#lacrosse pinnies college
oh-obrien · 5 years
Inscrutable {1}
Inscrutable: Impossible to Understand or Interpret 
Relationships: Stiles Stilinski x Original Female Character
Word Count: 5,611  6,683
Warnings: None 
Author’s Note: My first Stiles fic!! I’m super excited to share this series with y’all, especially being new to the Dylan O’Brien / Teen Wolf Fandom. Send me an ask or message me if you want to be tagged!
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Finley Mannulv carefully scooped a second heaping spoon full of protein powder into her shaker bottle, hoping that the drink would give her a well-earned boost of energy for her first class of the semester. Knocking the scooper on the side of the bottle, she watched as some of the white powder stuck to the sides of the clear-blue plastic of the bottle, the rest forming a thick layer on top of the water. Finley dropped the plastic scooper back into the container and a small cloud of powder puffed out of the top, accumulating on the black fabric of her t-shirt. She hugged the protein powder container to her chest and closed it tightly before she tucked it back into her locker, wiping off what had gotten on her shirt afterwards.
Moving her bottle off of the bench in front of her locker, Finley kneeled on the wooden bench and let out a deep sigh looking into her messy locker. “Dad would have a hemorrhage,” she mumbled to herself before pulling out her dirty clothes from conditioning that morning. She made sure her number, eleven, had been printed on each piece of clothing before she clipped them on to her laundry clip and dumped them into the bin that their coach had brought in earlier. She made sure her clothes for practice later that night, along with her pinnies, were in her locker before deciding it looked clean enough for the time being.
She had never been the neatest, a controlled chaos being the easiest for her to navigate more often than not. The same philosophy also held true for any living space or locker she had prior to starting college. As soon as she made a space spotless, she suddenly couldn’t find anything she needed, and it just fell back into some sort of disarray a couple of days later anyway. A little bit of mess made her spaces feel more comfortable, more lived in.   
Finley pulled one of her many school provided hoodies off of a hook inside her locker and slipped the white fabric over her head. She looked down at the American University logo that had settled in the middle of her torso, the reality still not fully sinking in that she’d be spending the next four years of her life at the university. Her junior year of high school Finley had verbally committed to the University, contingent on the fact that she produced favorable grades through her senior year and also kept up her performance on the lacrosse field. Now, nearly two years later, she had just finished her first pre-class conditioning session and was in the process of getting ready to attend her first class of her college experience.
Finley just shook her head, not needing to be reminded about how quickly her life seemed to be blowing by, and tucked some of the extra fabric of her hoodie up under itself so she could prove she did, in fact, have on shorts. Her hair, which had mostly dried during team breakfast, got pulled out of the back of her hoodie and settled in messy, half damp auburn strands on her back.
“What do you have going on this morning?” Finley asked Cameron, one of the other freshmen on the team, who had been filling up her own shaker bottle at the water station when Finley approached.
Cameron screwed the top of her bottle on tight and looked down at the unmixed powder that had been pushed down when she had poured the water in. “Caramel,” Cameron replied as she started shaking the container, “it’s good. My go to in high school.” Finley nodded and started filling up her own bottle, the fresh water pushing the powder down into the small amount of water that Finley already had in the bottle.
Finley made note of the flavor as she watched the bottle’s water level rise. “I need to order a few more, vanilla and cookies and cream get old after a couple weeks, but they’re all I brought with me.” She flipped the switch on the water fountain, turning the water flow off. “My brother stole a few containers for himself before he left for school so I’m low on my stock.”   
Cameron took a long sip of her drink before tilting the bottle towards Finley in some sort of ‘cheers’ motion, “I’ll drink to that one. See you tonight.” Finley offered a smile in acknowledgement as she screwed the top to her own bottle back on tightly.
She held the top tight with her index and middle fingers and shook the bottle vigorously, watching the spring ball bounce around inside as the drink mixed. After she made sure her drink had been properly mixed, she took a long sip, swiping her tongue over her teeth to remove the film that stuck to them from the protein powder. “I’ll see you tonight!” She waved to Savanna, her locker-room neighbor, and adjusted the straps of her designated ‘class’ backpack on her shoulders.
When she had helped to move her brother into college a few weeks prior, she had made fun of him for taking his ‘Notre Dame Football’ backpack with him everywhere. But, to his defense, he had been gifted quite a lot of gear by the university prior to even getting to college and he had also used a similar backpack throughout his senior year of high school. Now though, Finley looked at herself in one of the mirrors and snorted, realizing she was now in the same position. Team sneakers were on her feet, team shorts her choice attire of pants and an ‘AU Lacrosse’ hoodie topped off her outfit with the matching t-shirt underneath.
“Good luck with your first day of classes!” Savanna offered Finley an excited smile. Finley nodded in thanks while she picked up her lacrosse bag with her free hand, she needed to bring it back to her dorm to tighten the pocket of her stick, and bringing the bag to class with her was a better option than having to travel back to the locker room after her class just to pick it up.
“This entire year will go a lot faster than you think it will now, the countdown to graduation in four years really starts now.” Jayden, a junior, added. Finley nodded as she grabbed her lacrosse stick and gripped it in the same hand as her bag, off to officially start her first day of college.
She received the opportunity to move on to the American University campus two weeks early, along with the other athletes who attended the school. The two-week period seemed to allow her, and the other freshmen athletes, a cushion to comfortably adjust to college life and the campus itself. It felt like it gave her a leg up on the other freshmen, she already looked, and felt, comfortable on campus that was a huge part of adjusting to college life and she already had it in the bag.
In her two weeks already on campus, Finley had been able to find where all of her classes would be, as well as settle into a routine. Six o’clock morning workouts, seven fifteen shower, seven-thirty team breakfast. After breakfast she knew her classes started at eight-forty-five or eight-fifteen depending on the day.
