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Burgruine Landsee, a film castle
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The ruins of Landsee castle (Landsee is the German for land and water) have nothing to do with any nearby lake (See, in German). Rather, it is an evolution of the Hungarian name Lánzsér, derived from the German Landeshere, or perhaps the other way around, since Landsee was located on the border between the kingdom of Hungary and the Austrian possessions of the Holy Roman Empire.
There is no record of whether the original name was Magyar or Germanic, but the meanings of the words from which it is derived give clues to the character of its owners. Lánzsér translates as spear-bearer, while the particle hehr is an Old German word and means outstanding, highly respected, proud, of high rank....
The name Landeshere was first mentioned in 1158, while the castle was also in 1263. A documentary record from neighbouring Styria mentions in 1173 an Erchenger von Landesehre, whose family also owned Hohenwang Castle, and from which arose high officials of the Counts of Pitten, feudatories of the Austrian Duchy of Styria at that time.
Before 1222 the castle was already within the borders of Hungary. In the 13th century it belonged to Lorenz Athinai, an official of Ödenburg (today's town of Sopron). In 1289, the castle was conquered by Duke Albrecht of Austria during his campaign against the Counts of Güssing.
In the mid-16th century, the castle was owned by the earls of Teufel. The epitaph on Erasmus Teufel's grave calls him supreme field captain of the light cavalry in Hungary. Erasmus was an imperial emissary at the negotiations in Transylvania, where he was captured and executed by the Turks in 1552.
Landsee subsequently changed hands several times, until it was infeuded in 1612 to Baron and later Count Nikolaus Esterházy, a member of one of the Hungarian families that accumulated the most power in the Magyar kingdom and made Burgenland, the present-day Austrian federal state bordering Hungary, the centre of its possessions.
In the summer of 1707 an initial fire broke out, causing severe damage to the northeast wing of the castle, where the owner's living quarters were located. The castle was later repaired, but as it continued to deteriorate, it was proposed to demolish parts of it.
On 2 June 1790, Landsee again burned to the ground in a devastating manner. Its owner, Prince Nikolaus I Esterházy, known as the Magnificent, died in Vienna a few months later and his successor, Prince Anton, took severe austerity measures due to the lavish lifestyle of his predecessor, who had left a debt of 3.8 million guilders.
The complex was not rebuilt and was abandoned, while the Esterházy family favoured the castle of Forchtenstein or the then fledgling palace of Lackenbach. In 1802, Landsee was declared a ruin and began to serve as a quarry for nearby buildings.
In 1993, it served as the setting for some of the most spectacular action scenes in the Disney film The Three Musketeers, based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas, in which Kiefer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen, Chris O'Donnell and Oliver Platt confronted Cardinal Richelieu's musketeers amidst its ruins.
Foto: ARGE Naturparke/RMB Ing. Franz Kovacs
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yoshiintheweb · 2 years
For the meme! A variety to choose from:
Song 13 and Docm77
Song 26 and Cubfan
Or Song 100 and your fav OC
Okey so I do have ideas for the other two and i will probably reblog it when i do them BUT I WON'T FOCUS ON ANYTHING IF I WILL NOT TELL THIS RIGHT NOW SO
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🎶 When I run through the deep dark forest long
After this begun
Where the sun would set
The trees were dead
And the rivers were none
And I hope for a trace
To lead me back home from this place
But there was no sound there was only me, and my disgrace 🎶
I wanted to make a comic bc the whole chorus (up) fit so well but i have no mental power to do so as of now. Thank you very much and have a good day
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lasudio · 1 year
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StrangeSpot, Round Eighteen: Land
Seeing Nobel’s potential to be a top scientist, Vidcund gets him the top tier telescope as a gift for being an overachiever. Mary’s all for it - after what happened with River all those years ago, a safer way for her children to stargaze will let her rest easy. Vidcund promises to keep an eye on them too, in case of any... visitors.
Mary and Delta have matching nighties! Also let’s pretend that Astrid’s had leafy hair all along, not that I downloaded it and forgot to give it to her, lol. She’s become besties with her cousin Leela. They played tag all over the road and nearly got run over.
Nobel has a dream date with Lettice. She surprised him by arriving on a flying broomstick and revealing that she’s a witch! She’s so cool <3
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criminalfile · 7 months
A 21- year-old man allegedly bit off the top of a man’s fingertip at a wedding after getting accused of touching some of the guests inappropriately.
Police from the #Oconomowoc Police Department responded to the call at Lac La Belle.
