shigetsugu · 7 years
RINA!!!! virgin killer sweater+lords reaction (6 lords that we both like if 12 is too much :) )
Dear, oh Dear… Took a bit of time before putting this into words but I hope you’ll be satisfied with this! After all, I love everything that involves memes and you know it, eh. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) To have a context, let’s do it as a Modern!AU because otherwise it’d be too weird… So here is six lords with both more or less like! *sweats* And for those who don’t know about it, here is the famous Virgin-Killing Sweater.
Hideyoshi: He’d been told she had a surprise for him but when she came back from their room only wearing the sweater, he’d actually freeze for just a few seconds before jumping on his feet! Feeling mischievous, he would come hug her from behind and whisper to her ear “I think I like this side of you. I’m sure you must be cold with such an open back, aren’t you…?”. Seeing no aptempt of her from resisiting him any longer, he would then lead her to their bedroom, still tell her a lot more wicked words.
Kojuro: After coming back from work, he wasn’t expecting to be welcomed back by her with such attire. First being stunned by seeing such a bold side of her, he would then feel embarrassed by his own thoughts. “After such a stressing day, I can’t say that I am unhappy to have such a beautiful view… But I’m sure you had a certain idea when changing into this…” Knowing he couldn’t resist her anymore, he would lift her on his shoulder and leave for their bathroom. Obviously, dinner was skipped that night.
Masamune: She thought it would be funny to see his shy face, so after their meal, she would change and come back to see him with only that sweater on her. Shocked, he would stare at her for a bit, gradually turning red before looking away. “Please, don’t wear such thing… I can’t look at you without having… unwanted… thoughts…”. But he knew he couldn’t stop himself from wanting more when she came to sat on his lap, her eyes telling everything she was desiring from him…
Ieyasu: When her friends told her they had something for her, she never thought it would be such thing. So when she came back home, she started debating with herself if she should try it or not. Her curiousity at its peak, she finally gave up and wore it but it was far too late for her to take it off when he barged into their room! “What is that provocative outfit you are wearing? Are you perhaps trying to seduce me?” A slight blush creeping on both of their cheeks, he’d think to himself that it actually worked but would never admit it to her…
Saizo: When she woke up that morning, she got the surprise to find a box waiting in the living room with her name on it, so curiously, she decided to open it and discovered that really sexy sweater. But without noticing him in the room before, she got startled when she heard him say “Like my present? I’m pretty sure it will fit you so, wear it for me?”. With a cunning smile on his face, he’d come to her side to start undressing her and tease her endlessly about it.
Kenshin: Because of a long business trip, they hadn’t been able to see each other for a while, so when she received a call from him tell her he’d be back tonight, she was in Heaven! Preparing a lovely setting and dinner, she thought that seeing him with something new would please him. Finally home, he was immediately charmed by everything she had done for him and especially by her new dress. Taking her in his arms and tracing down her spine with his fingers, he couldn’t stop himself to reveal how much he missed her. “I love everything you are wearing, but if I’m honest, I like you even more with nothing on your shoulders…”.
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guacameowle · 7 years
can i still join the cuddle party? :3c
Was I having a cuddle party?! I think it was Noona @suzunesays!! But I don’t mind some cuddles! xx
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whiskasgirl · 7 years
@lainebriick replied to your post 
oooo interesting things about mitsuhide. i admit i havent tried doing his route yet bc most of my friends say that hes boring but reading your essay, as you put it XD, really gives a new perspective on how mitsuhide is. i do love how he is secretly bothered by how others think hes boring and then tried to practice jokes though omg thats so cute? and it shows a lot of things about him!! and i'm so glad you're still around and just lurking. i was worried where you've been gone- -or if somethings happened to you^^ but yay you're here hehehehehe ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ this is shioune's main btw uwu
Thanks, Fran, I appreciate you read through my essay haha XD (I had more but that would have really turned into a dissertation lol) I think I first fell in love with Mitsuhide when in one of Nobu’s events, Katsuie and Hideyoshi were teasing Nobu about the things he did in his younger days and then Nobu goes: “What about Mitsuhide??! I’m sure we have some embarrassing stories about him too!!” And everyone goes: “..........nope I’ve got nothin” and Mitsuhide just quietly smirks to himself in the background. >:3 Aaaah you’re too kind!! ;v; I try to be more active I swear~ ^^””
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otomesanada · 7 years
@lainebriick replied to your post: “SLBP Introduction.”
omggg so glad that you're out of the toxic fandom though ;~; gives u hugs and kisses and makes yukkin and saizo give you some too ehehehe (´・ω・`)
It was a relief. I’m happy, Voltage fandom is my family! (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ ・:*:・ THANK YOU, you’re so kind. same to you with hide and wilfred ・:*:・゚☆d(≧∀≦)b゚+.゚
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little-lady-mimi · 7 years
If you receive this it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this to ten followers who make you happy or someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better! And have a lovely day!!!
