#lanna my beloved
pansy-picnics · 7 months
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i completely forgot why i drew this
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flovverworks · 4 months
augh june bride augh..........
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augh june bride augh..........the flower arrangements + gloves r so nice T_T rly wanna see the live2d, like, in the last event the flowers within the bottles were animated too...... <-weak to flowers
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man heaths bday card is ssooooooooo nice tho...the pose...the expression.........the wind........rlyyyyyyy pretty...................why is figaro drinking again. iw as zooming in to see what hes in front of. only to see a drink. im not making it up am i. u. i like his expression a looooot.....i rly do prefer last yrs bday set tho, they had a lot more 'wow' factor for my initial reactions to them LOL rutiles was unreal
anyway closing in on tanabata....do not disappoint me
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jaimeski · 11 months
Long post about some detail I love in the new sims 4 pack promo video
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they came out strong with this ngl like you all know this is how we greet each other but less back arching if it’s a casual conversation
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THE NAKA THEY HAVE THE NAKA it’s a folklore from northeastern thai/laos basically they are water dragon. the right one looks like chinese architecture tho
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the boat yesssssss love how they did the glass panels i know the person who did this loves to go to floating market i’m going to assume this is meant to represent central thailand/ayutthaya
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THE SPIRIT HOUSE right on the fucking nose you can find one of these everywhere and i mean it it’s for spiritual protection this one is actually hindu thing not buddhist it would be more accurate if they did have a red fanta bottle decoration (btw person in the right frame looks like lisa coincidence? i think not)
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average thai neighbor experience no need to explain
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aside from whatever that taco-looking thing is, they have pad thai, tom yum kung (noodles?) and some variation of spring rolls
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE KOM TUNG it’s a paper lantern from the northern part of thailand more specifically the lanna region this is a win for i’m so biased rn bc it reminds me of my grandparents they are northerners
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hubiuhsdcbuhsdbcuhw NOT THE SQUATTING TOILET tho it’s not entirely accurate bc it’s more like an europe one we don’t have this model we’d have a bucket of water to flush instead
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the other architectures are meh for me but this one hits hard do you see the x thing on the roof? that’s the prominent feature of lanna/northern thai culture called kalae means a cross you won’t find this in any other part of the country
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sino-portuguese architecture my beloved i wish they’d had more colorful sino-portuguese building but i’m not complaining much bc they did give us a lot of the tiles in that style
final thoughts: they did a wonderful job portraying thai culture as multicultural most of the things they based on are accurate and authentic banger expansion pack i might have to buy it unfortunately
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artnamikasd · 1 year
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Have the most beautiful dream of visualization and adoration of Rama and Sita one night and I can't stop myself on expressing it through the art.
You can see how I localized them into my culture, Rama becomes the symbol of the king's birthright as an avatar since Ayutthaya period; even the city name was derived from Ayodhaya itself!, so I adorned him with the accessories and crown based on Middle and Late Ayutthaya mural art. Sita on the other hand, her clothing and accessories are inspired from Lanna and Haripunchai art and culture.
Ramayana is beloved across it's origins, the tales shouldn't be valued or centralised as one's treasure, instead why won't we share and view it as the universal literature( the Adbhutaramayana where Sita turns into Kali was even claimed to be read by the gods as well!) and let the world adore and retelling the tale for eons to come.
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camilleisdrawing · 3 months
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The many sides of my beloved Tomorn.
Niece grows up to be a hairdresser. (My Grandma-insert)
ft. a drawing from 2015 or something. I actually had this 'drawing meme' printed out!
