#labyrinth warriors
endlessskymaster · 1 month
Childe: *sighs* I wish I can stay here a while longer. The more time you spend somewhere, the more joy it brings you when you return. You're like the stars, in the night sky, Lumine. You never cease to surprise me.
Me: Childe admitted back then that Lumine brought him joy and wishes to stay with her longer. Further proof is this is from the Fontaine Archon quest before Childe goes to prison 🥹
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dkniade · 11 months
GoodNotes doodles & colour adjustments in post
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Also I’ve been slowly watching the Labyrinth Warriors event lately…
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cannolicorgi · 1 year
Every day I go to sleep and dream of a genshin with Labyrinth Warriors as a permanent game mode and then I wake up and cry
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codeopod · 1 year
To this DAY anytime I see the avatrice kiss scene my heart does the little happy skip, specifically the moment when Ava kisses Bea and she’s all stiff so she starts to pull away and that snaps Bea out of her shock and she pulls Ava back in for a solid kiss like COME ON that moment is everything, and don’t get me started on Ava’s hesitant awe afterword, like she was savoring every fucking millisecond
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lab-444 · 6 months
i kinda cooked here so here is my new phone background… feel free to steal (edited from the graphic novel previews
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tangerinelabyrinth · 5 months
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Gotta be one of my favorite trio's. They're so silly together.
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ghostofcinders · 5 months
They Came from the Cyclops's Cave!
The first game I've ever pitched and developed is out!
They Came from the Cyclops's Cave! is a game of fantasy cinematic adventure. Part of the They Came From series by Onyx Path Publishing, Cyclops's Cave is completely standalone, an awesome game covering fantasy in all its shapes.
Each They Came From is a love letter to a given movie/media genre zeitgeist, and I pitched Cyclops's Cave to be unique and do the whole fantasy genre. It allows to play from Harryhausen movies to The Lord of the Rings, passing through Xena, Ladyhawke, He-Man, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, The Black Cauldron, and Dragonheart.
Seriously, I can't overstate how much range this game has. Like, it *technically* covers TV shows and movies from the 40s to the 90s, but I am who I am, so you'll find nods to Adventure Time, Zelda, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and many more in here. Of course you will, this game's my baby, and I wanted it to commit to fantasy at its fullest.
Here you'll find:
- Tools to create your own heroes, be them warriors, gorgons, pixies, slimes, or mimics
- Cinematic powers that replicate movie beats.
- A vast collection of antagonists and creatures.
- Two ready-made scenarios.
...and much more!
Seriously, I love They Came From, how it combines comedy and devotion to media at the table through honest love. This baby of mine is the result of so much hard work, done by a team of awesome people who poured their love for the project into all pages.
Please consider checking it out! That would mean the world to me.
(Also: Cyclops's Cave is the foundation for the upcoming They Came From Witchford Academy!, its very cool upcoming Magical School supplement!)
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
Crackpot hc: Childe knows what Paimon is
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labyrinthclan · 3 months
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This may or may not have been an impulsive decision
next >
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yloiseconeillants · 8 months
FEBHYURARY 2024 :: Day 9 - Sun
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The city was still spinning as the sun rose between distant gaps in the skyline. Ariadne grimaced against its warming glow, wearily shielding her eyes before ducking into the slowly shortening shadows of the towers on the opposite side of the street. She lifted her head, a headache already pounding behind her eyes, her fuzzy vision focusing at last at a balcony far above covered in hanging plants. Given the angle of the sun, she guessed she had about two hours before she was expected to give a lecture - about what? 
She stood slack-jawed on the steep ramp leading to her building’s lobby. What was the lecture about? Sexual reproduction of flowering plants, she remembered, the ghost of a childish smirk crossing her face for just a moment. Two hours, she thought, dragging her feet across the lobby to the elevator. Enough time for a shower and maybe food, but certainly not for sleep. It took her a moment to remember which floor she wanted, but the building remembered for her: a pleasant chime as the doors closed and the lift ascended to the 12th floor.
She dreaded these elevator rides. Alone with her thoughts at last, they invariably drifted back to her latest regret. She sifted through her memories, trying to sort out which happened last night, and which happened the night before, or the night before that, or some time in the distant past. So many memories to keep track of and so few (and such temporary) ways to forget.
