#la conve
albaricomics · 3 months
This one 💖
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sweet-tragedys-stuff · 2 months
My experience and things that happened at the Voltaire concert :]
First of all, a lot of strange things happened jajaja
It was literally the first time I went to a convention and a concert, so my hands were shaking a lot; Even when I went to buy the tickets for the photo and the autograph, the ladies who were collecting told me "Cálmate jaja, ni que se te fuera a ir (calm down jaja, he's not going to leave)".
Well, I approached where he was giving autographs and cell phone photos (my dad vanished, he went to buy prickly pears)
Voltaire and Mayumi greeted me very kindly greeted and I asked him (almost crying) to sign my drawing of "Riding a Black Unicorn", I thought he was just going to sign it and that's it. but when I gave him the drawing, he saw it and asked me "Tu dibujaste esto? (Did you draw this?)" but, he asked me surprised, I answered yes, He told me that I drew very well and he showed it to Mayumi and she also told me that I drew very well (I was almost dying of happiness, I just didn't cry because I had eyeliner and I didn't want it to be ruined) he signed my drawing and asked if I could take a photo with them, they told me yes and my father took the photo with me jskakjsa with. and then he asked me "como te llamas? (what's your name?)", I told him my name, and he told me "Maren? dibujas muy bien, espero que sigas dibujando (You draw very well, I hope you continue drawing)" and shake my hand (I almost cried ×2)
And something strange happened when he was going to sit down kajsjsja, As I said, my father was going to buy some prickly pears, Well, I'm going to try to explain this in the best way possible, because it is better understood in Spanish.
My father was eating prickly pears and Voltaire approached him and asked him what he was eating (yes, super random) and my father said "Tunas"
Prickly pears, in Spanish they say "tunas", and "atún" in English is tuna, I hope it is understood, Basically Voltaire thought my father was talking about tuna, when in reality he was talking about prickly pears
And Voltaire answered "Tunas?", my father said yes and Voltaire asked again "Tuna de Atún?" and my father replied "No, no, tuna de, de tuna" (wtf?) (he forgot how to say "tuna" in English) ". . . De atún?" "No, no, de, de cactus!" "Aaaaaah" kakjsjaajaa and then he said to Mayumi "Mayumi!, hay tunas! (there are prickly pears!)"
Afterwards, I think he went to buy prickly pears, and I bought the key (500 pesos, holy shit, I spent half of my savings, but it was worth it) I also remember that I told Mayumi (because she was the one who sold me the key) "I'm sorry, I'm very nervous" and Mayumi replied "Aaaaw, don't worry"
But then, I remembered that I spent some time thinking about what would happen if I asked him for a hug, and that's what I did, I asked him "oiga, le puedo dar un abrazo, porfavor (hey, I can give you a hug? please)" (Call me strange, but I literally got to the concert with tears, sweat and blood, I needed that hug) and he didn't say anything to me, he just extended his arms and I gave him a hug.
Then, about 10 minutes before the concert started, He was no longer where he was giving autographs, and me and my father went for Chinese food, well, my father, because I was just thirsty even though I had only eaten one sandwich all day (Monterrey is a fucking oven) While we were in line to buy food, my father called me and I turned to find out what he wanted. . . Voltaire was behind me, no joke, seriously, And then, I took the opportunity to ask him what his height is, He told me that he wouldn't know how to say it, because he uses the system of inches, feet, yeah jaja, In the end he told me 6'1 (1.85 meters) Then Mayumi came and Voltaire asked her "Amor, cual es mi altura?" and Mayumi answered that 1.85 meters, It was irrelevant to say this, but I only wanted to because I found him in the fucking line to buy Chinese food, I mean, that only happend in La Rosa de Guadalupe.
now, the concert yippee
1.- At the beginning (finishing the song from The Last Halloween party) the microphone started to fall and he started shouting "Diurex!, Diurex!" And then he asked whoever was there "Amigo, tienes Diurex o algo? (Dude, do you have Diurex or something?)"