Taking all early classes would allow her plenty of time to nap in the afternoon if she felt like she needed to before attending evening practices. On the days when she didn’t feel like sleeping a little extra, it would allow extra time for homework and studying. Her brother had settled into a similar routine at Notre Dame, although a little busier because football was in season at the university, but it was comforting to know her twin was in a similar mindset.
At eight-thirty Finley stepped out of the William I Jacobs Recreational Complex, the sun had finally risen within the timeframe she had been inside the facility. The early mornings would begin to get old near mid-terms, but for now the early start felt somewhat refreshing, she was already awake and nearly three hours into her day while most of the other students had probably just woken up.
Despite her classes being in the first time block of the day, Finley noticed that campus had already started to bustle with activity. Students who were excited, nervous, and overwhelmed for their first day of classes were all on the way to the multiple academic buildings. Some were chatting in small groups, others walked alone with headphones in, and she even noticed a few couples holding hands. Must be nice.
The late-August morning air had a slight chill to it and Finley felt the hair on her legs stand up when a breeze passed. The morning air seemed easier to breathe than the stuffy August afternoon air she had been practicing in for the past two weeks during two-a-days. Her first class for the day was Introduction to Law, a class she didn’t feel all that excited for.
Finley liked to think she had a solid knowledge of the basis of the legal system. Thanks to her parents, of course. Her father’s current job title read ‘Director of the Central Intelligence Agency’ on various news channels when he would give interviews, and her mom had once worked for the Department of Homeland Security, she felt well versed in the basics of the law. However, Finley had also accepted that fact that she couldn’t use her father’s government position and the stories he had told her to get out of introduction level classes for her major.
However, Finley had been able to use many of the dual enrollment and advanced placement classes to get out of many of her core curriculum classes. She only had two freshman level classes to take this semester and would then be fully immersed into the classes for both of her majors, and with her starting out on campus as a sophomore, she would be able to register for what she needed next semester rather than getting stuck with the leftover dregs for classes.
Carefully reaching back to put her protein shake in her left backpack pocket, Finley pulled her phone out of the waistband of her Nike shorts and saw a text from her twin brother. Cian was a freshman quarterback at Notre Dame and hoped to start a couple games in the upcoming season and be named the permeant starter his sophomore year.
“You cheating on the field yet?” Finley snorted reading the text message over to herself a couple more times before trying to think of a witty response, she felt too tired to think of one, her brain not being awake enough to muster a proper insult.
“It’s not cheating when it’s my natural athletic ability. Same goes to you man.” She responded before tucking her phone back into her waistband before scaling the steps to the academic building her first class took place in.
Entering the old building Finley inhaled the stuffy air before trying to remember which way she went to find her classroom last week. The strong smell of mold and sheetrock made her sneeze and she realized that she would need to take one of her ‘allergy pills’ every morning to be sure none of the buildings would bother her going forward. After deciding to take the hallway to her left she quickly found the room she had located once before and pushed the door open with her elbow. She stepped into the lecture style room and saw a few students already inside the tiered room, scrolling through their phones or laptops.
Surveying the room, she noticed plenty of prime seat options and opted to climb the stairs and slide into the first seat closest to the middle aisle in the third row. She grabbed her protein shake out of its pocket and settled it on the table in front of her along with her water bottle. Finley set her lacrosse bag on the floor, tucking it up against the end of the table that spanned her whole half of the row, making sure nobody would be able to trip over it. She stood her stick up next to her bag before sitting down and pulling one of her headphones out.
Scrolling through her team’s group chat she followed along with dinner plans and made a mental note to remember to go after practice later that night, their coach stressed team bonding, and team meals fell under that umbrella. Finley would look up every time the door opened, and her classmates started to trickle in. So far only one other girl had settled into Finley’s row, on the complete opposite end from her.
At eight-forty a middle-aged man entered the room and started logging into the computer, no materials with him other than his reusable water bottle and cell phone. Finley assumed he had to be the professor and nodded before looking back down at her phone. Something about him just felt off, but she couldn’t pinpoint what the ‘offness’ he gave off was.
A couple minutes later she heard someone move past the girl at the end of the row, mumbling a ‘sorry’ as they slipped behind her chair. The footsteps indicated they were most likely a male, and as they got closer Finley got a whiff of their body scent. It could only be described as ‘boy’. The cologne and deodorant he had on clashed and the smell of the two mixing with his normal scent made Finley sneeze. Fantastic.
She heard the stranger get closer and closer until his erratic heartbeat settled right next to her, he also smelled like some type of medication, something with amphetamine in it. “Hey,” his voice distracted her while she was in the middle of typing out a message to her brother, trying to concentrate on the message she had been through the fog that was this boy’s natural scent. She hoped he would leave after she didn’t acknowledge him, but after he didn’t leave after a few seconds Finley caved.
She looked up and noticed the boy had dark hair and soft brown eyes, his facial expression definitely gave away his anxiety about his first day. His thumbs were hooked into the straps on his backpack while he rocked on the balls of his feet. “This seat free?” He asked while pointing at the chair next to where Finley sat. She gave him a quick once over and noted how he nervously chewed on his bottom lip, his cheeks getting a little bit red as his heartbeat quickened, his nerves only growing.
He was nervous, and kind of cute, he could stay. Finley nodded and pulled her other headphone out, “yeah.” She didn’t understand why he had to sit right next to her when there were plenty of other seats free that weren’t near anyone. There were also a few seats two away from her but decided not to point it out.
