#eden thawne
vexic929 · 3 months
🖤 for Malcolm, Eden, Eoland, and Berrie please?
so Malcolm doesn't currently have any tattoos but he's considered getting a piece on his back that incorporates his surgery scar, he can never quite decide what to get though (he's definitely getting a lightning bolt eventually)
Eden has a couple tattoos actually!
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Eoland doesn't have any tattoos but she does have a brand down the back of her neck that says 三千一百四十三 from one of the times she was in prison (to be fair, Barbara did not put her in this particular prison)
Berrie would love to get some tattoos, they're more of the doodle tattoo type I don't think she'd really plan any of them he'd just go in and get a small one to add to the collection on a whim lol
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arrowverse-next-gen · 3 years
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New OCs because I demand attention: Eden Thawne
Eddie’s daughter from another earth She comes from an earth where all Speedsters are evil so when she gets here she’s very hesitant about her powers and abilities even though her dad sent her here because speedsters aren’t criminals on this earth A few months younger than Marley
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countless-dreamsss · 5 years
Eobard in a Wells-Stack: Cisco’s Crash
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬, 𝐂𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐄𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 𝐮𝐬𝐞
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬: 𝐍/𝐀
𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧/𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
//If you haven’t read part one, here you go. Shout out to @fandomdancer​, she gave me the idea of the very last line of this chapter.
I'm letting you all know now, parts of the text are lyrics from a few songs:
NI BIEN NI MAL by Bad Bunny
crash by EDEN
drugs by EDEN
sex by EDEN
T.E.A.R. by BTS
You Get Me So High by The Neighbourhood
     Later that evening, a drunk Cisco returned to the pipeline. He stumbled up the ramp as he approached Eobard’s cell. His hair was tied back into a messy bun, and he had a bottle full of alcohol in his hand. Eobard was leaning on the wall, he gave his bottom lip a gentle bite as he saw Cisco come closer. Something told him that this wasn’t Cisco’s first drink of the night.
Eobard’s eyes looked over to the Wellses that were still in the cell with him. Harry had stayed for this, for the possibility that Cisco would come back. Sherloque, though he didn’t have much of a reason to stay, he was afraid of what would happen if he left Harry alone with Eobard. The two looked to each other then back to Cisco.
      “If I know anything about his drinking habits,” Sherloque spoke, “he’s probably been drinking for a while now,” Harry gave Sherloque a puzzled look, “he was a mess after his break-up with Gypsy,” he concluded. 
      “Makes sense,” Harry nodded. Eobard paid them no mind and approached the window once Cisco did.
      “How may I help you?” He sneered as he stood with his hands behind his back. He stared down at the younger male. It wasn’t the first time today that he'd seen the irritated skin around Cisco’s eyes and his flushed cheeks. “You’ve been cryi—” 
     “Callate!” Cisco said. It was normal for his Spanish to kick in once he reached a certain level of being drunk. He brought the bottle to his lips and took a rather long gulp. Harry was taken by Cisco’s aggression.
      “What are you here for?” Eobard questioned, his head tilted. He watched Cisco as he plopped himself down onto the cold metal floor.
      The younger male sat in silence as he tried to gather his thoughts. There was too much running through his head. He has been waiting for this moment for years. All the long conversations he would have with himself, thinking of ways not to be sucked in by Eobard's cunning words when it would finally happen. It was all gone, just erased from his head like a memory meant to be forgotten. His throat was tight and his vision was starting to become a little blurry. A while had passed before Cisco spoke again, trying to come up with the right words to say.
      “It's been a few years since you've been gone," he swallowed hard, "and I w-won’t lie, there have been a few tears, but that was years ago,” Cisco said. “A veces , I feel like this is what you wanted,” he looked up to Eobard. “I grew up to be exactly what you wanted,” he tightened his grip around the neck of the bottle. “Since the first time you left, I’ve been trying my best to live as myself, but it’s been years since I've felt sure of what I want.” 
      “Cisco, what happened all those years ago, wasn’t supposed—” 
      “Yeah? Well it fucking did!” Cisco snapped.
      “Listen to me,” Eobard said.
      “No!" He cut Eobard off. "You were my friend, Dr. Wel—” Cisco took a good look at Eobard then had another taste of the drink in his hand. “T-Thawne,” he corrected himself. “You were my friend,” he repeated. 
