#last night i saw someone livestreaming a first date. just now i stumbled on a stream that is in its 43rd hour
shortscircuits · 2 years
i wonder what my old professor thinks about twitch
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Ephemera Chapter Four
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Ephemera: In art, transitory written and printed matter (receipts, notes, tickets, clippings, etc.) not originally intended to be kept or preserved.
Alternatively, things that exist or are used for only a short time.
Description: Nobody knows who Vante really is. Everything about the popular artist is shrouded in secrecy: from his face to his name to everything in between. After years of working for his art gallery, Y/N feels she may just be the closest thing he has to a friend. Between her success at work and her relationship with campus hot-shot Jeon Jungkook, Y/N’s life has never been better. But is Jungkook truly who he says he is? And who will Y/N protect now that she knows Vante’s livelihood may be on the line?
Genre: Romance, Drama, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Jungkook x (f) Reader x Taehyung
Word Count: 5k
Tags: Non-Idol!Au, Gang!Au, Art History Student!Reader, Film Student!Jungkook, Art Student!Taehyung
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of alcohol, although infrequently
A/N: Hey! Lmao, I’m flip-flopping with this link thing. Last week I had to remove them whew. Anyway, this week I’ll add them later on. For now, if you want to catch up on the rest of the story, please head over to my masterlist! If you can’t find it, shoot me a message and I’ll send it to you. And on that note, please feel free to send me anything you’d like! Feedback, theories, critique, anything goes!
And in personal news, I’m having my short story published in a literary magazine!! PUBLISHED!!! I really can’t believe it. It feels so surreal. But it’s thanks to you guys that I had the confidence to submit my work to the magazine. Thank you for supporting me :’)
And again, if you want to follow my Twitter, my username is @/plzpunchmebts. I’m super active over there and hopefully in the future I’ll do some livestreams/chats with you all!
- Mercury
Previous Chapter – Next Chapter
Weekly updates: Sunday, 1PM (PST)
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Outside, I heard the computer room door open and shut. Two pairs of footsteps echoed down the hall. I blinked at the document before hastily shoving all the papers back in place. I threw the folder into its place in the drawer and shut off the light, rushing out into the hallway and dashing into the bathroom across the way. I turned on the water just long enough to be convincing and dried my hands on my pants before bracing myself in the mirror. I didn’t…quite look myself. The same purplish bags hung beneath my eyes that I’d begun growing accustomed to, but there was something else in my face that left me unsettled. Where once there was a girlish naiveté, now there was something harder, something with rougher edges lingering in the details of my expression. In the set of my jaw, in the hollows of my cheeks, in the shadows in my eyes. It was aged somehow, weary.
It was tired.
I sighed and shut off the light as I walked back out into the hallway. Again, the television rang out through the apartment. And this time, it wasn’t the news. Perhaps it was something about having my deepest fears confirmed that had me on edge, or perhaps it was the thrill of doing something I wasn’t supposed to, or perhaps even it was the alcohol in my veins, but it seemed a new feeling had replaced that deep-down ache that had persisted for weeks. And it felt…something like anger. Keeping documents that Vante had signed? Running intel on a man who wanted nothing more than to make the world brighter with his art? Spying on someone who supported and believed in people without expecting a single thing in return? I ran my fingers through my messy hair and entered the living room with a smile.
“Y/N!” called Jungkook, eyes wide.
I chuckled. “Sorry. I saw you guys weren’t out here when I got back and helped myself to your bathroom.” I met Jungkook’s eyes with a steeliness that felt foreign. If he could look me in the eye and lie without flinching, then I could too.
“We thought your call would take longer,” said Seokjin with a laugh. “Not much to talk about?”
I returned his laugh and nodded. “Ah, yeah. She was freaked out since she forgot to feed Hyunie,” I said with a shrug. “I’ve gotta go now and take care of it since she’s working on a paper.”
Jungkook groaned and approached me with a frown, placing his hands on my hips like they fit there perfectly. And, until recently, they did. “Baby, you gotta stop doing favors for everyone,” he said, drawing out his words.
Playing drunk? After all that?
I cocked a brow and let my hands roam his arms with a hum. A smile teased my lips, and I could feel the malice in it. A malice that had never been there before. I let my eyes follow my fingertips and, for the first time since we’d started dating, I noticed a shiver run up Jungkook’s body. Like I was affecting him.
How stupid could I have been? When he never so much as reacted to me? How many more months could I have gone in blissful ignorance? Seeing him now, with a faint flush to his face and eyes wide like saucers, I wondered just what I had been thinking all this time?
I chuckled and sighed a little. “What can I say?” I asked, meeting his eyes with a lazy smile. “I guess I’m just a really good person.”
Another shiver worked up to his chest from the base of his spine. Was this his type after all? “I-I guess so,” he said with a breathy laugh before clearing his throat and backing away with a smile. “So, should we continue Would You Rather?”
I pouted and gave his chest a little pat, letting my hand linger there for a beat too long. I could feel his heartbeat. It was racing. “Sorry,” I said, sighing as I began collecting my jacket and bag. “I’d better feed Hyun before Nara calls again. She’s…persistent,” I said with a laugh, squeezing his bicep before waving goodbye to Jin. I made my way quickly to the front door and swung it open to a waft of chilly air.
“Wait!” called Jungkook, stumbling slightly on a rogue pillow as he jogged after me. As I turned, I noticed that flush was still in his cheeks.
So he liked an assertive woman after all?
Really, how stupid could I have been, thinking he’d be interested in me at all?
“W-We didn’t finish the beer,” he said, pointing behind him toward the coffee table.
