#lapamedot week 2017
cate-geo · 7 years
Day 7 (Saturday, October 14th)- Confessions (Anything from romantic to guilt)
(I have had this idea for awhile now, and I can’t believe I finally wrote it out. Peridot has some crushes but is too much of a coward to confess.
Peridot had met Amethyst when they were kids.
Their friendship didn’t really make sense to the more logical side of Peridot. Peridot liked studying and tests and good well thought shows despite what Amethyst said about them. Amethyst liked slacking and pranks and dumb shows. And while Peridot spent hours a day coming up with analyses of why they were friends, Amethyst seemed content to just “go with the flow”. This was not a good enough answer for Peridot, but after a few years, she came to the conclusion that they balanced each other out.
Peridot was able to nudge Amethyst to work just enough so she could pass her classes. Sometimes even get one of the better grades in the class. Peridot tried to get Amethyst to believe that she was definitely an upper B lower A student if she just did the work. But Amethyst always reminded her that she was content with the Cs. Peridot never believed her though. Every A Amethyst got seemed to make her feel a little better about herself. Not so much for the grade itself, but for the proof that the people who always looked down on Amethyst and expected the worst from her, were wrong.
Amethyst on the other hand was able to get Peridot to not just see herself as good grades and brains. She was the only one able to tell Peridot that she didn’t have to stay up all night studying something that she already knew by heart. Amethyst was able to get Peridot to join looser extra circulars. And despite Peridot’s protests at first of how the grades were so unorganized in her art class, after only a month Amethyst noticed a lot more paintings hung up and sculptures placed in Peridot’s room.
They were kind to each other. They were there for each other. Peridot was very grateful to be friends with her.
Which is why she hated the moment she had fallen in love with Amethyst.
It was when they were 16. Amethyst was going out with someone and Peridot knew the relationship would only last a little while. That’s just how Amethyst was. She had a lot of casual relationships. And she had so many fun stories that Peridot really liked to hear.
But one night Peridot was talking to herself about the signs that were starting to show the ends of her current relationship. She started to think if Amethyst noticed them too. Did she ever? And said out loud “Would she notice it if we were together?”
Peridot froze for a moment “Would we ever be together? Do I want us to be together?”
Then she slammed her head on her desk and groaned “Nooooo. Stupid clooood. Don’t fall in love with her. Don’t. Fall. In love. With. Amethyst.”
So, of course, she fell in love with Amethyst.
She hated it.
Now being with Amethyst was awkward.
Now hearing Amethyst’s expeditions with her current lover hurt Peridot’s chest.
Now she couldn’t tell her best friend the #1 problem in her life.
And sure, she could just ask Amethyst out. But everytime she tried, Amethyst would grin at her, or make her laugh, or just be a perfect and gorgeous clod and Peridot would freeze up. And by the time she could talk again, the moment felt wrong and she would just shove it down.
At least she had Amethyst in her life.
Amethyst was the best friend in the world. Was it really so bad being platonic?
Of course it wasn’t.
Peridot could live with it.
Peridot could be happy with it.
Peridot was happy with it.
Despite how much it hurt, Peridot didn’t want to stop being friends with Amethyst. So much so, she spent the last couple of years of high school pushing Amethyst to do her best so they could both go to the same college.
Everybody knew that if Peridot just walked onto a campus and said, “I go here now” nobody would ever question it. So when she got her approval, she really only felt relieved she didn’t have to do it anymore. She was definitely more relieved with Amethyst’s approval. They could actually go to college together. Every little fantasy she had made when they were kids was actually coming true.
When fall came around, they said their goodbyes to their loved ones and left.
And then Peridot realized they weren’t going to be rooming together.
Peridot complained, and sat on her bed, staring at her door. Waiting to see if her roommate could pale in comparison to her best friend.
When Lapis Lazuli walked in, Peridot’s first thought was ‘Shit. She’s pretty.’ And then when she glared at Peridot, her second thought was ‘Shit. She hates me.’
And she did hate her. When Peridot started complaining to Amethyst about her roommate, Amethyst mentioned that they were in the same art class, and Lapis just seemed to hate everyone. Something or someone must have hurt her or something, because she was always in a crabby mood.
Peridot learned to live with this.
Then one day, Peridot walked into her dorm and Lapis just needed someone to talk to.
Peridot was very good at talking.
From then on out, they started warming up to each other until they became pretty close friends.
Peridot was analyzing their friendship one night while Lapis was out, and realized that her first thought when she met Lapis started to spill into Peridot’s brain.
Lapis was pretty.
Lapis was pretty and funny and smart and Peridot started to fall in love with her.
Despite the fact that Peridot knew it would be awkward to like her roommate, it gave her a bit of relief. She didn’t have to ruin her friendship with Amethyst anymore. Her crush had moved on. And if things did get awkward with Lapis, they only had to be roommates until the end of the semester.
And then Amethyst had laughed and Peridot realized her crush hadn’t moved on. She just had 2 now.
“Is that allowed?” Peridot mumbled to herself later that night and decided to do some researching. And while typing ‘I like 2 girls what should I do????’ in a search bar would get you bunch of love triangles or lesbian porn, one word stood out among the rest.
Peridot looked up the definition.
“Polyamory-the practice of or desire for intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the knowledge of all partners.”
Peridot spent the night looking up different polyamory stories and blogs and articles and definitions and everything she could find.
Peridot’s felt like polyfidelity fit her best and went to bed happy and fantasizing about the three of them together and happy.
Then woke up of a feeling of dread. Dating both of them didn’t automatically make it less awkward. It would be more awkward. Peridot spent the whole day worrying. What if they weren’t polyamorous? What if they didn’t like each other? And, newsflash, this didn’t necessarily mean that all of Peridot’s previous worries would just disappear. What if this ruined both of her friendships with them?
When Peridot got back to her dorm, one of her questions was answered.
Her best friend and her roommate, her crushes, the people who were the core of her feelings of dread and worry all day were sitting on Lapis’s bed, kissing.
They pulled apart when they heard Peridot drop her books on the ground. Embarrassed but giggling.
“Sorry Pea-Pod. We were gonna tell you when you got back. But I guess you know.”
“Wow. This is just…wow.” She should be ecstatic. Thinking about the 2 of them, they seemed well for each other. And this could be good for Peridot too. She just had to see their thoughts on polyamory. Just ask about polyamory. Do it.
“That’s cool. I was just picking up a textbook and I was gonna head to the library anyway, so you guys can be alone.” Peridot picked up the first textbook she saw and ran out the door, down the hall, out of the dorms, and stopped.
Peridot had spent years analyzing and worrying and nitpicking and researching every little thing about her friendships and her crushes and had never just done anything about it.
While Peridot had thought about every possible outcome, they were…asking each other out and…kissing.
Hearing about Amethyst’s lovers wasn’t what hurt her chest. It was Amethyst having a lover while Peridot didn’t. She would just spend her whole life upset and in her head instead of just being with someone.
That’s why she got relief when she thought she moved on.
Peridot looked at herself in the window and thought something nasty
“At least my carefulness means I won’t break up with them. How long will they last?”
She then quickly shook her head and berated herself for thinking something so cruel about the 2 people she supposedly loved more than anyone else.
She stayed their friends. She kept getting rooms with Lapis. The three of them hung out all the time, and Lapis and Amethyst did a really good job at trying to not make her feel like a third wheel. She was pretty sure that the only reason she did was because she was in love with them.
The thought she had the day they got together kept creeping up on her. She tried to silence it, but she couldn’t stop herself from thinking it the day that Amethyst and Lapis’s relationship was longer than any relationship Amethyst had ever had in her life. At least, relationship in the romantic sense. And there were never any signs of it ending.
Peridot laid in her bed and listened to the two of them giggling and saying for the millionth time “Sh sh sh. What if Peri is still awake?” And then, for the millionth time, trying to block out the sounds of the two of them ‘going at it’ as Amethyst liked to call it.
Something hit Peridot that though. She buried her face into her arms and realized it was wet. Was she seriously crying? She sniffed and then froze when the noises in Lapis’s bed stopped. Shit.
“Peridot?” Lapis had sat up. “Are you crying?”
Peridot tried to very carefully and very quietly readjust to look more like she was asleep than like she was trying to block out noises. And crying apparently. She tried not to tense when she felt Amethyst’s hand brushing the hair from her face.
“She’s asleep. But her face is wet.” Amethyst whispered over to Lapis.
“Has she ever cried in her sleep before?”
“No. At least not to my knowledge.” Amethyst walked from Peridot’s bed and Peridot heard the two of them shuffling before crawling into her bed, back in their pjs, and laying on either side of Peridot.
Peridot started crying again. While she was being selfish and angry, they were being the great friends that they were and trying to make her feel better even when they didn’t know why. They were too good for her to lie to them anymore.
“I’m not asleep.”
“Oh. Then why are you crying? What’s wrong?”
Peridot took a deep breath and told them everything. Told them when she started to fall in love with Amethyst. Told them when she started to fall in love with Lapis. Told them about polyamory. Told them what she did the day she found out that they were dating, both before and after. She told them about her selfish thoughts and feelings and her analyzing. So much analyzing. Everything just started spilling out and she couldn’t stop it even if she wanted to. There was just too much to say and the sun was starting to rise when she finally finished.
The three of them laid in silence for a long time after that. Peridot knew that Lapis and Amethyst were just letting everything sink in, but Peridot’s heart was beating faster and faster every second that ticked by.
