it-is-i-god · 5 years
So I picked apart Ladybugs reaction to Adriens confession frame by frame
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At first her face reads confusion, and disbelief
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And then anger; pure horror, she trusted him not to reveal his identity and he betrayed her
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And then the realization hits her. That’s Adrien, the love of her life. That’s Chat Noir her closest parter. It’s the last person she’d expect
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There’s just so much detail, and emotion I love it
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Adrien Augreste: Day 9
"Hello?" Ladybug called out after stepping through the door. The room was pitch black and there was a slight echo. In the darkness, someone grabbed a hold of her and pulled her further into the room.
"Shh, come with me." A voice whispered to her and she could easily identify it as Adrien's. In the darkness, she could barely make out her own hand being dragged by his. Then, she saw a soft glow in the distance. An unseen hand pulled back a sheet of some kind and Ladybug found herself being pulled under a table. The blanket fell back into place behind her and she took in her surroundings. The table was large, providing ample room underneath and a large, thick blanket covered the gap between the tabletop and the floor. Inside, Adrien had a small flashlight that provided light for space.
"You're safe here," Adrien said as he sat down across from her.
"Where is here?" she asked. This Adrien was wearing a blue hoodie with blue jean. Aside from missing his normal clothes, he appeared to be exactly the same as the Adrien that Marinette went to school with.
"My fort. I built it with my mom when I was six." he explained. "It's the safest place in here."
"I see. But Adrien, I have to go back out there. The akuma..."
"NO!" he cried. "No! You can't leave! It's hopeless! The akuma will win, Hawkmoth will get the miraculouses and we will all be doomed!!!!"
"Adrien, I'll beat the akuma..." she tried to reassure him, but was cut off again.
"No you won't! It's too powerful and Hawkmoth is too smart! You can't win Ladybug! It's hopeless! You have to stay here where you will be safe!"
Ladybug sat silently as she studied Adrien for a moment. He was shaking slightly and had pulled his legs inside his hoodie. His eyes were wide with panic and then Ladybugy understood.
"Fear," she whispered more to herself. "You're Adrien's fear."
"You bet I am! I know those other guys aren't worried, but they should be! I mean, come on! This is Hawkmoth we're talking about. And he is determined to win! He'll never stop! He's going to keep making akumas until he gets what he wants! In the end, we are all doomed!"
"But Adrien," she said softly, reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder as he had so often done to her. "I'm just as determined, if not more, to win. Good always wins in the end. You'll see. I just need you to trust me."
"Trust you?" he asked. Ladybug nodded. He seemed to ponder the question for a moment. "But you don't even have Chat to help you."
"I'm sure he'll show up. He always does." She reassured him. "All I have to do is unlock the real Adrien and then Chat will be at my side again."
Adrien chuckled slightly and smiled.
"Well, you got that part right." He said with a smirk.
"What is that supposed to mean?" she asked, confused at his statement.
"Nevermind. But...do you really think you can do it? Unlock Adrien while that akuma is floating around? You've already fallen in between rooms once. What's to stop you from doing it again? If we lose you, it will be a catastrophe!"
"You'll never me lose me, Adrien. I'll always be here for you."
Their eyes locked and for a moment, she could have sworn she saw someone else in Adrien's eyes.
"Alright," he said with a gentle smile. "I trust you Ladybug."
As the green light surrounded them, Ladybug couldn't help but wonder if she was missing something in all of this. It felt as if she was supposed to be learning something. Something about Adrien she didn't already know. His mother had said she would learn secrets, and her gut told her it wasn't that he was afraid of akumas or sometimes acted like a cat. There was a secret here and her brain was struggling to figure it out.
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ladyxxnoir-blog · 5 years
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'those two are made for each other' srsly i was crying while i were making it 😭 save your hearts, darlings, there are more red string ideas coming ❤️
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keylostkey · 7 years
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WHO KNOWS? part 4 /  PART 1&2 / PART 3
Nearly a year since I’d post the third part of this mini-comic. I’d finished part 4 in December, but the first version didn’t feel right. So, I post it only now (sorry). I hope you can apreciate it anyway. In part 1/2 there was Marichat, here we have Adrienette. In next part - If  I’ll be able to make it -  I planned to insert LadyNoir, and in the end Landrien. But this year I’m pretty busy with other projects, so I don’t know if I can. Let me know if you like this idea.  
