#ladies square scarves
tharsei-thanate · 1 year
what if I finally sit down and learn how to crochet a granny square
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itsfairly · 1 year
Untangling the Yarn // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Summary: Nanami helps you when your knitting project is not coming along.
Notes: sfw, fluff, gender-neutral! reader, established relationship, pet names (sweetheart), pep talk kinda off deal, not proofread.
A/N: yeah, well, i couldn't get the handle on this tutorial. so i am taking my frustrations out on this. i love knitting but i hate not getting it on the first try, sucks to suck. anyways, i know this is a different tone from how we are all acting with Nanami after this week's episodes, so sorry. But hey, we get fluff, that's always good since...you know...sorry.
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"I don't know what I am doing." You groan, putting down the needles after what seemed like a mess in your hands.
You know how to knit. Well, know enough stitches to get by when doing granny squares and scarfs. That alone lets you do plenty of things but you want to push yourself and do something new. Somehow you landed on a shawl, something light to cover you on breezy days, something simple—not complicated. Spoiler, it was complicated.
You got circular needles like the ones in the tutorial you watched and decided to start working on your project as soon as you got home. Which leads us to this moment. You sitting on the couch after god knows how many tries of doing the first row alone, each with its own challenge. The thread comes loose and you have to start over. Or you get lost in how fast the lady in the video seemed to go, even if you slowed it down to 0.5. Or when you managed to get to another row, the thread balled together like a lump.
It was frustrating. All this trial and error led to minimal but insignificant changes each time, which didn't feel fair. You were paying attention but it seemed your hands couldn't make what the video showed you. It made you feel ridiculous that you even thought you could do a shawl. It was humiliating.
Ever the most attentive boyfriend, Nanami picked up on your frustration growing as he heard you sigh and repeat the last 10 seconds of the video. When he saw you drop the needles onto your lap and leaned back on the couch with your head thrown back, he knew it was a sign for him to put down the newspaper and intervene.
"You're getting there, you just-"
"If you say 'be patient' I'm going to lose it." You interrupted him with a warning.
Nanami sighed, turning his body to face yours as you two seat on the couch. He takes a look on your face and sees that your frustration is more than just being annoyed at your project not coming along—but also disappointment. Your pout told him that much as you started to detangle the little thread you managed to knit reluctantly.
"I know it's the last thing I should be saying, but it's true. This is different from what you usually do, you have to give yourself some time to grasp it." He says, mustering a gentle tone to avoid making you feel as if he's patronizing you.
You turn your head to look at him, cheek squeezed by the couch as your face betrays you, showing him you were growing insecure about your skills. It made his heart crack just a little when he saw that glint missing from your eye when you first sat down to knit.
"I don't want to just make simple things like boring scarves or useless squares." You admitted softly, your hands fidgeting with your yarn.
Nanami places a hand around you, pulling you close to him for a much-needed break from what was stressing you. It was ironic that the thing you did for fun and helped you unwind was making you feel like this. He took one of your hands and started massaging your palm, soothing the muscles that were starting to feel sore over the needles. It made your brows relax at the feeling.
"Then don't. You are already doing something different."
"Yeah, and it's looking like just tangled yarn. I don't know, it's just..." you sigh, placing your head on your shoulder. "it's not looking like that," you added, pointing at the screen that was displaying a pale pink shawl flawlessly done.
"Sweetheart." He called out, holding your hand into his and squeezing it gently. He could see you were getting in your head and he needed you to get out of there. "You're just starting this, they probably have done this a million times and have messed up before. It doesn't have to look perfect on your first try."
He was right but his words weren't on the nail just yet. You know that the first won't be perfect. But why weren't you able to get it yet? You were struggling with the first steps and it made you feel as if you were the worst knitter in history. You start to wonder how the heck you even managed to knit other stuff before.
Nanami calls your name gently, caressing your arm softly to bring you back to the same place you two were. You look at his eyes, slightly moving your head on your shoulder to look comfortably at him as he speaks.
"How it looks shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun. It doesn't matter if it looks like or better than the tutorial if it makes you feel like this. You should knit because you like knitting."
His motherly tone warms your heart and it makes you smile. Even if your chest is still heavy with disappointment, his words made you remember why you even took knitting as a hobby. It wasn't because you were thinking of it as some revenue or something to show off, it was because it relaxed you. The end products were just extras.
"Besides," he adds as he pulls you closer to him with a squeeze at your arm, "I love those scarves you make, especially the one you gave me at our anniversary."
He wasn't just saying it to make you feel better. The things you made may take time and may be quite simple, but they were made by you. You and you alone added that extra warmth on the scarves and projects you made with those squares that made them extra cozy. He loves it even more knowing you made a scarf for him and him alone.
