#l. nemec
extraliga-related · 1 year
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CAN 3 - 3 SVK -> Libor Nemec
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viendiletto · 4 months
A. Colella, L’esodo dalle terre adriatiche – Rilevazioni statistiche, Opera per l’Assistenza ai Profughi Giuliani e Dalmati, 1958
A. Santin, Al tramonto. Ricordi autobiografici di un vescovo, 1978
L. Vivoda, L’esodo da Pola - agonia e morte di una città italiana, Nuova LitoEffe, 1989
S. Cella, La liberazione negata. L’azione del Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale dell’Istria, Tipografia Del Bianco, 1990
R. Pupo, Venezia Giulia 1945. Immagini e problemi, Editrice Goriziana, 1992
S. Cella, Dal plebiscito negato all’esodo, ANVGD Gorizia, 1993
G. Perselli, I Censimenti della popolazione dell’Istria, con Fiume e Trieste, e di alcune città della Dalmazia tra il 1850 e il 1936, 1993
E. Bettiza, Esilio, Mondadori, 1996
R. Pupo, Violenza politica tra guerra e dopoguerra: foibe, deportazioni ed esodo delle popolazioni istriane e dalmate (1943-1956), in «Annali/Museo storico italiano della guerra», 1997
N. Milani, A. M. Mori, Bora. Istria, il vento dell’esilio, Marsilio, 1998
G. Nemec, Un paese perfetto. Storia e memoria di una comunità in esilio: Grisignana d’Istria (1930-1960), LEG Edizioni, 1998
F. Rocchi, L’esodo dei 350mila Giuliani Fiumani e Dalmati, Difesa Adriatica, 1998
F. Salimbeni, Le foibe, un problema storico, Unione degli Istriani, 1998
L. Vivoda, Campo profughi giuliani Caserma Ugo Botti, Istria Europa, 1998
N. Luxardo, Dietro gli scogli di Zara, Editrice Goriziana, 1999
A. Petacco, L’esodo, Mondadori, 1999
R. Spazzali, Epurazione di frontiera: le ambigue sanzioni contro il fascismo nella Venezia Giulia 1945-1948, LEG Edizioni, 2000
G. Rumici, Fratelli d’Istria: 1945-2000, italiani divisi, Ugo Mursia, 2001
M. Brugna, Memoria negata. Crescere in un centro raccolta profughi per esuli giuliani, Condaghes, 2002
G. Oliva, Foibe. Le stragi negate degli italiani della Venezia Giulia e dell’Istria, Mondadori, 2002
G. Rumici, Infoibati (1943-1945): i nomi, i luoghi, i testimoni, i documenti, Ugo Mursia, 2002
R. Pupo, R. Spazzali, Foibe, Mondadori, 2003
R. Marsetič, I bombardamenti alleati su Pola 1944-1945, 2004
E. Ratzenberger, Via Volta 2. Un’infanzia a Fiume, Edizioni Biografiche, 2005
G. Crainz, Il dolore e l’esilio. L’Istria e le memorie divise d’Europa, Donzelli, 2005
E. Miletto, Con il mare negli occhi. Storia, luoghi e memorie dell’esodo istriano a Torino, Franco Angeli, 2005
G. Paiano, La memoria degli Italiani di Buie d’Istria, 2005
M. Cattaruzza, L’Italia e il confine orientale, Il Mulino, 2007
L. Giuricin, La memoria di Goli Otok - Isola Calva, 2007
E. Miletto, Istria allo specchio. Storia e voci di una terra di confine, Franco Angeli, 2007
E. Rover, Cronache istriane di un esule, L. G. Ambrosini & C. Tipografia Editrice, 2008
G. Rumici, O. Mileta Mattiuz, Chiudere il cerchio. Memorie giuliano-dalmate. Primo volume: dall’inizio del Novecento al Secondo conflitto mondiale, ANVGD Gorizia - Mailing List HISTRIA, 2008
P. Sardos Albertini, Il rumore del silenzio: la storia dimenticata dell’Adriatico orientale, 2008
S. Tazzer, Tito e i rimasti. La difesa dell’identità italiana in Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia, Libreria Editrice Goriziana, 2008
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, La giustizia secondo Maria. Pola 1947: la donna che sparò al generale brigadiere Robert W. De Winton, Del Bianco Editore, 2008
L. Vivoda, Quel lungo viaggio verso l’esilio, Istria Europa, 2008
G. Rumici, M. Cuzzi, R. Spazzali, Istria, Quarnero, Dalmazia: storia di una regione contesa dal 1796 alla fine del XX secolo, LEG Edizioni, 2009
E. Miletto, Arrivare da lontano. L’esodo istriano, fiumano e dalmata nel biellese, nel Vercellese e in Valsesia, Istituto per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea nelle province di Biella e Vercelli “Cino Moscatelli”, 2010
G. Rumici, O. Mileta Mattiuz, Chiudere il cerchio. Memorie giuliano-dalmate. Secondo volume: il Secondo conflitto mondiale, ANVGD Gorizia - Mailing List HISTRIA, 2010
G. Oliva, Esuli. Dalle foibe ai campi profughi: la tragedia degli italiani di Istria, Fiume, Dalmazia, Mondadori, 2011
G. Nemec, Nascita di una minoranza. Istria 1947-1965: storia e memoria degli italiani rimasti nell’area istro-quarnerina, 2012
G. Rumici, O. Mileta Mattiuz, Chiudere il cerchio. Memorie giuliano-dalmate. Terzo volume: L’immediato dopoguerra, ANVGD Gorizia - Mailing List HISTRIA, 2012
L. Vivoda, In Istria prima dell’Esodo. Autobiografia di un esule da Pola, Istria Europa, 2012
V. Facchinetti, Protagonisti senza protagonismo. La storia nella memoria di giuliani, istriani, fiumani e dalmati nel mondo, La Mongolfiera, 2014
V. Petaros Jeromela, 11 luglio 1920: l’incidente di Spalato e le scelte politico-militari, 2014
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, … e dopo semo andadi via, Edizioni Laguna – ANVGD Gorizia, 2014
F. Molinari, Istria contesa. La guerra, le foibe, l’esodo, Ugo Mursia, 2015
G. Nemec, Dopo venuti a Trieste. Storie di esuli giuliano-dalmati attraverso un manicomio di confine 1945-1970, Alpha & Beta, 2015
A. Cuk, Cuori senza frontiere: il cinema del confine orientale, 2016
