#landon bryant
human-being007 · 8 months
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LEGACIES Season 1 is my favorite of all season.
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lobbycards · 2 months
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...All the Marbles, German lobby card #3, German theatrical release 1982
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
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bemybaebaebae · 2 years
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Adam Bryant & Marcus Mojo
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randomfoggytiger · 5 months
Kibbe Body Types, Part 2: David Duchovny
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Gillian Anderson's Kibbe analysis here; beginner's guide here.
We're going to have to do this analysis a little differently.
David Kibbe has a thorough quiz to type your body correctly... if you're a woman. So... I'm going to have to go around the mulberry bush a bit to arrive at David Duchovny's Kibbe Type.
...Why don't you tag along with me? We'll find out together.
(Spoiler: I already know his Type.)
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(**Note**: You can skip this section if extra reading isn't your thing.)
Kibbe identifies female bodies through their height, their hips, their chest, their waist, and their shoulders. However, male bodies are a whole different ballgame: width is the key measure-- of greater importance even than height-- as well as the softness or "fleshiness" of the frame.
THANKFULLY, Aly Art's got my back with this video.
Now: we must identify the yin-- soft, delicate, short, light-- qualities and separate them from the yang-- strong, tall, lean, vertical, angular, sharp-- qualities. Everybody has a blend of those two traits slapped on their skeletons; but Kibbe tried (tries) to keep it as simple as possible.
There are five basic body types; and those five types are divided into yang (sharp) and yin (soft) variants.
Dramatics-- 100% yang energy: tall, lean, strong, hard. They look angular and heavy. Typically have smaller eyes, prominent nose and chin, and thin lips.
Benedict Cumberbatch, Sean Connery, Charlton Heston, Ricardo Montalban, Errol Flyn, Daniel Craig
Soft Dramatics-- predominant yang energy with some yin added: softness and fleshiness added to their sharp, angular frame.
Dean Martin, Christian Bale, Matthew McConoughy, John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, Clark Gable
Flamboyant Naturals-- strong and hard, but with wide, blunted edges. They appear sporty or athletic: moderate to tall height, wider shoulders, and slimmer waists and hips.
Calvin Klein, Dick Van Dyke, Harrison Ford, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck (maybe), Michael Landon (maybe), Joe Biden  
Soft Naturals-- like the FNs, they are wide, and blunted; but their width is softened by added fleshiness, appearing slightly less tall, less dense and more delicate. They sport plusher, softer cheeks, lips, torso, and thighs; and often appear "cuter" than FNs, Ds, and SDs.
Alan Alda, OJ Simpson, John Wayne, Robert Redford, Robert Conrad, Bing Crosby, Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Gene Kelly, Brad Pit, Gene Hackman
Dramatic Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more dominant yang presence. They have a very blended bone structure with tauter cheeks and more predominant facial features.
Carey Grant, John Ham
Soft Classics-- is an even, "average" mixture of yin and yang elements with a slightly more delicate yin presence. They have a very blended bone structure with softer lips and fleshier cheeks.
John Slattery, John Glenn, Gregory Peck, Bryant Gumbel
Romantics-- is 100% yin: smaller, shorter, softer, more delicate. No sharp angles. They appear gentler, less harsh, less "brutally" masculine than their Dramatic and Natural counterparts.
Colin Firth, Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood, Simon Baker, Richard Gere, Michael Jackson, Omar Shereef, Billy Dee Williams, Elvis Presley
Theatrical Romantics-- is 100% yin with a taut touch of yang to their features: narrow, delicate bones instead of fully-rounded, softly-widened angles.
David Kibbe, Orlando Bloom, Prince, Johnny Depp
Flamboyant Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yang in their angularity and sharpness. They have small, rectangular muscularity: angular facial bones, smaller shoulders and torso, some tautness to their physique.
Jimmy Kimmel, Frank Sinatra, Neil Patrick Harris
Soft Gamines-- an uneven mixture of yin and yang elements, with more pronounced yin in their rounded curves and softness. They appear the most "cute" of the types: an even smaller Gamine, with softer cheeks, softer noses, softer lips, bigger eyes, smaller hands, etc.
Fred Astaire, Robert Downy Jr. 
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David's frame is dominated by prominent, long vertical lines-- dare I say, blunt edges?-- and shoulders that appear-- or are?-- wider because of his narrow waist and hips.
Using this previous post as a rough guide to map out his features, DD has pronounced yin-- softer cheeks, rounder nose, softened jawbone, softer flesh over his muscles-- but not enough to cover or dominate the long, strong bones in his frame and overall musculature.
I have my suspicions, and they swing Soft Natural (not enough T-bone shoulder to fit Flamboyant Natural); but let's put this theory to the test.
But you ask: how are we going to type the Man, the Myth, the Monotone without a handy dandy reference guide?
Easy peasy. We compare him to other body types and notate the differences.
David and Gamines
We're eliminating Gamines first because their shorter lines, shorter stature, and more angular or rounded bodies are in direct opposition to his longer, denser lines.
Compared to DD's wider shoulders, denser frame, and squarer facial features, Jimmy Kimmel and Lucy Liu (and Theatrical Romantic Gillian Anderson) appear more"weightless", angular, and narrow.
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Soft Gamine Winona Ryder and Halle Berry appear weightless as well; but their angular features are tempered by an added layer of softness that corresponds with the fleshiness of David's face.
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David and Romantics
We have a look-a-like for this section: Richard Gere, a pure Romantic.
