#kamilla azan
dsco-kjs · 1 month
(i'm sorry if his comic arrived late to the day-)
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Thank you to all moms who did all of this...
we wouldn't be here without you.
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This puzzle is presented by Luke, and you know, it’s just really hard to solve a puzzle when there isn’t all of the information given. What if one of the people on the boat is pregnant? What if she’s giving birth? What if even if there is a lifeboat there she doesn’t have the strength to make it there?
Like I know the answer the game wants but the truth is it’s going to be one less when you leave Miss Kamilla to die.
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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More sketches
First I just wanted to draw Kamilla and Kyle because I realized I have a design for Kyle Azan, but I haven’t drawn him since that first time, so I just wanted to draw him and his wife while also showing how much shorter he is
Then I wanted to draw even smaller Hershel and Theodore, so here’s the smalls
Oh yeah and also, it’s my headcanon that Layton/Theodore was originally born with blonde hair like his father, but over time it turned brown, since I know that’s a thing that can happen
Then I drew Hershel with Dimitri just because I had this funny thought that in a No Targent au, these two would start out with Dimitri being the smaller of the two, only for later in their teenage years Dimitri to hit a huge growth spurt and suddenly be way taller
Then the last thing was something I think would happen in @multiversal-madness ‘s How Things Change au, because from what I can understand, Luke ends up being friends with Leon to the point where Targent is supposed to abduct the Bronevs, meaning that he had to have been around when Hershel and Theodore were born, right? And he knows Descole is Layton’s older brother Hershel, so this thought would have to cross his mind at some point, right? I dunno, just a thought I had. But to @multiversal-madness, I look forward to seeing more of the au! (I should probably work on my own AUs to be honest…)
But yeah
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ernestlaytonpolls · 4 months
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layton-opinions · 3 years
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*dies of woman disease after being cryptic*
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aquamarineglow · 3 years
I've been shaking and crying all day. I've done it. I've discovered the identity of Katrielle and Alfendi's biological father. He was right in front of us at all times, yet we missed him.
However, the information is so cursed that I've withheld it for so long.
Kyle Azan, the husband of Kamila Azan, the father of Alfendi and Katrielle Layton is none other than:
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This guy.
Look at his yellow jacket, the exact same that Katrielle wears. His blue and red striped tie? It matches the jumper Alfendi wears. Red hair? Pointy nose? It all fits.
So I looked it up and apparently his name is Tommy and he was a Targent assassin.
Once Targent was disbanded it makes sense for him to find another criminal organisation to work for and eventually met Kamilla.
Kamila fell in love with his fake identity and they had fun together.
As soon as she got pregnant he bailed. 👋😔
Here's a dramatic reenactment of the tragic events:
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Not knowing anything about his life, Kamila assumed he had been kidnapped or killed by the same organisation he worked for.
But actually he was just chilling with his mates, drinking beer and shooting people in the face. Lovely.
I can't wait for the next Layton game which will be about him getting visitation rights to his children. There will be a ten minute cutscene of how he seduced a woman twice his size and had a baby.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series, Layton Mystery Tanteisha: Katori no Nazotoki File, Layton’s Mystery Journey Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Emmy Altava & Luke Triton Characters: Emmy Altava, Luke Triton, Katrielle Layton, (Baby Kat) Additional Tags: An AU of the sinking ship aftermath in the anime, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Luke is exhausted and probably hungry, What do you mean Emmy didn’t appear in the anime? Summary:
Luke is lost out at sea. Emmy goes looking for him.
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laytontheories · 4 years
The law of Layton states that if you are born with green hair that means you are most likely a precious cinnamon roll who must be protected at all costs.
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Day 277: Kamilla Azan from Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat's Mystery-Solving Files
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asaliz-side-blog · 4 years
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Appreciation post for Kamilla Azan and Chara (or is it Kara?).
(A little appreciation post for them) I share the screenshoots I took. The firts are edited with PicsArt. For the last one of Kamila I joined two pictures to have a full body)
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asa-liz · 4 years
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So... I made an AU were Kamila lives and meets Chara. For this there are just two-three important changes from canon:
1- There were more than three relics ( cryogenic chambers)
2- Aldebaran decides he wants Chara's company when he wakes up, so she is put to sleep too (haven't decided if with or without her concent) However, Dellendar won't waste resourses in more people, so she left her in the place where the relics were found.
3- Kamila realizes the Relic Stones might be useful later on, so she never gets rid of them, she just delays her quest a little to find a job and save some money.