"You don't care that the things I made are boring?" You ask, your tone already becoming much more content and softer.
He shakes his head. "If they are boring, then why do I love them so much?"
Your heart softens up, smiling lovingly at him as you lift your head off his shoulder and press a kiss on his cheek. It makes him hum, his hand roaming down to the curve of your back as he keeps you close.
"Thank you, honey." You say as you return to your previous position with your back against the couch. This time, rather than slouching, you are sitting much straighter with a more confident attitude.
"Anything for my favorite knitter." He hums, quickly returning the kiss by pressing his lips on your temple.
You chuckled, feeling the motivation you needed back into your being. You take a big breath before taking back the needles and repeating the first step for the nth time. It's still frustrating that it takes you quite a few times to get a single step right. But the way Nanami rubs the small of your back even as he continues to read his newspaper is enough to keep you calm and try again.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
How various Masters of the Air characters crochet, the list no one asked for:
Ken: Makes everything out of twine because no one cares if it gets smudged. Half the containers holding small hardware is little buckets he's made. He also makes standing mats so the boys get some sort of foot cushioning when they work. He swaps squares the size of the farm ladies's dining chairs for their pretty lace work, which he passes over to the fellas to send their girls. The boys pay him in cigarettes. He swaps the cigarettes for sweets when he goes into town, keeps a couple of pieces for himself and just happens to have a couple of pieces every few times he sees the kids around.
Robert: Technically proficient but makes him sleepy.
Bucky: Always trying a new technique. Cannot be trusted not to jab you with a hook if you're sitting next to him. Will say "Hold your hands like this" to Buck and use him as a yarn swift.
Buck: Tiny thread master. Makes very intricate doilies and curtains because he will be the best goddamnit.
Curt: He will make a granny square. Then another granny square. Then more granny squares. Other motifs, too. Never joins them. Just has piles of them everywhere.
Dickie: Is the only reason Curt's motifs are ever turned into blankets or bags or anything else. Can crochet but prefers the putting together part of it all.
Hambone: Fastest stitcher of the entire 100th. Will shout at you if you try to talk to him while he's counting.
Brady: Hats. Nothing but hats. Doesn't give a shit to make anything else. Everyone has a Brady hat.
Everett: Sweater expert. Made matching flying sweaters from him and Douglass.
Douglass: Great at socks. Made socks to match the sweaters.
Jack: Scarves and fingerless gloves. He likes matching stitch patterns. He's pretty sure he can find a good stitch pattern for each fella in his command. He's right.
Chick: Every chair set in his office (and there are several styles) were made by him. Filet crochet King.
Harry: Edgings because he can't concentrate for more than five minutes at a time without thinking about four other things. Towel edgings are perfect.
Bubbles: Blanket King. Coziest field hospital in the whole Air Army thanks to him.
Demarco: Toys for the kids (and Meatball). Comes up with a Meatball plushie on the fly, and then all the kids want one.
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as a serial crocheter klaus and that old lady wearing granny square scarves is probably the only shoutout the community has ever got without being bullied for it.
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atmilliways · 1 year
for the “send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it” ask meme: my title is Let Me Make the Most of Us (from the song Runner by Tennis)
(fic title meme)
Okay, stick with me while I demonstrate why nothing I want to write ever ends up short.
Let Me Make the Most of Us is mostly about Steve throwing himself entirely into becoming Eddie's Perfect Boyfriend. He learns how to play D&D. He gets into Lord of the Rings. He gets into metal music, going to all of Eddie's shows and getting them tickets to any concert with a band Eddie likes that's within a reasonable driving distance, saving up his days off specifically so he can always be able to go with him. He learns how to do his own eyeliner and sew patches, and eventually makes a battle jacket to give to Eddie, since he wears the one Eddie made. And their sex life? Eddie is the first guy Steve has ever been with, but god as his witness he is a dedicated and enthusiastic learner.
They're basically inseparable, and it's amazing, but Eddie is dying a little bit.
Because Wayne makes an idle comment about Steve not seeming to have any hobbies of his own, and it's All. Eddie. Can think about.
He realizes that Steve never talks about basketball anymore and skips watching important games (which he used to do with Wayne) in favor of campaigns and concerts and tagging along to Eddie's rehearsals. (Unnamed Freak is leaving town for college soon, but Steve is getting pretty good at playing bass.) Eddie tries to ask him about his old interests but Steve keeps insisting that everything's fine, he just wants to be with Eddie and he likes what Eddie likes now, what's the big deal?