      “I was—”
      "How could you do that to me!?"
      “I was your friend,” Eobard finally finished. His eyes watched as Cisco took another sip. Harry took this as his chance to approach the glass again. Not to speak, but to watch. 
      This entire scene felt too familiar to Harry. He remembered when he had first arrived on Earth-1. A few days later, with Cisco still adjusting to the new Wells, his drunk self believed that Harry was Eobard, and he yelled at Harry about God knows what, and then he just exited the room like he just didn’t curse Harry out for the past five minutes. “I was your friend, Cisco,” Eobard repeated. He tapped on the glass when Cisco looked like he was losing focus. “Over here.” 
      “Harry?” Cisco turned his head, believing the tapping was his friend, just to see Eobard shaking his head.
      “Not Harry,” Eobard said.
      “Que tu quieres de mi?” Cisco asked.
      “15 years, Cisco. For the 15 years that I had lived in this city as Wells, I don't believe I can say I had a friend until I met you—”
      “It was a set up!” Cisco yelled. “You had planned all of it,” Eobard tapped his fingers against the windowpane, not trying to get overworked by his impatience.
      “Listen to me, Cisco!" Eobard shouted. He didn't want to get talked over again. “I never meant to hurt you," he started, "I had all my motives. I didn't know they would mix with your emotions,” he looked into Cisco’s doe eyes. “I just had to reach my goals. I just wanted to go home!” He yelled. “I didn’t plan on becoming attached,” Eobard admitted. “You were the closest thing I had to family. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the same. All those late nights you would spend with me up in the Cortex?” He pointed upwards. “All the movies we watched? The games we played?” He scoffed, “Cisco, you would choose to spend time with me over your own family.”
      “That’s because I thought you were all I had! I thought you were my family!”
      “I was.”
      “No!” Cisco approached the glass, his eyes glazed with tears for another time. “Family doesn’t try to kill each other.”
      “That was in a different timeline," Eobard waved his hand, dismissing the emotions behind Cisco's words entirely. "With all the times that Barry messed with the timeline, at this point it never even happened.” 
      “I don’t care if it was in a different timeline!” Incensed, Cisco pounded his fist on the glass. “You still did it!” He shouted. “I still see it! For years, I’ve had that image stuck in my head, Thawne, and you tried to do it again!” He huffed, trying to catch his breath. 
      “Cisco,” Eobard swiped his tongue over his lips. “There was a point in time where we used to stick together. You were my best friend. I had love for you, and I believe you still do for me, or else you wouldn’t be down here," he confessed. "I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again,” Eobard said, taking in a deep breath. “You were like a son—”
      “Don’t!” Cisco stopped him, his index finger pushed up roughly against the glass. He would never let him finish that sentence again. Not now, not ever. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to hear his lies. He had no interest in hearing anything that could dig him deeper into the hole of Eobard Thawne. “Don’t you fucking say it,” his finger hit the glass with each word. 
      Eobard could see the hate and pain in Cisco’s eyes. Harry and Sherloque continued to watch silently. It felt like any moment now that Cisco was going to stumble over himself. They saw how Cisco’s mind played with Eobard’s words, bending them so that they said exactly what hurt the most.
      "Why is he doing this?" Harry questioned. He didn't understand why Cisco was putting himself through this. He was just causing himself more pain. He wasn't gaining anything. Sherloque approached the glass as well, but with it being crowded by Harry and Eobard, he stood behind Harry. He clicked his tongue at the somber expression on Cisco's face.
      "Tsk. Poor kid," Sherloque shook his head. "I wonder how long he's kept all this to himself."
      "You're the smartest person I know. There wasn’t a time when you never surpassed my expectations of you,” he said, looking down at him. “I was proud to be working by your side."
      "Stop fucking lying to me!" He pounded his fist on the glass again. 
      “You’re drunk,” Eobard said blatantly, shaking his head. “You’re not you. This isn’t you, and you know it,” he spoke to him like a disappointed father would their child. 
      “That's the point? Isn't it?” Cisco raised the bottle to bring it to Eobard's sight. It was his fuel. It was giving him the words he always wanted to say, but couldn't until now. He returned to the floor. He brought the bottle to his lips for another time, and drank a good amount before setting it down. With all the alcohol and tears, Cisco’s chest was on fire and his head was pounding. At this point, he just wanted to be numb. “You used to say, the powers you gave me were out of love,” Cisco said, looking down at the soles of his shoes. 
