#ladybug tales
anyisoleil · 10 months
Love beyond disguise  by anyelita (ao3)
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in the cloak of night, Ladybug made her preparations. Clad in crimson attire and concealed by the inky darkness, she wasn't known as Marinette anymore but the defendor of the downtrodden's rights. 
With agile moves, Ladybug avoided guards and went on with the first part of her mission: infiltrating the mansion in front of her. It was in the heart of the kingdom, and as it happened with the rest of the royals and most of the elite members of their society, the grand mansion of Baron André Bourgeois and his family stood as a testament to opulence and extravagance while behind its walls, silent injustices festered. The commoners  suffered while those inside their manors truly reveled in their riches in a stark and cruel dichotomy.   Ladybug reached a hand to her waist band for her grappling hook, which proved invaluable as she ascended to the only opening that she found. It was a balcony, who's owner had left open. As she entered the space connected to the balcony, she noticed it was Lady Chloe's room.
Lady Chloe was the Baron's daughter, and she was currently sleeping fitfully, her inner discontent being evident in her restless slumber.. The blonde's once-proud features were now contorted by her inner turmoil. Ladybug couldn't help but think that it maybe was the Bourgeois' wrong doings weighing heavily on Chloe's conscience.
Not having time to waste, Ladybug tiptoed across the ornate chamber, her graceful silhouette moving like a shadow against the moonlit tapestries. She wasn't surprised with the way the space reflected Chloe's pretentious nature, filled with lavish trinkets and elaborate fabrics.  
Once out of the room, Ladybug walked down the long corridor and descended the stairs rapidly but silently. Glancing around, it wasn't difficult for her to know where to go next, since the flickering light of candles showed her where was the person she's looking for.
In his study adorned with gilded tapestries, trappings of wealth and influence,  Baron André counted the vast sum of gold that had been ill-gotten through dubious means. His face, etched with greed, was partially hidden in the shadows of  the dimly lit room.
Ladybug's features scrunched with disgust under her crimson mask as she saw the scene. Not standing it any longer,  with a silent and determined resolve, she unshielded her sword and approached the man  going completely unnoticed until she snatched  the  sack of gleaming coins from his grip. 
The Baron, in a state of shock, turned to see the enigmatic figure that had invaded his study and his home. He swallowed hard, feeling the edge of her sword now pressed dangerously against his neck.
"Your wealth comes at the cost of your people's suffering, Baron André," Ladybug declared, her voice filled with unwavering determination.
Baron André stammered, his words faltering in the presence of this mysterious intruder. "Who... who are you?"
Without hesitation and charged with determination, she replied, "I am Ladybug, I am the voice of the people who have long suffered under the unjust rule of the nobility, and I stand for a better, fairer future for all... a future where justice reigns" she whispered the last, menacingly into his face as her eyes looked with his, cold as cutting ice. 
Baron André whimpered, sinking into his expensive chair adorned with precious gems. If he was going to say something, he was stopped by another voice.
"W-what's happening here?" Chloe said, uttered in a startled tone and standing at the entrance of her father's study , Her voice echoed the confusion and horror that swirled in her mind. Her restless sleep had stirred her awake and an uneasy feeling carried her there.
Not worried in the least with the new presence, Ladybug didn't even flinched and she turn her attention to the blonde, her sword still in place "Your father's wealth is built on the tears of the less fortunate. It's time for justice to be served," She responded, her gaze unwavering.
Baron André panicked more, his voice trembling. "You cannot—"
Before he could utter another word, Ladybug gracefully leaped out of the window, landing on the lower rooftops with the sack of coins in her possession, and she ran to the direction she knew Tikki would be and they disappeared into the moonlit night. 
As Chloe screams  calling the guards, echoed in the mansion, the opulent study bore witness to the tension and realization that the royals unjust reign of wealth had come under threat, and Ladybug had emerged as the symbol of hope for the oppressed, determined to right the wrongs that had plagued the kingdom.
It had been a year since that pivotal event that had marked the beginning of her unwavering cause to defend the rights of the downtrodden. The memories of that moment still held a profound place in Ladybug's heart, a constant reminder of the injustices in their kingdom and the commitment she had made to the people who yearned for a brighter, more equitable future.