“Wow Peridot.” Peridot didn’t know the last time Amethyst hadn’t called her by a nickname. “That’s…wow.”
Peridot wanted them to either say they were in love with her too, or break off the friendship forever. Either way would at least give her closure from her years of torment. But instead she said “You guys don’t need to tell me right now. I understand it’s a lot to take in, and you’re probably tired.”
“Yeah.” Lapis closed her eyes. “We’ll sleep on it.”
Peridot was surprised that Amethyst and Lapis didn’t feel too awkward sleeping in the same bed as her. Until she heard “You know? No matter what, we love you.”
Despite the fact that Peridot was unsure of that since the moment all of this started, she surprised herself by truthfully saying, “I know. I love you guys too.”
It had taken a couple of torturous days for Amethyst and Lapis to think everything through. Then that weekend, they both came into Peridot’s room and told her that they had thought about it separately and together and had been doing nothing but talking about it.
“And?” Peridot tried to stop shaking in her seat.
“And… We love you, you’re the sweetest and smartest and kindest and funniest we know.”
Peridot looked at the ground “But...”
“But nothing. We wanna date you.”
Lapis yanked Peridot onto her bed and with Amethyst’s help started to attack her face with kisses.
And Peridot started to cry again.
“Those are…Happy tears, right?”
Peridot nodded “Of course they are.”
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
Big girls need cuddles too
(Day 3 for @lapamedotweek the prompt was cuddles and I realized to late I don't know how to write just fluffy.)
Amethyst lay sniffling in bed, a pile of tissues littered the area. She'd gotten a summer cold and hated life. She groaned as she reached for a clean tissue, maybe it was the summer flu she thought colds didn't make her body ache.
“Come on Ames, get up.  You got this.” She pep talked herself as she struggled to sit up and blow her nose. Discarding the tissue to the floor she got to her feet with a sigh. Maybe a shower would make her feel better, though what she really wanted and would never admit to was for her girlfriends to take care of her. Making her way across the room felt like it had taken minutes, every joint felt stiff. As she was opening the door she heard the sound of two pairs of feet coming up the stairs.
“I can't believe she ditched class!” Peridot could be heard as she huffed up the steps.
“It's just one class, and she's been good for most of the semester.” Lapis said as she cleared the last step and came face to face with Amethyst.
“Hey~” Amethyst said her voice raspy.
“You look like shit.”
“Who looks like-” Peridot had made it up the stairs but bumped into Lapis. She peered over her shoulder to see Amethyst standing in her doorway with snot dried to her face.“Amethyst, what happened to you?”
“I'm sick.”
Peridot pushed past Lapis and grabbed her other girlfriend's wrist and dragged her back into the room. “Oh my stars, why are you up?” She'd led her to her futon and pushed her into it. “If you're sick you should be resting. Not walking around.”
“What happened to being angry about me ditching?” Amethyst said smiling.
Peridot blushed and tried to look away. “You, uhhh, heard that?”
“Of course she did. You were loud and she'd already had her door open when I’d come up. “ Lapis said entering the room, she took in the piles of junk and clothes that littered the place. She spotted the tissues littering the ground and rolled her eyes before starting to pick them up and toss them where she last remembered seeing a small trash can. “Why were you up?”
“I was gonna go shower and see if that helped.” Amethyst said as she got off the bed again this time a little easier.
“You should do that, and then right back in bed.” Peridot said following behind her as she headed for the door. “Do you need me to get anything while you shower?”
“It's fine, mom.” Amethyst said trying to get to the shower before she would be forced to shower with her.
“Take this seriously Amethyst.” Peridot said with a glare, she'd followed her all the way to the bathroom. “Your health is important.”
“Then let her shower Peri.” Lapis’ voice called from Amethyst’s room.
“See, let me shower.” Amethyst coughed earning her another glare. “I'll be fine, I promise I'll shower really fast and go back to sleep.”
While she showered Lapis and Peridot were coming up with a plan.
“Are you sure she'll go for it?”
“Trust me, types like her may put up a fuss, but she'll like it.”
“I have my laptop.”
“That should work.”
Twenty minutes later Amethyst was out of the shower and feeling a little better. As she left the restroom wrapped in a towel, she noticed it was quiet and that her door was closed. She felt a twinge of sadness, she'd thought maybe they could've hung out with her. “Guys?”
“In here.” Peridot’s voice came through muffled from behind her door.
Amethyst let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. She opened her door and screamed or tried to,her voice was hoarse. They'd cleaned her room, somewhat. It was not like how Pearl occasionally did it with a complete destruction of her piles. They had thrown away the trash and sorted the piles by content into neater ones. Her tissues were gone and the sheets and comforter on her futon had been changed to blue ones.
“We didn't change much.”
“You're lucky I'm sick, or I'd-” She started coughing. Peridot had a hand on her wrist and was pulling her to the bed before she had finished.
“Bed time.”
“You're not the boss.” Amethyst said though she'd already sat on the bed and was preparing to slide under the comforter.
“Here let me help.” Peridot lifted the blanket for Amethyst, when she was in Peridot tucked her in.
“What are you doing?”Amethyst asked trying to hide her blush
She went to a now cleared off desk and grabbed her laptop without answering.  When she came back she aat on the bed next to Amethyst and began wriggling out of her pants.
“I'm taking care of you, isn't it obvious?”
“Uhhh I'm a little too sick to, you know.“
Peridot face grew red as she kicked the last inch of jeans off. “Not like that.” She pulled the blankets loose on one side of Amethyst and crawled in.”I mean, take care as in make sure you're okay, you know soup, cuddles and medicine things of that nature.”
“I don't need to be taken cared of like some baby.” Amethyst said, though Peridot noticed she'd squirmed closer.
Wrapping an arm around her shoulder she pulled her closer until Amethyst had her head laid on her chest. Peridot looked down to her smiling. “Comfortable?”
“Yeah.” Amethyst’s voice was unusually tiny, but she wore a big smile. She looked around and noticed.”Where's Lapis?”
“She'll be back. She went to the store to buy medicine and soup.”
Amethyst nodded enjoying the warmth. She closes her eyes and before she knew it she drifted off to sleep. When she awoke, she found Lapis on one side of her and Peridot on the other, with a laptop rested on her legs. They were watching Camp Pining Hearts with the volume low and subtitled. She groaned and rolled her eyes.
“What's with you guys and that show.”
Both women jumped at Amethyst’s voice. She laughed which sounded only a little congested.
“Hey there sleepy head.” Peridot said giving her a kiss on the forehead.
“How are you feeling? I got medicine if you need it.” Lapis said ruffling her hair.
Amethyst looked at Lapis with suspicion, she was being too nice, and she told her so.
“I can always leave you alone.” Lapis said with a straight face moving to get up. She stopped as Amethyst grabbed her with a, “Nooo.”
Laughing she returned to her spot and nuzzled Amethyst. “I'm kidding. We can cuddle for as long as you want.”
They spent the rest of the evening cuddled on the futon as Amethyst dozed on and off.
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maddymind · 7 years
This is my confession
(Day 7 for @lapamedotweek Keepin it short. And just realized posted on wrong blog....)
Amethyst and Peridot waited nervously in front of Lapis' door. She said she had to talk to them.
"Well here goes nothing." Amethyst said knocking on the door.
It opened immediately and Lapis stood staring at them.
"Well?" Peridot asked her voice really small.
Lapis sighed before speaking. "So you know how I told you guys I was gay?"
The two nodded though Amethyst squinted her eyes.
"The truth is, I'm super gay for both of you." Lapis said with a huge grin. "Got em'."
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drpsyche · 7 years
For @lapamedotweek 
Day 4 (Free Day)
Word Count: 2020
The gang goes back to the Moon Base and watch the sun come up.
   Moon Base
           With a roar, the pink teleportation portal opened up and Lion and the Gems came flying out. The impressive trip had once again taken its toll on Lion and he lay down for a rest, his passengers disembarking from his fur.
           “Sunrise is in 45 minutes,” Garnet said, “Best get prepared.”
           “Are we gonna finally find out what the big glowy ball is?” Steven asked.
           “Another time,” Pearl said.
           Amethyst pulled a picnic basket from Lion’s fur, and Pumpkin tumbled out with it, barking happily. Lapis hopped out and took to the air, the only gem unaffected by the reduced gravity. Peridot and Connie disembarked as well, Connie gently patting Lion on the head.
           “Take a break big guy,” she said.
           Upon accessing some of Homeworld’s data logs that Peridot decoded, they’d taken another visit up to the Moon Base. There were a few issues that they’d wanted to sort out; a few programs that needed to be disabled. None of it was an imminent danger, but it was always good to stay on the safe side. Garnet had suggested they make a trip out of it, let the kids watch the sun come up from behind the Earth. Connie was particularly excited, eager to see something so natural from such a different vantage point.
           “So, P, what exactly are we trying to do?” Amethyst asked Peridot as they ascended the stairs, Connie and Steven taking advantage of the low gravity to have some fun.
           “Some basic issues,” Peridot said, “The base comes with a powerful self-destruct that not only would prevent it from falling into enemy hands, but also damaging the moon so badly it would knock it from Earth’s gravity and send it on an orbital decay, causing it to crash into the planet and set off an extinction level event. The impact and resulting tremors would kill billions but the ensuing dust storm from all the debris kicked off would block the sun out, killing all plantae life forms, destabilizing the food web and killing any and all organic life.”
           “What?!” Steven yelled from up ahead.
           “I thought you said this was only a minor thing!” Connie yelled down at them.