      “They were,” Eobard nodded, “but you got rid of them.”
      “To get rid of you,” Cisco protested. “I wanted to break any possible attachment I had to you," he looked up to Eobard, "but it seems like no matter what I do, I can't," he gave a hopeless shrug. "No puedo," he cried. "I can't...I don't know how to-"
      "How to what?" Eobard asked, leaning on the glass once more. “What is it that you can't do?" 
      "No se como olvidarte," he finally said, a tear streaming down his face. “I don’t know how to forget you,” he repeated. “You turned out to be everything I thought you never were, and nothing like I thought you could've been, but still I know you live inside of me,” Eobard crossed his arms as he attentively listened to Cisco’s words. "Everything I've tried to do since you left, was in spite of you. I got rid of my powers. I've been trying to live a normal life, but I can't. I fucking can't because you always find your way back," he said furiously. “I think...I think you fucked me up,” he whispered, his voice brittle. He ran his tongue over his alcohol flavored lips before standing back up. Eobard chewed on the inside of his cheek. How was he to respond to that? He couldn’t help but feel responsible for Cisco's downfall, but as much as he regretted it, he was never going to admit it. 
      "If you came here for an apology, I hope you know you're not going to get it," he shook his head. “I’m not going to apologize for my actions.”
      "You're a fucking asshole," Harry said, looking to Eobard. 
       "Pa'l carajo el perdón! No hay reconciliación!" Cisco threw the bottle at the cell, which caused Harry to flinch just a tad bit. “F-Fuck your apology! No lo quiero!” It shattered, causing pieces of glass to fly in every direction. "I don’t want it! I don't want anything from you!" His burning chest heaved as he tried to regain all the oxygen that had left his lungs.
      "Then why are you here?" Eobard asked, looking past the droplets that now stained the window. "Hm? Why are you down here telling me all these things? You're wasting your time." 
      "Tourner la page," Sherloque said. The other two looked at him confused. Sherloque groaned at having to translate such an easy sentence. "He wants to turn the page," he said. "Closure. He's looking for closure," he simplified, though they still confused faces on both of them. "What? Why else would he be talking our ears off about how les yeux rouges broke him?" 
      "This," Cisco motioned his finger back and forth in between him and Eobard. "This conversation between you and I has been long overdue, and I've said in my head,” he said, taking a deep breath.
      "Told you." Sherloque muttered in satisfaction.
      “I’ve said it over, and over, and over again. I told myself that I would tell you this the next time I saw you. I just didn't know when next time was going to be,” Cisco sniffled, fiddling with something in his hand.
      “What is he doing with that?” Sherloque squinted his eyes to get a good look at Cisco’s hand.
      “With what?” Harry asked. 
      “That," Sherloque extended his arm past Harry’s shoulder and pointed to Cisco’s hand.
      "He has a piece of glass in his hands," Sherloque continued to point. "Look."
      “What?” Worry was written all over Harry’s face. When did Cisco even find the time to pick it up without either of them noticing. “Cisco…” Harry didn’t take his eyes off of him for a second. The way Cisco looked enticed by the glass scared him. “Thawne, tell him to drop it,” he said, looking between Cisco and Eobard. “Tell him to drop it", he repeated. Eobard ignored Harry’s directions. Three sets of blue eyes locked themselves onto the former meta. They watched as Cisco held the shard tightly in his palm.
      "He's not going to do anything," Eobard told the Wellses in the cell with him.
      "How could you be so sure?" You could hear the concern in Harry’s voice. He shook his head, not eased by Eobard's words. "Thawne, he's drunk and he's depressed. He could do anything right now."
      "He's not going to do anything," Eobard repeated. He was certain of it. He knew his little pup; he could be reckless, but not stupid. Sherloque, however, suspected otherwise. He saw how Cisco's hand tightened around it, and as the seconds passed by it was just a matter of time that the sharp edges would begin cutting into his skin. 
      "Who are you talking to?" Cisco asked, using one hand on the cell to keep himself balanced. 
      "A couple of your friends are still here," Eobard sighed. 
      "W-Who?" Cisco asked. "Who's there with you?" 
