#lark is one of my fave boys ever
sarahlizziewrites · 1 year
WIP Tropes Tag
@sam-glade tagged me and boy do I love a new tag game!
Tagging @islanded-in-a-stream-of-stars, @mrbexwrites, @tabswrites and anyone else who would like to!
Rules: highlight the tropes that feature in your WIP
Found Family | The Chosen One | The Martyr | Surprise, Bitch! You thought I was dead | Enemies/Rivals put together for a project | Teen gets kidnapped; parent goes on killing spree to find them | Happy Ever After | Black and White Morality | Fight scene turns into a make-out session | Only one bed | The airport/train/bus station love confession | AUs | Amnesia story | Villain and hero fall in love | Love triangles | Bookworm falls for the bad guy | Killing off the audience’s fave characters | Smalltown falls for Big-City | Princess kisses a frog & gets Prince Charming | Villain redeemed | Protagonist beats “best in the world” | Enemies to friends to lovers | It was all a dream! | Coming of age story
For the Adventures of Sitora Lux:
The Adventures of Sitora Lux isn't a 'chosen one' narrative in the sense of, 'your birth was foretold and the gods chose you for your glorious purpose', but more like, 'sometimes you accidentally make yourself the chosen one, good luck buddy'
It's also sort of a villain redeemed story - if only because if you're villainous, Sitora won't let you be unredeemable.
Above all, it's definitely a coming of age story!
For Grey-Sky Lark:
My vampire boy gets his found family and his happy ever after, eventually, believe it or not!
For Chrissie's of London:
Definitely found family here too
And love triangles!
Rest assured there is no killing off the audience's fave characters! No sir! Not here! >:)
There is certainly an only one bed scene, however
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amber-angel · 2 years
Do an analysis on your fave muppet man
Rori I need you to know that I saw this and shot straight up, sucking in a huge breath with the BIGGEST adrenaline spike I've had in days. I could literally talk about Jaskier for HOURS, and have to constantly reel myself in so I hope you know what you've unleashed.
Overall opinion: is it bad if my most prevalent opinion on him is just that he's a massive slut? Because that's the first thing that comes to mind whenever I look at him. I think he's severely underutilized, but I also understand why, like, from a management perspective, they don't want their most charismatic character taking up all the screen time. I mean, I'm only watching the show for him at this point anyway, can you imagine how much worse it would be if he was a main? Also I'm just like... fucking in love with the concept of him at this point? I mean his name is Dandelion. His nickname is Buttercup. He's a bard. People call him lark in fics. I was fucking gone as soon as I heard the bread line, but it only got worse from there
One virtue: okay, I like to insult my floppy little muppet boy (with fondness) but I really do think he's an interesting character. Reading about how they changed him from the book to the screen to fit a retelling for a more modern audience, I think it was clever that Lauren (writer) decided to pull away from Dandelion as a womanizer and instead write him like a loving puppy of a man. He's layered. He's sweet and kind, but also will stab a bastard. He's empathetic and willing to sympathize, but at the same time totally down for wishing a slow death upon his enemies. And I know that his overprotectiveness of Geralt is mostly romanticized fanon, but you cannot tell me that he wouldn't jump over a counter to punch anyone who insults his best friend.
One flaw: most of the problems that I have with Jaskier, much like the problems I have with the other characters, are not actually about the character themselves, but with the way their arcs were written, or the way character development just didn't happen. Jaskier is so neglected by the writers that a lot of his growth happens off screen. It has to, or he would just be totally stagnant. And so somewhere between his last scene in the first season and his first appearance in the second, he's turned into this serious rebel spy person, but the writers are still trying to portray him as "goofy old Jaskier! haha, he's funny!" but they're doing this while he's trying to help people escape from certain death, or after he's just been rescued from fucking torture, and it ends up giving you a bit of whiplash and wondering is there any consistency here?
Favorite moment: can't be from his arc because (AHEM) what arc?? But. I am so in love with the conversation he had with Yennefer, where they actually let him be serious and connect with her in a way that s1 Jaskier would never have done. I love love love when they let him show his compassionate side, because it's there! He cares about people so much!! And let's be honest, Anya and Joey worked so well together, I know, I know that they're never going to make Geralt/Yennefer/Jaskier canon, but if they didddd it would work so wellllll
Least favorite: GOD everything about him reuniting with Geralt/being in Kaer Morhen. Big boy just walks in there with his sad eyes and nipple armor and with absolutely no meaningful apology Jaskier just forgives him?? Honey! There are hundreds of people out there who would treat you better. Yennefer being one! Anyway, then, even though Geralt claims he "needs" him, Jaskier doesn't actually end up doing anything? He's just kind of there, I think because the writers knew that they needed to put him in that season or they would lose half their fan base. He's only ever acknowledged when he's being made fun of or pushed away, and I'm tired of it.
One relationship: well, we only really see him interact in any meaningful way with Geralt or Yennefer, but I prefer Yennefer. Like, they basically have nothing in common, but they still mesh so well, and even though I know their friendship won't be explored any more (because it reads as so genuine that Geralt/Yennefer feels like stone in comparison) it would be so cool to see them move past their initial dislike and become actual friends, maybe help each other heal from the MULTIPLE traumas
Relationship to explore: I want to see how Jaskier interacts with Ciri. I want to see it so bad. She's a child and he's a bard, can we not get him singing her a fun little song and letting her have some fun for once? Let him sing her a Cintran ballad and help her process and maybe mourn the things she's lost!! He is JUST as important as your other leads, so let him be a part of the family damn it! And let him be a father figure (or at the very least a weird uncle) to Ciri
What I would have liked to see: I think I've already said it, whoops, but really I would settle for seeing more of him. Jaskier is so good, but the show barely seems to care about him, like they don't realize that they've stumbled onto the best thing they're ever gonna have! Let my pathetic whore of a man have more screen time! Let him into the family! And maybe next time you think about using him for sex appeal don't force poor Joey Batey to do that fucking shit that male actors do to enhance their abs, that fucking dehydration shit? And don't make him shave, wtf, don't add on to our bullshit beauty standards.
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iberiandoctor · 3 years
Writing Tag Game!
Tagged by @swaps55. Thank you! Tagging @saltedpin, @thebansacredbanned, @breadcrumbsandstars and @angel-in-the-city-blog should you feel so inclined!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Under iberiandoctor? 97
What’s your total AO3 word count?
961,007. Oyyy.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Uh, so I am hopelessly multifannish; my dashboard has 40 fandoms, large (X-Men Movies, 12,000 hits) and little (The Age of Innocence novel, 47 hits). Here are my top five fics in each of my five largest fandoms:
Somewhere Like Bolivia (X-Men, Charles/Erik, [M]), my only >1k kudos fic, and only because Marvel 616 is such an outsized fandom.
A Remission Before God (Les Miserables, Valjean/Javert, [M]), my Valvert multichapter post-Seine redemption arc fic, the one everyone writes when falling headlong in love with Les Mis fandom.
The First Hope (DCU, Clark/Bruce, very much [E]). Clark comes back wrong. Explicit tentacles, please heed warnings.
Love Adventure Death & Glory (Hellblazer/Lucifer (TV)/Sandman crossover, John Constantine/Lucifer, John Constantine/Morpheus, [M]). My most popular Yuletide fic! Featuring my most problematic fave, and/everyone.
Nostos (Call Me By Your Name, Oliver/Elio, [M]). This pining, coming-of-age fandom cries out for AUs, and this is the three times futurefic I wrote for these boys.
Do you respond to comments?
Always. I love to engage with readers and fellow fans, and cherish every single comment! Sometimes there is a delay in the response, but I try hard to make sure I respond to everyone.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I have left Elio and Oliver in a terrible angsty place in The Age of Imagination and Experience, where they get to part for two decades. In my defence, this is where Wharton’s novel leaves their canon analogues? I’m not planning on ending on angst, though! Tomorrow, At Dawn is decidedly a non-fix-it (warning, Major Character Death).
