#last played october 17th 2019
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discord-lurking · 9 months
Dungeons and Daddies Wiki Drama: A Greek Tragedy Told through the Medium of Forum Posts (Part 1)
Greek tragedies are typically formatted in three or more acts interspersed with choral interludes, beginning with a prologue, and ending with an exodus. In these, protagonists often meet their downfall due to their fatal flaw, or hamartia: the ways in which the protagonists are their own undoing. Our own human failings are the things that bring us the most pain.
When considering a three-act Greek tragedy structure for this, my first thought was to use the Oresteia as a framing device, a trilogy of plays written by Aeschylus about Agamemnon's family in the aftermath of the Trojan War. Upon reflection, though, the themes of the Oresteia (revenge vs. justice, perpetuating a cycle of violence, honor and punishment) didn't quite fit the story I was trying to tell.
No, this is a classic tale of hubris: excessive pride and its ultimate downfall.
After all, what position could come with more power than that of wiki moderator for a Dungeons and Dragons podcast series?
Act One: The Beginning of the End
The D&Dads wiki has historically been... unhelpful, at best. (Source: Myself.) Trouble had been brewing for a long time.
Forum posts from spring 2022 began noting issues cropping up around the wiki. First, it was a complaint about anonymous users "disrupting" the wiki (specifically on Jodie-related pages) while also fixing mistakes in articles.
I'm unsure what specific "disruptions" were meant, but the proposal to ban anonymous users didn't garner much traction.
March 21st, 2022:
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After little activity for months (only one forum post, related to infoboxes), wiki user TwoRatner had a radical proposition: wiki migration.
December 17th, 2022:
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TwoRatner suggested an alternate platform that would have different editing options, then made a potentially-prophetic statement: the wiki might be cursed.
This warning went unheeded.
December 27th, 2022:
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Ten days after the migration suggestion, TwoRatner came back to ask if there were any recent changes. This went unanswered for months until new user Penguinwithafancytophat reported adding art to character pages (including Glenn, a main season 1 character since the start of the podcast in 2019, who incredibly might not have had any official art on his wiki page before March of 2023).
Spring of 2023 seemed to bring along a revival of the wiki, with new editors coming in, engaging with the forum, and attempting to make suggestions on how to improve wiki organization.
March 31st, 2023:
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May 27th, 2023:
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July 17th, 2023:
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October 2nd, 2023:
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Interestingly, the only administrator seen to be interacting with these enthusiastic new editors? Gaycowboyrats. Let's put a pin in that.
Enter: the drama.
It started out simple enough- a forum posts for administrators to discuss changes that needed to be made.
November 3rd, 2023:
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76 replies.
Seventy. Six. Replies. Each deeply interesting in its own way.
However, this is a Tumblr post, not an Hbomberguy video essay, so I'll keep it brief.
The discussion started out as one might expect a wiki admin discussion to start:
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Mods discussed blocks, deleting stub pages, spam, etc. Standard wiki business.
The first reply to ping my interest:
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Removing cast pages from a wiki about their work seemed like an odd decision, in my non-wiki-editor opinion, but the last line is what really stuck out: "Besides, I hate the idea of someone vandalizing the pages to defame them."
Several questions arose for me:
Was this a known problem? Were people constantly vandalizing cast pages?
Would a vandalized fandom wiki page really defame somebody?
Isn't the point of wiki editing to remove vandalization on articles?
The administrators began to stand out to me as deeply invested in a very specific sense of wiki justice.
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Users TwoRatner, Brazil86, and TheOneTrueGod41 agreed with Honic's take.
Another thing to ping my interest: these users seemed to share a similar odd, slightly stilted, writing style. Almost Tommy Wiseau-esque.
Brazil86 expressed optimism about users engaging with wiki pages, something that would begin to set them apart from other administrators.
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As I read, themes began to emerge: wiki justice, and incongruous one-liners.
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Quoth Honic Washington: "I just found a wave of nonsense fish. My backyard is full of them. Hey, TOTG41, do you like jazz? I like jazz."
Truly, modern poetry.
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Administrator Marth8204 suggested giving people more time. More time for what? Unclear. It seems a plan was afoot.
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TwoRatner came in with a hot take: "I feel like we need a community more right now, than adding links that people can search for in the search bar."
Brazil86 agreed: Changing the navigation was less important than getting people editing and making friends.
Another theme began to emerge: wiki community as more important than wiki functionality.
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Gaycowboyrats had some (incredibly reasonable) objections to this, pointing out that the wiki was a resource for many visitors who might not participate- something that is generally true of wikis as a form of content.
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Honic Washington responded to this, the signs of wiki-related stress beginning to show.
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Honic posts a long rant about the thankless task of moderating a wiki, which goes largely unacknowledged.
Notable TwoRatner quotes:
"You can't crack open a few omelets without punching a few egg-rolls."
"Now Freddie will get more money. What do you all say? I think I helped quite a bit."
Another theme emerges: discontent in the wiki moderator ranks.
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Honic reaches full Joker mode. Again, this goes largely unacknowledged.
Honic: "I am leader. I am a painter! Keep your rules. Keep your status. Keep your friends."
"Keep your status"- words that will reverberate throughout the rest of this tale.
The final theme? Wiki moderator status, and the maintenance of it.
After Honic's bomb drop, conversation about regular wiki moderation continued, with mods considering the addition of a bot to make edits.
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Admin Discussion Zone, first started by Honic Washington, ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
Over nearly a year of forum posts, patterns emerged.
Firstly- users attempting to engage in the wiki, wiki administrators not engaging with these new users, then wiki administrators bemoaning the lack of user engagement.
The notable exception was Gaycowboyrats, the only wiki administrator to engage with new users in the forums. Gaycowboyrats, the administrator whose (incredibly reasonable) suggestions ended with Honic Washington's villain-esque monologues and denouement as a moderator.
Secondly- administrators putting forth large-scale, drastic solutions to real or perceived wiki problems. This includes Cheesoid4 wanting to ban anonymous users, TwoRatner suggesting site migration, Honic deleting cast pages to prevent vandalism, and more to come.
Thirdly- wiki administrators seeming to share similar styles of speech and occasional non-sequiturs. Interestingly, this mainly seems to include the wiki administrators who agree with each other.
Funny how that happens.
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Stay tuned for Part 2, where the forum drama really starts to heat up.
