the Manga, and writing their dialogue because they are two entities of different genders sharing a body, or at least, a butthole. Zabi The Monkey is still female and and Maru The Snake is still male, and they don't use pronouns so much as weild them like nunchucks. Kenpachi got on very well with them back when Renji was in the 11th and still do- many spirits are alarmed to be percieved, but Zabimaru was delighted and took a great deal of pleasure at making running rather cheeky commentary during meetings to (lovingly) agitate Renji and see if they could crack Zaraki's Pokerface.
Senbonzakura is one of the few Zanpaktou that semi-regularly manifests in a way humans and other mortals can see, a privlege granted to him by his exceptional age (he's almost as old as Ryujin Jakka and Shinken Hakkyoken) and the patronage of the Kuchiki clan. A great many people have seen him, but few notice that they have because Senbonzakura is a Tree. He appears as an enormous, ancient and beautiful cherry tree with a crooked root that is the perfect for leaning against and meditating, and is far and away the most stable member of the Kuchiki family, if only by virtue of his extensive root system. Kenpachi didn't actually notice Senbonzakura was a sword spirit the first time he saw him- the central courtyard of the Kuchiki manor is a perfectly normal place for a grand old tree like that. He realized what was going on and hour later when he came back down the same hall and realized the tree was now mirror image to it's previous position and had a good laugh at the Spirit's joke and they became friends, much to the detriment of Ginrei Kuchiki's blood pressure. It's bad enough having Yachiru regularly hop the fence to eat snacks and steal fish out of the pond, but Zaraki semi-regularly turning up to have the craic with the family sword is just too much. Senbonzakura is equally find of Kenpachi, because he took the teenage Byakuya under his wing and imparted on the boy the wisdom of a broader appreciation of Senbonzakura- "Sure, the blossoms are pretty and all but that's one week in a whole year of tree. If my opinion is worth anything, He's at his best in late summer when he's full of fruit." "-Count on a Bird to have properly nuanced opinions on trees." agrees Senbonzakura.
Rangiku's Haineko looks like a snow leopard with a coat of fine flaky ashes instead of fur, whose spots glow from the inside like a still-smoldering log. Of all the spirits, Hainkeo is the only one that really Unsettles Kenpachi- She doesn't actually make noise when she moves, is disturbingly well-camoufalged even in the city, and never flinches from making eye contact. Kenpachi isn't sure if Haineko is genuinely unsettling, or if she bothers him because he he was raised by Eagles and lost many friends and even some family to the ravages of cats.
Sogyo no Kotowari are still twins, but Ukitake has seen them change over time- they look like little boys now, but during Ukitake's early days, when the Soul Society was a much rougher place, the twins looked decidedly more Shadow Over Innsmouth. Even today, when they're really upset, they still have a tendency to go a little fish-eyed. They were another one Kenpachi did not realize was a Zanpaktou spirit and one night The Twins had come out to play in the garden during one of Shunsui's "Moon-Veiwing" parties, and Ukitake happened to mention he is the oldest of eight children. "Seven brothers and sisters!" Kenpachi laughed. "How can you, of all people, not have a spare sibling to babysit for you?" "Babysit? For me?" Jushiro blinked at him, confused. "My siblings used to call on me when my nieces and nephews were still young, but I'm a bachelor." "Don't tell me you're babysitting The Twins?" Kenpachi demanded, pointing at them "Here? Now? Surely you've got a less-busy sibling who didn't have a boozing session on his calendar that could watch them?" Jushiro followed out to where Kenpachi was pointing. "You... You can see them? The two little boys over there?" "I only got the one manky eye, Jushiro, the other works fine. Cute little shits." "You- They're- They're my Zanpaktou! You can see Zanpaktou spirits??" "Ohhhh, yeah I can see how getting a sitter for sword spirits would be tricky." Kenpachi nodded. "-THAT'S NOT THE RELEVANT POINT ZARAKI!"
The design I did like from the Zanpaktou filler arc was Minazuki- a shroud over an invisible body and a watery, disembodied voice? Choice combination of elegance and menace, befitting a Stingray. ...but definitely could be weirder. Imagine her cape as what looks like thick, mottled green fabric which an almost wet-looking sheen if she passes through direct sunlight- until you touch it and realize the cape is the smooth, slippery and exquisitely camouflaged flesh of a Potamotrygon brachyura Stingray, and you need to be REALLY careful about the little tail of fabric trailing behind her, because those spines aren't decorative. She shifts, standing up to become more humanoid and her single orange eye appears under her hood, floating in the middle of the space where her head should be. Or if she doesn't feel particularly humanoid, she bows and the eye passes through the fleshy cloak to the top of her head, now shaped more like a stingray but... gooey and uncertain around the edges, like she's bleeding into an invisible river around you. regardless of position, the eye always follows you, unblinking. Kenpachi is of the Opinion that Minazuki is the most beautiful of all the Zanpaktou, and insists he's not biased- Sure, he's madly in love with Retsu and therefore Minazuki because they are more one being than two, but he also damn near died of a freshwater stingray's spine once. "That just makes you more biased." Sighs Yumichika. "You're horny for anything that almost kills you."
