#last minute flights to mumbai
flyopedia · 1 year
Premium economy is a cabin which offers you the amenities between business class and economy class. Normally it is available on the international flights and on short-haul domestic flights. The advantages of the economy premium class is that wider seat, enough space for legroom, premium meals, amenities and services. If you really want to experience this great opportunity of the premium economy then grab Flights to India from USA. Here we will discuss some top airlines which will provide you good experience.
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flightfaremasters · 1 year
Cheap tickets to India with 40 % off
Are you in a hurry and need to book a last-minute flight to India? Get discounted deals for last-minute tickets to India, covering all the major airports. We have Special fares available for traveling to Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kochi, and more. So what are you waiting for, call now our travel expert and get the cheapest deal by calling our toll-free number +1-877-773-1199
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A Cup of Tea and Paracetamol pt 2/?
I’m back with part 2! Sorry for the delay, last weekend was wildly busy. This part features a staunchly miserable Elijah, so I hope you guys enjoy that. Unedited, basically unread by me until I look at it later and hate myself for a random spelling/grammar mistake. Part one can be found here, if you’re interested in reading that/understanding what’s going on in this part lmao. I’m thinking this is going to be 3 parts, and the final one should be up later this week (hopefully. No promises lol). 
OH ALSO I am very much so not from England, I’ve never been outside the US so I’m sorry if I say something that sounds super weird or wrong about England. Just go ahead and pre-suspend your disbelief that basically no cold medication can be found in London while you’re at it. This is fiction and it’s at the mercy of what makes my characters the most miserable lmao. 
cw: male sneezing, colds, contagion is mentioned but not explicitly in this part
A Cup of Tea and Paracetamol (pt 2)
“Stop laughing.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m not laughing, I’m getting it together,” Greyson took a deep breath slowly, but it came out once again as a squawk of a laugh. Elijah elbowed him hard in the arm before snatching his bag off of the moving carousel.
“You’re an ass,” Elijah grumbled, moving towards the exit.
“Boss, hey, I’m sorry, man,” Greyson said jogging a bit to keep up with Elijah. “But I mean, come on. It is kind of funny.”
“I literally cannot think of anything less funny,” Elijah said, pulling his hand sanitizer out of his pocket for the millionth time that day and squirting the last of it on his hands. “That was a fucking nightmare.” The sick man Elijah had been sitting next to literally couldn’t have done a worse job of keeping his germs to himself; he had basically sneezed and coughed for the entire seven hours, minus maybe thirty minutes of snoring with his open mouth facing Elijah. Greyson hailed a cab as Elijah shuddered; at least it was over.
“We’re gonna have to find an English CVS or something,” Greyson mused. “Do they have Emergen-C here?”
“I have no idea,” Elijah said, massaging his temples before opening the cab door. “Let’s just get away from this godforsaken airport.”
The ride to the hotel was thankfully quick, and by some miracle, the gift shop in the lobby did stock Emergen-C. Greyson and Elijah loaded up, dropped their things in the room, and headed out to dinner. Their first day was completely blown because of the flight and the time difference, so over their meals Elijah was busy texting the contact for the event.
“What’d she say about the product we ordered?” Greyson asked, his leg bouncing nervously under the table. Elijah gave him a pointed look and showed the chef his text stream with the contact – a woman named Samantha.
“She said she has it all,” he said as Greyson read through their texts. “Stop worrying so much.”
Greyson snorted. “That’s rich coming from you,” he said, taking a bite of his sandwich. “The king of fuckin worrying.”
“It’s a festival event, Grey. We’ve done a thousand of them. It’s not like we’re doing it in Mumbai and we don’t speak the language.” Greyson shrugged and Elijah sent off another text.
“Okay,” Elijah said, clapping his hands together. “Tomorrow: prep. It’s 1,000 portions, if we get to the kitchen at seven, it’ll probably take us ten hours to get everything done.”
“Seven?!” Greyson asked, incredulous. “Isn’t that like three in the morning our time?”
Elijah shrugged. “We have to get it done, Grey. We don’t have the team help us; I think the event provides a couple of culinary students, but that’s it. It’s gonna be a long one.”
Greyson groaned and put his head in his hands. “Fine,” he said after a moment of mourning his sleep. “But I’m gonna complain the whole time.”
Elijah chuckled as he flagged the server. “I’d expect no less.”
Greyson peeled his eyes open at the ass-crack of dawn to see that the bathroom light was on and the shower was running. Jesus christ, he thought, does Elijah ever fucking sleep?
The chef rolled unceremoniously out of bed and grudgingly shoved his legs into jeans and his arms into his chef coat. It was so goddamn early. He was so goddamn tired. While buttoning his chef coat, Greyson fantasized about running away, skipping the event and just enjoying London like it was a vacation; beer and fish and chips in a dark pub, strolling through museums with no schedule, taking a long ass hotel nap and then going to a Michelin-starred restaurant for dinner. Yeah… now that sounded like a trip.
Just as he was about to pound on the bathroom door and ask if Elijah had fallen in, Greyson heard his boss’s breath hitch.
Oh, mother fucker.
“Lij…?” Greyson called into the bathroom. When he didn’t get an answer, he knocked tentatively. “Y’okay in there?”
Greyson heard nothing for a moment, the a sudden – “HGTSHH-ue!” Greyson set his jaw in anticipation, and just as he was about to knock again, Elijah opened the door.
“I’m good,” he said, his voice slightly lower than it usually was. “You ready?”