E. Varutti, Italiani d’Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia esuli in Friuli 1943-1960, 2017
O. Moscarda Oblak, Il “Potere Popolare” in Istria. 1945-1953, 2017
A. Cuk, La città dolente, Alcione Editore, 2020
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, R. Poletti, Tutto ciò che vidi. Parla Maria Pasquinelli. 1943-1945 fosse comuni, foibe, mare, Oltre Edizioni, 2020
R. Pupo, Adriatico amarissimo. Una lunga storia di violenza, Laterza, 2021
G. La Perna, Pola Istria Fiume 1943-1945. L’agonia di un lembo d’Italia e la tragedia delle foibe, Ugo Mursia, 2022
R. Pupo, Il lungo esodo: Istria : le persecuzioni, le foibe, l’esilio, Rizzoli, 2022
R. Spazzali, Pola. Città perduta. L’agonia, l’esodo (1945-47), Ares, 2022
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, Esuli due volte: dalle proprie case, dalla propria patria, Oltre Edizioni, 2022
E. Dionis Bernobi, Una vita appesa a un filo, 2023
R. Spazzali, Il disonore delle armi: Settembre 1943: l’armistizio e la mancata difesa della frontiera orientale italiana, Ares, 2023
E. Varutti, La patria perduta. Vita quotidiana e testimonianze sul Centro di Raccolta Profughi giuliano-dalmati di Laterina (1946-1963), Aska Edizioni, 2023
Documenti e articoli
Le vittime di nazionalità italiana a Fiume e dintorni (1939-1947) – Zrtve talijanske nacionalnosti u rijeci i okolici (1939-1947)
Mappa ed elenco delle foibe
Grido dell’Istria, n° 20, 21 e 41
Arnaldo Harzarich, l’angelo delle foibe
Documentari, incontri e lezioni
Adriatico amarissimo. La stagione delle fiamme e la stagione delle stragi
Conferenze del giovedì dell’ANVGD di Milano
Da quella volta non l’ho rivista più. Incontro con Raoul Pupo
Esodo. L’Italia dimenticata
Esodo. La memoria tradita
Istria: il ricordo che brucia (1, 2)
Le Foibe
Le foibe, l’esodo e la catastrofe dell’italianità adriatica
Il tempo del ricordo. Le foibe e l’esodo istriano-giuliano-dalmata
Filmati storici
Martiri italiani. Le foibe del Carso (1946)
L’esodo da Pola. La salma di Nazario Sauro a Venezia (1947)
L’esodo degli italiani da Pola (1947)
Pola addio (1947)
Pola, una città che muore (1947)
Le condizioni dei profughi giuliani accolti a Roma (1948)
Fertilia (1949)
Piccoli profughi giuliani (1951)
A Sappada con i piccoli profughi giuliani (1952)
Siti utili
Archivio de L’Arena di Pola
Associazione Dalmati Italiani nel Mondo – Libero Comune di Zara in Esilio
Associazione delle Comunità Istriane
Associazione Fiumani Italiani nel Mondo – Libero Comune di Fiume in Esilio
Associazione Giuliani nel Mondo
Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia
Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia – Comitato Provinciale di Bologna
Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia – Comitato Provinciale di Udine
Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia – Comitato Provinciale di Venezia
Associazione Triestini e Goriziani in Roma
Centro di Documentazione Multimediale della Cultura Giuliana, Istriana, Fiumana e Dalmata
Centro di ricerche storiche Rovigno
Circolo di Cultura Istroveneta “Istria”
Comitato 10 Febbraio
Comunità di Lussinpiccolo
Coordinamento Adriatico
Deputazione di Storia Patria
Elio Varutti
Fondazione Giorgio Perlasca – Le Foibe e l’Esodo
Fondazione Rustia-Traine
Istituto Regionale per la Cultura Istriano-fiumano-dalmata
L’Arena di Pola – Libero Comune di Pola in Esilio
Lega Nazionale
Mailing List Histria
Società Dalmata di Storia Patria
Società di Studi Fiumani
Unione degli Istriani – Libera Provincia dell’Istria in Esilio
Unione Italiana
Università Popolare di Trieste
Romanzi d’autori istro-quarnerini e dalmati
P. A. Quarantotti Gambini, La rosa rossa (1937)
E. Bettiza, Il fantasma di Trieste (1958)
F. Tomizza, Materada (1960)
F. Tomizza, La ragazza di Petrovia (1963)
F. Tomizza, Il bosco di acacie (1963)
P. A. Quarantotti Gambini, I giochi di Norma (1964)
P. A. Quarantotti Gambini, Le redini bianche (1967)
F. Tomizza, L’albero dei sogni (1969)
F. Tomizza, La torre capovolta (1971)
F. Tomizza, La quinta stagione (1975)
F. Tomizza, La miglior vita (1977)
F. Tomizza, Il male viene dal Nord (1984)
L. Zanini, Martin Muma (1990)
N. Milani, Una valigia di cartone (1991)
E. Bettiza, Esilio (1996)
M. Madieri, Verde acqua. La Radura (1998)
G. Fiorentin, Chi ha paura dell’uomo nero? (2000)
F. Tomizza, La visitatrice (2000)
F. Tomizza, Il sogno dalmata (2001)
E. Bettiza, Il libro perduto (2005)
F. Molinari, L’isola del Muto. Storia del pescatore dalmata che parlava ai gabbiani (2006)
A. M. Mori, Nata in Istria (2006)
N. Milani, Racconti di guerra (2008)
L. Toth, La casa di calle San Zorzi (2008)
L. Zanini, Martin Muma (2008)
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, S. De Franceschi, Una raffica all’improvviso, navigando lungo le coste dell’Istria e Quarnero (2011)
L. Toth, Spiridione Lascarich – Alfiere della Serenissima (2011)
A. M. Mori, L’anima altrove (2012)
E. Bettiza, La distrazione (2013)
N. Milani, La bacchetta del direttore (2013)
N. Milani, Lo spiraglio (2017)
L. Toth, Il disertore dalmata (2018)
N. Milani, Di sole, di vento e di mare (2019)
N. Milani, Cronaca delle Baracche (2021)
E. Mestrovich, A Fiume, un’estate (2022)
R. Turcinovich Giuricin, Di questo mar che è il mondo… (2023)
Pellicole cinematografiche e spettacoli teatrali
La città dolente (1949)