“Or the game!” offered Seokjin with a grin.
I laughed and shook my head. “Hyun needs food,” I said, then glanced out into the hallway. “And I have class tomorrow anyway. Raincheck?” I asked, peering back inside the apartment with a smile.
Jungkook blinked at me for a moment before he coughed a little and rubbed his arms, leaning away from the blast of cold that slipped in from the door. “Promise?” he asked with a smirk. Ah, there he was.
I nodded, smiling wide. “Mhm! I’ll text you,” I said, waving as I slipped outside and shut the door behind me.
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Nara always kept her spare key hidden in a potted plant outside her front door. I’d scolded her enough times to make her ears bleed that these sorts of hiding spots were too obvious, but nonetheless she persisted. As I entered, Hyun was already upon me, whining as I locked the door behind me. The sixty-pound Samoyed had these eyes that made my heart weep and a perpetually wagging tail. I ran my hands over the white fur on his head with a soft smile. At least Hyun was trustworthy. After filling Hyun’s bowl, I decided to simply stay and wait for Nara to return. There was lots to discuss anyway. I hadn’t anticipated she’d take all night, but by the time one o’clock rolled around I was exhausted and Nara’s plush couch called me like a siren. I quickly sent her a text that I’d be waiting for her when she came home, that I had a lot to tell her. Maybe then she’d hurry up. I told myself I wouldn’t rest for long. Ten minutes maximum. But the dim kitchen lights cast comforting shadows on the ceiling and the faux fur blanket Nara had draped over the back of the couch felt like a warm hug. Hyun joined me as I snuggled into the cushions and the two of us fell fast asleep.
I don’t think I even dreamed.
My cell phone’s alarm screeched at seven and I jumped up, Hyun still snoozing at my feet. My eyes flashed around the apartment, looking for anything and nothing. Before panic could settle in, I heard the familiar sound of Nara’s laugh from the open kitchen and turned over my shoulder to see her stirring a cup of coffee, a matching one sitting just beside her on the kitchen bar. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.
“Shit,” I breathed.
She laughed and nodded. “I figured you needed the rest,” she said. “I would’ve waken you up, but I didn’t get home until three anyway.”
“Three?” I asked, standing and rubbing my forehead. I grabbed the coffee and took a sip. Ah, just like her dad’s. “You don’t honestly expect me to believe you were working on your essay until three in the morning,” I said, smirking at her as I met her eyes over the rim of my cup.
She chuckled, a nervous sound, and rubbed the back of her neck, glancing away. “Ah, well…”
“Don’t tell me you lied about the library-,”
“No!” she shouted, turning to me with wide eyes. “We did do that until midnight when the library closed…” She smiled sheepishly at her slippered feet, wiggling her toes.
I cocked a brow. “And then?”
“And then…we might have gone out for drinks…as a, you know…reward?” She turned a hopeful grin towards me.
Without a word, I flicked her forehead and she winced. As she rubbed her injury with two fingertips, I laughed lightly. “Did you have fun?” I asked, eyeing her.
She didn’t look quite as tired as before. Her skin was brighter and her smiles lasted longer. Perhaps a night out was what she needed after all. She giggled. “Mhm,” she said, pulling her phone from the pocket of her sweatpants. “I got a video of this girl in my class singing Eyes, Nose, Lips at the karaoke place and falling off the table.”
I placed a hand on her phone and smiled, guilty. “I’m sorry, Nara. But I really have to go. I’ve got class and I haven’t even changed clothes and-,”
“But it’s really short! It’s so funny. I promise it won’t take long,” she said, smiling wide with eyes that resembled Hyun’s.
I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. Maybe, with the scant time I had to spare, I might have liked to talk about what happened with Jungkook. Maybe I might have liked hearing her advice. But with a defeated smile I simply nodded and leaned over her shoulder to watch the first of what was sure to be several videos from her night out.
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Friday was long. I hadn’t even had so much a a free half hour to run home and change clothes, leaving me in the loungewear I wore to Jungkook’s all day. My classes seemed to drag on and my mind was spinning from one activity to the next. Each interaction left me tired, and I knew the day had only just begun when I finally collapsed on my bed at three. I fell onto my stomach, letting my eyes slip shut for only a moment as I sighed. Images of Jungkook’s flustered face repeated in my mind endlessly. That new, unfamiliar expression was haunting.
I’d really been a fool.
Before I could become too comfortable, I stood to my feet and got changed for work. As I wandered to my dresser half-dressed in search of a clean blouse, I found none in the drawer. Perplexed, I turned to my hamper and saw it was overflowing with used work shirts. I heaved a sigh and rubbed my forehead. I’d been neglecting my household chores lately. Even the houseplants were suffering. The devil’s ivy I kept in a hanging basket over my kitchen table was starting to brown at the leaves and the succulents in my terrarium weren’t looking very succulent at all.
I supposed these days I’d been neglecting a lot of important things.
I turned back to my dresser and scoured it. Nothing but sweaters and old shirts. I couldn’t very well show up to the Gallery in a Pink Floyd shirt that my dad gave me years ago. Nor could I show up in a dirty, wrinkled blouse that smelled like hamper.
I pursed my lips and opened my top drawer. I moved aside a few pairs of panties and some bras to reveal the only lingerie I owned. I’d bought it only a few days before finding out Jungkook wasn’t who I thought he was. I figured it might be nice for our first time.
But after last night, I realized it wasn’t his style anyway.
The white silk slip was nothing more than a sleeping dress when I really thought about it. Not once had I worn it, and after the last few weeks I assumed I never would. I ran my fingers along the thin straps and chewed on my cheek. Was it too risqué for work? Surely, patrons would notice I wasn’t following the dress code, and if they didn’t Mr. Kwon would. But what were my alternatives?