Eddie is slowly becoming less and less sure that this Steve is the Steve Harrington he fell in love with. Which is weird, because preppy jocks had never really been his type, but... he can't help feeling that Steve is turning himself into someone else. These thoughts keep taking him out of the moment. He tries to talk to Robin about it, but honestly she's just as puzzled as he is. He tries to talk to Nancy about it, but despite being friends now Nancy prefers to avoid the topic of her and Steve entirely; she still feels guilty about the way she broke his heart and cheated on him at the end. So she's no help.
Steve, Eddie realizes, has been diligently soaking up everything he's said about the evils of conformity and how boring the "normal" people can be, and has reshaped himself. But in doing so, he's wallpapered over so many personal quirks that Eddie finds himself genuinely missing—like doing funny little dance moves around the kitchen and singing quietly along to top 40s hits while making breakfast, or being incredibly fussy about getting the perfect swoop to his hair in that classic 'drives the ladies crazy' way that Eddie secretly always swooned for, or wearing soft yellow sweaters in the fall and the most ridiculously fluffy scarves all winter. Now he headbangs and knows who Ozzy is and is a sexy hot mess in band tees and black and denim and he has a tongue piercing (and some other piercings too, and a few tats)—all of which is very hot, but Eddie misses the soft things too. He starts to feel like he's dating himself, which... bleh. (And fine, maybe he needs to work on his own self-esteem a bit, but that's not the issue here.)
But Steve keeps insisting everything is great, and Eddie keeps looking back at the past, feeling like he's losing his mind a little bit and like it's his own fault. Or maybe it isn't, but he still doesn't know how to square with it, how to make things feel right again.
... I don't actually know how to solve this either, but I desperately want it to have a happy ending somehow where Steve figures out a good balance between his old and new interests, and Eddie, idk. Takes up jogging with him, or something. They compromise on what time of day, though, because Eddie is a night owl while Steve (despite months of valiantly trying to be a night owl) is very much a morning person. Instead of jogging in the morning, Steve agrees that they can jog at dusk after they both get out of work.
And whenever Eddie can afford to he showers Steve in soft pastel sweaters and colorful clothes, takes his boyfriend and his uncle to sportsball games to see teams he knows they like (and only makes embarrassing mixups where he gets seats in the wrong team section sometimes), and goes to every game for the community basketball and baseball teams Steve signs up for. Robin approves of all of this, pointing out to Steve that he seems so much lighter and happier now, to which he sheepishly agrees and Eddie gives him a kiss on the cheek because d'awww, bashful Steve.
If Eddie also hires Jonathan at some point to take swimsuit pinup shots of Steve as Eddie's birthday present to himself one year, that is between the three of them and the full ounce of weed that made up part of Jonathan's payment.
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kentwang · 2 years
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We hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!
In our 15 years of operation, we have never held a Black Friday sale. We believe it’s better to have one low price all the time. There’s no need to wait for a sale, because our prices are low year-round.
If you're thinking about the upcoming holiday season, one-size accessories take the stress out of gift-giving. From familiar classics like ties, pocket squares, and watches to rarities like our ebony chopsticks, we have your perfect gift. For the ladies in your life, our sunglasses and scarves are unisex.
New Yorkers may visit our showroom, where you can buy most of our items right away. Still stumped? Gift certificates are available in any denomination. 
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kylazoran · 2 months
OOAK Crochet scarf bohemian boho chic crochet shawl Crochet wrap Granny square scarf Fringe scarf cowl Knit neck warmer Womens knit scarves
LAST ONE READY TO SHIP! Beautiful patchwork crochet scarf – great neck warmer and statement accessory wearable any season. Hand crocheted in soft half-woolen yarn, soft and cuddly, very feminine and exquisite, great gift for ladies of any age. ■ 100% handmade with care and love ■ Soft and pleasant to touch, made of high quality half woolen yarn (40% mohair, 60% acrylic) ■ SIZE: to fit most adult…
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customknitfactory · 5 months
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virginiablossoms · 9 months
4 Stylish Ways to Wear a Scarf by Virginia Blossoms
When it comes to accessories, silk scarves are a wardrobe essential, adding a touch of luxury to any outfit. Their versatility allows for various styling options, elevating a simple tee and jeans or bringing glamour to a formal gown. Beyond fashion, scarves are a travel-friendly secret, expanding your wardrobe without weighing down your luggage. Despite their potential, many of us haven't explored different ways to wear scarves. Let's embark on a scarf styling journey together. Read on to uncover new and chic ways to tie your ladies' scarves.
Master 4 Stylish Techniques for Wearing a Silk Scarf
Discover countless ways to effortlessly style a silk scarf, tailoring it to match your individual taste. Whether draped, tied, or twisted, a silk scarf effortlessly brings a touch of luxury to any ensemble. Unleash your creativity and enjoy experimenting with fresh styles!