[id: Big text saying 'HAIRSTYLE MEME' subtitled 'VER. TOMORN TOVAN' above nine headshots. From top left to right, 1) is the normal hairstyle and the art is a reddish-tanned person in a blue-white shirt with short, wispy, wavy side-parted reddish brown hair. 2) ponytail. 3) the same person but younger and lighter-skinned with black pigtails wearing a scarf and fluffy top. 4) same age as the first one in a bun decorated in pins, and white and red flowers wearing something traditional Lanna. 5) short braided hair holding a blue handheld mirror and gasping, behind them a small girl smiling holding an orange comb. 6) Straightened hair flopping flat on the head with a few grey roots, wearing salon robe, unimpressed. Behind them is a pencil drawing of who seems to be a girl with long wavy hair; text says 'prolly from 2015' and 'prolly Blaine Anderson?'. 7) in youth, showing forehead in a slicked-back look in a tuxedo with bowtie; text says 'Now that's kinda like Blaine season 2'. 8) older, darker-skinned, long Hollywood-style black-purple hair being sprayed, sporting statement petal-like yellow earrings and frilly yellow top. 9) winking, short hair accessorised with a circular headpiece matching with a salmon ao dai, wearing a small earring with a bow element.]
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athemarina · 2 years
The Children of the King - wip intro
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(can you believe it - i promised a proper wip intro and here it actually is!! it's a miracle)
genre: fantasy | political drama | historical fiction
some themes & tropes: prophecies and chosen ones | identity | queer love will save the day | austrian folklore elements (lindwurm my beloved) | french political philosophy
setting: france, england, austria | ca 1840
status: plotting & drafting
There's a King, and the prophecy dooms him. There's a prophecy, and only the King's child may stop the ruin it proclaims. There's a grave danger beyond the hills - and the King needs to make a choice who to send there. or: Unwilling to sacrifice his daughter to the clutches of prophecy and danger, the King fathers seven bastard children; each one grows up with a different magical ability, and far removed from throne and duty - until fate grows up with them and starts beckoning.
the king's children: at court
lanna: the king's true-born daughter. stern and severe, she unflinchingly does her duty.
ariel: the king's adopted son. his magic is as wild as he is, and while none who meet him can deny his talent, they are worried that one day his hands might reach towards the throne. so far, this has not happened.
the king's children: in the world
grace: the eldest. a scholar. a woman without a heart (it was stolen, where is it, who has it?)
piper: a pickpocket. believes not in rebellion but in the rebel.
sonya: a mind reader. sees the truth written on people's faces whenever she opens her eyes. so she can never close them.
silver: a shape shifter. they are living proof that sometimes, you have to become the monster under the bed to stop being scared of it.
nanna & alexis: twins serving in the house of Death. their duties are unknown to the world.
aaron: ??
welcome to my new wip!! this is basically all the things i find interesting put into a blender and honestly - i'm really excited about it! this wip is quite ambitious so the planning and drafting process is likely still gonna take a while, but i'd be delighted to share my journey with you <3 let's get it!
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kleinewahines · 3 years
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redscorpiocat · 2 years
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Lanna my beloved-
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calla-lefford · 2 years
TRUTH SERUM: Do you feel any ease following the murder of your mother? Are you worried you are growing fixed with revenge?
“My mother was murdered,” Calla stated in a low voice, seething with the boiling rage and grief such a thing entailed. “There is no ease I can possibly find after something like that”. Lanna Lefford had been so beloved, respected, and deeply cherished by family, friends and the people she ruled as dowager lady of Golden Tooth. “I’m not worried, no,” the redheaded lady answered, a determined look on her face as her voice turned soft in a way that could be deemed threatening. A path of vengeance was hardly concerning for Calla, it was only right that there should be retribution for what had been done to her family. “It is those who killed my mother who should be worried”.
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vorkosigan saga fic recs?
