~LE GASP!~ An Evil Boop?! REVENGE!!! REVEEENGEEE!! *boop* <3
I love it when my fellow Tumblrinas understand the assignment!
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
If you could have *Any* of Lucille Sharpe's gowns, which one would you want? And: If you had the chance to ferally run in her blood-soaked nightgown anywhere in the real or fictional world, where would you be running?
Probably the black dress. I love all of them, but the blue is a color that very little of my jewelry would harmonize with and the red is, of course, a formal gown that would not be practical for many purposes.
(I say, as if they aren't all gowns with massive trains.)
And if I could ferally run in her blood-soaked nightgown? Well, I wouldn't want to be in the same situation, but honestly...still Allerdale Hall. I'd love the chance to explore it, and see if the attics really hold such a bounty as we fanfic writers like to imagine.
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actuallyvady · 2 years
Hello again! I've been gone a while.
I went on what was supposed to be a two week vacation that ended up twice that long. I drove out to see @kyriea and stay with her for a bit, and then, well, I ended up staying longer and not wanting to leave.
In the mean time, I've been on T for over a month! And it turns out my voice has already started to change. We were watching the 1997 Cinderella (one of my favorite things) and I discovered that I could actually sing along with the Prince without going up an octave. Others have commented on it as well, since then. It's hard to actually gauge-- it reminds me a little of getting an updated glasses prescription, where you don't really realize how bad your vision has gotten because it happens so gradually.
There are a few other things that are already noticeable as well-- facial hair I already had is growing in thicker and darker, my body temperature is higher (yay for not freezing all the time!), and much to my surprise bottom growth started almost immediately. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to have anything I could comment on yet-- I'm using the gel, and I had heard the changes tended to be more gradual with that, and every timeline I have seen predicts most changes starting at least 3 months in. I'm not complaining! I'm really happy about it. It just surprised me.
I think that was part of why I stayed extra long on my vacation; I was with people who were more likely to validate my excitement. I love my family, they are very supportive, but I think they are more likely to just pretend nothing has changed at all until it becomes necessary to comment on it. Which is also how I handle everything, lol.
Anyway, I'm still in Disco Elysium hell and likely to remain here for a while.
Oh! I watched the Rings of Power while I was gone! Within the first few minutes of the first episode I was laughing aloud at the revisionism of the flight of the Noldor and I decided that I was going to take the show at face value and judge it on its own writing, not based on my knowledge of lore, and I found that I very much enjoyed it. Elrond and Durin, in particular, I adore.
Anyway, I'll be back to tumblr-ing soon, lol. Gotta get settled back in here and do a lot of thinking about moving forward. But I'm really happy I had a nice long vacation. ♥
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Seven Days Makes One Weak: The Fall of Izzy Hands
by Kyriea
After the Reconciliation of the crew, Izzy Hands must make a choice: Stay, and be persecuted and hated by the crew, or flee, never to return again.
But what he comes to realize is maybe he's not so hated after all. Is there a chance for forgiveness to someone as unworthy of it as Israel Hands?
Words: 2108, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Israel Hands, Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Oluwande Boodhari, Jim Jimenez, The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death) & Israel Hands
Additional Tags: Israel Hands Needs a Hug, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Talking It Through As a Crew (Our Flag Means Death), Quick everybody hug Izzy!, Israel Hands Redemption, No romance just pure fluff and love
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41183727
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breebird33 · 7 years
Question! How would Patrik react to Riboflavin-Flavored Non-Carbonated Polyunsaturated Blood? Both the obscure Halloween song by Don Hinson & The Rigormorticians, and if it existed, the drink?
HA! I feel like it would one of those songs he’d listen to ironically “cause vampires” then end up genuinely liking, buying the album on vinyl (same goes for “I Want To Bite Your Hand”  by Gene Moss). Though… on a bad day, he would not find it as amusing….
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As for the drink….he would definitely try it out of curiosity. He is always down to find other sources of blood.