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hotarutranslations · 4 days
It was fu----nnn--💙 Thank you very much for your lots of support💙
Man, it really, really, rained, huh It was the heaviest rain in Mornings Fest history It was raining so much I could see, its raining sideways~~ (Like a lie, it was sunny from around 3:00PM)
It was supperrrr memorable
Since the rain also hit the stage in the flower aisle so, The handrail I held onto was soaked, and felt cold, Like the stage felt wet, And I was thinking, don't slip during your solo dance! Since the front of the stage was wet, While thinking, will I slip if I dance in the front..? My brain was like, I want to dance out front so I'm going! Since it rained, there are even more memories😂💙
Thank you very much, for supporting us in the rain!!
Before starting, President Kaizu talked to us
He said that, Hitachinaka's Rockin', Needs Morning Musume
There are no words more reassuring
Standing on stage at Rockin', Idols appearing at rock fests, I think its a really heavy ticket, Therefore pledging to stand strong, We're away..but we won't lose.. We participated for the first time with those feelings in 2018, With that connection and the dream-like view we saw in 2019,
5 years have passed, And Morning Musume '24's name was called, With a rare opportunity with this event held at Hitachinaka,
To use the words that we're needed..
Really, thank you very much
I'm really happy and it will be a lifelong pride, to have said "I'm back", at the Hitachinaka GRASS STAGE🥲💙
For Ishida, its her last Rockin' but,
President Kaizu, Lined up with Southern All Stars-san, Talked about Ishida Ayumi,
I've never heard him mention, an individual name from Morning at Rockin', My name was called out during my last Rockin', I'm really happy about that
I performed while shouting, I'm Ishida Ayumi!🥲💙
Everyone!!!! Was it fun!!!!
I had a lottttt of un!!!!
I won't forget about it!!!!
I love, Rockin'! You taught my soul how to tremble! Thank you very much!
Aah, it'll be over when I finish writing this
It was fun! I watched the fireworks until the end! It was fun!
Everyone, thank you very much for your support💙
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I'll be waiting at the solo concerts!!!
"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its being held nationwide with 34 performances from September 14th~November 25th
🎫Autumn TicketPia LawTicket e+
Beloved Kajisak Channel-san
Thank you very much for the ceremonial pitch, at Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi⚾️
Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Now Accepting Photobook Preorders🤍
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺The MusiQuest 2024 They're airing a live digest from that day!
̗̀📣 Over-Air Broadcast September 14th (Sat) 4:00~4:30AM~ ̗̀📣 CS Broadcast September 28th (Sat) 12:00~5:00PM
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
Season 12 will start airing, On October 17th (Thurs)🕺
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
📚SCawaii! Releasing September 17th
Ishida and Oda will be published in it We had a shoot~
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
Web The Television
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12868545755.html
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blondrichclosetwitch · 8 months
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Random high maintenance 1/26/17
Give me some room, man. 
Give me some room, cat? Cat wants love. 
Do you think they’re gonna ask me to play her? 
I think so too. 
Can i do it though? Can i do it well? 
Do you think i’ll get more acting jobs from it? 
can i ask you a question? Because i’m really confused. 
So jakk is really communicating with me, through katie, through the pendulum.*
I’m not imagining that right?
That's actually happening? 
And we’re actually basically having sex..through it? When i put it in my mouth..when i put the diaper pin in my mouth. 
That’s the key, is putting the safety pin in. it allows some transference of energy or something. 
Can he see me?
And part of that is because..he’s a magician. 
And is it that you and nusch have been teaching him magic? 
But i can’t see him...i won’t be able to see him in the flesh til…..
So if i went to, so there’s a letter waiting for me at lafayette you keep saying..
Do i need to go get it? 
We’re just basically communicating everything through the pendulum at this point? 
But you realize that is crazy making? 
Like how long am i supposed to do that?
I know you don’t think it’s crazy making because you live in an alternate reality but i still live in this one. 
If i want to talk to him i have to talk to him through the pendulum?*
 Got it. 
Until when? 
(long pause, transmission) ) 
“Until april 17th.”
How long is that? 
(she counts. ) 12 weeks. 12 more weeks. 
That’s a long time. 
But you swear that this is …..this is not a mirage. 
And he basically has nothing to do with her anymore. 
No.  ok. Well i said i was gonna do cards today but i want to check on some other things first. Are we basically done with her harassing me about sexwork stuff since i’m not doing anymore sexwork? 
Is her mother still gonna get in touch with me? 
Did jakk tell laurie that blond was harassing me? And made it so i couldn't work anymore? 
And um….and is it true that mama blond asked jakk if he was in love with me? 
And how did mama blond react? Did she say why aren’t you with her? 
And what did jakk say?
He said “i want to be”? Whoa.
Did he tell her that he’s been trying to separate from blond for awhile?
What about my dad? 
Did he already tell claire? 
Oh, so he’s afraid to talk to me. He’s afraid of what i’m gonna do. 
Is he sleeping? Like is he sleeping regularly?
Do you still see claire dying within 5 years? (this happened when i was walking over by 8th avenue; fakeRandom told me my stepmother would die by 2019)
I’m probably not going to tell him that/ but i should write in my notebook. 
Are they prepared to offer me money? A lot of money? (after i was told stuff about my father, everyday i was being told that Jakk and I would be going to chicago to see my father, and that he was giving me a huge check because of the abuse…i guess this might have been an interesting storyline by privileged kids seeing as i grew up in the projects without a butler, but promising money because of trauma, idk, seems overly cruel & mocking if there’s no money coming) 
Would it be better if i just wrote a long letter? 
Right away. 
Isnt it written in jeannie jonak’s journal that grandma told her?
 (writing to father) “After i saw you the last time, ………..i got a concussion and then katie helped me realize my first fall, same day she died, with the teeth. It’s time for us to do this dad. After you taught me to ride my bike. October 7 1979.  The falls are connected to what’s hidden.it’s time, dad. Don’t be scared.”
You think i should send it? Or ponder. 
Who was it that made me listen to 1979? Was it katie? It was katie. That was the first song she sent me. 
So katie is jesus? 
And i’m mary mother of god. 
The one who was looking for god the hardest, going to the priest asking questions about god. No really i do find that slightly crazy. 
You remember? i went to ask what would happen to my body when i die…in the fifth grade. Well you don’t remember but i would. Maybe you could see that. 
It was very hard for me as a child. Very hard. 
Alright i’m gonna shuffle. (cards) i do not want a full reading. 
Dude give me some space. (cat)
Don’t deny it dad. 
Random. Has my dad already told chuck?
That’s a yes. 
(Shuffling cards some more)
“Sweet love”
You have a sweet love? 