Cuori senza frontiere (1950)
Magazzino 18 (2013)
Red Land Rosso Istria (2018)
La rosa dell’Istria (2024)
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luke-hughes43 · 2 months
General Things to Know | stella's world!
~just things to know and keep in the back our minds when reading each au~
Stella’s World
Stella and Luke
Stella Marie Zegras
from bedford, new york
born march 6, 2003
younger sister of trevor, twin sister of griffin, older sister of ava
5’ 1
instagram is @stellazegras_
starts dating luke July 27, 2020
gets engaged July 27, 2026
has luke in her phone has luke hughes❤️🥰
plays softball, wears the number 6
primarily an outfielder
went to the university of michigan for 2 years before transferring to rutgers university
tears acl at the end of her freshman which partly leads her to transfer to rutgers
plays professional softball and olympic softball after college
majors in business/marketing
best friends with bella murphy since they were kids
becomes friends with mack boldy, fiona swanson, paige greene, and ella l/n as they are dating important people in her life
“favorite aunt” of jack’s daughter alyssa
luke calls her “sweet girl” a lot and uses “my best girl” pretty often too
Luke Hughes
from canton, michigan
born september 9, 2003
younger brother of Quinn and jack
6’ 2
instagram is @lhughues_06
starts dating stella July 27, 2020
gets engaged July 27, 2026
has stella in his phone has stella zegras❤️🫶🏻
plays hockey, wears the number 43
went to the university of michigan for 2 years before signing his pro contract with new jersey
majors in sport management at umich
best friends with dylan duke
is very close with other guys in his recruiting class at umich (ethan edwards, mark estapa, mackie samoskevich) and some of jack’s friends like trevor zegras, cole caufield, and alex turcotte 
also becomes close with alex holtz, tyler toffoli, simon nemec when he signs with new jersey
stella mainly calls him lukey
Bella and Ethan
Isabella “Bella” Avery Murphy
from bedford, new york
born march 9, 2003
has an older brother and sister
5’ 3
instagram is @bellamurphy
starts dating ethan october 14, 2021
has ethan in her phone as eddy💛
plays softball, wears the number 9
primarily an outfielder
goes to the university of michigan
plays professional softball and olympic softball after college
originally majors in business but switches to psychology her sophomore year
best friends with stella zegras since they were kids
becomes friends with fiona swanson, paige greene, and ella l/n
ethan calls her sunshine or baby
Ethan Edwards
from st. albert, alberta, canada
born june 6, 2002
has an older brother who also plays college hockey
instagram is @edwards.73
starts dating bella october 14, 2021
has bella in his phone as sunshine💛🌞
plays hockey, wears the number 73
goes to the university of michigan
majors in sport management
best friends with mark estapa
is very close with other guys in his recruiting class at umich (dylan duke, luke hughes, mackie samoskevich) and grows close with luke brothers
is a draft pick of the new jersey devils
bella usually just calls him eddy when she doesn’t use babe
Mackenzie and Trevor
Mackenzie “Mack” Grace Boldy
from millis, massachusetts
born april 5, 2001
has an older brother mike, and twin brother matt
instagram is @_mackboldy 
starts dating trevor october 19, 2018
they break up in june of 2023 and get back together in january of 2025
has trevor in her phone as trevor🧡
plays hockey (also played softball before college), wears number 11 (matt wears 12 and she’s a minute older)
plays forward
goes to boston college
plays professionally for about 9 years after college
majors in political science and continues onto law school
best friends with emma l/n (an oc who is only here as mack’s best friend, might have her date like pat moynihan for the plot but not a significant thing)
also grows close with abby newhook while at bc
is very close with pat moynihan growing up
becomes close with a few of matt and trevor’s friends like jack hughes, cole caufield, alex turcotte, john beecher, and alex newhook (happens at bc while alex lives with matt)
has a lot of ankle problems and has a few surgeries
trevor uses every nickname under the sun for her, usually does mack or baby
most people call her mack, she prefers it over kenz or kenzie
Trevor Zegras
from bedford, new york
born march 20, 2001
older brother to stella, griffin, and ava
instagram is @trevorzegras
starts dating mack october 19, 2018
they break up in june of 2023 and get back together in january of 2025
has mack in his phone as mack📚🧡
plays hockey, wears number 11
plays for the anaheim ducks
went to boston university for one year before signing with anaheim
never officially declared a major (rumor is that he studied astronomy)
best friends with jack hughes
also very close with cole caufield, alex turcotte, matt boldy, jamie drysdale, and mason mctavish
dates dixie damelio for about 7 months officially after mack breaks up with him
mack mainly calls him trev, babe, or babe
Paige and Mackie
Paige Hope Greene
from sandy hook, connecticut
born october 23, 2002
has a twin brother (name tbd)
instagram is @paige.greene
starts dating mackie january 29, 2019
has mackie in her phone has mackie samoskevich💚
plays hockey, wears the number 23