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oh-so-heavenly · 2 years
Ok so, here's a list of some my current favourite Blackbeard x Stede fics bc i love them, they are all amazing and I need to share them with the world. All these fics are set in a Modern AU bc I love that. Also most of them are coffee shop au bc of course they are. i'm gonna keep updating this list as i read more and I might make a longer one with all the fics I'd recommend of this pairing.
One Shots
Squid-life Crisis by nerbert
Queen Anne's Revenge by KissMyAsthma
foreign and exotic terms of endearment by Pamplemousse
A Night At Blackbeard's Bar and Grill by soft_october
Complete multi-chapter stories
The CaféHouse by WaitingToBeBroken
we should just kiss (like real people do) by al_ex_an_d_er_hamiltons
Unfinished stories that are worth waiting for
Drinks, smoke and muse by luna666
love for beginners by simple paradox
Bonnet's Bakery and Pirate Port by boniface
The Gentleman Pirate's Café by loulou_garou
The Bikers of Barbados by Kyriea
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shivrcys · 5 years
8 People I'd like to know better
Thank you so much @antonomase for tagging me in this.
1. Birthday: 21 September
2. Astrological sign: Virgo
3. Height: A little over 5ft. (I don't really know)
4. Last song I listened to: Somebody to Love by Queen.
5. Hobbies, reading books, watching TV, listening to music, languages, helping to cook, walking dogs.
6. Favourite colour: purple
7. Last movie I saw: Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Favourite book: The Oresteia by Aeschylus (especially the Agamemnon)
9. Dream job: Archaeologist or lecturer (especially to do with Later Rome and Byzantium!)
10. Meaning behind my URL: I just think Empress Theodora was the epitome of badassery.
Tagging: @daughterofdungeonbat @thehistoryfangirl12 @imperatorcorleone @kyriea @blackcur-rants @queenofbohemian @aria-i-adagio @trashamemnon
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harpsicalbiobug · 4 years
Yeeeeeeah ask meme, thank you!
Tagged by @nephilidae
1. Name: Harper
2. Nicknames: my name nicks poorly, but Harp and Harpry and Harpsical are occasionally used
3. Zodiac Sign: cancer :/
4. Height: 5′5? 
5. Language: English, awful Spanish
6. Nationality: USA
7. Favorite season: autumn
8. Favorite flower: bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)
9. Favorite scent: big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
10. Favorite color: purple
11. Favorite animal: my friends and students make fun of me for saying every animal is my favorite. I do love true flies, all cats extant and extinct, anything weird and invertebratey in the deep sea, look, I’m short circuiting thinking about how good animals are, and no I don’t have any animal I hate
12. Favorite fictional character: I don’t know! I love a lot of media and I love the characters in that media but I don’t... know! 
13. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: All. I’m in a tea phase during pandemic to minimize anxiety, but coffee when I had a go to work job. Hot chocolate is a special treat every once in a while that benefits from whiskey
14. Average hours of sleep: bad low on insomnia nights, 8 on good nights, 3-10 recently because pandemic brain is weird
15. Cats or dogs: cats! dogs are cool I love dogsitting a lot but I’ve never had one, and I’ve fostered 80+ cats so... yeah
16. Number of blankets when sleeping: sheets, a down blanket and pillows to hug
17. Dream trip: Friend roadtrip to camp and climb, anywhere really
18. Blog established: 2012
19. Number of followers: no thank you
20. Random fact: I once crawled through the milk door at my grad school friends house without warning anyone and then everyone at that party absolutely had to go through the milk door
tag:I hate tagging people, uh, @kyriea @starfally @genderqueerbadger, @ptomlins really anyone who wants to do this, ignore if you don’t!!
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itssockscosplay · 5 years
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Photo edit of @kyriea‘s Condesce cosplay!
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ptomlins · 6 years
someone tell me what i should make for @kyriea‘s new years eve shindig i need to go grocery shopping tomorrow morning
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cephalopodqueen · 7 years
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here’s some pictures of my finished Catharine cosplay shoutout to @saffronsugar and @kyriea for helping me sort out some fit problems before cutting in the final fabric
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
I saw a meme the other day that talked about "If your Haunted Doll is destroying your property, she's probably just bored! Please make sure you have a proper habitat for your haunted doll, and proper love and Enrichment!" in the sweetest, kindest way I've seen in a long while. It made me think of you, and I'm mad I didn't save it to send it. <3
In that vein, is there a Doll you've seen that's been claimed to be "Haunted", that you think just needs proper enrichment and care?