Check out the video above 👆🏼 for a visual guide to all the looks demonstrated. You can also find detailed descriptions of each style in the blog post below. Embrace the versatility of scarves – there are endless cool ways to elevate your fashion game.
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 1. Wrap a Silk Scarf on Your Shoulders.
For a touch of glam or to stay warm on breezy summer nights, go for a long rectangular scarf draped over your shoulders. Simply tie a loose knot on one end, loop the other end through, and drape it comfortably. Adjust the length and width, then tighten the knot for a secure look. Note: Despite the lavender color, the scarf maintains the same rectangular shape as the next three styles.
2. Iconic Style: Rock the Knotted Scarf Look
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Ever wondered how to rock an oblong scarf? This easy and versatile style, seen on Acne Studios runways, is the answer. Elevate any outfit with a hint of flair and a splash of color. Feeling cozy or aiming for a chic touch? Experiment with a French knot to add warmth to your neck or jazz up your casual T-shirt effortlessly.
3. The Headband
Transform your look effortlessly with this stylish scarf trick. Take a large square scarf, fold it diagonally, and grip it at the halfway point. Position it on your forehead, tie a snug double knot like a headband, and neatly tuck it beneath your hair for a polished finish. For an added touch of elegance, drape it around your bun.
Embrace creativity by experimenting with it as a bow tie, a waist wrap, or even a belt. Whether it's a breezy day or you're chasing a summer vibe, scarves are your ultimate style companion. Explore more chic scarf ideas on our blog. The allure of silk scarves lies not only in their versatility but also in their travel-friendly and low-maintenance nature. Throw a vibrant or patterned silk scarf into your bag for an instant style boost on your next journey. Dive into diverse scarf styles and relish the joy of experimenting with your unique look!
4.  The Ascot
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The Ascot style is perfect for keeping your neck snug on chilly winter nights. Fold your scarf in half lengthwise, tie it evenly around your neck, and loop the ends around each other. This creates a warm and snug scarf that will keep you cozy throughout the night. Play around with variations like a half knot or a simple neck loop, European style, for a stylish twist!
Elevate your outfit game with the timeless charm of scarves! Silk scarves, in particular, are the epitome of luxury, adding a splash of color and texture effortlessly. Dive into a world of endless styling possibilities – be it as a chic top, a funky foulard, or even a trendy short dress.
Silk Hair Scarves for Girls: An Elegant Statement with Virginia Blossoms
As we ride the scarf wave into 2023, anticipate more scarf-centric posts. Stay tuned for special post on how to rock those square silk scarves, a celebrity favorite season. Feeling inspired? Share your scarf styling adventures in the comments below and let's keep the conversation stylish!
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tri-poke · 10 months
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Gale grins back at him all tooth. "Well, if you got anything to back up the claim-" She ducks her head around to make sure that Luger is out of earshot. And pops right back up like a willow switch when she sees he is. "Pot is up to $12 Hessmarks to anyone who can ride him." Somehow, the girl manages to get more teeth to show. "Half a Mark on Little-Leaper." Little-Leaper squawks at his name and pounces on the fence, there's a ripple of crunches as he chews happily on the wood.
She points at another of the Tripokes, a little old lady with a pipe, wrapped up in what looks like all the brightest scarves this side of the Western Wall.
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The little old Tripoke waves her pipe and blows out a plume of smoke. She speaks in the rasp of someone who probably started smoking at the same age that Gale supposedly started playing with guns. "$3 Hessmarks to any man who can beat me twice with a throwing knife. But I warn you, stranger, fair and square, I'm the cook. I know my way around a knife."
Gale snorts. "It was $2 Hessmarks yesterday, Cookie."
Cookie shrugs with a smile. "I won more after you went to bed yesterday."
Gale rolls her eyes. "We're up to $7 and a half for anyone who can outshoot me."
"$8, you forgot Stammers," Cookie offers.
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"Oh, yeah, I did forget Stammers."
A chalk splinter of a man stammers a long series of syllables that end up, "Hey, I'm right here. That was my last half-mark. That ain't funny."
Gale slips out a little leather bag and shakes it so Zach can hear the coins jingling. "What's your pleasure? But if it's Demon-Tooth, your safety is up to you. I'd start with Little-Leaper if it were me."
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Weird Questions: 5, 8, 9 & 13
I ended up saving some previous asks, knowing I was going to have an AMA (Ask Me Anything) coming up. And it's an AMA weekend, so now is the time to answer all these questions! (but you can still ask me more, either cheekily anonymous, or bravely under your name). Here's a quartet from a lovely anon! I'm going to answer them in reverse order to keep the answer for the last one under a cut.