Oh man. This is difficult, because I don’t keep a running Top 5 (or 10, or 20) list around… Really, it’s easier to rec by author, because there are a number of very prolific writers who are all excellent. This leaves out a bunch of very good stuff (highly recommend just selecting different tags/filters on AO3, most stuff is good and most stuff is also short), but here are some starting places:
 - philomytha, especially Aral Vorkosigan’s Dog (Simon & Aral POV of the Escobar invasion), and the Alys/Simon collection
 - Lanna Michaels, especially the Petya-verse, a canon divergence AU following Aral Vorkosigan’s hypothetical son with his first wife
 - Dira Sudis (dsudis), especially The World That You Need, an Aral/Jole series, which is a 1000% better backstory for That Whole Thing than any part of GJatRQ
 - jetta_e_rus, a Russian-language writer whose fic is partially available in English translation. Greatest (English) hits include It’s A Long Way To Escobar, another version of Aral & Simon at Escobar (comparing this one and philomytha’s is an interesting exercise); and Owner, Ezar/Simon and one of my personal favorites, which was part of what made me transition from “wow I found a canon that I actually can’t think of non-canonical ships for” to “OH.”
 - a_t_rain, who has a lot of CVA-related permutations of Ivan, Byerly, and the Arquas
 - avanti_90, especially If Shards Of Honor Had Been Written By… which is what it says on the box, aka an incredible piece of writing that gets 15 different authorial styles exactly right, and is also hilarious
 - I tell a lie, here are two stand-alone fic recs, both Ivan/Byerly: Twenty-Year Man, a post-canon political caper, and By Any Means Necessary, another political-ish caper, full of wit and humor (really!), in which we are also reminded that our beloved characters do actually work for an authoritarian state.
There are more. There are SO MANY MORE. But um, “all of them” probably isn’t a useful rec list, soooo…
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bunnibai · 4 years
Hello there, if you’re up to it here’s some more ask stuff :)
8, 9, 16, 18
8. What's one weird personal headcanon you have for the character that's not addressed or that you haven't found a way to share yet?
Okay so Ari. Is a fucking nerd. It never gets brought up a lot? But she’s a fucking NERD guys. When she was little she read a lot of books? Specifically, her staff would carry her on their shoulders while she read when they walked in markets.  But in the group, since Rosie has kinda taken up the nerd role, it doesn’t usually get talked about a whole lot! Not that I mind that, though. I do ADORE the idea of the girls bonding over being nerds, though. Maybe they can’t sleep and they just stay up reading books over nothing really important and mumbling about it in a half delirious state. Ari isn’t EMBARRASSED by it per say, but she’s never really interacted with another person who liked reading besides Thallan, who you guys haven’t met. 
9. What are your character's relationships like with every member of their party? Bonus, if you want to write a short blurb on your character's opinion of them.
Oh boy this’ll be a long one.
The best way I’ve heard Rosie and Ari be described is actually through my friend who probably isn’t reading this, but she had assumed Rosie and Ari had a queerplatonic relationship? And at first I was like “nah” but if you look at it they super do. They’re not dating by any means; Ari doesn’t see Rosie that way and I assume Rosie doesn’t seem Ari that way, either. But they do a lot of traditionally more like? Date-y things? They cuddle and hold hands and stay up late at night with each other and in that vein, they’re like. Friends plus. It doesn’t help that they’re both “straight” and there’s nothing gay about wanting to cuddle your best friend nope! Girls are just like that there’s no reason to throw the l-word around guys. 
Canyon is really interesting for Ari for a lot of reasons. This isn’t something she’s. Used to. In Brinatia, race is really tricky. Ari was sort of an oddity because she was a halfling, but her family had “proved” themselves, so they tolerated her being inside and walking in the streets. But other than that and other exceptions, everyone was just. Elves. And if you weren’t, you were seen as lesser. Ari’s guard would be spat at in the streets, Lanna had her entire thing, it was. Crazy. And here Canyon is, and he’s so unapologetically himself that it caused whiplash. He does what he wants when he wants and doesn’t care who’s watching. She really admires him for that. She gets a little chide-y sometimes? But it’s really in good faith. I’ll talk more about it with Quill but her chiding them is actually a way of seeing that she’s comfortable. 