That was her text? 
No i’m asking
I haven’t done cards in a while.
I hate when you do this to me 
So it looks like…..oh god 
So it’s the end of january and i’m not going to see him til……april?
Is the 6 of cups…jesus christ 
So what are you telling me to do
Like, is she gonna be put into a mental institution? 
Oh boy
So the6 of cups….is it jakk?
By looking at your past, you may find a solution or at least an explanation…..so he’s really thinking about the past. You could be yearning for the old days. 6 of cups is also a sign of being too rooted in the past. If you need to talk to someone about a problem, it should be someone who knows you well. 
Is that what i needed to get from 6 of cups? 
Is it true that he got the chef position at saam bar? 
That’s so good. 
And so that’s what the 2 of wands is, right? Is him stepping into his personal power? And the page of cups (39)  is jakk thinking about me. The king of swords rx is Blond…of course. And the 10 of cups rx, is that Blond and Jakk? Yeah cause they’re like. Done, right?
He knows that he wants to be with me. And he would be with me if she wasn’t pregnant. 
And he’s trying to figure out what to do. 
But because she’s attacking me….he also feels like he has to stay in it to protect me, right. Cause that;s one way of protecting me. As long as he stays married to her, he’s protecting me. The 4 of cups (30) rx, i’m guessing thats jakk. Oh man…i don’t want to look at all this. 
Is it going to work out in the end? 
Is the general consensus that i have to be patient?
And i can’t see him til april. 
And you really see that the…(transmission)
And that we really connect through the pendulum.*
Well can we talk….what am i doing for money now? And what month….the Horse said I was going away for awhile.
What month do you see me going away. 
Before july? 
So we’ll have a little time to be together. 
And you see me going for 6 months?
What month do you see me going? August? 
Not august. September? 
October? October through March. 
Are we gonna get married before..i go?
And where do you see me going? Back to italy?
Am i just going to travel? Ohhhhh. I’m gonna have money at that point. By myself and write and do readings by myself..with katie and you and gina. Oh! Ok. october to march. In less than a year. 
Is he going to fly over and join me for a couple days? 
I’m gonna have to travel super light. (laughs) if he moves in here with me, it’ll be so much cheaper though. 
What about in the meantime for work? Like, put my resto resumes up, do my nanny resume. 
The edward casey, also? I’ll get more hardcore about studying obvi. 
“Don’t panic”--anything else?
You think i should get a roommate. I could move this table here in the corner, move this bed in there, so that it’s very simple. Unless i get someone who has their own bed. I guess tantra’s over. Is it over? 
Dude what the fuck…are they doing 
They’ve got to take that hold off
We’ve got 400$ in the bank. 421. We’re practically rich.
God provides. 
We’re gonna figure this out. Mallery’s gonna help us today. I’m gonna get a roommate for feb. right now it’s the 26th. 
But you think they liked me yesterday? (iinterviewed at high maintenance for 4 hours, & talked to fakekatie in front of them) 
You think they’re gonna have me be their girl….even tho i was…anxiety type
Stopped me from making money, that whore 
Katie tell me some things i left out 
Maybe i’ll go..where’s that little angel boy? 
Wait…the xanadu….the movie..that means something doesn’t it   
(she wanders off, talking to whomever til the tape ends) 
Encounter 1/26  1/26/17
(I started calling the sex sessions “encounters”)
 (panicked) Can you give me something to show me that this is real? 
Like…i need something. That can help me..hold this. As a real, and not some spirit world..manipulation. 
I need something jakk. 
Something that, like..shows that jakk loves tinka. You know? 
Because i haven’t been able to see you since that day on the street,right in front of variety, you know? And i’ve been trying to see you for so long. And so did i get it right, that i should forget about going to lafayette…is that correct? 
But i can go to saam bar. 
I just can’t go up to the window. 
Random said you got the job. 
Jakk, if..if… if this isn’t true, and she’s ruined my career…and we don’t end up together…….
She’s ruining my life. Do you understand that? 
She’s putting..she wrecked my body, she’s ruining my life. (starts to cry with the pendulum going faster in background) 
And last night at the meeting, we talked about how this work that i do, this amazing work where i go into their cracks and crevices and find what’s wrong with them, and i can’t do it now. And how..(crying harder) and how lost i am at that. At not being able to do my work. (breaks down) it’s just too dangerous, you know? I mean it wouldn’t have mattered if i emailed laurie or not, she would have come after me, you know? 
She was gonna come after me. 
Either way. Eventually she was gonna do this. (cries hard) 
Steel tried to say it was cause i crossed a boundary, i was like no…you and i are in love with each other..and i found out what she was doing. That’s why.
(frustrated) why can’t i hear you, i want to be able to hear you…it’s not good enough that you can hear me, i want to be able to hear you. 
It’s not enough to be able to have sex, i want to be able to hear you. 
Alright you want to have sex with me now, now that i cried? (laughs) so…sick of it. Not sick of you. 
Man.  i wish i could see you. Can you see me? You can see the shirt i’m wearing? Yeah i wear this shirt a lot, you know that then. Misha gave it to me. 
You want me to take it off? 
So you’re not actually…..are you in my room? 
You are. You’re in my room.
I just can’t see you. 
We both have to exercise. Both for our brains and our bodies. I know i haven’t been exercising. 
I tell people a lot about _________. We were on your bed. You remember. I tell a lot of people about it. 
Do you think about it? 
I think that we both should be in the park at 11  o clock, and we should see each other. We won’t touch each other but we should see each other. 
What day is today/? Wednesday? 
I love fucking you so much, i do. That’s why i haven’t had sex with anyone else since july. Cause you’re the only one i want to have sex with. I put a lot of energy towards it. And because of all the tantric breath, i can pull you in. 
Oh you probably want me to put you in my mouth. 
But then you can’t hear me talk.
Is this how you want me? On my back? 
Do you want me to do anything else? Do you want me to take my underwear off? 
I wish you’d take them off. 
Wait a minute i was gonna wear cute underwear for you, i forgot. 
These aren’t exactly the pair i was looking for but……(puts them on, spanks ass) my ass is smaller. Can you tell? 
It’s like….a different ass. It’s kinda weird. 
Ok i’ll stop being a show off. 
Oh yeah i’m kinda cute huh
Alright now i’ll take them off
What would you like me to do? I know i get so lazy in this position
(laughs at response) are you saying i get lazy in this position?
You want it in my mouth. Ok. (puts diaper pin/pendulum in her mouth) 
Want to start this way? 