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most of my endings are happy, though it tends to be a qualified or bittersweet happiness. In The Ghosts of Summer, I give a happy ending to not just Valvert, but also make a fix-it for another very unhappy couple.  
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
All the time! Here’s my Discworld/Mis story [Gen], and my Hellblazer/Harry Potter [E].
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not hate, per se. I’ve been lucky.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! I like to write emotional smut. My favourite smut is the one involving a deep emotional connection, but where they’re still in denial about it. That said, annoyance/hate/rivalry works for me as a deep emotional connection.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, into Mandarin, which I can only read very laboriously.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I’m presently writing unknown, unsorrowed, unloved with @breadcrumbsandstars , and I had the best time co-writing The Lark and Her Lieutenants with @thebansacredbanned for Les Mis Big Bang 2020.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I’m a Lawful Neutral writer, and I’m planning on finishing all my WIPs. Yes, even The Cabinet Particulier, which hasn’t been updated since 2018…
What are your writing strengths?
I like writing plot and emotional climax. I write in a couple of historical fandoms, and I think I do a pretty good job with setting and historicity. I enjoy research, and have at any one time more than ten open tabs. I have lots of fun writing smut and, actually, crack.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Before falling into Mass Effect fandom, I was leery of writing combat and hard SF tech. Here I am trying to face my fears, lol. Also, after years writing in period language and non-English language fandoms, I’m trying to get to grips with more colloquial writing.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I definitely like it when others do it, and do it myself in non-English language fandoms like Les Mis.  
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I try not to talk about my RPF roots in public, but this was foreshadowed by Baby’s First self-insert Duran Duran fic ;)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Currently I’m so in love with mShenko and Mass Effect that I can’t look beyond A Hundred Battlefields, my reincarnated soulmates AU.  
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i was tagged by both @sassydefendorflower and @denugis!
AO3 Name: emmram
Fandoms: a big chunk of it is SPN, but i have written a decent number of fics in the musketeers fandom and only recently started contributing to titans/DCU
Fic you spent the most time on: hmmmm. i do tend to labour over my fics to the point where my perfectionist-yet-distracted ass will tend to abandon forever most of what i started. the one long fic i struggled over and managed to actually finish in spite of hating myself and the very concept of fanfiction by the end of it was my only attempt at a big bang, way back in 2011: Built to Fall. 
i also laboured like fuck over this fic, cried actual tears, and, uncharacteristically was wildly proud of it by the end: Time and Time Again, an addition to my Each Our Own Devil ‘verse (again, from 2011). interestingly i never put it up on ao3. mainly because i was a bit devastated by the fact that it got very little attention on lj compared to the previous two fics in the verse.
Fic you spent the least amount of time on: i remember writing this 6k+ monster all in one go in one night: arindhum ariyamalum. i have aspired to, but never attained, such a level of productivity ever since.
(i forgot to cross-post this to ao3 as well! what’s wrong with me? /o\)
Longest fic: At just over 23k, it’s got to be Built to Fall. i’ve probably written longer fics for fandoms like Inuyasha, Power Rangers, Star Wars and Hardy Boys when i was a schoolgirl, but i have no wish to revisit those fics to check.
Shortest fic: i’ve written dozens of little drabbles and prompt fills on tumblr. my faves are probably this and this.
Most hits: After (the musketeers) at 3935 hits, followed by skin (titans) at 3922.
Most kudos: here and now (titans) at 568.
Most comment threads: here and now again at 17. i usually get a lot more feedback on my fics on lj (when i posted there) and tumblr. plus i’m terrible at responding to comments.
Fave fic you wrote: right now i’m quite proud of skin (titans), but one fic that i revisit often with a great deal of fondness is Punishment Comes Limping, an SPN/the originals crossover i wrote way back in 2015. 
(also, i haven’t cross-posted THAT to ao3 either. fifteen years in, i’m still terrible at this fanfic lark)
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: i’ve always wanted to keep writing the with a whimper ‘verse (the musketeers). it hits that sweet spot of horror, treacly, weird plotting, d’artagnan whump and porthagnan that i love being in, but it’s hard to write when not active in fandom anymore.
Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: i don’t know, my brain is kinda fried. so much so that i had to drop out of the spnspringfling challenge at the last minute last month and that broke my heart because springfling is my favourite fandom event of the year. i hope to continue to tackle more whumptober prompts when i get the time, and to hopefully continue Come As You Are.
tagging... @hacash, @sternenblumen, @hippity-hoppity-brigade, @veliseraptor and @takingoffmyshoes! only if you want to; no pressure!
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
1, 2, 7, 18, 19, 27 (though I already know the answer:) for SWTOR player asks?
Thank you for the ask
1. How many characters do you have?
Hoo boy.
Technically, 31, across 3 servers (Star Forge, Satele Shan, and Darth Malgus), but most of them are placeholders (so that I can eventually play all of the advanced classes and at least one of each mirror discipline, experience all of the romances in vanilla) or clones of my mains.
JK - 2 versions of Ember, 1 placeholder (Peri); JC - 2 versions of Kestrel, 2 placeholders (Stin, Hinah); Smuggler - 2 versions of Zuvi, Teo (I should probably go ahead and give his appearance specs to Zoe so if she wants to she can make him in-game since she has adopted him and made a way better backstory than I ever could have), 1 placeholder (Archie); Trooper - Cershaa, 1 placeholder (Zeke); SW - 2 versions of Mena, Mahzarin, Mara!Shara, 1 placeholder (Khy); SI - 2 versions of Sija, 2 placeholders (Jury, Zydras); IA - 3 versions of Raz, 2 placeholders (Anahk, Dee); BH - Moxie, 2 placeholders (Lark, Tenga)
2. What is your favorite class and why? And/or list the player classes in order of most -> least favorite
(already answered)
7. Which player voice actor is your favorite and your least favorite?Faves - Of the PCs: SMUGGLER. God, I love Kath Soucie. Next is probably the Imperial Agent’s voice actor, Jo Wyatt. Of the NPCs: Hellooooooo Satele/Fem!Trooper (Jennifer Hale, whose voice I have loved forever) and Watcher Two (Mary Stockley, who I have loved without knowing it for a very long time, because she’s played a lot of really good background characters in movies)
Least Faves - Oh my god Servant Two, SHUT THE HELL UP. I’m sorry Craig Baldwin, I’m sure you have a lovely voice, and I’m sure the Servant Two voice was like that on purpose but AUGH. (I don’t really have a least fave PC voice? I like all of the female PC voices, and I haven’t really played any of the male PCs beyond the intros).
18. Which achievement(s) are you most proud of?
I’m pretty proud of the Hexid achievement, since it was pretty anxiety-inducing to do that many things through the activity finder. It would have been easier on my nerves to do 50 flashpoints through activity finder, but warzones take like five minutes tops, and some flashpoints can easily take an hour. I don’t really have a ton of achievements, honestly.
19. Where can other players most commonly find you in game?
It depends on which character I’m on, really. With most of my characters, I’ll probably be doing whatever is on conquest, especially if it’s stuff I can solo or do with people I know. I’ve also been trying to build up reputation on some different stuff while leveling up some of my characters. So there’s really not one specific spot to find me. I do usually keep the whispers turned on though (even if I’ve got just about everything else turned off for the chat), so if you have my toons on your friend list and see that I’m on, you can whisper at me.
27. If you could make any current NPC a player companion, who would you pick?
SHARA (I am predictable, and I’m okay with this). Or Hylo.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 5 years
A Premonition of Love-Chapter 7
Tumblr media
Hey Loves! Here is our chapter, just  in time for @dirtystyles bday-I’m glad I included her faves, like loud moaning and dry humping on bunk beds, or something like that! Tripod writing forever! Special thanks, again, to @emulateharry for the quick beta!
Himitsu No!
Last Time!