Quill is by far the most confusing person Ari has ever met. Ari has always learned obedience. She learned to keep her head down and do what she needed to in order to appear like she was following the rules. If she didn’t, she would be shot and killed without hesitation. But Quill is so unapologetically chaotic. She met Ari and one of the first things she did was openly admit to assassination and treason? To a near stranger? And Ari had no idea how someone could do something like that. Quill was the most avid, by far, supporter of killing Ari’s dad. She pesters Ari to be less scared all the time and actually do the things she wants to do and to Ari, that’s really special. Ari thinks that Quill is really special. The thing about Ari is that, the more comfortable she gets, the more willing she is to argue. It might look like she’s unhappy with Quill’s antics? With how much Ari hisses, “Quill!” and how often she’ll tell Quill she can’t do something. But Ari just being able to speak up at all shows a level of comfort she’s never really reached with anyone before. She does the same thing to Lanna; constantly chiding and telling her what’s socially acceptable. I think that’s a part of the reason Ari is so comfortable around Quill all of the time. Quill acts so much like Lanna and Ari just generally draws towards those people. 
16. What jokes/memes do you have about your character? Are there any jokes that accidentally became canon in the universe?
We have so many that it’s frankly ridiculous but I do wanna talk about the juice thing the most because it’s very sweet. But before I do, shoutout to the Ari meme about her hating vampires. For the uninitiated, Ari’s dad has turned into a vampire and Ari is Extremely Not Happy About It. She’s decided she hates vampires for the rest of her life but at every turn people have decided to make vampire jokes at her expense, and she always gets extremely flustered over it. It’s my favorite thing ever. 
The juice thing started when Josh, unknowing about my Thing with alcohol, gave me the goddess of temperance among other things. So she was ALWAYS drinking wine, and her kind of goal for the campaign was to get Ari to drink it. I said I was confident Ari would never do that, and that was of course about my trigger. Ari will never drink alcohol because I would get uncomfortable. So time goes on and Sarenrae keeps pressuring Ari, and then one day Josh finds out that I have an alcohol trigger! He asks why I never told him and I told him it wasn’t a big deal, but Josh insisted that my comfort is ALWAYS a big deal. So instead of having Sarenrae drink wine, he created this plot point that she actually ended up turning to juice, and now that’s what she likes to drink because Ari likes to drink it. And I just think that’s very nice. 
Other jokes include humans being cryptids in-universe and Ari being Definitely Absolutely Straight, yes sir. 
18. Have you made any fan children between your character and an NPC or PC? Is their relationship canon? Tell us about the kids if you want or have them! Tell us about the characters' lives together!
I have not and this is an ABSOLUTE SHAME because I love designing fan kids. But when it comes to lovers and lives after the campaign, I can tell you a very interesting idea I’ve been playing with. 
After the campaign, we obviously... don’t know what’s going to happen, right? So we don’t know what will be the same or different. So this is going to have a lot of assumptions. But the Order is defeated, Noxus is either dead or redeemed, etc. etc. And the party quietly retires to their various places, either together or separate, and in Brinatia... There’s a power vacuum. Her dad is dead. Ari is respected as a champion and, technically, is the next in line after her father. So what if she actually became queen? Ari and her wife (all too ready to commit arson on the city) aren’t the most beloved rulers by the high elves, but are by far the most beloved by the underdark standard. She does a lot in terms of social justice and equality, and although she’s been attempted to be assassinated a couple times, really. How can you go up against a champion? And she lives a nice life doing good for as many people as possible with Lanna until she eventually retires and passes on. 
