#lampo sharing thoughts
rebo-chan · 6 months
So, my server peeps may recognize me talking about this but I randomly remembered and thought I'd share. :]
Okay, well I'm sure we all know that Giotto ran off to Japan during Second's time.
But, that doesn't explain what happened to the rest of his guardians, right? Well, I think you can assume it based on where Tsuna's guardians ended up in at the start of the series.
For example, Asari definitely went with Giotto to Japan since Yamamoto and Tsuna were both there.
Lampo stayed in Italy.
Daemon stayed in Italy.
Knuckle went with him to Japan.
Alaude went with him to Japan.
And G? G stayed in Italy. Which actually??? high key drives me insane??? I need to know the tea behind that because all of G and Giotto's interactions imply they were two peas in a pod. So, what in the world happened that resulted in them getting separated??? I need to know. Did they have a disagreement? Okay, but it seems like they had many disagreements seeing as Giotto was a wild one. Was this one bad enough to break them?? It doesn't seem like it.. Was it for safety? Did someone have to stay in order to watch Second's actions and what he did with Vongola? LIKE I HAVE TO KNOW. THIS ISNT A JOKE. Daemon is easy to assume why he stayed in Japan, and Lampo WAS a prince so I get that he couldn't up and follow Giotto to Japan. BUT G HAD NO REASON. THEY WERE BESTIES??? HE WAS LOYAL TO HIM... i need answers, amano...
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definegodliness · 5 months
Contrary to what might be expected, I am not an avid book reader. Regrettably, I have an incredibly hard time finding stories that captivate me, and am far easier annoyed with writing styles and far sooner bored with subject choices than, I'm sure, would better me. Herein, I'd like to add, not to sound too pedantic, it is mostly the weirdness of my own brain that hinders me. In constant world-dissecting contemplation, therein all too prone to jadedness and world weariness. A rather unruly mind that not only is weird, but also craves weirdness: surprises, sparks of curiosity, and above all confusion; logic in chaos, magic in reality.
Magical realism.
Two days ago I learned about this style of writing, and I'm excited. We had guests over, old friends of my mom and dad; a married couple with whose family we used to spend holidays together. Occasionally they drop by, or my mom and I go to theirs. After catching up, I had to go walk the dog, so I missed out on a lot of fun, and often inspiring, conversations, and when I came back we went from series and movie recommendations --- for which I am also rather useless --- to reading tips.
Now, I have reading tips, but I always add the disclaimer that my mind is weird and my tastes are based on vagueness and obscurity, definitely not for everybody. But as I was, I suppose apologetically, enthusing about Süskind's Perfume and Hesse's Steppenwolf, adding them to 'the borrow pile', the husband had been nodding and finally hummed:
"Magical realism."
Immediately intruiged, I asked him what it was, and he explained it was a certain writing style. He couldn't quite reproduce the exact mannerisms of the style, as it was part of his high school material, but when I spoke about my reading preferences one of his Dutch classes had randomly popped into his mind. And(!) there was a book. He grabbed his phone and searched both Google and his memory simultaneously, until his much anticipated: "A-ha!"
Hubert Lampo
The Coming Of Joachim Stiller
I ordered the book immediately. Today, it arrived, and this evening I started reading. 80 feverishly read pages in I can already say this is EXACTLY what my weird, food-for-thought malnourished brain had been literarily craving. Not only subject wise, but the Flemish Lampo, like our southern neighbours tend to do, writes attentive, therein striving for perfection. Then, Lampo himself treats the Dutch language as an artform. I have to reread bits because I get distracted admiring his craft.
There are so many mind sparkling sentences, and he strings them together without fearing any extra comma or conjunction. Some take up over half a page and I love it. I'll gladly admit it took me some pages to get used to reading such writing again, having solely read poetry and (news) articles for a year or two, but it is such a blessing to not be underestimated as a reader in both vocabulary and attention span.
I put down the book to write down this feeling of joy, and share it, but also to be able to relive the feeling when I head to my mom and dad's friends' place, as a guest, to properly express my thanks for the recommendation.
Don't you adore it when a great book just randomly comes into your life like this? When it finds you as if fated, because it is at a time in your life when you, in hindsight, direly seek its contents.
For obvious reasons, I do. It's one of the little magics I still have left. All my favourite books have come to me randomly, as such. However, two, maybe three years of waiting for such a moment is a long time. That's why I'm also glad that two days ago I got to know about the style. Magical Realism. I'll dive into that as soon as I finish reading, or, better said, consuming The Coming Of Joachim Stiller.