plays forward but used to play defense
goes to the university of minnesota
post grad tbd
majors in kinesiology
best friends with maddy samoskevich since they were kids
really close with a few of her teammates, maggie nicholson and abbey murphy who went to high school with her
went to shattuck st mary’s with maddy and mackie
private but not secret relationship
mackie calls her sweet pea and baby
Mackie Samoskevich
from sandy hook, connecticut
born november 15, 2002
twin sister maddy and older sister melissa
instagram is @mackie.samo
has paige in his phone has sweet pea💚
starts dating paige january 29, 2019 
plays hockey, wears number 24 in charlotte 
plays forward
went to the university of michigan before signing a contract with the florida panthers
majors in sport management
best friends with paige’s twin brother (needs a name)
is very close with other guys in his recruiting class at umich (dylan duke, luke hughes, ethan edwards, mark estapa)
went to shattuck st mary’s with maddy and paige
plays for the charlotte checkers
paige mainly calls him babe or mack, occasionally government name’s him and uses matthew
Fiona and Mark
Fiona Cameron Swanson
from kennesaw, georgia
born may 5, 2003
has a twin brother, ryan, who died in a car accident when they were 16
instagram is @fiona.swanson
starts dating mark october 1, 2022
has mark in her phone as marky🩵
plays soccer, wears number 10 to honor her brother
is a midfielder
goes to the university of michigan
was her dream to play at michigan with ryan is continuing his legacy at umich
majors in art
isn’t close with that many people
her closest friends are stella zegras and bella murphy
grows close with paige greene 
almost gave up soccer after ryan died
is often found drawing
her nickname on the soccer team is “red” as in red card bc she gets a lot of them
mark calls her “his swan,” “his southern belle,” and uses baby a decent amount
Mark Estapa
from st. clair, michigan
born january 13, 2002
has an older brother
instagram is @markestapa
starts dating fiona october 1, 2022
has fiona phone as swan🩵
plays hockey, wears number 94 
plays forward
goes to the university of michigan
majors in business
best friends with ethan edwards
is very close with other guys in his recruiting class at umich (dylan duke, luke hughes, mackie samoskevich)
loves watching paige play soccer or draw
gets a lot of penalties on the ice
fiona often calls him marky or babe
Ella and Seamus
Ella Violet L/N
from fort myers, florida 
born on august 1, 2004
only child
instagram is @ellal/n
starts dating seamus june 2, 2021
has seamus in her phone as seamo🖤
plays hockey, wears number 1
plays goalie
goes to northeastern university
majors in media arts? (can totally be changed)
has a small group of people that she’s close with
only really hangs out with her roommate and like one other teammate
very social just chooses not to get close with people
best friends with her roommate (can give her a name later)
grew up with gavin and seamus and they are the reason she’s a goalie
has loved seamus since they were 14
considers gavin to be her brother
seamus usually calls her baby or ella girl, occasionally baby girl or el.also occasionally will use ella but not often
Seamus Casey
from fort myers, florida
born january 8, 2004
2 older brothers
instagram is @seamuscasey26
starts dating ella june 2, 2021 
has ella in his phone as ella girl🖤
plays hockey, wears number 26
plays defense
goes to the university of michigan
majors in sport management
best friends with gavin brindley
grew up with gavin and ella
has loved ella since they were 14
is a draft pick of the new jersey devils
ella usually calls him shea or babe, sometimes will full name him but one if he’s in trouble
Dad!Jack with Alyssa Hughes
Alyssa Ellen Hughes
born august 6, 2021
born in new jersey
Jack’s daughter
her mom put jack through hell trying to baby trap him
jack loves his little girl so much
the best girl dad
alyssa has major separating anxiety from jack and hates when she starts school
has the famous hughes pout and knows how to use it
is the spitting of jack, attitude and all
love love loves her aunt stella
is the flower girl for luke and stella’s wedding
wants to be just like stella when she grows and plays softball because of her
goes on to commit division 1 for college for hockey and softball
loves all of her uncles (whether they are actual uncles or not)
has jim, quinn, jack, and luke wrapped around her finger
even though jack picked 86 before alyssa was born, now every time he gets asked about he says, “she wasn’t here when i originally picked it but my daughter’s birthday is august 6 so now i wear it for her”
Some other things:
stella, bella, paige, fiona all have a group chat with each other since all of their boyfriends are friends
they also take ella under their wing and add her to the group chat once she's introduced to everyone
they all have friends on their own teams but find a lot of comfort in each other especially since they are dating an entire friend group
i might come up with a cute nickname for the group chat but idk
mack is a big sister to both stella and bella but doesn't really meet the other girls
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theemporium · 4 months
nicojack x coach!reader cont.