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oosteven-universe · 5 years
Steel Cage #01
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Steel Cage #01 Ahoy Comics 2019 Bright Boy      Noah Zark      True Identity Stuart Moore & Peter Gross, Mark Waid, Tom Peyer & Alan Robinson Giulia Brusco, Lanna Souvanny Lee Loughridge     Three dazzling short "pilot" stories from AHOY's finest - and you get to vote on which series continues! In "Noah Zark" by Mark Waid and Lanna Souvanny, an alien boy is kidnapped into an interplanetary zoo-and becomes the protector of the animals. In "True Identity" by Tom Peyer and Alan Robinson, we learn what secret anguish drives the most beloved superhero on Earth! And Stuart Moore and Peter Gross's "Bright Boy" tells the grim tale of the world's smartest human and the havoc he leaves in his wake.      Well if this is an audition for the readers to choose which one deserves it’s own ongoing then I have my own opinion on that. I have to say I love Ahoy Comics and this continues to show why as it’s really done in a manner that showcase the talent here. Three stories, three creative teams and three very different takes and from what I can see all of them deserving of their own books. So let’s break things down a bit shall we?     First up is actually True Identity. My favourite of these stories as I see more potential here than I could have thought possible. The way that this is being told so that we are seeing just enough of the life being led here to make us want to see more. The way this is structured is phenomenal and then of course there’s the characterisation as well. There are a number of people here that have the kind of spotlight on them that make us want to see more. Dallas Emily Doyle for instance and she’s not exactly a good person, possibly good at her job but not a good person and I'd like to see her either change, grow and evolve while learning about her own faults. Oh and everything we learn about Penultiman does indeed come across as more original then I was expecting. This is fantastic and while we get this superhero that on the surface may seem familiar it’s anything but and that’s best of it all.     Do like the interior artwork here as well. It is everything we could want and more in a classic superhero book. The linework that’ utilised to create the attention to detail as well as the way we see backgrounds in play make this something that I cannot help but want to see more of. The colour work is utterly marvellous as well, combined with the multiple styles of the linework, see cross-hatching and the like, really bring out a modern throwback sensibility.     So Bright Boy is an interesting one as well. There are a lot of weird twists and turns in this one and for whatever reason once you start to get into this it just seems to get more and more bizarre. So much so that it kind of has this crazy infectious feeling that gets inside your head and can’t help but want more and more. I still want to see more about who does what and ends up where. All I know is the idea that the smartest of men having nuclear meltdowns really does have this appeal to a whole twisted warped sense of right and wrong. I dunno it’s hard to explain but it is the kind of story that would make something along the line of Vertigo jealous. The characterisation here is so freaking good and the dynamic between the characters is something I think the world needs more of.     The interior artwork here also has something of a more traditional look to it. The attention to detail however is utterly marvellous and the fact that so many of the computer screens show that they are being used blew my mind. There really is a lot going on here and the fact that the little details that we see which are often overlooked which is so terribly fantastic. The utilisation of the page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective show one solid eye for storytelling.     The last story is more inclined to be something of an all-ages style story. There is this whole lost boys vibe going on here that I just love. Plus there are a few things in this that kind of combine the fantasy of Pokemon and a Free Willy sensibility that just captures the imagination of the reader in ways that you can’t technically put your finger on exactly but you understand it on a cosmically inner-self kind of way. It is the feel good kind of story that you love to keep as that guilty pleasure. It really is utterly charming and the artwork here is beyond gorgeous. ​     Ahoy has this special kind of magic in the books that they are putting out right now. That this is like an audition for them is also something different that we don’t see all the time. I appreciate that they are taking their own sweet time and not trying to flood the market beyond the means of market sustainability is a nice way of doing the right thing. 
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intendedtobeblank · 7 years
Welcome to Thailand
After wrapping up in Myanmar, feeling a little low after such a high with fun travel companions and also missing fresh, clean California nature goodness, my last night in rather polluted and frenetic Mandalay passed quickly and I arrived in Chiang Mai, Thailand where I met a very special guest in this trip, my mum!