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seijuurouxryuu · 11 months
past and present
Title: past and present Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: Gen Pairing: Giotto & Tsuna Event: @khrrarepairweek Prompts: Monster Hunter AU | Ghosts Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Day 1: Storm Day
The thunder was loud, booming and deafening in the background. It was calming, it was unnerving. Because it was on these days that Tsuna could see the shadows of the past, the shadows of the dead.
The thunder was loud, booming and deafening in the background. It was calming, it was unnerving. Because it was on these days that Tsuna could see the shadows of the past, the shadows of the dead.
“Giotto-san…” He frowned at his ancestor, blurry frame solidifying with the lightning’s shine. Akin to charged light bulb. Something something about how the positive and negative ions become disarray during a thunderstorm.
The dead was hovering by the window, staring out silently. At Tsuna’s call, he looked back and blinked. In a way that reminded Tsuna of a lizard. Again, unnerving.
“Yes, child?”
The almost thirty-four-year-old man twitched at the ‘endearment’. He decided to ignore it seeing how ancient Giotto was and instead asked, “Are you alright?”
Giotto blinked again.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, you… You look,” Tsuna paused, thinking of a word to describe the ex-mafia boss. “Burnout.” Tired. Lost. Dead. Figuratively and literally.
Giotto smiled. “I am, aren’t I?” He murmured and look out of the window again. It was a foreign yet familiar sight to see—it was after all the town he vowed to protect forever, the town he grew up and bleed for. It was the island that chained his very soul to, to be forgotten by all but his descendants and the dark side they chose to join.
He was persistent, he was filled with fire and will to fight for them. He was young, then, like the only child who could see him and hear him. He was more willful too. But he was older soon and the fire slowly was doused with tears and blood, burning slower and quieter. His bones grew colder at the harsh reality he had faced and soon, he could no longer burn the will.
Ricardo—his brother who rage brighter than he burned with hope—took his continued dimming as the ending of legality and brought them into the world of darkness. He then reigned Vongola with growing glory, burning brighter and stronger than Giotto, bringing Vongola its peak.
And the part the fully douse Giotto’s flame was how Ricardo protected their home better than Giotto despite drowning the walls with more blood of their enemies.
Giotto decided to leave the limelight and take Alaude and Asari’s hands to move to the land of rising sun to warm his bones and blood once more.
Sawada Ieyasu was the name Asari gave—peaceful family. A representative—a reminder—of Giotto’s vows. A reassurance that Giotto had brought peace to his family—them.
And it was a name that he never really believed that it suited him despite what they said.
“How are you doing?” He asked instead, returning Tsuna the question. Tsuna shrugged as he walked closer, leaning against the wall as he weakly laughed at himself.
“As well as I can ever be.” He sighed. “I’m just tired of dealing with all the chaos that Xanxus and Reborn caused. I just want to sleep…”
Giotto smiled, understanding the feeling because he had his fair share of continuously trying to reign in Ricardo and Lampo from whatever fights or chaos they were up to. It wasn’t fun, but he wouldn’t have them any other way. Even if it almost always ended up with him bedridden in exhaustion. Even then, it was probably the most fun he had.
Now that he thought about it, he had the time of his life whenever he was with his family, be it good or bad. And even if he had gone back to that time, he wouldn’t want to change anything except for the incidents involving Cozarto and Elena.
Ahh, how he missed the carefree times he was with his family.
Looking at how Tsuna was, he was sure that the young boy felt the same. Only, he would burn brighter. More so than how Giotto once did. He would fight for his family, and more importantly, he would fight for himself. He would survive better than Giotto.
And Giotto want that to happen.
He smiled and leaned back; His frame more relaxed. “Could you tell me about them? Your family.”
Tsuna blinked and grinned. “Yes. In return, tell me about yours!”
Honestly I churned this out in an hour or so time, and separately in another day for the ending. I had three drafts for the ending but none seemed to fit so,,, I could only do like this. The plunny for this died halfway and I can't remember what I planned so rip. But still!!! First day of RPW!! I'm late but yay!! :DD Just them bonding honestly. I think that Giotto would linger around Vongola mansion, hovering here and there to reminisce his past by himself. The rest of the primo gen are probably somewhere chillin but Giotto was haunted by his own past i think. Daemon too. Both of them are just. Suffering. I didn't write Daemon because I think whatever he does, he wants it private while Giotto? Giotto doesn't care who sees him. He just stuck in the abyss [vtuber joke] Anywaysssssss,,,, I'm late by so many days so im gonna go ahead and post the other days one first CIAO [I apologize for any grammar, spellings, etc. etc. mistakes]
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lamponellatempesta · 2 years
Random thoughts of Lampo are back! In the tonight menù we have small headcanons on Melli! (Already sorry for my English!)