           “It is!” Peridot shouted back, “The detonation switch was deactivated, we’re just trying to nullify the mechanism itself. The power stored here would just be trapped in the core, leading to a meltdown. Kind of like when Garnet threw her… er disabled the ship from a while back, except on a much larger scale.”
           Peridot had cut the sentence and tried rephrasing it, not wanting to bring up Jasper with Lapis around. Amethyst observed that the blue gem didn’t even react; maybe Peridot was overly cautious, maybe Lapis just hid it well.
           “It’s nothing to worry about,” Pearl said, composed as ever, “Peridot and I will fix it. You just have fun watching the sun come up.”
`           “So this thing was set to blow all along and we just let it hang over us?” Amethyst asked.
           “Seems to be,” Garnet said, “This was a last resort and wasn’t documented on the records we had. Seems to be something the engineers jury rigged in case of losing the war.”
           “I figured something like this would happen,” Peridot said, smug at having the foresight, “It was either a self-destruct, or the base was a giant laser. We had a few of those in the military, Emerald would commission them: ELE class weaponry. It’s how we won the war against Alternia.”
           “So, what’s the plan?” Steven called from his spot floating above them.
           “I’ll reexamine the command console and make sure the subroutines to detonate the base are deactivated,” Pearl said.
           “And I’ll rewire the core so that in case of buildup, the excess power will be released before it goes critical,” Peridot said.
           Lapis flew up and grabbed both Connie and Steven, pulling them easily with her in the zero-gravity room.
           “You guys just hang out and wait for the sun to come up,” she said, “They should be done by then.”
           Peridot and Amethyst departed at one of the floors, whilst Garnet, Pearl, and Pumpkin all continued up to the top. Lapis opted to fly the humans on ahead, enjoying the ease to which she could carry them, without having to worry about weight.
           At the top floor, Garnet sat on the command chair, Pumpkin happily jumping into her lap for some pets. Pearl went to the ruined control console and began picking through it; jury rigging the holoscreen back online. Connie was doing somersaults in midair, Lapis helping to prevent her from crashing into anything.
           “Do you think they would have done it?” Pearl asked.
           Garnet’s face didn’t change as she responded, “If they weren’t in such a hurry, I think they would have. If the Cluster failed, I’m sure Peridot would have been sent here next.”
           Pearl looked above them, to where Connie and Steven were playing Malcolm in the middle with Lapis and a Tennis ball; bouncing the ball against the top of the glass dome to keep it away from her.
           “Do you think she would have done it?” Pearl asked.
           “Back then, yes,” Garnet said, her voice even, “But now it’d be unthinkable to her.”
 Peridot and Amethyst approached the core; it’s bright yellow light bathing the room in an ominous glow.
“Core looks healthy,” Peridot said, walking over to a control panel.
“So, Peri… uh, what are you gonna do?” Amethyst asked.
“Just redirecting the power storage,” Peridot responded, “If it reaches a certain level, which I am lowering, the energy will be discharged from the top of the base as particles into space. Nothing too concentrated or focused. If the core surpasses that level and the energy cannot be released, it will be shut down and ejected. A failsafe for a failsafe.”
“That’s pretty smart Per.”
“Of course, it was, I thought of it.”
           Amethyst snickered at that, and leaned back against another piece of machinery, staring up at the glowing core.
           “You mention this was done before?” Amethyst asked.
           “Yes, ELE class weapons were deployed in a handful of conflicts,” Peridot said, her voice clipped and emotionless as she concentrated on her work, “A planet hit with the blast would soon have shock troopers deployed onto it. They could weather the severe dust storms and environmental damage, whilst the natives would not.”
           “Sounds harsh.”
           “Gem military was harsh.”
           “You miss it?”
           Peridot paused at the question. Had she been asked earlier, Peridot would have guessed the question was a trap, meant to tease out any previous loyalties to the empire. Amethyst wouldn’t do that though.
           “I miss… people. There was a Zircon I was fond of, some coworkers I liked. Other than that, it was thankless hours, unsafe working conditions, and Jasper. So, no, things are infinitely better now.”
           “You’ve got us, right?” Lapis said, flying in through the doorway.
           “Decided to join us Laz?” Amethyst asked.
           Pearl’s almost done topside, and Steven’s trying to use the lack of gravity to spread mayonnaise on bread.
           “He’ll never do it,” Amethyst said, “You need pressure on that, you can’t just float it into space.”
           Peridot rolled her eyes. Human sustenance wasn’t interesting to her, at least until she learned about digestion; then it was just disgusting.
           “I think Pearl might be finished first,” Lapis said, a sly smile on her face, “She could be done before y-’
           “Done,” Peridot said, closing the holoscreen, and turning, a bigger smirk on her face. “And it was a harder job than Pearl’s.”
           “Peri always finishes first,” Lapis said.
           Amethyst snickered at that; Peridot got annoyed.
           “I’ll deep space you if you do that again,” she barked.
           “Relax Per,” Amethyst said, throwing an arm around her shoulder and laying a loud kiss on her cheek.
           Lapis alighted and patted Peridot on the head.
           “You did great,” she said, more sincerely.
           “Yeah, now there’s one less thing that could destroy the earth!” Amethyst said, “We just gotta worry about a hundred others.”
           Peridot groaned as the two whisked her out of the room.
           “A Crystal Gem’s job is never done,” Amethyst said.
           “Any new missions?” Lapis asked.
           “Operation sunrise,” Amethyst replied, “Followed by operation oddly-timed-breakfast.”
           “I guess sunrise does signal the first daily meal,” Peridot said.
           “Totally!” Amethyst said, “So Lap, you figured out the taste and digestion thing?”
           “I think so,” Lapis replied.
           “You’ll love it!” Amethyst said, “Eating food, breaking down food, expelling food and then doing it all with stuff that isn’t food. Garnet’s probably done it with Lava!”
           “It’s really really gross,” Peridot said, shivering, “I’m with Pearl on this one, no thank you. It’s not needed.”
           “Sleep isn’t needed,” Lapis said, “Doesn’t mean it’s not enjoyable.”
           “Fine, fine,” Peridot grumbled, “Your snores sound cute anyway.”
           “Yeah, they do,” Amethyst said, thumping Lapis on the back.
           They arrived at the command module, the picnic blanket laid out and weighed down by Pearl and Garnet. Connie and Steven were gently touching down, eating sandwiches, and wearing some UV proof shades Garnet had procured. Pumpkin was in Pearl’s lap receiving pets. Amethyst was surprised to see Lion up there resting with his head in his paws. The effects of such a long-range teleport weren’t as fatiguing as they once were. He was getting better.
           “You guys made it!” Steven said, with a mouthful of sandwich, “Sun’s about to come up.”
           The three took their seats around the picnic blanket; Lapis seated with the the other two on either side, Amethyst handing Lapis a sandwich. Lapis bit into it, enjoying the taste sensations behind tomato, butter, turkey, and cheese.
           “It’s good,” she said, surprised, “Really, really good. Peridot, you really should try it.”
           Peridot rolled her eyes, and shifted herself a digestive system, one of the few things she could shift.
           “Fine fine,” she said, accepting another sandwich from Amethyst.
           “Hey, Lapis, watch this,” Amethyst said, crushing a juice box.
           The juice floated from the destroyed box, taking on a floating blob like form, which Amethyst took a bite of.
           “Take advantage of the gravity here,” she said, ‘chewing’ on the juice.
           Lapis manipulated the liquid over to herself and took a bite, noting the ease to which her teeth could cut through the fluid. Peridot began eating the sandwich she was given, the taste pleasant, but the feeling of foreign matter entering into her felt alien. And by god was she happy that was only in her head because if she said that aloud, Amethyst would violate Steven and Connie’s innocent ears with something awful.
           The group watched as the sun peaked out from behind the earth, it’s rays cutting across the blank reaches of space, unobstructed by air particles or clouds.
           “It’s so pretty,” Connie said, “Seeing the sun come up like this; only astronauts can see this in their lifetimes.”
           “I’ve seen the sun rise for millennia,” Pearl said, “But it’s always good to have a different viewpoint.”
           “This is so cool,” Steven said, grinning.
           Lion cracked an eye open to see what the commotion was, saw the sunrise, yawned, and went back to resting. Garnet smiled as the future vision of the sunrise came to pass and she got to watch it all over again.
           Amethyst continued to chew her food, leaning against Lapis. There was always something beautiful about her home, their home. Nothing could take this from them; not the armies, not the monsters, not the Diamonds themselves. This was what it was about, the little moments.
Peridot also leaned against Lapis, thinking her own thoughts. There would be more trials for them: six gems, a human, a Steven, a Pumpkin and a Lion against an empire. The future wasn’t easy, but to her there was hope; there was always hope.
Lapis stared at the sun. Small natural beauties were always worth a look; Steven had taught her that. Pearl was right, there was something special about a new spin on an everyday phenomenon. She wrapped her arms around the two gems leaning against her, happy that they were by her side.
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lapamedotweek · 7 years
Hey Every Lapamedot Shipper!!!!!!!
I am hosting a Lapamedot week from October 8th to October 14th 2017!!!!!!
You can do anything that is based on the prompts (posting more about that here) from fan art to fan fiction to edits to cosplay to whatever your heart desires.
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Bond over little things
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FXtoRF
by Milka_Moo
This is a collection of shorts I did for Lapamedot week 2017 on my tumblr. They are all are set in the BOAB AU. Some of them are purely what if's or small ideas I wanted to test out before applying them to the main story and some of them are in-fact canon with the main stories.