because do you know how funny it would be for jack to be sitting there, already crushing massively on his captain and desperately trying to keep it hidden so it doesn't fuck with the team chemistry. and oh fuck, now their new coach is hot too! why does he keep falling in love with his superiors!
and just imagine that nico and jack figure out their feelings for eachother first and she's happy for them but now it's solidified in her head that she will never be able to act on her feelings for one let alone both of them because she doesnt want to ruin nicojack's relationship. and there's this subtle rift in between the three not only how it relates to the team but in general, and the boys can't really put their finger on it.
and slowly but surely she's pulling away from them and putting up more of a professional wall between her and them. and it all comes to a head because she's refusing to hang out just the three of them because she's their coach, when a few months ago she would have been agreeing in an instant.
and they wont leave her alone until she gives them a valid reason on why she's been so distant with the two of them when she can interact with the rest of the team just fine. and she blurts out in frustration that she's in love with both of them.
her lowkey adopting some of the younger boys and guiding them instead of letting them kinda scamper about like l*ndy did?
just imagine her looking at luke one time and instantly going "this one is mine" and mother hens him from day one.
new thots
what if after she announces her retirement mrs. ellen hughes reaches out expressing her grief because she was an avid fan, fitting reader's games in whilst also keeping track and watching her sons games
and they become friends who message once and a while and get coffee with each other when they are both in the same area
im thinking her age being 1-2 years older than nico
she got gifted these clips in red at her first game and absolutely adores them: https://www.etsy.com/listing/720551725/small-demon-horns-cute-gothic-devil?click_key=abbeeab68ff6bfcfdafcb77ef8fbfc6e4933215e%3A720551725&click_sum=a0db3b04&ref=user_profile&bes=1
owns these earrings and wears them to a good amount of games: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1351736943/new-jersey-devils-red-and-black-crystal?click_key=9821cc430986fa847ecd522b02d7b5e00dcb5994%3A1351736943&click_sum=135f240a&ref=user_profile&cns=1&sts=1
wears either black or red lipstick on game days, those are the only two options i wont be taking critiques on this thot tyvm
imagine the twitter girlies losing their shit the first time she wears the black lipstick to a game with a red suit
in a similar vein i think she is a winged eyeliner girly
imagine her defending her boys with her full chest when the ref makes an unfair ruling against her team. are you kidding me she would die for these boys.
loves a good team dinner, and makes an unofficial tradition that at least twice a month they have to either go out or someone has to host team dinner
like she takes luke and nemec and holtz and she just puts them in her pocket because those are her boys🥹and i just imagine they have this fondness with her where they feel like they can actually talk to her, you know?
like that interview from isaac where he was freaking out about where to park and sit and everything? the reader would be the one to reassure him and she meets up with him early so he can settle down and feel comfortable
and just imagining the team with her after a win? like they just CROWD her in a hug and maybe they just kinda line up and she playfully but affectionately knocks their helmets the way they always do to each other and it's just so🥹
and now i am just sobbing over the found family-ness of it all😭
and don't even get me started on the family skate days where nico and jack are fucking menaces with her and they are basically chasing each other around the rink and dodging other families
and imagine her skating with both their families🥹her just yapping away to ellen and nina when one of the boys comes up behind her to put a beanie on her head to make sure she doesn't get too cold and it's so so so soft
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devilsupdates · 3 months
Devils vs Islanders
Second period
Timo! #NJDevils  make it 1-0!
Jack and Luke assist on Timo Meier's 23rd goal of the season.
He moves into a four-way tie with Nico, Jesper and Jack for the team lead in goals.
2-0 #NJDevils 
Jack Hughes.
2-0 #NJDevils ... after three Islanders collided with one another in the Devils zone.
Jack Hughes moves into the team lead in goals with his 24th of the season.
Meier and Bratt with the assists on Jack's goal.
Two-point night for Jack and Timo (so far).
Holtz! #NJDevils  are up 3-0!
Alexander Holtz isn't going to miss that one. Wide open net to shoot at.
Both Jack Hughes and Alexander Holtz score on their milestone nights.
Patrick Roy calls timeout for Islanders. They've given up three goals in the opening 6:12 of the second period.
Simon Nemec does a great job here along the right wall to dig the puck loose from Islanders captain Anders Lee.
Nemec is then able to find a wide-open Holtz, who one-times it past Sorokin.
John Marino going to the box. #NJDevils  PK.
#NJDevils  kill off the Marino penalty.
Timo's wires just crossed.
Defends Nico Hischier after a hit by Anders Lee
Nico Hischier heads down the #NJDevils  tunnel as a result of Lee's hit. 😭😭😭😭😭
Refs are reviewing for a major penalty on Lee.
Lee, after the refs are between Meier and Lee, continues punching Meier in the head.
Lee gets a five-minute major, plus five for fighting.
Meier gets five for fighting and a misconduct.
Nico Hischier is not on the #NJDevils  bench after that trip, where he landed on his head. He went down the tunnel after that trip and has not returned.
It wasn't actually a trip, it was kneeing by Lee on Hischier.
Nico fell awkwardly as a result.