Compared to DD's wide shoulders, slim torso and hips, and more defined musculature (even at his skinniest), Richard is composed of rounded curves, more delicate facial and skeletal bones, and a soft layer of flesh over his torso, arms, thighs, and legs. Even at Richard's fittest, there was still a softness present in his body that could not be chiseled away or hidden.
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The two Romantic Type women below-- Drew Barrymore, pure Romantic; Gillian Anderson, Theatrical Romantic-- again highlight the density of David's structure, bringing out a "heavier" presence than the Gamines had previously.
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David and Classics
Is David a Classic Type? Frankly, no-- his bones are too long and dense to be moderate and balanced; and he, even more frankly, looks terrible in very quaffed, groomed, and buttoned-up outfits.
Compared to DD's length and width, Dramatic Classics appear more proportionate, their touch of sharpness blending in with-- not rivaling-- the balance of their frames. DC Carey Grant's more balanced edges bring out the angles in DD's face, more so than the Gamines or Romantics did.
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By contrast, Soft Classics' proportionate frames contain a touch of softness-- Meryl Streep's yin calls forth David's, appearing more rounded instead of angular or blunt.
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David and Dramatics
Compared to David, Dramatics' structure is more elongated, narrow, and angular. Dramatic Benedict Cumberbatch has sharper, more prominent features; less width across his shoulders and torso; and barely any yin to speak of in his face.
(I also suspicion Tea Leoni as a Dramatic; so sneaked her in here.)
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Soft Dramatics have the elongated sharpness of the Dramatics with a soft, fleshy padding over the tautness of their features. Compared to SD Christian Bale's sharpness-in-spite-of-his-softness, DD's softer, blunter edges become more obvious.
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David and Naturals
And last but not least, we reach the native soil of David Duchovny's body type.
Flamboyant Naturals are a close but not perfect match-- their elongated, blunt width not only matches but exceeds DD's shoulders, torso, arms, legs, and facial features. FN Harrison Ford looks denser, more muscular, and even more athletic when compared to his softer brother from a different mother.
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Soft Naturals: finally, David is home! Soft Naturals have the width and length of the FNs Types softened and slightly moderated by an added, pronounced yin quality. Their face, lips, arms, torso, and slim waist appear less blunt (if no less wide); and the dense musculature of their frame is less noticeable in comparison.
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Now that David's found his SN kind, I shall pack him up a little box lunch of good wardrobe advice to take with him. ...Or that was the theory, except it is notoriously hard to get my hands on Kibbe Body Type advice for men.
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I shall do my best to transcribe and transform Aly Art's excerpts (here) from David Kibbe's Metamorphosis book:
"Soft Natural: it is the overall combination of the very soft yin with the yang undercurrent. Slightly soft and fleshy body type on an angular frame combined with an appealing, innocent essence.
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Height: moderate.... Bone structure: slightly angular bones, slightly broad shoulders, moderate to slightly short limbs, slightly leggy look also possible. Blunt or small and irregular facial contours-- nose, cheekbones, and jawline. Hands and feet are moderate and fleshy, or slightly small and wide. Body type: slightly soft..... Facial features: full and rounded. Round eyes, round eyes, full lips, soft cheeks. Nose tends small and wide; or slightly irregular, blunt or wide. If overweight, the body tends to become extremely soft and fleshy, with the waist thickening. The upper hips, arms, and thighs tend to collect excess weight most rapidly.
"Physically, you are basically angular in bone structure-- although this is softened by a fleshy body type and full facial features.... To disperse your soft yin undercurrent..., we want to develop an appearance that could best be described as fresh and sensual....
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"Shape: Asymmetric and irregular curves-- elongated ovals, wide circles, ellipticals, and so on. Relaxed geometrics with rounded edges, easy swirls. You might not look as good in sharp geometrics; in wide, chunky, and boxy shapes; in plain, symmetrical shapes; in overly ornate shapes.
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"Line and silhouette: unconstructed silhouette with shaping, particularly at waist. Relaxed lines with subtle drape and flow, particularly bias cuts.
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You might not look as good in wide, shapeless silhouettes; in sharp, severe silhouettes; in symmetrical silhouettes; in fitted silhouettes.
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"Details: details should be loose, relaxed, delicate, slightly intricate, and very creative. Any detail that suggests a bit of antique or the earth is excellent. Shoulders should not be sharp or stiff. Necklines should be loose and soft, not closed, restricted, or fussy. Simple draped necklines; soft cowls; soft notched collars; clean lapels; shawl collars; and so on. Waist should be defined, although loosely: there can be a slightly blousy effect with the top draped over the waistline, or a slightly dropped waist as long as the silhouette is fluid. Gathers and falls should be deep, full, and soft; sleeves can be full and flowing, or gently tapered at the wrist with minimum detail.
"Trim should be delicate and antique, shearing applique, and so on. You might not look as good in sharply tailored detail, in no detail, in overly fitted and fussy detail, in animated, perky detail."
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David Duchovny's gonna do and wear what he's gonna do and wear. And that's just fine.
Thanks for reading~
And take care of yourselves.
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josiesaltzmanstyle · 2 years
This is the Part Where You Run, 1.01
Hello! This is my new sideblog/project/series where I go episode-by-episode in each episode of Legacies that Josie Saltzman appears in and talk about her style choices.
Though there are many blogs out there focused on character style, my initial inspiration was @bettycooperoutfitwatch​ so a huge shoutout and thank you to them! 