Words: 1878, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Bond over a burn
Fandoms: Steven Universe (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, Multi
Characters: Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe), Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Relationships: Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst/Lapis Lazuli/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst/Peridot (Steven Universe), Amethyst/Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Additional Tags: Lapamedot Week 2017, Fluff, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe - Human
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2FXtoRF
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cate-geo · 7 years
Day 3 (Tuesday, October 10th)- Cuddling
(This is what happens when you try to study around your sleep loving girlfriends
Lapis was woken up by a loud thud. She opened her eyes to a faceful of Amethyst’s hair and smiled, snuggling back into bed and almost falling back asleep when she heard a bunch of papers being knocked onto the ground.
She grumbled and moved away from Amethyst’s very soft and very comfy hair, only to regret it. She was reminded instantly why she had vetoed breathing for her girlfriend’s hair, because the second she pulled away, a stream of light hit her eyes.
“Peri. Are you seriously still studying?” The tallest girl carefully moved her arms from around Amethyst’s waist, and rolled over to see what time it was. Instead she saw her roommate’s head on the desk, and all of her work scattered around. Some of it on the ground.
Lapis sighed and sat up, nudging Peridot’s shoulder “Hon. Bed time.”
“Come on it’s…” Lapis was finally able to see her alarm clock “…almost 4 am.”
Peridot groggily sat back up, her pencil falling off her cheek, leaving a small indent. “No no. I’m fine. Just a quick lil cat nap.”
“Did your head hit the desk? Is that what I heard?”
Peridot very slowly looked at the ground to see all of her fallen papers. Trying to keep awake, she slid to the ground and started to pick them up. But even with the teeny tiny amount of light difference the ground was compared to right next to the desk lamp made sleep very enticing. “Maybe. I think I passed-“ Peridot’s body leaned forward a bit too much before she snapped herself up straight. “ I think I passed out.”
“Isn’t that kind of a sign to go to sleep?” Lapis, being slightly more awake, slid down the side of the bed and started picking up and reorganizing Peridot’s papers.
“I mean, probably. Yeah.” Peridot rubbed her eyes “But I wanted to finish the chapter I was on.”
“That’s what you said like 3 hours ago.”
“Yeah but…” The two of them were interrupted by the sound of shifting on the bed and were greeted by Amethyst’s sleepy eyes looking at the them
“P Dot? You still up?”
“Hardly. She almost got a concussion.”
“I did not. I’m fine.” Peridot took her papers from Lapis and sat back down at her desk. Only to have her arm grabbed by Amethyst.
“Nope.” Amethyst yanked Peridot onto the bed and held her in place by hugging her from behind. “Lapis, get in. We gotta trap her.”
Lapis slipped in and hugged Peridot, who, despite her protests, was already falling asleep thanks to the comfiness of the bed and the warmth of her girlfriends.
“It’s for your own good Peridot. You’ll thank us in the morning.”
“Or…I’ll…” Soft snores came from the youngest.
“That was easy.” Amethyst readjusted to more comfortable position, still holding onto Peridot. “Get the light, would you?”
Lapis carefully let go of Peridot and rolled over and stretched to turn off the switch on the desk lamp, the wave of darkness giving a cool relief to her eyes. She rolled back and wrapped her arms around Peridot, just above Amethyst’s arms, and kissed her forehead.
Lapis snorted “We love you too, Peri.”
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
Wish you were here
(Day 5 of @lapamedotweek the theme waa beach day. Sometimes girlfriends can't be together.)
‘Hey cutie wanna hang out today?’ -Amesy Q
‘Nahhh, I think I want to be alone today.”-That lASSuli
‘Oh okay, P-dot and I are going to the beach. So if you change your mind…’-Amesy Q
‘Got it.’-That lASSuli
‘I <3 you.’-Amesy Q
‘Ewww gross.’-That lASSuli
‘Love you too, tell Peri for me.’-That lASSuli
“She's not coming, she wants to be alone.” Amethyst said, using a tone that sounded how Lapis probably would have sounded if she was there.
“That's mean, you know sometimes she just needs space.” Peridot said her expression was a mix between exasperation and amusement. “But I have to say, your Lapis impression is getting really good.”
“Thanks P.” Amethyst reached for her girlfriend's hand and began to walk. She was abruptly stopped as Peridot tugged her back.
“Wait, are you sure this is okay?” Peridot fidgeted with the white hem of a light minty green sundress. It had an alien applique stitched to the bottom right. It had been a gift from Lapis and Amethyst, to add more variety to wardrobe. They'd even gotten her a sunhat of matching shade.
Amethyst gave her girlfriend an appraising look, she circled around her once and then whistled. “Damn girl, you look amazing.”
Peridot blushed and looked away muttering something under her breath. But she made no further complaint as Amethyst took her hand again and gave her a peek on the lips.
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, but I wish Lapis would've seen me in this.”
“Who says she won't, I have an idea.”
Miles away from the beach, Lapis was waking up. The sun was beginning to set, she'd slept all day, again.
“Dammit.” She growled as she throw the sheets off her and stormed over to her balcony and opened the door. She took a deep breath and felt a pain in her chest as the smell of the ocean hit her. She felt guilty, she'd blown off her girlfriends because she was depressed and all she'd done was nothing all day. “I should gone…”
She went back into her room and hunted for her phone. It had ended up under her bed, she probably dropped it when she'd fallen asleep. A small green dot flashed on and off, she'd been messaged. “Probably to tell me how much fun I was missing.”
Sighing she unlocked her screen, but just stared. She had over eighty notifications quite a few were texts, some were from other social media. “What the hell…” she muttered under her breath. She went through the notifications and clicked the oldest one, a text from Amethyst.
‘Hey dude, I know you're probably asleep. Don't beat yourself up about it.’-Amethyst
“Right, just like I thought…” Lapis said about to out her phone down, but she went back to her notifications and clicked the next. It was a message on messenger, she opened it only to find her phone loading something. A video? They had gone through a lot of trouble to chastise her. Her brows furrowed as the play button appeared. She hit play.
The image at first was blurry all she could see was green and the it panned out to show Peridot standing on a sandy trail waving. She was in the dress she and Amethyst had bought her, it looked amazing. It showed off her legs and complimented the green chunk that had become a regular part of Peridot’s hair.
“Hi! Lapis.”
“Yes hi, Lapis.” Amethyst’s face suddenly appeared in the video she wore a huge smile. “Since you weren't able to make it, we decided to give you a virtual beach day.”
The video went back to Peridot waving, this time she was waving for the camera and Amethyst to follow. “Come Ames and Lapis.”
She inhaled sharply at her name. The video ended. She played it again. She quickly found the next message it was on Cliktext, this time it was just Amethyst. She appeared to be in a sandy bathroom stall.
“Hey babe, what do you think?” She panned the camera down causing Lapis to blush. “Shhhh don't tell Peri okay?” She kissed the camera and the video ended. Lapis quickly pressed the button to save the video before it was gone forever.
The next was a message from Peridot, she had taken a picture of Amethyst running out into the waves, she was in a one piece bikini with a chest window. A caption stated ‘While we relax in the shade Amethyst decided to play in the ocean.’
Lapis let out a small noise, it was a almost chirp of happiness.
The next message was again from Peri, it was a slide show of Amethyst as she chased seagulls. She stopped when she saw the guys who sell fries. The next images in the slide had her running towards Peridot as she was chased by a ravenous flock of seagulls chased after her.
Lapis gasped with laughter. She went back to her notification and noticed an hour gap between it and the one she'd just viewed. She clicked it reopening messenger, there was a picture of what looked like a sand sculpture of her laying on her stomach, the hair made of seaweed. The caption was you looked so peaceful sleeping we didn't want to wake you while we went to get…
She quickly found the second part which was on a message from Peridot. It was a collage photo of her and Amethyst holding different foods. It took her a moment but it dawned on her they were holding some of her favorite foods. They had gotten shawarma, snow cones, and green tea.
She sighed, those dorks.
She spent the next few minutes laughing, oohing and awwing as she viewed the rest of their beach day. Her favorites were the image where sand Lapis helped Peri bury a sleeping Amethyst, the video Amethyst recorded of her rinsing of in the stalled showers with Peridot shouting about her being lewd.
She reached the last image and her heart sink the last image was Amethyst, Peridot and her sand legs stretched out as they looked at the sunset sinking past the ocean horizon. It was a text from Peridot. She bit her lip, as a wave of emotion swirled in her, she was happy they shared the day with her but not actually being there for the sunset hurt, badly. She looked outside and saw it was dark, they were probably heading home. She sighed as she walked to the balcony and grabbed her pack of cigarettes. She extracted and lit one, she'd been trying to cut back because it meant a lot to Peridot but found herself smoking whenever she was upset. As she took her first drag her she felt her phone vibrate it was a message from Amethyst with a link. She frowned and clicked it, a download started and she frowned at the size, but let the download continue. By the time it finished she was on her second cigarette. She had gone through the pictures and videos a second time reliving their day at the beach, she was so distracted she hadn't heard the knock on her door.
The video was twenty minutes long but the preview image sent Lapis scrambling to press play. It started out exactly how the picture that Peridot had sent looked, except the sun had only begun to lower in the sky. The camera swiveled to Amethyst who smiled up at it and then ro Peridot who waved and was all teeth with her excited smile.
“I'm glad we got to share this day with you.” Peridot said.