- He is a transgender boy and he understood when he was quite young that there was something between his body and how he really felt that he was not working but he always kept it hidden, given the age in which he was born.
- It is of the sign of Leo, an August Leo.
- He tried to keep his voice low enough to be more masculine and this make him feel good about himself.
- His ego is largely a shell that he uses to defend himself from others and look strong, when in reality it should only be protected and make him venting, otherwise it will explode like a voltorb.
- His favorite dish is a soup made from berries found only in the highlands.
- Prefers sunrise to sunset.
- The first person he confessed to feeling like a boy and not a girl was Adaman, who was initially shocked for some time, but then everything went back to normal.
- On days when women’s duties hits (if you know what I mean) is difficult to see him around . He hates everything about those days and the discomfort they cause him by reminding him that the body does not match who he is. In total breakdown surrounded by little voltorbs and Lord Electrode, also present in his own way.
- He will understand that he feels feelings and attraction for boys when Ingo appears in front of him, despite finding him initially weird.
- Over time, Melli will also teach Ingo to speak Sinnohian properly and especially not to pick poisonous berries.
- He will understand that he is totally under a train for the Lady Snesler's warden when they find themselves having to share the cave of Melli because Ingo remained stuck there because of a storm and everything Ingo said about sneasler, the only thing left in Melli's mind are the features of his face and how he wanted to kiss him to make him shut up and feels how those lips taste.
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poetyca · 2 years
Ascoltare il Dharma – Listening to the Dharma
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Ascoltare il Dharma
Ascoltare il dharma e condividerlo con altri è la quinta azione abile. Le parole hanno potere e molti hanno raggiunto l’illuminazione solo con l’attento ascolto degli insegnamenti. Ascoltare è in sé un’arte. Spesso mentre ascoltiamo siamo impegnati in pensieri, giudizi e reazioni solo nostri. Quando invece ascoltiamo con la mente immobile e concentrata, possiamo essere realmente sensibili a ciò le le parole comunicano. Talvolta le intuizioni più profonde arrivano In un lampo, inaspettatamente. Ho potuto sperimentare personalmente e in modo intenso questa verità. Qualche settimana prima che finisse il mio periodo di volontariato in Thailandia nel Corpo dei volontari per la pace, sedevo silenzioso nel giardino di un amico e lo ascoltavo mentre leggeva un testo tibetano intitolato, in quella prima traduzione, Il libro tibetano della grande liberazione. Avevo la mente piuttosto concentrata e, a un certo punto, quando il testo si dilungò sulla ‘natura non nata della mente’, vi fu un’improvvisa esperienza di apertura della mente … sul nulla. Quell’ apertura momentanea al ‘non manifesto’ , una realtà che trascende il corpo e la mente ordinaria, ebbe la forza di una saetta che mandò in frantumi l’illusione che aveva reso concreto il sé. Immediatamente dopo, continuò a riproporsi alla mente una frase: “Non c’è nessun io, non c’è nessun io”. Quell’esperienza cambiò radicalmente il mio modo di vedere le cose. Naturalmente, da allora, si sono ripresentate molte volte sensazioni e pensieri concernenti l”io’ , isenso del sé, ma permane tuttora la consapevolezza che persino il senso del sé è privo di sé: è solo un altro pensiero. Joseph Goldstein “Un solo Dharma” – Il crogiolo del nuovo buddhismo Ubaldini editore – Roma
Listening to the Dharma
listen Listen to the dharma and share it with others is the fifth action skilled. Words have power, and many have achieved enlightenment only with careful attention paid to the lessons. Listening is an art in itself. Often as we listen we are engaged in thoughts, our judgments and reactions only. But when we listen with the mind still and focused, we can be really sensitive to what the words communicate. Sometimes the most profound insights come in a flash, unexpectedly. I have experienced personally and so intense that truth. A few weeks before the end of my period of volunteer work in Thailand in the Peace Corps volunteers, sat quietly in the garden of a friend and I listened as she read a text entitled Tibet in the first translation, The Tibetan Book of the great liberation. My mind was quite focused and, at some point, when you dwell on the text ‘unborn nature of mind’, there was a sudden experience of opening the mind … about nothing. Quell ‘momentary release the’ unmanifest ‘, a reality that transcends the ordinary body and mind, had the force of a thunderbolt shattered the illusion that made the concrete itself. Immediately after, he continued to recur to the mind a sentence: “There is no me, there’s no me.” That experience radically changed the way I see things. Of course, since then, recur many times feelings and thoughts concerning the ‘me’, isenso of itself, but there is still the knowledge that even the sense of self is no self: just another thought.
