Avatars I think Malevolent characters would serve
Arthur: Web/Eye/Hunt
John/Yellow/KiY: Spiral/Web
Noel: Eye
Oscar: Lonely
The Butcher: Hunt
Daniel: Dark (I have my reasons)
Kayne: Spiral/Slaughter
Parker: End (I'm not sorry)
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yukipedia · 4 days
ordered szechuan soup, wearing a shirt that says drum and bass but it’s in the style of the bass pro shops logo, made myself a lil cocktail, am cozy on the couch in front of the cup series race life is good
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nyxfaei · 8 months
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Some Orthurs 👍 and a L*rson 👎
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stage1decomp · 2 months
ageplay but im not ur cute 8 year old daughter im ur 15 year old femcel daughter who smokes too much weed and doesnt fold her laundry and keeps telling you about dan1el l@rson
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change-the-rules · 9 months
me spending a day or 2 over the summer cutting out strategically marked sections of 'brick' from a flat feature wall so 3 dimensional bricks can be slotted in whyfore is the purpose of this
watching k*lly cl*rkson interview br*e l*rson but getting distracted everytime they focus on k*lly bc Oh they put Lights in the bricks I seee
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
kai my dick fell off do you think i have dry rot
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"...if you ar= aliv= and, if not, f==ding yours=lf prop=rly, th=n s== a doctor."
"...though i susp=ct it was a curs= for b=ing th= sort of p=rson who would s=nd this to anoth=r..."
"...p=rhaps on= i should l=arn..."
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goddesstrolls · 4 months
Kai, 4, 6, 14, 21, 27, 32 and 35
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4. what’s your favorite number? "...fuck if i know...z=ro."
6. what’s the most overrated quadrant? "...pal=. in my =xp=ri=nc= its only =v=r b==n t=rribl= for on= p=rson, and bar=ly b=n=ficial for th= oth=r..."
14. are there any trolls that you wish you never met? "...pl=nty."
21. how annoyed are you with the inconsistency of theme in this Q&A quiz. "...i don't particularly car=."
27. what’s your favorite criminal offense? "tr=ason to th= =mpir=." >> That one actually gets an icy smile out of you.
32. refer to question 21 "...i am mor= annoy=d by th= constant qu=rying about how annoy=d i am."
35. if you were stuck in an elevator, what would you do? "...mhh...climbing out is not particularly dignifi=d...nor is simply waiting god knows how long for aid. i am not much for t=l=porting, but i suppos= i would att=mpt it."
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transfreakish · 4 months
[very c*nsored, to avoid being in s*arches]
z*onist or neutral
under 16 (nothing personal, just a boundary!)
pro/c*mship ,, (no)m*ps/z**s ,, pro-harmful p*ras or pro-c*ntact/anti-r*covery ,, dis*bility f*tishists ,, those who s*xualize r*gression
radqueer ,, gender crit*cal ,, sw*rfs t*rfs or r*dfems ,, tr*scum/tr*nsmed ,, against neopr*nouns or xenog*nders (which should be obvious?) ,, against h*sbians, th*ysbians, sh*gays, etc ,, against it/its pr*nouns
anti-cl*ster b ,, believe in “narc*ssistic ab*se” or anything similar ,, those who use d*sorders or d*sabilities as insults ,, against PROPERLY AND THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED self-dx ,, users of the terms “sysm*d”/“tr*umascum”
avid sysc*ursers (more specifically, i hate being involved in any sort of conflict, so please dont try to ask my opinion on shit or include me in any of it and youll be fine; i am a m*dically r*cognized did syst*m, and thats all anyone here needs to know, thanks!)
as someone with a v*sual imp*irmant and chronic m*graines, any posts from me may be bolded/italicized on and off like this to highlight certain parts; i am sorry if this is hard to read for others, but as this is a personal collection that happens to be public, i am prioritizing my own acc*ssibility.
i identify with the words “q*eer” and “f*g”. i will not cw/tw usage of either of these. i also will not cw/tw use of the word “cr*pple”, as a phys*cally dis*bled person who reclaims it.
activity will be on and off a lot of the time.
i am prone to spam reblogging; i try to space out queueing posts from a blog if a mod states discomfort with anyone doing so, but if i mess up, i am genuinely sorry!