He was there. Probably dragged along by his partner (or his partner’s partner, more like), his back was turned to her when she wandered downstairs from the symposium on the roof to refill her drink. She slipped behind a group of taller Phantomology students, grabbed an entire bottle of wine off a table, and slid into a storage room off the lecture hall without him noticing. She hoped, anyway. Pouring herself a glass of wine, she considered her situation. No other way out of this room. Nothing fun in here, either, just more chairs. She sighed, and opened the door. And there he was. He was still wearing his mask, though the hood had been thrown back, and covering his mouth with his hand in anticipation of her emerging from the storage room. She couldn’t see it, but she knew he was smirking.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” His voice held no trace of amusement. She bought herself some time by downing the entire glass of wine she had just poured, and poured herself another, as Hades leaned back against the wall, his shoulders slumping. He seemed to be deflating.
“No,” she responded flatly, looking for the exit as her burning cheeks betrayed her again. Maybe he would think it was just a response to the alcohol. A foolish thought. A nearby group of students shifted towards the stairs to the roof, leaving them far more room alone than Ariadne was comfortable with. Hades took the opportunity to move closer.
“I missed you,” he ventured, keeping his face turned from hers, his hand dangling dangerously close to hers. An invitation. One she should not entertain. She took another large gulp of her wine, though she couldn’t repeat her earlier performance without consequence.
“I didn’t go anywhere. I was here,” she gestured emphatically around her, wine sloshing in the glass, “the entire time.” The unsaid thing drifted in the small space between them. That was the problem.
The elevator chimed again, doors opening smoothly. She stepped into the hallway and doors closed behind her again. She followed the track of soft lights down the corridor, pausing in front of room 1216. She rustled around her bag for a key, eyes unfocused on anything before she recognized a spore growing from a corner of the door frame. It wasn’t there yesterday. Probably wasn’t there yesterday. She hadn’t looked. Another one escaped. 
She unlocked the door and entered her apartment. It was pitch black, thanks in part to the dark, thick drapes she had tacked up against the windows. She’d have to redouble her efforts at keeping her specimens contained. Halmarut had given her an earful about keeping her research at the Akadaemia, but she insisted on bringing it home. At the time, she claimed it was because she needed to test spore reactions to different environments, but here, alone, she knew it was because her work kept him away. It kept everyone away, in fact - a convenient excuse to keep going out and never bring anyone home. This was her space: to be as uninviting and hostile as she wanted. 
She dropped her bag in the middle of the room and wrenched her way out of her robes, turning on the harsh light in the washroom and gazing into the mirror for a moment. Her neck and shoulders were painted in lipstick smudges, small bruises, and bite marks. She fluttered her fingertips over one of the marks, trying to remember who was responsible. Her stomach dropped when she realized it was one of his.
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terranceholdsapencil · 7 months
Watching Warrior's gate and Biroc reminds me of someone...
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dkniade · 1 year
Childe (English dub) says in the third part of the Labyrinth Warriors event “I was born to fight, and as long as I draw breath, there will be no end to my purpose. My limits vanish behind the horizon with every step that I take.” (Well, with the way his Griffin Burns delivers the lines, the way those last few words are enunciated, he sounds determined in an unsettling way)
But then immediately after, he goes, “Let go of your confusion. Sorrow and hesitation are the enemy of an implacable weapon.” (…I don’t actually know how to describe his voice here. If it wasn’t for the idea of a weapon, you’d think he’s talking about being a performer🤔)
But in the original Chinese dub, he says “舍弃困惑吧。带着忧愁和犹豫,可没法成为无情的兵器啊。” Basically, it sounds casual even in text ‘cause of the particles 吧 (ba) and 啊 (a). The VA says something closer to 哦 (o) but anyway, same tone.
Something like, “Now let go of your confusion. You can’t be a merciless weapon if there’s worry and hesitation in you, you know?”
Meaning-wise it’s roughly the same, but the way this line is written and how the CN VA Yudong delivers it, again you’d think he’s talking about being a performer or something
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mtg-cards-hourly · 13 days
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Labyrinth Guardian
Artist: Yeong-Hao Han TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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possibly-not-a-ghost · 11 months
It...would be a shame that when we finally see Childe again... if he experienced the same time distortion akin to his first time in the Abyss. Wouldn't that be a terribly interesting shame? 👀👀👀
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zeldamomoe · 5 months
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Happy World Book Day! 📚🌎 Lana pic by Herbiecide, other 3 by my partner & edited by me Seere tunic made by Harv Cosplay Katran robe painting by Harliquinjester
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