jewishcissiekj · 1 year
In honor of Twitter dying again, here are some Chiss tweets I made a while ago
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I need to make more tbh
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hydr0phius · 9 months
Some crack summaries (and just general notes) of Greater Good like how I did with Chaos Rising
Ar'alani: We have technology to aim our weapons with but I'm going to just eyeball this shot here.
Thalias: *enters the bridge, is exhausted*
Samakro: Wow, you look like shit.
Thalias: Thanks so much. I really appreciate that.
The side of Thaliamakro in this book has me giggling and kicking my feet. If they don't get together romantically I am still here for the friendship. I love them skdjfhsdjf. SAMAKRO SHE'S NOT A SPY THOUGH, MATE-
Laknym & Thalias: *open their mouths to explain something to Che'ri or to ask a question of each other while they're down in secondary command*
Thalias: We're-
The ominous things being hinted at about the Stybla family's past (the most vicious warriors etc). I'm intrigued. Tell me MORE.
*Samakro & Thrawn talking about keeping the Magys on the Springhawk & it's low key an argument*
Samakro: And what do you suppose the Syndicure will think of this?
Lakinda, internally: I hope I don't get dragged into this.
Thrawn: Actually, I wasn't going to tell them *looks at Lakinda*
Lakinda, now officially in the argument: Uhhhh
Thalias: *wakes up*
The Magys in hibernation:
Thalias: Who the fuck put that the- wait, I said Thrawn and Samakro could put it here. Uh. *proceeds to dress for the day throwing side eye looks at the hibernation chamber and wondering if the magys is just suddenly going to wake up and jump scare her (she's not)*
Thalias: *opens the door*
Che'ri, instantly looking inside: WHat's ThAt-
Thalias: A coffin!
Che'ri: That's a bit weird.
Thalias: The Magys is in hibernation to stop her from offing herself.
Che'ri: o h.
Ba'kif: *giving the new orders for Thrawn to be shifted out to the Paataatus again, except there's a lot of political shit going on at the same time*
Samakro: *needling for a bit more info in a subtle way*
Thrawn: *no fucking idea what's happening, but not too pleased about going to the Paataatus hive-home world when he's got a Magys in hibernation in Thalias' room and a puzzle to solve back on Sunrise*
Jixtus having music and beanbags at his meeting with Haplif. Haplif struggling to get out of the beanbag with dignity. Jixtus telling him he should bird watch more often.
Thurfian: *frothing at the mouth with sheer rage after hearing about the scuffle over Sunrise with the unknown dreadnaught + Lakinda's assistance*
Zistalmu: *approaches*
Thurfian, internally: What if I just laid into him? What if I gave him a verbal lashing? A bit of a tickle up? I'd feel better if I tore something to shreds-
(Also Thurfian): Don't do that. Focus on the end game. FOCUS ON THE END GAME.
Zistalmu: You look happy.
Thurfian: Fuck you-
Lakjiip: Look at this *hands Lakuviv the metal report from the Agbui jewellery*
Lakuviv: THat's fucKING NYIX ALLOY-
Lakjiip: I KNOW
Haplif: *does anything*
Lakphro: What are you planning??? I'll find out. I'll know-
Lakjiip: Tell no one of these brooches.
Lakphro: Of course.
Lakphro: *calls his cousin who is married to a scientist who has connections with other scientists that work with metals etc* Hey so there's this jewellery I'm going to send it to you in the mail-
Lakbulbup: Send it through express post.
Lakphro: Have you SEEN the rates for that lately????
Qilori of fucking Uandualon. Back again and causing havoc we're all going to see later. He's going to be the reason the skywalkers are targeted by the Grysk, isn't he...
Shimkif: Marry me.
Haplif: wHAt-
Shimkif: It'll gain Yoponek and Yomie's trust. It'll be fake too
Haplif: Oh ok.
Shimkif: Sorry I was gone so long. I was busy poisoning birds.
Haplif: Amazing.
Yomie: I found another migration up north.
Haplif, internally: No the hell you did not-
Haplif: I don't like birds. I've had enough of birds.
Shimkif: *poisons Yomie*
Haplif: Nice, we're out of here.
RIP Yomie, you had the brains to figure the Agbui out, but your silly fiancé did not and now we're in a bit of a pickle. Haplif giving Yoponek the brooch he took from Yomie's corpse to Yoponek and telling him she left it for him to pin it to her dress on their wedding day when they met again and Yoponek just believing that day will come and meanwhile Yomie's floating in the damn VOID-
I'm sad about them.
