thedarkone121 · 8 months
TSSUIAK Theory: DIO’s Goal | A Reawakening
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Halloween Fanart for The Seventh Stand User Is… A Kamadao?! By @ladyofthebluelight
I feel like it’s been a minute since I did any fanart for this fanfic so I thought it’s time I did it again. But by the time I thought of it, October had already rolled around and I couldn’t resist doing something spooky for it. What was spooky than a theory on why DIO is after Taeko? Gosh, that sounds so wrong…
Anyway, onto my long-running theory of why I think DIO is after Taeko!
THEORY TIME: If there was one thing the Kamado family were known for was their kindness. The kindness that allowed them to give sympathy to such horrid monsters and have the belief that there could be a cure. Taeko definitely inherited that inherited kindness from her grandfather.
But one character from Jojo that I think who could come close to that kindness was Jonathan Joestar. I mean, we saw that even when Dio killed him and he was dying, he still found it in his heart to love Dio after everything he’s done to him — I’m still personally mad about what happened to Danny, but man I will admit Jonathan’s kindness is definitely one of his strongest traits.
And I think, even after everything, Dio misses his dynamic with Jonathan. A very twisted form of love and respect but he wouldn’t have taken Jonathan’s body if he didn’t at least respect him.
So if he heard the story of the Kamado siblings, about how the brother risked everything for a sibling who became a monster, I think he would go after that remaining family member. Maybe turn them into a vampire/Superior being so the two could remain together forever.
But a fun reminder to manga readers of Demon Slayer, the Demon King’s last stand was by using Tanjiro’s body as a vessel for his memories. He was cured, definitely. But who knows what mixing a vampire/Superior being would do to a person who’s family were turned into a demon?
But again, this is all just a theory. A fanfic theory.
Happy Halloween, everyone 🎃
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year
OTP asks. Bumbleby… but from RIMH. 1,2,4,9,30,45,59
Obligatory OTP Asks
Ooo, this is a nice twist! Since this is an AU version of Bumbleby, please note that my answers here might differ from the canon RWBY version!
Who would end a heated argument by defending their actions with ‘because I love you!’ ?
Oh, it's Yang. Yang says it in the heat of the moment and then immediately regrets it afterwards when she sees the look on Blake's face and how uncomfortable it makes her. Saying something like that to defend her actions would remind Blake of Adam and... yeah.
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Blake's first instinct is to try and calm Yang down and bring her back to reality rather than wait for it. This is especially if its a PTSD-induced nightmare. She'll make tea for her once Yang's calmed down -- something that Yang's picked up from Blake, actually. And if Yang is willing to talk about it (which she rarely is), Blake will listen and help soothe her back to sleep. Yang has some minor experience with this concerning Ruby and her own nightmares from when she was little. She also knows how Blake reacts to certain situations. She would wait for Blake to come back to reality and then start to soothe her. Make her tea to calm her nerves and see if she'll want to talk about what freaked her out so badly.
4. Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
This one is a no-brainer. It's definitely Yang who's the more protective of the two. A perfect example of this will come up in Chapter 10 of Day by Day. Neither of them truly need to be "protected". They're both trained as Pro Heroes. Yang and Blake protect each other.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Mayhaps one day, when things aren't as dangerous as they are now. Yang and Blake would definitely adopt at least one kid.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
Yang picks out something that's a bit punk for Blake's tastes. Leather pants, leather jacket. Knee-high boots. Punk-rock Blake. Blake goes for something more elegant with Yang. A simple, loose-fitting shirt and waist-high jeans. The two know what the other person likes, but they're going to add their own touch to it.
45. Can they fall asleep without the other?
Considering they live in separate rooms in their dorm, I'd say yes. Though both of them, after all the shit they've gone through, sleep little easier when the other is nearby. With Blake, this has been a given since their first year.
59. Who tops? Who bottoms?
please note that this answer applies to PLW onwards because while Yang is 18 in the current point in RiMH, Blake won't be until January.
Both. They both do. I can't see one leaning towards one side more than the other. It all depends on the mood they're in and who initiates.
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ladyofthebluelight · 7 months
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The girls had moved to sit in one of the beds, finding it to be as comfy as it looked. Anne had her back to Taeko, trying to stand still as the red eyed teen carefully combed her hair. It felt a bit embarrassing having the older girl help her like that but Anne had to admit it was better than what she was doing before.