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woerterreise · 8 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fandom
I love how our fandom is. Like we all ship Adrianette, landrien, ladynoir and marichat. I love how the hole fandom is talented and drafts little comics about their favorite ship. I love how we all want the same for the characters. But the best thing is, how easy it is to be part of this fandom.
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titleleaf · 3 years
🎵 kanej, coretti, old skool tybalt and mercutio, norribeth, lila/belial from your limited information, destiel, richard ii/bolingbroke, henrycest, the teenagers from badlands, the liebert twins, landrien, emma/harriet, rust/marty, and leofgyð/eadwin please
 oh my god homie... why do you do this to me... our friendship is so precious 
kanej -- my first instinct is the lumiere version of “the queen and the soldier” but with all the gender stuff befuckt...  but you know it could also be Blinding Lights and that’s your fault
coretti -- “Heart Of Glass”, Me First & The Gimme Gimmes 
Lost inside, adorable illusion and I cannot hide I'm the one you're using, please don't push me aside We could've made it cruising, yeah
old skool tybalt and mercutio
god damn this one has me TRULY stumped, i honestly do not know, doing this whole thing I’ve forgotten every song I’ve ever listened to
norribeth -- i regret. that the answer. is patrick swayze’s “she’s like the wind”. 
lila/belial from your limited information - “Do You Love Me”, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Well, I try, I do, I really try But I just err, baby, I do, I err So come and find me, my darling one I'm down to the grounds, the very dregs Ah, here she comes, blocking the sun Blood running down the inside of her legs
destiel -- Honestly it’s been so long but Sufjan Stevens’ “To Be Alone With You” is a great song for your complicated feelings for a self-sacrificial hot guy but also for the good Lord and I wish Destiel had more of that and less super hell. 
richard ii/bolingbroke -- this one is years-old for me: “Long-Forgotten Fairytale” by the Magnetic Fields (specifically for Rory Kinnear’s begrudgingly smitten Bolingbroke) 
If someone told me you'd be here Whispering these familiar things Talking to my little pets Smoking the same old cigarettes I would have laughed I saw you last in summertime You said you hated long goodbyes You said there's nothing to explain In every life a little rain Et cetera
henrycest -- oof this is a hard one because 80% of the songs I associate with them are just songs I associate with Allen’s novel (so.... lots of Bright Eyes) but it’s basically any Lauren Auder song and “Lion’s Teeth” by the Mountain Goats. I don’t listen to the Mountain Goats at all any more but this track is still it. It’s also a Kendall Roy HBOSuccession song so like... ok... 
the teenagers from badlands -- you might THINK it would be the bruce springsteen song actually based off this film... but it’s “Prove It All Night” 
Baby, tie your hair back in a long white bow Meet me in the fields behind the dynamo, You hear their voices telling you not to go, They made their choices and they'll never know, What it means to steal, to cheat, to lie, What it's like to live and die
the liebert twins -- after all these years it’s STILL “Coma Baby” by Nicole Dollanganger 
landrien -- oh my god... unfortunately “Seventeen” by Ladytron has been one of my Adrien songs for 99 years but you know the answer is Lana Del Rey’s “Smarty”. 
Who has a face like smarty does? Who has a voice like smarty does? Who has a choice like smarty does? Nobody, nobody, nobody
emma/harriet  -- “Flirting With Her”, Sir Babygirl 
I'll lend you this, I'll lend you that "How is it that you two always seem to match?" I'll lend you this, I'll lend you that Just promise that you'll never give it back
rust/marty -- my ultimate postcanon Rust/Marty song will always be Phoebe Bridgers’ “Killer”.