"Yeah, I got that now." And his hand went up to her face, she expected a soft touch on her jaw, but he cupped the back of her neck, and brought her forward like she was gonna be flung back, whiplash.
He tasted like sunshine on her lakebed, when the sun beat down on her shoulders after the cool of the car air conditioning.
His head slanted to the right, and she heard her own response. When her mouth opened to the glide of his tongue, her hands moved from his waist up to cross over his back. Get him and his smell closer. His shoulders were wider than her, and the height difference, those inches suddenly made a difference. Except at their hips, those notched together perfectly.
He tasted like coffee and coconut. Like sunny days layin out in LA.
His hand was in her hair, and it was messy and a little desperate. Inevitable.
"Action!" Sounded in Harry's head. Suddenly he was the director and the actor. He'd never been so forward. Well, maybe in 2013, but that was something of a lost year for him.
Harry remembered lots of it, but it felt like he was watching somebody else play another version of him. And none of that had been with somebody special, inevitable. There were no feelings involved, at least not on his side. He liked to believe not on their side. How could they have like him, they'd only just met him. That was his mantra, that they were fucking the idea of him, liked the idea, loved the idea. It was how he rationalized it.
Until his mom had sat him down and boxed his ears and asked where her son was? Because her son wouldn't take advantage of girls overcome by their inflated feelings for him.  Feelings. His mom insisted the groupies, god that word, had feelings for him, or believed they did. It may have been just an idea of him, but he was still taking advantage she had insisted. He didn't want to hurt anybody. He'd calmed down a lot after that, and then things got dramatic, and then he had feelings for Xander and they hid in plain sight. When he had feelings he supposed he was blunt about them. He had impulse control when the impulse was to love.
He was definitely feeling something now. He was feeling all of it, everything that had sounded in his mind when he'd been hungover and clumsy when he had met her for real. All the things from before that, when he'd first seen her image, and his mind had run with possibilities. The time since, where he watched her work, serious and in charge, and when she laughed, buoyant and like light- moving in waves. It was all mixing with the literal feelings of her in his hands.  His hopes for them had been shelved in the library of his mind because he was trying not to get hurt, downplay his interest and not freak her out with the long term plans he had unconsciously made. For them. All of the hopes he'd had were now intertwining with the reality of her, of this feeling, and it was was all over his brain, lighting up and activating long term memory.
He wanted to remember this forever, the feeling of her forever.
Boy had he been right about her mouth. He'd gotten a lot of compliments on his lips from lovers. It was something he brought to the table.
But, Ada Scott, she ran that table.
Her mouth was revolutionary. She filled in the space between his lips like a washer between a screw and object. Nice and snug, protective. But soft, god she was soft and her hips filled out his hands like her heart did his cracks.
Alright, he was writing fucking lyrics. Time to focus on the moment. His attention leg to action, inevitably. Her hips became her ass and the wall behind her was a sturdy surface to support them and kept him from taking her down to the metal grating on the floor.
What was that sound?
Oh shit! That was him, he'd lost all his faculties and was moaning loudly. He would have reined it in, but Ada had one hand in his hair and another was undoing his shirt and he couldn't. He wasn't sure he'd ever been with somebody this incendiary.
Now they were moaning in tandem.
Her voice sounded better than a songbird, a lark.
He wanted to hear her. He could listen to that sound, be carried by its current, every morning, noon and night for the rest of his life.
He's in a rush, a wave to her finish, when she lifted her thigh to his hip and ground against his insistence he could see the shore. A few more regressions and advances and they'd find the beginning of land and end of their tsumanmic ride.
"Harry!" Ada moaned.
"Harri!" Yuki called.
Harry had to come up to the surface to recognize the outside command. Ada's commands were what he would rather follow. What her voice was asking of him he couldn't do with another coming closer and getting louder.
Harry coasted his thumb over Ada's thigh, gave one last squeeze, and placed it down, pulled back to see her swollen lips, wet enough to dive into, and more inviting than a tropical pool on the first truly hot day, and her blinking eyes.
"Just one. More." He whispered and offered her a peck that she leaned into. Their noses notched together and around. Her hair went smoothly back when he smoothed it and he immediately wondered how unruly his looked.
"How's mine?" He could feel his giant dimples. This was the best day of his life. His tresses were tangled and messy, his fingers told him when his curious pointer finger became a concerted effort to comb out damage.
"Oh, fuck!" The knock sounded around the small wall just after she had said it. "Your hair is fucked! We are fucked!" Her voice didn't elevate, but her stress was evident.
"No, I'll just look distressed," he schooled his face into frown and pulled his lip, "see. And you look flustered."
Her hands slapped at the air above her waist and then down on her hips. "I am flustered!"
He pushed a lock behind her ear. "I know, just pretend it's at me."
"Who's pretending." And she lead the way out after she squared her shoulders. He caught the motion as she wiped his kiss, or the evidence, off her mouth. She was muttering, she looked a little pissed, definitely affected. He liked affecting her.
He found himself laughing as she walked around the wall with a square set to her jaw, like all the groaning that had just been going on was him being beat about the head and ego rather than the libido.   He needed to wipe the silly smirk off his face. Though it was rather at home there.
He knew, he'd know since her first saw her. Maybe from her films and interviews, but definitely the moment their eyes connected. He'd known.
He'd lost faith.
Harry usually trusted his feelings about people. But he rarely let himself off the hook. Ada didn't seem like a grudge holder exactly, but she did not take shit. That was clear.
And he had been shit.
If you didn't get a second chance at a first impression, he was fucked as then he'd sucked. The situation had felt hopeless, unrequited, until just last week.
But it was better, he was gonna smash this scene now. He had lots to work with. Though he still planned to use his idea for the kiss rather than what had just gone down. That was just for him and Ada.
He thought of Henry and Akio as a slow burn, a smolder. He'd give them a kiss fit for hot coals.
He and Ada had a flare up. Once given the proper fuel, a little oxygen- they were burning.
He put his hands in his hair and looked distraught as he approached the area side stage. Ayae was biting her lip when they made eye contact.
"Alright Harry?" Oh, they were selling it. Ada was frowning, fuming, she looked actually pissed. And Ayae looked concerned for him.
"Can you fix my hair? I think I fucked it up." He collapsed in the chair, coming loose like a cheap hem. "I've gotta do this right on the next take!" he huffed.
"You will Harry. You're so charming, and Henry is the sweetest character. And you and Yuki have great chemistry- just relax into it. You do so much better when you relax." Her eyes were on his hair, but she was skating, them down and biting her lip. "Maybe think about someone you want to kiss badly, if that is not Yuki....."
"The person I want to kiss," he looked at Ada mournfully. "Doesn't wanna kiss me right now."
He hoped that wasn't true.
Ada was fuming, at herself . She could not believe she had let that happen on set, wanted it to happen more on set! What was she thinking! "Goddamn you Styles!" She muttered it. But out loud. Didn't matter who heard, it would go with their act, The 'I cannot stand you and your dumb ass' act. He was pouting with all his might in the chair in front of Ayae. That was good, sympathy inducing.
Except she didn't want too much sympathy to go against her. Harry was already sympathetic enough.
Oh great- bitch rep. Again. She hurt little Harry!
She'd like to put a hurting on him.
In the short amount of time Ada had begun to re-entertain thoughts of kissing Harry on that mouth, she did not expect it to go like that. She'd seen him go full rockstar on that little stage, but she really figured that was some alter ego, something he put on that wouldn't come out without wardrobe or a microphone.
She told herself if anything happened, which she was still totally denying the possibility of, she'd have to instigate and lead.
It was a bit of a hold up for her, honestly.  It was another reason she had given herself to stay away after their flirtation.  She'd been pounding her treadmill thinking of why she wouldn't do. Knew better than to do. Exhibit A had just happened. Though she thought it would be way easier to avoid, because she could control her urges. Before he took over control of her urges. Damn him.