as said multiple times here, PLEASE dont post anything connected to this blog to any sort of “cr*nge collecti*n”, such as “cr*nge comp” videos, any subr*ddits such as f*kedisord*rcr*nge or didcr*nge, any forum or site of a similar nature, and all other things like this that could even remotely fall into that category that i didnt name. i am not mentally well (yes, i am getting pr*fessional help), and being posted to these would be highly str*ssful to an unbearable extent due to p*ranoia and past tr*uma of being a target of extreme h*rrassment (ie multi-platform chasing and d*xxing) and stalking. please respect this very simple boundary by leaving this blog alone if you find me cr*ngy, hate me or anything i post, or speculate that im faking anything (though any issue posted about here is either something i have a diagn*sis for, am actively seeking/working on assessment or diagn*sis for, or is simply being saved because i know someone with the d*sorder or d*sability who would enjoy a post). i would not say all of this or c*nsoring things so extensively if i was not very serious and worried about this. if you’ve read this with ill intent but decided against taking action, thank you so much for being kind, i do appreciate it, have a very nice day. :]
(c/nsor/d so it wont sh/w up in s/arch/s, since this is a p/rson/l c/llecti/n; th/s isnt a typ/ng qu/rk, its a s/fety prec/ution while still being r/adable and acc/ssible for me.)
m/sc : m/sc or m/sc-al/gned, or using m/sc or b/y or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
f/m : f/m or f/m-al/gned, or using f/m or g/rl or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
n/u : n/u or n/u-al/gned, or using any pr/fix or s/ffix that indicates unal/gnment, andr/gyny, or g/nder n/utrality.
m/lti : al/gning with m/ltiple of the above.
b/sic : g/nders that can typ/cally fall w/thin the g/neral g/nder sp/ctrum.
n/uro : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to neur/diverg/ncy or m/ntal h/alth.
phys : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to disab/lity or phys/cal h/alth.
w/rd : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to phr/ses or w/rds.
w/b : g/nders c/nnected to anything d/gital, techn/log/cal, or int/rnet-re/ated.
an/mal : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of an/mal.
col/r : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to col/rs.
emot : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to emot/ons.
m/sic : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/sic, s/ngs, instr/ments, etc.
med/a : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any med/a not already included in other t/gs.
th/ng : g/nders ending in the s/ffix “thing”.
b/di : g/nders with the s/ffix “b/diment”, or being the emb/diment of s/mething.
fo/d : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng coms/mable or r/lated to that.
c/te : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered c/te or s/ft.
sc/ry : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered sc/ry or unsettl/ng.
d/vine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng rel/ted to div/nity, ang/ls, or th/mes of rel/gion or (un)hol/ness.
ae/ : g/nders infl/uenced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific aesth/tic, sty/e, subc/lture, etc.
em/ji : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific em/ji or comb/nation of em/jis.
fr/ak : g/nders c/nnected to th/mes of being unus/al, un/que, we/rd, off, or “cr/nge”.
gensr : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to ones s/xual or rom/ntic ori/ntation.
xxx : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to potenti/lly m/ture or ad/lt th/mes.
c/nine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to d/gs or other c/nines.
f/line : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to c/ts or other f/lines.
h/rror : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to the h/rror g/nre in some way.
fl/ra : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to fl/ra, f/ngi, and other gr/enery in n/ture.
aq/a : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to w/ter and th/ngs that live in it.
bug : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to any sort of ins/ct or sp/der.
w/rld : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to other th/ngs in n/ture, such as l/ndscapes, the we/ther, etc.
t/y : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to more “f/n” inan/mate obj/cts, such as pl/shies, d/lls, t/ys, or other such th/ngs.
cl/th : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to sp/cific art/cles of cl/thing or acc/sories.
inan/mate : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to var/ous inan/mate objects not covered above.
act : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to acti/ns or anyth/ng sim/lar, such as car/ers or h/bbies.
g/me : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of g/mes or ch/racters from them.
l/ve : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of l/ve, affect/on, etc.
s/bst : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of s/bstance (ie c/garettes, alc/hol, w/ed, etc).
m/at : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/at, the b/dy in a more v/sceral way (ie b/dy h/rror), g/re, and s/milar th/ngs and th/mes.
str/nge : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng str/nge or offp/tting, such as l/fe and de/th, d/cay, or l/minal sp/ces.
inh/man : g/nders infl/enced by feelings of not being h/man, or h/manity displ/yed in an unn/tural way.
b/ast : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any s/rt of cr/ature, m/nster, or oth/rwise myst/cal, paran/ormal, or nonex/stent thing.
m/sc : g/nders not fitting any of the above categ/ries.
v/sil : l/bels re/ating to v/sility; s/mething, in some way, affecting an add/tional, m/ny, or all areas of ones ident/ty.
ald/rn : ald/rnic; l/bels for one who w/shes to have featur/es or a b/dy that d/viate from what is exp/cted from n/rmal h/man st/ndard or pr/sentation.
or/ent : any l/bel rel/ting to s/xual, r/mantic, or other or/entations of attr/ction.
alt/rh/man : l/bels rel/ting to ident/fying outside of h/manity, such as alt/rhumanity, nonh/manity, th/rianthrophy, end/lics, etc.
m/ntal : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to neur/diverg/ncy, being aut/stic, or a m/ntal illn/ss.
d/sab/lity : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to phys/cal d/sability.