Can the killer in me Tame the fire in you? Or is there nothing left to do for us? I am sick of the chase But I'm hungry for blood And there's nothing I can do
alas you know this one too... it’s Miranda Sex Garden’s “Lovely Joan”
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lnc2 · 5 years
I love your writing. I do not tend to read landrien, due to being highly susceptible to second hand embarrassment (I’ve literally chucked my phone across a room), HOWEVER, your love of it makes me want to like it. Also, you being one of my favorite writers or what not and being able to write landrien in a way that I adore. You love logs make my day and I want you to thrive. Or I’ll have to hunt you down and drop kick your problems.
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animblog · 7 years
Typha -- 2016
Thomas Landrien, Yoann Oignet, Jonas Genevaz, & Aurélie Gomez
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sanderbuekers · 5 years
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© Simon Landrien Simon zijn werken vallen vaak hard op omdat hij meestal een hard kleurcontrast gebruikt in zijn eenvoudig kleurpalet. Wat me vooral interesseert is dat hij er in slaagt om met zijn meer abstracte en naïeve illustraties interessante verhalen kan brengen. Je moet toch wel 2 keer kijken als je naar zijn illustraties kijkt.
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artists-table · 6 years
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by Simon Landrien via /r/Illustration http://bit.ly/2DL3z8o by illustrationerotic
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Lo reducido Abajo Historia del vino Expuesto
Resulta muy complicado decir con seguridad cuál es el verdadero origen del cultivo del vino, mas lo que sí sabemos es que el vino era conocido por la mayor parte de los pueblos en la Antigüedad. familia gascon se practican desde mediados del siglo XX, una de las más conocidas es la llamada maceración carbónica La maceración carbónica se efectúa sin la fase de prensado, a baja temperatura y en un tanque rico en carbónico, ambiente poco adecuado para el desarrollo bacteriano, induce reacciones dentro del propio grano de uva, así los vinos conseguidos tienen intensos aromas y sabores, más afrutados y con menos contenidos de taninos Carecen, como contrapartida, de la estabilidad suficiente para ser envejecidos. Su máxima expresión, el Oporto Vintage, ocupa siempre un sitio destacado entre los grandes vinos del planeta, a la vera de los mejores vinos de Burdeos y de la Borgoña. En 1800 se enviaron desde Francia 2 presos de guerra: Antoine Landrien y Francois de Riveau (ambos de Nantes) a fin de que fomentaran el cultivo de la parra en la zona y llegaron a escribir artículos en las gacetas de Sídney En mil ochocientos veintidos Gregory Blaxland (mil setecientos setenta y ocho-1853) es el primer colono en exportar vino de Australia y el primero en lograr un premio por esta razón. De manera estrecha relacionado con el estilo de vida mediterráneo, fue figura principal del comercio durante la Edad Media y substituto de las peligrosas aguas contaminadas; durante la dominación otomana entró en decadencia, pero a partir de su independencia Grecia convirtió a la preparación de vinos en un factor importante de su economía revitalizando un cultivo en el que tenía más de tres.500 años de experiencia. bodega doña paula egipcios recogían las uvas de las parras plantadas en los jardines del río Nilo, en cestas de junco prensado, que eran pisadas por los pies de los esclavos y una vez fermentado era trasvasado a jarras ánforas de diverso tamaño, a veces muy grandes, para su consumo transporte en naves. Hace 14 años tomamos la resolución de generar un espacio propio donde los vinos de la bodega sean los grandes protagonistas a fin de que nuestros clientes del servicio puedan degustar las nuevas cosechas. A partir del equipo conformado por los enólogos Silvio Alberto y Sergio Pomar, alumbraron un cien por cien Malbec que ofrece fruta roja potente, muchas aromas a violetas y un dejo sutil a especias dulces. desierto 25 , por una parte, la parra es una de las especias cultivadas de mayor antigüedad famosa y de la que, todavía hoy, quedan sus progenitores y, por otro lado, el que la historia genética codificada en el ADN de las parras salvajes y domesticadas dejan pistas y aportan huellas del proceso de domesticación. Mas en los últimos meses de dos mil trece se hicieron ciertos avances en la materia que dejan una experiencia sensiblemente más fluida y efectiva: hoy, puedes adquirir vinos de determinadas bodegas sin otro óbice que navegar