#lady violet reinhold
dsco-kjs · 5 months
(i'm sorry if his comic arrived late to the day-)
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Thank you to all moms who did all of this...
we wouldn't be here without you.
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ernestlaytonpolls · 9 months
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alto-tenure · 2 years
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this is my crack theory about the Riddleton-Mysteres, designed to resolve a couple things:
a) Ridelle Mystere as the puzzle collector of Labyrinthia
b) Why she has the same last name as the saint of St. Mystere
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angelbellelc2 · 4 months
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Lady Violet holding little baby Flora is such a wholesome sight. Even though we never meet Lady Violet you can tell she was a loving mother to Flora. I think that the red ribbon Flora wears is the same red ribbon Lady Violet is wearing in this old photo. Flora wears it as it's a keepsake of her beloved mother.
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alovelylonelygoodra · 2 years
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NPC Appreciation week day 1: Curious Village
My choice for the very first day is Lady Violet. When I first saw the picture of her holding baby Flora in the game, my heart just melted. 💖 @layton-npc-appreciation-week​
I know I’m a touch late but I wanted to have a part in this event. Hope this doodle is enough!
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mangledscrimp · 8 months
Why is Flora’s entire family named after apples.
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Her name is aroma in the jpn version of the game
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red Baron apples…Baron augustus reinhold
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Lady violet.. Lady apples….
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pentacle-artist · 11 months
Okay, spoilers for Curious Village, and this is a mini rant about Baron Reinhold's dubious parenting because it has been bothering me.
How much were Flora's emotional needs actually met? I don't doubt that he loved her, but when the game talks about how he showed affection, it was in the context of gifts (like teddy bears and dolls) and grand gestures (like the amusement park). Maybe Lady Violet handled more of the feelings stuff until she died. It would make sense, especially since Flora frequently played by her grave.
Also the fact he created a whole village to take care of her and be there for her but it's a freaking plot point the Reinhold family wasn't super involved with the village so it was hard to find someone who could've been considered a friend of Baron Reinhold. And then when he was dying he locked Flora in a tower to wait for another guardian instead of letting people whom she's familiar with take care of her. And that is ignoring the stupid shutdown function with the treasure.
This guy is defeating the whole point of this village he crafted specifically for his daughter. Genuine question: How much of a difference would there have been in her upbringing if they just lived in a secluded mansion?
In meta, this is probably just writing, but in universe, this guy made quite a few questionable parenting decisions.
Flora needs a hug, oh my gosh.
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multiversal-madness · 2 years
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A collection of concept doodles for Eternal Village, Mysterious Mask and Unwound/Lost Legacy (all apart of the Pandora’s Call Au).
Explanations under the cut because it’s pretty long:
The First and second picture are of Flora Whistler, who takes more after her father in terms of looks, particularly with her hair colour and style. Also as I was doing the second picture, I realised how similar Melina looks to Violet Reinhold/Lady Dahlia. I know it’s most likely a coincidence, but I think it’s pretty interesting.
Third to fifth pictures are all Mysterious Mask related (miracle mask + plvsaa). Akbadain and the masks of chaos and order are more linked to the otherworldly Labyrinthia (that is actually in another world this time) and Randall ends up stuck there for 18 years.
His ‘role’ in the story was to be the troublemaker younger brother of Zacharias Barnham (their dynamic is one I want to explore more cuz it’d be hilarious) but his curious nature led to him remembering/discovering his past and the other world. He wanted to share this discovery, but The Story Teller wasn’t the most pleased with it…
The last picture is of Clive Dove, who is almost the spitting image of his grandfather (much like how Katia is the spitting image of Sophia). I’m leaning pretty heavily towards Clive being Luke’s half brother in this au and I think I’m going to stick with it.
I’m also unsure whether Clive would wear that outfit to act as an older version of Luke or if he’s also inherited his grandfather’s unique style, it might end up being a mix of both.
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
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About the NPCs (may contain spoilers -- proceed with caution!):
Dahlia Reinhold is the head of St Mystere. She was first designed as replica of Augustus Reinhold's deceased wife, Violet, but was later reprogrammed to develop her own personality after this proved problematic.
Otherwise known as: サロメ・ラインフォード夫人 (Japanese); 달리아 라인포드 부인 (Korean)
Remy is a guard employed by the Anderson family, though he frequently falls asleep on the job.
Otherwise known as: ブルック (Japanese); Remo (Italian); 브룩 (Korean)
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theminiartblog · 3 years
For the angst art meme, would you do 🌹for Flora? Thank you! 💖
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🌹 Hanahaki disease
Hanahaki, but this time it's more...familial love. Storge refers to natural or instinctual affection, such as the love of a parent towards offspring and vice versa.
I got to thinking about Lady Dahlia, and about Flora at one time possibly thinking that there was no way she could love her as much as her real mother, especially with the shift of personality, and the struggle she must have gone through...
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dearesthershel · 5 years
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The full painting of Lady Violet Reinhold from the Curious Village minigame.  This was quite a fun one to make as I had to make the jigsaw first before I could upscale it.
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aquamarineglow · 5 years
Ok, so you know how you find pieces of material scattered across the village in Curious Village?
And when you put them together it makes a portrait of Lady Viola?
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Well, would it be wrong of me to suggest that it was Dahlia who tore up the painting because she couldn't bear to look at her anymore?
After spending her entire life being compared to Viola and living in her shadow, perhaps Dahlia was tired of seeing her stupid perfect face everyday so she tore it up in a fit of rage.
Maybe she felt regret afterwards. Who knows.