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babyawacs · 5 months
@law @harvard_law @judge @judges @snowden @bbc_whys  mercy always save l ives evenmore makesure mykids areoutofharms //// it is germany there were even times when they used batshit nuts rarest form of self renounciation to dodge pain as youre not you. for allthey did in zombi time something an ything something which trick works but they get far with shuffled stigmas noone corrects them they damage tobe right they shuffle the harm that stic ks and sth else right on after as before thepile oftries halfof it one pe rson how would thatpersonbe allofit o n e person wouldbe how itis germany
@law @harvard_law @judge @judges @snowden @bbc_whys mercy always save lives evenmore makesure mykids areoutofharms //// it is germany there were even times when they used batshit nuts rarest form of self renounciation to dodge pain as youre not you. for allthey did in zombi time something anything something which trick works but they get far with shuffled stigmas noone corrects them they damage…
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yukipedia · 4 days
my laptop is about to die (of boredom it seems)
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userblaney · 1 year
hey I wanna hit l*rson repeatedly w a mallet
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daybr43ks-lam8 · 2 years
Why do you assume that I’m going to try harm Adam when that is nowhere near my intentions? I understand that he’s “fragile” or whatever, but you can’t think all bad of me. Like, directly going out of my way to hurt someone who’s already been hurt by others? That’s just shitty.
And the fact that you say he could get out of control and being some sort of danger to you and your friends, kinda makes it sound like you see him as an unstable bomb, one that’s going to go off if someone or something were to pull the trigger. That’s just my opinion on it but why would it matter to you if all I am is a snake?
On the other hand though, I show strange or even abnormal ways of befriending people.
L a s t nig ht you s ai d you ff found r a new pe rson to to y with, such w ords su ges bes m al jnt enbwen. E arlier th is week amrnqbr had got tt en mba sicqlly npis essebd and ruin e d his relationship sbssss with Lieutenant ann d n e a rly y yJonahd. So. Pi u ss hii ng him ma yby w eak in rmhks aboli tny to de fen d suc h a tt t acxksss.
And if you did , m ean itne. Yo u uu st go ba ck and for t h a. D r w write wo rdsss so i h av e no idea, you chnage motive to when it sui tbsss you r stor y so im famned if ynoyb fr hon e dt.
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ihateyougrrr · 2 years
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drawing things with a right handed mouse as a l*ft h*nded p*rson can look so funny
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milwaukeemile · 2 years
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trolloled · 2 years
Yarrex, talk about Hannah and Cheran. Gotta get his opinion on all his coworkers.
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| Th- littl- b-+npol- +nonymous c+st-, y-s, I know th-m. |
| Th-y +r- not good +t st+ring cont-sts, but th+t is ok+y, w- c+nnot +ll b- ch+mpions, no? |
| I b-li-v- th-y +r- + surg-on, +nd I do know th-y -njoy th-ir horror films. |
| I think th-y look + bit odd, but I do lik- th+t. So m+ny p-opl- who look norm+l, who look typic+l, w- +lw+ys n--d thos- who +r- just + bit diff-r-nt. |
| +s for p-rson+lity, how should I gu-ss? W- h+rdly sp-+k, but for my occ+sion+l ch-ck to -nsur- th-ir w-llb-ing, +s I do with +ll st+ff. Do you think w- could b- fri-nds? You know how folks lik- th-ir short +nd t+ll combin+tions! |
| Hm.... +s for Ch-r+n.... |
| Why, h- +voids m-, -v-n oth-rs, +s if w- c+rry th- pl+gu-. |
| I +m +fr+id I h+v- v-ry littl- to s+y +bout him. M+yb- h- thinks brownbloods should not g-t too clos-, th+t w- +r- lik- m+gn-ts, +nd +ll would -xplod- if such did h+pp-n. |
| You know, such s-v-r- +v-rsion to b-ing n-+r oth-rs do-s r-mind m- of som-on- -ls- who works h-r-.... |
| I d+r- s+y, this pl+c- do-s +ttr+ct its w+llflow-rs, do-s it not? I should h+nd th-m som- j+ck-ts, m+k- th-m th-ir own littl- club. |
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tylerthirst · 3 years
larson is being such a coward the lorax is a cinematic masterpiece. it was also the least horrible media me and anne live blogged together smh can’t even handle a lil lorax 😐 smh weak
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