el sitio web, para recibirlos en la puerta de tu casa en cuarenta y ocho horas como máximo. Esto puede deberse a la corrección de la acidez total efectuada con ácido tartárico, previo a los tratamientos de FMC, que en forma industrial se efectúa en los vinos sometidos a esta estabilización. Elegante y sobria, combina en su estructura la tradición vitivinícola mendocina con la más alta tecnología de preparación para hacer vinos de excelencia. No obstante para otros la Vitis ya existía en territorio de lo que hoy se conoce como América, ya antes de la llegada de Colón, como prueba se acostumbran a citar escritos del Abate J.I.Molina, quien menciona en ellos la existencia de parras silvestres en el valle central de Chile. A inicios del siglo XVI coincidiendo con la decadencia del cultivo de la caña de azúcar, los caldos canarios empiezan su exportación, singularmente el Malvasía (conocido como Canary Wine”) que gozaba de una merecida fama como producto de gran lujo, era servido en las mesas de las principales monarquías Europeas, de burgueses y nobles de Europa y América Latina, incluso maestros de la literatura de la temporada como Shakespeare, Daniel Defoe, Góngora Sir Walter Scott lo mientan en sus obras. Hasta hace bien poco, los arqueólogos databan el nacimiento del vino en la vieja Sumeria (Mesopotamia) en la Edad del Bronce (tres mil años a.c.). Sin embargo, nuevos descubrimientos sitúan los origenes de la viticultura y la vinicultura en la zona del Cáucaso y Próximo Oriente, lo que hoy sería Georgia, Turkmenistán, Uzbekistán, Tajikistán e Irán, en donde ya desde el 8000 a.c. (en pleno neolítico) se hallan rastros de procesos químicos que incluyen el empleo de resinas de terebinto tartratos. cachaza bebida han trabajado desde siempre y en toda circunstancia en la busca de la expresión máxima del vino argentino y han sido protagonistas de los grandes cambios de la industria vitivinícola nacional, en 1989 la familia trabajó activamente en la fundación de la primera DOC en Argentina, la Denominación de Origen de Luján de Cuyo. Estos 2 factores, más las numerosas horas de sol anuales (2.800 más o menos) y la altitud de los viñedos (trescientos cincuenta-650 m) hacen de la zona un ambiente muy idóneo para el cultivo de la parra.
La visita comienza en los jardines recorriendo una parte de los viñedos para entonces ingresar al histórico edificio, donde va a poder probar en primera persona el proceso productivo de los vinos de la bodega, recorriendo galerías, salas de tanques y cava de barricas. El carácter genuino del vino de Jerez, su propia identidad, no es únicamente el resultado de un origen geográfico determinado, por más excepcionales que sean las condiciones naturales que convergen en el Marco de Jerez. Cuando los vikingos llegaron a la América continental denominaron a las tierras por ellos descubiertas Vinland («tierra de vino»), ante la abundancia de vides que allá hallaron. La historia contemporánea del vino en Bulgaria empieza en 1890 con la creación de la primera escuela de vitivinicultura en la urbe nórdica de Pleven. En consecuencia visitas y experiencias como esta son muy importantes a fin de que se sepa hasta qué punto ha sido esencial el consumo del vino de Jerez en nuestra tierra a lo largo de la historia. Como primordiales países productores de vino, resaltar en primer lugar a Francia e Italia, quienes de forma alternativa se intercambian el primer puesto de producción vinícola, seguidos por España, productor en la totalidad de su territorio.
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wakingwriter · 7 years
Home Sweet Home, an excerpt from Landrien Moriset
Home Sweet Home, an excerpt from Landrien Moriset #fiction #excerpts #novels #LGBTQ
On a snowy evening in January, Landrien Moriset stood in the doorway and stared down at the dead woman lying against the wall. The woman peered out through wide, unblinking eyes. Her wrinkled hands lay palms up against the hardwood floor. Her head was wrapped in a red night scarf and resting against the wall. The body was so still and inanimate, like a doll. Snow blew into the house and the wind…
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Adrien Augreste: Day 8
Cat Tendencies
Ladybug stepped through the next door already missing the cute sleeping Adrien. To her surprise, she found another sleeping Adrien. This one, however, appeared to be his normal age and was curled up on an oversized red couch. His eyes flew open as she approached and he picked up his head. It was then that she noticed he was wearing a pair of black cat ears and a bell was hanging from his neck.
