rattyexplores · 2 years
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Circular razor blade Shells
Belonging to the Lacinate Dolphin Shell, there appears to be very little information on the snails online. However, they are common and can be found in the tidepools and reefs from Australia to Japan.
Anecdotally, although the shells seem sharp at first, they will not pierce your skin. At least, not any worse then the tidepool rocks themselves.
Angaria delphinus
06/10/21 - 15/06/22
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mb26-44 · 7 hours
Qarli dağlar. 👉☝️🗻🌧️🌧️... 🤔
👉🇦🇿🎼🎵🎤🎧Beh-beh.Azerbaycan mahnısında şirinlik ve gözəllik... 🤔
Əzizim, qar qalandi,
Qar yağdı, qar qalandi.
Qarğalar lacin oldu,
Lacinlar qağalandi... 🤔
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grox · 2 months
You thought I was killin you? I am. I'm lacin the blunt- meth inthe back and crack inthe front. Aint put a little I put in a lot
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bpod-bpod · 6 months
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Nervous System Shapers
Identifying the genes that regulate the shaping and maintenance of the fruit fly central nervous system – insight for possible roles for homologous genes in mammals
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Haluk Lacin and Yuqing Zhu, and colleagues
Division of Biological and Biomedical Systems, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City and Department of Genetics, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Published in bioRxiv, February 2024 (not peer reviewed)
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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sweetaidreams · 6 months
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❤️ Lacine 💋 At the hotel 🤩
If you like my work, feel free to buy me a coffee.☕
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huseinli · 1 year
Lacin kimiyem biraz berbad biraz abadlasdirilmiş.Şusa kimiyem könlü insanlarla dolu. Zengezur kimi azad olunmagi gozduyurem.  Baki kimiyem milyonlarla insan arasinda bi zereyem. Lenkaran kimiyem etirli ve yasiliqla dolu.  Yuxu kimiyəm cox insanin arzuladiği.Men bir kohne oyuncaqam vaxtiken cox usaqi sevindirmisem. Indi qocalmisam . Soz kimiyem menasiz ve deyersiz.
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narsyne · 1 year
Hello Dearest Narsyne ! ~ May I have some titles & names related to lace , the word ‘darling’ , being adored , and corrupt love ? Thank you ~
Helloooo , Vera ! 🫶 Reap Innocence is glad to See you around ... Re hopes you shall drop by some more , myehehe !!! Re went with general Love in some areas , Re hopes that is approved !
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Names Laci , Lacine , Frillie , Fwille , Lacye , Doiline , Doilinesse , Lwace , Lwaycne , Lacette , Darlyne , Darlette , Dwarling , Adoryne , Adorette , Adorness , Lovyne , Lovette , Lovinne , Adorablyss , Luvsyck , Obsessyne , Illovine , Obsessyve , Lwover
Titles Her Delicacy , She who was carefully Crafted , Her Beauty , Her Fragility , She who is Decorated in frills , She who was Crafted from silk , The Darling , Dearest Darling , She who represents Love , She who was crafted from Obsession , She who is sought by Many , She who is looked up Upon , Her Adoredity , She who seeks for Love , She who breathes Obsession , She who was created by Thread
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ace-cf-cups · 8 months
Since my inbox is always open for prompts* ( seriously, send them in, as many and as often as you'd like - I love working with prompts! ), here's a handy list of all the ships you can send them for:
Golden Lace (Mr Gold & Lacey)
Woven Lace (Weaver & Lacey)
Woven Beauty (Weaver & Belle)
Woven Kitten (Weaver & Hierophant from Operation Endgame)
Russelle (David Russell from The Last Enemy & Belle)
Russellacey (David Russell & Lacey)
David & Hiero
Rushbelle (Dr Nicholas Rush from Stargate: Universe & Belle)
Rushacey (Dr Nicholas Rush & Lacey)
Rush & Chloe
Hamelle? MacBelle? Bellish? (Hamish Macbeth from the eponymous tv show & Belle)
Hamacey? Lacish? (Hamish Macbeth & Lacey)
Sutherbeth? Macland? (Isobel Sutherland & Hamish Macbeth from the eponymous tv show)
Bellix / Felle (Felix DeSouza from Formula 51 & Belle)
Lacix / Fellacey (Felix DeSouza & Lacey)
Felix & Hiero
Develle (Danny Devine from Dead Fish & Belle)
Lacine? Devacey? (Danny Devine & Lacey)
Danny & Hiero
Rob and Sam Morrison from the Flood
Robelle? Morrelle? (Rob Morrison & Belle)
Wirrelle? Belleric? (Eric Wirral from There's Only One Jimmy Grimble & Belle)
Laceric? Wirralacey? (Eric Wirral & Lacey)
*prompts are welcome and encouraged for: ficlets (of course!), TMI Tuesday questions/IC questions (you can ask any couple in general or specifically from one of my fics any questions), moodboards/aesthetics, gifsets (you can also request a gifset related to one of the aforementioned characters - whether it be a moment from their show or aesthetic or compilation or lyrical gifset etc), edits/fanvideos
The list will be updated as I watch more of Bobby's and Em's filmography and/or grow more confident in writing other Anyelle couples.
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ericacrochets · 2 years
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Two Basic Headbands by Lacin Tavukcu
Free Crochet Pattern Here (May need to make an account)
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thylacines-toybox · 2 years
how did you draw the black on your real life snow-lacine? much love 💕
Lump of coal! I think I'd also tried to use it as the nose but it wasn't sticking on well...
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zatracenapoezie · 1 year
stříhání vlasů
ale ne pro lacinou krásu
spásu a pocit, že drží vzpomínky,
který už nechci
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engagekiss · 2 years
hello!! could i req names+pronouns related to being a tired nurse and lace? preferably MiN if thats ok!! ❤️‍🩹 /gen
tired nurse && lace names ( mostly made up by yours truly … ~ )
lacin , lacire , nyrsin , aisyrin , remi , luneste , ambien , anesthe
( sorry there’s so few … this one was a bit hard to combine … )
tired nurse && lace pronouns
ti / tired , wea / weary , drow / drowse , ane / anesthesia , am / ambiance , fri / frill , eli / elegant
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berryontheroad · 1 year
Obcas se me lide ptaji proc jsem na tomhle tak ujetej. Nebo jeste s vetsi pravdeplodobnosti se mi smejou. Kdyz reknu kakao tak si asi zpetne vybavi sami sebe v mladych letech s hrnkem granka. Jsem na tyhle smisky uz zivotem zvyklej protoze jdu celej zivot v necem v protiproudu. Nedavno me nepotesil doktor s vysledky krevnich testu. Nebyl jsem z toho v panice ani ve stresu. Jen jsem si potvrdil, ze moje myslenka o ukonceni moji pijacky ery je opravdu treba. Posloucham o lidech s podobnymi vysledky kteri to vubec neresi a pokracuji. Taky bohuzel znam pribehy umrti pri nereseni tohoto problemu. A abych nebyl tolik tajnej tak jde o spatny vysledky s jatry. Mel jsem na to proporce jiz z minulosti (medikamenty). Do nedavna pojidani nezdravych potravin a v neposledni rade a take to nejhorsi ten alkohol. Nejsem zrovna velkej oblibenec tvrdyho alkoholu, ale nebudu se tajit s tim, ze jsem si dal i v tydnu po praci