“Uh, yeah,” Greyson said, motioning to his getup. “Are you sure you’re alright? I heard you, uh… sneezing.”
“I’m fine, Grey, just steam from the shower. C’mon, we need to meet Samantha in the lobby in five minutes.”
Greyson followed Elijah silently to the elevator, and continued his silence as they descended to the lobby. He couldn’t lie; he was worried. Worried about his boss, a bit, but mostly worried about the event - if Elijah was sick, who was going to work the booth with him tomorrow? He couldn’t do it himself, he knew that much for sure, but, to be frank, he was fairly scared of invoking Elijah’s wrath by asking if he was sick, or even offering to get him medicine. Instead, while Elijah went through the finer details of the event with Samantha, Greyson snuck off to the giftshop, bought two bottles of water, and filled them both with Emergen-C. Before Elijah could notice he’d left, Greyson breezed back to the lobby and placed a bottle in his boss’s hand.
“What’s this?” Elijah asked as he waved goodbye to Samantha. Greyson shrugged.
“Emergen-C. Long flight, long couple days; better to be safe than sorry.”
Elijah gave Greyson a pointed look, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and chugged half of it.
“Right,” he said, screwing the cap back on. “Let’s go check out the kitchen.”
Not to be dramatic, but Elijah really wasn’t sure how he was going to make it through the weekend.
It was about seven hours into prepping the short rib nacho they were serving for tomorrow’s event, and Elijah’s eyes were drooping at even the thought of another seven hours. He’d definitely been entirely too optimistic about his and Greyson’s abilities to get this knocked out in ten hours; the culinary students he’d assumed would be helping them prep were, as it turned out, scheduled to help run the booth tomorrow, not cook with them today. Elijah and Greyson were balls-deep in chopping, searing, frying, and basting with no end in sight. And it really didn’t help that Elijah couldn’t seem to get one little thing under control.
“hehhNGTHSH-uh! HGSTH-oo!” Elijah sneezed into his elbow for what felt like the billionth time that day and sniffed as hard as he could before returning to slicing potatoes on the mandolin.
“Careful,” Greyson said, also for the billionth time. “Do you want me to take those over, boss? We really can’t have you slicing your finger off.”
“Ndo,” Elijah said, wincing at how his own voice sounded. “I’mb good.”
Whatever monster of a cold the man on the plane had had yesterday, it certainly traveled quickly. Elijah had woken up that morning with a scratchy throat and slightly runny nose, and now at just after noon he was fairly sure he was dying. “HETSSHCHH-ue!”
“Bless,” Greyson said, curt. At the beginning of the day, Greyson had been sympathetic – almost overly sympathetic, bordering on neurotic. He’d offered to buy Elijah medicine in the gift shop, which Elijah had staunchly declined until about ten am. After the third offer, Elijah had broken down and given up on the ‘I’m-not-sick-I’m-totally-fine’ charade. “Fine, yes, find me what they have.”
But Greyson had come back empty-handed, with exception of the mystery drug the man on the plane had requested yesterday – paracetamol. After a quick google search, they found out it was pretty much just tylenol.
“Tylenol??” Elijah had asked, dumbstruck. “That’s really all they have?”
Greyson had nodded. “I asked the woman at the front if there was, like, a drug store somewhere that sells dayquil and she had no idea what I was talking about.”
“You have got to be fucking shitting – HGTSHH-oo! Huhh...hehESTCHHH-ue! Snf.” Elijah wiped his face on his sleeve, defeated. “Shittigg mbe.”
He was not. A call to a local drugstore confirmed that dayquil and nyquil weren’t available in the UK, and their best bet was going to be the paracetamol. Elijah had tried to stifle a groan, and Greyson had offered his sympathy.
“I’m sorry, boss,” he said as he browned the short ribs in a huge tilt skillet. “I can ask the front desk to make you some tea?”
After Elijah had grumbled something about hating tea, Greyson had sighed and seemingly given up on the niceties. Now, several hours later, he had taken to not even mentioning Elijah’s condition.
“HRETSSHHOO!” This one caught Elijah off-guard, and he ended up doubled over his legs with his arms over his head to keep from contaminating the food. “Mbother fucker,” he mumbled, moving towards the hand washing station to blow his nose. From across the kitchen, Elijah heard Greyson sigh.
“Boss,” he called as Elijah threw away a handful of paper towels. “Go take a break.”
“Grey, we have so mbuch left to do. I’mb not leaving you.”
“Lij, please. Just go lay down for an hour or something, I literally am standing here with my stomach in my asshole freaking out that you’re not going to be able to do the event tomorrow, so please please just go and take a nap with some tea. Please.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow at Greyson and coughed lightly into his fist. “What the fugck are you talkigg about?” he asked, walking closer to the chef.
Greyson ran a nervous hand through his hair, then, noticing what he’d done, snapped the gloves off his hands and threw them in the trash with much more force than was necessary. “I’m just worried, dude, like you look like fucking hell. You look like you’re going to fuckin keel over, and I literally cannot do this event by myself. I can’t, Lij.”
Elijah huffed out a laugh that turned into a dry cough. “Greysond,” he said, as gently as he could muster, “I don’t care if I have two brokend arms and two brokend legs. I’mb going to be at the event. Okay? It’s a cold. I’mb fuckigg miserable, but it’s a cold. It’s gonna be fine.” He placed a careful hand on the chef’s shoulder and shook him lightly. “Okay?”