I've seen that one! I love it so much
Here is my haunted doll hot take: I don't think Robert is evil.
I do think he's haunted! That seems pretty widely agreed-upon. But his last private owner, Myrtle Reuter, kept him with her for twenty years even knowing about his haunting. Through two moves, no less. She could have ditched him at any time, but she didn't; she took him to her new home with her. That doesn't scream "malevolent entity" to me, personally.
And all the stories about Robert doing actively harmful things- not pranks or simply moving around -seem rather unsubstantiated. Granted, that kind of thing would be hard to substantiate at all, but like. Listicles repeat the idea that Gene Otto was "obsessed" with the doll and that the obsession destroyed his marriage, or even that Robert killed his wife. And none of that seems supported by less...emotional biographies of the man.
As for all the people allegedly hurt by him for disrespect. Well. You do something you've been told not to, and it's going to throw you off-kilter. You might make mistakes you otherwise wouldn't, and some of those mistakes are bound to be dangerous for at least a few of the many people in this situation. Simply by law of averages. (It's kind of ingenious, if you think about it and assume Robert really doesn't take kindly to being, say, photographed without permission. He wouldn't have to actually do anything at all- people would psych themselves out fretting about the Haunted Doll Curse and inadventently create said curse all on their own.)
(Robert the Doll: actually a Discworld witch? Discuss.)
To be clear, I absolutely believe that spirits CAN be malevolent, and harm people. It's not a question of doubting the story's possibility, or even that the spirit possessing the doll is capable of such things. It may well be!
It's just that, in terms of this specific case, the unembroidered facts and testimony from people not Lost In The Urban Legend Sauce don't seem to match up to the popular conception of the doll in question.
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Tag Game
Tag Game!
Goal: Tag 9 people to get to know them. Tagged by @kyriea Relationship status: Happy where I am! <3 Favorite color: Cyan or Black Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick Last song: Dust Hymn by Purity Ring Last movie: Chicago the Musical Top 3 shows: Currently it’s One Piece, FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and NCIS. Xioalin Showdown, Danny Phantom, and Avatar the last Airbender are honorable mentions.  Top 3 ships: Can I say all the one piece ships? Like an embarrassing amount of one piece ships. Mostly Strawheart and ASL. 
Tagged: @danosphere91 @omelettedufromage-24601 @kato-your-jelly @gz-sandragon @incognitoowl @wordsdear And anyone else who wants to!
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actuallyvady · 6 years
Theme song? I've got a few I think of when I see you. "As the World Falls Down" is one of them, as is "The Shire Theme", And the instrumental version of "ET" by Katy Perry. (The lyrics aren't quite right, but the instrumental version is really pretty and light.)
I like that I have instrumental theme music, lol
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"To The Mantua Makers!"
by Kyriea
In order to pull off a Fuckery, Ed and Stede must wear a proper disguise. Ed wasn't expecting gowns to be part of the disguise. ** Whatever Ed was expecting, it wasn’t this. Stede was right, the stays fit like a warm embrace, but there was something more to it. Perhaps it was Stede’s breath against his shoulders, or the pull of the stays against his undershirt, but the gentle pressure was *intoxicating.* It was as if Stede’s hands weren’t just at his spine with the laces, but also around his torso, around his chest, and holding him tight. Like the familiar pressure of his knee brace, the stays were a comfort, a reassuring but unyielding press against his torso.He wasn’t sure how, but the stays even smelled like Stede and his yummy lavender soap. He shivered, looking over his shoulder at Stede as he felt the knot be tied at the base of the stays, right at his hips. “...Well?” **
Words: 2171, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Original Characters
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Blackbeard | Edward Teach and Stede Bonnet in Love, Co-Captains - Freeform, Historical Dress, cross-dressing, Fluff, fluff and eventual smut, Fancy Dress Party
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39547233
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theotherlaser · 7 years
Because I’m bored and no one would actually ask me...