Joseph Goldstein “One Dharma” – The crucible of the new Buddhism Ubaldini publisher – Rome
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Hello, I need match-up please! I'm a girl with curvy shape with insecure. I'm the artist, so, my hobby is drawing. I always pretending to be happy but actually i'm not. still, i'm hiding it well. I have a sympathy and warm heart, but sometime i can be very aggressive and selfish . I don't like crowd and loud noise. And... I'm easy to jealous(very very much), but hiding it well.
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Your Match is Chikusa
The two of you probably met each other in a stationary shop, as he was grabbing the last Moleskine on the shelf and you extend your hand to have it too.Even with the lot of money problems the Kokuyo Gang encountered during their youth, Chikusa always kept a bit of coin he earned for himself, whether buying CDS or tools, anything that could cut him from reality. Art is what helps him get throught hard situations because he doesn’t focus on anything else when he draws.He’s happy to find someone he can relate and share techniques with.You’re both pretty similar as neither of you really can stand crowded and loud places, perfect dates would be when the sun has already set, for nighty walk in parks or behind closed doors chit-chating until the stars get back to sleep.To be honest, he will be more than relieved and grateful if you offer him a quiet place to stay when he really can’t stand Ken and the silly arguments, or it was his excuse to spend more time in your company.Chikusa knows how life can be a bitch and that you sometimes want, need, to blow everyone off and just think of yourself and your cravings, people just have to let you be pissed in peace. He’s even pretty familiar with this feelings as he doesn’t hesitate to retreat yourself and refuse to speak or get out for days.Despite your bad days, he can easily read how considerate and caring you are, and it's why he forgive your selfish moments without a second thought.Comfortable silence is a master word you and your only presence help the both of you to calm down when something’s wrong.He has a sixth sens for that, and no matter your sweet smile and lies, you can’t cover the fact something is bothering you, he appreciates the fact you don’t want to be a burden for anyone by keeping everything to yourself, specially him, but he has to admit that he came to wonder if he’s not  the problem and/or if you consider him not worthy enough to share your thoughts with him.He won’t push for you to open, knowing how hard it can be, but when he will begin to accept his feelings and realize how much he wanted to be close to you, he will try and hope that you will loosen up a bit if he opens up first.It’s really hard to win his trust, but if you reassure him enough, he will even share with you all the complicated things his life was made with.Chikusa isn’t really fond of jealousy as he isn't jealous himself despite his low self-esteem from time to time, he won’t confront you right away with it, telling you it annoys him because he can understand the source of the feeling.On the other hand, he’ll threw off your insecurities, either personal or caused by something/someone else by showing you how beautiful he finds you and how important you are to him, you, and no one else.
Your Life in the KHR World
- M.M always asks you to draw her each times you two met [not like a french girl.]- Ken already took one of your drawing to wipe his hands after he get out of the bathroom, since then you ignored him completely- You hang around Shoichi pretty often, and you have plenty sketches of him sleeping mouth open.
- You’ll see a significant evolution as his drawings tend to be less dark since you entered his life.- If you take a look at his sketchbooks, you will discovered a LOT of portraits of you, from your pretty face to each curve of your body.See how embarassed you feel when you discovered it, well, don’t say a word because he could die for embarassment.- The firs kiss you shared costs Chikusa all of his willpower to not faint, but he would never admit it.Runner-up: LampoFriends: Shoichi, Haru, FranDon’t get along with: Ken, Spanner, LamboMatch from another fandom: Shoto Todoroki - Boku no Hero Academia
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i-w-p-chan · 7 years
Revenge, Part 15
The events of this segment of Revenge were scrapped around three times before I decided on this course of events.
Alt. title "Reborn is Played"
Warnings: This Is So Filler-ish I Am Sorry, Yeah That Weird Ieyasu/Bianchi Is Still Going On, And Yeah I Scrapped The Previous Set Of Warnings They Were Boring Anyway, What Have I Done.