Greyson let out a shaky sigh. “Okay,” he said. “Good,” Elijah said, giving his friend’s shoulder a squeeze. “But you’re right about onde thing: we ndeed a break. And I think I mbight take you up ond – HGSTHH-oo! HRSHH-uh! Huhh…hhNGSTHH-ue!” Elijah groaned into the sleeve of his shirt and took the paper towel Greyson held out to him. “Ond the fuckigg tea.”
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androgynous-bhajipav · 5 months
Short story for the Desi Secret Santa Exchange
Blue and lilac melded into a different colour entirely to signal the onset of dusk. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles whooshed past her on the street. The air was light with the sounds of chatter and laughter over a cup of coffee from the adjoining café. Anuja stood in front of the bookshop with a frown, left foot tapping against the pavement in an uncertain manner.
Odd. Their bookshop meets were sacred! Tarun never arrived late to these before. Anuja stared at her surroundings, stared at her white shoes, at her blank phone screen - everywhere. She tried calling a few times to no response.
It had been Anuja's dream to study fashion design in Paris for so long and she was finally here. The first couple of months were like a passing storm cloud. Everything happened all at once- welcome parties, assignment deadlines, one night stands, a life-altering realisation. And she was alone through it all.
Well, not exactly. She'd video-call Naani over Skype every week. Naani would rant about whatever Nanaji's newest peculiar obsession was (dal fry, that one political party, that one sceen from that one Akshay Kumar movie) and Anuja would rant about the latest event of her life (Mireille and Daisy's party, finally visiting the Louvre, finally making a friend). Naani, the badass woman that she was, had been to Paris for studying herself in the early sixties. She'd met Edith Piaf too! And that made it a bit more tolerable, her anecdotes. Anuja would try to do the things her Naani had done decades ago and feel amazing.
But right now, Anuja wasn't thinking about her grandmother. She was thinking about how damn LATE Tarun was! A quick glance at her wrist-watch told her it was almost seven and the probability of Tarun finally showing up, all windswept hair and flushed cheeks, dwindled by the minute.
A couple months ago Anuja had been terribly homesick. The aroma of dum biryani would creep into her dreams unprecedented only for her to absently munched on a random sandwich from her refrigerator the next morning. The yearning to dance manically to Diljit Dosaanjh's new song playing from crappy speakers until her feet gave way was ever-present. Maybe she should've listened to her father and started preparing for NEET. Maybe she should've run away with her friends from Mumbai and started a rock band. And that's when she met Tarun.
God, she was going to lose it whenever Tarun showed up next! He'd stood her up thrice now. Anuja understood when he canceled movie night, and forgot about the study date in the library. But this was the last straw.
Sighing, she retraced her steps and called Naani first thing on reaching her flat. It took a second for the connection to get established, but as soon as she heard the "what's wrong, beta?" all thoughts came tumbling out.
Turns out, every assignment wasn't interesting. But you still had to meet every deadline and hell, Anuja was a scholarship student. She Could. Not. Afford. To get a bad remark. She'd succeeded so far but only barely, spending the night before completing it from start to finish, fuelled by caffeine. There were plenty who got better remarks, wider smiles and more approving nods than her. It was a long road.
"What's wrong, beta?" Naani asked again, once she was done ranting. Damn.
Everything. Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic. Maybe she should maje coffee. Maybe she should hunt all over for Tarun, hold him at gunpoint and ask him why he was canceling stuff. And while she was at it, just ki-
Maybe she could catch the next flight and return to India. Yeah, maybe that'd make things so much better!
"EVERYTHING!" She groaned and her Naani laughed heartily.
"Acquired a flair for the dramatics already, meri choti si jaan has already morphed into a true Parisienne!" Naani exclaimed and Anuja rolled her eyes. (Spoiler alert: she was also smiling wide)
Her grandmother looked above the screen for a second, probably to check on Nanaji, before meeting her eyes. There was an uncertain silence before Naani broke it by asking, "Who's the boy?"
What boy?
"Naani, chalo bhi! I'm not interested in dating. This is a crisis. I kind of want to return to India. Aapka aloo paratha yaad aa raha hai, bhaad mein gaye bell bottoms!"
She meant it as a light comment. But tears had made their way across her cheeks. She had no real friends here, except for Tarun but well that depends. Mireille and Daisy invited her to ONE party and never looked her in the eye again. Same with everyone else. Anuja was alone here, polar opposite of how she was in Mumbai. And she was losing interest in stuff anyway.
"Louvre aur Eiffel Tower toh roj dikh jaata hai, Naani Maa, but there's nothing left for me here. Maybe there never was-"
"Chup kar," Naani said abruptly, crossing her arms. "Ever since you were little, beta, you were obsessed with clothes. I'd take you to the Growels Mall and you'd stare at those mannequins for hours, poetry spinning away in your head. Your arms itching to hold the dresses, to feel its fabrics and study it carefully."
Anuja had stopped crying. She longed to tell Naani that people change, feelings fade, but she remained quiet. Naani had a strange expression on her face, inscrutable.
"I want to you to know that humaare darwaazein hamesha khule hai, Anu, but I want you to think over thus for a week. Don't make any rash decisions you'll regret later-"
She stared at a point above the screen again, eyebrows raised. "Jevaayla vaadhlay, Pakya," she said with barely concealed exasperation.
Anuja laughed. This wad golden- Naani almost never called Nanaji by his name unless she was super irritated and even then, she'd use this nickname his siblings addressed him with!