The accused Nathan Landsee has apparently caused a commotion affer he was accused of touching another guest. The bride and groom tried calling him down to no avail.
He continued causing a scene until he was restrained by some of the attendees and at which point Nathan bit off one of their fingertips.
Investigations are still ongoing at this time.
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z3r0d-taiwan · 4 years
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2020 first race after the COVID-19 happens. They did a good job in spite of cancel a lot of race. The team still keep training #trainhard #racehard. . . . 2020年自從新冠肺炎發生後,許多大大小小的比賽都取消了,雖然沒了表現舞台,他們仍持續訓練,在今年的第一場比賽中表現亮眼,恭喜大家! . . . #z3r0d_taiwan #z3r0d_sports #z3r0d #zerod #z3r0d_japan #trainhard #racehard #swimbikerun #triathlon #triathlonlifestyle #npust #everrich #xterra #xterrataiwan #gios #landseed #asics #asicstaiwan #鐵人私塾 #屏科大 #life #lifestyle #love . Photo: 張綺文/郭家齊(在 台東活水湖 CAMP - Taitung Flowing Lake CAMP) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBglee7h3Wq/?igshid=1nvotmt49qcal
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1,618.) Sat May 8, 2021
The Song of the Day is: Wolfmother - “Joker & the Thief”(2005) #SongoftheDay #music #parenting #wolfmother #rock #sports #journal #HearTodayGrownTomorrow Support the Blog - Click Below
The Song of the Day is: Wolfmother – “Joker & the Thief” From the album Wolfmother (2005) I said the joker is a wanted manHe makes his way all across the landSee him sifting through the sandSo I’ll tell you all the storyAbout the joker and the thief in the night Wolfmother Last night was my first hockey game. I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my “new” job is at the arena in Washington DC, and I’m…
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Untitled (castle ruins, Landsee, Austria), Unidentified Artist, c. 1890 - c. 1915, Harvard Art Museums: Photographs
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Transfer from the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts Size: image: 8.5 x 11.3 cm (3 3/8 x 4 7/16 in.) mount: 12.7 x 16.2 cm (5 x 6 3/8 in.) Medium: Gelatin silver print on card
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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loserdiary · 2 years
heute vermiss ich dich schon sehr
gestern nacht war ein dicker ekliger weberknecht an meiner decke 😨
ich überweis heute geld an den anwalt, bring landsee kurz snacks vorbei und dann fahr ich wieder heim
muss wäsche machen und mein zimmer staubsaugen aber staubsaugen mach ich glaub ich erst moorgen
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See The Beauty of Ocean and LandSee The Beauty of Ocean and Land Animals is Amazing
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tabrishart-blog · 6 years
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What's wrong with me(在 聯新醫療集團 上海禾新醫院 Landseed Hospital, Shanghai) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoN7JbBAvpL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77q6ls9wxhxo
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yuriwangfingermedia · 6 years
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尼泊爾義診 聯新攜手外交部推動在地醫療 (健康醫療網/記者林怡亭報導) 聯新國際醫療集團前往尼泊爾進行義診服務,至今屆滿10年。為強化當地居民的健康識能,提升孕婦生產安全,以及降低新生兒死亡率,聯新國際醫療集團特別與中華民國外交部,共同推動醫療公衛援助與培訓計畫,落實醫療在地永續理念。 尼泊爾醫護擔任衛教種子 提供當地更專業化協助 在外交部「尼泊爾地震賑災專戶民間善款」經費資助下,於聯新尼泊爾期望醫療中心,購置1台超音波檢查儀器,免費幫當地孕婦進行產前健康檢查。另外,特別安排當地6名醫護人員來台,在壢新醫院進行為期1個月的婦產科超音波訓練、產後照護、慢性病預防、居家護理、急救、傷患處理,以及各種健康識能衛教的學習。 聯新國際醫療總執行長張煥禎表示,6名尼泊爾醫護回國後,將擔任衛教種子,結合「聯新期望醫療保健NGO組織」(Landseed Health Care Chitwan, Nepal)與當地民間團體,一起將健康識能教導給每一位居民。張煥禎強調,聯新國際醫療的尼泊爾義診援助,「不只是給魚、給釣竿,而且要教他們都會釣魚。」實現醫療永續發展的長遠目標。 外交部落實人道救援 解決尼泊爾分娩問題 外交部NGO國際事務會專門委員黃裕峰表示,這次計畫結合政府與民間力量,落實人道援助最重要的永續發展精神,不僅增進台灣與尼泊爾兩國人民的實質關係,也是國民外交最好的示範。 壢新醫院資深副院長許詩典,同時擔任聯新尼泊爾期望醫療中心院長,他表示,超音波檢查儀已於2017年11月購置完成;另外,國際扶輪社D3501地區也捐贈1部四輪傳動救護車給醫療中心,以提升偏遠山區緊急救護。 壢新國際醫療 推動國際化服務 聯新國際醫療壢新醫院自2007年開始,遠赴尼泊爾偏鄉奇旺區的喬哥地村落,進行義診服務。截至2017年,已出團48梯次,服務當地居民超過2萬人次,並於2014年在當地建造啟用「聯新尼泊爾期望醫療中心」。2015開始山區行動醫療,共出隊16次,前往15個不同部落,服務超過2千人次。 資料來源:健康醫療網 游勝鈞;游胜钧;指動傳播科技;指动传播科技;指傳媒;指传媒;華民通訊社;华民通讯社;民生新聞網;民生新闻网,健康醫療網,資料來源:健康醫療網新聞
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vonseezusee · 7 years
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thailand re / copyright by barbara maria landsee 2017
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cbjintern · 7 years
“Knock Knock.” Who’s There? “It’s Opportunity. Open Up.”
