vexic929 · 4 months
Ten facts for L'Harann please? I want to learn more about her :D
absolutely! :)
her mother was a Tamaranean refugee raised by Kryptonian parents from infancy - this was a carefully kept family secret
she's a botanist but before that she babysat a lot and considered going into childcare or ship building
one of her hobbies used to be working on her ship but after being trapped on it for decades, she's not too keen on getting it flying again anytime soon
most of her belongings have her Kryptonian family insignia* on them
the more yellow sun she is exposed to, the more she resembles her Tamaranean relatives
she doesn't have ice breath like normal Kryptonian supers but she can breathe fire
after so long without actual person-to-person interaction, she struggles socially, especially on Earth with languages and social cues she's unfamiliar with
upon arriving on Earth, she promptly broke into the nearest shop and stole clothing and a magazine so she could blend in
her favorite Earth plant is Coffee Arabica
she really likes mango bubble tea
*pictured below the cut
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more for the ask game!
Malcolm + can't not tinker with his mobility aid and change up the look frequently
L'Harann + wants to hibernate the minute it gets slightly cold out
Eoland + isn't actually entirely certain how old she is anymore
Thank you!! It's a fun one for sure :D
This is SO Ophelia! She's the epitome of "doctors are the worst patients" when it comes to her knee brace, she's always designing new prototypes and changing it up. Sometimes she walks with a cane as well, when her knee is flaring up, and I definitely think she customizes that to fit her style as well
2. Kestrel!! They're so petite, they don't retain heat well XD I mean, they'll deal with it since so much of their life is spent outdoors in a variety of climates, but the instant it gets cold you know they just want to shapeshift into a sugar glider and take a nap in Warren's pocket or something XD
3. Absolutely Eris!! Time moves differently on Themyscira, and on top of that they're not entirely sure what Earth year it was when they left, so it's very much a ballpack for how old he is by now.
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negative-speedforce · 1 month
L'Harann has taken a liking to a plant growing in your OC's garden/window/wherever they can grow plants and is determined to study it - what do they do? :)
I feel like most of them would just be willing to either give her the whole plant, or give her a cutting to propagate herself. I can't really imagine any of them doing anything more interesting- except maybe Director Hawke, since she's already wildly xenophobic and would assume that L'Harann would be using the plant for something evil.
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vexic929 · 5 months
Alright, ditto: you get ONE song for each of your OCs, that'll be their "theme song". What are you picking?
lol so lowkey I asked that one because I've been thinking about it for my own OCs and I still haven't gotten most of them down to less than 5 XD now is the time it seems!
Aria - all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish
Lea - I'm a Pop by Chanmina
L'Harann - Still with me by PIXY
Berrie - What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish
Beth - Rose-Colored Boy by Paramore
Malcolm - Victim or Survivor by Citizen Soldier and Icon for Hire
Barbara - バタフライエフ��クト by SID
Eden - No Celestial by LE SSERAFIM
Eoland - VILLAIN DIES by (g)i-dle
Hartley - Silence by Marshmello feat Khalid
Cisca - ANTIHERO by LiSA
Savi - Like You by Evanescence
Gabi - Superheroes by The Script
Jessie - The Lighthouse by Halsey
Ricki - Absinthe by Mothica
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vexic929 · 4 months
L'Harann sketch with gold accents for you? :)
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omg yesssssssssssssss she looks so good thank you!!!!! <3333
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vexic929 · 11 months
Me: works in a grocery store
Also me: sees a brand of spaghetti sauce called "Rao's" and wonders what L'Harann would think of that lol
lol L'Harann: sees anything with the name Rao on it, buys it XD she knows it's not actually a reference to Rao but she'd probably feel like it was good luck all the same
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vexic929 · 1 year
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Arrowverse OC FireFlower (she/her)
Full name: Lara An-Veks/L’Harann
Alias: FireFlower
Gender: Cisgender woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: ???