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
is your room messy or clean? currently, clean
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? yeah, it’s simple
what is your relationship status? single life
describe your personality in 3 words or less chill, nerdy, genuine
what color hair do you have? black
what kind of car do you drive? color? don’t have one
where do you shop? anywhere that has what i need
how would you describe your style? laid back i guess?
favorite social media account twitter
what size bed do you have? full
any siblings? yes, 2 1/2
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? i’m fine in atlanta because it’s really becoming a cultural hub
favorite snapchat filter? don’t use them enough to have one
favorite makeup brand(s) N/A
how many times a week do you shower? the correct and only answer is at least 7...
favorite tv show? Avatar: The Last Airbender
shoe size? depends on the shoe
how tall are you? last i checked, 5′11
sandals or sneakers? sneakers
do you go to the gym? not as much as i should
describe your dream date anything that has us spending quality time, having our undivided attention and enjoying each other’s company
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? lol not enough
what color socks are you wearing? burgundy
how many pillows do you sleep with? four
do you have a job? what do you do? yes, i work at the bookstore on campus and i fulfill online orders
how many friends do you have? lol not enough
whats the worst thing you have ever done? be awkward?
whats your favorite candle scent? vanilla
3 favorite boy names idk
3 favorite girl names idk
favorite actor? Michael B Jordan...? idk
favorite actress? Rosario Dawson...? idk man
who is your celebrity crush? Lianne La Havas
favorite movie? The Dark Knight
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? not as much as i used to; Small Steps by Louis Sachar (book series goes to A Series of Unfortunate Events
money or brains? why not both?
do you have a nickname? what is it? my last name lol
how many times have you been to the hospital? as a patient? never
top 10 favorite songs of all time? damn that’s a lot of pressure
do you take any medications daily? too healthy for all that
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) idk i just have skin man
what is your biggest fear? cockroaches
how many kids do you want? at least 2, no more than 4
whats your go to hair style? shadow fade
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) decent size...
who is your role model?  Pharrell Williams
what was the last compliment you received? how clean my room was
what was the last text you sent? “Where’d you go”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i always assumed that my dad was santa
what is your dream car? A car
opinion on smoking? cigarettes? don’t do it. sucks for your lungs
do you go to college? unfortunately
what is your dream job? dream as in very slim chances of it actually happening? youtube celebrity
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? i should...but then again i don’t go to hotels that often
do you have freckles? lol no
do you smile for pictures? most of the time
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 173
have you ever peed in the woods? yes
do you still watch cartoons? of course
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? wendy’s i guess. mcdonalds isn’t food.
Favorite dipping sauce? polynesian sauce
what do you wear to bed? t-shirt and boxers
have you ever won a spelling bee? N-E-V-A-R
what are your hobbies? making music, watching and reviewing movies/tv shows
can you draw? nope
do you play an instrument? yes, 3 actually
what was the last concert you saw? Janelle Monae
tea or coffee? tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? uggghhhhhhh
do you want to get married? eventually
what is your crush’s first and last initial? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
are you going to change your last name when you get married? lol no
what color looks best on you? black
do you miss anyone right now? YES
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed
do you believe in ghosts? slick...not like the phantom, spooky kind, but the God tryna teach you a lesson and will use someone you know’s likeness kind 
what is your biggest pet peeve? asking/requesting/agreeing to watch something with me and then not pay attention and ask me questions about it later
last person you called` Ebonee
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla
regular oreos or golden oreos? golden oreos
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow
what shirt are you wearing? the flash
what is your phone background? the batcave from arkham knight
are you outgoing or shy? depends on the company
do you like it when people play with your hair? never
do you like your neighbors? don’t have any here
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? in the morning yes
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? a lil
last thing you ate? cheez-its
favorite lyrics right now “one short day in the emerald city” has been stick in my head for a while now
summer or winter?
day or night? depends on my mood and who i’m with
dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
favorite month? December
what is your zodiac sign Sagittarius
who was the last person you cried in front of? Kyriea
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