The chapter eight from “The seventh stand user… is a Kamado?!” has been posted and I am very happy that I was able to finish this chapter only a week after the last one. I hope I can keep the inspiration going at least until chapter twelve so I can finish the five chapter batch I promised months ago.
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ginnynbinny · 8 months
I made a small fanart of Takeo Kamado from TSSIAK (The seventh stand user is a Kamado), a JJBA fanfic by @ladyofthebluelight. I really enjoyed the fic a lot and I can't wait for the next chapter!! (Although, I think I made the forehead a bit too big—)
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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Taeko Kamado - Fanart for @ladyofthebluelight
Yeah, I couldn’t help myself. I was waiting for the next chapter last week and my brain thought it would be a good idea to draw some fanart for The Seventh Stand User is… A Kamado?! And I chose Taeko, the OC granddaughter of Tanjiro Kamado! And yes, it is Jojo and Demon Slayer crossover. I recommend it.
I tried to draw Queen Titania but art block hit me so hard! Maybe next time once I’m out of this art block. I hope you enjoy Taeko and what my interpretation of what her lower clothes are like. I have no idea if jean-shorts and leggings were a fashion style in the 80s but I figured; she’s going to Egypt.
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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Fanart for The Seventh Stand User Is… A Kamado?! By @ladyofthebluelight
With the fanfic coming back on the 24th, I scrambled to think what kind of fanart I could do before the new chapter arrives. My mind then thought of memes and one that popped into my head was the famous Shrek “For Five Minutes?!” Meme and with Taeko unofficially gaining two siblings, I thought this would be funny.
If I had a nickel for every time Taeko saves someone and she gains a sibling-like relationship with them, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice.
I also have a little head canon that — in terms of animation headcanon — Taeko will sometimes fall into the Demon Slayer art style with the dot eyes and all, and the only people who notice are the Stardust Crusaders. It confuses the heck out of them. 😆
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thedarkone121 · 1 year
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Taeko Protects Anne
For @ladyofthebluelight sixth chapter of The Seventh Stand User is… A Kamado?!
This is the strangest piece of fan art that I have ever made. It’s grayscale cause I didn’t have a lot of time to figure out the colors. It’s also an Omake, because that quote has been floating around my head ever since I read that scene where Taeko was protecting Anne from the Imposter Captain and I couldn’t help it!
Sorry if it seems OOC for Taeko, I just thought it was funny. 😅
Good luck on the next chapters and I have more fan art planned!
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year
-> 🌻 <-
send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
I got a new dog. Er, well... a puppy. Back in January. Her first birthday is next month. Her name is Lillie and she's a pug/beagle mix. And because I forgot the technical term for that breed, her nickname is now "Bug".
My mom thought it would be a good idea to adopt another dog, and I'll be honest when I said it took me a while to warm up to her and just having her around. After we brought her home, I avoided spending long amounts of time with her for a while. I was still grieving over Max, who if not many people remember, was my pug who passed away towards the end of December last year and that wound was still somewhat fresh.
It took over a month for me to come around to her and get close. I didn't realize it myself until my mom brought up how happy I looked when I was playing with her.
And now she's sleeping in my bed some nights and stealing my socks.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year
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Thank you so much, Lady!!! ❤️😘
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queen-ofsunflowers · 1 year
I want to see what you can come up with for WitchNight for domestic bliss: 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 14, 23, 27, 39, 40
OTP Asks - Domestic Bliss Edition!
so that's why you asked about the ship name...
for those who don't recall, WitchNight is My Hero's Midnight and RWBY's Glynda Goodwitch! As such, these answers will be set in the RWBY in My Hero-verse since that's where the pair originated from. Also please note that I use Midnight's real name as opposed to her hero one here. so let's go!
3. What’s one book/DVD/CD they both owned a copy of before meeting each other?
This is gonna sound a bit cheesy, but both of them owned the same book, and this is what actually got them to become friends before becoming more than that. It was the first in a whole series, so the pair started talking about the books before talking about other topics and finding they had more in common than they thought. As for the book series, it was a copy of Howl's Moving Castle, something that had been recommended to both of them. They got a little too into it, though Gylnda refuses to admit it. go read the books if you haven't, they're really good.
