doverstar · 2 months
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here is some absolutely fabulous fanart of my elevenrose fic Lost and Rewritten, done by the equally-fabulous @eekgackgook
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natalieironside · 2 years
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jr--rodriguez · 2 months
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zetaalpha10 · 4 days
CW:// Rainbow Barf 🌈
YABABAINA with The Monkey Gals
I thought I was not gonna make them move but then I did
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sol-lar-bink · 1 month
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First pic for my lil monthly OC challenge! Crescere won, but I decided to add Lar too (:
General idea is to draw 2 of my OCs at random per month. Maybe 3 if I have time.
1 pokemon oc, 1 kirby oc, or maybe the pokemon slot will be swapped out for one of my other OCs... they just gotta get lucky!
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eternal--returned · 23 days
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I got rained out at the park, but my last living grandparent was in town and I got to hang out with her instead. I’ve spent so many important moments with this beautiful woman. She gave me my first job as a puppeteer working puppet shows that she created. She even made most of the puppets herself.
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dorianbipolar · 3 months
Sempre que vejo um alcoólatra ou dependente químico sinto que poderia ser eu alí
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nossodia03 · 1 year
Vivendo incansavelmente as lembranças de nós dois.
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weekend-whip · 1 year
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well it’s Christmas Eve somewhere I suppose
Hi, @senseiwu! I’m your Ninjago OC Secret Santa! I adore all three of your OCs, so...couldn’t help but do a little thing for all of them! Hope you have a good one!
And here we have image descriptions + my ramblings:
Top: Mei, wife of the FSM, prepares an early morning hot chocolate for her sons on a particularly snowy day. Garmadon and Wu peek above the counter, excited to see what she’s made. Garmadon’s mug is purple and flavored with peppermints, while Wu’s mug is yellow and decorated with cookies. 
Left: Lar, younger sibling of Kai and Nya, opens an early gift by the fireplace while Kai and Nya watching. Stockings for their whole family (Ray, Maya, Wu, Kai, Nya, Lar) are hung above the fireplace, where a raging orange fire warms up the trio. 
Right: Jun, child of Wu and Misako in an alt timeline, falls asleep on Misako’s lap (cuddling her owl plush Hoohoo—which is SUCH a cute name gah) while Misako reads her a story in her personal study beneath a Christmas tree. Morro sits to the side, also listening in but trying to be cool about it, while Wu is on the other side watching with adoration. 
Took the prompt about ‘spending the holidays with their families’ and ran with it XD
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drastic-end · 2 days
Perante às tormentas, Quando a angústia te aflige e te oprime, Respire fundo, eu estou contigo, Minha mão te guia, te acolhe e te redime. Trilhando os caminhos das incertezas e do medo, Caminharemos juntos, lado a lado, Eu estou do teu lado para todos os momentos, bons e ruins, Um porto seguro, um refúgio abençoado. Não desistirei de você, jamais hei de te deixar, Em cada passo, em cada desafio, estarei presente, Pois o amor que nos une é forte e inabalável, Um elo que nos liga, eternamente presente. Nos dias ensolarados de alegria e felicidade, Compartilharemos risos e abraços apertados, Nas noites escuras de tristeza e aflição, Seremos o ombro amigo, um consolo dedicado. Sinto tua falta quando a distância nos separa, Mas a saudade alimenta a chama do nosso amor, E a cada reencontro, a alegria se renova, Tecendo a história de um futuro encantador. Juntos construiremos um lar de paz e harmonia, Onde o respeito e a compreensão reinarão, Um refúgio onde o amor floresce e se multiplica, E a felicidade eternamente habitará. Respire fundo, meu amor, a tempestade passará, E a luz do sol novamente brilhará, Pois estamos juntos, unidos e fortes, E o amor que nos une jamais se apagará.
- Oliver Gutknecht
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doverstar · 16 days
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so Lost and Rewritten's first lil sequel is basically done now, and since I don't know if I'll ever post it, here's a peek at one of my favorite scenes (context: he's back)
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Princesa,sabe os dias tristes que viveu,eles já não mais voltarão, serei o príncipe encantado que você sempre esperou, aquele cavalo branco virou minha bicicleta , aquele beijo de despertar, é o meu abraço, aquela riqueza, é o meu amor, aquele castelo, é o nosso lar.
Jonas R Cezar
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birkackisiyim · 16 days
çok mutlu bi haber aldım o kadar duygusalım ki anlatamam düşündükçe gözlerim doluyor ama şov olmasın diye ağlamıyorum
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lidia-vasconcelos · 3 months
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Sobre o lugar mais seguro do mundo... 🏡💕
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cristianismosimples · 9 months
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“Portanto, cada um de vocês também ame a sua mulher como a você mesmo, e a mulher trate o marido com todo o respeito”. Efésios 5:33
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evengirlierballs · 4 months
Call me a puppet the way I'll say anything you want if you put your fist in me
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