Another reason she had postulated was that he was so sweet and a bit insecure, in her experience, she figured that would extend into his romantic moments. His sweet little gifts only confirmed that for her. His stare downs yesterday made more sense now. He wanted approval, assurance, so she thought he would be a little timid.
She was Wrong!
Another piece of the Harry Styles puzzle. Insecure in unfamiliar or new intense circumstances and a badass elsewise.
Maybe he was the kind that took a while to cope with nerves and then got better.
He must be very sure of his mouth and its abilities. Wow! Ada wondered if that would extend to other intimacy? More naked nudity.
Ada hated leading in the bedroom. She liked being the boss everywhere else. She wanted to be bossed there, relinquish her beloved control and feel love flow into her wildly.
If that kiss was anything to go on, she was going to be handled. She loved being handled.
She had to shift on her seat, and wondered where her water bottle got to. For once the sound stage was a little too warm for her.
"Ms. Scott!" Her DP said.
"Ada!" Julie nudged her arm.
"Huh? Yes?" They were they all looking at her.
"Can we start?"
Shit, this was gonna be a distraction. He was a distraction. Harry was already in place, she'd only glanced at him once and was kinda avoiding looking at him as much as possible. He was flushed and his mouth was a little red. Did they put something on him, that green shit? The stuff that worked with your pH and gave a ovely pink.
Oh, no, it was her. She gripped her pant leg to stop from wiping her mouth. She had worn Fenty Uncuffed, only a bit should have smeared. It was set.
She wanted to test out its bounds on him. How many kisses, when? Where? How long after application, could she kiss or suck it all off? Leave smudges of another lovely pink, unlike his bath water or his natural blush.
Harry bit his lip and blinked at her. What the fuck? Sexy cow blinks? Was this a Greek story?
No! This was her story. Their story.
"Let's roll!" She gave the command, and meant it for herself more than anybody else.
The first take was slightly uncomfortable, but this time because Yuki had lost the moment.
"Sorry boss, I need to shake it off." He had directed at her.
"You need a min!" Harry laughed "What did you eat while I was getting reamed?"
Reamed? What? Oh, no, that was rimmed.
"I had a snack!" Yuki grabbed mint out of his pocket. "You should take one too, you taste like matcha. Grassy!"
Oh shit!
"Do I?" Harry smiled big! "Want more!" And he went in to kiss his co-star like it was an attack.
"Roll!" She said. They were cute already, she wanted it on film, she might get some use. It was a good moment to capture.
Once the puppy play slowed down, and Harry and Yuki let the moment become Akio and Henry's, the pace became languid. Harry's hand came up, slow, and cupped Yuki's jaw.
Her prince pulled back, giving her a shot at pulling this off as a first kiss. His smile was small, just enough to pop a dimple. And Yuki was pulling off dazed, or was dazed. The small fit of Harry's full lips into this kiss was snug as a warm blanket. Not the fire of their embrace, or laughs of the start of this one, less than one, more than the other.
Harry upped the ante, gave the camera goodness to devour, capture like so much attention. An ascension of the kiss, to a new place, a moment like Jake Ryan over the flames. His large hand splayed over Yuki's jaw and his thumb caressed his cheekbone.
Ada could feel it.
So could the cast and crew. Everybody was silent. You could hear the lip smacks and yummy noises alone among the collectively held breath.
Ada let it continue, at least she thought it was intentional, run to the end.
The caress fell, and the lip lock ended, slowly. When Harry smiled and laid his forehead on his companion's and his dimple punctuated the scene,  Ada squealed "Cut!"
And applause went up.  That was the second ovation worthy kiss he'd given today. And it was so different from hers. This boy was so many things. He was insecure, she'd seen it. He was cocky, she'd felt it, and he was damn good, they all lauded it.  She might fall for each Harry by turns. She wanted to seize each in any case.
"Amazing! Excellent work!" She clapped along. "Now let's get coverage and other angles! We may need to pull epic shots on that one!" That could go on billboards, even in still, the moment would translate, move.
She caught Harry's eye and nodded, nearly choked when he winked, but recovered enough to bit her lip and shake her head. When he was on, he was on.
This could be so fun! The flirt under everybodies noses, the danger was intoxicating.
Until she realized Julie was watching. Her friend raised her eyebrows, flared her nostrils and nodded a little.
Ada furrowed her brow and hoped it came off as confusion.
They needed rules. They had a lot of movie to finish. She needed the respect of her crew. Ada needed to put her feelings elsewhere. It was hard though, because he deserved all the praise. The rest of the day he earned it again and again, kissed multiple times, lots of ways, and each time she had to keep her cool.
To varying effect, and ability.
By 7 o'clock they'd got the shots done and set up for tomorrow. Their timeline accelerating as Harry found his feet and took off running, like her god-daughter who skipped crawling all together, went from being carried about to running the show, literally.
There was a metaphor there.
Ada was still tired at day's end, despite how well everything had gone. She was emotionally worn out from over analyzing the kiss, physically worn out from suppressing her body's response to watching Harry kiss Yuki, stomping down the same response to their kiss, and mentally tired from coming up with reasons she should stop flirting with him, or hide flirting with him.
She had no idea what this was. And she'd been weird with Harry all afternoon. She knew it. His batting average stayed high through her change up pitches.
What did they do now? They'd flirted publicly, kissed on set, and then what?
She fucked her star like all those male directors?
Dammit, she thought it was just easy for co-stars to get involved.  All that time together and mimicry of feelings, someone was bound to fall in love. She guessed that was true of directors too.
But this wasn't love. Maybe something like it, a precursor of love. Seedling.
Did she water it?
In any case, she was tired and wanted another matcha. But if she had one now, she'd be up late, thinking, with nobody to talk to. Maybe she'd go back to the hotel and have a couple glasses of wine.
She smiled to herself. Maybe she would do both.....
Harry felt exhilarated, like he did after the Graham Norton performance, when he did it right! He'd acted good. Just like Jeff said. And he'd pleased Ada.
He thought he had. He certainly had early in the day.
She'd gotten a little cagey at the end of day, but he figures she was just gun shy, he'd have to coach her through this. Business and pleasure -- he was a mixologist at. He could show her the ropes.
If she was interested. Her kiss said yes, and he was getting better at reading her. So did her freaking out.
"Hmmmm, what's this?" He asked the air when he reached the steps of his trailer and an iced coffee was waiting. He hadn't asked for one, he wouldn't be sleeping if he drank it.
The cup said, 'Ada.' Huh?
His phone buzzed in his pocket.
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taran-wanderer · 5 years
these are so many so you do Not have to answer all of them but 4, 12, 41, 47, 50, 60, 83, 87, 97, 99!! god forgive me
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
Black except when I was younger i used to make fruit tea and put like a full cup of sugar in it to the point where it was more hot sugar water than anything oops
12: what’s your favorite planet?
i already answered this, sorry!
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
I don’t have any thoughts ever but most recently it was Taran Wanderer, which is just, I think probably surpassed the phantom tollbooth as my favorite book, it’s Perfect
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
None Of Them All Of Them Are So Good
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
not so much anymore but I used to collect wifi networks, oddly enough, i would connect to open wifi networks and my phone would save a list of them and I just, collected them? once we went to the motorcycle show so i got a bunch of ones like YAMAHA, KAWASAKI, HARLEY, the like, that was a good day
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
god yes my favorite poems include but or not limited to the second coming by yeats, the rime of the ancient mariner by coleridge, and the chinese obelisks by edward gorey (which i can recite from memory!)