4. Do they wash their clothes in the same load or separately?
Separately, mostly because the fabrics of their clothing are different materials that need to be treated differently. Found that out the hard way when they tried to wash their clothes together in one load shortly after moving in together.
6. Who picks what colour bed linen they buy? What does it look like?
Nemuri does! She knows which sheets are the good kind, so Glynda left it to her. Their bedsheets are durable and soft. Nemuri buys them in two separate colors: a dark, satiny purple and an off-white color that has a purple tint to it. She feels that it matches both their aesthetics perfectly. They usually switch them out depending on which ones are currently being washed.
9. Who will buy Girl Scout Cookies when they knock on the door?
This is once again, Nemuri's thing. She usually only does it when Gylnda isn't home, though. Girl Scout Cookies are definitely some of her guilty pleasures, and she gets a bit embarrassed by how many she stocks up on when cookie-selling season comes around.
11. Do they play music in the background while they’re just hanging out at home?
Usually not while hanging out around the house. It's some low, jazz, a classic piece or a random song that one of Nemuri's students recommended she listen to. It will be playing while the pair are working -- either doing housework or paperwork (or in Nemuri's case, also grading papers and setting up lesson plans). When the students' recommendations pop up, it always catches Glynda off-guard.
14. Which partner snores more loudly? How does the other person cope?
She doesn't look like it, but it's Nemuri. It's not often, but there are moments when she does. It's usually when her nose is clogged -- either by allergies or because she's under the weather. Glynda will usually cope by going into another room and sleep on the couch or in the guest room until Nemuri can breathe properly again.
23. Which partner writes love notes in the steam on the mirror?
This is surprisingly a thing that both of them do. Primarily because they know that the other has a rough time with work, so whoever gets home first will usually leave a message in the mirror when they know it's going to be a long day for the other. It's just a sweet little pick-me-up. Nemuri's notes are usually longer (and depending on her mood, more explicit) that Gylnda's short and sweet ones. Nemuri takes pictures of all of Gylnda's notes for when she needs a little encouragement to get through the day.
27. How do they organize their books/DVDs/CDs? Are they kept separate, or together? Alphabetically? By genre?
The moment that they moved in together, Gylnda took charge of that whole thing. She is very meticulous in the way things are organized. Dishes by size and color, soap bottles in the bathroom by whose is whose and when they're used -- same thing for any other hair product or skin care product that they have. Makeup is by type, color and owner. So, their books, DVDs and CDs (if the latter two are still a thing in the future that this takes place in) are organized by her. All are sorted by genre. Book series are usually kept together because it would drive her crazy otherwise.
39. Who’s more likely to lock themselves out?
Nemuri has forgotten her keys more than once, simply because a lot of her clothes do not have pockets. This is the reason that they had to put a spare key kept under the mat.
40. Who’s more likely to invite other people over?
Once again, this is Nemuri's doing. Though, it's usually just Mic or Aizawa crashing on their couch because their apartment is too far away and they're too tired. Ozpin, Qrow and Winter Schnee have all done this, too. There is also instances where Jaune has spent the night, and that was because he had been too overwhelmed at home, couldn't get his schoolwork done there and his grades had begun to slip. As his homeroom teacher, Nemuri did what she could to help him by letting her use her own place to study and get work done peacefully. He's only stayed when he's missed the last train home. Gylnda thought this was odd at first, but over time came to accept it when she realized how much her partner cares about her students.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
Well... I'm assuming that this is besides the shows and anime and games that I write fanfics for. The four main projects that I have on my masterlist are some of the things that I'm obsessed with. I wouldn't write for them otherwise. You guys are welcome to ask me about them and the shows/games they're based on at any time, by the way! I'd love to talk about them.
...speaking of which, I've gotta say that I'm a bit obsessed when it comes to supernatural creatures and legends and folklore. I don't know why, I think it has something to do with the fact that my first official fandom was Monster High as a kid, but I love reading about them and learning something new. If you gave me the chance, I could talk about different fantasy creatures for hours.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
Psychic, Dark, Ghost, Steel and Grass!!
Referring to this from yesterday!
Psychic: "I wish I could hug you, you're the sweetest person I know."
Dark: "I wish I knew you better, you're just so cool."
Ghost: "I wish I could hold your hand, you're so kind."