End of two.
#NJDevils  take a 3-0 lead into the third period against the Islanders:
2: 🚨Meier (J. Hughes, L. Hughes)
2: 🚨J. Hughes (Meier, Bratt)
2: 🚨Holtz (Nemec)
Shots 23-22, NJ
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goalhofer · 1 month
Every goal of the 2024 IIHF Worlds day 4
U.S.A. vs. Slovakia
#21 Miloš Kelemen (1) Sukel (2), Kudrna (1) 3:17 1st (U.S.A. 0-1 Slovakia)
#79 Libor Hudáček (3) Tatar (1) 11:26 1st (U.S.A. 0-2 Slovakia)
#12 Matt Boldy (1) Hughes (1), Gaudreau (3) 4:48 2nd (U.S.A. 1-2 Slovakia)
#17 Šimon Nemec (1) Fehérváry (1), Pospíšil (2) 7:03 2nd (U.S.A. 1-3 Slovakia)
#64 Patrik Koch (1) Pospíšil (3), Kelemen (2) 8:47 2nd (U.S.A. 1-4 Slovakia)
#57 Shane Pinto (1) Farabee (1), Zegras (1) 4:32 3rd (U.S.A. 2-4 Slovakia)
#7 Braeden Tkachuk (2) Pinto (3) 13:56 3rd (U.S.A. 3-4 Slovakia)
#43 Luke Hughes (2) Sanderson (1) 16:38 3rd (U.S.A. 4-4 Slovakia)
#21 Miloš Kelemen (2) Nemec (2), Pospíšil (4) 3:56 OT (U.S.A. 4-5 Slovakia)
Norway vs. Finland
#27 Oliver Kapanen (4)(PP) Kaski (3) 6:49 1st (Norway 0-1 Finland)
#57 Arttu Hyry (1) Kaski (4), Innala (1) 17:56 1st (Norway 0-2 Finland)
#57 Arttu Hyry (2) Jääskä (1), Innala (2) 0:27 2nd (Norway 0-3 Finland)
#27 Oliver Kapanen (5) Oksanen (4) 10:59 2nd (Norway 0-4 Finland)
#43 Max Krogdahl (1) Johannesen (2) 18:47 2nd (Norway 1-4 Finland)
Switzerland vs. Czech Republic
#21 Kevin Fiala (1)(PP) Hischier (2), Josi (4) 13:36 1st (Switzerland 1-0 Czech Republic)
#93 Matěj Stránský (1)(PP) Špaček (1), Červenka (1) 15:57 2nd (Switzerland 1-1 Czech Republic)
#23 Philipp Kurashev (1)(SO) (Switzerland 2-1 Czech Republic)
Germany vs. Sweden
#65 Erik Karlsson (3) Frödén (2) 2:54 1st (Germany 0-1 Sweden)
#28 Marcus Pettersson (1) Heed (2), Burakovsky (2) 14:52 1st (Germany 0-2 Sweden)
#71 Victor Olofsson (1)(PP) Dahlin (2), Burakovsky (3) 19:57 1st (Germany 0-3 Sweden)
#91 Carl Grundström (1) Dahlin (3), L. Johansson (1) 4:31 2nd (Germany 0-4 Sweden)
#95 André Burakowsky (2) Holmberg (3), M. Johansson (3) 9:22 2nd (Germany 0-5 Sweden)
#83 Leonhard Pföderl (2) Michaelis (3), Ehliz (4) 7:38 3rd (Germany 1-5 Sweden)
#37 Isac Lundeström (1) Karlsson (2), Bengtsson (1) 11:08 3rd (Germany 1-6 Sweden)
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heavenlyhischier · 6 months
hello! I’m currently working on a devils fic but I’m not familiar with most of the players (except the popular ones like jake luke nico) and the wags. could you give a rundown of some of the players and wags that might be good for plot? thank you!
hi! i can do my best for sure. i did do someresearch for this, but i didn’t dig any harder than checking PUBLIC instagrams for names of wives and girlfriends. though i did know some of them already.
i think this is good? if not let me know 😭
John Marino— #6, defenseman, graduated from Harvard. Traded from the Pens, was drafted in 2015 initially by the oilers. He’s American. Single
Dawson Mercer— #91, Center, drafted 20th overall by the Devs, he’s Canadian. Single.
Alexander Holtz— #10, R Winger, selected 7th overall by the Devs, he’s Swedish. Single
Timo Meier— #28, R Winger, drafted ninth overall by the Sharks in 2016, played with them until 2023 when he came to the Devs. He’s swiss. Single
Simon Nemec— #17, defenseman, drafted second overall in 2022 by the Devs, his girlfriend is Anna i think. he’s Slovak.
Jesper Bratt— #63, L winger, he was drafted in 2016 by the devils, he’s swedish, and his girlfriend is Nicole
Tyler Toffoli— #73, center, drafted in 2010 by the LA Kings initially, but has played with the Canucks, Canadiens, and Flames before being traded to the devils. His wife is Cat! He’s also Canadian
Erik Haula— #56, L winger, drafted in 2008 by the Wild, but has played with VGK, the Canes, the Panthers, the Preds, and the Bruins before playing with the devils. He’s finnish and his wife is Kristen! They have one dog, one kid, and she’s currently pregnant with their second child.
Colin Miller— #24, Defenseman, drafted in 2012, by the LA kings, played with the Bruins, VGK, Sabres, and Stars before going to the devils. He’s Canadian. Not sure on his wife’s name, but they just welcomed their first baby!! I believe they have a dog too
Brendan Smith— #2, Defenseman, drafted in 2007 by the Red Wings. Played for the Rangers and Canes as well before going to the Devils. His wife is Samantha and they have three kids and a dog.