Disclaimer: I don't own KHR.
Bianchi settled into the Sawada household with more ease than Reborn had originally anticipated, helped along by Sawada Nana who took a look at Bianchi and immediately welcomed her, gushing about unexpectedly getting a future daughter-in-law.
It was a couple of days into Bianchi's stay at the Sawadas' that something new happened.
At the time, Bianchi and Ieyasu were glaring at each other. Bianchi had G sitting in front of her while she styled his hair; Ieyasu had Asari in front of him for the same reason. The two hadn't let go of their explosive argument in the bathroom the first day they met about shampooing and proper hair care. Reborn was observing the four.
Knuckle was helping out Nana in the kitchen. Tsuna, Natsu and Lampo were just coming down the stairs from the triplet's room upstairs when the doorbell rang.
Tsuna, who was at the front of the three, went to get it. A few minutes later, he called, "Ieyasu! Someone is at the door for you!"
Ieyasu reluctantly cut off his glaring contest with Bianchi and rose to go and see who asked after him.
A minute later, he returned with Tsuna to the living room where everyone was present. He was holding an envelope in hand.
Natsu raised a curious eyebrow at the envelope, seemingly wondering what it contained; he wasn't the only one curious.
Ieyasu tore off the side of the envelope and removed the folded paper inside. He unfolded the paper and the moment he caught sight of what was written, he paled.
Natsu was the first to go to him and take the paper from his hands while G, Asari, Lampo and Knuckle (who came into the room at the sound of the doorbell) looked at Ieyasu with concern and at the paper with apprehension.
Natsu let out a breathless curse, "It's from Elena."
There were various surprised sounds from the four who were waiting for a reply, and Natsu continued "She has Alaude. She tells us in the letter where to find her and when we should go to meet her." Natsu refolded the paper and looked at the four plus Ieyasu with an apologetic look on his face.
Knuckle sighed, "Poor Alaude, he never liked dresses."
Asari and Lampo nodded in agreement while Reborn silently wondered what dresses had to do with anything. Tsuna observed the others with a neutral look on his face.
G looked particularly distressed.
Ieyasu pinched the bridge of his nose, and then tapped his chin thoughtfully.
G looked even more distressed.
"All right guys! Get yourselves pretty and ready. We are going to meet the Wicked Witch!" Ieyasu beamed.
"How do you even recover so quickly from something like this?" Natsu asked faintly.
Apparently, when Ieyasu told his friends plus brother to get 'pretty and ready', he really meant it.
This line of thought passed through Reborn's mind as he observed Ieyasu with his potential guardians and Chief Advisor (Bianchi, for some reason, declined to come with them) walking in the direction of the address given to them in the letter sent by an 'Elena'. The group, sans Ieyasu, appeared to be marching towards their doom while wearing fancy clothes, with their hair carefully done and even some make up on.
The walk took them twenty minutes, until they reached their destination: a simple, two-storey house.
Ieyasu rang the bell. A moment later, the door was opened by none other than Lancia, the Strongest Man in Northern Italy.
Reborn's mind then connected the few clues that he had; when Natsu said that the letter was from an 'Elena', he couldn't have possibly meant Elena di Serpente, heiress of the Serpente famiglia, could he? Lancia's presence certainly confirmed that theory.
(Actually, so did the fact that Bianchi declined coming with the group; she probably knew, that devious young woman).
The group shared looks between them while Reborn stared ahead.
(He had the feeling that he was on the butt end of some joke he wasn't privy to).
Lancia looked stoically at the group; he, too, was dressed up. From behind him, a couple of kids (also dressed up) excitedly ran out; one of them was Ranking Prince Fuuta and the other was Fon's disciple, I-pin.
And then Alaude came out. At his appearance, Reborn understood what dresses had to do with anything.
(The vicious possible Cloud guardian was clad in a dress that matched his eyes, and his accessories and make up were tastefully chosen).
From behind him, out came Elena di Serpente, Princess of the Serpente famiglia, impeccable in her appearance and mannerisms as always.
She smiled at them all, "Shall we?"
Lancia and the kids led the way to their destination: the theater where a travelling theater company was going to perform their new play, 'The Danseur and the Barista'. Behind them was Elena along with Alaude and Ieyasu who brandished a group of tickets and loudly thanked Elena for them.