He wore a loose red and black open flannel shirt that contrasted the fitted white tee he had on underneath; his spindly muscles visible through the material. His legs sported a pair of dark jeans and he had a black leather belt tight around his waist. To anyone else he would smell like old spice deodorant and fabric softener if they were sitting this close to him. However, Finley smelled the anxiety that seeped out of his pores.
“Some boy just sat next to me,” Finley sent her brother.
“He reeks of anxiety,” she added, wrinkling her nose and trying not to sneeze again after she had sent it. She went to slip her right headphone back in but instead felt the boy next to her stealing a nervous glance at her. Finley knew he considered saying something to her and instead opted to unplug her headphones and slip them into her school bag in a messy tangle of wires.
“I’m Stiles! I’m from California!” He offered Finley a nervous smile after his more than awkward introduction, his heart beating ever faster than after he sat down. Did he know introductions didn’t have to be so formal and forced?
Before Finley mustered a response to Stiles’ introduction, she watched his eyes trail to her lacrosse stick that peeked over the top of the table. “Oh woah! You play lacrosse here?” She looked down at her hoodie which had ‘American University Lacrosse’ printed on it, to make sure she pulled on the hoodie she thought she did before leaving the locker room. Maybe he thought it could be her boyfriend’s? But American didn’t have an NCAA men’s lacrosse team, they only had a club men’s lacrosse team.
Holy shit, Finley thought to herself, he also had too much energy. “I’m Finley. I’m from the D.C. area,” she replied slowly. “And yes, I do play lacrosse here,” she could have ended her introduction there, but her dad telling her to be ‘diplomatic’ with her classmates the night before flashed across her mind. “You’re familiar?” She added after the fact.
He nodded enthusiastically, “I played in high school! I’m also playing on the club team here, since we don’t have a varsity men’s team and all. I also probably wouldn’t have been asked to play on a varsity team if there was one.” He reached back to scratch the back of his neck nervously. Maybe he wasn’t so bad, just nervous about being across the country. Or maybe he had ADHD, just like one of her and Cian’s younger cousins.
With a nod at his response Finley turned back to her phone and saw another text from her brother. “The downfalls of being supernatural. Suck it up Fins.” She rolled her eyes at his response and tried to think of something to snap back at him when Stiles’ voice caught her attention again
“So, are you a Justice and Law major also?” Finley could feel his eyes on the side of her face. “Wait no!” He cut her answer off before she could even begin. “This class is for my Legal Studies Major!” He had decided to double major, that had to mean he was pretty smart, right?
Taking another sip of her protein shake to prevent herself from sighing, Finley turned her chair so she faced him this time. “Accounting and Legal Studies.” She saw Stiles ready to ask another question and felt thankful when she instead heard the professor’s voice carry a full ‘good morning’ through the room. 
Her eyes turned to the man at the front of the room as she pulled her legs up on to the chair she sat in, with her legs ‘criss-cross-applesauce’ on the plush material. She felt herself start to swivel back and forth as the professor started his introduction but avoided the urge. “I’m Robert,” their professor seemed to run a very informal classroom. He wore dark jeans and a polo shirt, an unzipped American University hoodie over it.
All of high school Finley’s teachers had spent time telling their classes, ‘this will never fly in college!’ However, that statement quickly had seemed to becoming false as one of the classes for the next day had already been cancelled and the Professor had sent them an email that just stated, ‘read the syllabus, ask any questions in out class on Thursday.’ Mix that message with this professor’s relaxed attitude, casual dress and lack of materials and Finley really believed that her high school teachers had just been trying to scare the students into listening.
“If you’re not here for Introduction to Law, you’re in the wrong place,” he leaned against the table at the front of the room. Finley watched as a few students stood and left the room, they all had their eyes on pieces of paper which most liked contained their schedules. “Anyone else?” Robert gave others the ability to leave if they needed. After he received no response to his question, he pushed himself off the table and clapped his hands together. “Fantastic!”
“Seems nice so far,” Stiles mumbled from his place next to Finley who tried not to show her annoyance with him. She just simply nodded in response and continued watching their professor, still slowly turning back and forth in her chair.
Robert picked up a piece of blue chalk and started writing on the chalkboard. “Since we’re in a freshman class I’ll do the whole introduction thing!” He scraped a few more words on to the board. “So, give us your name, where you’re from, you major, and I guess a fun fact about you or some shit like that.”
Oh, so it would be this kind of class. He pointed at the student who occupied the very first seat in the front row and prompted them to introduce themselves. Finley listened as others introduced themselves mentally taking note of who seemed to give off anxiety and those who were confident going into the first day. Most of the room stank of anxiety, but Finley tried to ignore the smell. She took frequent, small sips of her protein shake to fill her nostrils with the scent of vanilla instead of anxiety. After the boy in the row next to her, David, introduced himself she watched Robert’s eyes flicker over to her.
Mentally groaning, Finley pulled the protein shake bottle away from her lips. “Hi, I’m Finley Mannulv. I’m-”
“Wait. Hold on,” Finley audibly groaned when her professor cut her off. Why did professors or teachers always have to do this? Especially in D.C. didn’t they get the kids of government officials, congressmen, ambassadors, anyone else with a title seemingly ‘important’ to the function of the country and the world, all the time.
“Yes, Mannulv as in Maxwell Mannulv Director of the CIA’s daughter,” she finished for him while rolling her eyes. “Now that we addressed the elephant in the room I’m moving on. I’m here for an education just like everyone else.” She saw Stiles’ jaw open slightly next to her and shook her head. Fantastic, already off to a great first day. “Anyway, I’m from around D.C., originally from New York though, but I’m sure you knew that already,” she glared at her professor. “But I’m an Accounting and Legal Studies major and I’m on the lacrosse team.”
Robert narrowed his eyes at Finley who just offered him a lopsided smirk in response. “And no, my dad didn’t get me in here. I had at 35 on the ACT and a 1550 on the SAT.” She wasn’t going to let him intimidate her.