The camera went back to the sky and the only sounds that could be heard were the ocean waves and gulls as she watched the sun set. Just as the last bits of light were fading and it go harder to see, Amethyst took the camera and looked directly in it as if looking at her. “I love you, we both do, I hope you enjoyed our faux date. I gotta tell you I can't wait to see you in person because sand Lapis doesn't cut it.” She gave the camera a kiss and waved good-bye before shutting off the camera. Tears fell on the black screen as Lapis held a hand to her mouth. “Those dorks.”
A let out a shaky breath and smiled. She'd have to wash her face before they got home if she wanted to hide the fact she'd been crying. She walked back into her room and set her phone on her bed before she went to open her door. Outside it waiting for her to discover was a giant shell, and underneath a takeout box. She picked both up, feeling tears start to form at the edge of her eyes. She heard another door open and a small voice call out.
“Lapis?” It was Peridot, she came forward and wrapped her arms around her. “Are you okay?”
She felt another pair of arms around her and heard Amethyst say. “Did we do the wrong thing?”
Lapis shook her head trying to wipe away the tears. Smiling she kissed each on the forehead. “I love you guys, best beach date ever.”
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cate-geo · 7 years
First Kiss
Day 1 (Sunday, October 8th)- First Kiss
(Amethyst teasing Peridot may lead up to a pretty good thing
Amethyst started laughing at how flustered Peridot had got.
“Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not. Who knows?”
“You just said you were in love with her, Peri. And don’t say you were joking, because I have known you long enough to know when you’re joking and when you’re serious. You get this crease in your eyebrows when you’re serious.” Amethyst smirked and poked just below Peridot’s forehead “That one. Right there.” Her fit of laughter came back when Peridot batted her hand away and sat there, stewing in silence.
Amethyst and Peridot had been hanging out all weekend in Amethyst’s dorm, and they only reason that they had only spent 12 hours straight watching Peridot’s favorite show, Camp Pining Hearts, was because Amethyst had declared that if she saw one more gross miscommunicated argument, her head would explode. And since this wasn’t enough persuasion for Peridot, Amethyst had the idea that the best possible thing to do was to grab the batteries out of the remote and throw them onto the top shelf of the closet then manually turn off the tv and hold Peridot in a hug/straddle so she couldn’t get up and fix it and despite the constant protest and complaints, it made Amethyst somewhat happy that Peridot wasn’t really trying to escape.
Even if you paid them a million dollars each, the two girlfriends could not tell you how their conversation got to the fact that Peridot had a crush on Lapis Lazuli.  She had felt this way for a while now, but she was unsure how to bring it up to Amethyst. It probably had to do with the fact that being together in the middle of the night just talking with all the lights off made it seem like everything and anything could be said with no judgment. And even though currently Peridot was as red as a tomato and as warm as the sun, only to get redder and hotter, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief that Amethyst’s response was that Peridot should kiss Lapis, and not…something bad like getting into a fight and inevitably breaking up.
“You aren’t upset.”
“Why would I be upset?”
“Because we’re dating. Aren’t you supposed to get mad at this kind of stuff?”
“Are you cheating on me with Lapis?”
“Of course I’m not.”
“Then so what if you like her. Lapis is super hot.”
Peridot froze for a moment “Wait…DO YOU LOVE HER TOO!?”
“I never said that. I said she was hot.”
“You’re not saying no.”
Amethyst snorted, “If I do, why would I tell you?”
“Look. If you wanna go around telling people who you’re in love with, that’s fine. But I’m not like that.”
Peridot whined out Amethyst’s name, only making Amethyst laugh.
“How about we go back to your dorm and kiss her. It’ll make you feel better.”
“Why not?”
“BECAUSE! NO!!! I don’t even know if she’s in love with me back.”
“She is.”
“WHAT?” Peridot had finally found a reason to get out of Amethyst’s grasp and turned around to stare her down “HOW DO YOU KNOW?”
“She told me.”
“Dude. I am right here. You don’t have to yell.”
“I’m not telling you until you calm down.”
“FINE!” Peridot took a deep breath “Ok. Ok. You can tell me now.”
“You know what, nevermind.” Amethyst knew she deserved the punch in the arm.
“Alright. I’ll tell you. Chill.” Amethyst laid back on her bed, placing her arms under her head. “It was last week in art class. She was being super secretive with her drawing and wouldn’t let me see, so I very cleverly walked around the classroom to sharpen a pencil and took the long way back to sneak up behind her and I saw her drawing the three of us. On a date or something. It was pretty gay. Also really good.”
“The three of us?”
“Is that-Is that allowed?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“What happened after that?”
“She screamed because I knew her super gay secret and I said it’s all cool and that I would talk to you about it and see if it’s ok.”
“Because ‘Hey, your roommate has a crush on us. Do you want to date her?’ is a weird thing to say just out of the blue. Besides, I didn’t know if you liked her or not. I didn’t want to make living in your dorm super weird for you.” Peridot sat in silence for a long time. Long enough to make Amethyst look up at her from where she was laying and start to feel awkward about the whole situation. “I uh…I like her too, by the way.”
Peridot smiled slightly “I thought you weren’t gonna tell me.”
“I wasn’t. But you never shut up for this long. It’s too weird.”
“HEY!” Peridot paused for a moment “...ok, true. But rude. I’m just thinking about it. What we should do next.”
“Kiss her?”
“Amethyst. I’m serious.”
“So am I. Let’s go to your dorm, tell her what we talked about, and date her.”
“Do you think that’s best?”
“Yeah. I do.”
Peridot stood up off of Amethyst’s bed. “Well alright then. LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTON EGG!” She threw open the door and ran down the hall.
“You little CHEAT!” Amethyst scrambled out of her bed and chased Peridot down the hall and up the flight of stairs, making Peridot scream as she got closer and closer.
Somehow, Amethyst was able to just barely stretch past Peridot and slam her hand loudly on the door. “HA! Even as a cheater, you still can’t beat me.”
“Skills mostly. Now open the d-“
Lapis swung the door open “What…are you two doing? Besides trying to give me a heart attack.”
“Racing. And Amethyst cheated!”
“No. Peridot cheated and I STILL won.”
“Why are you even racing?” Lapis noticed some people sleepily coming out of the dorms to see what the commotion was about “In the middle of the- Ugh. Just come in. Quick. Before the RA notices.”
Peridot grabbed Amethyst’s arm and dragged her in before plopping herself and Amethyst down on her bed “Amethyst told me that you’re in love with the two of us.”
Lapis hadn’t even gotten the chance to turn away from the closed door. And was glad of it, because there was no way she was gonna show them her now red face. “What do you mean?”
“We were watching Camp Pining Hearts, and then Amethyst was being petty. So we couldn’t watch anymore. And we started talking and I told her that I have recently been having romantic feelings towards you and she told me that you loved me too and she explained about the drawing you made of the three of us and then she mentioned that she loved you too and now we’re here to kiss you.”
Lapis looked over at Amethyst, who just shrugged “Yeah. That’s about it.”
Peridot and Amethyst watched Lapis intensely, wondering what she would do next.
“Kiss me?”
“Yeah. Amethyst said we should.”
“You woke up the whole floor to…kiss me?”
“It would appear to be so.”
Lapis burst out laughing “Gaaaaay.”
Amethyst rolled her eyes. “You’re one to talk.”
“True true.” Lapis sat down in between Peridot and Amethyst. “Alright then. Kiss me.”
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cate-geo · 7 years
Drama vs. Comedy (Free Day)
Day 4 (Wednesday, October 11th)- Free Day
(Things get pretty heated in the lapamedot home.
As soon as she walked in, she felt the tension.
Amethyst and Peridot were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Peridot was grumbling under her breath and typing angrily on her tablet. Amethyst was leaning on the armrest, drumming her fingers on her cheek, and had her body turned away from Peridot as far as she could.
Lapis cleared her throat, trying to casually announce her arrival. Peridot’s whole body lit up, like it usually did when she saw her girlfriends. But this time, it looked obviously fake.
“Lapis! My love. My light. How are you this fine evening?”
“Fine. I suppose.” Lapis tossed her keys and wallet onto the table next to the front door. “Is everything…ok?”
“Oh. Everything is wonderful. Except for the fact that Amethyst doesn’t know a thing about anything.”
“WOAH! DUDE! Uncalled for! The hell happened to you two. I was gone for less than 30 minutes.
“Please. Peridot is just an ignorant little ass who wouldn’t know comedy if it bit her on the ass.”
“DUDE! What hap-comedy? What do you mean by comedy?”
“I know EVERYTHING about comedy. And THAT’S NOT COMEDY!”
“What do you know about comedy?”
“Comedy. Noun. Professional entertainment consisting of jokes and satirical sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.”
“That’s EXACTLY what it does!”
“Exactly what what does?” Lapis looked back and forth at her girlfriends, trying to get an explanation, and being promptly ignored.
“At least it “intends” to make people laugh. Yours is just funny because of how ridiculous it is.”
“Oh really. I was supposed to take THAT seriously.”
“Whatever. Knowing your horrible comedic taste, I’m sure you think everything is funny.”
“I have great comedic taste.”
“OH MY GOD!” Lapis rubbed her temples “What the ever loving fuck are the two of you even talking about?”
“Can you believe her Lazuli?”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to be believing.”
Peridot looked at Lapis “You don’t remember what she said?”
“I just got here.”