What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Incredibly difficult: Relationships between ex-lovers. I have no exes. I married the first, last, and only person I ever dated/had a relationship with, and we have a great relationship of 26 years. My parents have been together for 47 and married for 45. The only set of grandparents I knew were high school sweethearts who married after my grandfather came back from being a POW in the Korean Conflict. It's really been the relationships prior to that where there's divorces and widows who marry three times and lots of interesting stories that come with the phrase 'it was unheard of at the time' (Great-great-grandma D, I'm looking at you being in your 60s and marrying the 18 year old farm hand as your third husband--good for you, that's a queen move right there). So I have to rely on research and what other people tell me.
Easy: Many other things, because I'm a method writer--it means I do a lot of immersive writing. Example--I started writing some years ago that Finrod knits. When I got to a point where I was writing a lot of things about Finrod, it made me realize -- I should learn how to knit so I don't just half-ass it. I have now made four blankets and many scarves and something square and very rainbow and I don't know quite what I did but I like it. Anyhow, for most things, I go have experiences. I collect realia that fits the themes/scenes. I use ambient noise while writing if I can't get to an actual place to do the writing. I've learned how to kickbox, ballroom dance, bake and decorate fancy desserts, do carpentry, make paper, make ink, make clothing, been around alllll sorts of animals (many of the random encounters with wild animals aren't a thing I can really plan, but I've had more than I can count, and they've all been useful). I have some limits, but they are few (and probably strange, honestly).
Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know.
Yes. I've lived in a house that had two of them, and I had a very specific encounter when I was a teenager. I was working one day at the retail counter and the father of my boss came in. There was an older woman next to him. They were sort of conversing--she was doing most of the talking, he was just making grumbly noises. They never made eye contact. She was wearing all black, including a lace cover over her hair, which is how I even was watching, because her clothing was just unusual for the time period and for an afternoon of coming into a little retail store. He eventually got her back to the door, opened it for her, she left, and he came to fiddle with something behind the counter. When I asked him 'who was that?' he looked a little shocked, but told me it was "Old Lady (name redacted)".
About a week or so later, the store owner and his wife returned from vacation. They asked me how things went in their absence and I filled them in. When the owner said 'I hope my dad didn't bother you too much', I told him no, it was fine, he was just a little grumpy when Old Lady (nr) came in. The owner was like "…are you sure that was what he said? Because Old Lady (nr) has been dead for a while."
Of course, I had to ask his father the next time I saw him. He adamently denied having said anything to me, denied having had a conversation with anyone, denied the whole thing happening. Cameras were already wiped from the week by then, but then again--I don't know if I really wanted to check them. I replay it sometimes, watching them walking around and talking, them not looking at each other, her not picking anything up or touching anything--but she did look at me at one point.
So I did go look her up eventually.
She passed away in 1992 at the age of 88.
This encounter could not have been earlier than 1996, because I started working there in November of 1995.
Found a photo of her recently in a historical archive.
It's her.
Every time I go past, day or night, I glance over. I guess I'm waiting for the day I see her standing in front of the store or something.
What is your darkest fear about writing?
That after I'm gone, it'll all just disappear like it was never there at all. But this isn't just a me thing--it's a 'for everyone' sort of thing. Libraries and archives make concerted efforts to collect physical and other digital copies of literature--fanfiction doesn't get that same attention--but it should. It's a record not of what was profittable, but of what people were passionate about.
Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Under a cut for mentions of death:
There have been a few times I've written scenes that ended up playing out in real life later on. Usually, these weren't a big deal. But I once wrote a scene (this is all original fiction) about a character being killed, and another character (that was loosely based on myself) having to go to the family of the character who was killed and deliver the news. A very short time later -- somewhere between two weeks and a month -- my uncle died, and I had to go to my parents' house to tell my father his younger brother was dead. It was absolutely one of the worse experiences ever, to have to comfort a parent who is sobbing and just keeps saying 'my baby brother is dead' over and over.
So, you will notice, when I write about death, it's off-screen in almost all cases. And I bring everyone back to Valinor -- Elves and also a lot of Orcs and eventually even Morgoth. Someone is always hurt when someone passes away, and I know that I use Valinor as the ultimate 'fix-it' place.
If anyone wants to pull more questions from the weird writing asks, here's the link to the list: https://www.tumblr.com/z-h-i-e/722293323480596480/i-still-have-two-more-from-the-last-one-to-get?source=share
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Different Types of Crinkle Scarves for Ladies in the UK
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If you're a fashion-forward woman in the UK, scarves are likely an essential accessory in your wardrobe. Among the various scarf options available, crinkle scarves have gained popularity for their unique textures and versatile styling options. In this article, we'll explore the different types of crinkle scarves for ladies in the UK, highlighting their features, benefits, and how you can incorporate them into your outfits.