Nathan Bastian— #14, R Winger, drafted 41st overall by the Devs in 2016. Initially started out in the AHL, but moved up in 2019. He was on the Krakens roster during the 21-22 season for a brief period before going back to the Devs that November. He’s Canadian. I believe his girlfriend is Jess
Curtis Lazar— #42, Center, drafted in 2013 by the Sens, played with Flames, Sabres, Bruins, and Canucks before going to the Devs. He’s canadian and his wife is Reanne and they have two kids!
Ondrej Palat— #18, L Winger, drafted in 2011 by the Lightning before playing with the Devs. I think his wife’s name is Barb(?), and they have one kid. He’s Czech
Kevin Bahl— #88, Defenseman, drafted in 2018 by the Yotes before coming to the Devs, he’s Canadian. Has. girlfriend/wife but i’m not sure on her name. they’re expecting!!
Jonas Siegenthaler— #71, defenseman, drafted in 2015 by the Caps before coming to the Devs in 2021. He’s Swiss. Girlfriend/Wife is Nola!
Dougie Hamilton— #7, defenseman, drafted 9th overall by the Bruins in 2011, has played with them, the Flames, and the Canes before coming to the Devs. His girlfriend is Bree. He’s Canadian.
Vitek Vanecek— #41, Goalie, drafted in 2014 by the Caps before playing with the Devs starting 2022. Wife is Tynka. He’s Czech
Nico Daws— #50, Goalie, drafted in 2020 by the Devs. Has played the beginning of this season with Utica due to undergoing hip surgery over the summer. I think his girlfriend is Sara? He’s German-Canadian
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nba-clothes-store · 1 year
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fieldofshit · 7 years
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John L. Nemec
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smithleonardo · 2 years
Les chasseurs de bonnes affaires en bourse voudront peut-être attendre
Les chasseurs de bonnes affaires en bourse voudront peut-être attendre
Taille du texte Certains stratèges recommandent aux investisseurs d’attendre avant de chasser les bonnes affaires après la baisse du marché. Les actions pourraient subir de nouvelles pertes, disent-ils. David L. Nemec / Bourse de New York Une baisse de plus de 20 % du marché boursier est souvent un signal incitant les chasseurs de bonnes affaires à intervenir. Mais les stratèges préviennent…
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digicloudm · 2 years
Stock Market Bargain Hunters May Want to Hold Off
Stock Market Bargain Hunters May Want to Hold Off
Text size Some strategists recommend investors wait before bargain hunting after market declines. Stocks could be in for further losses, they say. David L. Nemec / New York Stock Exchange A 20%-plus decline in the stock market often is a signal to bargain hunters to step in. But strategists caution that U.S. stocks could be in for further losses, and investors may want to remain patient. “All we…
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extraliga-related · 1 year
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CAN 2 - 1 SVK -> Nemec
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txoilfieldnews · 2 years
States move to protect retirees from risky woke capital
States move to protect retirees from risky woke capital
States move to protect retirees from risky woke capital 1h byBryan BashurviaBeltway Confidential Traders working at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), today, Thursday, May 5, 2022. Stocks fell on Thursday, with the market having its worst day since 2020 as investors fret about rising interest rates and the possibility of a recession. (David L. Nemec/AP) Bryan Bashur June 01, 06:00 AM June…
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apenitentialprayer · 6 years
Cataloging my books. Fourth Category: Christianity (Devotionals and Prayer Books). Books listed in alphabetical order. - Amigo: Companion Journal to “Migo”, by Tony Bellizzi - A Beginner’s Book of Prayer: An Introduction to Traditional Catholic Prayers, compiled by William G. Storey - A Book of Marian Prayers: A Compilation of Marian Devotions from the Second to the Twenty-First Centuries, edited by William G. Storey - A Book of Uncommon Prayer: 100 Celebrations of the Miracle & Muddle of the Ordinary, by Brian Doyle - Breaking Bread with Daily Mass Propers, 2013. - Catholic Book of Prayers, edited by Rev. Maurus Fitzgerald OFM - Catholic Prayer for Catholic Families, published by Loyola Press - The Celtic Vision: Prayers, Blessings, Songs, and Invocations from the Gaelic Tradition, edited by Esther de Waal - Christian Initiation, by Louis Bouyer - Embodied Light: Advent Reflections on the Incarnation, by Melissa Tidwell - Everyone’s Way of the Cross, by Clarence Enzler - Handbook for Catholics: Our Catholic Tradition, Revised Edition, by Mary Kathleen Glavich SND - How to Converse with God, by St. Alphonsus Liguori, trans. L.X. Aubin - The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas á Kempis, edited by Susan L. Rattiner - The Imitation of Mary, by Alexander de Rouville, edited by Matthew J. O’Connell - The Infant Child of Prague Prayer Book, by Ludvik Nemec - The Interior Castle, by St. Teresa of Avila, trans. E. Allison Peers - Irish Blessings, Toasts, and Traditions, edited by Jason S. Roberts - Is Jesus Calling