That's when she decided. She'd been through four months of overwhelming stuff; a week was shorter than the time it took to convince Naani once that there was no lizard in the house. Anuja could manage. Someone chose that moment to ring the doorbell and Anuja greeted her grandmother goodbye.
It was Tarun, with windswept hair and flushed cheeks. About fucking time.
Seven days later.
Tarun was cooking a rather nice-smelling dum biryani in their little flat kitchen using the groceries they'd brought in last night. Anuja was pacing back and forth in the passage, overthinking every little thought she'd been so sure of last night. She was going to tell Naani today. She was going to tell Naani that-
"I want to stay in Paris and complete my education! And then, I want to go to Mumbai to start something of my own," she blurted out, all in one breath.
And the other thing. Well, Anuja had listened to numerous Lata Mangeshkar songs this week and everything else on their Spotify Blend to try and find the right words for this moment. Tarun walked out of the kitchen looking like a greek god and sat next to her on the couch. He and Naani exchanged greetings.
What if Naani thought she wasn't following her heart and only staying in Paris for Tarun? Well, Tarun was certainly a part of it. They made each other better. And maybe getting him to model all the outfits Anuja made was another plus point.
"Something else you'd like to tell me, chhakuli?"
Wait, did she know? Was it that obvious? And most importantly, why was she smiling? Was she seriously okay with it?
Ah, right. She'd been absently holding Tarun's hand the whole time. Naani narrowed her eyes and Anuja's blood ran cold. "You break my granddaughter's heart, you break my heart, clear? And I'd prefer to keep it intact for now."
"Of course, Aunty!"
Anuja was in Paris, living a dream, seeing another one - Mumbai - at midnight. She was certain she'd go far in life. She was certain she'd be okay. Well, home is where the heart is and sometimes that home is a person.
Hope you liked your Secret Santa @vellhighbandi ! I hope there aren't too many grammatical errors here haha. And I swear the story was MUCH longer than this so if you like, I could send you the deleted scenes separately. And if you hate this, I'll write something else. Wish you a belated Merry Christmas!
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mojoflight · 2 months
10 Little Known Ways To Make the Most Out of Your Delhi Flights
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Hey there, fellow traveler! So, you're gearing up for a flight to Delhi, huh? Well, let us tell you, it's gonna be one heck of a ride! But worry not, we've got some insider tips to make your air journey even more memorable and affordable. Let's dive in!
Get the Best of Airlines Deal: First and first thing, the best of airlines that will make your air travel much more exciting with a more budget friendly New Delhi flight ticket choices. If you are low in the finance department you can go with:
IndiGo Airlines
SpiceJet Airlines
Vistara Airlines
Akasa Air
Just Roll with the Flow: Delhi airport can be a bit chaotic, but hey, that's part of the adventure, right? Take a deep breath, soak in the energy, and go with the flow. You'll blend in like a pro!
Early Bird Catches the Fun: Get to the airport early to avoid any last minute rushes. Plus, it gives you time to snoop around, grab a snack, or just people-watch. Trust us, it's a vibe!
Terminal Tourist: Terminal 3 is where all the cool stuff happens. Take a walk to the Airport treasure, check out the shops, and maybe treat yourself to a little something. Who knows, you might find a gem or two!
Stay Connected, Stay Sane: Free Wi-Fi is your best friend. Keep your buddies updated, binge-watch cat videos, or stalk your favorite celebs. Whatever flies your plane!
Nom Nom Nom: Hungry? Get ready to try some local treats before takeoff. Spicy snacks, hearty meals—Delhi Airport has it all. Just follow your nose!
Lounging Around: Treat yourself to a lounge pass. Unlimited snacks, cozy vibes, and maybe a cheeky cocktail or two. It's like a mini vacation before your vacation!
Leg Day, Every Day: Stretch those limbs before you board. Take a light stroll around, do a little dance, or just wiggle in your seat. Your body will thank you later!
Snack Attack: Pack some munchies for the journey. Granola bars, fruit, maybe even some homemade cookies. Sharing is caring, after all!
Hydration Station: Water, water everywhere! Stay hydrated like a boss. Fill up your bottle after security and sip away. Trust me, it's a game-changer!
Delhi Dreams: As you board, let the excitement sink in. Delhi is waiting with open arms, ready to dazzle you with its charm. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
So there you have it, 10 little secrets to rock your New Delhi flight like a pro. Embrace the chaos, enjoy the delights, and get ready for an epic journey. Delhi, here you come! So it doesn't matter what ticket you hold, be it Ayodhya to Delhi flight, Mumbai to Bangalore or any other flight route, you can be assured that you will get the best of flight experience with the above mentioned points. Happy travels!
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nitiaura · 2 months
Tips for booking Mumbai to Delhi flights for frequent flyers
Booking flights for frequent travel requires a strategic approach to ensure convenience, cost-effectiveness, and a smooth experience. If you're a frequent flyer on the Mumbai to Delhi flights, these tips will help you optimize your bookings and make your travel more efficient.
Flexible Dates and Times: 
Flexibility is key for frequent flyers. Avoid peak travel times and consider flying during off-peak hours, such as mid-week or early morning/late-night flights. Use flight search engines and tools to view fare calendars, helping you identify the cheapest dates to travel.
Book in Advance: 
While last-minute deals can sometimes be found, booking well enough in advance increases your chances of securing affordable fares. Airlines offer lower prices for flights booked several weeks or months before the departure date.