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
I don’t actually know? I think twrp’s the device is real good, disparition faite is good, i like the rippingtons black diamond, and also some girl made this album called the electric state and the cover art for that is good too
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
princess bride hands down no question Everyone should watch it
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
I don’t actually know? wooster had me take it and didn’t tell me what it was, terezi libra, and i think ravenclaw?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
i don’t think i’m gonna do links this time But:disparition taran wandererfrankie knuckles your lovepet shop boys west end girlsspinnerette baptized by fire
richard thompson the snow goose
richard thompson she sang angels to rest
richard thompson from galway to graceland
scary jokes hold yourself tight
vaughan williams the lark ascending
vaughan williams english folk song suite
vaughan williams fantasia on a theme by thomas tallis
twrp under the sun
mory kante inch allah
george gershwin some sweet far-away someone
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esctrash · 5 years
before us europals go back into another painful hibernation with months of no content, i just wanted to get emo real quick and say THANK U to everyone who's been out here supporting me on this trash page, this year and before !!! believe it or not, this was my FIFTH eurovision on tumblr, that's right, i’ve been here since the days of the baltic boys, and even worse, since the days of alex larke, archbishop of banterbury. an absolute veteran. but this year was probably my absolute fave so far, its up there with 2016 for sure.
it goes without saying that this community is one of my absolute faves i’ve ever been a part of, the sense of togetherness in the tags is awesome and the memes every year ?? UNPARALLELED. this page has (somehow) grown so much over the last five years, thank u to everyone who’s ever liked or reblogged my posts or sent me kind messages out-of-the-blue, ur support is everything to me !!
i already can’t wait for next year bc it’s gonna SLAP, see u back here soon for amsterdam 2020 eurobitches <33333 
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Ali & Tommy
Ali: Now on the coach Ali: How's Ro been? Ali: Tried to give her as much space as poss Tommy: I'll give it a minute before I let ma know, yeah? Give you some space too like Tommy: Proper shut down. Standard Tommy: She ain't said a word to none of us Ali: Cheers Ali: Been a fucking event, don't think even Ma can top the drama but not dying to find out Ali: I thought as much 😟 Ali: I don't think there's much to be done but be there when she's ready though, right? Ali: idk, plenty of friends cried on these shoulders but never Ro over this, its new ground Tommy: You're alright Tommy: I reckoned as much when she flew home Tommy: Like I've been in with tea but I'm blatantly juggling cups and nothing else Tommy: She ain't about my efforts Tommy: Offered to dance battle him and she didn't even laugh Ali: Tah for being tea boy though, more necessary and appreciated than it might seem when she's catatonic Ali: to be fair, that isn't funny, babe 😜 Tommy: Giving it a go Tommy: x 2 like Tommy: oi I'm well funny Ali: �� Ali: hmm Ali: i hope that's not your aim w this theatre school lark Ali: standup you ain't Tommy: Laugh it up or you ain't getting your welcome home cupcakes honey Tommy: 🌟 baker I am Ali: tears of a clown baby bro Ali: 'cos bet mary berry herself didn't whip up anything for your arrival only days previous Ali: that's da Ali: mum is OBVS paul Ali: the accent, the blue steel, the unnecessary harsh judgment Tommy: 😂 Tommy: The cupboards were bare before yours truly showed up to help with the big shop Tommy: Working my ballet body without rest here Ali: wanna have a fab summer not a flab one darling Ali: only thinking of all the money they ain't had to put into your training #datscholarshiptho Tommy: Put your claws away if you ain't aiming them at a diff blonde lad Tommy: That'll be why I'm shameless fave not cause none of yous are about Ali: seriously don't Ali: he better square up when we're in that car park Ali: if the teachers don't get him first...you won't believe the fucking scandal blatantly occurring rn Ali: obvs 😘 'til Bea and Fraze become the big ballers they wanna be and start paying it back Ali: all 'bout that dolla Tommy: if you heard that lad, gotta post up 🥊 Tommy: someone better smack that cunt Tommy: Spill it sister, how is he on worse behavior? Nearly a proper skill at this point Ali: I plan to Ali: just followed Carly into the fucking cupboard bog, like Ali: in what world are you not getting caught Ali: we're in a fucking tin can Tommy: ERRR Tommy: Your Carly? Tommy: she can do better Ali: I been telling her Ali: best believe Ali: can't drag her out like time out bitch Ali: he's a disease s2g Ali: every fucking girl I know Tommy: 💔 not about that for her Tommy: Every girl except you? 🤔 suspect Ali: nah Ali: don't need to tell you he treats her like shit, duh Ali: ☕ Tommy: let me at her inbox tbh Tommy: not having this Tommy: she's a cutie Ali: do it Ali: meddlin' gay who smugly knows best defs a better stereotype than jealous ex Ali: 😣 no tah Tommy: Valid Tommy: Your eyes ain't gone green though, have they? Tommy: If this is a triangle, or love square tell me now bitch Ali: Bitch Ali: how dare you do me down like that Ali: Nah, I just want her to be happy Ali: and ain't happening with that cunt Tommy: Don't you reckon she knows that Tommy: She was happy with you but that went how it went maybe she's not looking for it to be like that again Ali: Oh, so I just let her fuck her life up Ali: polite smiles from the sideline like SOOOOO happy for you babes, what a man! Ali: Pfffft 😒 Ali: be a better gay Tommy: Nah but putting yourself out there for the real shit is such a THING Tommy: I get it Ali: So dramatic the lot of you Ali: not gotta get a pug and a mortgage Ali: if you ain't going out there tryna be happy every day every way Ali: what's the point Ali: a madness Tommy: Maybe she's all out of trying after putting up with your high maintenance arse for so long ☕ Tommy: 😂 Tommy: Nobody's bringing their best for that basic fuckboy Ali: 🖕 piss off hair product Tommy: Like you take any less time putting together your 'effortless' lewks you faux hippie Tommy: Don't be coming for my crowning glory Ali: Bleurgh Ali: forgot how much of a bitch you were Ali: when you going back again? 😘 Tommy: We've all seen you #bringitforberlin Tommy: Not that I'm jealous nah Tommy: But how was it? Drama aside Ali: 👼 Don't push me down the stairs, watching my back now like 👀 Ali: It overshadowed everything lowkey but yeah Ali: still ace Tommy: You'll bring it back around when you flatten Drew Ali: 🍑👏 him Tommy: 👑 Tommy: what are we gonna do about Ro and Carly though? 🤔 Must focus Ali: soz, my booty has that affect Ali: but seriously Ali: I am fresh out of ideas... Ali: maybe he's like Samson and we need to give him a buzzcut Ali: break the spell Tommy: or shove a bowl on his head and ✂ Ali: ain't far off Ali: ☕ it ain't that cute a cut Ali: its just shiny and blonde, snap out of it ladies! Tommy: Honestly Tommy: Meena got all the looks and that's the tea Ali: Oooooooooh! 😉 Ali: No argument tho even if you're 😍 Tommy: SHUT YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU TALK TO ME ALISON Tommy: She's just better than him very HIGHKEY Tommy: Take it up with our man JC Ali: 😂 Ali: Bless Ali: so sweet Ali: and finally Ali: a matrimony we can all get behind Tommy: excuse me he made me and her both queens Tommy: too fabulous for your hetero baiting of the audience Ali: sure jan Ali: can't fake that chemistry Ali: told you, you're a shit actor Tommy: Take a step back Marsha if you don't want me coming for your weave Tommy: You reckoned on your ex a few back? Marlene would blatantly kill Drew no questions Ali: 💅💄 jealousy's a disease, get well soon bitch 😷 Ali: now you gay baiting! Tommy: 😂 Ali: Let karma sort him out Ali: Ro's well out of it Ali: Carly, I hope, knows what she's doing, even if I don't fuck with it Ali: he ain't gonna 💔 Tommy: Yeah Tommy: Still, drink and debrief when you get home? Tommy: I wanna hear how the teachers throw down Ali: fosho Ali: dog or you SO 100% G.A.Y. now you refuse to go anywhere that ain't flying at least 2 rainbow flags at all times? 