sem tam nejaky to pivko. S tim ze jsem prestal pit, zkoncoval jsem take s obcasnym kourenim travy a ostatni drogy jsem ani nikdy neuzival. Prestal jsem s kavou. Prestal jsem s fast foody. Jsem asi tak z 85procent na zelenine a docela brutalne jsem navysil prijem ovoce. Chtel bych rici, ze se citim po dvou mesicich o dost lepe. Nemam sebemensi travici problemy. ( ano jatra jsou spojena v nejvetsi mire se zluci, strevy a srdcem. Dale se poji nadledvinky.) Jatra jsou takovy filtr a chemotovarna vaseho tela. A lide si to mozna neuvedomuji protoze filtr zni tak jako lacine. Neco co vymenis. Ale jatra jsou vojaky vaseho tela. Obetuji se pro dobro vase a ostatnich organu. Drzi co to jde a my jim dost casto vubec nepomahame. Ale pojdme k tomu kakau protoze tenhle pribeh by mohl mit bambilion pismen. Jak jsem ti prestal s tim vsim zacal jsem bejt znechucenej tim, ze mi prislo, ze jidla nemaji chut. Nebo ze jim furt to samy dokola. Coz ano, clovek se uci zase neco novyho a nemel by prestavat protoze by jsme si meli byt jisti, ze mame vyvazenou stravu. Ke kakau jsem se dostal na jedne z ceremonii v Aucklandu, NZ. Byl jsem prizvan jako fotograf. Byla to super spirytualni seslost. A obcas mi tohle zase posune trochu obzory a me to vlastne i bavi. Potkavat lidi s dusi.
Hodne se o tom kakau mluvilo az jsem zacal mit pocit, ze tam lidi nejdou uplne tak na kakao jako na nejakej silenej ritual a kdovi co do toho sypou. Koneckoncu to bylo kakao ohrivane s hrejivymi prvky jako chilli a kdovi co jeste. Kazdopadne to melo super vliv, ze to udelalo jeste vetsi booster pro srdce. Citil jsem jak se moje srdce rozsiruje a najednou jsem byl super uvolnenej a jeste vic vjemu v napojeni s ostatnimi. Bylo to super. Nakonec jsme se pomalovali glow barvickama a tancovali jsme. Od te doby jsem o kakau vedel ale neporizoval jsem si ho. Az do doby kdy jsem prave prestal se vsim tim svinstvem a zacal jsem postradat neco co by me tesilo a uvolnovalo (treba jako delala ta travka). A tak jsem napsal kamaradovi a od nej jsem koupil kvalitni kakao. Zacal jsem opet pocitovat jak me to nabiji a cim vice to uzivam denne tak mam pocit, ze to moji naladu dost pozdvihuje. Coz verim, ze moje nalada take vznika stavem jater. Kakao me prijemne nadnese, povzbudi. Otevre mou mysl a pocity. Dost me to bavi a rad to sirim i mezi sve kamarady. Rozhodne i vy by jste to mohli zkusit. Vice o kakau tady. https://www.cacayo.love/cacayo-lexikon/ucinky-kakaa/ btw. Vim, ze je vas po velice malo brouzdajic clanky ktery tu zanechavam. Ale ja to koneckoncu nedelam jen pro ctenare jako sam pro sebe. Obcas sleduju jak se moje myslenkove pochody meni a tim take tusim co na me ma dobrej a spatnej vliv. Jako treba nyni zacinam pocitovat, ze bych se mel vydat na dalsi pout a cestovat.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Rami Atassi - Yuma Soul - wonderful single melding jazz, Afrobeat, & Middle Eastern music; would love to get a whole album of this
Rami Atassi is a Syrian-American creative producer, teaching artist, & guitar educator based in Chicago. He creates melodic instrumental music with influences of spiritual jazz, Arabic folk music & afrobeat grooves.
Rami Atassi - guitars, electronics & sound fx Tatsu Aoki - bass Luc Mosley - tenor saxophone Joie Lacine - percussion
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blairpuffs · 2 years
stares in the 4'9 anon
i used to have the url exhausted-lacin if you remember that 😭
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moonangel24 · 3 months
count up my ones, lacin' up my favorite 1s
Metro Boomin with A$AP Rocky & Roisee - Am I Dreaming
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