Katen Kyokotsu appears much the same as she does in the Manga, and as part of her subterfuge to hide Shinken Hakkyoken, she doesn't distinguish between either of 'her' bodies when speaking. They're both her and if you try to distinguish between them you're clearly some kind of Idiot. Most humans are Idiots though. At the Moon viewing party where Kenpachi revealed he could see The Twins, there is BEDLAM. "You can see Zanpaktou spirits?" Unohana blinks. "-Just. In general and not when you're particularly close to someone?" she asks and when a puzzled Aizen frowns at her, she clips him under the ear before he can speak. "Yeah? It's not that big a deal, lots of people can see minor spirits-" "No! being able to see minor spirits at all is really rare, even among humans in the afterlife and Shinigami, and I've literally never heard of someone who can see Zanpaktou!" Ukitake yelps. "...Huh. 'Snot that great- they mostly just look like other people. Better dressed, usually, but it's really nothing." "How. uh. Long have you been able to see them?" Shunsui asks, suddenly nervous. "Since forever?" Zaraki shrugs, pouring himself another cup of tea. Shunsui stares at him, trying to puzzle something out. "You... didn't think it was Odd when Katen Kyokotsu appears next to me? She loves those meetings." "What, the Oiran with the purple hair and-? Ah." He realized as she manifested at the sound of her name, regarding him imperiously. "My Lady." Kenpachi nodded his head at her. Good Manners around the Oiran had been instilled into him by Madame Tsubaki with some force. There was a moment of silence while those assembled waited for an answer. "...Yeah I'm not gonna lie. I thought she was your Dominatrix or something." Kenpachi sighed. Katen Kyokotsu roared with laughter and Shunsui crumpled into a ball on the floor.
Apparently there's a charter limit I'm approaching, more later.
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zmeitsssa · 22 hours
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antrusimbol · 7 months
⚔️Katen Kyōkotsu⚔️
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lucook · 7 months
All Kyoraku's fights are against opponents using guns, this has an explanation! It represents the Feudal Japan against Modern Japan (The design of Shunsui's zanpakuto 'Katen Kyokotsu' and your own design let us understand this).
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Your battle against Chad cannot be named "battle". However, Chad shoots his power in ways similar to bullets.
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shinixgami · 2 years
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𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐢 • 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟐𝟓𝟕 | 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟑𝟕𝟎
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snurtle · 1 year
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“Hey, Ohana-san, why are all your games so mean?”
“Oh...you know.”
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irlkisukeurahara · 2 years
I love when people make designs for Zanpakuto Spirit Nozarashi. It's interesting. However my problem is that many of them just seem to be "Yachiru with tits." And that's a bit weird. Of course she'd resemble Yachiru, she split off her. But Nozarashi would not look identical to Yachiru, however they would look feasibly related. Think about our other obvious example in the series of the Zanpakuto spirit splitting in 2; Katen & Kyokotsu.
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We know that Kyokotsu split off (or Katen gave birth? I'm assuming they're using 'birth' as a metaphor considering Katen isn't a person.) from Katen. Granted, the nature of Kyokotsu is different from Yachiru, but there's the same general idea; the Zanpakuto became two people. Nozarashi split herself in two; Noza herself being the Shikai, and Yachiru being the Bankai. Nozarashi made Yachiru so that Kenpachi could always have her with him, even when he wouldn't communicate with her. Katen made Kyokotsu so that she could hide Shinken Hakkyoken (as......weird as that was.)
Why bring them up?
Because they are a pretty clear blueprint for how character design would work under the concept of the Zanpakuto splitting in two.
Katen and Kyokotsu are not identical. However, just by looking at them there's obvious similarities. They have the same eye color, hair color, skin color, and have almost the exact same color pallette in their outfits. (Kyokotsu does not have pink in her outfit, but Katen does.) They even have similar decorative hair pieces. However, they have slightly different eye shapes and obviously different haircuts. They both cover their eye, but not only in very different ways, but also the opposite eye. They reflect each other. They don't look like the same woman but older, they look like sisters.
It's safe to assume that Nozarashi and Yachiru would follow similar designing conventions. Nozarashi would have Yachiru's eye color, hair color, and skin color. She'd probably have a hairpin similar to Yachiru's. The color pallette of her outfit likely doesn't apply as Yachiru is in a shihakusho, due to passing as a Shinigami.
So, when you see fanmade Nozarashi designs, often they are just Yachiru with long hair and big tits, shihakusho and all. And it's fine to design a woman that looks like Yachiru with big tits and call her Nozarashi. Nozarashi probably would have big tits, I mean most BLEACH women do! But it has the same vibe as people turning Anya Forger into a 'hot 20 year old.' It starts to kinda reek of lolicon shit.
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To me, I've always envisioned Nozarashi looking like Yachiru's punk mom. (Especially if Katen "giving birth" was literal, rather than metaphorical.) For a few reasons. It says a lot about Kenpachi as a person. He had that protective, parental instinct over Yachiru since day 1. He's her dad. Nozarashi split off Yachiru so that Kenpachi would have a piece of her with him, so she could always be there for him. She loved him dearly. Kenpachi was Nozarashi's baby, while Yachiru was Kenpachi's. An older, parental vibe from Nozarashi would make sense to me. Not just judging by Katen & Kyokotsu, but by how Kenpachi's story played out.
The point at the end of the day, yes Nozarashi would look like an older Yachiru. But Nozarashi wouldn't just look like Yachiru with slightly longer hair and a nice pair of tits. At least put her in an outfit that isn't a shihakusho. Maybe an extremely ripped up kimono that's to the point it almost seems scantily clad. With it loosely tied so that her boobs are out. Make her face less childish. Put some creativity into it. Nozarashi is more than just Yachiru! If you're going to make a design for a character that doesn't have one, what's the point of just copying an already existing one in a way that makes you look like a lolicon?
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glad0syuri · 7 months
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Beautiful Yuri Couple….
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anime093se · 11 months
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tiamatnightmare · 4 months
Katen kyokotsu and friends
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myahandthewolf · 2 years
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hajimilku · 2 years
Wait is everyone coming back to tumblr?
Take some old Bleach fanart!
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