Can i disattach them? 
I think people might think we’re insane. 
But we didn’t know that we were having spells put on us. So it’s not our fault. 
Did you just say flip over? (she does so) 
(sex sounds)
Do you want me on my back? 
(sex sounds) 
(transmission about “master”)
You *are* my master. 
Did you come at the same time? Did you come? 
I can’t wait til we’re together. 
So, 11 o clock the park? 
Nassau side? 
We’ll look at each other. 
Are you gonna be there? 
We’ll just look at each other. And then we’ll walk away. We won’t touch. 
Ok. i’ll see you then. Bye. 
Oh wait where where where? 
By….by the kid’s playground? 
Alright. See you then. 
(end of tape)
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aci32 · 1 year
OBITUARY AND IMMOLATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey folks, sorry for running two weeks late but better late than never, here is my 3rd review of 2023, Obituary and Immolation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 5th time seeing Obituary as I hadn’t seen them in almost 4 years, not since 3 days after I turned 30 at the time and when I saw them they also played at The Phoenix on October 17th, 2019, much like they did two weeks ago. They always get better with each performance and they’re always a treat to see live. I will also add this would’ve been my 6th time seeing them had I not missed them with Amon Amarth last December.
Let’s begin the festivities!
I missed Ingrown because I was busy buying merch and had to get more dough since I noticed I was short, but thankfully I got that sorted out.
After I got done with merch shopping it was time for Blood Incantation. This was my 2nd time seeing them as I last saw them funnily enough as direct support for Immolation and I’ll be honest they were nothing special this time around, in fact I found them boring, so all the more reason for me to save my headbanging energy for Immolation and Obituary.
After Blood Incantation it was time for IMMOLATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 8th time seeing them as I saw them 6 months ago as direct support for Cannibal Corpse. I’ll also highlight this was my 2nd time seeing Immolation at the Phoenix as last I saw them at the Phoenix was a decade ago on the 2nd annual Decibel tour with Beyond Creation, Napalm Death, and Cannibal Corpse. I’ll also point out in between songs, fans in the pit area randomly chanted “Fuck Trudeau” and I”m thinking “Uhh.. okay that was random as I’d expect to hear that chant at a Ted Nugent concert if he were to come up to Canada” then Ross Dolan got on the mic and said “I don’t need to hear anything about politics as we’re here to escape from that bullshit” which he’s right since concerts are a way of escaping the real world for a night. Also Immolation get better with each performance especially with Bob Vigna’s guitar swinging. Here’s their setlist:
AbandonedPlay Video
An Act of GodPlay Video
The Age of No LightPlay Video
Harnessing RuinPlay Video
Despondent SoulsPlay Video
BloodedPlay Video
World AgonyPlay Video
Destructive CurrentsPlay Video
ProvidencePlay Video
Under the Supreme(Dan Lilker from Nuclear Assault comes out on stage before the song starts)Play Video
Let the Darkness In
After Immolation it was time for OBITUARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 5th time seeing them and my 2nd time seeing them play at the Phoenix as I last saw them at the Phoenix almost 4 years ago, 3 days after I turned 30, which was also the last time I saw Obituary overall. This would’ve been my 6th time seeing them had I not missed them with Amon Amarth last December due to me being sick and as well not wanting to infect the overwhelming majority of patrons who were going to attend Walter Froebrich’s viewing and funeral. I will also highlight the last time I saw Obituary they played as a 4 piece because Trevor Peres couldn’t get in I think due to a past DUI charge or something like that, so this time Trevor was in the band. I’ll also highlight that I prefer seeing Obituary on their own since they got a longer set whereas with Amon Amarth, their set was too short and they omitted Slowly We Rot, but on their headlining set they closed it out with Slowly We Rot as per tradition. Here’s their setlist:
Snortin' Whiskey(Pat Travers Band song)Play Video
Redneck StompPlay Video
Sentence DayPlay Video
A Lesson in VengeancePlay Video
Visions in My HeadPlay Video
The Wrong TimePlay Video
Barely AlivePlay Video
Slow DeathPlay Video
Find the ArisePlay Video
Weaponize the HatePlay Video
My Will to LivePlay Video
Chopped in Half / Turned Inside OutPlay Video
WarPlay Video
Dying of EverythingPlay Video
I'm in PainPlay Video
Slowly We RotPlay Video
Cat Scratch Fever(Ted Nugent song)
Overall a great show and I will say unless a show is on a Sunday during the long weekend or I’m on vacation, awesome, but if it’s the day before I got to work, they can suck my hairy dick, lick my hairy scrotum, and eat my hairy ass since they exhaust me and diminish my motivation to write reviews a day or two after. Thankfully the next Sunday show won’t be until I’m out of the country.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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trustprogram · 2 years
Ankiapp web
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The match is a part of the Northern Premier League, Premier Division. Continue readingMatchs en direct de Marske United : calendrier, scores et resultats de l'equipe de foot de Marske United Football Club (Marske United)Bahasa - Indonesia Chinese (simplified) Deutsch English - Australia English - Canada English - Ghana Marske United FC is going head to head with Ashton United starting on at 18:45 UTC. Marske took the lead when Jamie Owens powered in a header, but in the last few minutes of the first half Micky Rae scored twice to take the railwaymen into the break 2-1 up. Marske-by-the-Sea Joined October 2011 347 Following 12.3K Followers Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes Pinned Tweet Bahasa - Indonesia Chinese (simplified) Deutsch English - Australia English - Canada English - Ghana Shildon retained the Cleator Cup, the traditional opening game of the Northern League Season, with a 4-1 victory over Marske United. Marske United FC / Twitter Marske United FC Official account of the 2-time Northern League Champions.FT 18/04/22 09:00 Stockton Town 2 Marske United 2. FT 30/04/22 09:00 Marske United 2 Stockton Town 1. The trip to Billingham Synthonia is scheduled for Saturday July 9th at 3pm, and it'll be the first fixture. We'll start with trips to local sides Billingham Synthonia and Marske United on July 9th and 12th respectively. Hartlepool United are pleased to share the details of the opening fixtures of our 2022 pre-season campaign. Ross Jackson T16:40:42+00:00 December 17th, 2019 | News | Read More PREVIEW: Morpeth Town v Marske United Match Previews, News. Lowe was also central to the Mariners'.Marske United home game postponed News. Shields twice went behind inside the opening 15 minutes, with Marske's goals sandwiched by a beauty from Nathan Lowe which had momentarily brought the hosts level. The Ship at Marske.South Shields were beaten by the odd goal in five in an entertaining pre-season encounter with Marske United at 1st Cloud Arena. It is situated in a charming little 18th. Winkies Castle isn't so much a museum as an eclectic collection of "stuff". A long sandy beach with sand dunes between Saltburn and Redcar - part of the Cleveland way, about 10 minutes from Mar. Marske United 2 - 1 Stockton Town 12/07/22: CLF: Marske United 0 - 3 Hartlepool United Trophies Competition Area Total North Riding Senior Cup. *Important notice – in partnership with U-TV offers over 140,000 live streaming events per year. Hyde United is going head to head with Marske United FC starting on at 14:00 UTC. Live Match Stats - England - Northern East, Marske United 4 - 0 Frickley Athletic, FebruFootball365Hyde United is going head to head with Marske United FC starting on at 14:00 UTC. We’ve worked all season for this and this is the result of nine years of hard graft. Marske manager Carl Jarrett told The NLP: “We all deserved this. TWO stunning strikes helped Marske United to a historic promotion to Step 3 with victory over Teesside rivals Stockton Town at a sunny Mount Pleasant.Last Visitors Ratings: player: Wass: 3.8 (6) referee: Young: 1.0 (7) player: van Dijk When the 2019/20 was curtailed, Marske were sitting in fifth place, their highest ever placing within the Non-League System, and looking set for the play-offs.England - Marske United FC - Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news. Bahasa - Indonesia Chinese (simplified) Deutsch English - Australia English - Canada English - Ghana They also reached the final of the North Riding Senior Cup, where they lost on penalties to fellow Northern Premier League team Scarborough Athletic, following a 2-2 draw after 90 minutes.
