#la salle
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TIME, January 23, 1933
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les-belles-mecaniques · 6 months
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Expedition of Robert Cavelier de La Salle in Louisiana (detail), by Jean Antoine Théodore Gudin (1802-1880)
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italiasparita · 1 year
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Carlo Nigra (1856-1942)
Castello di Châtelard
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dandyads · 2 years
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La Salle, 1934
Theme Week: Cars 🚗
Adjusted for inflation, the “priceless style” of this luxury car would run you $33,000 in today’s money.
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sepiadays · 8 months
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1940 La Salle Series 52 with Cadillac 346-cu.in. V-8 and high-speed ring and pinion.
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View of La Salle, Bourré, Loire Valley region of central France
French vintage postcard
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adtrenovation · 8 months
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Bathroom renovation. La Salle, Montreal.
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mariasabanahabanabana · 7 months
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A lo largo de mi vida he sufrido de todo tipo de agresiones, sexuales, físicas, mentales, pero ninguna se compara ni me preparó para el infierno en carne y hueso que está institución educativa privada me hizo pasar.
Desde hacerme cambiar mi manera de hablar, actuar o pensar, hasta el hecho de perjudicar de por vida mi salud mental...
Aqui una lista de acciones de lo que me hicieron pasae
- acoso sexual: 2 veces
- bullying: 8 años seguidos
- racismo: 8 años seguidos
- Xenofobia: 8 años seguidos
- acoso físico: 2 años
- acaso verbal: 8 años
- ciberbullying: 1 año
Quieren boicotear algo? Bien háganlo, PERO CON ESTÁ INSTITUCIÓN, no cuento con las pruebas suficientes para alzar una demanda, pero vivo con el único propósito de que esta institución caiga y salgan a la luz todos los secretos y cabezas de los actos más atroces que han cometido a lo largo de los añosb
Throughout my life I have suffered all kinds of aggressions, sexual, physical, mental, but none of them compare and none prepared me for the hell in flesh and blood that this private educational institution put me through.
From making me change the way I speak, act or think, to the fact of damaging my mental health for ever
Here is a list of actions they put me through
sexual harassment: 2 times
- bullying: 8 years in a row
- racism: 8 years in a row
- xenophobia: 8 years in a row
- physical harassment: 2 years
- verbal harassment: 8 years
- cyberbullying: 1 year
Want to boycott something? Fine, do it, but WITH THIS INSTITUTION, I don't have enough evidence to file a lawsuit, but I live for the sole purpose of bringing this institution down and bringing to light all the secrets and heads of the most heinous acts they have committed over the years.
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nsdclassic · 7 months
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La Salle
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chaddavisphotography · 10 months
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Lake & La Salle in the Chicago North Loop.
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bagira-black · 10 months
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1940 La Salle 8door station wagon
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misforgotten2 · 2 years
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“As easy to own as any car you can buy!” Faint praise. You might as well just go ahead and buy any car you want.
Saturday Evening Post   April 24th 1937
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italiasparita · 5 months
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Carlo Nigra (1856-1942)
La Salle. Torre dei Corsi o de Lescours
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council-tax · 2 months
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