I sighed and pulled the thing up my legs from the bottom, sliding it over my tights and jimmying it up my waist from underneath my skirt. It felt odd to wear a whole dress beneath my skirt, but as I readjusted the hem it was perfectly unnoticeable. Quickly, I grabbed my blazer and straightened it along my shoulders, staring at my reflection with a furrow in my brow.
It didn’t look that bad, did it?
I just had to be careful not to bend down…
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“Can you tell me about this photo?” asked a soft voice from behind me.
I smiled and turned. A young girl, maybe thirteen, stared in awe at the large photograph over my head. My smile eased and I nodded. “Certainly,” I said, watching her eyes glitter with wonder as I turned to face the picture. I gestured with two pointed fingers to the two silhouetted figures in the center of the shot. “Critics say these two pieces conjure the same feeling as photos taken by Diane Arbus.”
“Two?” she asked, looking at me with wide brown eyes.
I smiled. “Mhm,” I said, pointing to the photo’s companion beside it featuring the same two people now facing one another, hands interlocked. “It’s a candid shot of two lovers in an alleyway in Gangnam.”
“Ah,” she said, grinning at the black-and-white print. “Who’s Diane Bus?” she asked.
I suppressed a laugh and nodded. “Ah, Diane Arbus is a famous photographer who used to capture images of marginalized communities,” I said, crossing my arms as I scanned the photos. From far away, it was impossible to tell anything about the couple. “Drag queens, sex workers…people that society likes to hate.”
She raised her brows and looked at me. “Really?”
“Yes,” I said, smiling. “Do you notice anything about the couple in these photos?”
She blinked once before turning to the prints with squinted eyes. Her eyes flitted all around for a few moments before, having had enough, she shook her head with a frustrated sigh.
I grinned. “They’re both men,” I said.
Her eyes went round. “They are?”
“You couldn’t tell, right?”
She shook her head, smiling. “Not at all.”
“Because in the end, they’re just people,” I said, nodding. “Diane Arbus wanted to dignify and humanize the disenfranchised.” I paused for a moment as I thought of what to say. With a sad smile I crossed my arms. “Once you understand that everyone is only human, it becomes much harder to hate them.”
She nodded, her smile still remaining, as she chuckled once. “I really never would’ve known.”
“Cool, right?”
She laughed. “Super cool.”
“Jia!” shouted a voice from across the gallery.
The girl and I both jumped, turning to the source of the commotion. The shock of the outburst left me a little shaken, but as I took in the scene before me my nerves settled. Standing with his legs set wide was a young man in a suit, hands balled into fists, face slightly red from exertion and eyes set staunchly on the girl at my side.
I leaned down close to her ear and whispered, “Is that you?”
She stiffened and looked up at me with pleading eyes. “Yeah,” she said, sighing. “It’s my brother.”
I watched the worry etch itself into her features and set my jaw. I patted her shoulder and smiled, leveling our eyes for a moment. “I’ll help you out.”
Jia stood behind me as I approached her fuming brother. I gave a small bow before meeting his eyes with a smile. “Hello, Sir. Is this your sister?” I asked, gesturing to Jia as she stayed close to my flank, scuffing the tip of her tennis shoe against the ground.
The young man exhaled loudly and gripped his nose bridge. “Jia, you were supposed to come directly to my office on the eighth floor! Can’t you count?” he shouted.
By then, a few patrons had stopped what they were doing to look at the commotion. Feeling their gazes burning holes through my back, I cleared my throat and maintained a smile. “Sir, I understand you’re upset, but she wasn’t causing any trouble-,��
“Did I ask you?” he asked, finally turning his angry eyes toward me, slowly scanning my body from head to toe. I stiffened underneath his scrutiny. “What kind of gallery lets their employees dress like this?” he asked with a scoff, eyeing the exposed skin of my clavicle where the blazer couldn’t quite reach. “Guess it’s true what they say about the benefits of being a woman getting a job.”
I swallowed hard and forced a tight smile. “If you could please lower your voice-,”
“Do you know what kind of day I’ve had?” he asked, then laughed and raked his fingers through his hair. “Of course you don’t. I bet you wouldn’t last a day in my office.”
I nodded. “Sir, I apologize for any inconvenience you’ve faced on our behalf, but-,” I began
He cut me off with a loud laugh and began wagging a finger in my face. “What?! Inconvenience? My twelve-year-old sister has been in here for who knows how long and you didn’t think once to ask where her guardian was? Inconvenience? This is borderline negligence!”
I nodded and offered what I hoped was a soothing smile. “I understand, Sir, but I must-,”
“Jia, let’s go,” he said, grabbing for the girl’s arm roughly.
She slid behind me, causing the young man to grab me instead. My eyes went wide and so did his. From the mortified look on his face, I could tell he wasn’t a dangerous man. Perhaps a bit strung out and more than a little frustrated, but no predator. I smiled gently and guided his hands off my forearm.
I turned to Jia and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “You should go with your brother now, okay? You can come back and visit another time with your friends,” I said gently, leading her by the back to her brother.
The young man seemed stunned into silence by his own actions and, as if finally returning from some daze, he looked at me with apologetic eyes. “Thank you,” he said, his voice still slightly rough as he gnawed on his lower lip. He bowed curtly and walked toward the elevator with Jia in tow sending looks at me over her shoulder.
As he left, my body eased with relief. I patted my chest a few times before turning to Yuri at the front desk, her eyes wide as she watched me. I smiled and nodded my head, a silent cue that I was indeed okay, and she returned it before greeting two new patrons.