The only remnant of Viola left in the home is the photograph, which Dahlia only kept because it contains Flora as a baby.
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alto-tenure · 2 years
Once upon a time, in a curious little village: An analysis of Curious Village and its usage of fairytale/mythological motifs
There are two major folklore-like parts of Curious Village -- the first being the idea of the Golden Apple, the ultimate treasure of Baron Reinhold. The second is the idea of a girl trapped at the top of a tower. This will explore both, some possible connections, and a couple extra things along the way.
Let's go!
We'll actually start with the idea of a "golden apple", first -- there are a couple connected myths with this one.
1) The apple that caused the Trojan War
Summary: Eris (goddess of discord [as in disagreement and infighting]), as revenge for not being invited to a really important wedding, gives a golden apple with the text "for the fairest" inscribed on it. This causes a conflict between Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena, for which when they ask a mediator (Paris of Troy) to bestow the apple upon someone picks Aphrodite, who offered him love (in the form of Helen...who was already married). The fact that Helen was already married was the reason the Trojan War started, since her ex wasn't super happy about that.
2) Atalanta
Summary: Atalanta is discovered by her biological family after having been raised in the wilderness and gaining acclaim for being a huntress. She says that she'll only marry the person that can beat her in a footrace. The person who beats her in a footrace does so by appealing to Aphrodite beforehand, who provides him with three irresistible golden apples, which he uses to distract her.
Note that both of these golden apples connect to love in some way, specifically romantic love because that's considered Aphrodite's general domain -- she's especially associated with them.
This sets up an association. The golden apple is a motif that represents romance. Perhaps it's because Flora is the product of the love between Baron Reinhold and Lady Violet?
Or, perhaps, as we'll see later, there's a lot of set-up for romance that is subverted.
Again, these are just two stories that include golden apples -- while these are two prominent reasons that the symbolism continued, it's only the ones that I'm most familiar with and are also most relevant to the point. Wikipedia has a whole page about how the golden apple is used as a symbol, if you're interested in further reading.
The other notable symbol is the idea of a girl at the top of a tower that is difficult to get into. In western stories, this is generally an allusion to Rapunzel.
The story of Rapunzel goes something like this, depending on who's telling it: a girl is locked in a tower by the woman who adopted her with no way to escape. A prince comes along who asks her to let down her hair, and given that she doesn't really have any other contact with the world besides this, she does so. Eventually, she and the prince fall in love -- and eventually, her guardian finds out. Her guardian cuts off Rapunzel's hair, and lures the prince in to threaten him away from Rapunzel, after which he leaves the tower and finds her.
The parallels are simple enough to draw: Flora's parents died, leaving her in the care of Lady Dahlia, who...is more complicated than she seems, but the idea is still the same: Flora goes on without a mother and lives in the tower. There's no record of any other visitors to St. Mystere before Layton and Luke and Don Paolo, but the search for the Golden Apple included all of the Reinhold family, robots as they are. The village of St. Mystere is not exactly the friendliest to outsiders, which is probably multiple parts programming and not very much experience themselves. It's been two months since the death of Baron Reinhold was publicly announced and the family gave up on the search themselves by the time we've arrived, but that doesn't discount the possibility of other explorers or other members of the family acting -- people like Pavel that hear about the myth later, or some other Reinhold sending a letter only for that person to fail the puzzles.
Flora chooses Layton and Luke at the very end, to leave them. There's an argument to be made that she chose earlier, when she dropped the amusement park ticket, but that's more ambiguous and I'm not sure I'm entirely on-board with that argument, given what comes next.
Remember the romanticism of the Golden Apple and how Rapunzel was saved by the man she eventually married? Yeah? This is subverted due to the relationship between Layton and Flora being familial instead of romantic.
However, in the Japanese text of the game Flora still expected a romance rather than a family from the person that saves her.¹ Her expectations join the narrative setup of golden apples and Rapunzel, and are thoroughly subverted because the relationship between Layton and Flora has absolutely no romantic tension whatever.
It's an interesting twist on the fairytale -- the idea that the person that rescues you isn't the person you're going to marry, but instead someone you can come to see as a parental figure. I appreciate the subversion of the traditional fairytale. It's not your typical fairytale -- it's a story about familial love specifically. Romance need not apply.
¹ I can't find the line where Flora calls herself a bride candidate specifically, but during Baron Reinhold's pre-recorded speech, he says the following: "何年がすぎているのかはわからぬが、私の死は、娘が成長し、婚姻が交わせる歳になったとき、公表するようにと、マシューに頼んでおいたはず。" This translates to (approximately; I'm not a Japanese speaker, this is retooled machine translation): I don't know how many years have passed, but I asked Matthew to make my death public when my daughter was old enough to marry. The intent is more defined either way; the person who retrieved Flora from St. Mystere was intended to be her spouse. Flora says the following as well: "そして、ここにたどり着き、私を迎えにきた方こそが、私の人生を捧げるにふさわしい人物なのだと。" Translation: "And the person who arrived here and came to pick me up was the one worthy of dedicating my life to." Compare this with the English version of the line -- "Papa said that whoever came for me would be someone I could trust with my life." The implications of these two lines are vastly different, and the connotation of "one worthy of dedicating my life to" is almost certainly marriage.
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teenytinyapprentice · 6 years
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the mayor’s son and his faithful butler // heavy burden to bare mourning dove // clock hands gilded bird cage // “I’ve never had any children” 
a bunch of little mostly unrelated pl drawings to try to kill my art block (third drawing inspired by this post!!)
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