Ar'alani: You need to identify yourselves.
Battle Dreadnaught: We've been begged by the people of this world to protect them from threats.
Ar'alani: Oh, so you've talked with the Magys, too?
BD: The what?
Ar'alani: The leader of the people of Sunrise.
BD: Never heard of it.
BD: We were begged though. We will get rid of you if you don't leave.
Ar'alani: Mate-
Ar'alani: You need to bring that asteroid's missile with you
Lakinda: Ok.
*later & with no asteroid missile (too slow to get it out intact in time to provide aid to the Vigilant)*
Ar'alani: uUUhhhhh we might not do well with this now...
*more battle. Lakinda lays into the damaged side of the Dreadnaught and pretty much takes it out after Ar'alani draws enemy fire to her ship.*
Ar'alani: Yeah, nice.
Lakinda: Oh my stars, what if Thrawn's not even that good? What if it was just Ar'alani all along- no. No, he is good. He just learned from the best. *is a little bit obsessed with Ar'alani and Thrawn's history*
Ar'alani: Ok, Csilla said you have to go help Thrawn with the pirates, but I know you have beef with him-
Lakinda: I do NOT have beef with Thrawn.
Ar'alani: You get this annoyed look and tone whenever you interact with him even if he's not being annoying.
Ar'alani: Anyway, as Admiral I can just keep you here if you don't want to go.
Lakinda: No, it's fine.
Ar'alani: Sure.
HHhhh ok. Haplif is getting so much Chiss info and Lakuviv and Co. are completely unaware they're being played and I'm scared about how this whole thing with the Nyix mines is going to play out.
Lakbulbup: Hey so there's this guy called Senior Captain Thrawn and he's good with analysing art-
Lakphro: Yeah fine. Send the brooch to him.
Captain Fsir: aaaaa help, we're being attacked by Vagaari scouts.
Thrawn, off mic to the bridge crew: This is a set up.
Thrawn: I have a plan but I need to see inside your ship first.
Fsir: What-
(He got invited over and took them down so fast at the "pirate base" because of it lmao).
Lakooni: *comm dies after she sends the emergency family summons* LAKUVIV. Your comm is shiet
Lakuviv: That officer you were talking to was me, I'm sorry it had to go this way *pulls a blaster on her* if you'll follow me to my private rooms-
Lakooni, absolutely furious: I'm going to fuck you up so bad for this, do you even know? Do you know what you've unleashed? I'll end your entire career, you backstabbing son of a bi-
Lakuviv: *raises blaster a bit higher*
Lakooni: FIne.
(I can't be the only one whose mind went straight to the gutter and wondered if AO3 had anything with them jxfkjeasdfkjsd)
Every time someone says "yeah, we'll swing by," (which is a lot actually now that I think about it) gave me a bit of a giggle. It made conversation feel more real.
Lakinda when the summons came through: Ok but does Thrawn NEED me there? no. He just needs my ship *leaves*
Apros when Grayshrike eventually meets up with Springhawk: Lakinda got called away on a family emergency order put out to all CEDF Xodlak that weren't in immediate battles or on critical missions.
Thrawn, pissed: WHAt-
Samakro, also pissed and angry at Apros: DID YOU TRY TO STOP HER?
Apros, not able to be pissed with Thrawn because he's higher rank, but able to be pissed with Samakro because they're the same rank and therefore fair game: YES. WHY THE FUCK WOULD I NOT?
Apros: oh btw, Thrawn, she said this had come for you *gives him Lakphro's brooch*
Thrawn: Ooh, pretty.
Thrawn to the Magys: Wakey wakey, do you know what this is? *holds up the brooch*
The Magys: The work of my people. It looks new, though.
Thalias: surprise, they're not dead.
The Magys: There is hope!
*when they've put The Magys back into hibernation*
Thrawn: We also have three families being scammed.
Samakro: *grumpy noises*
Lakinda, just woken up: What do you want?
Thrawn over comms: You're being scammed. There are no mines. It's a set up.
Lakinda: Damn.
Thrawn: I have a plan though!
Lakinda once he's explained: From the bottom of my heart, what the fuck-
Samakro: That's insane actually.
Thrawn: Well if you two come up with anything better, let me know <3
Samakro convincing everyone that Thrawn's plans are strictly military and that he's got no clue with politics and doesn't know how to play them anyway (which is still wild to me tbh. I don't believe it) and then even convincing himself on it too/that Thrawn's their best commander even if his plans are insane sometimes.