Reborn noted that G's shoulders noticeably sagged in relief, and that Natsu muttered under his breath, "It was just an invitation to watch a play with her, thank god. Damn you, Ieyasu, you couldn't have mentioned that? You like to watch us suffer, don't you, you ass?"
When the group reached the theater and were admitted to their seats, they were greeted by a beaming Nana and a calmly smiling Bianchi who were seated in the seats next to the group. Next to Nana and Bianchi were two people whom Reborn identified as Ken and Chikusa, the only survivors of the Estraneo attack from a few years ago. There was an empty seat between Bianchi's and Chikusa's; Reborn estimated that it was Tsuna's.
"Where is Tsuna?" Ieyasu voiced out Reborn's thoughts.
"Oh!" Nana gave a secretive smile, "The company needed an extra set of hands and Tsu-kun volunteered."
It wasn't until the play started and the Danseur's Spartan tutor was introduced that they found where Tsuna went to help out.
The actor on stage playing the Spartan tutor gave a chilling smirk to his student, who shivered, and spoke his lines, perfectly delivered in a velvety voice.
No one other then Reborn, Nana, Natsu, Ieyasu and his guardians, Bianchi, and Elena and her group seemed to notice that the actor was too tiny for his role.
Bianchi smirked, "The actor playing the role came down with a cold. The three substitutes decided to elope together for their honeymoon just this morning. Tsunayoshi volunteered to substitute."
Reborn would admit that Tsuna perfectly pulled off the part.
But, why did he add curly sideburns to his costume?
End part 15  
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rosemariethb-blog · 6 years
bigass milf - 8 Ways Mature Footjobs Can Drive You Bankrupt - Fast!
The rain had been falling for three days. Captain Storwick and his men knew better than to risk voyage during a storm like this. They had landed in port that morning before the worst of it hit and he had spent the day drinking at the tavern. The roast fowl hit the spot but now he had an itch that good food and strong drink couldn't fix. "Dalvin! Go out and find Mama Lou and bring in the whores." a raucous cheer went up from the crew as the first mate brought in the barkeep. Mama Lou had been a bar whore in the port city of Lampos since Captain Storwick was a cabin boy. She had killed the previous owner of the bar when he tried to fuck her in the arse instead of the cunt. Everyone knew Mama Lou didn't take it up the stinker like most whores. She had grown fat in her old age and now she would give you a yanker if the coin was right. She usually kept a few girls around the place though and usually they were clean enough. Mama Lou had skin the color of good coffee - deep dark brown - and her eyes danced with delight at the sight of Captain Storwick. "Good Captain it's been a long time. Come to let Mama jerk your mast like she did when you were with the Phantom?" The Captain's cock twitched beneath his trousers but it wasn't the old woman he wanted. Back then she had been a smooth skinned island girl and he a hard bodied cabin boy but now they were old and gray and he yearned for the smooth skin of youth. "Your girls&... bring them to me." She nodded and without another word she left only to return with three girls. The first was too fat and he sent her over to the crew with a small purse of coin. The 2nd smelled as if she hadn't bathed in days - just the way his First Mate liked it so she went to him. Number three had seen her fair share of winters. She probably used to be pretty - blonde hair and blue eyes - but the seasons and sea had worn her down. Another one for the crew. "Is there no one else? Some one&... younger?" He fingered his mustache and looked into the eyes of his once lover. "A hairless cunt for the Captain, aye, I have a girl that fits your fancy. Came to us with the last shipment of spice - scared and wet and alone. She's never been touched by man or beast. She will cost you extra." His eyes shown with excitement, "How much extra" "10,000 quid for her mouth 20 more for her cunt 20 more for her stinker." The Captain sat up in his chair and the crew stopped their fun to see how he would answer, "50,000 for a single girl!? What is she an Elf!?" The crew laughed out loud and went back to their whores. "Half actually&..." You could have heard a pin drop. The Captain stared with his mouth agape, "You find a half-elf and you turn her into a whore? Fuck Lou you have some balls you nasty old slut. The council?" "The council doesn't know and they won't if you keep your rotten mouth shut. Now&... shall I fetch her or no?" Captain Storwick had his cock out before she finished ,"Bloody hell you better fetch her. Dalvin stop fucking that stinking whore and fetch 50,000 quid from me chest in the room. I'm fucking an elf boys!" The crew let out a loud cheer and went back to the whores the captain had paid for. Mama Lou lead her into the room&... a tiny thing of a girl wrapped in a pink silk gown with white cherry blossoms embroidered on it. Her white gold hair hung just below her shoulders and her skin was naturally tan. Mama Lou lead her past the crew and over to the Captain. "Dara this is Captain Storwick. He Captains the "Eleanor" - the big ship harbored at our port." Her eyes shown for a brief second and she looked up at Mama Lou with a childish glee, "The one you promise to take me to see?" "Yes child, see how good Mama is to you? I brought you their Captain. Go with him now child and do what he asks. Just like we talked about okay?" When the Captain stood and took Dara by the hand she stared at his exposed cock. The Captain smiled and lead her to his room. He sat her on the bed and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered. "Are you cold girl?" She nodded and looked at the floor. The Captain stood and walked over and lit the corner fire place. He stood and drew the curtains to the lone window in