Nationality: Kryptonian/Tamaranean
Religion: Raoist
Western Zodiac: Scorpio
Eastern Zodiac: Rabbit
Element: Fire
Birth Stone: Topaz
Blood-type: ???
Personality Type: ISFJ
Disabilities: Extreme sensitivity to cold, PTSD
Eye color: Brown with the slightest green tint on her iris and sclera
Natural Hair Color: Brown
Natural Hair Type: 1A
Skin Color: Tan, golden undertones
Height: 5 feet, 2 inches (157 cm)
Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
Appearance: Small for a Tamaranean and even fairly short for a Kryptonian, if it wasn’t for the slight golden shimmer of her skin and the vague green tint to her eyes she’d pass perfectly for a human woman
Personality: Protective, loyal, industrious, and compassionate
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good
Backstory: Stranded in a state of limbo just out of contact with her home planet due to her ship being sabotaged, she drifted aimlessly for decades outside of time and space; never near enough to call for help but close enough that she watched Krypton implode. By the time she was able to escape and crash landed on Earth, she had recorded hundreds of thousands of hours of an audio diary in an attempt to keep herself sane.
Faceclaim: Sasha Calle
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vexic929 · 7 months
f/m/k: OC Edition!
ahhhhh unfair! lol XD
F: Ricki (I love her but she's flighty af, she'd be great in bed tho)
M: Rodriga (obviously, she'd be an amazing wife <3333)
K: L'Harann (I'm so sorry </3333 lol)
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vexic929 · 10 months
Which OC is most likely to say the "yes let us blaze the marijuana! four hundred and twenty!" from that one post?
lol probably L'Harann XD or Berrie cause they thought it was funny
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vexic929 · 8 months
Assumption: L'Harann really likes hot chocolate, especially the spicy Mexican style
oh absolutely! she's into just about anything spicy, she and J'onn can commiserate over that (although she didn't grow up with extreme spice since she was raised on Krypton)
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vexic929 · 1 year
✨ for L’Harran and ❤️ for Berrie, for the OC asks!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
so I started with her Kryptonian name, Lara An-Veks; An meaning law, justice, and integrity and Veks meaning beginning, question, and birth (yes I know some Kryptonian, yes I am a massive nerd) and then I wanted her Tamaranean name to sound similar so I played around with the placement of the apostrophe and spelling until I was satisfied it looked and sounded Tamaranean enough lol
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Berrie's best memory is probably when they and their best friend spent the whole day one summer in her front yard working on increasingly absurd science experiments until they set fire to the lawn (accidentally)
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vexic929 · 1 year
Sending this one back at you, which of your OCs are monsterfuckers and who's their monster of choice?
Vice: most aliens honestly, they're not super picky lol
Aria: demons or vampires
Lea: also aliens although she is more selective and would prefer them to be humanoid
Ricki: honestly not super picky about the type of monster, she's down for just about any of them
Jessie: also just about any monster but she would also prefer them to be at least semi-humanoid
Jisoo: aliens or vampires
are L'Harann and Neila monsterfuckers because they would sleep with humans? much to think about
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vexic929 · 4 months
have I ever mentioned that L'Harann is a botanist? cause that's central to her character but I feel like I've never said anything about it lol
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vexic929 · 1 year
1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15 for Eoland, Berrie, Aria, and L'Harann
1. Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
Eoland: does it count as murder if you erase someone from existence entirely? because she's done that a lot lol but otherwise there is a timeline where she kidnapped and tortured a young Barbara Allen for weeks simply because she could
Berrie: Berrie has never done anything wrong in their life ever except some light murder
Aria: also torture
L'Harann: she didn't go through with it but she once formulated a plan to trap someone in a Kryptonite mine after they inadvertently threatened her loved ones, only backing out at the last minute
3. Has your OC killed a friend/family member/loved one?
Eoland: she killed both of her parents and her younger sister when they got in between her and Barbara