I'm still processing the 3 families showdown over Sunrise but Thrawn's plan worked a treat even with family politics fucking up Lakinda's end (my girl got thrown in the brig for talking to Thrawn/warning him that at the end of this the embarrassment at finding out they were being scammed would have worse fallout than the actual fight that they didn't think of when they were making the plan).
Lakinda: Oh my gods it was Ar'alani copying Thrawn's tactics the whole time-
Thyklo: Patriarch Thooraki is dead.
Thurfian: Ah. Condolences.
Thyklo: You're replacing him.
Thurfian: It is an honour.
Thurfian, internally: holy FUCK- Zistalmu is going to lose his damn mind lmfao.
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invertedtroglodyte · 2 years
Thinking of my sweet boy Laknym. I missed him in Lesser Evil. Where is he? Is he safe? Is he alright?
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vessels-cape · 2 years
Laknym <3 <3 <3
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
Okay now I've slept on it and had time to digest it I wanna talk about Greater Good.
First of all we get through most of the book before a blatant reminder of how dogshit garbage Thrawn is at politics but this line still killed me.
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Laknym btw?? Love him to bits. He's so nice to Thalias and Che're and the way he immediately volunteered to pilot the freighter at the end with 0 hesitation 🫡🫡🫡
We already know how I feel about Lakphro so I'll spare you my rant about how a humble chiss rancher stole my heart.
Lakinda was actually an unexpected stand out for me. She's absolutely wonderful.
Thurfian and Zistalmu are little gremlins and I love/hate them because they are perfect foils for Thrawn.
A couple spoilers under the cut
Yoponek and Yomie 😭😭😭 i knew it was coming but still hurt to read. Fly high my queen.
The fight between Halplif and Lakphro had me on edge the whole time!! I was so worried he would die but was so happy when Haplif died.
Also Thurfian being made Primarch of the Mitth was something I DID NOT expect.
Overall, didn't enjoy it as much as the first one, but still loved it considering i finished it in a combined like 15 hours.
Excited to move on to the next one.
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gadmiral-thrawn · 8 months
Day 8 of posting stupid comments i wrote while reading Greater Good
1260 if u kill someone ill get aisha to insult u again
1266 Yas dude u r the jedi of the chiss. Use ur space cow herding stick.
1281 he just straight up said thrawn was bad at politics
1302 haha shes better then all of u idiots
1311 Yas Lady u be dramatic
Day 8 of posting stupid comments i wrote while reading Greater Good
1315 it seems like a good game tho
1326 no fuck
1335 no they cant kill Laknym he was so nice
1349 y did he run
1354 they be like HeLlO
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elivanto · 2 years
Top 5 thrawn-adjacent characters and top 5 sw characters in general thank youuu👽💙
aaaaa okay okay UHHH
top 5 thrawn-adjacent:
eli vanto (surprise!)
karyn faro
gilad pellaeon
top 5 sw in general:
eli vanto
thrawn *sigh*
ahsoka tano (animated)
bo-katan kryze
hera syndulla
thank you!!! 💙
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top TEN?? okay oh boy this might be a bit repetitive but i am allowed to use legends too right? hehehe
thank you!!! 🥹
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
I have come to realize that I do like Samakro, but a very quiet like. Like the comfort of the ocean at your ankles at sunset or something. He still has yet to warm up to Thalias who is my fave but he is Thrawn's first officer and he will support him through it all.
I actually really adore his and Thrawn's relationship. They've come so far and Samakro's learning and honest and he navigates Thrawn through politics-yet he's so different from Eli. He's less loyal to Thrawn but a good warrior to the bone and it's admirable.
Actually, I just had my favorite Samakro moment so far. When Laknym was worried about Thrawn being politically motivated for going against Lakinda's family cause of bigger family rivalries, Samakro was like "The senior captain never plays politics because he doesn't understand politics" and it was so funny.
But also afterwards, he lingered to help all the warriors do drills, offer encouragement and advice because he knew that his encouragement helped and a battle plan is only as good as the people executing it and I was just proud of him.
Samakro has grown on me tbh. But it's also fun to say I don't like him.