Now, in the bustling heart of the kingdom, Ladybug crouched on the edge of a tiled roof, her crimson attire blending with the fading light of dusk. Below her, a crowded street stretched, its narrow cobblestone thoroughfare flanked by timber-framed houses and a throng of townsfolk going about their business.
With a flash of determination, Ladybug leaped from her perch, her lithe form gliding through the air. Her trajectory took her high above the street, soaring gracefully between the ancient buildings. As she approached Viscount Cash's imposing carriage at the far end of the street, she seized a taut rope, deftly swinging herself toward her target with the agility of an acrobat.
Having finished collecting the tax payments, the Viscount, arrogant and oblivious to the impending danger, was about to step into his carriage, his ornate attire and ostentatious demeanor drawing the ire of the commoners. His entourage, a group of soldiers, stood at the ready, their swords gleaming menacingly in the fading light.
Ladybug landed with a resounding thud on the roof of the carriage, her masked visage framed by the setting sun. She wasted no time and with the clinking of metal, unsheathed her sword. In a dazzling display of skill and speed, she engaged in a swift and daring fight with the Viscount's guards.
The soldiers expressions of surprise turned into determination as they confronted the masked heroine.
Blows were exchanged, acrobatics unfolded, and the clashing of steel filled the air. Ladybug's fearless resolve was matched only by the loyalty of the viscount's soldiers, who sought to protect their oppressive master. The street became a battleground, the commoners and merchants frozen in astonishment at the unfolding spectacle.
With each deft maneuver and calculated strike, Ladybug fought valiantly against the odds, disarming the soldiers one by one and awakening the fury of the people that were tired of the unfair ruling they had withstood for too long. 
Inspired by Ladybug's courage and determination, the people began to join the fray. They picked up objects from the street—stones, sticks, even a few discarded vegetables—and hurled them at the remaining soldiers, creating chaos and confusion. 
In the midst of the intense skirmish, the commoners clearly couldn't stand by any longer. Everyone grabbed anything they had at hand, ready to aid Ladybug in her fight. One courageous soul wielded a broom, using it as an improvised staff to trip the soldiers and knock their weapons from their hands.
A vendor seized a wooden cart handle, swinging it with surprising dexterity to parry the soldiers' strikes and create an opening for Ladybug. A third, quick-thinking individual hurled spoiled vegetables from a nearby vendor's stall, using the surprise tactic to momentarily disrupt the soldiers formation.
The people's actions were filled with a burning desire for justice. They showed their resolve to stand up, using whatever means they had at hand. With their support and Ladybug's skill, the soldiers, disoriented and outnumbered, found themselves at a disadvantage.
Rapidly, Ladybug found herself surrounded by the last two of Viscount Cash's soldiers that were still standing, their swords drawn and their faces etched with grim determination. 
With a whirlwind of movement, Ladybug launched into the fight. Her sword became a blur of swift strikes, each blow aimed with precision. She deftly parried one soldier's attack, then spun to block the other's incoming strike, her agility reminiscent of a masterful dancer.
The two soldiers fought in tandem, trying to overpower her with their combined strength. Their coordinated attacks forced Ladybug to stay on the move, gracefully shifting and weaving between their strikes. Her crimson attire flowed with her movements, reflecting her unwavering resolve.
As the battle raged on, Ladybug's superior skill became apparent. With a brilliant display of swordsmanship, she deflected one soldier's blow and countered with a precise strike, leaving him crumpled to the ground, unconscious.
The second soldier, now realizing the futility of the fight, attempted a desperate lunge. Ladybug, however, was ready. With a swift and precise movement, she disarmed him and sent his sword clattering to the cobblestones as she left him unconscious with one last blow, a testament to her unmatched skill.
As Ladybug stood victorious, the street erupted with a chorus of triumphant cheers. The people, couldn't contain their elation any longer.
Their voices rose in unison, a cacophony of jubilation, gratitude, and hope. People clapped, cheered, and jumped, the sound of their feet hitting the cobblestones being downed by the celebration, their faces lit with joy. Some even lifted their children onto their shoulders to give them a better view of the masked heroine.