Carefully, I pulled the edges of my blazer closer to my chest, hoping to cover any indecently exposed flesh. I turned back to the patrons and bowed with a smile. “My apologies for that incident. Please don’t hesitate to ask me questions,” I announced, bowing.
But as I lifted my eyes, I didn’t see the floor of the gallery. Instead, I saw the stout suited legs of Mr. Kwon, and when my gaze reached his face I felt myself collapse a little. Disappointment was set in the deep brown of his eyes. Of course he’d been there to see everything. Every painful, mishandled second of it.
“Y/N,” he said. “May I see you in my office?”
I scanned the gallery for a moment, noticed each pair of eyes still settled on me, and cleared my throat, nodding as I followed Mr. Kwon down the hallway. He said nothing until the door clicked shut behind us and the silence became unbearable. Gruffly, he sat down at his scantly decorated desk and gestured with one large hand for me to sit opposite him.
I followed his directions and watched him, my heart pumping loud in my ears. “That was…unpleasant,” he said with a nod, lacing his fingers and peering out from over them.
I nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“And it was not entirely your fault.”
My chest felt lighter at his words. I sighed and nodded. “I could have done much better.”
“You’re right,” he said, then sighed and rubbed his temples, his glasses clacking up and down with the motion. “And while that man was out of line, we do have an expected level of professionalism here at the gallery that we all have to uphold.”
I nodded. “You’re right.”
“You didn’t deescalate the situation,” he said, meeting my eyes seriously. “You allowed things to get out of hand.”
“I know, Sir.”
“You need to be more firm, Y/N,” he said with a somber nod. “You surrendered to that man too easily and as such, things got out of control.”
“I apologize,” I said, my eyes pricking with tears. I kept my gaze on my hands, shaking as I held them clasped on my lap. The longer we spoke, the more this sounded like a total dismissal. What would I do without this job?
He sighed. “People only have the power you give them,” he said with a cough. “When you forfeit your power is when you truly lose.”
I nodded, the first tear slipping from my eyelid and tracking down my cheek to my chin. “I understand.” He was right anyway. Hadn’t I spent years doing that?
“And as much as I disliked the way he said it, he was right about your work attire.”
I swallowed hard and squeezed my eyes shut to stop the tears. “I apologize for my lack of professionalism.”
He sighed. “Y/N, you’re not being fired,” he said, to which my head snapped up and my watering eyes went wide. He was simply watching me from over his fingers, thick brows set low. “You can relax.”
I sighed and nodded, wiping beneath my eyes. “Thank you, Sir.”
“But please…be mindful of your attire. It’s not right for a woman to be…so brazen with her appearance,” he said with a cough and a glance at my chest.
I stiffened and nodded. “Y-Yes, Sir,” I said, but the words tasted acrid on my tongue. Was this what life really was? Fighting tooth and nail to be belittled and looked down upon for something as simple as my attire? Wasn’t he the one who said I mustn’t forfeit my power?
Was I really okay being spoken to this way?
And if I was, then why was my heart racing not with fear but with something hotter?
“You’re dismissed,” he said with a nod. “Please, just try to do better.”
“I will,” I said, my tears having halted in their tracks.
I stood up and bowed before walking back out into the hallway. I stood out in the center of the corridor for a long moment, my arms crossed. Because I was a woman, I had to endure it. Because I was desperate for work, I had to endure it. Because I wanted to protect Vante any way I could, I had to endure it.
Slowly, I lifted my eyes to find the security camera positioned in the corner of the hallway. The blinking red light indicated that it was indeed working. I furrowed my brow as a few more stubborn tears collected on my chin. I let them fall to the ground, still locked in a gaze with the camera. Was Vante on the other side? Could I communicate with him with a look alone all the things I needed to tell him?
I wiped my eyes, adjusted my blazer, checked my reflection in the window facing the city, and pasted a smile on my lips before walking quickly back to the floor.
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The shift was finished at long last and the nighttime cityscape stretched on forever outside the gallery windows. Yuri had taken off on her own for a date, leaving me to close the place on my own. With a sigh, I collapsed against one of the chairs in the break room, resting my head on the countertop. As I did, I noticed yet another security camera stationed by the doorway, trained on me. Was this how Vante moved around the gallery unnoticed? Was this how he knew when I needed bandaids or coffee or an encouraging note?
Gently, I pulled the purple pendant from my pocket and ran my fingers over its surface. Lately, I’d been bringing it with me everywhere, hoping for some luck. So far, ineffective. I sighed and shut my eyes, my fingers still working over the smooth stone. So much had happened lately and all of it had left me utterly exhausted. I wanted to sleep.
Or perhaps I wanted a drink.
I sighed against my arm as I rested my head atop it, eyes shut. The crying had done a number on my makeup already, so I wasn’t worried about a little rest. The light from the hallway turned the backs of my eyelids a translucent red and each moment that passed my breathing came more slowly. How many times had I taken quick naps right here during breaks? How many times had I put myself last so that everyone would like me? Everyone would respect me?
Hadn’t I told myself once I became an adult, I’d stop caring so much about what people thought of me?
It seemed some habits were harder to break than others.
I continued running the pads of my fingers along the fine carve marks of the pendant, eyes shut. At least Vante believed in me. At least he saw something worthwhile in me.
And what was I giving him in return?
Halfhearted protection from a boy I was most certainly still in love with.
I hated myself.
If I could only get a moment alone with Vante, I could tell him everything that had been going on. I could explain why I let a strange young boy into the gallery unsupervised. I could tell him my findings and we could figure out their scheme together, from the inside.