Loyalty Programs: 
Enroll in the frequent flyer programs of the airlines you often use. Accumulate miles and points with each flight, which can later be redeemed for discounted flights, seat upgrades, and other benefits.
Use Price Comparison Tools: 
Utilize online flight search engines and comparison websites to compare fares across various airlines. These tools aggregate information from different sources, helping you find the best deals.
Set Fare Alerts: 
Subscribe to fare alert services that notify you when prices drop for your chosen route. This way, you can seize the opportunity to book at a lower rate.
Consider One-Way Bookings: 
Instead of always booking round-trip flights, explore booking one-way tickets with different airlines. This approach might yield better prices and scheduling flexibility.
Use Airline Credit Cards: 
Some airlines offer credit cards with benefits like bonus miles, free checked bags, priority boarding, and discounts on in-flight services. These perks can add up over time, especially for frequent travelers.
Avoid Peak Seasons: 
Peak travel seasons have higher fares. Whenever possible, schedule your trips during off-peak periods to enjoy lower prices.
Mix and Match Airlines: 
Consider using different airlines for your outbound and return flights if it results in cost savings. This technique, known as "mix and match," can sometimes lead to better overall deals. This way you get to book cheap flight tickets for your travel. 
Bundle with Accommodation: 
Some travel websites offer discounts when booking your flight and hotel together. Explore these options to save on both aspects of your trip.
Avoid Direct Flights: 
Non-stop flights might be convenient, but they can also be more expensive. Consider flights with layovers or connecting flights, as they often come with lower price tags.
Consider Premium Economy: 
While less expensive than business or first class, premium economy offers more comfort and amenities than standard economy class. If your budget allows, this can be a worthwhile upgrade for frequent flyers.
Flexible Refund Policies: 
Opt for airlines that offer flexible refund or rescheduling policies in uncertain times. It can save you money in case your plans change unexpectedly.
Book Directly with Airlines: 
Sometimes, booking directly through an airline's website can yield exclusive deals and offers unavailable on third-party platforms.
By incorporating these tips into your flight booking routine, you can make the most of your frequent travel between Mumbai and Delhi. Remember that the travel industry is constantly evolving, so staying adaptable and informed will help you find the best deals and make your journeys more enjoyable.
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amarjeet123 · 2 months
Tips for booking Mumbai to Delhi flights for frequent flyers
Booking flights for frequent travel requires a strategic approach to ensure convenience, cost-effectiveness, and a smooth experience. If you're a frequent flyer on the Mumbai to Delhi flights, these tips will help you optimize your bookings and make your travel more efficient.
Flexible Dates and Times: 
Flexibility is key for frequent flyers. Avoid peak travel times and consider flying during off-peak hours, such as mid-week or early morning/late-night flights. Use flight search engines and tools to view fare calendars, helping you identify the cheapest dates to travel.
Book in Advance: 
While last-minute deals can sometimes be found, booking well enough in advance increases your chances of securing affordable fares. Airlines offer lower prices for flights booked several weeks or months before the departure date.
Loyalty Programs: 
Enroll in the frequent flyer programs of the airlines you often use. Accumulate miles and points with each flight, which can later be redeemed for discounted flights, seat upgrades, and other benefits.
Use Price Comparison Tools: 
Utilize online flight search engines and comparison websites to compare fares across various airlines. These tools aggregate information from different sources, helping you find the best deals.
Set Fare Alerts: 
Subscribe to fare alert services that notify you when prices drop for your chosen route. This way, you can seize the opportunity to book at a lower rate.
Consider One-Way Bookings: 
Instead of always booking round-trip flights, explore booking one-way tickets with different airlines. This approach might yield better prices and scheduling flexibility.
Use Airline Credit Cards: 
Some airlines offer credit cards with benefits like bonus miles, free checked bags, priority boarding, and discounts on in-flight services. These perks can add up over time, especially for frequent travelers.
Avoid Peak Seasons: 
Peak travel seasons have higher fares. Whenever possible, schedule your trips during off-peak periods to enjoy lower prices.
Mix and Match Airlines: 
Consider using different airlines for your outbound and return flights if it results in cost savings. This technique, known as "mix and match," can sometimes lead to better overall deals. This way you get to book cheap flight tickets for your travel. 
Bundle with Accommodation: 
Some travel websites offer discounts when booking your flight and hotel together. Explore these options to save on both aspects of your trip.
Avoid Direct Flights: 
Non-stop flights might be convenient, but they can also be more expensive. Consider flights with layovers or connecting flights, as they often come with lower price tags.
Consider Premium Economy: 
While less expensive than business or first class, premium economy offers more comfort and amenities than standard economy class. If your budget allows, this can be a worthwhile upgrade for frequent flyers.
Flexible Refund Policies: 
Opt for airlines that offer flexible refund or rescheduling policies in uncertain times. It can save you money in case your plans change unexpectedly.
Book Directly with Airlines: 
Sometimes, booking directly through an airline's website can yield exclusive deals and offers unavailable on third-party platforms.
By incorporating these tips into your flight booking routine, you can make the most of your frequent travel between Mumbai and Delhi. Remember that the travel industry is constantly evolving, so staying adaptable and informed will help you find the best deals and make your journeys more enjoyable.
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gogacabsblog · 3 months
Seamless Journeys: Experience the Best Vadodara to Mumbai Taxi Service with GoGaCab
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Are you tired of the hassles and uncertainties that often come with travel? Look no further! GoGaCab is here to redefine your journey from Vadodara to Mumbai taxi with our top-notch taxi services. Say goodbye to stressful travel experiences and hello to comfort, reliability, and unmatched convenience.