ShopYourTV was also hugely helpful, as it’s where I found more info about the majority of the pieces that were able to be tracked down, so thanks to them! I’ll be sure to mention these shout-outs in a pinned post soon, but for now, this will have to do. I’m not super well-versed in fashion terminology and how to go about finding things, and learning is part of the fun of this series. I really appreciate having this resource!
Onto the analysis!
Being my favorite character, of course I tend to pay the most attention to Josie’s style, but I also think that’s somewhat intentional within the show! While the other characters are by no means without their own sense of style or interesting outfits, Josie, in my humble opinion, often gets the most to talk about! Her style goes through quite a few changes each season, but there are staples and common motifs throughout! She’s also one of the characters that represents the most common day-to-day trends. (Nevermind that technically, Legacies takes place a decade or so past our current timeline.) 
Let’s get into it.
First Look
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This is the most Buttoned Up (TM) we’ll see Josie in this episode, so I guess it’s apt it’s during her first appearance, when she’s trying to make a good impression while she and Lizzie give Rafael the school tour.
She and Lizzie aren’t exactly matching, but they’ve certainly coordinated their white undershirts, blue blazers, and preppy-yet-stylish ties that—ha—tie together their uniforms. 
I’m pretty certain that the blazer is this cotton Ralph Lauren number, marked at $195. I don’t plan to detail the cost of every item in this series, because that’s not often something being considered that heavily in the costuming departments of teen dramas (#suspend your disbelief), but I think it’s thematically relevant to mention here. Landon and Rafael are, of course, fairly shell-shocked by the news of a school for the Supernatural and one that’s for “troubled rich kids” to boot. Lizzie and Josie being in their preppiest get-ups here adds to that conflict, but we also see hints of Josie’s personality shining through as well. The ruffled collar of her shirt, for instance, will come back into play numerous times, as will various accessory components. While I can’t find the exact tie she swears here, based on her other accessories in season one, I feel confident it’s from ASOS. It’s striped between a dark and light shade of blue, easily mistaken as plain navy if not looking closely, and adds to her charmingly over-accessorized look here. Her pearl-hook Angara earrings (if I’m not mistaken, the original price is listed at $360) also add to the look. While I knew Kaylee Bryant had multiple piercings later on, I didn’t realize that was already true by 1.01! Along with her pearls, Josie also dons these yellow-gold bar earrings ($98), signifying an edge and sense of contemporary trends that might not be visible at first glance.
Her hair is also pulled back in a half-up, half-down look that is sure to show off her earrings. Josie’s being very purposeful in showing off what she perceives as the most sophisticated, polished version of herself.
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Interestingly, though, whie it maintains a similar shape to the shape her outfit would have if she was wearing the Salvaotore School Skirt, she’s instead clad in what I’m pretty sure is this red zip-up J.Crew skirt. The bright red, while also a bolder choice than her school skirt, matches not only the S emblazoned on her jacket, but the tie Lizzie wears in the first shot, tying her to both the legacy (#pun intended) of the school and to her twin sister. (Note: I’m mostly going to focus on Josie for this series, but there are some relevant comparisons to be made. Lizzie opts for a pair of plaid pants during the day and while she doesn’t never wear skirts, she often seems to opt for pants and we see her in a fair few more jumpsuits than Josie as well. Skirts seem to be a little more Josie’s thing than her sister’s.)
It looks like it might be hemmed, but it’s also sitting fairly high on her. We’ll see high-waisted pieces that are a lot more visible on Josie later on.
I didn’t include a shot of them here because that way leads to blurriness, but she’s also wearing knee-high socks from ASOS (I can’t find the exact socks or the exact price, but I would guess anywhere from $6-17 based on current ASOS prices for similar products.)
While we don’t get a clear-enough shot of her shoes and I can’t seeem to find them anywhere, they’re very clearly black loafers. While I can’t be certain, I think it’s likely they’re from Aldo, as that brand seems to be a favorite for Josie’s shoes this season. Practical if a little stuffy, they go decently with the rest of her outfit, but don’t stick around as a staple of her wardrobe. I think the wardrobe department did really well showing us a lot about her character, but in the first few episodes, while everyone’s still getting a feel for the characters, there’s bound to be a few experimental picks that don’t get repeated. This was clearly one of them.
Look 1.5
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It’s only when Josie approaches Alaric and Hope’s sparring session that we see the full blouse she wears underneath her blue blazer, a scoop-neck camisole visible underneath. Both her blouse and camisole are also tucked into her skirt, another common theme in Josie’s style. (Also: lots of layers for what I imagine is late summer/early fall. Did the school year just start? If so, she totally got hot and took her jacket off. Queen of being relatable. <3.) While I don’t think it’s the exact same top, it’s reminiscent of this high-neck ruffled Neiman Marcus blouse. The shape, sleeves, and translucent lace paneling are all spot-on. Not to mention that this brand totally goes in her preppy-girl wheelhouse. However, Josie’s ruffled sleeves seem to hang lower, the hem of her sleeve doesn’t go across her chest, and her neckline seems more ruffled. I couldn’t find the exact top she wears, but this was the best approximation. There’s a LOT going on with it.
(Note: I have a love-hate relationship with this whole outfit. It’s so meticulously put-together and also has WAY too much going on, imho, while striking for a classic look. We love that for her, though. The whole vibe is that she’s... put-together and clearly has a good sense of style, but she’s also trying a little too hard? Makes a lot of sense for her character at this moment in time.)