We are traveling together for the month of November in Thailand, Cambodia, and Taiwan and I wasn't sure what to expect but so far it has been a treat. She's a sweetheart and I'm learning she is more adventurous then I had realized! I'm grateful to spend time together as I think our shared time for this trip will probably equal to the total days I've seen her probably over the last maybe, 5 years, crazy. There are giggly moments when she has quite the sense of humor, which makes my day, like when we tried durian ice cream (FYI the ice cream concept didn't make the durian flavor more palatable).
So we started in Chiang Mai (which many travelers I met en route told me they adored- I now totally agree). It is a beautiful northern Thailand city; interesting, relaxed, beautiful, diverse, delicious. This is a city where there is something for everyone - outdoorsy mountain bike folks can ride some gnarly downhill from Doi Suthrep National Park, culture and history aficionados can explore the plethora of intricately decorated Buddhist temples, night markets with lots of crafts, clothes and snacks which come alive after dusk, amazing and cheap massages... and the food!! Don't get me started on the food; I have been practicing some serious self-control (not always successfully) so as to stop filling my belly with the tropical fruits- oh-so-sweet, buttery papaya, creamy fat king bananas, pink and white dragonfruit, tart passion fruit, crispy and juicy rose(/wax) apples... salads, rolls, noodles, rice dishes with layers of flavor using coconut, lemongrass, chilis, tamarind, curry - if there's a place to fall over in a food coma, I think it is here! One can sweat off 10 lbs easy from the humidity in Singapore, Indonesia and Myanmar but perhaps it'll all go straight to the hips in Thailand.
We planned to be here for a special yearly festival where lanterns are lit and released into the sky for this awe-inspiring (and if you happen to be with a special someone- quite romantic) evening. In fact, I learned there were two beloved Thai festivals back to back and here is a little more about these lovely traditions from www.chiangmaitraveller.com:
•Loy Krathong (Thursday, November 2)
Loosely translated, Loy Krathong means, “to float a basket”. “Loy” means to float and a “Krathong” is a small handmade boat traditionally made from a section of banana tree trunk. Modern-day versions often use styrofoam or bread which will disintegrate after a few days and can be eaten by fish. It is believed that the krathongs take away sins and bad luck and carry the wishes that have been made for the new year to start.
Thais use the festival to thank the goddess of water for providing life to the fields and forests and asks for forgiveness for polluting ways of the human... as a self-described nature lover, I find this so beautiful.
•Yi Peng Festival (Friday/Saturday, Nov 3-4)
In this festival, lighted Khom Loi (Lanna style sky lanterns) are released into the air through the course of the night. The act of releasing the lantern symbolizes letting go of all ills and misfortunes in the previous year, and Buddhists also believe that if you make a wish when you set off the lantern, it will come true (but only if you do good deeds the following year).
So, we took part with everyone! Down along the river bank I set off a Krathong and the following evening mom and I lit up one of the lanterns and made some wishes.
Chiang Mai is a gem for a destination and we even took a short side-trip to Pai, a village nestled in a valley between mountain passes, where it is currently so green and lush! Apparently known to be a hippie backpacker destination, Pai is quite the "crunchy" granola type of place- almost too touristy with its albeit delicious vegan and western culinary offerings and mellow small-town (even a little Rasta/reggae) charm. The minibus we took here made 762 twists and turns through the winding hills over the course of 3 hours and if you forgot your Dramamine well you are in for a hurl! There were even vomit signs in Thai along the road. We made it, (phew!) no barf bags needed.
Pai is a sweet, walkable town that wakes up at night with street stalls, but the only way to really get around Pai's natural surroundings is to rent a scooter/motorbike to check out the waterfalls, land split/family farm, Pai canyon, bridge... (there were also hot springs and elephant sanctuaries but we skipped those) I didn't expect my mom to hop on board but I was stoked when she did, really without qualms! Off we went on this adventure, and it was a nice joyride through misty, on and off showers and farms and jungles.
We are heading to Cambodia this weekend! First to the ancient Angkor Wat temples in Siem Reap and then southward to beaches of Koh Rong Sanloem and finally, Phnom Penh.
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