Robert smiled through clenched teeth, “so nice to have a student with such close ties to the legal system in the class.” He turned to Stiles. “And you?”
Finley coughed when she smelled his anxiety grow even stronger, did this boy ever relax? “Umm hey,” he awkwardly waved around the room. “I’m Stiles Stilinski, I’m from Beacon Hills in California, and I’m a Justice and Law and Legal Studies double major. Umm-” he hesitated, “a fun fact? I’m on the men’s club lacrosse team here.” Stiles took in a deep breath of air after he finished speaking. Finley allowed herself to breath after that and noticed that the air of anxiety around him decreased greatly. She had more important things than Stiles’ anxiety to worry about right now though.
Finley made sure Robert no longer looked in their direction before pulling her phone out. “There’s a guy in my class from Beacon Hills!” She quickly typed out in the group chat she had with her dad and brother knowing they would be interested in the information.
“Is it anxiety boy?” Cian replied.
At the same time her dad sent, “Is he one of us?”
“Yes and no!” She quickly sent. She followed it by saying, “his first name is Styles? I don’t even know if that’s how it’s spelled and I didn’t catch his last name but it started with like Still.” Finley wasn’t sure if that was how he spelled it but that’s how it had been pronounced. Hopefully it would be enough for her dad to work with.
“Just pay attention in class. I’ll send a few messages out and see what I can find.” Maxwell replied while his son answered with “Who the hell names their kid Styles?” Finley locked her phone and slid it face down on to the table in front of her with the ringer turned off.
Still having heard most of the introductions of her fellow classmates, Finley tuned back into class while watching the boy who sat next to her closely.
He definitely seemed human, another supernatural tended to be incredibly easy for Finley to sense, her father had been training her how to do it from a young age. He also didn’t smell like he had recently been in contact with any other supernatural creatures, maybe that was because he had just moved into college? If he lived in Beacon Hills he had to know about all the supernaturals there, especially after Scott McCall managed to somehow chase most of the hunters out of town and create a ‘supernatural sanctuary’ of sorts.
Finley felt a migraine creeping into the back of her head and knew she had to stop stressing about this Styles boy before she wouldn’t be able to make it through the rest of the day. Instead she focused on Robert as he began speaking about what the class would entail.
“As you all know this is an introduction to law class.” No shit, Finley rolled her eyes and took another long sip from her protein shake. “Let me start with this question. Is anyone here somewhat comfortable with the legal process?”
Finley’s hand shot up with absolutely no hesitation and she gave Robert a fake smile, as if she asked him to challenge her. She watched as Stiles’ hand slowly raised from his place next to her and her suspicion of the boy only continued to increase.
Robert looked at Stiles with shock, his hand coming up to point at the pair. “Now I know about Ms. Mannulv’s legal background of sorts. But what about you Mr.,” he trailed off forgetting his last name.
“Stilinski,” he filled in the missing word. Finley would need to remember that as best she could. “And my dad’s the Sheriff of our town back home. I also had an FBI internship for part of the summer.” Finley almost choked on her shake and had to cough again to cover it up, her eyes widening.
“Are you okay Ms. Mannulv?” Finley held a hand up at Robert’s question and nodded for him to continue. She set the shake down in front of her and her fingers were itching to pick up her phone to text her dad and brother with the update, but she knew she needed to wait.
Robert walked back to the computer and pressed a button that had a projector screen coming down from inside the ceiling. “Well, since you two are so comfortable with the basis of law already,” Finley watched as the screen lit up. The words ‘Partner Based Case Study and Mock Trial’ were written across a PowerPoint slide. “You can be our first pair for this semester!”
Finley actually choked on her protein shake this time and spiraled into a coughing fit. She quickly reached out for her metal water bottle and unscrewed the top taking a long sip to clear her airway. “Sorry, practice this morning has me wiped out, especially with the air being cool.” She let the ice water coat her suddenly dry throat. That had been a total lie, her body easily adjusted to the change in air that morning, but it would need to be a good cover for now.
She felt Stiles’ eyes on her and carefully listened for his heartbeat. After detecting a quicker than normal resting heartbeat again she realized he felt just as anxious about this assignment as she did. Maybe they would be able to pull it off.
“So now that we all realize this is a case-based class, if the rest of you would like to partner up with someone else in the class we can go through the syllabus after.” Finley watched as other students started talking with one another, trying to make compatible pairs for their projects. She took the opportunity to open her laptop and pull up the syllabus, also grabbing her phone.
“His dad’s the sheriff.” She quickly sent in the group chat before flicking her ringer back on and turning it all the way down so she would feel the phone vibrate.
Finley quickly made herself come to peace with the fact that she would have to talk to this Stiles boy more often than she originally intended to and turned to face him. “So, this just took an interesting turn.” She offered him a small smile, taking note of the indifferent expression on his face, but she did note that his heartbeat had slowed slightly.
Stiles nodded then looked over to Finley again, his eyes were soft and carried some hints of nervousness, but a genuine smile spread across his face. “Definitely not what I expected to say the least. But I think we’re both pretty experienced so we should be a great team.”
“Definitely,” Finley suddenly decided the rings on her fingers were interesting and started spinning them. “I wasn’t a huge partner work person most of my life, but this should be an easy introduction.”
Stiles snorted out a small laugh and his smile grew, “seems like all I’ve done the past few years is group work.” He shook his head slightly, “this should be a nice transition into college though. A little calmer than life back home.”
Robert clapped his hands to get the attention of his class, waiting for the room to fall silent before speaking. “Hope everyone has a partner,” he walked over to the computer and pulled up an excel spreadsheet. “So, we have Mannulv and Stilinski to start us off.” He typed their last names in and looked up. “Who’s next?”