Look 2
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The perfect fit for jail-breaking a new acquaintance from the local werewolf transition space! 
The party at the Old Mill happens on the same school-day that Josie and Lizzie were giving Rafael his tour, but after dark. Which means she changed into this blue polo with a yellow collar and, of course, the matching yellow Salvatore S—but she also pairs it with her blue-black plaid school uniform skirt. For a party. What a dork. I love her. (It’s especially funny that she had to change out of her day-skirt and into the plaid to accomplish this. Makes me wonder if it was in the wash or something.)
It manages to still be preppy (it is a polo, after all), but there’s a light-heartedness and simplicity to it that isn’t there in her day-outfit. I wish I had the receipts, but I can’t find the polo anywhere (as every scene she wears it in is so dark), I’m pretty sure the uniform skirts were custom-made for the show, and there are no good shots of her shoes (though I imagine she’s still in the loafers from the day). Shame upon my household.
Even so, it’s fun for me to take note that as much as she tries dress down a bit for the party (and wear less layers so she can get some of that sweet late summer breeeeze), she’s still wearing a nice shirt, her school uniform skirt, and her hair is still all done up from earlier. There’s a slight awkwardness to her character at times that doesn’t come from how she talks or her facial expressions, but the way she carries herself and the way she often dresses just a shade too formal for where she actually is. (But would we expect anything less from one of Caroline Forbes’ daughters?)
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The next day, Josie’s wearing this mustard-yellow Modcloth sweater. It’s a classic look and the Peter Pan collar will reappear quite a bit in season one (and the rest of the series, to an extent). She wears it neatly tucked into her school skirt, black tights layered underneath (interesting - she didn’t wear tights with either of the previous day’s outfits), and I think we’re meant to assume that another day of classes has passed considering that it’s dark out by the time of the meeting and she’s clearly dressed for a day of school.
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Once again, she’s got the Salvatore S added onto her sweater, and the edge of the collar is scalloped and lined with black stitching. It’s really fine detail work that adds a lot of personality to what’s otherwise a very classic piece.
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Though I think I subsonciously already knew this, I was surprised to be reminded that the collar actually goes all the way around to the back. My perception of most shirts that come with a collar attached (rather than shirts that are accessorized with one) is that they are an illusion and I was pleasantly surprised, as I think it extending all the way around adds a maturity and depth to the sweater that I quite like.
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Josie’s wearing different earrings from the day before, but unfortunately, they’re not listed anywhere that I can find, nor was I was able to track them down via reversing the images. So description will have to do! They seem to be (maybe a somewhat muted?) yellow-gold tone in color, and I would bet they’re plated with real gold. Highest on her right ear is a two-armed cuff that I don’t think is actually pierced, sitting several inches below it is a gold bar, right underneath that is a gold stud, and underneath that is a small gold hoop—possibly accentuated with rhinestones, but it’s difficult to tell. It’s unclear whether her other ear is similarly adorned because of lighting, angles, and the way her hair falls. Regardless, I love this look! I think focusing on the accessories on top and letting the sweater speak for itself here nails something that yesterday’s school tour look just didn’t. There’s a lot going on with her ear accesories, but it all feels very her, and doesn’t distract from or confuse the other pieces.
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Sleeves! Needless to say, they match her collar, though both are individually sewn to the sweater - there’s not a full undershirt sewn into it. 
I really love this sweater, can you tell?
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Unfortunately, the sold-out page for the shoes Josie’s wearing doesn’t show the prodcut, so I’m just linking to the Shop Your TV page. The chunky yellow platform heels she wears are a lot more stylish than her loafers from earlier, but they’re still a somewhat sensible choice that tells us a lot about her character. They’re hard to see, but this is the best shot of them. The heel isn’t particularly tall, the platform is very wide and better to lean one’s weight on than, say, a stilletto, the toe is closed, and the strap around the ankle with a metallic buckle adds an extra bit of support. They’re fashionable and well-coordinated with her outfit, but still show her to be a more reserved, cautious person.
And there we have it! That’s every outfit Josie wears in this first episode. I’ll definitely have more interesting things to say about her style as the show goes on, but I think this first episode does a great job of establishing her character.
Number of Outfits: I would say this is really just 3 outfits total, but the school tour outfit minus the blazer definitely stands out on its own, too.
Favorite Piece: Yellow Modcloth sweater all the way! I love the collar, the stitching, the color. It’s very quintessentially Josie, and what I imagine when I think of her in season one. Here’s her gif in reward! A Moment (TM) for Josie fashion.
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Thanks for reading thus far! This is a passion project and definitely on the back-burner, so I don’t totally know when I’ll be uploading next, but I’m excited to continue it! If you have knowledge on any pieces that I couldn’t find the links for, please feel free to reach out and let me know! I would love to edit this post to be more complete, and I would happily give you credit. Bye for now!