😉 Tommy: 🌈 or bust Tommy: not gonna be Ro's scene but if you wanna bring Carly that cunt isn't gonna set foot in such hallowed ground Ali: A different concept for scared straight but I'm with it Ali: I'll ask her Ali: got a party dress I didn't get to debut, gotta save something for the home crowd, like Tommy: I'd watch THAT show Ali: wouldn't we all Ali: so much teen mum to catch up on, you best not have watched it without me! Tommy: Not trying to get struck down ta Tommy: That fury's all for Drew Ali: unless you've deleted all the recording like ur burning after reading, you're alright kid Tommy: Honey I know what's holy Ali: thank God someone does Ali: Drew getting kicked straight to hell and off this bus if he don't chill Tommy: They still going? Tommy: Ugh Ali: Nah Ali: Laoise and her crew dobbed, which fair enough literally no one needs it, doubt they got started before the teachs' were yanking them out Ali: if they had handcuffs Drew would be chained to his seat rn no lie Ali: citizen's arrests and full-scale riot behaviour going down rn from everyone slating Carly Tommy: omhg Tommy: I hope someone's streaming Tommy: Gonna send my girl 💚🍀 Ali: no doubt Ali: reckon we might have to make an emergency stop Ali: couldn't even make the trip home Ali: really lads REALLY Tommy: And I thought my school was full of drama queens and kings Tommy: Christ alive Ali: honestly Ali: got nothing on the common people Ali: i'm so over it Ali: gonna knock myself over the head in a minute so i don't have to deal Tommy: I'd suggest a sing song but don't reckon that'll cut it Tommy: Call me a bad gay again but Tommy: Never hear you over the war cries like Ali: 😂 if there was ever a moment for kumbaya Tommy: If they'd let you keep your 🎸 you'd be thriving Tommy: Yeah I heard about that casual confiscation Tommy: Weapon in more ways than one though, lads Ali: THANK YOU Ali: how we gon' play for peace now Ali: gonna have to get real happy clappy Tommy: 👏stop👏 slutshaming👏 carly👏 Tommy: End with a mexican wave that knocks that cunt out Tommy: She alright? Tommy: I just saw a flash of Ro, safe to say she ain't Ali: I mean, as much as they're all just using this as an excuse to do that Ali: lowkey have a point on this one Ali: why here and why now Ali: its disrespectful Tommy: Talk to her Tommy: Someone's clearly keeping Ro in the loop somehow, is that likely to be her? Ali: Idk Ali: I don't think its her style Ali: she isn't doing it to be malicious to Ro but yeah, idk why she is Tommy: Is she proper 💘 on Drew Tommy: 'Cause lord Ali: How could anyone be Tommy: I have literally no clue Tommy: But Ro's not 💔 about her German accent or whatever Tommy: It's all about him so there's gotta be something we're missing Ali: Oh, that ain't about him Ali: about a lot of things but him being a vessel for her intimacy issues and insecurities is just one of 'em Tommy: So he could've been anyone? Score - 1 for Romeo Ali: Any dickhead who's not gonna make it real on his end and ruin the fairytale, yeah Ali: dime a dozen Tommy: ☕ Ali: safe to say he's fucked the narrative still tho Ali: although, has he? 'cos secretly feeds into the 'i'm wrong and strange' deal we all know is there Tommy: Savage Tommy: But accurate Ali: I know Ali: Die before I said it to her face, like but Ali: makes me worried if she needs to prove that theory right again he could make a reappearance Ali: everyone loves a bit of self-destruction Ali: can't judge but I am Tommy: Samsies Tommy: Fuck's sake Tommy: This family Ali: Rocky the only one with a healthy functioning relationship tbh Tommy: The realest Tommy: Even ma's met her match in ro rn though Tommy: She's lowkey freaking me out and I'm used to you weirdos Ali: Explain Ali: I've seen her at her freakiest, remember, so are we talking worse? Tommy: True maybe I'm just out of practice Tommy: Ghost like vibes catching me off guard Ali: We'll have to keep an eye on the food Ali: she doesn't eat much, and never in front of any of us now Ali: but I can tell when she's had something Ali: make sure we're not hungerstrike vibes again Tommy: I reckon she'll be alright-ish when you get home Tommy: Much as she ever is, you know Tommy: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tommy: She's not gonna want to go to hospital or any of that shit Ali: Yeah, you're right Ali: I'm being dramatic, it's catching Tommy: 👑 Tommy: Bea will be if she sees her Tommy: Jesus take the wheel and spare me that Ali: 😬 Ali: can hear the 'I told you so' from here Ali: we're all thinking it but shh Tommy: Inside voices like we do at least Ali: Never know Ali: might be the motivation she needs Ali: Bea disappointment Tommy: Oh snap Ali: You know it works Ali: on Fraze too 😂 Tommy: 😂 Tommy: Yeah
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larkin · 7 years
Larks, Brass and Werenski!
Going for the jugular right away, alright. I’m fine.
1. Larks - He was my first fave so I gotta put him first, right? He is the closest to my age on the Wings, plus he’s so dorky and ridiculous. I just genuinely enjoy watching him play his game and do it well. Plus his celly with his leg up high is hilarious.
2. Werenski - Out of these three, he’s my only d-man fave. I relate to him on so many levels, and his trolling on social media is so hilarious. His sense of humour is questionable at times, but overall he’s Good.  
3. Brass - A good Canadian boy if there ever was one. Admittedly, I didn’t know a lot about him before he played for the Sens. His relationships with his teammates (past and present) make me really happy and I really admire his attitude and approach to playing hockey. He’s third on this list just because I know less about him than the other two!    
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amorremanet · 7 years
For the meme: Hunger Games?
my all-time ultimate fave character: Katniss and Finnick. Like, I have a lot of them who I love, but Katniss and Finnick are tied for my number one spot.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: Mrs. Everdeen took a while to grow on me, but by the end of Mockingjay, she really had.
a character I used to like but now don’t: tbh, it’s not that I used to like Peeta and now don’t, because I never really liked him and I still wouldn’t say that I dislike him, personally
—but there’s a lot about Peeta, especially with regard to his and Katniss’s relationship, that I find troublesome for various reasons (e.g., the way that Katniss, who is definitely canonically dark-skinned and is written against a backdrop that’s blatantly inspired by the racialized dimensions of classism and poverty, is always contextualized as Not Really Deserving the blonde white boy, who is regularly written in terms that are super not subtle about comparing him to Jesus)
To say nothing of how the text itself seems to agree with this idea, and does shit like go, “Wow, Peeta is oppressed by the Capitol too, like damn Katniss how much of a bitch are you, I mean your family and Gale’s only haven’t very literally starved to death because you and Gale know how to hunt, but wow, damn, Peeta had to help make the goat cheese and apple tarts and he wasn’t allowed to eat them because they were too expensive, that’s totally the same thing as people in the Seam literally starving to death”
Like, I’m not saying that Peeta and his family weren’t oppressed by the Capitol, because they were…… but it’s explicitly established in-text that the Capitol manufactures gradations as part of how they try to keep the Districts all fighting each other instead of fighting them, so yes, Peeta and his family did not experience the same thing as Gale, Katniss, and theirs, and part of that difference was how the Mellarks didn’t need to worry about getting enough to eat, they just couldn’t eat the expensive treats
The thing that bugs me the most, though, is the way that Peeta has supposedly been in love with Katniss since they were kids — except……… how? How can you say that he has truly been in love with Katniss when he, by his own goddamn admission, knew basically nothing about her and never even tried to get to know her for real? I’d buy that he was in love with his ludicrous headcanons about Katniss, but that’s not the same as being in love with Katniss Everdeen: Actual Person
And sorry not sorry, Peeta, but it is NOT true that you, “couldn’t talk to her”; you COULD have talked to Katniss and you chose not to talk to Katniss or deal with her at all in any context where you didn’t have the power of life and death over her (whether it was because she was literally dying of starvation, or because she needed you to make her look sympathetic to viewers in the 74th Games, and you needed her to literally and immediately keep you alive)
……Also, his version of how he fell in love with her has way too much in common with Dante Alighieri’s account of how he first fell in love with Beatrice Portinari for me to be truly okay with it, because Dante is one of the Western Literary Canon’s biggest examples of entitled dudebros who objectify women even while they claim to adore them (because over-idealizing someone is a form of dehumanizing them).