Berrie: no
Aria: she arranged a hit on her father
L'Harann: also no
5. What is your OC’s moral code?
Eoland: will do whatever is necessary to reach her goals
Berrie: will do whatever is necessary to protect her friends and family
Aria: if it doesn't inconvenience her, it's fine
L'Harann: follows the Girod or 11 Kryptonian virtues
7. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Eoland: there isn't a single thing she wouldn't do if it meant she could have Barbara
Berrie: it depends on what he wants and who it would hurt; if it would hurt anyone they care about then they won't even consider it but if it's someone she doesn't know or care about then his morals are a bit skewed
Aria: will she get caught and will it cause problems for her in the future? if the answer to both is no then she'll do it
8. Would your OC consider themself evil?
Eoland: no
Berrie: he really struggles with this after murdering his teacher and learning who his father really is; she's still not totally sure
Aria: yes and she does not care
L'Harann: no
10. Does your OC enjoy watching others suffer?
Eoland: mostly Barbara Allen, she's fairly indifferent when it comes to anyone else
Berrie: absolutely not
Aria: if they've wronged her, absolutely
L'Harann: generally no (but who doesn't enjoy a bit of schadenfreude every once in a while?)
12. If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
Eoland: depending on the timeline; kidnapping, murder in the 1st degree, murder in the 2nd degree, torture, theft, breaking & entering, assault & battery, arson, attempted murder, child endangerment, stalking, sexual harassment, and obstruction of justice
Berrie: petty theft, running from the law, and 2nd degree murder
Aria: fraud, blackmail, 1st degree murder, grand larceny, torture, money laundering, criminal conspiracy, and obstruction of justice
L'Harann: attempted murder
14. What is your OC’s “villain song”?
(I couldn't not choose Kryptonite lol)
15. If you draw: draw your OC’s darkest moment or reimagine your OC as a demon. If you don’t draw: find a picrew or write a description instead!
I was gonna draw but I don't have the spoons for that so picrew it is!
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vexic929 · 1 year
OCs Masterpost
Taglists (if you would like to be added or removed to any of these please message me!)
Everything: @negative-speedforce
Born To Run (Berrie Thawne): @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Lavender Lightning: @shrinkthisviolet
Beth Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Malcolm Allen: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster
Earth-63: @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @shrinkthisviolet
Child in Time: @starstruckpurpledragon @elutrosop
Arrowverse/Titans OCs
Soliton (Dr. Lana Rydberg)
Tecromancer (Marco Macías)
FireFlower (Lara An-Veks/L'Harann)
Professor Spectre (Alana Wells)
Experiment 929
Echo (Lea Brava)
The White Rabbit (Dr. Lise Chien)
Earth 150
Beth Allen
Bishop's Gambit (Percy Priest)
Earth 111
Cobalt Blue (Malcolm Allen)
Earth 100
Cherry Bullet (Berrie Thawne)
Earth 63
Reverse (Eoland Thawne)
The Flash (Barbara Allen)
Dr. H Wells
Dr. Rodriga Sterling
Sterling (Jess Sterling-Wells)
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
Captain Davina Singh
Charmer (Yǔqí Lǚ-Nguyễn)
Detective Eden Thawne
Detective Ira West
Qi (Cisca Ramon)
Killer Frost (Dr. Caelen Snow)
Cobalt Blue (Mallorie Thawne)
Dr. Dawn Helaeton
Superman (Kal-El/Kal Danvers)
Batwoman (Brienna Wayne)
Nightwing (Ricki Grayson)
Red Hood (Jessie Todd)
Batgirl (Tiffany Drake-Wayne)
Robin (Damien al Ghul-Wayne)
Changeling (Gabi Logan)
Bernadette Dowd-Fitzmartin
Klara Bleak
Characters from original works
The D Team
The Ace Arrow (Laska Ace)
Harmonic Sine (Piper Melony)
Agent V-92 (Lara Valdez)
Fire & Ice (Jisoo Lee)
Angel Valdez
Four (Set al Khafaji)
Agent J-57 (Alex Jacobs)
Mihael Ireton
Agent G-37 (Dan Guo)
Broken Chains
Ember Fei
Prince Kamau
Princess Amara
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vexic929 · 7 months
What are your OCs' favorite weapons or fighting styles? What weapons would they want to learn how to use, either for efficiency or just because they think it's cool?