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When Kamila finds the cave. There are legends saying said place is cursed, fishes and other acuatic creatures are often found death (the chamber absorbs their energy to keep Chara alive) With the Relic Stones, Kamils can enter the chamber, and finds Chara sleeping. But she doesn't risk waking her up immediately, she waits 2-4 months, while she researchs a little more. When she comes back, she wakes her up.
At first Chance is confused, and frustrated: any person she knew and loved is gone, the world has changed, and targets her frustration by being angry with Kamila, the one who woke her. This keeps going for a few days, Kamila is patient, and feels a little guilty.
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Later Chara stars feeling admiration for Kamila, (and the world in general, but she is her reference) She is not like her, she is specting a child and doesn't care if people call her names for being single, she is looking for adventures on her own. .. Slowly, they start becoming friends.
Chara stars enjoying her new life, with more freedoms. It's not really much what she can tell her about the relics and all, it was her fiance the one who knew... But Kamila asures her what she told her help her a lot.
Chara convinses her to take a rest until her baby is born, and she agrees, anyway she needs to save more money. Kamila tells her she is not obligated to stay with her, but she says she enjoys her company. Chara knows how to play the -- and she stars giving lessons to help with the money.
While the birth is a little complicated and she has to rest for longer than usual, with less stress and proper medical care, Kamila is fine after Kat is born.
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And thats all I have... I was thinking she would eventually go to meet Layton and ask for his help (Maybe Katrielle Azan will became his second self proclaimed apprentice)
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muzzable · 4 years
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Look at his tiny little boots.
They're so small and red.
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call-me-rucy · 5 years
Poll results: Your LMDA episode 50 theories
Hey! As you may know, I did a poll asking people about the mysteries of the final Relics episodes some days ago, and now, right before the great finale it’s time for the results! 
I published this here, in a couple of Discord servers and on Twitter, and that got me the incredible amount of 58 answers! Thanks to everyone that answered!! Enjoy!
(Questions and most voted answers are in bold, answers that I had not included as options are in italics and my coments go (between parenthesis). I did not include all the answers because it’s already really really long. Sorry for those funny answers I didn’t put.)
HOW DID ALDEBARAN GET OUT OF THE RELICS ROOM? 57 ANSWERS He got out by himself-35.1% A monk or priest got him out-31.6% Marina got him out-22.8% Kamilla got him out-1.8% (1 vote) Someone else got him out-1.8% (1 vote) Descole got him out-1.8% (1 vote)
WHAT IS THIS LAST MYSTERY OF THE HUMAN KIND HE TALKS ABOUT? 58 ANSWERS His reason for skipping 100 years in the future-48.3% Azran/ancient civilazation stuff-34.5% A comet passing trough the sky and stuff about it-27.6% An asteroid impacting Earth and how to survive it-22.4% His hairstyle-1.7% (1 vote) Something personal to Layton and Katrielle's adventures-1.7% (1 vote) 
WHO MADE THE RELICS? 58 ANSWERS The Azran-53.4% (More than half! 31 votes! O.o) Another ancient civilization-22.4% Not relevant-17.2% Aliens-1.7% (1 vote)
HAS ALDEBARAN DESCENDANTS? 58 ANSWERS Katrielle (father side)-44.8% Marina-25.9% No descendants-12.1% Kamilla-6.9% (4 votes) Phillip Raisley II-5.2% (3 votes) Bronev-1.7% (1 vote) Marina and Kamila (so Kat too)-1.7% (1 vote)
WHAT IS HE PLANNING? 58 ANSWERS To survive a catastrophy alone-36.2% To revenge on someone-31% To build an underground bunker-19% Just setting puzzles for fun-13.8% To build a rocket-12.1% To go to space whatever it takes-1.7% (1 vote) Eternal life-1.7% Unlocking secrets of the Azran-1.7% Wanted to find someone who could equal his puzzle solving skills-1.7% WHAT ABOUT MARINA? 56 ANSWERS We’ll see some of her backstory-39.3% No secrets-37.5% Fell in love with Luke while syping on him-25% She’s related to Aldebaran-23.2% She’s the one who released Aldebaran-14.3% She’s Kat’s relative-12.5% She’s southern-1.8% (1 vote) She’s not american-1.8% She’s awesome-1.8%
WHAT ABOUT SHERL? 58 ANSWERS Nothing revealed about him in ep 50-50% He wasn’t a dog before-34.5% His memories will be relevant in another story-34.5% He’s Chelmey-3,4% (2 votes!!) He’s subject from UF-1.7% He’s Kat’s dad-1.7%
WILL OTHER CHARACTERS APPEAR IN EP 50? 58 ANSWERS Rosa-39.7% None at all-34.5% Alfendi-31% Flora-24.1% Lucy-19% Des-17.2% I WANT ALL-5.1% (3 votes) Clive-3.4% (2 votes) Randall, Aurora, the Tritons, Hilda...