Introduction to Crinkle Scarves
Crinkle scarves, also known as crinkled or crushed scarves, are a trendy and fashionable accessory loved by ladies all over the UK. These scarves are known for their wrinkled appearance, which adds texture and dimension to any outfit. The unique crinkled texture is achieved through special weaving techniques or chemical treatments, giving each scarf a distinct look.
Why Crinkle Scarves are Trending in the UK
Crinkle scarves have become a fashion staple in the UK for several reasons. Firstly, their versatility allows them to be worn in different styles, from casual to formal, making them suitable for any occasion. Additionally, the diverse range of fabrics and designs available makes it easy for women to find the perfect crinkle scarf that complements their individual style and preferences.
Different Fabrics of Crinkle Scarves
Crinkle scarves come in various fabrics, each offering a different look and feel. Here are some popular options:
Silk Crinkle Scarves
Silk crinkle scarves are luxurious and lightweight, making them ideal for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit. They drape beautifully and have a subtle sheen that enhances their appeal.
Cotton Crinkle Scarves
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Cotton crinkle scarves are perfect for everyday wear, as they are soft, breathable, and comfortable. They come in various colors and patterns, making them a favorite choice for casual styling.
Linen Crinkle Scarves
Linen crinkle scarves are a great option for warm weather. The fabric is highly absorbent and breathable, providing a cool and airy feel even on hot days.
Wool Crinkle Scarves
Wool crinkle scarves are perfect for chilly winters. They offer excellent insulation and a cozy feel, making them a stylish choice for staying warm and fashionable.
Synthetic Crinkle Scarves
Synthetic crinkle scarves are often more budget-friendly and can mimic the look of natural fabrics. They are available in a wide range of designs and are easy to care for.
Various Designs and Patterns
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Crinkle scarves are available in numerous eye-catching designs and patterns, allowing you to express your personal style. Some popular options include:
Floral Crinkle Scarves
Floral patterns add a feminine and romantic touch to your ensemble. Whether it's tiny blossoms or large blooms, floral crinkle scarves exude charm and elegance.
Striped Crinkle Scarves
Striped patterns offer a classic and timeless appeal. They can be bold and vibrant or subtle and sophisticated, depending on the color and width of the stripes.
Geometric Crinkle Scarves
Geometric patterns, such as squares, triangles, or chevron, create a modern and edgy look. They are perfect for those who prefer a contemporary style.
Polka Dot Crinkle Scarves
Polka dots bring a playful and fun element to your outfit. They can range from small dots to larger ones, offering various styling possibilities.
Paisley Crinkle Scarves
Paisley patterns have a bohemian flair, adding an artistic and eclectic touch to your attire. They come in various color combinations to suit different tastes.
Styling Tips for Crinkle Scarves
Crinkle scarves are incredibly versatile, and here are some styling ideas to make the most of them:
Casual Day Out
For a relaxed daytime look, pair a cotton crinkle scarf with a plain white tee, denim jeans, and sneakers. This effortless combination exudes chic simplicity.
Formal Office Attire
Choose a silk crinkle scarf in a sophisticated color to elevate your office ensemble. Drape it over your shoulders or tie it neatly around your neck for a professional look.
Evening Glam
Opt for a shimmering crinkle scarf for an evening event. Silk or synthetic scarves with metallic accents can instantly add glamour to your outfit.
Beach Vacation
Linen crinkle scarves are perfect for beach getaways. Use one as a chic sarong over your swimsuit or wear it as a head wrap to protect yourself from the sun.
Winter Warmth
Wrap a cozy wool crinkle scarf around your neck for extra warmth during colder months. Choose one in a bold color to brighten up your winter outfits.
How to Care for Crinkle Scarves
To keep your crinkle scarves looking their best, follow these care tips:
Washing and Drying
Hand wash delicate fabrics like silk and wool in cold water with a gentle detergent. For cotton and linen scarves, a machine wash on a gentle cycle is usually safe. Always air dry to avoid damage.
Ironing Tips
Avoid ironing crinkle scarves, as it can ruin their unique texture. Instead, gently shake and reshape the scarf while it's damp.
Proper Storage
Store your crinkle scarves flat or loosely rolled to maintain their texture. Avoid hanging them, as the weight can stretch the fabric.
Buying Guide: Choosing the Perfect Crinkle Scarf
When shopping for a crinkle scarf, consider the following factors:
Consider the Fabric
Choose a fabric that suits the season and occasion. Silk and wool scarves work well for formal events, while cotton and linen scarves are more suitable for casual outings. Synthetic scarves can be a budget-friendly option and are often versatile for various occasions.
Selecting the Right Length
The length of your crinkle scarf can significantly impact your overall look. For a classic and timeless style, opt for a medium-length scarf that can be draped around your neck once or tied in a loose knot. Longer scarves allow for more creative styling options, such as wrapping them multiple times around your neck or draping them over your shoulders as a shawl.