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my TVDU muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 111 Newest Member; Matias Garcia Added; 1/29/24
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(Quick note: all families are in order of oldest to youngest; and a few of the Mikaelson's (Cyrus, Willow, and Tobias) are all honorary/adopted Mikaelson's, not children of Mikael and Esther.) Freya Celeste Mikaelson... portrayed by Riley Voelkel Elijah Daniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Daniel Gillies Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson... portrayed by Zoey Deutch Roman Ryker Mikaelson... portrayed by Alex Pettyfer Erik Flynn Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Kareena Dawn Mikaleson... portrayed by Melissa Benoist Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson... portrayed by Joseph Morgan Thyra Selene Mikaleson... portrayed by Selena Gomez Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson... portrayed by Nathaniel Buzolic Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson... portrayed by Vanessa Hudgens Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson... portrayed by Keegan Allen Serenity Faye Mikaelson... portrayed by Dianna Agron Sawyer Finch Mikaelson... portrayed by Kristen Stewart Henrik Alexander Mikaelson... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Aurelia Nova Mikaelson... portrayed by Madelyn Cline Felix Ares Mikaelson... portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower Willow Luna Mikaelson... portrayed by Maia Mitchell Tobias Floyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Grant Gustin Hope Andrea Mikaelson... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell
Malachai Silas Parker... portrayed by Chris Wood Zephyr Raven Parker... portrayed by Froy Gutierrez Zariyah Dove Parker... portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter Kennedy Taylor Parker... portrayed by Taylor Swift Myles Zane Parker... portrayed by Ross Lynch Mariana Joy Parker... portrayed by Noah Cyrus Olivia Mae Parker... portrayed by Penelope Mitchell Paisley Juniper Parker... portrayed by Katherine McNamara
Silas Xavier Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Braeden Talia Salvatore... portrayed by Florence Pugh Holden Atlas Salvatore... portrayed by Colin O'Donoghue Damon Luca Salvatore... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder Ezra Grant Salvatore... portrayed by Hero Fiennes-Tiffin Stefan Lance Salvatore... portrayed by Paul Wesley Liberty Faye Salvatore... portrayed by Brenna D’Amico
Jensen Graham Gilbert... portrayed by Jamie Dornan Easton Reed Gilbert... portrayed by Matthew Gray Gubler Jesse Jonathan Gilbert... portrayed by Julian Morris Elias Rhodes Gilbert... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Jeremiah Steven Gilbert... portrayed by Steven R. McQueen Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert... portrayed by Jenna Coleman
Atlas Rowan Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Titus Izaiah Petrova... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Katherine Maria Pierce... portrayed by Nina Dobrev Kamen Maverick Pierce... portrayed by Dylan O'Brien Natalie Adrianna Pierce... portrayed by Lily Collins
Qetsiyah Zione Bennett... portrayed by Janina Gavankar Eleanor Marie Bennett... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman Salem Elijah Bennett... portrayed by Jordan Fisher Gabriel Graham Gustin... portrayed by Chuku Modu Bonnie Sheila Bennett... portrayed by Kat Graham Belladonna Sharie Bennett... portrayed by Vanessa Morgan
Marcel Leon Gerard... portrayed by Charles Michael Davis Hayley Jane Marshall... portrayed by Phoebe Tonkin Seraphina Rose Ward... portrayed by Madelaine Petsch Theodore Joseph Brickenden... portrayed by Timothee Chalamet  Kaia Asherah Halloran... portrayed by Odette Annable Elizabeth Anne Forbes... portrayed by Marguerite MacIntyre Carter William Forbes... portrayed by Charlie Hunnam Josette Olivia Saltzman... portrayed by Kaylee Bryant Ryan Nicholas Clarke... portrayed by Nick Fink Landon Maxwell Kirby... portrayed by Aria Shahghasemi Aurora Violet De Martel... portrayed by Rebecca Breeds Cameron Myles Lawrence... portrayed by Lucas Bravo Aiden Matthew Lawrence... portrayed by Colin Woodell Jameson Tyler Rosza... portrayed by Tyler Posey Tatum Jaxson Lockwood... portrayed by Morgan Evans Tyler James Lockwood... portrayed by Michael Trevino Tatiana Jade Lockwood... portrayed by Adelaide Kane Taylor Jacob Lockwood... portrayed by Taylor Launter Axel Madden Hughes... portrayed by Cody Saintgnue Ashton Malik Hughes... portrayed by Cody Christian Alexia Rae Branson... portrayed by Arielle Kebbel Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Niall Nash Novak... portrayed by Ryan Kelley Montgomery Felix Langston... portrayed by Jedidiah Goodacre Sebastian Killian Jones... portrayed by Thomas Doherty Milton Gabriel Greasley... portrayed by Quincy Fouse Ophelia Esme Lovell... portrayed by Gage Golightly Sapphire Lee McGuire... portrayed by Jennifer Love Hewitt Rami Calder McGuire... portrayed by Kit Harington Benjamin James Kenson... portrayed by Zane Phillips Warren Jaxon Kingsley... portrayed by Ricky Whittle Jeremiah Michael Kenner... portrayed by Michael Vlamis Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair... portrayed by Camila Mendes Rosemary Belle Whitlock... portrayed by Sophie Turner Hadley Kamryn Fuller... portrayed by Sofia Carson Kamryn Avery Marshall... portrayed by Katherine Langford Lorenzo James St. John... portrayed by Michael Malarkey Lorella Diane St. John... portrayed by Gal Gadot Andrew Kolton Rogers... portrayed by Louis Tomlinson Vincent Keith Griffith... portrayed by Yusuf Gatewood Sean Kieran O'Connell... portrayed by Matt Kabus Lucien Maverick Castle... portrayed by Andrew Lees Blair Lilith Walsh... portrayed by Kristine Froseth Zachariah Cole Norwood... portrayed by Oliver Stark Matthias Lucien Delacour... portrayed by Jonah Hauer-King Matias Camilo Garcia... portrayed by Danny Ramirez
Crossover/Genderbent Muses
Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson... portrayed by Cody Kearsley (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson... portrayed by Shay Mitchell (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins... portrayed by Charlie Gillespie (tw to tvdu) Mckenna Stella Parker... portrayed by Katherine Langford (genderbent kai parker)
Test Muses
Dorian Lee Williams... portrayed by Demetrius Bridges Sophie Danielle Deveraux... portrayed by Daniella Pineda Monique Marie Deveraux... portrayed by Yasmine Al-Bustami Evangeline Amaya Sinclair... portrayed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers Inadu Tayen Labonair... portrayed by Blu Farias Hunt Rafael Alexander Waithe... portrayed by Peyton Alex Smith Finch Taylor Tarrayo... portrayed by Courtney Bandeko Cleo Ada Sowande... portrayed by Omono Okojie Penelope Eden Park... portrayed by Lulu Antariksa Jade Ivy Young... portrayed by Giorgia Whigham
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Neutralised (1994) [3/?]: My Version of The Shared Universe
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For those of you unfamiliar with 'Chicago Hope', it was actually set in a shared universe. Also, 'Suspiciously Similar' characters will be involved (Due to actors playing multiple roles). This is my take on that:
Chicago Hope
Homicide: Life on the Street
Law & Order
Picket Fences
characters (I'm not listing anyone who was in 20 episodes or less) under the cut. Also technically these are not all the characters as I'm still writing stuff.