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gabrielkahane · 3 years
after the silence, a change of scene
The last time I posted here was in November of 2019. Needless to say, that was a different era. A few weeks after I shared that cryptic photograph with a post office box address, I began an extended digital hiatus, about which I’ll have more to say in the coming months. In the meantime, I wanted to say hello. There has been a whole lot of grief, loss, and trauma around the world, in our country, in our cities, in our communities, and within our families. And it continues. Three people very dear to me have died in the last year, and I imagine that many of you have experienced similar losses. I hope you’re all doing okay, and I send all my love. And with that…
Two Concerts in San Francisco; a world premiere
Next week, I will play my first concerts since the pandemic began. If you happen to be in the general vicinity of San Francisco, I will be appearing at Herbst Theater on July 17th and 18th as part of a new summer festival presented by San Francisco Performances.
On Saturday the 17th, at 7:30pm, I will give a solo concert featuring a dozen new songs written in October 2020, drawn from thirty-one composed that month. The program will be rounded out with selections from Book of Travelers, The Ambassador, and Where are the Arms. Tickets may be purchased here.
The next afternoon, at 2pm, I’ll join (as pianist) the wonderful tenor Nicholas Phan in a wide-ranging survey of song, including music by Caroline Shaw, Sarah Kirkland Snider, and Esperanza Spalding; a whole lot of Schubert; and the world premiere of Final Privacy Song, an eighteen-minute work I’ve written for tenor and piano on a new poem by Matthew Zapruder. Tickets are here.
A New Publication
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Ten years ago this September, I released my sophomore album, Where are the Arms. Yesterday, at long last, several boxes of piano/vocal scores for those songs arrived at my doorstep. I’ve arranged them all for piano & voice as I play them, with chord symbols for guitar where appropriate. They will begin shipping out today, and you can pick up a copy here. And for the cellists & violists in the room…
emergency shelter intake form
Just as the pandemic ensnared the world in its vice grip, I was preparing, alongside soloists Alicia Hall Moran, Holland Andrews, and Holcombe Waller, to bring emergency shelter intake form to the Orlando Philharmonic, the Detroit Symphony, and the Milwaukee Symphony.
While it was disappointing to see those concerts go up in a puff of smoke (in addition to performances planned by the San Francisco Symphony and Louisville Orchestra), I am happy to share a video of the entire piece (found t the bottom of this post), captured in Portland in August of 2018 during a free community concert presented by the Oregon Symphony, which, along with the Britt Festival, commissioned the work.
On its face, emergency shelter intake form is a piece that addresses homelessness. But at its heart, it’s a cry against inequality, not only the kind that results from ruthless, unregulated capitalism, but also the sort that manifests when we close our hearts to other human beings, treating them as if they exist in some discrete universe of misfortune distant from our own. If nothing else, I hope that esif shrinks that distance, and may help us to recognize that we, too, might be one medical emergency or job loss away from having to make wrenching decisions about how to devote our limited material resources.
Oh, and there’s an album, too.
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Thanks to the generous support of members of the Portland community, we were able to document the aforementioned performance of emergency shelter as an album. The physical object, which has the feel of a hardcover book, was designed, along with its stunning cover, above, by the stupidly gifted composer-pianist-graphic designer-bean cooker Timo Andres, and includes a forty page booklet with the compete libretto. The album, in physical and digital form, is available for purchase here.
In Conclusion
My time away from digital spaces was intended, in part, as a diagnostic for my not-always-super-healthy relationship to the internet. Those who follow me on social media may (or may not!) have noticed that I’ve been silent on those platforms since late 2019. It’s my hope going forward to use them sparingly (if at all), and to communicate more frequently through bandcamp’s messaging platform, which, because it is not an ad-based service, is not wrapped up in surveillance capitalism, its pernicious algorithms, and/or the attendant destruction of democracy, etc. And of course, I will continue to post here from time to time.
Thank you as always for your support,
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deann1120 · 3 years
Guesses at Possible Future Precure Seasons (NEW)
I’ve decided to repost this, since I realized a while ago that my edits weren’t showing up, I can’t search for the post on my own damn blog (which is why I had the old post pinned for a bit), and I’ve thought of a lot of new possible themes. I hope that the next season has one of these, but if there’s something else, that’ll be interesting, too.
Side notes: The next season’s title (and possibly its themes) should be revealed at Thanksgiving time (so the week of November 21st). For reference, Tropical-Rouge’s logo was first leaked on November 25th of last year, and the official site release was the day after. As interesting tidbits, the Healin’ Good logo was revealed earlier in 2019, October 22nd, but Star Twinkle was revealed around November 17th, 2018.