      "Sherloque" he replied, with an emphasis on the 'loque' part. He smirked as he could see Harry's frustrated expression through his peripherals. "And the one in all black," he rolled his eyes. 
      "Harry," Cisco corrected him, looking down. "His name is Harry. How long have they been there?" He asked.
      "The entire time," Eobard disclosed. Sherloque nudged Harry once he saw the creases in his hand fill with a crimson shade.
      "He's bleeding," Harry whispered softly. Harry knocked twice on the glass, which made Cisco look up. 
      "Was that—" 
      "It was him," Eobard nodded. Cisco’s ears became very hot at that moment. He didn't know if it was because he was drunk or embarrassed, but either way he was short of breath.
      “Is he okay?” Cisco asked, not paying any attention to the pain in his hand.
       "Tell him that he's bleeding," Sherloque ordered, although it sounded more of a simple command. 
      “Do it,” Harry said, hitting the back of his hand against Eobard’s chest.
      “He’s fine,” Eobard responded, his eyes fixated on Cisco’s hand. “Harry’s fine.”
      “Tell him to fucking drop it!” Harry clenched his jaw in frustration as he returned his attention back to Cisco. He really wished he had given Eobard that punch now. “How can you let him do that to himself?”
      “Tell him I’m sorry.” Cisco said, his voice weak.
      “I can’t,” Harry shook his head, “I can’t watch this,” he stepped away from the glass and faced the wall. Just as Harry's eyes filled with tears, so did Eobard's, but he'd be damned to let any of them see him cry.
      Eobard waited. He waited for the first drop of blood to hit the floor before finally speaking, his voice was shaking, but just by a hint, “Cisco, you’re bleeding.” 
      “You’re right,” Cisco nodded, looking down to his own hand.
      “Let go, Cisco,” Eobard said in that low tone of his, pointing at his hand. “I need you to let it go.”
      “What does it matter!?” Cisco retaliated. “I’ve been dead to you for centuries, right?” 
      “Harry,” Eobard muttered, hoping that would get his attention.
      Harry raised an eyebrow when hearing his name, “you’re using me as bait?” 
      “Do you want him to drop it or not?” Sherloque asked, looking back to Harry.
      “What about him?” Cisco asked.
      “He wants you to let it go,” Eobard responded.
      “Is that what he really said, or are you just—” before Cisco could finish, Sherloque knocked on the glass three times in Harry’s place, telling Cisco yes. 
      “Fine,” he said. The second he hit the ground, the three of them exhaled in relief. 
      "I think," Cisco sniffled, "I think w-we're done here," he pushed himself off of the cell. Even in his drunken haze, Cisco saw himself and Eobard for what they really were. Now that they've seen the end, not even resentment is left. “Oh by the way...” He took a few steps towards the exit.
      “What?” Eobard questioned. 
     “Once you get out, if you ever do that is, there's no point in you coming for me,” he said, shaking his head. “You killed me a long time ago."
Callate - Shut up
A veces - Sometimes
Que tu quieres de mi ? - What do you want from me?
No puedo - I can’t
No se como olvidarte - I don’t know how to forget you
Pa'l carajo el perdón - Fuck forgiveness
No hay reconciliación - There’s no reconciliation
No lo quiero - I don’t want it
les yeux rouges - red eyes
Tourner la page - Turn the page
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jgnico · 8 years
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Of Eden by Checkerboardom 
In1826, Andres Ramon de Cartagena hid a Piece of Eden after being betrayed by the love of his life and kept the secret of its location until his death. Centuries later, Eobard rescues Cisco Ramon from a car crash that takes the lives of his family and gets closer to ending the war between the Templars and Assassins than he ever dreamed possible.
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xaracosmia · 2 years
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Eden Eureka
Joe Tazuna
Cheryl Mason
Maki Harukawa
Thaddeus Thawne II
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vexic929 · 1 year
2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 18 for anyone
doing all these in reblogs <3333
#2 “I know it’s your favorite.” from this prompt list info on Barbara and Eden here and here (I really gotta add Ira soon lol)
"Easy, there's a- yeah, you got it." Barbara said gently as she helped Eden over the threshold into their apartment. Ira followed close behind, arms full of bags. "Oh, I'll unpack those if you could just-"
"I've got her." Ira said with a warm smile, setting the bags down and wrapping an arm around Eden and guiding her to the sofa.