Finley tuned out after that and picked her phone up off her thigh.
“Stilinski?” Her dad had asked. After replying with a simple ‘yes’, Finley looked to see the spreadsheet almost completely filled out.
Robert filled in the remaining rows and turned the PowerPoint back on. Finley quickly read the ‘Types of Cases’ slide and immediately had her mind set on completing the murder case with the added mental state determination element and wanted to argue on the state’s side.
She turned to Stiles whose eyes still traveled across the slide and waited until he finished reading it and also looked over to her before speaking. “Four?” She asked him, making sure she had the case number right.
“I mean, since you knew what you wanted that quickly,” he shrugged, “sure.” After agreeing on the case, Finley tuned back into the instructions Robert read to the class off another slide.
“So! With that being said after discussing with your partner which case and side you would like to argue for,” he flicked back to the slide. “I would like one of you to raise your hand and let me know.” He leaned back on to the desk.
Finley made eye contact with Stiles again and raised an eyebrow. “Go ahead,” he laughed lightly, giving Finley the go ahead to lock their case in. She quickly raised her hand and watched as Robert raised his eyebrows at her.
“Ms. Mannulv, Mr. Stilinski. That was awfully quick.” He crossed his arms over his chest while speaking.
Finley shook her head with a small smile. “We’re experienced right?” She didn’t wait for the professor’s answer before continuing, “by those standards we should know what we want then. The homicide case, which I’m assuming is actually murder charges, with the mental state element, state’s side.”
Robert smiles after hearing her choice and nodded. “Now as most of you will find out, your case is based on real life cases!” Robert’s voice filled the room, cutting off other student’s conversations. “Which will be expressed in the email I send to those working on each individual case after class. Some cases are closed, others are cold. Cold cases are much harder to work with,” he turned to Finley with a smirk. “After I take down which case, you’re doing you’re free to leave!”
“Thank god,” Finley began putting everything back into her backpack and zipping it up. She watched as Stiles did the same, standing up afterwards and looking over to Finley expectantly.
He watched as she tucked her empty protein shake bottle into the side of her backpack, and she also did the same with her water bottle on the opposite side. She reached down to pick up her lacrosse bag and her stick. She seemed to have everything under control, but should he offer to help her anyway?
Stiles nervously scratched the back of his neck before speaking, “do you umm need, I mean want, do you want help?” He asked her. She stood up straight again, her phone in one hand and her lacrosse bag and stick in the other, a soft smile on her lips.
“I’m okay,” she shook her head. “I mean I’ve been doing it for years now, but I really do appreciate the offer.” Stiles noticed her blue eyes were softer now as they made their way down the middle stairs of the room and out the door. Maybe she wasn’t as cold as she gave off in class.
He wasn’t sure if she had class after this or not, but he knew they finished their class about half an hour early and had been interested in making new friends at college. Lydia told him he should get to know people early on and establish a couple friendships he could see lasting past college. “You’ve played for a while now?” He asked her as they walked outside of the building and into the warming morning air.
“Me?” She laughed a little bit. “Started in second grade, haven’t stopped since. Always wanted to play with the boys though like my brother did.” She shrugged. She didn’t seem to give off the ‘girly’ attitude that Lydia and Allison had through out high school. Finley didn’t ‘dress to impress’ like they had and clearly went for comfort and functionality.
Stiles laughed lightly, “I mean, I didn’t get a ton of playing time in high school, but the pushing and shoving was fun sometimes, especially if I had a little pent up frustration.” The pair stopped once they were outside the building and Finley dropped her bag and stick. She sat down on the top stair of the staircase and looked up to Stiles motioning for him to sit.
He dropped his backpack next to both of hers before sitting next to her. “What brought you all the way out here though?” She asked. “I mean California is across the country and all.”
Stiles carefully thought over his answer, he didn’t want to give away too much about exactly why he had left Beacon Hills. He hoped he didn’t have to open that part of his life up to anyone new so quickly. “Umm, I’m looking to work in the FBI after college, so thought it would be a good place to go to school.” That part held true. “That and my girlfriend is at MIT, we’re close enough to visit when one of us has time.” Right being close to Lydia had also been part of the original plan.
Stiles had been so busy in the past week he had hardly been able to talk to Lydia, or any of his other friends from back home for that matter. Diving across the country had him absolutely exhausted, mixed with the stress of moving in and trying to get settled pretty quickly it had taken up the remainder of his energy. He felt guilty, but he also realized that the lack of communication would sometimes be the consequence of a long-distance relationship.
He watched as Finley reached back to pick up her water bottle and unscrewed the cap, taking a long sip. “Oh god that must be stressful,” she cleared her throat. “I’m only like half an hour from home at most, and I never had time for relationships. That and I think any boy I brought home would be scared of my dad.”
Stiles gave her a curious look and raised his eyebrow, urging her to continue on her thought. “You said he worked for the CIA or something right?”
“Yep, he does. Head honcho of the CIA.” She grabbed the edge of her hoodie and quickly pulled it over her head, resting it across her lap once it came off. “Sorry I started to get warm. But sorry if I acted like kind of a dick in class, I don’t like people questioning my intelligence because of my dad’s position in government.”
Stiles could understand where that frustration could be coming from. He had often used his father’s position as Sheriff to his advantage but had never really experienced the negative consequences that his position could have brought as everyone respected his dad. “I think we’ll be a pretty great team though.” He looked over to Finley who swung her water bottle back and forth between her legs, his eyes momentarily focusing on the object.
“I think we’ll be the best team that guy has ever seen!” She smiled. “I’ll make sure of it.”