Chicago Hope - Characters (& Actors):
Doctor Aaron Shutt (Adam Arkin)
Doctor Phillip Watters (Hector Elizondo)
Doctor William 'Billy' Kronk (Peter Berg)
Doctor Dennis Hancock (Vlondie Curtis-Hall)
Doctor Diane Grad (Jayne Brook)
Doctor Keith Wilkes (Rocky Carroll)
Doctor Jack McNeil (Mark Harmon)
Doctor Daniel Nyland (Thomas Gibson)
Doctor Jeffrey Geiger (Mandy Patinkin)
Nurse Camille Shutt (Roxanne Hart)
Doctor Lisa Catera (Stacy Edwards)
Alan Birch (Peter MacNicol)
Doctor Joseph Cacaci (Bob Bancroft)
Doctor Robert Yeats (Eric Stoltz)
Doctor Gina Simon (Carla Gugino)
Doctor Jeremy Hanlon (Lauren Holly)
Doctor Francesca Alberghetti (Barbara Hershey)
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Homicide: Life on the Street - Characters (& Actors)
Detective John Munch (Richard Belzer)
Detective Meldrick Lewis (Clark Johnson)
Lieutenant Alphonse Giardello (Yaphet Kotto)
Detective Tim Bayliss (Kyle Secor)
Detective Frank Pembleton (Andre Braugher)
Detective / Sergeant Kay Howard (Melissa Leo)
Detective Mike Kellerman (Reed Diamond)
Officer/Detective/Lieutenant Stuart Gharty (Peter Gerety)
Detective Paul Falsone (Jon Seda)
Lieutenant/Captain/Detective Megan Russert (Isabella Hofman)
Detective Laura Ballard (Callie Thorne)
Detective Terri Stivers (Toni Lewis)
Captain/Colonel George Barnfather (Clayton LeBouef)
ASA Ed Danvers (Željko Ivanek)
J.H.Brodie (Max Perlich)
Detective Beau Felton (Daniel Baldwin)
Detective Stanley Bolander (Ned Beatty)
Dr Julianna Cox (Michelle Forbes)
FBT Agent/Officer Mike Giardello (Giancario Esposito)
Detective Rene Sheppard (Michael Michele)
Dr. Alyssa Dyer (Harlee McBride)
Detective/Captain Roger Gaffney (Walt MacPherson)
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Law & Order - Characters (& Actors)
Sergeant Maxwell Greevey (George Dzundza)
Junior Detective Michael Logan (Chris Noth)
Captain Donald Cragen (Dann Florek)
Exex ADA Benjamin Stone (Michael Moriarty)
ADA Paul Robinette (Richard Brooks)
DA Adam Schiff (Steven Hill)
Sergeant Philip Cerreta (Paul Sorvino)
Dr Elizabeth Olivet (Carolyn McCormic)
Senior Detective Leonard W Briscoe (Jerry Orbach)
Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson)
ADA Claire Kincaid (Jill Hennessy)
Exec ADA/DA John McCoy (Sam Waterston)
Junior Detective Reynaldo Curtis (Benjamin Bratt)
ADA Jamie Ross (Carey Lowell)
ADA Abigail Carmichael (Angie Harmon)
Junior/Senior Detective Edward Green (Jesse L. Martin)
Interim DA Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest)
ADA Serena Southerlyn (Elisabeth Röhm)
DA Arthur Branch (Fred Thompson)
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Neutralised - Characters (& Actors)
Abraham Machado (Alfred Molina)
Andreina Neri (Robin Wright)
Caleb Willow (Cary Elwes)
Dove Lewis (Alfre Woodard)
Esmé Verity (Janaeane Garofalo)
Faustus Sanchez (Hank Azaria)
Grayson Bryant (Harold Perrineau)
Hunter Kingsley (Chris Farley)
Ichabod Mortimer (Danny DeVito)
Jared Foster (Kirk Acevedo)
Kane Carter (Philip Seymour Hoffman)
Lance Carter (John Goodman)
Monday Duke (Patricia Arquette)
Noam Gold (Oliver Platt)
Omega Finch (Willem Dafoe)
Peyton Blythe (Regina King)
Russel Warszawski (Adam Sandler)
Sullivan Landon (Christopher Lloyd)
Tuesday Duke (Reese Witherspoon)
Victor Jamison (Mike Myers)
Winslow Warszawski (Brad Garrett)
Xavier Solomon (David Spade)
Yancy Haggard (Kiefer Sutherland)
Zoey Knight (Geena Davis)
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OZ - Characters (& Actors)
Augustus Hill (Harold Perrineau)
Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen)
Ryan O'Reily (Dean Winters)
Kareem Saïd / Goodson Truman (Eamonn Walker)
Miguel Alvarez (Kirk Acevedo)
Vernon Schillinger (J.K. Simmons)
Simon Adebisi (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Christopher Keller (Christopher Meloni)
Zahir Arif (Granville Adams)
Hamid Khan (Ernie Hudson Jr.)