Fran dear
Harapnya hubungan kita berkekalan
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frywen-babbles · 7 years
wip game: loathe
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in:
And the rumours would make even the people, who had been ready to accept you the moment before, loathe your presence.
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nxndas · 7 years
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going (or not XD), make someone smile! (^ω^)
Awwww, you’re wondeful too sweetie! That makes me so happy!(˶′◡‵˶)Hope you have a nice day/night! 
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keyamiona · 7 years
❤️ Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "2017" including me if you care. Try to collect 12 it's not easy! Be honest and send this to anyone who made u smile this year🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫
@*&!^%(#*@^%*(@#)^%!(@^(#%^#!%(@*#^!%)*(@^!%(@^#(!^% WHY ARE YOU SO SWEET?! I SOB CAUSE I GOT THIS ;;
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shigetsugu · 7 years
hideyoshi for the send a character ask :3c
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Why I like them: Well, obviously I love him a lot since Hideyoshi is my second favorite lord. I started the game thanks to him so he has a very special place in my heart even if in the end Kojuro won the biggest. He is such a ray of sunshine and he is clearly one of the smartest. I really like him because he is able to turn on the tables so easily, maybe a bit like Kojuro. Both of them are some kind of pillar for both of their clan when it comes to negociations for exemple. He may be a tease but he is so gentle about it, like, you can feel he clearly does it only to show how he likes MC or even Inuchiyo. He stays calm in most situation and he has such a clever mouth that can save everyone’s ass. Boy, do I love him...
Why I don’t: I’m only basing myself on my feeling when I played his main story but he feels so detached and it looks like it’s difficult to approach him, so in the end I didn’t feel like he really liked the MC...
Favorite episode (scene if movie): In his MS, I loved when he has to go to the front and MC gives him her precious hairpin. I think it’s very lovely and big proof on how she cares for him... *cries*
Favorite season/movie: I personnaly loved his first ES but I guess it’s probably because I’m biased again, mmh.
Favorite line: It’s gonna sound stupid but I think it’s in his prologue when he calls for Inuchiyo by calling him “Puppy, puppy, puppy!”... Goddammit, I’m just laughing like a dumbass writing it!!
Favorite outfit: It’s hard because his battle armor is good but I love when he’s only wearing his kimono too...
OTP: Strangely, I’m don’t very much like his relationship with the MC so far. In his MS, they seem a bit distant and it’s like there’s nothing much between them both, it feels a bit empty. I honestly believe that it will be quite different in his ES, so I can’t wait to see what will happen because I think they could get a nice dynamic as well.
Brotp: No contest, I love his duo with Inuchiyo. I mean, there’s no way you can not laugh when the two of them are around. And it’s obvious they care for each other a lot as well. Love it so fucking much.
Head Canon: Fran × Hideyoshi = OTP
Unpopular opinion: I know loads of people see him as some kind of flirty fuckboi but uh, well, he is clearly more than that and that makes me sad that some think of him that way...
A wish: I don’t know honestly, I hope in the future everyone will realize that he may be a bit of a sinnamon roll but he really needs to be happy and loved.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I’m not scared much for him to get a bright future in his sequel... or at least, it’s what I want to believe...
5 words to best describe them: Thoughtful, Lively, Wistful, Peacemaker, Mischievous
My nickname for them: I’m bad at giving nicknames, honestly... I only end up calling my favorite characters either “bitch” or “babe”... 
Fraaaaan! Here goes your monkey boy! ♡ Let’s fight on to give him all the love he deserves as members of #HideyoshiProtectionSquad. (๑♡⌓♡๑)
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guacameowle · 7 years
omg i love ur new icon wheezes
Isn’t it just the cutest!?
I nabbed it from @rosiitea 
It was from this post.
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shcerbatskaya · 4 years
should i go back to my old url, and if so, which one 👀👀👀
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amigoingbananas · 7 years
AMs baby im yours had early beatles feels to it uwwwwu
Yaaaas! I was surprised they did a song like Baby, I’m Yours. (And I was pretty shookt when I found out it was just a cover lmao)
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roseverte · 7 years
@lainebriick thank you!!
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shigetsugu · 7 years
Hideyoshi Toyotomi
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
NO SURPRISE COMING FROM YOU MY LITTLE FRAN!! Well, I’m sure you already know my answers, though! ♡
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guacameowle · 7 years
now i know when JT's birthday is : ) also just realized your ask title is "make it dirty" bc i always sent from dashboard instead *squirts condensed milk to ur inbox to make it dirty* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It’s been set like that for months! I always forget about it until someone reminds me of it! 
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shcerbatskaya · 7 years
previously lainebriick
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