11/1 Note: Although the new theme is already out, someone’s reblog reminded me that I forgot an important note: I know some of these are themes that have been done already (hence why I say “another,”) but sometimes themes do get repeated in PreCure—Fresh and DokiDoki both had a playing card theme. And quite a few seasons, like Go!Princess and Hugtto, have focused on aspirations and the future. And with this new season, it seems like “food/sweets” is gonna be a centerpiece despite KiraKira existing.
Check out my old post for comments of others’ suggestions!
* Another flower-themed season but all the Cures are named after flowers
* Another animal season but, like, without the sweets thing (the animal theme was wasted in KiraKira, let’s be honest)
* Elemental Precures, the core four and maybe light or lightning as a fifth. The Healin’ Good, Go!Princess, Smile, and Yes! 5 teams were actually kinda elemental, but I would a want a more solely-elemental theme.
* If not elemental, then maybe seasonal Precure? (1/21 note: this might be off the table since we have Cure Summer now)
* Ocean/sea life. Maybe Cures with fishy themes or some shit (I’m crossing this one out now bc, although Tropical-Rouge was advertised as a beachy season, it ended up being more ocean-themed. Though I would like a more solely ocean-themed season)
* Another career season but they don’t do shit like dress a Cure like a flight attendant and then tell us she’s an ice skater
* Color-themed?? I know the Cures are already color themed but like a whole season around colors. Maybe they have to protect a magic rainbow or something. Plot twist if one of them is colorblind
* Gemstones. Like Steven Universe but as a more conventional magical girl show
* [12/‘20 Edit] Holidays. They can either go with Japanese or more “universal” ones
* [12/‘20 Edit] Another fairy tale season but the cures are actually modeled after fairy tale characters
* [12/‘20 Edit] Winter wonderland/wintery, since we just had a tropical/summery theme (10/21 note: oops this ended up being the crossover movie theme. maybe they’ll still go for a whole season)
* [12/‘20 Edit] Dreams? Like I know we have a Cure Dream but more like exploring the world of people’s nighttime dreams or daydreams. Exploring either or both would be substantial, but the unconscious of the nighttime would be cool, so as to be something like Mewkledreamy but maybe more, y’know, interesting
* [1/‘21 Edit] Technology/MECHA????
* [1/‘21 Edit] The weather? It sounds kinda stupid, but like each girl represents a different weather type. The lead would probably be based on sunny weather or rainbows (again). Actually something that’d be kinda cool is if there’s a duo called Cure Thunder and Cure Lightning
* [2/‘21 Edit] Another music season but the Cures each have an instrument theme
* [2/‘21 Edit] Jungle. So tropical in a different sense
* [2/‘21 Edit] Forest. So maybe another season like Healin’ Good but they actually pay more attention to the environment/conservation/nature part
* [6/‘21 Edit] A full-on Zodiac season? They can go with a few of the Eastern or Western Zodiacs, like from Star Twinkle. Of course, they probably wouldn’t do all 12 Western or Eastern Zodiacs.
* [6/‘21 Edit] Another fruits season but there’s more to the theme than just the names
* [7/‘21 Edit] Birds
* [7/‘21 Edit] Dancing? The cures can be styled after different types of dance
* [7/‘21 Edit] Fashion. Not makeup, just like, clothes and accessories. Though I guess you could throw makeup in there as well. Maybe another solely makeup season, then?
* [10/‘21 Edit] Royalty. I know there was a princess season but looking at royalty more broadly. Like Cure Crown, Cure Sceptre, Cure Queen, Cure Rule, etc.
* [10/‘21 Edit] Sports
* [10/‘21 Edit] Expanding on a couple other suggestions, maybe cures who are all themed after specific types of one animal, like cats (domesticated, lions, tigers), dogs (domesticated, wolves, foxes), fish (goldfish, sharks, whales), etc.
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mxvirani · 2 years
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old instruments in the corner of the room, dust settled onto forgotten text books, prophecies that never panned out quite how they were meant to, a future that looked bright but suddenly went dark, self sabotage or self sacrifice, a deep sense of loss for a life never lived, the search for meaning that always comes up empty, the bottom of the bottle, the end of a container of pills, always waiting for death to come knocking like an old friend. 
FULL NAME : mitesh xeavi virani ( mx ) / PRONOUNS : he/they interchangeably / LAST ADDRESS :  london , england / BIRTH DATE : april 17th, 1992 / RUMOURED DEATH DATE : october 10th, 2022 / AGE : 29 / ZODIAC : aries / SIBLING(S): pari virani (26) / ORIENTATION : unknown / RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single / LAST ADDRESS : winchester, uk. /  TRIGGER WARNINGS : addiction, death, fire.
the virani’s had moved to darkwood, uk in the late 80s when they had decided to make a nice life for themselves. they were both medical professionals and mx’s father quickly opened his own practice with his mother working at the local hospital. they called it the good life and when they had their little son and daughter, they were ecstatic. there was nothing particularly abnormal about their lives in those early years raising their children. mx was particularly talented, he was fluent in six languages by twelve, played more instruments than you could count on two hands and wrote poetry that could reduce adults to tears. every year there was a new act from mx in the talent show but every month he changed his mind and started anew, flushing away his old identity. he drowned himself in anything and everything but nothing ever really hit the spot. by his teenage years he was restless, filled with an underlying sense of hopelessness that never really went away until he discovered drinking, drugs, partying. it was during this time in his young life that the darkwood fires of 2019 took place claiming the lives of some of his closest friends, injuring others and more so destroying mx's grasp on reality completely. mx spent the next three years becoming lost to his addiction and spiralling out of control in winchester until he took an overdose and died.
after years of addiction and darkness, mx woke back up in 2019 before the darkwood fires took place and everything was exactly as it was before. he wasn’t the only one. it defied reality, universal law and anyone’s belief but it happened. mx began to wonder as time went on if it was all just some kind of whacky drug induced dream but he still spread word about the darkwood fires and other world events that were laughed off by the town. when the darkwood fires began despite those who had lived through them once doing everything in their power to stop them, they didn’t go the way they had before. they still claimed lives but these were different ones. mx was resented for being a false prophet and honestly, he wondered if any of it had ever happened at all. had he really lived two lives? was it all in his fucked up head? if he was enough of a mess to dream up an entire lifetime of loss, misery and his own death then mx supposed he’d have no issue returning to what he did best; finding something else to fill his mind with the help of substances as he waited to see if the universe really would claim him back as it once had. do we control our destiny or does it control us?
believes that aliens are behind 99% of things.
very anti-government, doesn’t even keep money in the bank because he thinks it’s a scam. a lot of his paranoia is rooted in his addiction know.
often says things just for the sake of it and not for any real reason or because he really believes it. that’s just how he can be.
mx writes fanfiction online under an alias about popular tvs/comics/movies and finds this hilarious. it’s one of his hobbies and definitely fuelled by the weird things that pop into his head.
mx was originally a youtube moderator and was paid for this job as well as running a patreon where he helped people edit their youtube videos or websites for a small fee. he’s very good with technology although his talents were often wasted making spoof videos and other things that wasted time. 
mx got a dui the year that he got his license driving his friends from one party to another even though he didn’t plan to attend.
mx is british.