You to be a Catholic Priest? A Helpful Guide, by Rev. Thomas J. Richter - Little Office of the Virgin Mary, edited by John E. Rotelle OSA - Mijo: Every Man’s Journey, by Tony Bellizzi - My Prayer Book: A New Manuel of Prayers and Devotions, edited by Rev. George J. Ryan and Rev. Victor Hoagland CP - Novenas: Prayers of Intercession and Devotion, edited by William G. Storey - Our Father: Reflections on the Lord’s Prayer, by Pope Francis - Pope Francis: His Essential Wisdom, edited by Carol Kelly-Gangi - Praying Constantly: Bringing Your Faith to Life, by Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel CFR - A Marian Prayer Book, from the national shrine of Our Lady of Snows - Mother Teresa: Her Essential Wisdom, edited by Carol Kelly-Gangi - Mychal’s Prayer: Praying with Father Mychal Judge, by Salvatore Sapienza - A Prayer Book for Eucharistic Adoration, edited by William G. Storey - A Prayer Journal, by Flannery O’Connor - Rediscover Jesus: An Invitation, by Matthew Kelly - The Sacrament of the Present Moment, by Jean-Pierre de Caussade - Saint Teresa of Avila: Passionate Mystic, by Mirabai Starr - Saltair: Prayers from the Irish Tradition, trans. Desmond Forristal - The Secret of the Rosary, by St. Louis de Montfort, trans. Mary Barbour - The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, trans. Elder Mullan - Suffering: A Key to the Meaning of Life, by John F. Downs - To Save a Thousand Souls: A Guide for Discerning a Vocation to the Diocesan Priesthood, by Fr. Brett A. Brannen - A Quorum of Saints: New and Selected Poems, by Rennie McQuilkin - The Way of the Cross Over the Brooklyn Bridge, Good Friday 2017 - The Way of the Cross Over the Brooklyn Bridge, Good Friday 2018 - The Way to Love: The Last Meditations of Anthony de Mello - The Wisdom of Pope Francis, edited by David Birch - When Wisdom Speaks: Living Experiences of Biblical Women, by Lyn Holley Doucet and Robin Hebert For a total of... 45 so far. If you want the ISBN number for any of these, let me know.
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gatecast · 3 years
Let's #HangWith Actor Corin Nemec of Stargate SG-1, Parker Lewis Can't L...
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devilsupdates · 2 months
#NJDevils  starters versus Leafs:
→ Clarke-Hischier-Bratt
→ Hughes-Marino
→ Allen
1-0 Leafs. Tavares
#NJDevils  strike right back! Erik Haula ties it up!
Unassisted goal by Erik Haula
2-1 Leafs.
Matthew's 67th goal of the year.
Nolan Foote picks off a pass then does some dangling in front of Samsonov and we're tied at two.
Nolan Foote!! Tie game
Five goals scored between the #NJDevils  and Leafs before this game is even 10 minutes old.
3-2 Leafs. Robertson.
#NJDevils  will challenge for off-side.
OFF-SIDE! No goal!
Game remains tied between #NJDevils  and Leafs!
MacDermid is absolutely throwing his weight around out there.
#NJDevils  will get the first power play of the game.
Max Domi going off for slashing Luke Hughes.
And you can't do that.
#NJDevils  are up 3-2!
Meier unleashed a one-timer off that feed from Bratt, was in the net before it was even off his stick.
Jesper Bratt hits 80 points! He picks up the primary assist on Timo's PPG.
And it's another point for Luke Hughes. He's up to 46 points in his rookie season.
He's credited with the secondary assist.
Timo's 26th of the season.
End of one.
We had lots of goals.
#NJDevils  lead the Leafs 3-2.
✖️Tavares (Marner)
🚨Haula (unassisted)
✖️Matthews (Domi, Brodie)
🚨Foote (unassisted)
🚨Meier (Bratt, L. Hughes)
Shots: 12-7, TOR
Clarke going off for a hook
Four minutes into the second and #NJDevils  are still looking for their first shot of the period.
This has been heavy Leafs and Jake Allen to start the second.
Tie game. Matthews.
68 goals.
4-3 Leafs.
Domi and Nemec drop gloves...
I don't think Nemec threw a punch, but Domi sure did 😬
Simon Nemec and Auston Matthews get into a bit of a heated board battle. Matthews certainly takes exception to Nemec and the two take their own liberties.
But then Max Domi comes in and and goes right after Nemec, the two drop the gloves.
The penalties were:
Domi: instigator, 5 for fighting, and 10 min misconduct.
Nemec got five for fighting
IT's tie game again!
#NJDevils  and Leafs tied at 4 with 11 seconds left in the second period.
End of two.
Big time goal by Meier ties #NJDevils  and Leafs at 4.
1:✖️Tavares (Marner)
1:🚨Haula (unassisted)
1:✖️Matthews (Domi, Brodie)
1:🚨Foote (unassisted)
1🚨Meier (Bratt, L. Hughes)
2:✖️Matthews (Domi, Bertuzzi)
2:✖️Kampf (Dewar)
2:🚨 Meier (Hischier)
Shots: 22-13, TOR
The third period is underway!
#NJDevils  and Leafs tied at 4.
#NJDevils  will get a power play here with 9:47 left in the third period. Game is tied at 4.
5-4 #NJDevils !!! Bratt power play goal!!!
Timo Meier picks up the assist on Bratt's power play goal... he also has two power play goals of his own tonight.
First time in Meier's career that he has 3 power play points in a game.
Tavares. Leafs tie it up at 5.
BRATTER!!! #NJDevils  take the 6-5 lead with 1:14 to play!!!
42 seconds left. Leafs going to the PP.
Palat's best play in his time with #NJDevils  has always come alongside Hischier. However, that doesn't seem like an anomaly among wingers.
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