Barbara unpacked the bags with her superspeed before they'd made it halfway across the room. "Are you hungry? I could run out and get dim sum, I know it's your favorite."
"Is it?" Eden asked as Ira helped her sit.
Barbara paused, feeling a sudden rush of sadness. Eden had lost her memory along with her sight when she'd tried to stop Eoland from killing Barbara and the evil speedster had retaliated violently. The reminder that she had no recollection of past experiences, no memory the loving moments they'd spent together, was a constant hurt and guilt gnawed at her insides that she wasn't able to prevent it.
She swallowed hard and forced a smile. "It is," she said brightly, heading towards the doorway. "I'll be back in a flash."
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vexic929 · 1 year
“do you feel anything?” “I feel so fucking happy”, “are you trippin?” “only a little bit”, “all that did was make me feel lazy” “same!”, “this shit is garbage, i don’t even feel high”, and“I think this shit is too strong” for anyone and anything, as usual.
doing all of these in reblogs as per usual~
“do you feel anything?” “I feel so fucking happy” from this prompt list info on Barbara and Eden here and here
Eden usually could consider herself just a little bit jealous of Barbara's superpowers; it had to be nice to be able to get up two hours after Eden had, just five minutes before she needed to leave for work (a 20 minute commute from their apartment), and be ready and at the university lecture hall in less than one. She was less jealous when Barbara was badly injured and had to endure the pain without medication, though, as was the case yesterday when Grodd had nearly yanked her entire leg from her body. Fortunately, Caelen had managed to synthesize something rather quickly and now it was merely a waiting game as the team crowded around the medical cot, watching for any sign of a reaction from Barbara.
"How do you feel?" Caelen asked, checking his watch. It had been about 10 minutes since Barbara had swallowed the pill - more than enough time for her speedster metabolism to burn through the slow release coating even as carefully developed as he'd made it.
"I don't think it's working, I just..." Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room distractedly.
"Barb? Hey, Earth to Barbara." Cisca said, standing on tiptoe to peer over Eden's shoulder and into Barbara's line of sight.
"Huh?" Barbara blinked and shook her head.
"Do you feel anything?" Caelen pressed and giggles erupted from Barbara's mouth so suddenly it was almost startling.
"I feel so fucking happy!" She said with another delighted giggle. "Caelen, you're a genius, I could kiss you!"
"Maybe save that for Ira and Eden." Caelen said with a smile. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I'd like you to stay here for a few more hours so we can see how long it lasts- and she's already gone. Great." He said as Barbara zoomed out of the room before anyone could stop her.
"So...any ideas on how to catch a high speedster?" Cisca asked.
Before anyone else could speak, Barbara was back in the room with bags of food. "I got Big Belly Burger! I'm starving!" She announced, dashing around passing out the take-out burgers to everyone.
"Barbara, you're still injured, sit down." Caelen said as a burger was pressed into his hand. "Just because you don't feel it doesn't mean the injury is gone and we don't know how long this will affect you yet, it could wear off any second."
Barbara sat down and immediately started on her fries, entirely unconcerned by Caelen's statements. Ira and Eden exchanged amused looks from across the cot.
"Thank you for the food, Barbie. We really appreciate it. But I think Caelen is right, you need to rest now." Ira said, gently reaching out and taking her free hand in his.
"I'm fine." Barbara said with her mouth full of fries.
"Until it wears off while you're running and you crash through a brick wall at mach-1." Cisca commented.
Barbara swallowed her mouthful of fries and looked up sheepishly. "Okay, okay. I'm taking it easy." She agreed finally. Ira squeezed her hand affectionately and smiled down at her as Eden bent and kissed her cheek. Barbara returned the smile and made herself comfortable on the cot.
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vexic929 · 3 months
OC Pride Moodboards pt. 2
more Flash characters and some of the Robins <3333 moodboards below the cut!
Cisca (trans)
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Eden (bisexual)
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Ricki (bisexual)
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Jessie (bisexual)
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vexic929 · 5 months
Alright, ditto: you get ONE song for each of your OCs, that'll be their "theme song". What are you picking?
lol so lowkey I asked that one because I've been thinking about it for my own OCs and I still haven't gotten most of them down to less than 5 XD now is the time it seems!