2.- Finishing the song "The Skeleton Dance" he said "No me lo vas a creer!, no me lo vas a creer!. . . Pero yo era ñoño. . . Talvez si me creas porque sigo siendo ñoño, pero ahora soy ñoño vampiro" (I, you're not going to believe me! You're not going to believe me... But I was a nerd... Maybe if you believe me because I'm still a nerd, but now I'm a nerd vampire)" akkskajs and began to tell about his life
3.- After telling his past he said "I ahora teniando 57 años, yeah, that's right, fifty seven, es una de las momias de Guanajuato, wey! (And now being 57 years old. Yeah, That's right, fifty seven, it's incredible, dude!, is one of the mummies from Guanajuato" At that age he still liked the same things as when he was 17
4.- I don't remember very well, because I didn't record it, that he said that people on the street told him "Que buen disfraz de dracula! (what a great Dracula costume!)" "Hey, todavia no es Halloween! (Hey it's not Halloween yet!)" and that offended him a lot, but after a while he no longer saw it as something bad and said "Ahora cuando la gente en la calle me dice 'que buen disfraz de dracula', yo les contesto 'Ay, muchas gracias! (Now when people on the street tell me 'what a great Dracula costume' I answer 'Oh! Thank you very much!')", but, he said it with a tone of voice and a pose that, jaja, made me laugh a lot
5.- I was saying that her most popular song is "The Night" because, well, it is the number one episode of "The vampair series" Well, he said that that song was very difficult and that he called his producer and told him to hire a professional guitarist, then they paid him his 3.5 kakskaks pesos ( joke, that lasts the song) and his producer told him something like "No hagas eso, porque cuando vayas a un concierto no vas a saber tocar esa cancion en vivo (don't do that, when you go to a concert, you won't know how to play that song)" and Voltaire said "Yo nunca voy a tocar esa canción en vivo! A nadie le va a importar esta canción!. . . 20 años después (I'm never going to play this song live! Nobody is going to care about this song! . . 20 years later)"
6.- After saying that he said "se vuelve viral, tiene 54 millones de views, y ahora yo, yo me tengo que, is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, me tengo que embarazar (it goes viral, it has 54 million views, and now I, I have to. . . is embarrassment, I have to embarrass myself, I have to get pregnant" okay, Let me explain, because this is a joke in Spanish, "embarrass" In Spanish, it means "avergonzar", buuuut, sounds VERY SIMILAR to "embarazar" and it means "to get pregnant" I hope it was understood jaja
So, he got confused, I don't know if it was a joke or not but he said "No me voy a embarazar? (Aren't I going to get pregnant?)"
7.- After finishing "The Night" said "Muchas gracias, ahora si necesito una chela (Thank you very much, now I need a beer)"
8.- Now "Raised by bats" because it gave an introduction of how he went to New York and ended up in places like that, he even made a joke that "termine en lugares, masomenos similares a este, termine con gente *señala al publico* se parecian masomenos a ustedes (I ended up in places. . . Let's say something like this, and I end up with people *points to the audience* more or less similar to you)" and he said to a guy "te digo, me encata tu disfraz, pero creo que no es un disfraz, asi es, asi es y asi es como debe ser (I tell you, I love your costume, but, I think it's not a costume, that's how it is, that's how it is and that's how it is It must be)" Then he said "En otras palabras, en otras palabras, yo encontre mi tribu (In other words, in other words, I found my people)"
9.- Then he said about "Raised by bats" he said "Aqui todos somos. . . Raritos (Here, we are all of us. . . Weirdos" but he said that in the USA he calls them "lovable weirdos" and he asked what that would be like in Spanish and they told him and he said "Raritos encantadores"
10.- He gave an introduction to his program "Gothic Homeking" and then said "Yo me despierto todas las mañanas, a las 4 de la tarde, y trato con toda mi alma y mi esfuerzo, vestirme como un villano de Disney. . . Y si esa gente afuera, piensan que porque así decoro mi casa y así me visto, eso me hace 'malvado' porque así me llaman, malvado, pues. . . Quizás así es (I wake up every morning, at 4 in the afternoon, and try with all my soul and effort to dress like a Disney villain. . . And if those people outside think that because that's how I decorate my house and that's how I dress, that makes me 'evil' because that's what they call me, evil, well. . . Maybe that's how it is)" holy shit, wow, even in the video you can see that I scream like a crazy bitch because he was already going to sing "When You're Evil"