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Our fleet of well-maintained, air-conditioned vehicles ensures that your journey is not just convenient but also comfortable. Whether you're traveling solo or with a group, we have a range of options to cater to your specific needs. Our drivers are professional and courteous, making your ride with GoGaCab a pleasant experience.
Safety First:
Your safety is our priority. All our vehicles undergo regular maintenance checks, and our drivers are trained to adhere to the highest safety standards. With GoGaCab, you can relax and enjoy the scenic drive from Vadodara to Mumbai without any worries.
Transparent Pricing:
At GoGaCab, we believe in transparency. No hidden charges, no last-minute surprises—our pricing is straightforward and competitive. You can trust us to provide you with the best value for your money.
24/7 Customer Support:
Have a query or need assistance? Our customer support team is available 24/7 to address your concerns. We believe in providing excellent customer service, ensuring that your experience with GoGaCab is smooth from the moment you book until you reach your destination.
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In conclusion, if you're looking for a reliable and comfortable Vadodara to Mumbai taxi service, GoGaCab is the answer. Book with us today and experience travel like never before. Your journey is our priority!
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flyopedia · 1 year
Major update coming ahead as American Airlines is all set to tackle congestion with its point-based system to onboard earlier for say India with cheap flights india.
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flightfaremasters · 1 year
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Traveling from Bagdogra to Bhutan: Your Gateway to Himalayan Bliss
Nestled in the lap of the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is a land of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and spiritual serenity. For travelers seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Bhutan offers an unparalleled experience. If you're planning a trip to this mystical kingdom and starting your journey from Bagdogra, India, then you're in for an adventure of a lifetime. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to book Bhutan package tour from Bagdogra seamlessly, ensuring you make the most of your Himalayan getaway.
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1. Getting to Bagdogra:
   - Bagdogra Airport serves as the primary gateway to the region, conveniently located in the Indian state of West Bengal. It's well-connected to major cities in India, with regular flights from Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, and other key destinations.
   - Ensure you book your flight to Bagdogra in advance, especially during peak travel seasons, to secure the best deals and availability.
2. Crossing the Border:
   - From Bagdogra, the most common route to enter Bhutan is via the border town of Phuentsholing. The distance between Bagdogra and Phuentsholing is approximately 170 kilometers, which can be covered by road in around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
   - Travelers have the option to hire a private taxi or take a shared cab from Bagdogra to Phuentsholing. Shared cabs are a budget-friendly choice, offering a chance to interact with fellow travelers and enjoy the scenic journey through lush greenery and winding mountain roads.
3. Entry Formalities:
   - Before crossing the border into Bhutan, ensure you have all necessary travel documents in order. Indian citizens can obtain a permit to enter Bhutan either online or at the immigration office in Phuentsholing.
   - Foreign nationals are required to obtain a visa in advance through a registered Bhutanese tour operator. It's advisable to plan your trip well in advance and make necessary arrangements through a reliable tour agency to avoid any last-minute hassles.
4. Exploring Phuentsholing:
   - While in Phuentsholing, take some time to explore the town's unique blend of Bhutanese and Indian cultures. Visit the Zangtho Pelri Lhakhang, a beautiful temple dedicated to Guru Rinpoche, and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of the local market.
   - Sample delicious Bhutanese cuisine at local eateries, savoring traditional dishes like Ema Datshi (chili and cheese stew) and Momos (dumplings), offering a tantalizing taste of Bhutan's culinary delights.
5. Continuing Your Journey:
   - Once you've obtained your entry permit and explored Phuentsholing, it's time to venture deeper into the heart of Bhutan. From Phuentsholing, you can travel to popular destinations like Thimphu, Paro, and Punakha, each offering its own unique charms and attractions.
   - Opt for a scenic drive or choose to travel by bus, enjoying panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, cascading waterfalls, and pristine forests along the way. Bhutan's well-maintained roads and efficient transportation system make traveling between cities a comfortable and enjoyable experience.
Embarking on a journey in your Bhutan tour package from Bagdogra is more than just a physical transition; it's a gateway to a world of natural beauty, cultural richness, and spiritual enlightenment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can navigate the route with ease and embark on an unforgettable adventure in the Land of the Thunder Dragon. So pack your bags, set your sights on Bhutan, and prepare to be captivated by the magic of the Himalayas. Safe travels!
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bookviaus · 4 months
Magic Awaits: Conquering Deals On Flights to Mumbai from Boston
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The call of the ancient yet vibrant city of Mumbai resonates. Aromatic spices dance in the air, Bollywood beats thrum under your feet, and history whispers from towering gopurams. But before you're sipping chai at a roadside stall or bargaining for silk in Chor Bazaar, let's navigate the flight game with savvy. Mastering flights from Boston to Mumbai unlocks the gateway to your Indian adventure, and we're here to map the path to exclusive deals and hassle-free journeys.
When to Book Your Mumbai Masala:
Peak Season (October to March): Diwali, Christmas, and New Year paint the town festive. Book 3 to 4 months in advance for the best deals on flight tickets.
Shoulder Seasons (April, May & September): Pleasant weather, fewer crowds, and decent deals beckon. Book 2 to 3 months beforehand.
Off-Season (June to August): Monsoon rains bring lower prices, but travel with caution. Last-minute steals might pop up!