Aria - all the good girls go to hell by Billie Eilish
Lea - I'm a Pop by Chanmina
L'Harann - Still with me by PIXY
Berrie - What Was I Made For? by Billie Eilish
Beth - Rose-Colored Boy by Paramore
Malcolm - Victim or Survivor by Citizen Soldier and Icon for Hire
Barbara - バタフライエフェクト by SID
Eden - No Celestial by LE SSERAFIM
Eoland - VILLAIN DIES by (g)i-dle
Hartley - Silence by Marshmello feat Khalid
Cisca - ANTIHERO by LiSA
Savi - Like You by Evanescence
Gabi - Superheroes by The Script
Jessie - The Lighthouse by Halsey
Ricki - Absinthe by Mothica
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vexic929 · 1 year
1, 2, 4, 7, 10 for the song lyric prompts
#2 I would say no to the gates of Heaven if it meant I left you behind (Maan Meri Jaan) from this prompt list info on Barbara and Eden here and here
OCs are mine but based on The Flash characters
Eden barely saw the flash of blinding light coming towards her before the lightning hit and she went sprawling backwards; face burning, ears ringing, and mind reeling as the electricity shot through her body and painfully contracted every muscle. She could smell burning hair and fabric as she fell in slow motion. Someone's arms wrapped around her and pulled her close before her head could hit the ground - 'Barbara probably,' her mind supplied immediately followed by 'who's Barbara?'
God, everything hurt. Eden was pretty certain her eyes were open but she couldn't see anything or at least nothing was registering for very long, her vision flickering in and out like a faulty light bulb. Her muscles spasmed violently over and over and her limbs kept going numb. Was she dying? She wasn't breathing, she could tell that much. The person holding her laid her down and she wanted to protest, the ground was cold and uncomfortable and the arms had been so warm and comforting.
"C'mon, breathe! Please!"
The voice sounded distraught now and it made Eden's heart clench. She knew that voice, knew she should recognize it but her memory failed her every time she reached out to try to find it, drifting just beyond her metaphysical fingertips. Soft lips pressed against hers desperately and forced air into her lungs.
"I can't lose you, please, please breathe!" The person begged between breaths.
Eden gasped and lifted a shaky hand to stroke the person's face, blindly wiping the tears away. She heard a relieved laugh and felt a kiss on her palm before she lost consciousness entirely.
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vexic929 · 11 months
Dark ask game: 16 + S for whichever ship you feel like :D
#16 memory loss + "I thought I'd lost it" from this prompt list info on Barbara and Eden here and here
OCs are mine but based on The Flash characters
"You should go home. Get some sleep," Caelen said gently as he entered the room to see Barbara leaning on the guard rail of the medical cot, staring at Eden's unconscious form. "Ira's probably getting worried. You said you'd meet him at home an hour ago."
Barbara glanced up briefly before turning her attention to Eden again.
"Yeah, I'll go soon," Barbara said dismissively, resting her chin on her folded arms.
Caelen sighed but didn't push the issue, busying himself with noting down Eden's vitals on his clipboard as the room fell silent again. Barbara took Eden's hand and stroked her thumb along the back of it, chewing her lip as she studied the spiderwebbing scar across Eden's face.
"That'll fade," Caelen assured her and Barbara glanced up again. "Lichtenberg figures don't usually last more than a couple of weeks." He explained. "It might even fade before she wakes up."
Barbara nodded and Caelen's voice trailed off again. Barbara's phone buzzed from where it was charging and Ira's name and photo flashed on the screen but she didn't move to answer it. She knew he'd be worried about her but she couldn't make herself move; she didn't want to leave Eden.
"You should at least tell him you're ok," Caelen said.
Barbara sighed, brushing her thumb over Eden's knuckles one last time before standing and crossing the room. She tapped out a quick text to Ira: 'I'm ok. I'll be home soon, I swear. I love you.'
When she turned back to the cot, Eden's eyes were open though they looked...strange, a milky white film covering her pupil and lightening the blue of her iris. But Barbara couldn't focus on that at the moment.
"Eden- oh my god, Eden, you're awake-" Barbara started, rushing to Eden's side and taking her hand again. "Thank god, I thought I'd lost you."
Eden's eyes darted around the room and she cautiously pulled her hand out of Barbara's grasp.
"Eden?" Barbara asked, her voice soft.
"I can't see..." Eden muttered, looking more panicked by the second. Caelen crossed the room in an instant, pulling out a mini flashlight.
