fictionkinfessions · 9 days
I'm sorry, guys. I know my death was one of the hardest things you had to deal with. I didn't mean to hurt you (Sal), or Ash, or anybody. I just didn't want to turn to darkness, or the cult. I felt it, in me, and what it wanted me to do. I just couldn't let them win. I /know/ I would have been in Todd's shoes if things were different, and I was still alive through it all. I'm sorry Todd, I didn't know that would happen to you. I wish it didn't. You too Sal, I wish you didn't have to do what you did.
- larry johnson (Sally face)
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calling-for-kins · 10 months
Hi! Im fictionkin of Larry Johnson from the video game Sally Face! Im 16, so I would prefer it if other minors around my age interacted!! No doubles, please. Im looking for basically anyone that wants to talk, especially Sal & Ash!
I remember that Sal and my mom got me a black and white bass guitar for my 17-18 birthday. I ended up putting a whole bunch of Sanity's Fall stickers on it!! I also remember being in a small band with Sal, Ash, and I. If any of this sounds familiar please interact to this post, or send me a message at whispers.in.the.dark on discord!
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quietlykinning · 4 years
Canon calling for everyone tbh -
Long list of memories incoming.
- When I came out as trans, my mom was super supportive. Sal's dad was kinda apprehensive, and it was partially my fault they didn't get married. At least, that's how I view it. Sal tried to make me feel better, but I've always felt mildly guilty for being myself.
- I know my Sal and I were in a band for a while. It was really nice. Ash sang main and me and Sal sang back up.
- We mostly played rock. Because, you know, Edgy teens.
- I have a memory of all of us going out to the lake and getting high as fuck with some shit from Todd's parents. We all ended up skinny dipping and howling at the mood. It was chaotic but such a fun fucking experience.
- Ash and I lit a bonfire joy later that night for us to warm up.
- I remember my Sal and I constantly had a “what no we aren’t gay” thing we would do, like we would kiss each other in public and then when asked if we were dating we’d go “Haha no just bro’s being bro’s”.
- There was one time where me and Sal snuck off to make out in a closet, and Neil found us. Todd was all "I told you I'd find them." and Ash gave him ten bucks.
- I got my first van and we all celebrated in the back of it because it had SPACE. Sal and I fucking crashed in it for, like, two weeks because it was freedom from the stupid apartments. Which made my transition easier.
- Ash lowkey had a cute gf?? She took Sal out for dates, though, and tbh, I didn't mind bc his happiness was hella important.
- After kicking Travis' ass one good time, and him apologising to Sal, he kinda became one of the gang. I think him and Sal had a thing when we broke up for a while tbh.
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i’m ready and willing to fight henry fisher for being a shitty dad. i’m gonna throw a stereo at that man -larry “i will protect sal fisher with my life” johnson
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infernalanarchy · 6 years
Sally Face Aesthetic Moodboards
I made some moodboards for the boys a little bit ago. I always have a shit ton of fun making them, and since only my best friend (who is the Sal to my Larry) likes Sally Face - I figured I'd share them here so the fandom can see them.
I’ll definitely be doing way more of these for other characters. If you wanna see them sooner, follow me on insta @insanitys_fall.
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childoffaerie · 6 years
memory talk (drugs/alcohol/suicide)
i wasn't dead when sal came back to the apartments. not yet. i was dying, though. not sure what of, but it didn't really hurt. probably a combination of shooting myself up with heroin and drinking a whole bottle of fairly strong alcohol (scotch or whiskey, i think).
he came up into the treehouse. he shook me at first, but then he just held me. for a long time. he was crying, and so was i, kinda. i was too far gone to talk or even open my eyes. but i was definitely crying. i didn't want to leave him, or for him to leave me. i remember thinking "i don't wanna leave you, sally face" over and over again, but things just kept getting hazier and blurrier and i died in his arms. i wish i'd texted him later, or never texted him at all. he didn't deserve that heartache.
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canoncalled · 6 years
hi this is larry johnson from sally face! my sal and i are looking for all of our pals (maple, chug, neil) but especially todd and ash! we’d prefer if travis didn’t interact. thank youuu, like / reblog and i’ll message you or message me @ ddevout
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strange-kin-calls · 6 years
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~~ Larry Johnson, Sally Face ~~ I remember you updating the request but I couldn’t find it, so I put what I remembered, I hope that’s ok! For @pocket-sized-pete
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fictionkinfessions · 4 months
Deciding to participate in LGBT Canons because I like talking about me being a gay little shit
Sal Fisher: Genderqueer trans man that was GNC as fuck, Asexual Omniromantic, also dating a transmasc nonbinary Ash (love u Asher <3)
Larry Johnson: Transmasc nonbinary man, Asexual Demiromantic Omniromantic
Cyn Dherr: Transmasc nonbinary, Bisexual
Polaris Amry Klepsky: Nonbinary, Asexual Biromantic
Randy Cunningham: Some flavor of transmasc nonbinary, Aroace
Donnie: Also some flavor of trans and nonbinary, no idea what my sexuality was I was too busy doing hot girl shit
Fake Peppino: Agender but also connected to masculinity, Aroace
Allister (From Pokemon Shield): Nonbinary, all I got for sexual orientation is Asexual lol
Lolbit: I was just a trans man, probably some form of nonbinary as well but I was very much trans (can't believe Afton would get rid of me and ruin my duo act with my bigender sibling smh)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
fuck, those apartments were shit in retrospect, but i miss em like hell. i miss my best friends, my mom, todd’s parents who were always happy to share their bud, even the ghosts and creepyass fifth floor. iunno. i don’t have a point to make here. just a little homesick, i guess. -larry johnson
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
“did you know sal and larry are step brothers” bold of you to assume that being forcibly brotherzoned by our parents wasn’t part of why i killed myself. we met in high school, and i fell in love with him before my mom ever even started dating henry — he was never my fucking brother. leave us alone. -larry johnson
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
why’s it always gotta be the suicidal asshole with a drug problem? i mean, thank christ i’m not like that this time around, but still. shit. -klaus hargreeves (tua), larry johnson (sf), and now john hancock (fo4)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
rewatched a playthrough of my source. got to the part where i offed myself. hearing sal cry . . . jesus. i’m sorry. i never wanted to hurt you. or ash, or my mom, or anyone else i loved. those apartments were fucking with me big time, man, and i was already screwed up enough to begin with. i wish i could go back and undo it. but knowing you had to find me like that? i’m so fucking sorry, sally face. -larry
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
“sal and larry are step brothers!!!1!” in my canon, my mom died not long after the events of the wretched. no the fuck we were not. -larry
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
i loved him. i loved him before i saw his face, and i loved him even more after. i loved the rare, vulnerable moments he took off his prosthetic in front of me. i loved that he trusted me enough to do that. i loved getting stoned with him, or drunk off cheap liquor. i loved his laugh. i loved his cheesy sense of humor. i loved that he always teased me back. i loved damn near everything about him. i still love him. -larry johnson
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
man. got thrown into a larry kinshift, and i just wanna kiss sal, dude. i loved him so much, but i never acted on it, even though i’d been crushing on him for years before my mom ever started dating his dad. but he was my best friend first, and i didn’t wanna ruin that. now i kinda wish i had.
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