Color Coordination
When choosing a crinkle scarf, consider your existing wardrobe and select colors that complement your outfits. Neutral colors like black, white, gray, and beige are versatile and can be paired with a wide range of clothing. Alternatively, bold and vibrant colors can add a pop of excitement to your ensemble, especially when you're wearing neutral or monochromatic outfits.
Seasonal Adaptability
Keep in mind the season when purchasing a crinkle scarf. Lighter fabrics like silk, cotton, and linen are ideal for spring and summer, as they offer breathability and comfort. On the other hand, wool scarves are perfect for fall and winter, providing warmth and insulation during chilly weather.
Budget-Friendly Options
Consider shopping during sales or exploring online marketplaces for unique and cost-effective finds.
Where to Shop for Crinkle Scarves in the UK
Finding the perfect crinkle scarf in the UK is a delightful experience, with numerous options available both in-store and online. Here are some fantastic places to buy women’s scarves in the Uk:
Local Boutiques
Visit boutique stores in your area that specialize in accessories and fashion. Local boutiques often carry unique and handmade scarves, allowing you to support local artisans while finding one-of-a-kind pieces.
High-End Retailers
For premium and designer crinkle scarves, high-end retailers offer luxurious options that exude elegance and sophistication. You can find renowned designer brands with a wide selection of high-quality scarves to choose from.
Online Marketplaces
Online shopping platforms provide convenience and access to a vast range of crinkle scarves from various sellers and brands. You can explore different styles, colors, and fabrics with just a few clicks.You can buy crinkle scarves online from Modora.
Artisanal Fairs and Markets
Keep an eye out for local artisanal fairs and markets that showcase handmade products. Here, you might discover unique crinkle scarves crafted with love and attention to detail.
The Enduring Charm of Crinkle Scarves
Crinkle scarves continue to be a popular accessory among women in the UK due to their versatility, stylishness, and the ability to add texture to any outfit. Whether you're dressing up for a formal event, enjoying a casual day out, or preparing for a beach vacation, there's a crinkle scarf to suit every occasion and personal taste.
With the wide variety of fabrics, designs, and colors available, you can easily find a crinkle scarf that reflects your unique style and elevates your fashion game. So, embrace the charm of crinkle scarves and make them an essential part of your accessory collection!
Crinkle scarves are a fashion-forward and captivating accessory that has captivated women in the UK. From silk and wool scarves for formal occasions to cotton and linen scarves for casual outings, there's a crinkle scarf to match every style and preference. With their unique textures and various designs, crinkle scarves add depth and dimension to any outfit, making them a must-have accessory for fashion enthusiasts.
Remember to consider the fabric, length, color coordination, and seasonal adaptability when choosing the perfect crinkle scarf. If you're feeling creative, try making your own crinkle scarf using simple DIY techniques. Additionally, explore local boutiques, high-end retailers, online marketplaces, and artisanal fairs to find the perfect crinkle scarf that complements your individual style.
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Get your scarf printed by silk scarf wholesalers in the USA at cheap prices
A fashion scarves wholesale will save even the most obviously terrible hair day. Simply attempt the styles! fashion scarves wholesale are really functional. fashion scarves wholesale safeguard the head from both the colder time of year wind and the sun related burns. On the off chance that your hair gets screwed up, your scarf will immediately conceal a messy hair day. The requirement for various fashion scarves wholesale discount can carry a recent trend to your style. Buy scarfs from silk scarf wholesalers.
The thin body gets its truly necessary delicate quality with a baggy scarf wholesale. The scarf can be joined with cool summer tops or cool knitwear. The silk scarf is portrayed by regulation, and a silk scarf wholesale  from silk scarf wholesalers.is sufficient! Playing near the ocean wearing a silk scarf looks well and an ocean side scarf is one of the main extra a lady need for summers.
1.        Let's beginning with this conventional wholesale custom silk scarves with logo, for example the scarf  from custom silk scarves manufacturers around the neck and see that the finishes of the scarf are even. With your right hand, string the finish of the scarf over the scarf and get it through.
Then, at that point, go on with your right hand as the opposite side and the scarf is done. A bit "space" can be left between the neck and the scarf, particularly on the off chance that the wholesale custom silk scarves with logo is enormous or the neck is short. Assuming the neck is short, you shouldn't tie the scarf around the neck, since then the neck will look more limited.
2.        Let's beginning again like the past bunch, or at least, make a conventional weave and see that the finishes of the scarves are even. Then pull the scarf from custom silk scarves manufacturers looser around the neck and make the scarf a circle. From that point onward, the right scarf end is strung between the circle and the left finish of scarf between similar distances. Furthermore, this scarf tie is prepared. Before the mirror the scarf can be changed with the goal that it looks level on the front.