Marco: prefers to sit behind the scenes and control his robots, he should probably learn at least some self-defense honestly lol
Salacia: prefers a shield and her control over water, can also use a polearm, xiphos, and bow and arrow, she'd love to learn some Atlantean fighting styles for Tuatlall <3333
Tuatlall: prefers magic, isn't much of a fan of physical combat
L'Harann: has superpowers (eye lasers best!!!) but is also good with her fists without them, she'd probably do well learning kickboxing
Experiment 929: likes to use her newfound superstrength to throw things like cars
Lea: prefers manipulating sound waves into knife-like projectiles and fighting with a bo-staff, practices (and teaches) jujutsu and taekwondo, she'd love to learn capoeira and kungfu
Megitsune: prefers fighting with dual-swords and jujutsu
Eoland: doesn't usually need to fight beyond using her superspeed, one punch at mach-2 is plenty for most people lol
Barbara: same as Eoland, she'll also do a few rounds of normal-speed boxing with Eden and Ira
Hartley: prefers to use her flute to hypnotize people to do what she needs them to or uses her robotic rats, she can throw a solid punch if she needs to but she could use some self-defense lessons also
Yǔqí: tries not to fight at all but will try to distract whatever hero is trying to stop her while her snakes finish what they need to do and make their escape
Eden: the police on Earth-63 don't really use weapons but she's a very good boxer, she'd love to learn karate as well
Ira: is also a very good boxer and he practices tai chi
Cisca: very much does not consider herself a fighter both before and after gaining her powers, though she's not opposed to using her powers to defend herself and her friends
Savitar: see Barbara
Kal: he's literally Superman lol
Ricki: prefers her escrima sticks but is also proficient with a bo-staff, batarangs/birdarangs, shuriken, and practices kungfu, judo, taekwondo, and aikido, she'd love to have a better mastery of sword fighting
Jessie: prefers knives, particularly favors her kris, kunai, and cinquedea (and of course, the All Blades), she's also proficient with batarangs/birdarangs, shuriken, and practices muay thai, judo, and taekkyeon - although outlawed on all of Earth-63, she's also very good with projectile weapons including guns (where she got the guns, she'll never tell), she'd like to get better at archery
Tiff: prefers her bo-staff but is also proficient with batarangs/birdarangs, shuriken, and practices kendo (she was on her high school team), judo, and aikido, she'd like to get better with knives (she will die before she asks Jessie for help tho lol)
Dami: prefers their katana, is also proficient with knives, a bo-staff, batarangs/birdarangs, shuriken, and is absolutely not opposed to biting people, she also practices kungfu and muay thai and would like to learn more martial art disciplines
Gabi: prefers to turn into a tiger but her other go-to animals are gorilla, snake, bat, cat, dog, or octopus, she'd like to see if she can turn into extinct or alien animals
Laska: prefers her bow and arrow, would like to learn how to fight at close range
Piper: prefers to use her sound control for speed and defense, she'd love to learn how to use it on the offensive
Lara: practices hapkido, would like to learn other martial arts
Jisoo: prefers to use the ice side of her powers, she feels like the fire side is too dangerous but she'd definitely like to learn how to better control it
Alex: practiced qin na and fenced in high school and college
Dan: practices shuai jiao, would love to learn how to use some ancient greek weaponry
Amara: prefers her bow and arrow and fire powers, practices taekwondo, would like to get better with a sword or spear
Mendel: doesn't have any formal training but his punches are still fairly powerful and he'll also bite, he's trying desperately to get some sort of training lol
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