#ladies give him a break :
willowser · 7 months
i don't think bakugou is that kind of useless dad that can't do anything without you helping him, but i do like the idea of him being a slightly frazzled new-ish dad 🥺
katsuki decides to take the baby with him on his run to the grocery store because you deserve a break, however small, and everything is fine, honestly, like. he can handle it.
but he is standing in line to checkout and there is drool on his shirt and his hair is a little messed up and sticky from being tugged on and he's got his items in one hand and baby on his hip.
your little girl has entered into that phase where she just likes hearing herself make noise, so she's clapping her hands together and just babbling, sometimes too loud, so loud that it attracts attention.
and katsuki is sort of bouncing her a little bit to keep her from getting squirmy, mumbling, "yeah, dah dah dah dah, i know," right to her ears only, giving curt nods to any of the older ladies in the store that coo over the sight of them.
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horror-aesthete · 7 months
Apparently The Terror producer David Kajganich stated in an Q&A what jobs he thinks the characters would have if they lived in the modern day, and I just…
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These are all so fucking funny. Love that one of the show’s producers seemingly has peak Terror brainrot
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hatterstan-shameblog · 8 months
the only thing that would be funnier than resurrecting hatter in season two would be resurrecting him a second time in season three
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papabigtoes · 1 year
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another chapter wip because yeti me have much fun drawing these
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skinreflectsthesun · 4 months
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theydjarin · 6 months
Speaking of video game sex mods. I’ve been playing Dragon Age Origins and I downloaded some of the nsfw mods to add a little ~spice~ and when I made it to the Pearl I stumbled across some dialogue to get companions to do a pole dance. And if you don’t know, these things are not always great (I actually have a lot of thoughts on sex mods that’s for another post)
But nothing could have prepared me for Alistair doing some absolutely crazy moves to LADY GAGA JUST DANCE with a FULL erection randomly interspersed with his one liners (“I could get used to this”)
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promptosselfieshot · 10 months
I spent nearly two hours on this edit
all credits goes to me
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no-light-left-on · 1 year
How would Emily react to meeting the Outsider? In petrified!Corvo line? Or maybe you would find petrified!Emily line more interesting?
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not 100% sure if this is what you had on mind anonnie but I've been brainrotting about a post-DotO scenario where the now human Outsider comes to the Tower and Emily is overjoyed with seeing him again and they become best friends
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
Just though if this from your post,
So like imagine shuichi needs to get mouth surgery and from my experience there’s a lot of blood in like the two hours after
Now imagine his parents driving him home after and shuichi being numbed up starts just water falling blood from his mouth
Now imagine byakuya watching in horror as his son, his boy, his universe, his pride and joy releases blood from his mouth
Now my question is, how do you think he would respond
ok so first things first we're gonna establish where everyone is in the car tm. In the front, we have Kirigiri driving and Togami in the passenger seat, with Naegi and Shuichi in the backseat. (Gonna end up drawing on the last time I had to go into the dentist for surgery, which was like a year ago to get a tooth filled)
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Bitty Bucko is totally out of it from being fresh off the surgery slab so I don't think he'd notice or at least even fully feel it depending on how heavily numbed up he was. Naegi, sitting right next to him, would probably be first to notice. He claims to be the most basic of basic boys so I have to assume he's been to the dentist a normal human amount of times (He's never had braces tho because I will take tooth gap Naegi to my grave) and would just try his best to help Shuichi clean it up.
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So yeah Shuichi gets cleaned up real quick but not long after The Front Seat Duo Tee Em and to prevent Togami from getting them all killed on accident they pull over so he can check on him✨
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Homeboy gets him some water, helps him clean up, then when they all get home Shuichi gets some hot coco and a much needed nap. Togami also took Naegi's spot next to Shuichi so that if it happened again he could help Shuichi out without them having to stop.
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jessreadsandreads · 2 months
I have also been told, by multiple sources, that I have a whole entourage of ancestors and miscellaneous entities hanging out with me, and I like to believe that's because I have the most adorable and interesting-to-observe love life of any of their potential descendants. I mean, who doesn't love a great rom-com!