Amidst the jubilation, Ladybug acknowledged the people's support with a nod, her mask concealing her identity but not her unwavering commitment to justice. The cheers of the commoners echoed through the street, a resounding declaration that they would no longer bow to the royals abuse.
But there was still a matter to attend, thought Ladybug, facing now the man who the soldiers were guarding.
Viscount Cash, his haughty demeanor finally shattered, stood at the door of his ornate carriage in one last desperate attempt to stop Ladybug and the people. He had watched in shock as Ladybug, the masked heroine of the oppressed, had defeated his soldiers and taken control of the situation. Although he had more soldiers with him this occasion, considering it wasn't the first time this had happened, it was as if no amount of soldiers of their kingdom could stop her. Not, also, when the support she received from the people was growing with tremendous pace.
With sweat glistening on his brow and his fine clothes disheveled, the Viscount's voice quivered as he spoke, "You can't do this! You don't understand the consequences. The kingdom needs this gold for its prosperity!"
The people immediately yelled at him in discontent and were about to attack him but Ladybug,  lifting her free hand up, signaled for them to stop. However, it didn't restraint some of them from throwing spoiled fruits and vegetables at the Viscount, someone even managing to splash him right on the face. To this, the whole street erupted in laughter and mocking remarks.
With a smirk on her red tinted lips, Ladybug's unwavering gaze met the Viscount's. She replied loudly and with conviction, "Prosperity at the expense of the people is no prosperity at all! The gold rightfully belongs to those who have suffered under your unjust taxation!"
The crowd roared euphoric in support to her words and Ladybug lifted her sword once more, the gleaming blade catching the fading light of day. Her resolve was undeniable and with the sharp edge of her weapon now pressing against the Viscount's throat, she ordered with unwavering voice,, "Move away from the gold, Viscount, or face the consequences."
Viscount Cash, his trembling figure more apparent than ever, hastily complied with her command. He stepped away from the door of his carriage, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fear, defeat, and frustration all while he was sure that the people's immediate shout of joy, echoed in the entire kingdom.
With resoluteness, Ladybug grabbed the ill-gotten sack of gold from the carriage. And now with the coins in her possession, the Viscount's power over the situation crumbled.
With a flourish, Ladybug unfurled the sack, and like a beneficent storm, she threw the coins into the air, returning tp the commoners their stolen wealth.
The people, weighed down by the burden of unfair taxation and the whims of the rich and powerful, became a sea of outstretched hands. Their eyes glistened with hope as they scrambled to collect the money that rained down upon them. The sheer contrast between their need and the ostentatious wealth of Viscount Cash and those like him, was stark and palpable.
The scene unfolded with an intensity that could be felt in the very stones of the street. Children laughed and cheered, elderly citizens wept with gratitude, and those who had long endured the unfairness of the aristocracy saw justice in the chaos, shining brighter than ever.
As the last coin descended, Ladybug looked one last time at Viscount Cash, who stood stunned and powerless, his authority unraveled before his eyes. Turning away from him, her voice was a clarion call, quieting the joyful cheers of the onlookers.
"This is but a fraction of what has been taken from you unjustly!" she declared, her words resonating with the collective desire for change. "Remember, together we can reclaim what is rightfully yours!"
And in the midst of that street, a roar of rebellion grew louder and stronger than what it already was, inspired by Ladybug's act of defiance. The balance of power was shifting, and the streets of the kingdom would never be the same again.
Right at that moment, on the highest part of the kingdom, where the castle was erected majestically, exuding an air of regal authority, a different contest brewed within.
Prince Adrien's fury flared, and he felt a profound sense of betrayal by his own father. He clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with frustration. "You can't be serious, father! I'm in a relationship with Kagami, and I love her!"
King Gabriel, his demeanor firm, spoke with a tone of authority. "Adrien, your personal feelings cannot outweigh your duty as a prince. Marrying Kagami, the daughter of a samurai, will not bring real benefits to the kingdom, it won't appease our people. It is the commoner I have chosen who can help bridge the gap between us and the people" he added, his expression twisting into an ugly one as he considered "If there is someone to blame is that.. Ladybug" he almost spat "She has sown the seeds of discontent in our kingdom" 
Adrien's anger flared, but he remained silent. Ladybug's actions had opened his eyes to the stark realities of their kingdom, revealing the struggles of the commoners and the injustices they faced. She had given them a voice, but he still lacked the courage to confront his father, to bridge the ever-widening gap between his newfound awareness and the constraints of his royal duty. In silence, his thoughts weighed drowned by the heavy burden of conflicting loyalties and the uncertain path ahead.
