myantiquelife · 2 years
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Source: lachansonderoland
#casual #design #chest #bowl #light #mirror #art #sofa #ticking #fabric #livingroom #books #largewindow
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Hi. Would you be able to ID the gold hoop earrings the crown princess wore in Italy on 18 October and the silver one from her visit to Kronoberg County? Thanks in advance for your help. Much appreciated.
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Hello :) The earrings in Italy haven't been identified as far as I know but the silver ones are from Edblad, according to UFO No More.
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leaconnert · 4 years
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Tour Management | The Song of Roland: The Arabic version by Wael Shawky | Louvre Abu Dhabi | Théâtre du Châtelet Paris | 2020
Inspired by one of the oldest works of French literature La Chanson de Roland (the song of the Roland) and the French Lebanese writer Amin Maalouf’s 1983 book The Crusades through Arab Eyes, Egyptian artist Wael Shawky’s work blends the cultures and traditions of medieval Europe with those of the Arabian Gulf. Set against a backdrop designed by Shawky, The Song of Roland features more than 20 singers and musicians performing in the classical Arabic ‘fidjeri’ style, which first developed more than 800 years amongst fishermen in the Arabian Gulf. Combining history and theatre with art, music and myth, the work interrogates stereotypes associated with the history of the Crusades and reflects it from an Arab perspective. 
Foto: Janto Djassi 
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trexboy76 · 5 years
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#이야기세계사 #kimkyoungmook #woojongik #청아출판사 #homo #mesopotamia #pharaoh #david #ahuramazudah #marathon #hellenism#rome #christ #lachansonderoland #mahomet #excommunication #guild #sarasen #pest #chingizkhan #세줄평 19/5/21-5/28 #세계사 1은 고대 오리엔트에서중세까지의 서양사를 다루는데 이슬람과 몽고 진출을 제외하면 서양사에 많은 부분을 쓰고 있다 世界史1は古代オリエントから中世までの西洋史を扱うが、#イスラムやモンゴルの進出を除けば、西洋史に多くの部分を書いてある #한니발 , #소크라테스 ,잔다르크 등 허무했던 위인의 죽음에 대해서 큰 감정 이입없이 객관적으로 기술하고 있는 것 같다 ハンニバル、ソクラテス、ジャンヌダルクなど無念の死に対して、大きな感情移入せずに客観的に記述しているようだ 직접적인 주장을 하는 대신에 프랑스 왕이 #잔다르크 의 포로 보상금을 냈다면 화형당하지 않았을지도 모른다 등의 추측에 가까운 의견을 적절히 이용하고 있다 直接主張をする代わりに、フランス王が#ジャンヌダルク の捕虜補償金を出していたら火刑されなかったかもしれないなどの推測に近い意見を適切に利用している (Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAF84PAVik/?igshid=1ohe6eggxmopz
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int0design · 4 years
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lachansonderoland: https://georgianadesign.tumblr.com/post/617942183652311040
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