This said, I still don’t dislike Peeta. I just don’t think he’s that great, or that he’s as pure and innocent and cinnamon roll-ish as the books and fandom all make him out to be. Even without my misgivings about Ever*lark, ffs, he is one of the sneakiest, most manipulative characters in the series, and his BS sense of entitlement doesn’t only come out with Katniss
a character I’m indifferent about: Presidents Coin and Snow are both well-executed villains, but I don’t have a lot of feelings about them, personally. They were actually helped by the movies, for me, because Donald Sutherland and Julianne Moore were both really good in their roles, and it made me like them a little more, even if it still didn’t make me have feelings about them or anything
a character who deserved better: Most of them, tbh, but my top six are (in no particular order) Johanna, Madge, Rue, Annie, Finnick, and Gale
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: Katniss/Peeta, see above
But also? Gale/Madge. In my experience, the whole thing only exists so people can have some kind of “uptown girl” fantasy and go, “Look, see, I don’t hate Gale!!! Stop saying that I hate Gale!!! Just let me shove him off to the side and completely mischaracterize the shit out of him and pair him up with Madge for no reason beyond getting him out of the way so I can have Katniss/Peeta!!!!”
Also, Madge Undersee is a lesbian. #sorrynotsorry
Even worse: Effie/Haymitch. For one thing, both of them are gay. I don’t know what books everybody else is reading, but in MY copies of the books, Effie and Haymitch are both gay as fuck, why would you pair up a gay man and a lesbian like that unless it’s like, a situation where Effie and Haymitch get married so no one knows that they’re actually married to Portia and Cinna, respectively
But aside from that (because it’s admittedly a matter of my own headcanons even though I refuse to back down from them), I just??? Effie/Haymitch is just so blatantly a bunch of straight nonsense, pairing the two of them up because he’s a man and she’s a woman and therefore any time they exchange more than two words, it’s ~flirting~ even when Effie has HAPPILY AND ENERGETICALLY been a part of the system that treats all the kids Haymitch as mentored as if their lives mean nothing, and she’s been helping shepherd them to their deaths without getting that this is not good until it affects Katniss and Peeta (which only makes Effie get it because she likes them), and as much as Haymitch’s distaste for Effie is understandable, a lot of his lashing out at her isn’t actually coming from a place of, “I object to you for these fair reasons” so much as it’s coming from a place of Haymitch being a troll for the sake of being a troll, and I just
Why is this ship a THING
Why is it so fucking POPULAR
I only understand this phenomenon in the most cynical way possible (i.e., the way where my explanation for it is, “they are so popular because it’s an M/F ship and, in the movies, both of them are white, even though Haymitch has dark skin and black hair, and the same racialized poverty-coded background as Gale and Katniss, in the books”)
Also, both of them are gay, sooooooo……… #sorrynotsorry
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: Katniss/Johanna, Katniss/Madge, Katniss/Finnick, Annie/Finnick
a cute, low-key ship: Annie/Johanna, and in some AU where Rue and Prim both get to grow up, I think they’d be cute together.
Also, Gale/Peeta. I’m just saying, it’s a perfect solution to the issue of the alleged love triangle because it means neither of them ends up without a ship, but Katniss doesn’t have to be with either of them.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: dude, my only M/F “ship that deserves to be called an OTP” for Katniss is called a crack ship by most of the fandom, even though she and Finnick have better-written relationship development than Katniss/Peeta and even though Finnick consistently respects Katniss Everdeen: Actual Facts Person and not some shiny pretty pretty princess headcanon about her
Sure, he may not want to be her friend, at first, because he assumes, like she does, that friends are not A Thing that’s going to happen, and if he maybe feels like he has been tasked with babysitting her and Peeta during the Quarter Quell, then… that’s not actually inaccurate, because he was kinda tasked with babysitting them by the other rebels.
Like, helping the two of them to survive and getting them out of the arena was the job that Finnick and Mags were given by the other rebels, and he had to be more hands-on about it than, say, Johanna, since Katniss wanted to have an alliance with Mags, which meant she had to have one with Finnick
So, no. The two of them aren’t exactly cozying up to each other in Catching Fire, because both of them are playing certain parts and performing certain versions of themselves based on a lot of assumptions about How The Fuck This Shit Works and a lot of assumptions about their roles and positions in everything (which admittedly end up being less than accurate… because both of them have been manipulated and lied to by everybody who’s pulling the strings)
Anyway, I shouldn’t go on about this too much more because it will make me get defensive and angry, but Finnick and Katniss are my autistic children and they are not a goddamn crack ship and if I had money, I would pay people to stop saying that so I could look at their tags and only see people tagging everything with them as “BROTP,” as opposed to that plus people calling them a crack ship
Also: Finnick/Gale, Cinna/Haymitch, Annie/Katniss
Also, I didn’t really LIKE Gale/Katniss, but it made me feel more things than Katniss/Peeta (even if I have more thoughts on that one, that’s the thing: they’re thoughts, not Feels; the only thing that I ever really feel about Katniss/Peeta is frustrated), and the whole, “Katniss is all but explicitly suicidal and that’s why she wants to mack on Gale” thing from Mockingjay totally does it for a lot of my angsty catharsis interests
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: Effie/Haymitch. I went, “EEEUGH” out loud when they kissed, when I say MJ2 in the theatre, and I didn’t feel bad about it because: 1. all of the people who loved them collectively when, “AWWWWW”; and 2. eww, can you say, “what the fuck is this hetero pandering bullshit”
my favourite storyline/moment: The entire, “I drag myself out of nightmares and find there’s no relief in waking. Better not to give into it” scene, because I’m a human cliché and Katniss and Finnick are my autistic children. Also, any and every Joniss scene, because I’m garbage and a human cliché and I just want them to be together, is that so bad
a storyline that never should have been written: idk about anyone else, but I personally choose to live in a world where the series-long alleged “love triangle” was between Katniss/Madge and Johanna/Katniss, and the Katniss/Peeta stuff was only ever during the Games and not actually for real, and Gale and Peeta can go do each other or something, because fuck forced hetero love triangles, that’s why
Also? I’m willing to accept that Prim’s death was legitimately necessary for the plot and the narrative, in the same way that I hate Sirius Black’s death but accept that it was necessary for the sake of the story that JKR wanted to tell, so I can just go, “I see your point and I don’t begrudge you this in canon, but I am going to headcanon around it anyway because I don’t like it”
—but there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to kill Finnick. See, much like JKR’s senseless murders of Remus and Tonks in DH, Finnick’s death did nothing to make a point that hadn’t already been made multiple times over, and it added nothing to the story. Yea, like JKR before her, SCollins only killed Finnick for the sake of cheap shock value and reaffirming certain ideas about heroism that the rest of the series tried to deconstruct
It was pointless, it was senseless, it wasn’t necessary, and the story, characters, and readers all deserved better than that
Finnick Odair is happy and fine and he’s definitely alive, because all that unadulterated bullshit, “lmao finnick dies” crap never happened
my first thoughts on the series: uh. The first time I tried to read the books, I didn’t even get to the games themselves, because SCollins introduced Madge, introduced the backstory of her and Katniss being like kinda friends but kinda not but they’re not sure, and I was like, “ugh, why. I already know you’re going to make me suffer this bullshit between the two boys, but why would you hand me a totally valid and much more interesting F/F option. Why” and on the other hand, because Katniss reminded me too much of myself at a point when I wasn’t ready to deal with that
my thoughts now: We all deserved better, but I say that all the time about the HP series, too, so me feeling like the series was kind of a let down in various places and criticizing different aspects of it? Isn’t going to stop me from enjoying it
Also, Finnick is fine, Madge is fine, Effie and Haymitch are gay, Gale is bi, and most of my favorite characters are autistic because I said so, that’s why (—I mean, I actually have cases based on canon evidence for Finnick and Katniss, but my real rationale here is, “I want them to be autistic, so they are now, okay peace bye”)
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gyeommine · 7 years
t a g g e d
hello <3
i was tagged by @unimportantweirdo so ty !
i’ll but this under the cut bc this is a long tag. ty for the love and interest in my weirdo life;)
Name: Olivia (or livvi on here) Age: 17 Birth date: 27th October ‘99
Drink: Coffee Phone Call: Rhys, my boyfriend;) Text: Again, the boyf Song you listened to: Monday To Saturday - SEVENTEEN Time you cried: probably recently lol ur g is a wreck
Dated someone twice: Nope Been cheated on: Unfortunately, yes. Kissed someone and regretted it: Not at the time, no. Lost someone special: My old man:( Been depressed: Uh no, I couldn’t diagnose myself with something like that. Got drunk and thrown up: Nope, i am your responsible kpop mum hello.