"But this girl you shall marry, her family is well appreciated by the people. With your union, Ladybug's attempts will be finally quenched. And i heard your future wife is beautiful, so you should be grateful" Gabriel added matter-of-factly. 
Adrien's frustration mounted, and he felt as though he were being scolded like a petulant child. His jaw clenched, and his voice wavered with indignation as he responded, "Father, you're treating me like a spoiled... like a wayward child! I can't believe you'd make such a decision without considering my feelings or the woman I love. The people matter to me, and it hurts me to think that you believe they do not. There must be another way, a solution that doesn't involve me giving up my own happiness. Maybe if you would just change..."
King Gabriel, however, remained resolute, his expression unyielding. "This is me changing" he said with severity "This marriage is the clear reflection of my desire for there to be reconciliation with our people, but you most understand also, you are not just anyone, Adrien. You are the prince, and your duty is to your people, their benefit, and the harmony of our kingdom. The decision has been made," he stated firmly, leaving no room for further discussion.
Frustration and disappointment etched deeply into Adrien's features as he turned and stormed off from the opulent chamber, heading towards his own quarters. His footsteps echoed in the grand hallways, each step a painful reminder of the ever-widening chasm between his desires and his duty, and a future that now seemed irrevocably altered
Read more at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51278098/chapters/129561820
Ao3 link
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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that's right babygirls i still have more JKAWLKLSDF
i always thought it'd be fun if ladybug had wings so i gave her some bc yes
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zitrovee · 1 year
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I like claw noir's transformation but i hate that muddy ass hair give my boy his platinum rebel transformation from the 2D concepts
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heizerux · 1 year
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This design SLAYS
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novaneondream · 1 year
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Kitty 🐾
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sunshinechaton · 1 year
netflix posted a delete and unfinished scene
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the-bluespirit · 11 months
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yukinekochan · 23 days
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I love all of them💖💖💖
Cms by Đi Bụi
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westywallowing · 8 months
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my favorite scene redraw from S5E13: "Migration"
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falgardien · 9 days
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"You're part of the drawn where the light comes from the dark You're part of the morning and everything matters To me" - Aurora
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sizzling-eggs · 9 months
Do you ever watch a show or a movie or any piece of media meant for kids and just think about how the story or character or that one scene or whatever just spoke to your heart and soul, or just how profound it made you happy or break your heart. And just sit their thinking that this is for literal children, who probably still couldn't 100% understand the gravity of what they are consuming or probably couldn't articulate how they felt about it other than say they liked it or they dont, or it made them happy or sad, and you, a grown ass person is just thinking about how this thing meant for kids is just so simple yet complex with so many layers of emotions and plot and etc. That explores themes and subject better than media meant for your age, in a way that is simple yet incredible done.
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anyisoleil · 10 months
Ladybug in medieval time?? 🐞❤
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1alchemistart · 2 months
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i simply think it'd be hilarious for him to unknowingly torment her like this
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asya-7 · 27 days
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Into mlb again lately, addicted, in love💖💖💖✨️✨️
I need miraculous fans 👉👈
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bubsmiraculousau · 1 month
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saw this meme on insta and stole it <3 i was tempted to do cat noir in marinette's place and make it ladynoir,,, but i've been sketching cat noir a lotttt so i wanted to do some adrienette instead because alas ladynoir and adrienette are still my otps (what can i say? i love the classics).
i have extensive pinterest boards on the both of them and every other character because fashion is very important in any character i draw (and i'm also having a bit of a seventeen kpop renaissance rn so i added a bunch of their outfits to adrien's board) hence the outfit references. art hack: if you want to draw open-toed shoes just have your character fashionably be into wearing socks with them! xx
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kpiva · 3 months
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚***•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
redraw! 2020-2024
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