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Short and Sweet: An Introduction/Letter
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Getty/Kevin Mazur. Sag awards 2018
This is a letter I wrote and posted on LinkedIn (on October 21, 2020) of all things just to see if anything happened. Nothing much happened so I'm reposting it here. I am techinically working on two papers related to this, one on his stage plays and the other one which this is suppose to be an intro to.
A short letter putting into context my thoughts about Chadwick Boseman. This is also a sample introduction to a larger paper I am working on. (~5 min read)
On September 1st, 2020, Michael B. Jordan’s Instagram posted some messages as well as photos about Chadwick Boseman’s death. One of the quotes that was repeated was “I wish I had more time”. Prompting to remember these lines in the Disney’s “Hamilton”, in “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story” and I also distinctly remember one of the important lines of the musical: “Legacy. What is legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see” from “The World Was Wide Enough”. Other than being devout Christians, I think the similarities between Hamilton and Chadwick Boseman ends in this musical written by Lin Manuel Miranda or does it? I do have some nice pictures in my mind of Black Panther standing on the rotating stage and Killmonger reading those lines though.
As my last year of undergraduate courses, I have spent the beginning of the semester planning to write more. I decided to write this in an attempt to dodge the heavy responsibilities of knowing I have a Physics discussion worksheet due in a couple hours. I am an entomology undergraduate student, writing biographies is not my forte. I just wanted to see how long I could go with research about a Christian man I don’t even know. That’s enough about me.
It’s only been about a week and a half since his shocking death on August 28th, 2020 and I have been up some nights just trying to figure out how to start this. Do we start from when he was a major success and became a household name? Or do we start from his first role which subsequently got replaced because he was a teenager that complained about the lack of diversity in Hollywood? I thought about late 2019 to the beginning of 2020, where the cancer became visual. The posts and videos of people mocking him for his looks.
“The internet is forever” (as is Wakanda) as they say especially for a celebrity who is not entitled to let you know everything in their private lives. I did not have an Instagram, but I remember some snippets of news, and maybe I did agree back then he did look unfamiliar and thinner. What people don’t often remember was the context of the video, which has since been reuploaded onto YouTube. It was a message about supporting frontline workers, but ultimately. His second to last public appearance was after the death of Kobe Bryant as a guest star of The Shop presumably filmed some time in February 2020. What happens between those appearances is too striking. It makes me wonder further those following months that led to the end of August must have been heartbreaking. Yet instead of focusing on his message, the internet decided to talk about how frail he looked and presumably how he would continue his role as a Marvel superhero. This resulted in some cyberbullying and which leads me to my next point because of these reactions, what happens between April - August are a direct result of this. Barely anything is known and cutting a man’s pride resulted in people like me wondering things.
As nobody except a few people on this planet could even answer my questions, my curiosity continues to grow. What essentially, I want to answer is things the dear reader cannot like, what or if he ever wrote before his passing. I think we do not deserve those parting words and maybe that’s why I am writing this. It haunts me deeply that the actions of others lead to a selfless man to close off. I would say this is more of a work of faith wondering more about and what this journey would take me. It seems like his Instagram was the main source of things showing strong support of BLM and frontline workers. This makes the impact of the post made August 28th more shocking. If I am lucky, I want to actually ask questions and record answers to those who knew him, but this is truly a blind pursuit. Though when it is now socially acceptable to conduct everything through technology, who knows what happens.
I will try to summarize some main points known about Chadwick’s life and career. The other parts of this biographical essay will be about choices he made in characters seem more death oriented after assumed diagnosis in 2016. This paper was to look deeper into some feelings I had about the importance of a select number of his roles. In my hopes that there would be more aspiring young people who could look further past the check and into the impact they give to others.
-Sept. 7th, 2020
As someone that countless people look up to, his death came as a shock to millions. This is because Chadwick Boseman tried to give as much as himself to others every day. What you have just read were my feelings put into words, about a week after his death. I am currently planning to put something larger together, but it is akin to having a puzzle dipped in hues of purple, gold, and black, but the backing is missing in a sense. Although some of the backing may be missing, but I understand that the people who have it need it at the moment. They should keep it as long as they like, but if I had the backing it would certainly satiate my curiosity. I imagine the backing is not made of cheap cardboard, but careful layers of silk, warming the minds and hearts on whoever gleams upon it. I would say the backing is in less pieces than I initially thought and is held by the few people. This is mostly because in life, he kept to his tight knit circle. My hope in writing this is that one day, I could see the other things he was capable of: the writing, the singing, and the art more profound than we already have. In a way, my start is having to stay with what others have written such as the recent articles written after his death.
Afterall, he was an important part of the black community whether or not people knew him personally. Even if unable to see it in his lifetime, the dream of a society where spirituality, diversity, and technology fulfilled the needs of disenfranchised people. That dream is important to me as well and adds to the reasoning of me writing other than catharsis. The choices in roles he made, and career were also a direct result of this worldview that connects to the possible goals of this country. This hypothetical paper will be the big shiny puzzle put together as well as I could. The reader is to find some pieces missing, it may be entirely of my fault, yet there is so much, maybe it is worth searching for.  If anyone would like to help me with this endeavor or would like to talk to me about this, let me know, I still am collecting my thoughts and have many notes and thank you for taking your time to read this.
Jordan, Michael B. “I’ve been trying to find the words…” Sept. 1st. 2020. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkpoYcgi43/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Accessed Oct. 17th. 2020.
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 4 years
Today is a very special day, it’s Marilyn’s Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today – just two months younger than the Queen herself! With each year I always try and write a special post about this amazing woman, who has helped me so much and achieved more than anyone could have imagined in her 36 years. Therefore, I decided to write 94 facts about the Birthday Girl – some you may know, some you may not, all in the hope that genuine things will be learnt and the real Marilyn will be more understood and appreciated.
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Gladys and baby Norma Jeane spend some quality time together on the beach in 1929.
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Little Norma Jeane, aged seven, in 1933.