Airlines to Consider:
Direct Delights: Air India and Emirates offer non-stop options for a seamless journey.
Layover Legends: Turkish Airlines, Lufthansa, and Swiss boast comfortable layovers in Europe or the Middle East.
Budget-Savvy Sojourners: Qatar Airways, IndiGo, and Air France offer competitive prices.
Pro-Tips for Booking Bliss:
Fly on Weekdays: Tuesdays and Wednesdays often see lower prices than weekends.
Early Bird Benifits: Booking early, especially during peak season, guarantees wider options and better deals.
Flexibility Wins: Be open to adjusting travel schedule slightly to snag cheaper fares.
Clear Your Browsing Cache: Airlines track your searches and might inflate prices. Incognito mode to the rescue!
Sign Up for Alerts: Fare trackers like Google Flights or Bookviaus notify you about price drops on your desired route.
Visa: Yes, apply for an Indian tourist visa well in advance.
Currency: Indian Rupee (INR). Exchange some before you go, and ATMs are readily available.
Language: Hindi and English are widely spoken. Hindi phrases go a long way!
Time Zone: Mumbai is 12.5 hours ahead of Boston.
So, armed with these insider secrets and the thrill of adventure, you're ready to embark on your Boston-Mumbai odyssey. Remember, the flight is just the first sip of chai. Mumbai's tapestry of colors, flavors, and soul-stirring experiences awaits. Book your dream flights from Boston to Mumbai, pack your curiosity, and get ready to paint your vibrant adventure on the canvas of this incredible city.
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captureversepalette · 5 months
The Three Hours
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She looked at the clock ticking and sighed! Okay, still there are three hours left. I better do packing immediately, he might be coming here any minute. While she was packing her phone rang. She smiled because it was his call and said hello, out of excitement her first question was "Where have you reached?"
Hey. I might be late. I am so sorry I did want to spend more time with you before you left this city and me alone here. Even I left early to reach there on time but you know na Mumbai traffic sucks.
She got numb for a while, sat back, and said okay. She hung up saying I gotta pack my stuff and I am running out of time as tears rolled down her cheeks.
She packed everything and booked a cab. The cab arrived and she left bidding goodbye to her place. She sat inside the cab and on her way to the airport she was missing her partner in crime beside her. The cassette of memories started rolling in her head. Last weekend they spent together. Hiking and trekking since morning chasing the sunrise to reach that cliff to witness the mesmerizing beauty of the sunset. They were so engrossed in each other, enjoying the moment and making memories before going back to the track of a long-distance relationship again.
I think it is the distance that makes people vulnerable but the relationship stronger.
"Madam, Madam… we have arrived" the driver called out to her as she was lost in the world of their memories. She got back to her senses and wiped her tears. While she stepped out of the cab to take the luggage out, she saw a guy coming toward her with a big smile and lilies in his hand. They both smiled holding tears back in their eyes and hugged each other. At that moment she got a notification on her phone that the flight had been delayed by three hours.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Events 11.26 (after 1950)
1950 – Korean War: Communist Chinese troops launch a massive counterattack (Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River and Battle of Chosin Reservoir) against United Nations and South Korean forces. 1965 – France launches Astérix, becoming the third nation to put an object in orbit using its own booster. 1968 – Vietnam War: United States Air Force helicopter pilot James P. Fleming rescues an Army Special Forces unit pinned down by Viet Cong fire. He is later awarded the Medal of Honor. 1970 – In Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, 38 millimetres (1.5 in) of rain fall in a minute, the heaviest rainfall ever recorded. 1977 – An unidentified hijacker named Vrillon, claiming to be the representative of the "Ashtar Galactic Command", takes over Britain's Southern Television for six minutes, starting at 5:12 pm. 1979 – Pakistan International Airlines Flight 740 crashes near Taif in Mecca Province, Saudi Arabia, killing all 156 people on board. 1983 – Brink's-Mat robbery: In London, 6,800 gold bars worth nearly £26 million are stolen from the Brink's-Mat vault at Heathrow Airport. 1986 – Iran–Contra affair: U.S. President Ronald Reagan announces the members of what will become known as the Tower Commission. 1986 – The trial of John Demjanjuk, accused of committing war crimes as a guard at the Nazi Treblinka extermination camp, starts in Jerusalem. 1991 – National Assembly of Azerbaijan abolishes the autonomous status of Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Oblast of Azerbaijan and renames several cities with Azeri names. 1998 – Tony Blair becomes the first Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to address the Oireachtas, the parliament of the Republic of Ireland. 1998 – The Khanna rail disaster takes 212 lives in Khanna, Ludhiana, India. 1999 – The 7.5 Mw  Ambrym earthquake shakes Vanuatu and a destructive tsunami follows. Ten people were killed and forty were injured. 2000 – George W. Bush is certified the winner of Florida's electoral votes by Katherine Harris, going on to win the United States presidential election, despite losing in the national popular vote. 2003 – The Concorde makes its final flight, over Bristol, England. 2004 – Ruzhou School massacre: A man stabs and kills eight people and seriously wounds another four in a school dormitory in Ruzhou, China. 2004 – The last Poʻouli (Black-faced honeycreeper) dies of avian malaria in the Maui Bird Conservation Center in Olinda, Hawaii, before it could breed, making the species in all probability extinct. 2008 – Mumbai attacks, a series of terrorist attacks killing approximately 175 citizens by 10 members of Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan based extremist Islamist terrorist organisation. 2008 – The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2, now out of service, docks in Dubai. 2011 – NATO attack in Pakistan: NATO forces in Afghanistan attack a Pakistani check post in a friendly fire incident, killing 24 soldiers and wounding 13 others. 2011 – The Mars Science Laboratory launches to Mars with the Curiosity Rover. 2018 – The robotic probe Insight lands on Elysium Planitia, Mars. 2019 – A magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes western Albania leaving at least 52 people dead and over 1000 injured. This was the world's deadliest earthquake of 2019, and the deadliest to strike the country in 99 years. 2021 – COVID-19 pandemic: The World Health Organization identifies the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant.