11.- The Beelzebub's Philharmonic Choir, which is when people from the audience went up with Voltaire to sing, and I said "DAD, RECORD, RECORD" He said "déjame ver tus manos, si has, si has, ugt, en español! Déjame ver tus manos si has, si me has visto en concierto, otra ves. . . Sube las manos si esta es la primera vez que me vez en un concierto (entro yo kakska) pues, si has visto uno de mis conciertos, sabes que esta es la parte del show, donde yo escojo gente del público- (let me see your hands, if you have, if you have, ugt, in Spanish! Let me see your hands if you have, if you have seen me in concert, again. . . Raise your hands if this is the first time you see me at a concert (I enter kakska) well, if you have seen one of my concerts, you know that this is the part of the show, where I choose people from the audience-)" I don't remember anymore He said why I stopped recording to go to the stage, but he said that the only requirement was that we knew "When You're Evil" in full, I didn't know it but it was worth it to me and I looked for the lyrics in google
12.- when we sang the part that said
I pledge my allegiance, to all things dark
And I promise on my damned soul
To do as I'm told, Lord. Beelzebub
You have never seen a soldier quite like me
Not only does his job, but does it happily
He said "Aplausos, Aplausos, es lo menos que podemos hacer, terminan de vender sus almas a satanas en el encenario (applause! applause!" "It's the least we can do, you end up selling your soul to Satan on stage)"
Then I went to the professional photo and took a photo with him and I said something like "Hey, I would like to give you my pins that I have from you" and he stared at my pins and asked me if I I did, I told him no, that I had just done the almost human one and he told me (again) that it was very nice. Afterwards he told me that I could only take one, but that I should choose the one I liked the least, but he told me with a kindness and a smile that, God, displayed an aura of security. In the end, I gave him the one for "The Black Labyrinth" and the one for "Riding a Black Unicorn"
Well, he wore the one from Black Labyrinth (I saw it as logical because it came in black) but I thought he would only wear it while I was looking at him. The pin was never removed again, after I gave him the pin, he didn't take it off again.
"It doesn't matter, that's what I work for" but he didn't accept, I asked him for one last photo with the pin and I remembered that I had a drawing of Feathery wings, I showed him the drawing and asked him if he could sign it, but if he didn't want to anymore, that was fine, because I had already spent the autograph ticket and he asked me "Porque pensaste que no te lo iba a firmar? (Why did you think I wasn't going to sign it for you?)" And he stared at the drawing while I explained it and he asked me again, if I drawn that, just as surprised as before, and I think he was convincing me to give it to him and I told him it was for a friend and in the end He understood and signed it, I asked him if he was going to come next year and he said yes they invited him and. . . Ready, I'm gone, from the best moment of my existence so far.
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rubbersoul333 · 7 months
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Catálogo de merch nueva que llevaré a La Conve y a Vianco! Los veo este Sábado y Domingo en la mesa AA006 de La Conve MTY compartiendo con @ldranzer 💙 Hay algunas cosas como los botones y los sticker sheets que si se me acaban ya no alcanzo a tener más para Vianco pero aparté algunos cómics asi que eso sí va a haber!👀✨ No se cuándo podré estar en otro evento asi que aprovechen!
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binnas · 11 months
i. necesito mejorar mi dominio sobre mi celeridad. ¿puedes ayudarme con eso? — @skirino
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' ¿estás preocupada por mejorar tus disciplinas? ' alza ambas cejas, pensando que eso es extraño en ella… o no tanto, en realidad. ' ¿por lo que sucedió con la baronesa? ' pregunta primeramente hasta que recuerdos de su última charla llegan a su mente. ' ¿o para impresionar a tu sire? ' le gustaría que lo hiciera por ella, para ser más fuerte y cuidarse, pero sospecha que no es así. ' eh, no sé, ¿jugamos una carrera? ' propone pues la celeridad no es algo en lo que sea particularmente buena. 