A silence fell between the pair and Stiles closed his eyes and allowed his face to tilt up into the morning sun, it’s warmth quickly spreading out across his body. He opened his eyes when he heard one of Finley’s bags being opened. She shoved her hoodie into her lacrosse bag and put her water bottle back into the open side pocket on her other backpack.
She huffed and closed the bag again, standing up. “I need to get to my next class soon,” she offered. “If you want to get lunch and stat looking over our case if we have the materials in time that could work. Here-” She held her phone out to him. “I usually eat at the gym with my team, but I know a couple good places off campus that the meal plan covers if you’d want to do that?”
Right. She grew up around here of course she would know what to eat in the area. “I get finished at 12:20 but after that would work for me.” Stiles hoped their schedules would line up.
“Oh yeah same,” Finley watched as Stiles typed his number into her phone. “I have all early classes, easiest option for me.” She took her phone back before picking all her things up. “I’ll text you after my class gets out!”
“Sounds good!” Stiles threw his backpack over his shoulder before waving goodbye to Finley who went the opposite direction from him. She seemed nice enough, maybe this would be the beginning of his life settling into a new normal.
Finley returned the wave with the hand she gripped her phone in before making her way down the stairs and off to her next class, financial accounting. She flipped her phone over in her hand and unlocked it, looking through texts her dad and brother had sent her.
“Best friends with McCall for years now, human part of his pack basically.” Fantastic, Finley groaned audibly after reading the message her dad sent. She finds a nice boy and he’s best friends with Scott McCall and has a girlfriend.
Finley felt her phone vibrate and looked down to see a message from her brother this time. “Well at least McCall is intelligent unlike some of the others we’ve worked with.” That held true.
Finley sighed deeply as she pushed open the door to the business building, why would she be getting herself wrapped up with a guy from Beacon Hills?
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Design custom Champion lacrosse pinnies (Lacrosse Shirts & Custom Reversible Pinnies), shorts, and Lacrosse Uniform online From BLUE ICE INDUSTRIES. We manufacture lacrosse Shooting Shirts, shorts lacrosse uniforms. bulk discounts or setups for custom-made reversible lacrosse uniforms. Personalize reversible Training Youth Pinnies for your custom team. Add your name, numbers, colors, and more. 100% custom. No minimums. Create your jersey now!
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custom lacrosse reversible pinnies
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custom lacrosse reversible pinnies
Lacrosse Shirts & Custom Reversible Pinnies:
1. Lacrosse Reversible (customize Lacrosse Pinnies)& Shorts can be made in different fabric e.g. Bird eye Mesh, Interlock, Pinnies, Pin dot mesh. 2. Signature Moisture Transport System wicks sweat to keep you dry and light. 3. Lightweight stretch construction improves mobility for full range of motion. 4. Anti-odor technology keeps your gear fresher, longer.
Players need Custom Uniform that are as tough as they are. Design Custom Lacrosse Jerseys, Shooter Shirts, Pinnies, Shorts and many others Sports Goods as well. Order your Custom Gear Today!
Our Specifications:
– No MOQ – High-Quality Products – We are Offering Best Rates. – OEM Supplier – Quick Turnaround Time – Out Standing Services
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For Your Custom Order Please Contact us:
Lacrosse Shirts & Custom Reversible Pinnies- Lacrosse Uniform Design custom Champion lacrosse pinnies (Lacrosse Shirts & Custom Reversible Pinnies), shorts, and Lacrosse Uniform online From BLUE ICE INDUSTRIES. 
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petrovahpierce · 5 years
Athletic Gold White Racerback
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Our Athletic Gold White Racerback pinnies are blank so that people will be able to put their designs. Also, it is made with premium-quality materials to give comfort to everyone while doing activities all day.  So, check out the amazing features of this item. Features: Made in the USA. Our garments are from Kensington, Maryland. We sew, design, dye-sublimates every product in our factory. Durable and washable. Products from Lightningwear are all made from high-quality materials. Therefore, it is safe for machine wash and tumbles dry. Unique color combination. We always want to try something new. Therefore, we combine unique colors to create an excellent product. Available in all sizes. All our blank racerback pinnies are available in all sizes. But, if you are not sure about finding the right size, here’s our size chart. How We Continue to Emerge Lightning Wear continues to partner with active youth, high school, collegiate, and club/intramural programs and individuals. Thanks to several of our outstanding athletes and teams, LW has made our way into several National Television and print appearances. Thank you for your support!  Furthermore, we manufacture custom sports uniforms and apparel for all sports. This includes suits for lacrosse, football, basketball, baseball, soccer, track and field, tennis, golf, and field hockey. Moreover, it also includes intramural teams, fraternity and sorority sports, club teams, and youth sports. Grade schools, youth sports leagues, middle schools, high schools, Colleges, Community Colleges, and Universities play hard and win in Lightningwear. Not only that! We also continue to work with organizations, including the NBA, NHL, and Major League Baseball, on various projects. Furthermore, we can also produce unique designs.   We look forward to impressing your team or organization. Please feel free to write to us at [email protected]. Send us any product suggestions, comments, or thoughts on how we may better serve you and your organization. Read the full article
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themeathead · 7 years
So, I did a thing...
TL; DR I got lit up like a Christmas Tree this weekend and LOVED IT.
So, I did a thing this weekend.
I did a wild and crazy, possibly injurious, thing this weekend.
I did a thing no sane person of my age (42), height (5’ 8” – yeah, yeah I know, leave me with my delusions), weight (more than is healthy), skill level (negligible), and fitness level (round is a shape, right?) should EVER do.
What was that thing, you might ask?
Well, if you’ve been following ANY of my other social media accounts you will have seen the pictures and you’ll already know. For those of you that aren’t – yeah, I did the National Lacrosse League Combine.