Maybe you should fake him out, echoed Jungkook’s voice in my head. Pretend you’re sleeping and catch him leaving you presents like Santa.
There was no guarantee he was even at the gallery today, or that he’d leave me something. But as I briefly considered gathering my things and heading home for the evening, something kept me rooted to my seat.
I’d be lying if I said I was never…a little curious. This man with whom I’d built a years-long companionship was still a complete mystery to me. I didn’t even know his real name, but oftentimes he felt like my closest friend. And besides, I needed to explain the situation to him somehow didn’t I?
But what stopped me from leaving, what kept me from opening my eyes despite being wide awake, was something more than curiosity or obligation. There was a desperation in my rapid heartbeat. Knowing Vante had likely seen me cavorting with Jungkook the other night through those many surveillance cameras made me anxious. His notes had stopped. So too had the gifts. We hadn’t corresponded at all.
And for some reason, it felt like I’d betrayed him.
After some minutes, I heard the door creak open slowly. Could this really be true? Was he truly going to fall right into my trap? I kept still, holding the pendant in my palm as it rested atop my thigh. I managed my breathing, trying to inhale and exhale with ease and heaviness.
The footfalls were soft and almost timid as they reverberated through the room. I didn’t move a muscle. The steps came closer, closer, closer, until-
A large, warm hand pressed softly to the side of my head, guiding my hair behind my ear. I heard him sigh: a deep, breathy exhale. His gentle fingers pressed against the skin of my cheek, touching me like I may break. My heart raced. His hand moved from my face to rummage through a pocket near my ear. I heard him shuffle things around before placing something in front of my nose. Again he sighed and placed his palm against the back of my head, smoothing my hair down.
“Take care of yourself,” he said in a whisper.
A voice I recognized.
Before he could disappear again, I snapped upright and turned to him with wide eyes. Matching my expression, he stood beside my chair with flushed cheeks and hair that looked unruly against his forehead. He was dressed like he was on his way out: a full-length brown coat and an expensive dress shirt. He blinked at me through his glasses and his lips parted as if to speak.
But I beat him to it.
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theartificialdane · 8 years
Galactica, part 236
In this we celebrate Thanksgiving from New Orleans to Long Island, and some have a jollier holiday than others!
Thank you @veronicasanders @toriibelledarling and @samrull for all of your amazing help and support <3
“Not too late to back out,” Bianca said, as their car service pulled up to her parents’ house outside New Orleans.
“It sort of feels like it’s too late…” Courtney answered.
“Nahh…” Bianca slipped a hand around her waist, pulling her close. “We can be at the Ritz in 25 minutes...room service...a fireplace…” Bianca kissed her neck as the driver unloaded their luggage.
Courtney rolled her eyes. “Let’s call that Plan B.”
Bianca grinned and let Courtney drag her out of the car. She held her hand, leading her up the walk, pausing for a second to say, “Brace yourself,” as she pushed open the door.
Courtney’s stomach was in knots. She had met a few of their family members before while she and Adore were in college, but this was different. She didn’t know whether it was good or bad that Adore wasn’t here - she’d chosen to spend the holiday with Alaska’s family in Pennsylvania. On the one hand, she’d have been another ally, but on the other hand, it may not help her cause for everyone to have a constant visual reminder that she’d started out as their baby sister’s best friend and was now dating their oldest sibling. She had a moment of panic when, swept up by a flurry of siblings and nieces and nephews and cousins, Bianca dropped her hand.
“Courtney! You look great, how’s it going?”
Courtney turned gratefully towards the familiar voice, giving Eddy a hug. “Hi! Thanks, how are you?”
“Pretty good, no complaints.”
“Congratulations, I hear you and Rose got engaged last week!”
“Yeah, well...you know, I finally accepted that you would never return my love, so…”
Courtney laughed, shaking her head. “Please stop, you’re gonna get us both in trouble.”
“Baby!” Bianca wrapped an arm around her, pulling her away from Eddy. “Jesus Christ, I thought I’d never find you again. Come meet my sisters.”
Vanessa and Liz were polite, if slightly icy, looking Courtney up and down. “It’s lovely to meet you,” Vanessa said.
“That’s a cute dress, reminds me of that designer B’s friends with...what’s her name, Bianca?” Liz asked pointedly.
“Her name is Miss Fame, and that dress is Marc Jacobs. You nothing literally nothing about fashion,” Bianca replied, then turned to one of her cousin’s kids. “Chloe! Hi, pumpkin! How’s school?”
Courtney forced a sunny smile. “I don’t know the designers either. I just liked the print.”
“Right,” Liz said, with a slight eye roll.
“So Courtney, my daughter really likes your album,” Vanessa added. “I told her she had to wait a few years to watch the videos, but I’m pretty sure she didn’t listen.”
Courtney’s cheeks reddened a little. “Sorry.”
“I mean, it’s not your fault. They’re just a little racy for a seven year old. Hey, Maddie!” She beckoned her daughter over to them.
“Yeah…” Courtney cleared her throat as a girl with dimples and dark curled bounced over, hugging Bianca around the waist and looking up at her shyly.
Bianca lifted the seven year old off the ground.
“You’re Courtney, right?” she asked shyly.
“Hi, yeah, you must be Madison.”
The little girl’s eyes widened. “How do you know my name?”
“Well, I mean, I follow your mother on Instagram. So I get to see pictures of you all the time.”
“You /do/?”
“Yeah, I think your dog is really cute.” Courtney smiled, relieved to have someone else on her side, even a seven year old.
“I think YOUR dog is really cute! Oh my gosh, can they be friends?”
“Kylie would love that!”