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miss-nobodys-things · 8 months
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Va a ser mi regalo de cumple jajaja 💕
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deescontinuity · 1 year
Long post
Je discute avec une fille avec qui j'ai match sur une appli de rencontre, et en soit elle est sympa mais j'ai pas vraiment d'attirance, mais j'ai pas trop envie de laisser tomber car je me dis qu'on sait jamais, mais y'a plusieurs trucs qui m'énerve, genre ma mère m'a transmis involontairement son énervement pour les fautes d'orthographe, et si chez mes ami.e.s ça ne me dérange pas, là je me dis que si c'est avec quelqu'un où je vais être amené à discuter souvent, ça risque de me souler. Et puis elle écrit souvent des pavés pour raconter ses journées, et j'ai un peu de mal à me concentrer et tout lire et retenir, donc souvent je regarde les passages avec lesquels je peux réagir et répondre en conséquence, mais sinon j'arrive pas à avoir la même énergie. Et puis au départ je répondais pas très rapidement, principalement car je détestais l'app où on discutait, et aussi car je mets des PLOMBES à répondre à n'importe qui, et elle me l'a un peu reprocher, donc j'ai proposé d'aller sur insta et je lui ai expliqué vite fait pourquoi j'avais du mal et que j'essayerai de faire des efforts, mais je crois que c'est aussi car j'avais pas envie qu'elle me déteste, et que je voulais la rencontrer irl au moins une fois, pour savoir comment elle est. Mais j'appréhende le moment où je vais sûrement lui dire que pour moi ça va pas le faire romantiquement parlant car je me fais pas d'illusion, y'a peu de chances que j'en ai un jour pour elle
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rullyvie · 2 years
starter privado para @pervcys​
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Observa desde el vidrio del aula, chequeando de que sea la correcta y cuando identifica a Percy dentro, sonríe y la saluda. No tarda en entrar, piso 3, aula 11, vino repitiendo mentalmente durante todo el camino, procurando que a mente despistada no se le olvide. “Llegaste antes que yo, que rápida.” Termina de acercarse y deposita un beso sonoro en mejilla contraria, saludándola. “Cuanta expectativa con todo esto, eh.” Mantiene curvatura de labios, pretende tomárselo con actitud positiva. “Deberíamos hacer algo mientras esperamos, para descomprimir.” Ticket que vale por un beso, el cual le regaló para navidad, aparece en su mente, pero no lo dice.
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas?
El Coleccionista de Instantes
La historia del chimpancé Ham, el primer homínido en volar al espacio exterior
Hace 61 años, el 31 de enero de 1961, el chimpancé Ham se convirtió en el primer homínido en volar al espacio exterior y daba esperanzas a EE.UU. para llevar astronautas fuera de la Tierra.
Ham pertenecía al centro de medicina aeroespacial de Holloman (Estados Unidos), en donde aprendió a realizar algunas funciones básicas para pilotar la nave. Gracias a su entrenamiento, Ham logró alcanzar una altura de 253 kilómetros y permaneció durante siete minutos en estado de ingravidez.
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El viaje se realizó dentro del proyecto Mercury para simular lo que experimentaría el primer astronauta humano. El despegue en un cohete Redstone 2 se llevó a cabo sin incidentes, pero un problema en el regulador de aceleración del cohete proporcionó un exceso de velocidad que no se resolvería hasta que se agotó el oxígeno líquido.
El vuelo duró 16 minutos y 39 segundos y la cápsula amerizó en el océano Atlántico, a 679 kilómetros de distancia del punto de despegue. El chimpancé fue rescatado con vida y, según la NASA, se convirtió en el primer “halo de esperanza” de que en un futuro próximo los (Otros otros monos) hombres podrían viajar al espacio. Fuente información y leer más :
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jey-chan · 11 months
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Doing some work will a
Waiting in line to meet a VA on a con...
I made friends!
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utilitycaster · 7 days
Do you think the god debate and narrative around it in C3 would be more compelling if Ludinus only focused on killing the Betrayer Gods a la Cassida? As many pointed out, the impact that Primes have on mortals is largely positive. Aside from cool abilities, they give healing, meaning and comfort to their followers. Up until very recently (Braius) we haven't seen Betrayers do much of that and their followers are, more often than not, people who would cause great harm to others.