I have always wanted to play in the NLL. Since watching my first game at Maple Leaf Gardens in the 90s through to today, I have wanted to step onto that floor and hear my name announced and then play a game. I know there are a LOT of things that are stacked against me. Specifically age, height, weight, fitness, skills, or incredible lack thereof, and an inability to cradle and run at the same time. That didn’t stop me, however. As I realized early in my Fann Cup career that being a runner wasn’t for me, I turned to the twine. Again, all of the things stacked against me were still there, but I worked at it. This summer between May 7, 2017 and the Combine I faced over 1,000 shots playing in three different leagues, and a tournament or two. Against my better judgement, but firmly convinced no one in the NLL offices was incompetent enough to let a beer league goalie slip through, one fine night in July I submitted my name and a $150USD payment to the National Lacrosse League to participate in their 2017 Combine at the TRAC in Oakville, ON. I listed my “qualifications” and other information on the application form, and sent the payment from my local pub. Yes, you read that right. Whilst sitting with a frosty BEvERage by my right hand I clicked “Send Money” on PayPal, and that was it. The die was cast.
The only thing to do from there was to wait for the inevitable rejection letter that was to come. So I waited. And waited. And waited.
Until in mid-August it hit me – I’m not actually getting a rejection letter.
I’m going to have to actually do this thing, like do this thing. I’m going to be putting my abused carcass on the goal line vs. a whole bunch of Jr. A and B, Sr. A and B, college and other players who are looking to crack an NLL roster, and all because I was sure that I’d get a rejection letter and could back out if I wanted to…talk about all time backfires. So, yeah, the realization hits me when I get the combine schedule in the mail and the form greeting email from Brian Lemon at the NLL. Do I still have the cardio? 30m, 5km, and a heart rate under 160 on the elliptical says I do. Do I have the balls to do this? Well, seeing as it’s done, apparently I’ve got a pair of brass clangers the size of cantaloupes.
SO September 16 dawns bright, I hit the elliptical for a quick 5km at 10, then get breakfast and carb load. Come 5pm, I’m rolling up to the TRAC with another player from Reno, NV. There’s 71 athletes ther and then there’s me, one of the shortest people at the combine by a large margin, and one of the oldest by at LEAST a decade checking in, getting my combine wristband, pinnie number, and a LOT of strange looks.
So, physical testing was first. Yeah, THAT was fun. I did as well as I expected on that on, and by as well as I expected, I mean I finished DEAD LAST. Slowest 40 yard dash (6.143s – 72/72). Slowest 300m shuttle (1:25 – T71/72) Slow Agility Weave (14.779s – 71/72) Slowest Pro Agility 5-10-5 (6.4s – 72/72) Short broad jump (6’1” – 71/72) Short seated medicine ball toss (16’7” – T-57/72) Pitiful vertical (18.5” – 70/72). The one surprise was the shot where I was clocked at 51mph (67/72), but even still, I finished dead last in goalies, dead last in the entire Combine. As expected. I list these not as a “Hey, pity me, I’m out of shape” sort of thing and definitely NOT as a “See how AWESOME I AM?” kind of thing, but more as a “Here’s where I started, how much better than me would you have done?” kind of thing.
But that’s really not what the goalies are there for, right? We are there to play. How quickly we can weave in and out of flags cradling a ball means diddly. It’s a situation that we would never have to deal with. Same goes for the pro agility 5-10-5 or the shuttle run. The 40yd might count in getting off the floor, but thank God that didn’t come up in the scrimmage…long story short, I got 27m of floor time. We changed goalies on the fly, and I let in 2 goals on 4 shots in 7 minutes in the 3rd quarter, and 6 goals in the 4th. I mean I got TORCHED and loved EVERY SECOND OF IT. It was like shooting fish in a barrel for these guys. Here’s a stumble-bum 42 year old and he’s putting himself up against dudes that have been playing at some of the highest levels in the sport – what I think was gonna happen? But man…it was glorious. And I’m sad to say it’ll probably never happen again, but I’m glad I did it.
Final haul for the weekend – 1 StringKing head, one Combine t-shirt, 1 NLL Combine jersey (black), assorted muscle and joint strains and soreness, and a story that, along with $7, will get me a pint.