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lilac-vode · 3 years
(some of) springhawk fam ranked by how easy it is to get them to nest with you
samakro if he trusts you - 10/10. if you lie down in his vicinity he’s probably already on his way over with a blanket. in fact there’s a good chance he was the one to initiate the nest pile.
laknym - 9/10. the only point of difficulty is convincing him he’s not bothering you. reassure him by telling him he can even bring his plushies, and in fact you encourage it.
afpriuh - 7/10. he’s kind of shy but he does love a good cuddle. he’s more likely to join you if you already have another nestmate or two.
dalvu - 6/10. yes she puts up a prickly front but also she’s always cold. you have a better chance if she feels bad for destroying you at gribblehex earlier.
thrawn - 3/10. challenge mode but very rewarding. if he’s comfortable around you he’s equally happy to be either a squisher or a squishee but whichever he is, you will both be there for a very long time.
samakro if he doesn’t trust you - 1/10 no cuddles for spies. the only thing keeping this from being a solid 0 is the fact that if he perceives you as a threat to his crew, he will gladly sit nearby and stare at you with suspicion while you sleep which kind of almost counts as communal sleeping, maybe.
kharill - 0/10 “stop asking” (his words, not mine)
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gryffindor-jedi · 2 years
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Gen Ascendancy Day 4 - Cooking Together & Mess Hall
The Springhawk crew try to make cookies from scratch for Che'ri, but Laknym and Thalias have collapsed from eating raw dough, and Samakro is trying to salvage the mess
Thrawn is fine, and is getting ready to bake the dough
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reythemandalor · 3 years
Thrawn Ascendancy Characters as Brooklyn Nine Nine moments
My fellow officers, ours is not an easy job. The hours are long, the danger is constant, the pay is LOL.
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cedfcharity · 3 years
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Today’s calendar page preview is Laknym by @a-aristippus!
Preorders for the zine and calendar are now live on our Gumroad! All proceeds from sales will be donated to the Navajo Water Project.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 2 years
But Wait! There’s More!
Summary: Another perspective on the final battle of Lesser Evil.
Otherwise, happy Apros day, enjoy!
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doctorwenqing · 3 years
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OH NO, ELI 😭😭😭
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irn-bru · 3 years
did my boy laknym ever get that promotion
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Chiss cuddle pile—who's on top? Samakro or Wutroow?
Eli, Ezra and Ronan meeting Ere'bus
Ezra and Ere'bus vs Ysalamir (and Tye'kho, Ira and Saris?)
What's Laknym's favourite pastime?
Ezra Tye'kho Ere'bus and Theron are in a room for ten seconds—what happens?
How do Wutroow and Samakro respond to the three humans?
Apros hairstyle—hit me
Obligatory ask for frying pan or angy cat
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(Sorry couldn't find the head pat one)
wutroow is all limbs. at some point, she will inevitably roll around to the point that samakro will have a hand slap his face and a foot kick his stomach, so definitely wutroow :’)
extremely intimidated (but can you blame them?) and also ezra gets some VERY weird force vibes that he doesn’t really know how to interpret. dispute that, he thinks Ere’bus is like. super cool
ezra tries to be a cool creature-connected jedi but like. fails horrendously. everybody else looks on with second-hand embarrassment as he tries to pry the poor ysalamir off its panel before Ere’bus eventually drags him away in shame
i am absolutely convinced that Laknym acts as Che’ri’s second momish whenever thalias is too tired. he is very good with kids, and helped take care of his 3 younger sisters before he joined the military. they color, play tap-click games with each other, and try to find weird recipes in cooking blogs on his questis.
tye’kho vibe-checks the room and immediately leaves. there is too much chaos about to happen for even them to manage.
wutroow is absolutely fascinated. she loves to try saying basic words and works basic idioms into cheunh every chance she gets, with eli’s help. she is also a bad influence on ezra, and convences him and vah’nya to go get a bunch of piercings when they’re on leave—cause why SHOULDNT he experience age-old young chiss rites of passage? she also relentlessly teases ronan about everything and he hates her for it. samakro—of admiral Mak’ro, is much more hesitant about them. he hates the idea of outsiders in the ascendency, but respects the work eli and ezra do for the navigators. he hates ronan and wants to exile him. it becomes a running gag for Mak’ro to try exiling him over everything he finds annoying.
first thought out of my brain was that his haircut is probably very similar to thrawn’s, but a little longer 🤔
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obligatory angy cat pic
(OCs: Tye’kho belongs to me, Ere’bus belongs to @emp-roar, Ira belongs to @pretty-with-andorian-shingles, saris belongs to @loud-shimo-screes, and theron belongs to @evarinaandlat :D)
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