Steel: "Please talk more, your thoughts are just *chef's kiss*"
Grass: "You deserve so much more attention, you're so good."
I might be tearing up a little. Thank you so much, Lady!! 🥺😘
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queen-ofsunflowers · 11 months
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RWBY in My Hero V4 - Ruby Rose
Okay, so these definitely were supposed to come out MONTHS ago, but... I got distracted by other things and forgot about them until recently when I decided to finish up some of the WIPs that I still have saved.
I regret nothing about these designs, Ruby's PJs were self-indulgent.
The hoodie design for Repairing Bridges is from @ladyofthebluelight! Go check her out. She's an amazing creator.
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ladyofthebluelight · 7 months
After 84 years, the seventh chapter of “The seventh stand user… is a Kamado?” was finally posted! I’m feeling a mix of happiness, excitement and nervousness at the moment. I hope after all this delay, I ended up delivering an enjoyable chapter.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 8 months
For the ask: 7, 8, 9, 10, 17 and 18
Fanfic Writer Ask Game!
7: What’s a troupe you love to write?
My favorite trope that tends to work its way into most -- if not all -- of my fanfics is found family. There's something about it that draws me in. Sometimes you have to choose who your family is, or even open your family to invite in others that aren't related to you by blood. It's the latter that often gets to me.
8: What kind of document do you use to you write? Microsoft Word? Google Docs? Straight in the AO3 text box?
I use Google Docs! Originally it was because of the autosave function on it, but it's also helpful because Google Docs has an app. Which means that I'm able to work on my writing even when I don't have my laptop. Though it lags a bit more because it's on my phone, it's still a feature that I'm grateful for. It also makes sharing with beta readers easier... if I had any, that is.
9: What’s your favorite line(s) or scene(s) that you have written?
OOO. THERE ARE QUITE A FEW. These are the ones that I can come up with off the top of my head:
Iida's line about having to tell Tensei that he tried to commit first degree murder from Peace Sign to the Sky.
Kaminari's foot-in-the-mouth comment and the scene that follows during I-Island Vacation when he sees Ruby in her formalwear
Speaking of Kaminari, his and Ruby's conversation in Falling and Rising about their ADHD. Also Ruby showing Bakugo that she learned sign language for him in the same fic.
Minato's awakening equivalent in Make Every Moment Last.
In the same fic, the scene in chapter 50 with the RyoMina confession. I had been looking forward to putting that out for a while, and I was so happy with the result.
There's also the line about Minato telling fate to go fuck itself. Always iconic.
There are a couple of others, but I haven't shared those fics on my main blog. Those are for the side blogs~
10: What are your top five fics by kudos or by reads
By Reads:
Ruby Rose of Class 1-A
Falling and Rising
A Peace Sign to the Sky
Make Every Moment Last
No More Happy Endings (an older one, but still a good one)
By Kudos:
Ruby Rose of Class 1-A
A Peace Sign to the Sky
Falling and Rising
No More Happy Endings
Make Every Moment Last
17: Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
I'm not sure if this means fanfic authors specifically or just authors in general. With fanfic authors, I always point to my fellow writer friends as an influence and an inspiration since their help and support often keeps me going. With authors in general, the main three that I can think of are Rick Riordan -- whose works influenced me as a kid -- as well as Marissa Meyer and Diana Wynne Jones -- the authors of my two of my favorite book series. And I don't know if this counts as such, but Monster High also influenced my love of the supernatural and occult A LOT. Before that, I was scared shitless of monsters. It really did help me do a 180 on that, as well as helped me with my self-confidence.
18: Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
The first fic that comes to my mind is The Seventh Stand User is a Kamado?! by @ladyofthebluelight! It's a great read, and the way that both universes are meshed together is done well.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
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I had to rummage around for this one, because a lot of the first results that came up were dead wips and some wips that while I really want to talk about, haven't actually found the courage to bring up yet.
Day by Day (RWBY in My Hero)
Nejire: C’mon, Amajiki! We talked about this! If the potato thing didn’t work, Ruby’s in the class, too! Just keep your eyes on our little flower and your heart will go from a kitten’s to a lion’s!
Tamaki: No it won’t! (Wow, that’s uh… Ruby’s not sure how to feel about that. Nejire pats him on the shoulder.)
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in!
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