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hockeydilf · 8 years
Someone: Hi
Me: Oh what’s up guys. How’s it going? Brantford Winstonworth here. Lemme get out of bed real quick. Take you guys on a tour of my room here. Uh, so this is my house, I live here all by myself. As you can see, a lot of pastels. Yeah, I went to boarding school. We always rocked pastels. Just some spoons you know, this one, this one is my morning spoon, this is the one I use to hang out and toss out in the backyard with my buddies. This one, I scored like two goals in practice one day in high school, uhh...best goals I ever scored. I call this one fluffy, it's got like a lot of fluff here. Uhh, I’m actually gonna hang on to this one. Grensnwicks Lax. Some pics I found inside Lacrosse Magazine. I hang em up. This is my hat collection here. I've got...here I'll put this one on. Big Dodgers fan. Never been to LA but it's a pretty chill place. Yeah, Nantucket. Asklax. That was my first screenname when I was a little kid. I’m from all over the east coast. I don’t know what it is, I just kinda tend to – my family tends to move to hot bed lacrosse areas. Uhhh it's just maybe a magnetic force in the great Lacrosse Gods universe?? I don’t know. And now, when I was deciding my college process, you know, I was like, D1, D3?? I don't know! But after a while I was like, hey, I gotta go D1 and I am. It's at the club level, but I’m D1, and I’m having fun, living my life, you know, this is my life. Bros anybody care to lax? People tell me, they're like hey Brantford, you don’t belong at this school. You’re only here because your grandpa donated half the buildings. I’m like, you know what? False. I work hard. Work hard party hard. You know, D1, club, whatever, it doesn’t matter. D1 level never stops, even the club. We always work hard. I mean look at these guys... Always trying to get better at the game. Balls, regardless of what it is we're always working hard. So the other day at practice, I mean, what, I was...5 for 20 shooting? Which is okay for me. Everyone knows you can’t score them all. Ummm. I hit two pipes, so. 5 for 18 really. GBs, I had 12 GB’s in practice and if you include line drills I had like 18 GBs so... you know, I’m not really worried. I know I have the skill, my coach says I’m improving. He may just be like...you know, he’s a student...he’s still my coach, you gotta respect him. Do I get chicks? Yes. Do I play Lacrosse? Yes. Do I get chicks because I play Lacrosse? No...I’m very affluent. Shit. I be like, people tell me hey, Brantford, what’s with you and your outfit?? Why you always gotta wear turf dogs, mid calfs, nice shorts and a lax pinny with croakies and a sweet pair of shades? Brantford, do you ever not wear a Lax pinny? And i'm like...yeah, when I’m hooking up with chicks! Preaknis...let me tell you about preaknis. Ya, I’ve never been to the preaknis. I heard its fun though, it's suppose to be a great time. My parents yeah they cater it, the whole thing. So could I go? Yes. But do I go? No. I usually don't have enough friends to go with. I mean I do have friends, enough... to go with, but none... I just heard its really a fun time!!! So in high school, I played football. When I play football, I can’t really have flow cause you kinda gotta look like a hardass. So I used to get a buzzcut, right before the fall season, umm let it grow out until Thanksgiving, go home, and Thanksgiving get a trim, let it rage. Go back, winter break, get a little bit more trimmed and once the season starts come February, I'm just letting it go. And that’s how you get the nice lettuce, that’s really, that’s all that matters, especially at club lax. Ummmm we don’t have the greatest stick skills, we're obviously not as athletic as we should be. I like to Lax and I like to party!
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Custom Lacrosse Shooter Shirt, Sublimated Lacrosse Apparel Supplier
Custom Lacrosse Shooter Shirt, Sublimated Lacrosse Apparel Supplier
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Design custom Lacrosse Shooter Shirts, Shorts, & Custom Lacrosse Reversible Pinnies online from BLUE ICE INDUSTRIES. Fast shipping, bulk discounts, and no minimums or setups for Sublimated Lacrosse Apparel. Get your Quote Now! Custom Lacrosse Shirts Custom Lacrosse Shooter Shirts: 1. Lacrosse Shooter Shirts can be made in different fabric e.g. Bird eye, Mesh, Interlock, Pin dot mesh. 2. Signature…
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custom lacrosse shorts
Custom Lacrosse Shorts:
Show off your love for lacrosse and surfing with these great lacrosse shorts! These (custom Sublimated lacrosse apparel) shorts are crafted out of 100% polyester mesh material for great durability along with sweat wicking properties. Polyester Microfiber is 100% Polyester material that is light weight at only 115 gsm. We can use this in any of our shorts, but generally all-purpose shorts. Features: 1. Great Breathability so helps keep you cool.
2. Light Weight yet durable.
3. Soft Feel, engineered for softness on the body.
4. Resistant to fading.
5. Quick Dry “Wash & Wear” so great for quick turnaround times.
6. Comfortable and form-fitting material.
7. Elastic drawstring waistband.
8. Exclusive and unique wave design.
9. Athletic weight construction is comfortable in all climates.
10. invisible mesh construction is like air conditioning. Specifications:
1. Sublimated Lacrosse Shorts 2. Made of High-quality Fabric 3. No Minimums 4. Custom Logos 5. Quick Turnaround time Order your Custom Lacrosse Gear Today!
  Custom Lacrosse Shorts & Sublimated Lacrosse Apparel Manufacturer Custom Lacrosse Shorts: Show off your love for lacrosse and surfing with these great lacrosse shorts! These (custom Sublimated lacrosse apparel) shorts are crafted out of 100% polyester mesh material for great durability along with sweat wicking properties.
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Lacrosse Jerseys | Custom Lacrosse Youth Jerseys
Lacrosse Jerseys | Custom Lacrosse Youth Jerseys
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Custom Lacrosse Jerseys: Blue Ice's custom lacrosse uniforms are cut and sewn from good quality fabrics in our manufacturing facility. This allows you to design your lacrosse jersey or lacrosse shorts anyway you would love. No other lacrosse uniform producer can supply the extent of customization and guaranteed on-time shipping like Blue Ice Industries. Blue ice Industries has the Custom lacrosse…
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Lacrosse shorts | Lacrosse Uniform
Lacrosse shorts | Lacrosse Uniform
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Customized Lacrosse Shorts: Show off your love for lacrosse and surfing with these great lacrosse shorts! These shorts are crafted out of 100% polyester mesh material for great durability along with sweat wicking properties. Polyester Microfiber is 100% Polyester material that is light weight at only 115 gsm. We can use this in any of our shorts, but generally all purpose shorts.   Features: 1.…
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Lacrosse Reversible Pinnies| Custom Pinnies
Lacrosse Reversible Pinnies| Custom Pinnies
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Lacrosse youth team pinnies: 1. Product Type: Lacrosse Custom Sublimated Reversible Pinnies & Shorts 2. Product Code: LRS-2342 3. Fabric Options: Bird Eye Mesh, Pin Dot Mesh, Interlock 4. Feature: Dry wicking, Breathable, Anti-Bacterial 5. Design: Design Customized 6. Technic: Sublimated Printed  Reversible & Shorts can be made in different fabric e.g. Bird eye Mesh, Interlock, Pin dot mesh.…
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