Madison grinned. “Wanna see my American Girl Doll?”
“Definitely.” Courtney allowed the small child to lead her by the hand into the other room, thrilled to be stepping away from the mayhem.
“Sit still little man.” Katya smiled as she took a step back to admire her handywork.
Ivan was all dressed up, his chubby little cheeks red and his blonde hair water combed. Katya had bought his blue dress shirt and pants so he could match his daddy, Katya herself wearing the blue sky dress Trixie had made for her so many years back after she got out of rehab. Katya knew she should properly connect the dress to something sad, her time in upstate New York at the rehab clinic one of the hardest things she had ever had to do, her family abandoning her and the memories of the kind brown eyed man keeping her up at night as she had twisted and turned, but she didn’t. It had been made for her by a man that loved her, and she was going to wear it to every joyous occasion she could, and the first thanksgiving with her son was definitely just that.
Katya reached over and picked Ivan up, the little boy smiling his cute mostly toothless smile filling her with joy as he grabbed her hair. Katya laughed, gently freeing her blonde locks from her son’s grib.
“Let’s go show daddy how cute you are, huh?”
“That’s right little man.” Katya kissed Ivan’s head and made her way towards the kitchen where Trixie was cooking up a feast with the help of Laila and Pearl.
“Apa kebar, are you sure I’m saying it right?”
“You’re saying it perfectly lovely eyes.” Sutan smiled as he walked up the steps to his mother's little yellow house, Violet’s hand in his, his girlfriend holding Frida’s leash and the small box that contained her gift to his mother. Sutan had tried to tell Violet time and time again that she didn’t have to bring anything for his mom, but his girlfriend still insisted every time, just like she stumbled through the greeting ritual of his culture, her words clumsy but her intend so clear you couldn’t do anything but love her.
Violet nodded, and Sutan reached out to ring the doorbell, his mom opening the door, a big smile on her face as she hugged them, Sutan getting kisses and warnings that he was getting too thin, Frida even treated to a gentle pet as his mom accepted Violet’s gift of a simple, but beautiful vintage headscarf in a pale yellow with a kiss to Violet’s cheek as well.
“Com in com in.” Mani stepped aside, letting the couple and their dog step inside. “Dinner almost done, eveyone in livingoom.” Mani opened the door, Raja and Raven already on the couch.
“Fame, what are you doing here?”
Sutan was so surprised to see his friend sitting in the armchair by the fire, that he didn’t see Violet’s face at all, his girlfriend's eyes widening in horror when she realised that it was indeed her boss, none other than Miss Fame herself, that was in the living room, her gigantic Great Dane napping on the carpet, the three woman playing cards while they waited for dinner.
‘’Can everyone go home already? My head hurts.” Betty was draped over the couch, her arm over her forehead in a dramatic gesture.
“Kitty, hate to break it to you, but they’re not here yet.” Shane set some more plates on the table, preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner they were hosting for members of Bach Street Boys with their plus ones. Ruby had nearly suffocated Shane in a hug earlier when he told her that of course she can bring Max, no question about it.
The turkey was still in the oven, but mashes potatoes were already ready, along with gravy, cranberry sauce and an array of other delicious dishes they spend the entire morning making (Or, Shane did. Betty helped cut some vegetables until she announced her cold was getting better of her and she settled on the couch, downing her cold medicine with half a bottle of wine). She was currently half-sick, half-drunk and fully in an awful mood.
“What do you mean they’re not here? Are you making that much noise all by yourself? Ugh.”
At that exact moment, the doorbell rang and Shane hurried to the door to let in Raga and his girlfriend Evah, who carried a tray of pumpkin pie.
“Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Are we first? I brought Ruby the cutest skirt from Japan, I swear she is going to /die/ when she tries it on. Is she really bringing that mysterious boyfriend of hers? Hey, Shane. Long time no see.”
“How was Japan, Evah?” Shane asked as the blue-haired girl climbed to her toes to kiss him on the cheek.
“Amazing as always. I brought stuff for you guys too, so no worries. Where’s Betty? Take this to the kitchen, will you, babe?” Evah practically shoved the tray of pie into Raga’s arms and pranced into the living room, leaving the men behind in the hallway.
“Must’ve missed her a lot, huh?” asked Shane, a little sarcastically. Evah was Raga’s high school sweetheart, a rising star of the e-sport community who made money hosting gaming livestreams. She was very into Japanese fashion and pop culture. Somehow Betty has learned the word ”weeaboo” and rarely called Evah anything else since.                                                                          
“House was quiet without her,” shrugged Raga, handing Shane the pie.
Meanwhile, in the living room, Betty craved death. Even though her fever went down slightly from the meds, her throat was in flames, her head ready to burst open and she also felt nauseous and dizzy from the wine. Evah was showing her photos from the convention in Tokyo she went on, but Betty could barely see anything because of her watery eyes.
“You know how many makeup Youtubers want to collab with me all of a sudden? I only do cosplay makeup, it’s a whole different world, you know? Bets, you okay? You don’t seem well.”
“Yeah, no shit. I’m dying.”
“Oh. Sorry to hear about that. Maybe I’ll go help the boys in the kitchen then?” Evah awkwardly patted Betty’s arm, a gesture Betty completely ignored, and bounced away to the kitchen, her frilly skirt dancing in the air the last thing Betty saw before her eyelids closed.
The next time she opened her eyes, a freakishly tall man dressed in all black was standing right above her, pointing at something. ‘’Sorry, but what the hell is this?’’
“Max, come on. It’s Betty. She’s a little sick, obviously not her best day, give her a break,” winked Ruby from the table, raising a glass Betty’s way with a brilliant smile, visibly way too proud of her joke.