I actually do not. There's multiple questions in here, and honestly I could probably write 5000 words on any of them, which I'm not going to do, but I will split this up into components.
First: I don't think Ludinus is the problem at all. He is unambiguously the villain, but he is always narratively compelling. It is fun to make fun of him because he is genuinely a fantastically crafted villain. When I dunk on villains who are boring, it's nowhere near as fun because all you can say is "wow what do you even do. boring-ass" whereas Ludinus is full of interesting possibilities and hooks to be like how can you be so smart and have lived for so long and seen so much and come to the fucking worst conclusions. There's a reason why people have been side-eyeing him consistently since at least his first speaking appearance in Campaign 2, if not his first appearance ever, in Felderwin, and it's because he's a great character who I hope dies horribly. So his motivations are fine. I'm not saying the possibility you suggest wouldn't be a very interesting different story, but my complaints about narrative and the gods debate do not require anything different from Ludinus, who has been a consistent bright spot within the muddied narrative by being a consistent blot on Exandria and also sometimes the moon.
The narrative and the god debate are intertwined - the issue is a dull indecision that plagues both of them - so I'm splitting this one up a little differently.
What do I as a viewer think is the most reasonable stance regarding the gods based on my understanding of the worldbuilding of Exandria?
What is interesting to watch?
And therein lies the problem. I, as a viewer, think that killing the gods is a bad idea, and I've articulated this in various spaces and am not going to write another 5000 words about it right now, but between the events of past campaigns; the events of this campaign including Downfall; who within the narrative supports the choice to not kill the gods; and the complete uncertainty regarding the fate of existence let alone mortaldom should they be killed or chased away I have come to this position. Any counter-argument tends to rely either on entirely false statements, or a nebulous "a better world is possible" without any assurances that the allegedly better world is, in fact, probable. Ironically enough, I am not willing to take a leap of faith.
But as for what's interesting to watch? That's an entirely different story. My issue with the the gods debates is that they are endless, circular, indecisive, and between the least informed group of PCs we've had by a large margin. They say the same 5 sentences in different words over and over. It's like watching a bunch of high people while you're sober. It only hits hard if you're stupid. For more on this see here and here. If Bells Hells had decided 30 or 40 episodes ago to side with Ludinus, or to try to only kill the Betrayers, or to oppose Ludinus but kill the gods? Great. Fantastic. I'm not saying I wouldn't have had my critiques of it given the worldbuilding setup as described above, but I think it would have held up infinitely better as a standalone story, at least, than it does now. My problem is that instead they had endless circular indecisive conversations during a bunch of (comparatively much more interesting) fetch quests, finally came to some kind of conclusion that gave the end game some structure and direction like 4 episodes ago, and then had yet another wrench thrown at them. And convention panels and Cooldown have consistently confirmed my suspicions about the lack of planning in the places where this campaign really needed it. In my conversations after the latest episode, multiple people independently used the term "sludge" to describe their feelings about the plot.
In actual play, I want characters who have clear conviction and make bold and decisive moves because handwringing forever in such a slow-moving medium is excruciatingly boring. Like, do I think Percy in the Briarwoods arc is making good, informed decisions that make him a moral person? Absolutely the fuck not. Do I think the story where he's shooting first and asking questions later is infinitely superior to one where Vox Machina can't decide what to do for 50 episodes? Yeah.
The god debates are ultimately a symptom of this narrative aimlessness. The lack of an answer is the problem, not what the answer is.