Numerous ladies get baffled with scarves from custom printed scarves manufacturers and the explanation is that they don't get their scarves pleasantly, however they slobber over where they hurt. The vastness scarf is not difficult to put on your neck and you can without much of a stretch get a limitlessness scarf from a long scarf by tying the closures of the scarf together, regardless of whether the bunch is huge. This style makes your arms move unreservedly with no cerebral pain of draping closures of the scarves from custom printed scarves manufacturers and suppliers.
Scarves get back into the game and this is because of the prominence of the easygoing shirts on the grounds that the scarf inside the shirt looks snappy work of art. Little Silk Scarves are delicate, warm, cover the throat and neck impeccably so you can go for lengthy drives. You fix the bunch to where you need it in your neck and put it marginally aside. This will make the bunch smooth and clean. You can take a major square silk scarf in a manner like a rain coat or wear it as a sarong while strolling on an ocean side. To wear the scarves then you can visit the web store of ECC, the best Cashmere Scarves, silk scarf wholesalers, and exporters. Here are the absolute best sorts and assortments of the scarves that anyone could hope to find as per the inclinations of each and every lady.
Silk Cashmere Woven Scarves: It's the assortment, where mathematical examples are utilized as one with extraordinary current plans, keep on drawing in scarf lovers. You can undoubtedly communicate your own style with Silk Cashmere Woven Scarves, which consolidate remarkable tones with unadulterated cashmere-silk. If you have an exemplary style and don't have any desire to think twice about quality, you ought to look at the scope of Silk Cashmere woven scarves.
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shoval24 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ANTHROPOLOGIE NWT Alix Kerchief Teal Scarf.
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chokoreaccessories · 2 years
Some Irresistible Reasons to Love Stoles for Women!
Being a great accessory and coverall for years, stoles for women are not a new charm. They have been giving us all warm hugs in some way or other, such as scarves, shawls, and more, for decades. For those, however, who think they are only the best meant for winters can not be more wrong. Accessories such as this can be a beauty to behold and serve you in more ways than you can imagine. For instance, besides being a perfect layer of extra warmth on cold nights and in air-conditioned rooms, they also keep you at bay from direct sun, dust, and pollution. In addition, they often are spotted as fascinating accessories when worn over the head. This brief read will share our prime reasons for loving stoles for women!
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6 Good Reasons to Get Grooving With Stoles for Women:
Look at how scarves and stoles may be our go-to item for staying warm while always looking chic!
Makes You Look Taller & Trendy: Grab your scarf and put on your high heels to give the impression that you are tall. Your profile will be significantly straightened and slimmed down by draping a long scarf around your neck or folding a square scarf diagonally into a narrow band. 
Refresh Your Style: Do you get sick of using the same handbag every day? Or probably the same watch? Adding a stole can also revamp your look and add a breath of fresh air to your wardrobe. For an extra bit of flare, you can tie a lovely silk ladies stole around the handles of your handbag.
Keep Yourself Warm & Snug:  When it's cold outside, your closest friends are a silk scarf or a pashmina stole. Or even when the temperature fluctuates from being warm and cold in a single day, as happens throughout season changes. Not to mention the summer, when going into a room with the air conditioner blasting might influence work! Did we also mention how useful a ladies stole can be on frigid flights? They can always give you those cosy hugs and be handy whenever needed. 
Spice Up Any Boring Outfit: On the days when you step out wearing a plain outfit but suddenly get included in last-minute plans, a fancy stole for ladies can be your saviour. Designer stoles can add that extra touch of oomph and speak volumes of your taste. 
On Formal Occasions: Designer stoles or fancy stole for ladies can be a truly game-changer and, when paired with formal outfits, make a statement look. A solid or plain stole goes very well in such cases. 
Seek Comfort Always: If you are feeling conscious about that plunging neckline or the straps of your dress are slipping too often from the shoulders, a ladies stole can come into play. 
Now all that's left is for you to pick some phenomenal stoles for women and get set with your styling game. Don't worry; we will not leave your side just yet. If you are someone who wishes to have some prints and some solids without compromising the quality, have a look at Chokore. Chokore is a design-led premium accessories brand for both men and women. The collection they have is truly a dream come true for every accessories lover. Brace yourself before you take a dive into their extensive collection, as you would probably want to buy them all. They house silk stoles for women, offered in beautiful shades and lively prints, each taking inspiration and crossing the bounds of imagination to surprise you. Now that you know where to find the best designer stoles, we hope you liked the read, and it turned out to be fruitful for you. Happy styling, and we hope you shine wherever you go with stoles! 
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