“Can everybody please fuck the fuck off?” Betty whined, grabbing the nearest blanket  and wrapping it around her arms.
“Not really, you invited us, remember?”
“Ugh. I guess.” There was a loud noise and a curse coming from the kitchen which Betty ignored, instead opting for getting up and making her way to join everybody by the table. The cold meds made her hungry.
“That doesn’t answer my question. What the hell is that… statue? Is it like a statement? Does it… mean anything?” Max pointed at the Poseidon statue by the window. It was wearing a scarf wrapped around its head like a turban and was as ugly as ever.
Raga raised his head from a half-finished serving of mashed potatoes and snorted. “That’s Shane’s best friend.”
“Yeah. Sometimes I think he loves that ugly thing more than he loves me.”
Shane was in the kitchen making noise, unable to confirm nor deny the statement. With a shrug, Betty reached for a bottle of red wine that stood alone in the middle of the table, but when she felt a coming coughing fit, she wasn’t able to do anything to stop it. She knocked the bottle over, the wine immediately spilling all over the table and onto Ruby, who was closest, staining her cream white skirt. Ruby jumped to her own salvation, knocking over some glasses and screaming, and caused Evah to cry out, “What the fuck, Ruby, you stepped on my foot!” The guys tried to save the situation but they only managed to make it worse, flailing around. Betty slowly but surely moved away from the table and she was the first to notice Shane in the doorway, defeated, black smudges on his face and white t-shirt.
“Guys?” Nobody heard him. “GUYS!” he screamed.
All the heads turned towards Shane.
“I burned the turkey.”
Courtney walked down the hall, trying to find her way back to the living room through the maze of the Del Rio’s house, when she paused, hearing her name. One of Bianca’s sisters was chatting with someone, probably a cousin. She stopped to listen.
“...well yeah, it’s just, she’s never taken anyone home before so, you know, I always figured Bianca was holding out for someone, like...I don’t know…”
“I get what you’re saying. She’s like, sweet, but it’s a bit anticlimactic. Liz keeps calling her a gold digger, but that’s not really the vibe I get. It’s more...just...I don’t know…”
“Right? I’m not trying to be mean but I sort of expected B to bring home a supermodel who happened to be a nobel prize winner.”
Courtney closed her eyes, having heard enough, and walked quickly back to their room.
COURTNEY: Your family hates me
ADORE: Yeah, well, they hate everyone. Why do you think I never go home? Did they try to put you in a mental institution?
ADORE: OK so what are you complaining about?
ADORE: Eddy loves you
COURTNEY: Yeah. We’re BFFs. He was totally my type, when I dated guys. Except he appears to have a moral compass, so...maybe not
ADORE: HA! I’m telling him you said that.
“Hey! There you are!” Bianca walked into the bedroom, wrapping her arms around Courtney’s waist.
“Hi, sorry.”
“We’re about to sit down for dinner. I have to warn you...they promised they would make vegan-friendly stuff but my mom just said ‘vegans can eat eggs, right?’ So I can’t really promise that this food is safe.”
“Oh, that’s...that’s alright. I’ll just eat vegetables.”
“I mean, right, but you know you’re in the South. So we count mac and cheese as a vegetable.”
“Well, that’s insane.” Courtney hugged Bianca around the waist and laid a head on her shoulder. “I guess it’s a cheat day?”
“I guess so. Sorry, baby.”
“Mmh.. You’re such a good kisser.” Katya smiled, her and Trixie were on the bed, Trixie on top of her, his weight comfortable, her hand in his hair, his shirt open, Trixies soft, plump lips between her own. Katya had taken one look at her husband in his pink Thanksgiving shirt, and she had jumped his bones straight away.
“My sweet bo-” In that moment, Katya realised that the sour smell in the air wasn’t Ivan’s diaper, but rather a very different unpleasant smell. “Is something burning?”
“Oh fuck, the pie!” Trixie sprung up like a pig that had been bitten, racing to the kitchen, a surprised scream coming from outside their room.
“Dude! No! Keep your man boobs in your room!”
Katya laughed, the holiday peace truly settling over the little home on the Upper East Side.
“We’re flying flowers in from Fiji, they look /amazing/, I can’t wait for all of you to see it at the rehearsal dinner.”
Violet smiled to herself, Raven had been talking about her wedding all through dinner, the woman so excited about the party that she was practically vibrating out of her skin, every conversation with her somehow ending up on the subject.
“Vey nice, vey nice.” Mani stood up, the old woman reaching out to take the dishes, but Violet quickly jumped in. “Let me.”
“You good gil Violet, you vey good gil.” Violet blushed slightly, still proud of the fact that Sutan’s mom liked her so much.
“You’re welcome.” Violet picked up the pitcher of water and the wine glasses before she left the room, Mani and Raven staying behind, but as Violet walked out into the hallway she saw that the door to the backyard was open. Violet felt her heart drop, sure that Frida had somehow gotten out but when she got there she saw Sutan, Raja and Fame all standing together, the three of them passing around what looked like a cigarette. Violet could hear Raja and Sutan laughing together and the low voices of the group chatting. Violet turned around, ready to go to the kitchen Frida that had left the living room came bolting down the hall, the little dog smelling the night air.
“Frida! Frida no!” Violet ran after Frida, not knowing if the gate in the yard was open as she bursted out through the door. “Frida!” Violet grabbed the little dog, the pitcher in her hand emptying out on the grass, the water splashing and hitting Fame’s pants.
“Violet!” Violet looked up, her eyes wide as Fame raised her voice. “What do you think you’re doing-”
“I’m sorry Miss.”