“OH YEAH. This started after you left. Well you see, when you left and when Amethyst called out ‘Don’t worry, we’ll find something to do without you’. Well despite the fact it was in a…more flirtatious tone, we didn’t actually do anything of the sort. We just decided to make snacks and watch some episodes of Camp Pining Hearts.”
“I never said Camp Pining Hearts. I suggested that we ‘watch a good show’.”
“Exactly. So we were gonna watch Camp Pining Hearts and…”
Lapis placed her face in her hands and took a deep and long breath, exhaling with a deep and long sigh. “Are you guys having another Camp Pining Hearts vs. Lil’ Butler fight?”
“Yes. Of course. When Amethyst said good show, I started up CPH and she said ‘I meant good show’ and took out” Peridot shuddered “That child slavery show.”
“Oh come on. He has a mustache.”
“The theme song states that he’s a baby.”
“Ok. Technically it says orphan.”
“Which is a CHILD who has dead parents. And he’s in a little blanket. And he sounds like a kid, probably because a kid voices him. He’s supposed to be assumed that he’s a CHILD.”
“Well at least he’s not played by a bunch of adults trying to pass off as teenagers.”
“EVERY show does that.”
“Another reason why it’s unoriginal and boring.”
“How DARE you?”
“Are…Are you two actually mad at each other?”
“Of course we are. This is serious business.”
“Ok. Let me rephrase that. Are you two on the brink of breaking up because of this argument?”
Almost like they rehearsed it, the two shorter girls replied in unison “What? Of course not!”
“It’s a good show, but I love Amethyst waaaaay more than Camp Pining Hearts.”
“I would burn all of my limited edition vhs tapes of Lil’ Butler to save either one of your lives.”
“Ok. Good. You two…do whatever. I’m gonna go take a nap.”
“Have fun.”
Lapis left for their bedroom, but stopped kept the door opened to eavesdrop when she heard “Would you really burn them to save us?”
“Of course I would. I wouldn’t like it, and I’d wonder how we got in that situation, but of course I would.”
Lapis smiled slightly, knowing that in a way, she was able to be the peacemaker.
“Well…Now what? I don’t think we really made a decision on what to watch.”
“Do you wanna go prank Lapis?”
“I heard that!”
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cate-geo · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Day 5 (Thursday, October 12th)- Day at the Beach
@lapamedotweek I decided to do something a little different today. This is my lapamedot fan fusion Ammolite. And when I first wore her to a con, I saw myself in a reflection and the first thought that came to my mind was “I look like a Beach Blonde Bimbo.” And I kinda liked it. Anyway, since it’s beach day, I figured I’d cosplay her again.
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
Kissing the Truth
(So this is part of my bond over a burn AU, but it’s nothing major and done mostly for @lapamedotweek as their day 1 prompt so consider it and the rest of these prompt entries as just little minis)
“Truth or Dare?”
“That’s so…. so juvenile,” Peridot said her voice slurred a little, “I like your thinking.”
“That’s not an answer Pear.”  Lapis said as she waved off an offered bottle of whiskey. Her focus went back to twisting the grinder in her hands.
“So what is it? Truth? Or-” Amethyst cackled throwing her braided head back before looking back at Peri. “Dare!?!”
“Drama queen…” muttered Lapis.
“That’s the black callin- wait or was it the kettle-”
Lapis snorted while Peridot began “What she meant to say-”
“She knows what I meant.” Amethyst said her hands caught between a struggle to scratch at her sore scalp and not wanting to mess up her new braids. Instead she stuck her tongue out at her girlfriend.
“Yeah, yeah and quit stalling.”
“I’m not st- fine truth.”
“Chicken” two voices said at the same time followed by laughter.
“Am not. What’s my question, you clod.”
Amethyst thought only getting distracted for a moment as she saw Lapis pack a bowl. She grinned as finally came to the question. “What was your first kiss like and with whom?”
Peridot sputtered as she was caught off guard her hands waving in the air. “I well, I… that’s not the kind of question you ask for truth or dare!”
“It’s totally within the rules, dude.” Lapis said as she exhaled smoke, she handed the bong to Amethyst. “Go on answer.”
“It was-” The rest of her murmured words were lost behind the sound of bubbling water.
“What was that?”
“I’m not going to repeat that, besides it’s Amethyst’s fault you couldn’t hear over her massive pulls from your water pipe.”
“It’s called a bong, and the noise wasn’t that loud.” Amethyst said rolling her eyes.
“Fine, my first kiss was with Lapis.” Peridot said crossing her arms. “And it was amazing, now Lapis truth or dare?”
“Wait. Hold on.” Lapis’ voice was full of laughter. “You’re telling me, I was your first kiss. That’s sooo lame and sad.”
“It wasn’t lame!” Peridot shot back, adding under her breath, “At least not to me.”
“Wow that’s harsh Lapis.”
“I mean like I was drunk and I threw up right after.” Lapis said still giggling.
“Well excuse me for reading more into it.”
Lapis bit her lip as she heard the hurt it her other girlfriend’s voice. “Don't… It was nice, like really nice. You were sweet and everything, all awkward and hesitant. It was all I could do not to drag you back to my apartment and…” She let the silence imply  exactly what she’d meant.  “Also the fact that I threw up.”
“Geee thanks, my lack of social interactions was sweet.” She said the last using air quotes.
“Hey, P at least your first kiss with her wasn’t on a balcony after having a fight with your girlfriend.” Amethyst offered before looking over to Lapis. She cringed when she saw Lapis look away, had she hit on something.
“I just wish it was… special to you… like it was, is, to me.”
Lapis slowly looked to Peri. “It was, it was the best thing about that night, not even she could ruin it.” She shifted closer to Peridot until they’re faces were inches away, “and every kiss since has been amazing too.” She leaned in and kissed her.
Peridot broke away from the kiss, a goofy grin on her face. “Really?”
“Really.” Lapis said before kissing her again.
“Aww, I’m feeling left out.” Amethyst teased.
Breaking away from the kiss again Peridot motioned with outreached hands for Amethyst to come closer. “You can have a kiss too.”
Amethyst chuckled as she moved closer to her girlfriends. She leaned in to kiss Peridot only to find her face abruptly turned and Lapis’ lips pressed against hers. She melted in the kiss, before being interrupted by Peridot whining.
“What was that for?”
Lapis broke away with a snort. “I’m oldest, I deserved the first kiss.”
“Omg, this is, our first kiss as a triad.” Peridot said as the thought dawned on her.
“Shut up and just kiss me, dork.” Amethyst said as she wrapped her arms around Peridot and kissed her.
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
Daily living/Domestic life
(So this is a way late day 6 for @lapamedotweek, anyway enjoy)
Amethyst felt her hair tugged. She swatted at her assailant as she groaned. Another tug, sharper this time had her up and glaring around the room. She didn't recognize this room, her breathing hastened. “What the hell…”
A giggle caused her to jump and she looked around for the sound but saw no one.“Hello?”
Another giggle and then a girl with huge mane of blond hair appeared beside the bed.“You said a bad word.” The girl said with a smile that held hints of malice. “How come you can, I can't?”
Amethyst stared at the child shell shocked, she looked familiar, almost as if they could be related. Amethyst opened her mouth to ask the girl who she was but closed it when the door opened.
“Lapis?” Amethyst asked the woman standing in the door smiling warmly at her.
“Who else would it be?” The woman said, “Were you expecting Peridot?”
This woman did look like Lapis, except older. The bags that constantly plagued her were still there baggier and darker. She'd grown out her hair but it was still that gorgeous shade of blue. Amethyst watched as she looked down to the child and frowned.
“Mal, were you messing with Mamatheyst?”
The girl scowled and looked down before looking back up at Lapis defiantly. “No.”
Lapis looked from Mal to Amethyst and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, you. Are you feeling okay?” She entered the room and put an hand on Amethyst forehead. “You feel a bit warm, should we call the doctor?”
“I'm fine.”
“But the baby…”
As if on cue she felt her stomach jolt. She looked down to find her stomach extended and stretching the fabric of her sweatpants.
Lapis cupped her chin and examined her face. She look really concerned. “Are you sure? We can get someone to watch Mal instead of you while you're on maternity leave.”
Amethyst put on a grin. “Aww you care about me.” She had decided to play along with whatever was happening, maybe she'd suddenly wake up.
“Of course.” Lapis said giving her a kiss before straightening up. “Well if you're okay I'm going to head to the studio. Peridot dropped off meals for you and Malachite to eat until she stops by again or I get home.”
Amethyst nodded again trying to hide the confusion. What studio? And why was Peridot delivering meals. Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard Lapis speak to the little girl, No, Malachite Amethyst reminded herself. My daughter….
“Mal, you better behave. No leaving this house without your mother or aunt.”
Malachite pulled a face at the mention of an aunt, but otherwise remained quiet. Lapis bent over and gave her a kiss goodbye before leaving.
The two stayed in relative silence until they heard what Amethyst assumed was the front door close. Amethyst took a deep breath and went through what she already knew, she'd woken up to a daughter, was pregnant and apparently she and Lapis were still together. “Hey Mal, you like games right?”
“No shit.” Malachite said crossing her arms and scowling, Amethyst stomach lurched and it wasn't the baby that expression was so familiar but she couldn't place it.
“No shit huh?” Amethyst chose her next words carefully. “I have a new game.”
“Is it like slaughter your enemies?” Mal said a smile replacing her scowl. “Or My Tiny Equine escape from the dark masters?”
Amethyst shook her head, guessing from the titles what she had in mind was nothing like that. “Nope it's called uhhhh…. Detective- Purple.”