"Hey there," she said, wondering what part of Adrien this might be. She didn't have to wait long however as he climbed down from the couch and crawled on all fours towards her.
"Meow," he said and Ladybug's eyes grew wide.
"Did you just...meow?"
The Adrien-cat meowed again and crawled around her, brushing up against her legs. Ladybug blushed slightly and the movement.
"Uh, Adrien?" she asked, but he only crawled away and climbed into a box nearby. He spun around in the box until he was comfortable and then sat down, his eyes locked on Ladybug. "So, Adrien is part cat then?"
Glancing around the room, she saw that it truly was set up for a cat. There were scratching posts, oversized cat furniture to climb, and several cat toys scattered around.
"Alright, so how do I get you to help me?" she asked, but Adrien didn't move. Sighing, she picked up one of the cat toys. It was a long stick with a string that was attached to a toy mouse. As she moved it, she could hear the small bell hiding inside the mouse. "Want to play, kitty?"
She jingled the mouse as Adrien continued to watch her from his box.
"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty," she called. Adrien tilted his head to the side and she smiled, knowing she had his interested. She continued to make the mouse move side to side as Adrien kept his eyes locked on the toy. Slowly, he made his way out of the box and started stalking his prey.
Ladybug tried to contain her giggles, but seeing Adrien crawling around in such a manner was almost too much. Soon, she had him jumping and leaping after the mouse. She was careful to make if fun while not letting him get the toy. After some time, however, she finally let him catch it. He grinned with pride as the toy mouse dangled from his mouth.
"Good kitty," she said, scratching him between his fake cat ears. He looked up at her and she suddenly felt a wave of familiarity wash over her. There was something about his green eyes looking up at her in such a way as she spoke. But before she could recognize what it was, the room was filled with another burst of green light.
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ladyxxnoir-blog · 5 years
- now that's raining more than ever, know that we still have each other- My first video edit, i hope you like it! (obsessed with those two and the show, i don't care what they say, they belong to each other) + when i saw the umbrella scene i knew i had to make a tribute with this song
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Adrien Augreste: Chapter 15
Ok, all caught up. Not going to lie, I've been looking forward to this chapter since we started. I hope you guys like it!
15 Coffee Shop
Opening the next door, Ladybug stepped through to find herself in a coffee shop. Windows lined the exterior walls and outside it was raining.
"Hello, Ladybug," Adrien, who was sitting at one of the tables at the opposite end of the shop, waved her over. "Care for some hot chocolate?"
Ladybug took the seat opposite of him and nodded. He poured her a cup from the carafe that was sitting on the table.
"Thank you," she said, taking the cup from him. Adrien nodded and took a sip from his own mug. They sat in silence for a moment, drinking hot chocolate and listening to the rain.
"My mother used to bring me here," Adrien explained after a while. "She drank expresso while I had the chocolate. It was her favorite place."
"But I already met the part of you that misses her," Ladybug replied, confused. Adrien chuckled slightly and blushed.
"Yes, you did." he commented, looking down into his chocolate.
"Then what part are you?" she asked, not able to tell from him or anything in the coffee shop.
"I'm Adrien Agreste," he said looking back up at her. His green eyes were sad and had a trace of fear in them.
"Like...the whole person?" she asked, noting how normal he seemed to her; how complete.
"Yes, and no. I'm half of the whole me. The half everyone sees. There's a half that no one sees. Who I truly am behind all of this." he gestured at himself. "I have to represent the Agreste brand at all times. So, there are pieces of me that I have to keep hidden."
"You're true self," Ladybug said, her heart dropping with understanding. The Adrien she knew, the one she claimed to love, had a hidden side that she didn't know about. "Does no one know? Does no one really see you for who you are?"
"My mother did and...well...there is one person," he explained, looking out the window at the rain. "But she doesn't know I'm Adrien Agreste."
"What do you mean?" she asked, not understanding how someone could not know who he was. "You're famous. Everyone knows you're Adrien Agreste."