Nacim Bismilla (Re Hanna)
Huseni Mershah / James Monroe Madison (Roger Guenvuer Smith)
Leroy Tidd / Salah Udeen (Jacues Smith)
Jefferson Keane (Leon)
Kenny Wangler (J.D. Williams)
Arnold 'Poet' Jackson (muMs the Schemer)
Paul Markstrom (O.L. Duke)
Junior Pierce (Malé-Lexington Alexander)
Malcolm 'Snake' Coyle (Treach)
Johnny Post (Tim McAdams)
James Robson (R.E. Rodgers)
Mark Mack (Leif Riddell)
Jaz Hoyt (Evan Seinfeld)
Scott Ross (Stephen Gevedon)
Andrew Schillinger (Frederick Koehler)
Nino Schibetta (Tony Schibetta)
Peter Schibetta (Eddie Malavarca)
Antonio Nappa (Mark Margolis)
Chucky Pancamo (Chuck Zito)
Dino Ortolani (Jon Seda)
Don Zanghi (John Palumbo)
Joey D'Angelo (Goodfella Mike G)
Mario Seggio (Todd Etelson)
Salvatore DeSanto (Phil Campanella)
Raoul 'El Cid' Hernandez (Luis Guzman)
Carmen 'Chico' Guerra (Otto Sanchez)
Carlos Martinez (Carlos Leon)
Carlo Ricardo (Juan Carlos Hernandez)
Cyril O'Reily (Scott William Winters)
Rev. Jeremiah Cloutier (Luke Perry)
Timmy Kirk (Sean Dugan)
Alonzo Torquemada (Bobby Cannavale)
Richie Hanlon (Jordan Lage)
Shirley Bellinger (Kathryn Erbe)
Bob Rebadow (George Morfogen)
Agamemnin Busmalis (Tom Mardirosian)
Donald Groves (Sean Whitesell)
Jackson Vahue (Rick Fox)
Desmond Mobay / John Basil (Lance Reddick)
Richard L'Italien (Eric Roberts)
Nikolai Stanislofsky (Phillip Casnoff)
William Giles (Austin Pendleton)
Henry Stanton (Thomas G. Waites)
Colonel Edward Galson (John Doman)
Eli Zabitz (David Johansen)
Kipekemie Jara (Zakes Mokae)
Dean Alvah Case (Charles S. Dutton)
Sean Murphy (Robert Clohessy)
Claire Howell (Kristin Rohde)
Diane Wittlesey (Edie Falco)
Clayton Hughes (Seth Gilliam)
Karl Metzger (Bill Fagerbakke)
Eddie Hunt (Murphy Guyer)
Lenny Burrano (Skipp Sudduth)
Father Ray Mukada (B.D Wong)
Doctor Gloria Nathan (Lauren Veldez)
Governor James Devlin (Željko Ivanek)
Martin Querns (Reg E. Cathey)
Doctor Frederick Garvey (Milo O'Shea)
Warden Leo Glynn (Ernie Hudson)
Tim McManus (Terry Kinney)
Sister Peter Marie Reimondo (Rita Moreno)
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Picket Fences - Characters (& Actors)
Sheriff James 'Jimmy' Brock (Tom Skerritt)
Doctor Jill Brock (Kathy Baker)
Kimberly Brock (Holly Marie Combs)
Matthew Brock (Justin Shenkarow)
Zachary 'Zach' Brock (Adam Wylie)
Deputy Kenny Lacos (Costas Mandylor)
Deputy Maxine 'Max' Stewart (Lauren Holly)
Carter Pike (Kelly Connell)
Ginny Weedon (Zelda Rubinstein)
Douglas Wambaugh (Fyvush Finkel)
Judge Henry Bone (Ray Walston)
DA John Littleton (Don Cheadle)
DA Barnaby Wood (Peter Frechette)
ADA Petrovic (Jason Beghe)
Father Gary Barrett (Roy Dotrice)
Laurie Bey (Marlee Matlin)
Howard Buss (Robert Cornthwaite)
Doctor Joanna 'Joey' Diamond (Amy Aquino)
Lisa Fenn (Alexandra Lee)
Frank (David Proval)
Rachel Harris (Leigh Taylor-Young)
Ed Lawson (Richard Masur)
Peter Lebeck (Michael Jeter)
Milton Lebeck (Chris Owen)
Reverend Henry Novotny (Dabbs Greer)
Principal Michael Oslo (Roy Brocksmith)
Cynthia Parks (Elisabeth Moss)
Bill Pugen (Michael Keenan)
Lydia Brock (Cristine Rose)
Aiesha Campbell (Bruklin Harris)
Brian Latham (Gregory Vignolle)
Agent Donald Morrell (Sam Anderson)
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donaweasley · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
Awesome!! 🤘🏻
1. Quiet Man by Roo Panes
2. Trenches and Charms by Jon Bryant
3. Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg
4. Ophelia by Roo Panes
5. Know Me Well by Roo Panes
Yeah, I've been under a spell called Roo Panes since the past several months now!! 😍
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human-being007 · 10 months
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lobbycards · 2 months
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...All the Marbles, German lobby card #13, German theatrical release 1982
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preacherpollard · 4 months
If You See Something, Say Something
Landon Bryant Most of us have probably heard this phrase at one time or another in our life’s journey. This slogan was originally coined by the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY MTA) in response to the 9/11 attacks. Later, it was adopted by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). For many this slogan brings about feelings of patriotism, but for some there isn’t much meaning…
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todaysamlearned · 8 months
Today I learned about being a Southern influencer.