“What did you forget?”
Amethyst stared at the girl horrified, she'd seen right through her. Her brain stalled for a second as she tried to come up with a lie.
“You don't have to make up an excuse, you're always forgetting things.” Malachite said crossing her arms and jutting out a hip. Amethyst noted with some amusement that she had the mean girl bitchy pose down and she had to around five or a little older.
“Alright then, say I forgot everything…”
“Even me?”
The question sent a ping panic or dread through Amethyst. She quickly hopped up or tried, her stomach made it difficult. Once she was up she waddled over to Mal and hugged her, that's what moms do, right. “Of course not. I'd never forget you. I meant what if I forgot what I'm supposed to be doing, like right now.”
Mal nodded sullenly and didn't return the hug, Amethyst could tell the little girl didn't quite believe her. Mal thought for a moment and that wicked smile returned. “I'll help you -”
“For chocolate pancakes.” Mal said pulling a face that reminded her of Lapis whenever she was interrupted.
The smile Mal gave her this time was void of all ill intentions, the smile of a happy kid.
Amethyst grinned and ruffled her hair. “Alright squirt, lead the way to the kitchen.”
An hour later she and Mal were seated at the kitchen table happily eating the double chocolate chip pancakes they'd made together. The kitchen was a wreck, flour lined the counters and bits of batter were on the floor from when they'd had a mini food fight. During the time they cooked Mal had filled her in. Amethyst had discovered she was six months pregnant, Lapis and her lived together ever since they'd officially adopted Malachite. She'd also found out Mal’s aunt was Peridot whom Mal stated didn't really like her and vice versa.
Amethyst ate her last bite of pancakes and stood up to clear off the table. As she was walked past the fridge she noticed a slip of paper stuck underneath a magnet. Pulling it she peered, it was a list of chores, written in cursive writing that could only be Peri’s.
“Mal, what's this?” Amethyst said as she handed her the list.
Mal squinted at it before handing it back. “Peri- I mean Auntie, makes these for you and mom cause she says you both deserve a clean place.”
“What about you?”
The little girl shrugged. “I guess, I mean she doesn't like me, she always looks at me funny.”
“Well I think you're awesome.”
Mal’s face turned red with blush but she shook her head. “Whatever, you have to say that cause you're my mom.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon completing chores and bonding. While they waited for the laundry to dry they played one of Mal’s games the tiny equine one. It involved a lot of make believe with little pastel toys ranging from horses to zebras, they fought to the death with their mortal enemies a bunch of toys from the Extreme Breakfast Friends.
"Hello?” A voice called from the front door.
Peridot made it into the living room, and Amethyst just gawked, she'd changed the most. Her hair was no longer gelled up, but it still was blond with a chunk of green. She was dressed in a green button up and black slacks. The most stunning change was the full sleeve that covered her right arm.
“What? Is there something on my face?” Peridot wipe at her face, and she noticed two thing or rather three. Peridot’s ring finger was adorned with two bands each sporting small gems stones of purple and blue respectively, and Peridot wasn't wearing glasses.
“You're not wearing glasses.” She decided that was the safest thing to point out. She gave her hands a quick look and realized she had rings of her own though they were tattooed on, how had she missed that this whole time.
“Are you feeling okay?” Peridot said frowning. She looked her over and muttered something about it being baby brain. “My glasses are in the car because Mal always finds a way to break them, I'm wearing contacts right now.”
Mal made an ugly face and muttered. “Only my moms call me Mal, Auntie Peridot.”
“What was that? I couldn't hear you little Mal.” Peridot said with a smile especially when she saw the girl frown at being called little and Mal.
“I'm gonna be taller than you one day, so look out Aung P-spot.” Mal said getting one last jab while she scratched her stomach and walked away.
“She can be such a little clo- no, no I will not let this chil- m-my daughter get under my skin.” Peridot said taking calming breathes as she paced. “I'm going outside to vape.”
Amethyst raised an eyebrow but didn't otherwise say anything. The tone of the other woman’s voice made her feel like this conversation was an ongoing thing. As they walked to the front door she continued. “She thinks I hate her and in return she hates me. She still hasn't forgiven me for not wanting her when she first came into our lives. I was younger and selfish….”
They had made it outside where Peridot had pulled out a tiny vape box with a green alien theme. She pulled from it and exhaled making sure the vapor stayed away from Amethyst, who noted that it smelled like kiwi, blueberry and grapes. “If I didn't love her, I wouldn't be sending her to an impressive private school. I wouldn't make sure her needs are met.” She'd taken another puff, this time the cloud of vapor hit Amethyst and she frowned.
“Uh Peri..” She said as she tried to wave the vapors away. They seem to get thicker and thicker. “Hey give that thing a break for a second.”
There was no response, just more and more vapor. She started coughing, this couldn't be good for the baby. “Stop.”
The only response was more choking smoke. Amethyst continued to cough as she looked for the front door using a hand along the wall to guide her, she couldn't breathe now. Finally she felt a door knob and went to open it only to have more smoke pour out, her coughing was getting violent and she couldn't see, panic begin to set in as she felt herself growing faint, she needed air. That was her last thought as she passed out.
She awoke with a gasp and shot up, headbutting someone. The smoke was still around her and she panicked as she held her forehead.
“The hell dude?” Lapis said as she rubbed her own.
“The baby.” Amethyst said trying to wave away the smoke, which was already clearing.
“What baby, Amethyst you were asleep.” Peridot said, which alerted her to her presence. “Lapis tried to wake you by blowing smoke in your face.”
“She’s the one who fell asleep during the movie.” Lapis said matter-of-factly, “Like she always does when she smokes too much on movie night.”
Amethyst blinked and it all began to fall into place, she'd been smoking with Lapis as they'd been watching the Camp Pining Hearts Movie. And then she'd awoken pregnant. It had all been a weird stoner dream, not bad for her usual weekend.
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cate-geo · 7 years
Slice of Life/Domesticated Life
Day 6 (Friday, October 13th)- Slice of Life/Domesticated Life
(This is a sequel to this fanfic, which I wrote for the last Lapamedot week domesticated life prompt. Peridot is a dork and in love.
Peridot sat in her new office, working. A giddy and corny feeling rushing through her body because watching her fingers type on the keyboard meant she had a great view of the two rings she had gotten the week before.
It still felt weird to say “fiancés”. It still felt weird to be everyone’s boss. Most people had congratulated her, and the people who had shun her earlier for having two girlfriends, bit back their pride to congratulate her as well. Even though they weren’t doing a good job at hiding the disgust in their eyes.
“Can I fire them? No, they haven’t really done anything. But there is a rule saying, “Intolerance will not be accepted in the workplace”. Although not a lot of people actually follow that rule.” If she fired all the intolerant people, half the company would be gone. Including her higher ups that she had no power over firing.
She looked at her rings and figured she could live with glares and scoffs and disgusted looks. Sometimes that just happened. Not like she would get fired. She knew they wanted to fire her when Amethyst and Lapis had come over for lunch years ago and accidentally forgot where they were and kissed her hello, but she was the smartest person in this building by a long shot. If she got fired, any and all competition would scoop her up in a second. It gave her this weird power of being a sappy gay with no retaliation.
Speaking of being a sappy gay, it was lunchtime. Which meant she could look up wedding aesthetic blogs. The three of them hadn’t decided anything yet, but Peridot didn’t care. They had time, and all she could feel was excitement. Her new position would help pay for whatever they decided on. Good. She wanted to give her girlfriends the moon. Maybe she could get just close enough with more money coming in.
Her mind started to wander into the future. What the wedding would be like. Their first house. A kid. Did they even want a kid? They seemed to like kids, but hanging out with kids and having kids were completely separate worlds. Whatever. They could talk about that when they were actually legally together.
“Legally together.” Everything brought a dopey smile to Peridot’s face. They would be able to do everything married people did. Even the change of taxes and legal forms brought a giddy feeling to Peridot. Sometime soon she would be able to say, “My wives are coming with me.” “One of my wives really likes that band.” “Hi. I’m Peridot. And these are my wives Amethyst and Lapis.”
Peridot mindlessly scrolled through an “Unusual Weddings” blog, unable to stop grinning. Amethyst and Lapis had shut down her idea of having a Camp Pining Hearts themed wedding before she could even finish saying the word “Camp”. She could probably fit something in though. Maybe the table decorations could have things representing each character. Something subtle to make her happy. Nevermind. Scratch that. She scrolled down to see an alien themed wedding. They had to do it. She sent the link to both of her girlfriends. Hoping for a yes, but most likely would have to compromise and get something subtle again. Like a little alien print on her dress. No. Her veil. Yeah. That could work.
Peridot glanced at her clock and realized her lunch hour was about to finish. She sighed and X’d out of the wedding blogs and opened up the blueprints she had been working on.
Soon her great life was going to be greater. That’s what kept Peridot going and a smile on her face.
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cate-geo · 7 years
Day 2 (Monday, October 9th)- Drunk
(Amethyst shows Lapis drinking, Peridot causes mischief
“So? What is it?”
“Apple juice.”
“And humans drink this stuff?”
“Yeah. All the time.”
“And what are you drinking?”
“Strawberry sugar shock shut down.”
Lapis stared at the can in Amethyst’s hand, and then at the can in her own hand. “Yours looks cooler. Lemme try that one.” She reached out and tried to snatch the drink, but was only met with being held back by one hand pressed on her stomach.
“Whoa there L. This is some hardcore stuff, even for some humans. Start with the calmer stuff, and we’ll work our way up to the shut down.”