“I don’t care about your excuses!” Fame’s tone was sharp, and Violet felt her stomach clench as she stood up, the pitcher on the ground, Frida in one hand, the stack of plates in the other, Raja and Sutan starring at both of them. “Have you hit your head? When did you become incapable of doing the simple task of not spilling like a toddler? Are you a toddler Violet?”
Violet was just about to respond when she was interrupted.
“Hey, Fame, I know you showed a giant stick up your ass when Patrick left you, but don’t be a fucking bitch okay? Nothing happened and Violet didn’t do it on purpose.”
Violet could see Fame’s chok, the woman’s eyes wide at the way Sutan had just spoken to her, but Violet turned her back, escaping before she could hear Fame’s respons. She knew she should be happy that Sutan was standing up for her, but it just felt humiliating. Like he didn’t trust her to stand up to herself. Violet could hear the talk in the garden pick back up again, Raja clearly mending the situation, all three of them soon laughing together like the old friends they were.
“Eveyone! Time for pie and TV! You come watch movie with Mani.”
“Yes mom!”
“Bianca,” Liz defended herself with an eyeroll, arm around her older sister. “I’m not saying it to be a bitch.”
“Right, I know, you being a bitch is just a fun side effect.” Bianca sipped her wine, rolling her eyes.
“I’m trying to look out for you! Look, I’m sure everything is just sunshine and rainbows right now, but really think about this...do you think this girl, this 22 year old, would be with you if you didn’t have money?”
“Well, I don’t know, Liz, I mean, if I didn’t have money...what would I be doing? Like actually no money? I don’t really think she’d be with a homeless person, if that’s what you’re asking, so...what’s your fucking point, exactly?”
“My point, B, is that this girl is clearly playing you. How long into your relationship did she get a recording contract? And now she’s on Housewives? Adore said she was only ever with guys before, and then she meets you, and all of a sudden, she’s a lesbian, overnight? Because of someone old enough to be her mother? More like she saw dollar signs--”
Bianca stood up. “Okay, you’re done now. Thanks for the advice, now you can shut your fucking mouth.”
“Bianca!” Aida exclaimed, passing by her daughters, collecting empty plates. “Watch your language, there are children here.”
“Tell Liz to stay out of my goddamn relationship,” Bianca said angrily, “Or I swear, we’re leaving right now! I am not staying and listening to this bullshit about my girlfriend being a gold digger. Fuck you, Liz--”
“Mija, mija, please…” Aida soothed, putting an arm around Bianca’s waist and a hand on Liz’s shoulder. “Elizabeth, why are you antagonizing your sister?”
“I’m NOT! I’m just trying to help her!”
“No, actually, you’re just being a CUNT--”
“Bianca! Stop!” Aida cried. “You know she’s just projecting because of her divorce, honey.”
“Mom!” Liz said, offended.
“Well, sorry, mija, but you’ve been very bitter. Courtney’s a nice girl.”
“Thank you!”
“I mean, she’s too young for you, but that’s not her fault.”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Bianca threw up her hands.
“Oh god I want to die.” Pearl groaned. She was laying on her side, her stomach growling with all the food she had eaten, the top she was wearing almost painfully tight but she couldn’t phantom getting up to change,
“That’s what happens when you have four helpings of green bean casserole.” Pearl opened an eye to see Laila stand at the edge of the bed, her girlfriend in a band t-shirt and panties, her short legs on full display and if Pearl could have felt hungry in any way she would have fucked Laila into next week.
“You’re not being a very good girlfriend right now…” Pearl knew she was pouting, but it didn’t matter when Laila laughed and got underneath the covers with her, her girlfriend pulling her into a hug
Bianca climbed into the bed, wrapping Courtney into an embrace, sucking gently on her neck. “Hi,” she murmured, caressing the skin of her waist.
“Hi yourself…”
Bianca’s hands continued to wander, and her kisses grew heated. She let out a whimpery sigh, tangling their legs together.
Courtney shifted, hands stroking her back, looking up at her with an amused expression. “Seriously?” she whispered. “Are you really trying to have sex right now? There’s like 40 people in this house…”
“Yeah, well, it’s been a very stressful day.”
“No shit. I’m fucking exhausted, B.”
“Please, baby, I promise I’ll make it worth your while,” Bianca wheedled softly, fingertips trailing down her arms.
Courtney closed her eyes. “That’s all I need, for your family to think I’m a nympho in addition to being a gold digger.”
Bianca laughed. “You can bite on a pillow.”
“Do you remember Thanksgiving last year?” Bianca breathed into her ear.
Courtney bit her lip, suddenly bombarded with the sense memory of their first kiss, the surprising softness of Bianca’s plush lips, the pressure of her full hips against the kitchen sink, the shivers that raced through her body, the nervous anticipation, the feeling that her whole world was about to shift. If only she knew just how much…
Bianca cupped Courtney’s face in her hand, a thumb tracing her lips in the same gentle way she’d done a year ago, voice an urgent whisper. “I’d never wanted anyone more in my entire life, than the way I wanted you.” Her hips began to roll, pressing Courtney into the mattress.
“Did you? Did you want me too?”
A whimper escaped Courtney’s lips as she arched up against Bianca’s body, gripping her ass. “You know I did. So, so much…still do...”
Bianca nibbled a trail down her collarbone, hands sliding under her top. “Let me give you what you need, baby…what we both need...”
“Yes…” Courtney replied, breathless, succumbing to the desire that flooded through her. She closed her eyes, realizing that she’d once again been betrayed by her body, by her weakness for Bianca’s touch.
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