the room letting the light in. The rain beat against the pane and outside a beggar in a tattered hood stood huddled against the side of the building. Captain Storwick turned to face Dara then sat back down in the chair. "Stand up for me girl." She timidly stood still looking down at the floor. He stroked his cock and let his thumb rub against the tip a few times. "Take off your clothes for me." She let the gown fall to the floor. Her skin was milky white and smooth. Puffy light pink nipples stood at attention on small perky tits. Her cunt was almost hairless save for a small patch of golden hair. The Captain had never seen something so beautiful as her. She looked up from the floor for the first time since they entered and let her hands dangle by her side giving him a better look at her nubile body. She slowly walked over to the chair and knelt in front of him. "Mama told me how to do it&.... should I?" The Captain took his hands off his cock and caressed her soft cheek. She took him into her mouth - just the head at first then the whole shaft down her throat before bobbing back up for air. I'll have to tip Mama Lou extra for being such a good teacher he thought as she took him down her throat again. Her tiny hand wrapped around his balls and the other stroked his shaft as she licked up and down the head of his cock. He reached out for her tits and fondled her pink nipples. He pulled her to her feet and pushed her toward the bed. She knew what was next and bent over the cold mattress in anticipation. Captain Storwick ripped his shirt off revealing the bronze key on a silver chain he kept hung around his neck. Her pussy was glistening wet and he nearly came when she reached back and rubbed her waiting slit. "Please be gentle sir&... I've never&... " The Captain had never been one for mercy. You don't get the moniker "Stone Heart Storwick" for caring about the feelings of whores - no matter how young and beautiful. He shoved his manhood as hard and deep as he could as she cried out in pain. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. His other hand wrapped around her throat to use as a handle as he fucked her harder and harder. Tears streamed down her face and onto the bare mattress. Her little cunny clinched tight around his cock and he could feel her burst into orgasm. He had to pull out as the feeling of her cumming nearly sent him over the edge. He wanted to enjoy every bit of this that he could and at his age once you pull the trigger it's hard to reload the old cannon. He knelt behind her and licked her sopping wet love hole. He spread her cheeks and she jumped in surprise as he slid the tip of his finger in her bum. He had to taste it too. He shoved his tongue up her ass hole as far as he could causing her knees to tremble and her to moan. He stood and laid on the mattress. "Ride my cock girl&..." She straddled him, guiding his cock toward her waiting pussy. She rubbed the head against her waiting pussy lips before sliding down on it completely. She moaned as she bounced up and down on his pink mast. Then she reached behind her and cupped his balls. She gave them a little tug and lifted them enough to get her fingers below. She rubbed her middle finger against his asshole and a moan escaped the Captain's dry lips. She plunged her finger inside him and could feel him thrust deeper inside him. He was on the verge of bursting and was trying to hold back. He wanted more. A second finger joined the first and sent him over the edge. She could feel the head of his cock throbbing inside her as he filled her up with hot cum. She slid off and finished him with her mouth. He pumped two more spurts in her warm mouth before he finished and she let it dribble down her chin for him to see. She crawled up beside him and for the first time since they met she placed a kiss on his dry lips. He didn't feel the blade she had slipped from under the pillow until the blood was pouring out of his gaping neck. His gurgled cries for help were muffled by a pillow. He tried to fight back but when your throat has been cut from ear to ear and you have a pillow shoved against your face. His death throws were quick and his bowels emptying on the mattress were indicative that the dear Captain was no more. Dara took the key from his neck and draped it over hers. Should you have any kind of concerns relating to where as well as tips on how to work with black milf pounded, you are able to call us on our own web site. Only one thing missing now. The razor sharp blade sliced through his cock like hot butter. She turned and walked over to the window where she opened the shutters and imitated the call of a bird of paradise. The bum huddled in the corner through back his hood and a deeply scarred face smiled up at her. He positioned himself directly under the window and she fell gracefully into his arms. His massive arms were so warm and as he wrapped her in the cloak and raised the hood over her silky blonde hair to hide her from the rain. She stuffed the severed cock in the pocket of the hood as they trotted down the road to the harbor. Mama Lou would be in to check the room in less than 20 minutes. Just enough time to reach the Mantis and make sail. Part 2 coming soon! MyAssYourFace2
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lamponellatempesta · 2 years
Just a random thought of the 6.24 pm in which Emmet in the period when Ingo is lost in Hisui, in the moments when he allows himself to have a breakdown or sleep, sinks into his brother’s bed and remains there for a lot of hours to embrace a stuffed animal of a train (which his brother gave him) for the whole time of his collapse or his sleep. Every night after his work Elesa goes to his house to check on him and give him support and love. She is not her brother, but she will do whatever he needs as a friend to make him feel a little better and prevent him from doing stupid things or having intrusive thoughts.