A huff and a mumbled “fine” came out of Lapis before she gulped down the apple juice. Then proceeded to spit it out. Right into Amethyst’s face.
“Gee. Thanks Lap.” Amethyst wiped the liquid out of her eyes.
“Sorry. I’m so-I wasn’t expecting all of those…weird feelings.”
“Weird feelings?”
“My tongue started…I dunno. Feeling the liquid. But not quite. It was different from feeling.”
“Do you mean tasting?”
“What’s tasting?”
“It’s a human thing. You got all these senses, and one of them is taste. It’s helps you eat stuff. Make sure you don’t eat anything gross or poisonous.”
“Isn’t gross and poisonous all you ever eat?”
“Yeah. But I’m a gem.” Amethyst walked over to grab some napkins and tried not to blush when Lapis ran over and started to clean her up. “So it doesn’t really matter what I eat.”
“I really am sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve had worst things on my face. Recently.”
“Such as?”
“I got into a fight with a squid last week.”
“What’s a squid?”
“It’s an ocean-shit. I…”
“Amethyst. It’s fine. You can say the word ocean.”
“You sure? Peridot always keeps saying that-“
“I know what Peridot is saying. She’s overprotective. You know this.”
“I know I know. But I’ve seen you with this kind of stuff. It can hit you hard. And it just…sucks for you.”
“Well it also sucks to be treated like broken glass.”
“More like a broken mirror.” Amethyst looked up at Lapis, hoping that the joke hit ok. Hearing her snort and then splashing Amethyst in the face with a small ball of water was probably the best answer she could have gotten and let her relax. “Joke’s on you. The water is helping with the whole apple juice situation so HAH!” She stuck out her tongue.
“Well then I guess you don’t need my help anymore.”
“I never said that.”
“But you’re clean of apple juice.”
“Who said apple juice is the only thing I needed help with?”
Amethyst was this close to pressing her lips against Lapis’s when a huge crash was heard in the back and Peridot ran out to the front and made a beeline for outside, only acknowledging them with a “RUUUUN!”
Sadie came out from the back, laughing. “No no, Peridot it’s ok. It’s-aaand she’s gone.”
Amethyst looked at the small speck of her running girlfriend and then back at Sadie “What…happened?”
“She was curious on how the donuts were made, but instead of listening to me, she shoved a ton of dough in the microwave. Of course it exploded and made a mess, so as a distraction, she shoved a bunch of empty donut boxes onto the ground and ran. If you guys catch her, can you tell her it’s fine?”
“Yeah sure.” Lapis scooped up Amethyst with one arm and spread out her wings, aiming for Peridot and grabbing her.
Peridot clung onto Lapis and looked over at Amethyst “Does she hate me?”
“Yeah definitely, now none of can go to the big donut. Including Steven.”
“But…he loves that place.”
Lapis try not to burst into laughter “Should have thought of that before blowing up Sadie’s favorite microwave. Now you gotta be the one to tell him.”
“Can one of you guys do it?”
“No. Sorry.” Amethyst rested her hand on Peridot’s shoulder “It’s part of the punishment.”
“But! But!” Peridot’s worried face turned into a glare when both Amethyst and Lapis lost it at the same time. “YOU GUYS ARE THE WORST!”
“And yet you love us.”
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smudgedtoon · 7 years
(So day 2 for @lapamedotweek, the prompt was drunkenness. I couldn't come up with a good title so yeah... still apart of the Bond over a Burn AU)
‘Hangout Tonight?’
Those two words had been innocent enough. Both Peridot and Amethyst had received the text from their mutual. From there it had turned into a sort of kickback. Peridot had pirated some movies and music, Amethyst provided the snacks and drinks, and Lapis had the room and pot.
They sat on Lapis’ balcony enjoying the cool evening air and the setting sun as Peridot played music. Amethyst rustled through the pile of food and drink she'd left near Lapis’  balcony door and pulled out a can of beer. Lapis wrinkled her nose.
“What? Don't like beer?”
“Lapis doesn't drink.” Peridot responded before she could. “Also no one said there would be alcohol.”
“Thanks.” Lapis shot Peridot a dirty look which went unnoticed as she'd looked away towards her tablet. “No it’s just that brand of beer…”
“Mystery ex?”
“I can-”
“Its fine. Enjoy, dude.”
“Well if Amethyst is gonna have a beer, I guess I will too.” Peridot said rummaging through the pile, when  she extracted a tall can and Amethyst whistled.
“Looks like someone's ready to party. Quatro Crazies get you drunk, fast.”
“Oh God, she can't drink that.” Lapis said running her hand through her hair, though a smile was faint on her lips.
“Can too.”
“Not really.”
“Says who?”
"Me, obviously. Whenever you drink you always complain the next day; Lapis- please don't let me drink again. It was a grievous lapse of judgment on my part.” Her impression of Peridot’s voice and hand gestures were almost spot on and had Amethyst tightly clutching her beer as she tried not to die laughing. “So,no. Only one beer.”
"Your a clod! I can drink it iff I want to!” Peridot said standing up to stomp her feet.
“Cut it out. People are downstairs.” Lapis said annoyed, “And no.”
“I don't need your permission.”
Amethyst, who had been watching the two bicker, chuckled as she took a sip of her warm beer. She knew that there was harder liquor somewhere in the food and drink pile, but didn't want to reach for it and possibly interrupt this entertainment.
“Amethyst tell her to let me drink.”
Amethyst took a big gulp of beer and shrugged.
“I thought you didn't need my Permission.”
“I don't. Watch.” With that Peridot had popped the tab on her can and began to chug her head tilted back.
“No, dont.” Lapis said in a deadpan voice, though there was no hiding the smile.
“That's impressive.” Amethyst said after Peridot finished. “I know only one person besides me that can chug can like that.”
“So do I…” muttered Lapis mostly to herself as she watched Peridot cringe as the taste of the alcohol caught up to her.
“Pshhh… that was nothing.” Peridot said between wipes of her mouth with her arm.”I chug energy drinks like that all the time.”
“Still that makes you the mvp of this kickback of three.” Amethyst said standing from where she'd settled down on the balcony floor.
“What does that get me?” Peridot stretched oh her hand and made a gimme motion.
“A kiss and another drink.” Amethyst said giving Peri a quick kiss before going to reach for another drink in the pile. She felt a hand on her rest and looked to see Lapis shaking her head and mouthing no. Leaning in she had whispered into Amethyst ear to watch.
Frowning Amethyst lifted an empty hand out of the pile and lied. “Sorry P, but looks like I only had the two cans."
“Huh? Wha…? There was more.” Peri responded a little slurred.
Amethyst turned to face her wearing a knowing grin.” Nice try, but you can't be drunk this fast.”
“Oh yes, yes she can.”
“What are you talking about Amethyst, did you know that quartz comes in a variety of purples, I'm not intox- “Peridot tried to say the word a few more times before just saying. “I'm not drunk.”
“I'm not buying it. Nice touch with the rando fact about my name though.”
Lapis stood up and walked over to Peridot, “Let’s get you laying down before-”
“I'm not sober cloddammit!” Peridot said trying to pull away but only succeeding in looking like a five year old throwing a tantrum “I'm perfectly drunk.”
Amethyst had leaned against the balcony rolling her eyes.  It wasn't possible, one can and that fast, nope. She was gonna end this charade. “Fine, if you're so drunk take off all your clothes and go streaking around the house.”
“Amethyst!” Lapis said letting go of Peridot as she raised her hands to gesture 'the fuck'. A second was all it took for the shorter womab to break free and stumble swiftly  out the room.
“It's fine no one's gonna be home for hours. Steven had some type of play at his school.” Amethyst said pushing off of the rail. “ ‘sides she's fak-”
A naked Peridot ran into Lapis’ room did a lap and ran out and could be heard running down the stairs.
“She's not faking it?!”
Amethyst burst out laughing while she rummaged through her pockets. “Oh man, I have to take a picture of this.”
Lapis grabbed Amethyst's wrist and pulled her towards the hall. “That can wait. We have to get her back in my room, before she does anything else stupid.”
They heard a thud from somewhere downstairs and a panicked yelp. Like lightning both women were downstairs and looking for Peridot. She wasnt in the living room or the kitchen, and all the three downtairs bedrooms were empty.They found her on the backyard patio pinned under a barbell. Without needing to speak they each took a side and grunted as they slowly lifted the weight back into its home.
“Are you okay?” Lapis spoke first as she breathed heavily from panic and lifitng. She gave Peridot, who had slid out as soon as she'd had enough room, a once over. Peridot whimpered, but nodded.
"What the hell, dude?"Amethyst pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her forhead. Her voice shook slightly as she spoke. “You could've gotten killed."
Lapis joined in from the other side sandwiching Peridot. Lapis stroked her hair as she scolded her “This is why you don't drink. But at least you're safe."
The next morning Peridot awoke with a groan. Her head hurt and she had a bruise from the weight. She looked from the left to right at the warm bodies lying next to her Amethyst and Lapis were fast asleep on either side of her arms interwoven as if forming cage to keep her in. Sighing she poked Lapis, who's face scrunched up as she groaned but otherwise didn't open her eyes.
More silence.
“What?” Groaned Lapis tiredly, she had spent most of the night watching her with Amethyst.
“Why'd you let me drink?” Peridot whined. "Don't ever like me make such an error again."
Lapis opened her eyes and just glared as Amethyst chuckled in her sleep.
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