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aletheialed · 5 months
also. so okay i added lady baskerville as a muse. i can't help myself (backstory under the cut)
the basic backstory i have for her is that she was raised a noble, but her parents were generally pretty shitty/neglectful to her. she often found herself frustrated with the way she was treated as a woman in society, and was eventually forced into an arranged marriage with a man who was abusive to her. everyone knew the man's true nature, but no-one did anyone to stop it, which led to her becoming bitter and cynical about people.
she was offered a chance to be freed from her marriage if she became an assassin for some high up house or another, and gladly took the chance, feeling it was her only way out and not caring if she had to kill innocents to get it - after all, if no-one had tried to help her, why should she care about them? and since it allowed her to live, she pushed any concerns she may have had aside.
she eventually met a young woman who she actually bonded with, and betrayed the people she was working for when she was ordered to kill her. she basically went solo and chose her own targets after that, but eventually met klint, and slowly started to stop her work as an assassin altogether as she got to know him.
THE PROBLEM IS I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE ERA TGAA TAKES PLACE IN OR HOW ASSASSINS WORK/WORKED LMAO so this may be. WAY off/inaccurate and in dire need of changing... i'd love to hear thoughts on what needs changing if you feel that that's the case! but that's mostly what i've got at the moment.
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y-eontan · 6 months
coaching the girlie that she Should by all means make her boyfriend help her cook the food he demanded of her and that is not endearing that his repertoire consists of Scrambled Eggs.
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
Always funny to me when people say, "Why was the Doctor ever interested in River in any way when she's Not A Good Person," as if a) their oldest and closest friend in the universe isn't The Master, someone very much not known for being a particularly good person, and b) there wasn't literally a line that went, "And unlike me, [River] really doesn't mind shooting people. I shouldn't like that; kind of do a bit."
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willowfey · 10 months
a year and one day ago, one of my favourite people in the world, my kindred spirit, my uncle chris, died of a heart attack. he was a kind sensitive gay man who loved to read and travel and make people laugh and wake you up in the middle of the night to go out for ice cream if he was lonely. he had a peculiar interest in clowns and circuses and trains. he loved dogs more than people and people more than anything else in the world. i never got the chance to talk to him about being autistic but i’m almost 99% sure he was.
i couldn’t say anything about him on the day because i was absolutely inconsolable. i sat on the shower floor until it went cold and sobbed for hours so hard i threw up and then didn’t speak the rest of the day. and then, late at night, i went out for ice cream and was served by an old queen covered in pride pins who was around his age, and he reminded me of him, and it helped a microscopic amount. my mom told him we lost our uncle and he looked at me and i wanted to tell him “you remind me of him” because i know he would’ve understood, but i couldn’t make any words come out, so we just looked at each other a moment. i don’t remember anything else about that night. except that it rained really hard for a long time. i still go there for ice cream occasionally and he serves us every single time and he talks as if we’re good friends, even though i never do much of the talking.
anyway. i went back to look at his obituary today and it feels like it just happened. or like it didn’t happen at all. idk. but the thing that’s getting me the most is i’m looking through his photo gallery and there’s pictures of him in his teens and 20s and like….. we would’ve been friends. i just know we would have. despite how quiet i was in school, despite how quiet HE was in school, he would’ve seen me one day and said smth to make me smile like he always did and we would’ve been best friends from then on. but i was born 30 years too late and instead of befriending me first he befriended my grandmother and mother, and instead of going to school with him every day he called me nearly every day to do animal impressions. mr. cow says hello. mr. sheep says good morning. mr. horse is passing the phone to silly chris now. we grew up calling him silly chris. that was just his name. one word. sillychris.
idk where i’m going with this post but i just wanted the world to know that i miss him, and that when my nephew is finally big enough to use the phone he’ll have to speak to my secretary mrs. horse
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v-anrouge · 1 year
omfg,, if the lipstick stains i left on Jade ever got smudged during the day or smth would he get clingy w me and ask me to kiss him again while giving me those puppy dog eyes (id kiss him without him even having to use that adorable pout on me) or,, if the lipstick stain(s) he left on me smudged or got wiped away on smth,, would he,, replenish it ifyougetwhatimeantsskjhal he could kiss me dizzy like f me i love this guy somuch-
you two just constantly kiss eachother until at some point both of your face's are just a fucking mess and azul tells you two to go home
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