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michaelgabrill · 9 months
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antonio-velardo · 9 months
Antonio Velardo shares: Explaining the South on Instagram, One Custom at a Time by Rick Rojas
By Rick Rojas Landon Bryant talks about grits, prayer lists and humidity, addressing a diverse audience bound by its fascination with a colorful, complicated place. Published: December 22, 2023 at 10:30AM from NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/DU5KQxB via IFTTT
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clbbidatop · 1 year
Bích Trâm cùng chồng dự giải
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Tham dự giải Wisconsin Open Pool có nhiều cơ thủ rất mạnh. Ở giiar nam, những người được đánh giá cao nhất là Joshua Fillier, Robbie Capito, Ferdor Gorst, Alex Kazakis. Cơ thủ nam Việt Nam duy nhất dự giải là Nguyễn Tuấn Anh, chồng của Nguyễn Bích Trâm. Trình độ của cơ thủ này không được đánh giá cao. Trong khi đó, gần như toàn bộ những cơ thủ nữ mạnh nhất thế giới đều tham ga giải, như Chen Chia Hua, Kelly Fisher, Allison Fisher, Yuki Hiraguchi, Seo Seoa, Kristina Tkach, Pia Filler. Cơ thủ nữ Việt Nam dự giải là Nguyễn Bích Trâm, đương kim vô địch Việt Nam năm 2022. Bích Trâm cùng chồng Tuấn Anh 64 cơ thủ nam Ibrahem Abduljabbar, Ilias Adamov, Donald Adams, Bader Alawadhi, Tyrel Blowers, Michael Bridges, LJ Briesath, Jeffrey Buna, Joven Bustamante, Robbie Capito, Sullivan Clark, Giovanni Del Angel, Jared Demalia, Jon Demet, Vince Didio, Ernesto Dominguez, Jesse Engel, Jeremy Fedkenheuer, Joshua Filler, Lukas Fracasso-Verner, Marcus Genson, FedorGorst, Nakia Guyton, Tarek Hamden, Sam Henderson, Kaden Hillman, Landon Hollingsworth, Murat Hraishawi, Mika Immonen, Jeffery Jandrt, Guido Joost, Dave Kasprzycki, Alex Kazakis, Mason Koch, Kang Lee, Michael Lee, Gerson Martinez Boza, Payne McBride, Tyler Meyer, Rick Miller, Faiyaz Mirza, Alex Montpellier, John Morra, Nguyễn Tuấn Anh, Dave O'Keefe, Vitaliy Patsura, Juan Rosa Mendez, Frankie Ruiz, Paul Scott, Jeremy Seaman, Ray Skenandore, Paul Song, Jeremy Sossei, Adam Staerkel, Tyler Styer, Joey Tate, Jan van Lierop, DJ Westrem, Marshall Williams, William Wolf, Brent Worth, Ke Wu, Michael Yednak. 64 cơ thủ nữ Alice Adams, Bonnie Arnold, Janet Atwell, Soledad Ayala, Laura  Bendikas, Ashley Benoit, Brittany Bryant, Chen Chia-Hua, Olivia Cheng, Chang Shui-Ching, Chieh Yu Chou, Margaret Fefilova, Pia Filler, Kelly Fisher, Allison Fisher, Yuki Hiraguchi, Meng-Hsia Hung, Seoa Seo, Kristina Tkach, Nguyễn Bích Trâm, Tzu-Chien Wei… và nhiều cơ thủ khác. Predator Pro Billiard Series và Box Sports đạt thỏa thuận sở hữu bản quyền truyền thông và phát sóng nhiều năm, độc quyền trên lãnh thổ Việt Nam, bắt đầu từ mùa giải 2023. Bida Top – nơi tập luyện bida chuyên nghiệp và thỏa mãn đam mê của các tay cơ. Với đội ngũ huấn luyện viên bida giàu kinh nghiệm, CLB Bida Top sẽ giúp bạn cải thiện kỹ năng đánh bida và rèn luyện sự kiên nhẫn, tập trung và sự kiểm so��t tốt hơn. Tại chuyên mục Tin Tức Bida của Bida Top, bạn có thể đọc được những bài viết về cách chơi bida hiệu quả, các kỹ thuật đánh bida, cũng như những thông tin mới nhất về giải đấu bida trong nước và quốc tế. Source link Read the full article
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