"Not her. It's...difficult to explain." Adrien said and she noticed that he was avoiding eye contact with her. "But you are going to meet him. You have too."
"You're scared," she noted.
"Very much, Ladybug." he admitted. "I'm afraid you won't be able to accept me for who I really am."
"Oh, Adrien, you don't have to worry about that," she told him with confidence. This was Adrien and she knew deep in her heart that nothing would ever change her feelings towards him. "You are a wonderful person. Inside and out. And I'm sure that this part of you that you hide is amazing too."
"I hope you think so, Ladybug." he said, finally looking at her again. "But you need to get going. I'm holding off the akuma the best I can, but I can only do so much until I'm able to be whole again. You have to find my other half."
"You're true self," she confirmed, standing up. Adrien stood as well and pulled an umbrella out from under the table. It was folded, but she recognized it immediately as the one he had given to her as Marinette.
"Here, you may need this," he said, holding it out to her. Ladybug felt her body shake with emotion as she gently wrapped her fingers around the handle, taking the umbrella from him. In that moment, she felt as if she was falling for him all over again; his face full of the same kindness she had seen that first day.
"Find my other half, Ladybug." he told her. "And, please, find a way to accept him. I know it may be difficult, but please try."
The coffee shop began to fade away as Ladybug tried to piece together his words; wondering if there really was a reason to worry.
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Adrien Augreste: Chapter 16
16 Swap
"LADYBUG!!!!" The shrill voice cried as Ladybug stepped into the next room. A body slammed into her and all she could see was golden curls. The body bounced as it squeezed Ladybug tight. "OH MY LORD! YOU'RE REALLY HERE! I DON'T BELIEVE IT!"
Ladybug pushed back against the person so that she could see who was screaming at her in a thick American accent. The person had Adrien's face, but was wearing thick make-up and had a huge pile of golden curls pinned to their head in a fashion that reminded Ladybug of Dolly Parton.
"And you are?" she asked, trying to prevent her eyebrow from rising too high.
"Adrianna, Adrein's feminine side." the Adrien-woman replied. "You must let me do your hair! I've been dying to style it for you, but Adrien won't ask! PLEASE? Please, can I do it???"
"Um...sure?" Ladybug replied, trying not to laugh. "But then you have to help me with the akuma."
"DEAL!" Adrianna cried as she pulled Ladybug towards a chair that was sitting in the middle of the room. She found herself sitting in front of a pink dressing table and Adrianna took the umbrella she had been carrying and set it on the table. For some reason, it hadn't disappeared with the rest of the coffee shop. Adrianna quickly undid Ladybug's pigtails and started brushing out her hair.
"I just don't know how you do it," Adrianna was saying. "You fight akumas, soar through the air, and your pigtails stay perfect! What is your secret?"
"Part of the magic, I guess," she said, never really having giving it a thought.
"Really? Then why is Chat Noir's hair always such a mess?"
Ladybug thought about this for a moment. Her own hair was almost always in pigtails when she wasn't Ladybug.
"Maybe that's how he wears it as his civilian self," she said.
"Well that would make sense."
Ladybug closed her eyes as Adrianna continued to brush her hair. It was nice to be pampered like this and she tried to imagine Adrien doing this for her out in the real world. The thought made her smile.
"What are you thinking about?" Adrianna asked. "Because whatever it is, you sure are smiling."
"Oh, I was just thinking about how nice this is," Ladybug answered. Adrianna was now pulling a section of her hair into a braid.
"Believe it or not, Adrien is actually quite skilled with hair. His mother used to let him style hers. We enjoyed it."
"Well, he can do my hair anytime."
"Really?" Adrianna asked. "Do you really mean that?"
"Of course. I'll talk to him about it." She said with a smile. Adrianna grinned down at her and finished tying off the braid. After a few more minutes, Adrianna told her to look in the mirror. Ladybug's hair was now in a high bun with two braids leading up to it.
"It's beautiful." Ladybug commented.
"Thank you, but you better be going now. It was nice to meet you!"
"It was nice to meet you too, Adrianna." Ladybug said, standing up and collecting the umbrella. Adrianna nodded as she began to fade away.
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