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draidachiart · 7 months
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chifourmi · 4 months
Je lui ai finalement envoyé des messages vocaux. J'ai pas voulu attendre de voir ma psy parce que c'était trop long et j'avais envie de passer à autre chose. Attention, j'ai bien réfléchi à ce que je disais et comment je le disais. J'ai bien fait d'attendre une semaine avant de revenir vers lui. Grâce à ça j'avais beaucoup plus de recul, je n'étais plus dans la colère et l'émotion. J'ai tout écrit hier et j'ai attendu le lendemain pour relire et modifier. Ensuite j'ai tout lu dans des messages vocaux. Puis j'ai fermé la conv. Je ne m'attends à rien, je ne m'attends pas à ce qu'il les écoute ou à ce qu'il réponde. Mon but principal était de me débarrasser de tout ça. Ça ressemble à un monologue ce que je lui ai envoyé. Quand je lui parle de mes incompréhensions, je fais juste des hypothèses et je lui dis qu'il n'est pas obligé de répondre. En fait je pense que je préférerais même qu'il ne réponde pas. Je veux juste qu'il prenne en compte ce que je lui dis. J'ai cette naïveté de croire que ça pourra le faire réfléchir et évoluer. Mais en vrai depuis l'appel qu'on a eu, je sens qu'il est assez mature et ouvert pour entendre ce que j'ai à lui dire. Sinon je ne me serais pas battue et j'aurais lâché l'affaire.
À la fin, je lui fais un vrai bel adieu pour tout bien clôturer. Ça me tenait à cœur pour que tout ça se finisse aussi bien que ça a commencé. J'ai pas envie d'avoir de la rancœur envers lui, je ne veux retenir que le positif. Puis au final les torts sont partagés. Je lui souhaite le meilleur 🤍
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apmnwq · 9 months
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Unfortunatly yes ✌️ je l'ai vu pour la premiere fois en conv en... 2016 je crois ? Et on a commencé à parler avec un groupe de pote et lui du design de Belette dans l'imaginaire collectif, et comment elle avait souvent des mini short et crop top et c'etait pas realiste quand tout le reste des persos a des grands manteaux pour eviter les zombies (<- c'etait avant meme que EmilieMaria fasse les premiers dessins de Black!Belette) (i am Ancient 🧓). Et je lui ai montré quelques fanarts de Belette sur le carnet que j'avais sur moi, en tournant des pages, et il a pris le carnet en demandant "je peux?" et a commencé a tourner les pages. Bon, 80% des dessins la dedans etaient vdf ou tomitch-related, donc ca tombait bien. Mais au milieu il y avait aussi... du moins s f w ?... (j'etais tres rouge) (lui il a rigolé d'un air admiratif et en a PRIS UN EN PHOTO) (il est un amour. Il regardait chaque dessin avec la meme excitation que nous dans le fandom on reagit devant un nouveau fanart. Cette phrase n'etait pas française. Mais bref il trouvait juste ca incroyable et il etait tout excité qu'il y ait des fanarts mais vraiment dans un mood 'oh vous aussi vous aimez mes blorbo !!!' Il est super nice <3)
Bref un an et demi plus tard il y a une sorte de convention specifique a un site de fans de frenchnerd, et Francois est invité mais arrive souvent tard. Pour reconnaitre mon verre, je dessine la tete de Henry et du Visiteur sur le gobelet rouge. Puis je m'eloigne pour aller prendre l'air. Quand je reviens, Francois a vu mon verre et me dit "Au moins ils sont habillés !" en pointant mon verre.
Parce qu'il a reconnu mon style.
Et qu'il se rappelle que je suis la seule personne qui dessine du porn.
Bref Francois me connais comme la personne qui dessine du cul avec ses persos et c'etait la deuxieme fois de ma vie que je le voyais ✌️ (je n'ai pas de regret car c'est : une immense fierté :D )
C'est absolument insane mdrr françois est vraiment une crème ça m'étonne pas du tout, et se faire reconnaître par son style de dessin c'est vraiment 👌 merci pour l'histoire haha t'es carrément une célébrité !
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rubbersoul333 · 8 months
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✨Anuncio sorpresa! Nos vemos en La Conve Monterrey el 2 y 3 de Marzo~!✨
Estaré compartiendo mesa con el bf @ldranzer 😳😳
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aura2023 · 2 years
I went to La conve and finally bought a brush pen.
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miss-nobodys-things · 8 months
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Estoy a una hora o dos de distancia aaaa 👀💖 me voy a regalar eso de cumpleaños 😬
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