While being offered this internship was an amazing opportunity, sometimes when opportunity comes knocking you have to make the dinner plans first before you can go ahead and let it in. Making the move all the way from small town Canyon, Texas all the way out to New York City, one of the biggest cities in the world, was not a simple task to take down. Immediately after learning that I was offered the internship I contacted my parents and talked to them that night about it. Earlier in the semester my parents and I had talked about me trying to get an internship for the summer wether it be in Canyon, Amarillo, Dallas, LA, even all the way in NYC. After talking about possibly interning with Mana with Kaylie during spring break I let my parents know that an internship in New York seemed like a good possibility. So luckily, letting my parents know wasn’t an entire shock to them. What was a shock was how little time we had to get everything set. Orientation was June 1st and we had about two weeks to book a flight, find an apartment to sub-let, apply for a summer student loan, and budget out a whole summer away from home. After much research and applications and in what seemed like a never-ending process everything was set. Those dinner arrangements with Sir Opportunity were made and I could finally let him in at his knock. It was goodbye to the little town of Canyon and hello to The Big Apple!
After moving in and getting somewhat settled, I was off to my first day of internship: Orientation day. I met my friend aforementioned, Kaylie, who was continuing on her Senior Production internship with Mana into the summer as well, at the World Trade Center station and it was there that her and I boarded the PATH train that took us from Manhattan over to Jersey City. About a half mile from the Journal Square Station in Jersey City is the building for Mana Contemporary. Mana Originals is a branch held under Mana Contemporary. Mana Contemporary is known for being a community of artists and as it branches out it hopes to tackle as many parts of art that it can. Reality TV and the TV industry as a whole is growing and so Mana Originals started. (Basically, like how I go to WTAMU for college but major in Mass Communications, you could think of it like I go to Mana Contemporary, but am majoring in Mana Originals - if that helps it make any more sense. Maybe not. Maybe Im just confusing you more. I’m sorry, I apologize. But anyway, back to orientation. It was held by the internship head and associate producer of Mana Originals, Skylar Landsee. There were four interns for the summer myself and Kaylie, and two other girls, Kiara (Senior Casting Intern) and Justine (Junior Video Intern). Together Skylar taught a bit of the history of Mana Contemporary and Mana Originals as well. We learned about some of the projects they currently are working on, whether it be in a pitching, casting, editing, or production stage. From their we also got a full tour of the 6-story building, which, fun fact, was originally a tobacco factory back in the 19th century! After the tour, Skylar let us go for the day with the invitation to start tomorrow or taking the weekend. Well, I couldn’t have been any more eager to get working so I accepted the offer to actually come into the office on a Friday. As I left the building after orientation, I felt that weird feeling that you can sometimes get. A sensation that this is where I need to be. Good things are going to happen this summer and I’m going to be ready to take on whatever comes my way.    
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augenblickevieanna · 7 years
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Ready to take off #modeling #model #beautyphotography #fashionphotography #photography #fashion #beauty #dress #gold #wings #fashiondesign #photo #photoshooting #outdoorshoot #outdoor #brunette #pose #potd #pictureoftheday (hier: Burgruine Landsee)
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