THREE FAVE COLOURS 1) Mint green 2) Grey 3) Light blue
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU Made new friends: Yes Fallen out of love: Nope Laughed ‘til you’ve cried: Almost every day ahaaa Found out someone was talking about you: No! Met someone who changed you: Big question, I’d say yes. Found out who your true friends are: Not in this year, but the year prior - yes. Kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes;) my boyfriEND hah How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All. Do you have any pets: I have a rabbit called Felix II Do you want to change your name: Nahh What did you do for your last birthday: Not much, I can’t plan. What time did you wake up: 6:25am What were you doing at midnight last night: I was sleeping. Name something you can’t wait for: A mini performance I am doing in June ! Last time you saw your mother: This morning. One thing you wish you could change about your life: My laziness What are you listening to right now: My stepdad ranting. Have you ever talked to a person called Tom: A couple !
Something getting on your nerves: A whole handful of things Most visited website: tumblr;) Elementary/Primary: SO LONG AGO High School: in yr 12 Secondary School none of this US education system lark College: I guess that’s university? so i am thinking about it yUP Hair colour: Mousey brown Length: Collarbone length Do you have a crush on someone: nOOO (yh lol i got a boy) What do you like about yourself: My bone structure / eyes. Also, my sass ayy Piercings: Got noneeee Blood type: Don’t know it. Nicknames: Noodle... for a lil’ while anyway. Relationship status: Taken;) Zodiac: Scorpio Pronouns: She/Her Favourite TV show: Sherlock / Game Of Thrones / Poldark Tattoos: N o n e Right or left hand: Right handed
FIRST Surgery: I had grommets put in for my glue ear as a wee babby. Piercing: None Sport: I used to do swimming, alas, i was terrible. Vacation/Holiday: Greece but I don’t remember lmao. Pair of trainers: ?? no idea fam. Eating: not atm, just had a cheeky muffin Drinking: just had a cheeky coffee I’m about to: write an essay (after this) Waiting for: nothing?? Want: to just pass all my a levels rn lmao.
FUTURE Want kids: Possibly? but it’s not my main purpose in life. Get married: yeeee why not Career: Act or be a speech therapist welp who knows.
Hugs or kisses: huuuuugs. Lips or eyes: Eyes Shorter or taller: Taller Older or younger: prefer older, two ex’s that were younger and no ty Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous Nice arms or nice stomach: pshhh either, arms are noice tho. Sensitive or loud: A good balance ?? Hook up or relationship: Relationship for sure. Troublemaker or hesitant: aGAIN, a mixture of both.
HAVE YOU EVER Kissed a stranger: Nope Drank hard liquor: oHo no i have barely drunk anything Lost glasses/contact lenses: no actually! Turned someone down: No Sex on first date: NoPE Broken someone’s heart: I doubt it lol Had your heart broken: Eh, yes but for the wrong reasons Been arrested: Nope Cried when someone died: Ofc Fallen for a friend: Yes but i was dumb and now we’re super close so?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN Yourself: I try to Miracles: where you from? yOU Sexy thaaaaanng Love at first sight: No, I need time. Santa Claus: No lol Kissing on the first date: Nah Angels: No (fyi i am the biggest cynic lol)
Current best friend’s name: Ben Eye colour: Very blue Favourite movie: The Breakfast Club, can almost quote it lol
I tag… @kpopwritingspot , @triptiych​ , @kookiexalien and literally anyone else who would like to do it.
from doing this i realise that tHE G WHO TAGged me is also from the UK hiiiiiii <3 ty for tagging me.
thanks for reading!
- Livvi
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sini-sterility · 7 years
fallout 4 for the fandom ask?
the first character i ever fell in love with:       That’d be Scribe Haylen! Poor girl deserves better than fucking Rhys. He’s an even bigger shitbaby than Maxson. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:   Hancock. I used to be obsessed with Hancock, but after finding the VA’s tumblr and seeing how he interacts with people, I think that he tries too hard to be ‘lolsorandomXD’ and funny, and that kinda transferred onto the character and I became kinda unenamored. I still like the character enough, and enjoy Danny Shorago in doses, but I’m kinda out of love with him. The only times I like Hancock now are when I’m writing fics and prompts about/for him, and even then it’s only because I’m good at staying in character and developing a character naturally.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Danse/Maxson. Used to think it was tragic, but now I just find it annoying, especially when people try to insist that Maxson isn’t really a xenophobic asshole; he’s just in shock! Hunny. No. Shock is pushing someone away, not order their death.
my ultimate favorite character™: Nicky Valentine! I love noir. I love AI. I love androids. And when you put three of my absolute favorite tropes ever in one crumbling toaster, you get a Nick Valentine fangirl.
prettiest character: I think Cait is really pretty, I really dig freckles and fair skin and red hair. Plus she’s hella buff and wears a corset so :/
my most hated character: Father/real Shaun. Badly developed character, and he gives off a really heavy ‘Norman Bates’ vibe.
my OTP: You’re going to give me a funny look for this one, but… I really really really like Preston/Cait. Face it. They’d make a cute couple. 
my NOTP: I don’t really have a NOTP outside of Maxson/Danse, but I have a pairing that I think is iffy and a bit abusive. Marcy and Jun Long. But I still like it because they suffered a shared loss and they need to sort their lives out together - and hopefully then Marcy will be less of an abrasive, borderline abusive person. 
favorite episode quest: CONFIDENCE MAN! I loved taking Travis to save Yefim - and consequently, commenting on Travis being an idiot and rushing in to take on Tower Tom immediately, as well as freaking out that he was gonna get himself killed before I could finish the quest.
saddest death: To me, it’s one that we didn’t even see. It was Kyle Long’s death. The way Jun was absolutely floored by it, rendered catatonic… I actually cried the second time around.
favorite season faction:   While the Minutemen are more Moderate, like me - I actually prefer the Railroad. Woo woo, all aboard the Freedom train! (It’s worth mentioning that my idol ever since I was very small has been Harriet Tubman, so I think that may play a small part in it lol)
least favorite season faction: Okay. Fallout 4 was the first Fallout game I actually played played. I played about 10 minutes of the first Fallout game, and hung it up. I sucked ass at it, even on the lowest difficulty. So I’m going to say that for Fallout 4, it’s the Brotherhood under Elder Maxson. I loved the Brotherhood under Lyons when I finally played Fo3 though.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: Piper. She’s so annoying, not to mention: reckless child endangerment??? Like, there she is, wandering all over the Commonwealth with the SoSu, when her 12 year old sister is in Diamond City by herself, most likely dealing with Pipers many dis-admirers, and probably running the paper herself. Bruh. #SaveNatalieWright.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: MacCready! I love my ugly turtle-mouth boy. 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:  Preston Garvey does not deserve all this hate augh!
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: OC(Lark)/Maxson ship I’ve got. I both love and hate it, and I even address in the fic that their relationship is not healthy lol.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Curie/anyone. I think Curie is adorable, even though she’s got a mean streak a mile wide. She’d be adorable with just about ANYONE.
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