"What do you- oh no," Caelen blurted as he finally saw Eden's eyes.
"Oh no?" Barbara echoed.
"Well...it looks like post-traumatic vision loss," Caelen explained slowly. "It could be temporary," he added, trying to sound hopeful but Barbara saw it in his eyes; he was probably wrong.
Barbara turned back to Eden and took her hand, trying to offer some comfort. "Eden. Eden, it's okay. Breathe."
Eden shook her head and pulled her hand away again. "No- don't touch me!"
Barbara pulled back with a frown. "Eden, it's me. It's Barbara."
"I don't know you!" Eden said desperately.
"What?" Barbara asked dumbly.
"Leave!" Eden screamed, her hands covering her face. "Please just leave! Please!"
Barbara didn't know what else she could do, so she left, running and running and running until her shoes burned to an unsalvageable level and she felt she'd pass out if she continued. Barbara sat hard on the sidewalk outside their apartment complex and buried her face in her hands. This was all her fault.
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vexic929 · 1 year
flower asks for you too! any OC you feel like
Lilac, Orchid, Daisy, Jasmine, Lavender, and Snowdrop!
since my brain's been on Eden lately I'll answer for her :)
Lilac - Does your OC have a comfort item? If so, what is it?
the engagement ring Ira proposed to her with; it got a little beat up but she refuses to take it off to get it fixed
Orchid - What is your OC's biggest fear?
that somehow Eoland will come back and take Barbara away from them again, permanently this time
Daisy - What inspired you to create your OC?
Eddie Thawne deserves better so I give him better on Earth-63 lol
Jasmine - If your OC had a tumblr blog, what would their URL be?
@ ThawneWestAllen (listen, she's not creative but we love her anyway)
Lavender - How does your OC cope with loud noises?
originally, pretty okay, but after being beaten so thoroughly by Eoland even the briefest of loud noises can trigger her into panic
Snowdrop - What is something your OC loves, and what is something they hate?
Eden loves sharing a cup of coffee in the mornings with her fiancés but hates being even the slightest bit late to work
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vexic929 · 1 year
Me, putting Jay and Eden in the "permanently disabled because one particular jackass speedster was pissed off" support group
lol yessssssss Jay and Eden should get coffee and have a heart-to-heart
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vexic929 · 7 months
Your OCs walk into a tattoo shop... what tattoo are they getting?
Berrie: tries to get a tattoo and fails because she's 15 and doesn't have parental permission
Vice: already has a microphone on his ribcage, will probably add some small music notes around it or get one of her favorite lyrics elsewhere
Percy: a stylized bishop chess piece probably on one of his forearms
Barbara: a memorial piece for her father
Yǔqí: an artistic rendition of her snakes Vladimir (a Woma Python) and Cậu Bé Dài (a Vietnamese Blue Beauty)
Eden: an iris and an anthurium for Ira and Barbara
Cisca: the classic USS Enterprise
Ricki: already has a decent number of tattoos, would probably add more finger tattoos or touch up her existing ones
Piper: a mute symbol in both ears
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vexic929 · 1 year
Tumblr media
Arrowverse OC (Earth-63) Detective Eden Thawne (she/her)
Full name: Eden Thawne
Alias: n/a
Gender: Cisgender woman (she/her)
Orientation: Bisexual
Age: 32
Nationality: ???
Religion: Lapsed Catholic
Western Zodiac: Capricorn
Eastern Zodiac: Boar
Element: Water
Birth Stone: Garnet
Blood-type: A-
Personality Type: ISFP
Disabilities: Depression, anxiety, PTSD, blindness (later on)
Eye color: Blue
Natural Hair Color: Blonde
Natural Hair Type: 1A
Skin Color: Pale, neutral undertones
Height: 5 feet, 5 inches (165 cm)
Weight: 134 lbs (61 kg)
Appearance: Tall and muscular with long hair she usually keeps tied up, she practically lives in her police uniform
Personality: Strong-willed, romantic, resilient, and loyal
Moral Alignment: Lawful Good
Backstory: Transferring to Central City from Keystone following messy family drama, Eden was looking for a fresh start and found it in Ira West and Barbara Allen.
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
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vexic929 · 9 months
Song rec: panorama by Hayley Kiyoko
oooh this is so good I'm getting Eden vibes <3333
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