ALFENDI WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HERSHEL’S SON 58 ANSWERS He’s canon-55.1% He’s canon and will be mentioned in ep 50-19% He’s not canon-12.1% He’s canon and will appear in episode 50-8.6% His canon in LMJ but not the anime-1.7% (1 vote)
WILL L-5 ANNOUNCE MORE LAYTON CONTENT? 58 ANSWERS Second movie-46.6% New LMJ game-43.1% New Layton game-41.4% Second anime season-31% Something for sure!-6.8% (4 votes) Just let the professor retire-1.7% (1 vote) (Just wanted to note that the option “Nope, it’s over” got exactly 0 votes! :D We’re a hopeful lot.) ANYTHING ELSE?  23 ANSWERS (Just picked a few)
this anime kills me so much i really hope we get a new game to tie up loose ends or something I was kinda hoping that Layton would return sooner, and get some fun episodes with him and Luke (it would've be nice to see some content with them that wasn't emotionally scarring). Layton and Luke basically time traveled ten years into the future, just like Claire. It can't believe it will happen, but if the show ends with Luke, Layton, Marina, Katrielle, Ernest/Noah, Flora, Alfendi, Lucy, maybe Emmy, and Rosa all together, a happy family, I will not be okay. If Level-5 killed Hershel and Luke in the last episode for real, I'll declared never-ending war against them. (AND I WILL JOIN YOU) Anime not able to talk about Alfendi because it would confuse the viewers who don't play all the games under the layton franchise (You have a point there.) I think Sherl was a test subject for the Relics, like subject 3 in unwound future. Anyone wonder where Roland and Lucille are now? Did they die? If so before or after Layton disappeared? Idk feels like Rosa wouldn’t have been landed with Kat if they were still around Despite everything Layton is more than a serie. I love it so much I can’t express it. (Me too anon, me too :D)
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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So I decided to draw an interpretation of Kyle Azan
Don’t be fooled by his appearance, he’s probably somewhere in his late 20s at least (I personally see Kamilla as being in her late 20s-early 30s, just looking at her. A bit old to be having her first child, but not impossible)
Based on looking at features between Kamilla and Kat, I have come to the conclusion that Kyle Azan very likely had a chronic case of babyface; this man has looked the same since he was a teenager at the oldest
Also he was probably short
(Stuff about my theories on him under the cut!)
So yeah, in terms of theories, I don’t think that Desmond Sycamore is Kyle Azan, just because as a character, I don’t see a reason for Des to have gone back to archaeology, particularly investigating something likely related to the Azran, and even naming himself after them, considering he hated them and only went into archaeology so that he could get their revenge on him, which he would already have at this point. Also I don’t see him just disappearing from everything after Kamilla dying/being separated from her. For starters I’m sure he would have at least looked for information regarding her death and then would have found out and tried to look for his daughter. And if not that, he’d at least finish what he’d started and solve the Relics’ puzzle. And I don’t think he would have been killed off, that would just be an unsatisfying end for his character, and he’s survived way worse
However I feel like this connection to the Azran, and thus Sycamore, along with the presumed fake identity of Kyle Azan can’t just be coincidence, that’s just unsatisfying. So the best I could come up with is maybe he knew Sycamore back in the day, and after his presumed death following the events of AL, Kyle decided to continue his research into the Azran culture, possibly unaware of Sycamore’s true intentions
My mind has been taking that concept so now Kyle Azan (or edit: Gabriel Redwood, as I have decided to make this his real name) was something like a Luke to Sycamore’s Layton, except maybe he actually was something of a surrogate and/or adoptive father, and he was basically the Meowth in this archaeological Team Rocket squad (meaning him, Desmond and his wife Eileen (plus Raymond)), and sometime after he went to college, the stuff with Desmond’s family happened and Kyle never saw him again
Might just go all in on that, or maybe my brain’s just being overactive, I dunno
Anyways I got carried away there, just have a Kat’s biological father interpretation
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clxirefoley · 5 years
Kamilla Azan Protection Squad
Repost or like to join.
Listen, Kamilla deserved more screen time, Level-5.
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layton-opinions · 3 years
rip to kat’s mom but if I were about to die i don’t think my top priority would be to lie about my husband’s name so that professor layton would solve some ancient puzzle for me
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