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nitiaura · 2 months
Mumbai, a city that never sleeps and Goa, the city that won't let you sleep, are both busy and touristy places. People living in Mumbai often visit Goa, and it is almost like a weekend getaway for such people. Mumbai is a cosmopolitan city associated with lots of glitz and glamour. Goa, on the other hand, is the dream vacation destination for all.
With its enchanting beaches, adventure sports and unforgettable parties, Goa is one of the most exotic places to visit. With the colonial touch of Portuguese architecture, Goa has an overall pop vibe. We will share with you things to remember while making Mumbai to Goa Flight Booking. 
Things to remember 
Cheapest Flight Ticket
To book the cheapest Mumbai to Goa Flight Booking, the first and foremost thing to remember is to look at the most inexpensive flight bookings. Goa is a tourism hub, and hence the flight tickets are expensive. You must compare the fares of all tickets and then choose the cheapest ticket. From https://www.cleartrip.com/, you can book the cheapest flight tickets with the best airlines. 
Be Flexible With the Dates. 
When travelling from Mumbai to Goa, you must know that since Goa is a famous travel destination, you should plan your dates around when the airfare is cheap and not the other way around. You can be flexible with the dates and always plan your trip on those dates when the tickets are most affordable. 
Avoid Going During Peak Season.
What most people do is that they visit Goa during the busiest of seasons. A busy season would undoubtedly bring more crowds, but at the same time, it will bring a crunch for space and expensive everything! Yes, you read that right. A busy season will make you spend more and enjoy less. It is better to visit when there's a moderate crowd. Therefore, look for the cheapest month or even the cheapest day to fly.
Try Booking a Return Ticket. 
Mumbai to Goa Flight Booking should be a return booking, not just one-way. A return ticket is cheaper and more affordable than a one-way ticket. It's wise to book a return ticket and save on the extra money.
 Last-minute cheap deals 
Sometimes, the airfares drop suddenly, a day before you're supposed to travel, and this is an excellent opportunity for you to book your last-minute ticket. If you have to visit Mumbai to Goa on short notice, this is a significant factor to consider during Mumbai to Goa Flight Booking. 
Try to Avoid Travelling at Peak Hours. 
Yes! Mornings are known to be a rush/peak hour, so the ticket prices are high. You can go for an evening or a relatively late-night flight if you can be flexible with the timings and want cheap airfare. 
Remember, the best time to fly from Mumbai to Goa is between November and February; December is the busiest time with the most rush. Consider all factors before making Mumbai to Goa Flight bookings, get the best deals and have the most amazing trip ever. 
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ICC World Cup 2023 Final: Narendra Modi Stadium Painted in 'Sea of Blue,' Ahmedabad Breaks Air Traffic Records
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The ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 Final between India and Australia at Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium on November 19 has set the stage for a thrilling match, with the venue transformed into a 'sea of blue' as fans across the country eagerly anticipate India's victory. Adding to the pre-game excitement, the renowned Surya Kiran aerobatic team of the Indian Air Force took to the skies for a spectacular 10-minute air show.
As fans, dressed in the iconic blue jerseys of the Indian cricket team, flocked to the 1.32 lakh capacity stadium, vendors witnessed a surge in last-minute purchases. Merchandise such as jerseys, Tricolour flags, traditional Indian headgear like 'pagdis' in saffron, and even masks featuring master batter 'King' Virat Kohli and Prime Minister Narendra Modi were among the top-selling items.
Record-Breaking Flights and Ticket Prices:
Reports of soaring ticket prices for the match were matched by flight ticket prices to Ahmedabad, reaching as high as ₹40,000 from various metro cities. In response to the high demand, airlines like IndiGo and Vistara increased the number of flights, and the Indian Railways added additional trains from Mumbai to Ahmedabad.
Record Air Traffic:
With the conclusion of Diwali holidays, Chatth Puja, and the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 Final, domestic air traffic in India reached unprecedented levels. A total of 4,56,748 passengers were recorded, surpassing the previous high of 456,082 on the last day of April. Despite this record, the overall traffic from November 1 to 18 remains lower than in October and averages below November 2019 levels before the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.
Airspace Closure for Spectacular Airshow:
In preparation for the Surya Kiran acrobatic team's performance over the Narendra Modi Stadium, the airport at Ahmedabad was closed for all operations from 1:15 pm to 2:10 pm. Additionally, a 10 km radius up to FL 120 or 12,000 feet from the ground was restricted for any traffic during the mesmerizing airshow.
India vs. Australia Final Update:
In the much-anticipated match, Australian skipper Pat Cummins won the toss and chose to bowl first. Despite a strong start by Rohit Sharma, India faced early setbacks and posted a total of 211 runs in 43 overs after losing six wickets. The match is poised for an exciting finish as the teams battle for the coveted World Cup title. You may also Like to Read About Digital Marketing Company in US
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