Shippers of them do not interact thank you.
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poetyca · 4 years
Ascoltare il Dharma
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Ascoltare il Dharma
Ascoltare il dharma e condividerlo con altri è la quinta azione abile. Le parole hanno potere e molti hanno raggiunto l’illuminazione solo con l’attento ascolto degli insegnamenti. Ascoltare è in sé un’arte. Spesso mentre ascoltiamo siamo impegnati in pensieri, giudizi e reazioni solo nostri. Quando invece ascoltiamo con la mente immobile e concentrata, possiamo essere realmente sensibili a ciò le le parole comunicano. Talvolta le intuizioni più profonde arrivano In un lampo, inaspettatamente. Ho potuto sperimentare personalmente e in modo intenso questa verità. Qualche settimana prima che finisse il mio periodo di volontariato in Thailandia nel Corpo dei volontari per la pace, sedevo silenzioso nel giardino di un amico e lo ascoltavo mentre leggeva un testo tibetano intitolato, in quella prima traduzione, Il libro tibetano della grande liberazione. Avevo la mente piuttosto concentrata e, a un certo punto, quando il testo si dilungò sulla ‘natura non nata della mente’, vi fu un’improvvisa esperienza di apertura della mente … sul nulla. Quell’ apertura momentanea al ‘non manifesto’ , una realtà che trascende il corpo e la mente ordinaria, ebbe la forza di una saetta che mandò in frantumi l’illusione che aveva reso concreto il sé. Immediatamente dopo, continuò a riproporsi alla mente una frase: “Non c’è nessun io, non c’è nessun io”. Quell’esperienza cambiò radicalmente il mio modo di vedere le cose. Naturalmente, da allora, si sono ripresentate molte volte sensazioni e pensieri concernenti l”io’ , isenso del sé, ma permane tuttora la consapevolezza che persino il senso del sé è privo di sé: è solo un altro pensiero. Joseph Goldstein “Un solo Dharma” – Il crogiolo del nuovo buddhismo Ubaldini editore – Roma
Listening to the Dharma
listen Listen to the dharma and share it with others is the fifth action skilled. Words have power, and many have achieved enlightenment only with careful attention paid to the lessons. Listening is an art in itself. Often as we listen we are engaged in thoughts, our judgments and reactions only. But when we listen with the mind still and focused, we can be really sensitive to what the words communicate. Sometimes the most profound insights come in a flash, unexpectedly. I have experienced personally and so intense that truth. A few weeks before the end of my period of volunteer work in Thailand in the Peace Corps volunteers, sat quietly in the garden of a friend and I listened as she read a text entitled Tibet in the first translation, The Tibetan Book of the great liberation. My mind was quite focused and, at some point, when you dwell on the text ‘unborn nature of mind’, there was a sudden experience of opening the mind … about nothing. Quell ‘momentary release the’ unmanifest ‘, a reality that transcends the ordinary body and mind, had the force of a thunderbolt shattered the illusion that made the concrete itself. Immediately after, he continued to recur to the mind a sentence: “There is no me, there’s no me.” That experience radically changed the way I see things. Of course, since then, recur many times feelings and thoughts concerning the ‘me’, isenso of itself, but there is still the knowledge that even the sense of self is no self: just another thought.
Joseph Goldstein “One Dharma” – The crucible of the new Buddhism Ubaldini publisher – Rome
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