#last night's dream
Had a dream where Jcb was trying to teach me and my college classmates in a small(and entirely made-up) choir a song(it was actually House of the Rising Sun), and then after choir he asked me what he should make us for lunch tomorrow(???) And I said grilled cheese
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writeandsurvive · 5 months
So, I dreamt of Scott Hall last night.
I don't remember the specifics, just that he was very confused about some French stuff, because I guess we were in France?? Idk, I just know that I was laughing at his confusion on his things and trying to make him understand how things are in my country, I guess? 😭
Anyways, waking up was pretty confusing. 😂
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error-dark · 1 year
My dream last night was wild but here's the important last part:
Koopa General made his first appearance finally! And for some reason, Monty from FNAF sb was teaching him how to high five?
And then dream shifted a little to where Koopa General took his boots off and was pole dancing on a metal pole. (There was another pole like that with a Koopa Troopa already dancing on that one so he wasn't dancing alone).
Dream me though that was an actual footage from the movie that I somehow missed, and decided to download them so I could make an edit video of him.
Now imagine my disappointment when I woke up this morning, realizing that it was all just a dream 😭😭😭
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oh yeah, I dreamt last night that there was a new app called Mumblr, like tumblr but like…quieter? The text was smaller but like no it wasn't at the same time?? Also the coloration was purple instead of blue
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yuko-doodles · 2 years
I tried to scream. I tried to shout and struggle.
I tried to look, but I couldn't.
I inhaled. I inhaled, and inhaled, and inhaled.
I wanted to exhale, but I couldn't.
I was drowning.  
I was drowning on my bed.
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cj33333 · 2 years
DREAM TALK 12/7/22
So lemme talk about last night's dream because I slept like 2 extra hours and the dream ended up being a doozy. One of the most immersive dreams I've had in a while (and I also accidentally spawned an OC in it).
The 1st half of it was spent at my college. So much stuff happened there that I don't remember much of it, and it's not important in the end anyway. What's important for the sake of this anecdote is the second half.
I tried getting home by gliding with essentially the IRL equivalent of a Minecraft elytra, but ended up going in the wrong direction through my home city and flew over a bunch of other colleges that all had their own stories narrated to me as I was gliding over them.
(Can I just say that this was also the most visually impressive dream I've had? My brain created not only these colleges with distinct architecture, colors, and backstories for each of them, but an entire moving city and an entire moving world to sail over.)
Naturally, I ended up in West Virginia. At this foggy, forested college with a lot of open, outdoor space, I got caught in someone's kite or something and got helped down to the ground by the guy flying it.
So to summarize, I am now at a West Virginian college, complete with a train-like transportation thing that everyone there said feels like a rollercoaster when it goes up and down this mountain it crosses, which it did.
So here's where that 'accidental OC' comes in.
Pretty much everyone in this dream was real people I've known, random filler-people for crowds, or fictional people from movies and stuff.
But this West Virginian college was something out of a Disney movie - in that there were personified animals there around campus, domesticated and not, that talked and interacted with people just like everyone else. The only one I actually met at one of the plazas was this quirky, somewhat stubby, cappuccino-colored wolf named Wonder who looked and acted about my age.
(Which is actually sad because as far as I've dug this morning, it seems wolves only exist in captivity in WV because they were killed off in the wild.)
She became my friend for the remainder of this dream. Idk how it escalated to this but we traversed this underground temple hidden underneath campus with spear-wielding zombie mummies at the end. I myself had a big fat shovel as a weapon, which is badass.
It was pretty close to a lucid dream all-in-all. It never felt uncomfortable or stiff to try and move around with my own will like it usually does.
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In last night's dream, I was going to act as RIO to some dude and together we would fly a fighter jet taking off from a parking lot across the street from my childhood grocery store. Four or five jets got off the ground with no problem and then one just nosedived immediately. My pilot was very nervous, possibly because the "runway" was about 6 feet long. For my part I was just concerned that I hadn't chosen my catch phrase for the mission, a necessary element. I wanted to use a line from Top Gun but the only one I could remember on the spot was "I feel the need... the need for speed" and I'm just not THAT basic even in my dreams.
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draconym · 2 months
Last night I had a dream that I was at the grocery store buying produce to mail to my spouse in Oregon. I was dead set on sending him a box of apples, but every single apple I picked up had this face on it when I turned it around.
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I ended up not being able to find any faceless produce to send him. I was worried he wouldn't consider them vegan if they had faces.
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a monologue from last night's dream
They stop walking. "You know, Finn, we can't help you if you're not honest with us..."
"You don't believe me, either? And you don't believe her?"
"Nothing I say, nothing I experience, can be proved. You think I'm falsifying this to support my friend? He's the star of the football team. What leads our school to championships. to fame. And I'm just some troubled gifted kid making up stories for the attention. Sure. I'm lying about shit I haven't told anyone but him. That he used to make me an outcast."
"What did you tell him?"
She scoffs. "What did I tell him? There's not even a point in telling you. But I am so fucking done. I told him what he did to me was wrong. How if he owned up to that in private, I wouldn't go to the cops. He laughed. Said he didn't know what I was talking about. Said exactly what you said, and then he told me he'd end me. And you know what? He's right."
"Every night, I go to bed thinking about how he liked the taste of my blood in his mouth when he busted my lip and I can't stop tasting it, too. How I've tried to scrub off every cell on my body he touched but I can't get deep enough, and that kills me. My body has belonged to him since that night, and every time I hear about what he did to Steph? I know she feels it, too."
"So if you don't want to believe me, then don't. But I'm done. I'm gone. This is your last fucking chance then nobody's hearing from me again."
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FNAF movie Mike and Michael compare nightmares,,
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independent-fics · 2 months
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Now, you can take that as a gift, or you can take it as a curse. And that's up to you.
Eliot Spencer and Parker Doing the Things Others Won’t
Leverage (2008-2012)
04x01 The Long Way Down Job
05x09 The Rundown Job
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moresandmanstuff · 4 months
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hopesprung · 1 year
last night i had a dream which included dazai ( bs/d ) and urahara ( blea/ch ). it was a proper who’s who of ‘people with such powers of observation and prediction that it makes other people want to change their tense’.
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yuko-doodles · 1 year
I was in a crowded bar restaurant. As time goes by, the hall became empty. I felt lonely and so I left there alone. I didn't have anyone to speak. I got on bus to go back to my room. I opened all of my windows, sky was so clear that I can see the mountains afar. I could have seen Mt.Fuji on my right if the sky was this clear, but I coudn't.   I tried to cheer up myself saying to myself, "I can survive today."
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cabinette · 4 months
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luciality · 2 years
hey yeah sorry about your boyfriend. yeah i spun him into yarn, sorry. he was really soft and easy to work with. if you want, i could make him into a sweater? that way you can still wear him. no? ok. sorry.
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