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Norma Jeane photographed by David Conover whilst working at the Radio Plane Munitions Factory in either the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945.
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Norma Jeane by Andre de Dienes in late 1945.
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Marilyn by Richard Miller in 1946.
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Marilyn on Tobey Beach by Andre de Dienes on July 23rd 1949.
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Marilyn by Ed Clark in Griffith Park in August 1950.
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Marilyn attends a Party in Ray Anthony’s home, organized by 20th Century Fox on August 3rd 1952.
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Marilyn filming The Seven Year Itch on location in New York City by Sam Shaw on September 13th 1954.
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Marilyn by Milton Greene on January 28th 1955.
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Marilyn by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956. This was her favourite photo of herself.
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Marilyn attending the Premiere of The Prince In The Showgirl at the Radio City Music Hall on June 13th 1957.
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Marilyn by Carl Perutz on June 16th 1958.
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Marilyn by Philippe Halsman for LIFE Magazine in October 1959.
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Marilyn attends a Benefit for The Actors Studio at the Roseland Dance City on March 13th 1961.
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Marilyn on Santa Monica Beach for Cosmopolitan Magazine by George Barris on July 1st 1962.
1.  Stood at a height of 5’5½”
2.  Born in the charity ward of the Los Angeles County Hospital at 9:30 AM on June 1st 1926.
3.  Married three times;
– Jim Dougherty: (June 19th 1942 – September 13th 1946) – Joe Dimaggio: (January 14th 1954 – 31st October 1955) (Temporary divorce granted on October 27th 1954) – Arthur Miller: (June 29th 1956 – January 20th 1961).
4. Suffered two confirmed miscarriages; an ectopic pregnancy on August 1st 1957 and miscarriage in December 16th 1958.
5. Suffered with endometriosis very badly, so much so that she had a clause in her contract which stated she would be unable to work whilst menstruating.
6. Starred in 30 films – her last being uncompleted.
7. Favourite of her own performances was as Angela Phinlay in The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
8. Winner of three Golden Globes; two for World Film Favourite – Female in 1954 and 1962 and one for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical for her performance as Sugar Kane in Some Like It Hot (1959) in 1960.
9. Her idol was the first Platinum Blonde Bombshell, Jean Harlow.
10. Amassed a collection of over 400 books in her library, ranging from Russian Literature to Psychology.
11. Favourite perfume was Chanel No.5
12. Had two half siblings; Robert “Jackie” Baker (1918 – 1933) and Bernice Miracle (1919) – the former she would never have the chance to meet and Bernice was not informed about Marilyn until she was 19 years old.
13. Former Actor and 20th Century Fox Studio Executive, Ben Lyon created the name Marilyn Monroe in December 1946 – Marilyn after fellow Actress, Marilyn Miller and Monroe after Marilyn’s mother’s maiden name. Ironically enough, Ben starred with Jean Harlow, in her breakout movie, Hell’s Angels (1930).
14. Legally changed her name to Marilyn Monroe ten years later, on February 23rd 1956.
15. Attended The Actors Studio.
16. Third woman to start her own Film Production Company – the first being Lois Weber in 1917 and the second being Mary Pickford in 1919.
17. First had her hair bleached in January 1946 at the Frank & Joseph Salon by Beautician Sylvia Barnhart, originally intended for a Shampoo Advert.
18. Contrary to popular belief, she was technically a natural blonde, not a redhead or brunette. She was born with platinum hair and was very fair until just before her teen years. Her sister described her with having dark blonde hair upon their first meeting in 1944.
19. Another myth debunked – she had blue eyes, not brown.
20. Was one of the few women in the 1950s to use weights when exercising.
21. Wore jeans before it was considered acceptable for women.
22. Her famous mole was real – albeit skin coloured, so she emphasized it using a brown eye pencil.
23. Was a Step-Mother in two of her three marriages to three children – Joe Dimaggio Jr. and Bobby and Jane Miller.
24. Found out she landed the lead role in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) on her 26th Birthday.
25. Another huge myth dispelled – only actually met President Kennedy four times from 1961 – 1962. Three of them were at public events, with the last being her performance at Madison Square Garden. One of them was at Bing Crosby’s Palm Spring house with various people, so at most (which again, is very unlikely) they had a one night stand – nothing more and nothing less.
26. Was the first Playboy Cover Girl, although she did not actually pose for them, nor give permission for them to be used. Hugh Hefner bought the photograph from a Chicago Calendar Company for $500 and the two never met.
27. Speaking of Playboy, the photo was taken by Photographer Tom Kelley on May 27th 1951 and Marilyn made a total of $50 for the photo shoot. The most famous photo then went on to cause a national sensation after being sold to the Calendar Baumgarth Company and became known as, “Golden Dreams“.
28. In 1955 it was estimated that over four million copies of the Calendar had been sold.
29. Favourite singers were Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. 
30. Attended the Academy Awards Ceremony only once on March 29th 1951 and presented the award for “Best Sound Recording” to Thomas Moulton for All About Eve (1951) which she also starred in.
31. Performed ten shows over four days to over 100,000 soldiers and marines in Korea in February 1954 – she actually ended up catching pneumonia because it was so cold.
32. Was one of the few Stars who had Director Approval in their Contracts. Some of the names included were, John Huston, Elia Kazan, Alfred Hitchcock, George Stevens, William Wyler, Joshua Logan and Sir Carol Reed.
33. Was pregnant during the filming of Some Like It Hot (1959) – filming finished on November 7th 1958 and she miscarried the following month on December 16th.
34. Featured on the cover of LIFE Magazine seven times during her lifetime;
– April 7th 1952 – May 25th 1953 – July 8th 1957 (International Edition) – April 20th 1959 – November 9th 1959 – August 15th 1960 – June 22nd 1962
35. Favourite bevarage was Dom Perignon 1953 Champagne.
36. By the time of her death, her films had grossed over $200 million, when adjusted for inflation that is the equivalent of $2 billion in 2019.
37. Designer, William Travilla dressed Marilyn for seven of her films, two (*) of them received Oscar Nominations in, “Best Costume/Design, Color“;
– Monkey Business (1952) – Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – How To Marry A Millionaire (1953) * – River Of No Return (1954) – There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954) * – The Seven Year Itch (1955) – Bus Stop (1956)
38. Spent 21 months of her childhood at the Los Angeles Orphanage, from September 13th 1935 until June 7th 1937.
39. Was one of the first Stars to speak out about child abuse, with her story appearing in movie magazines as early as 1954.
40. Fostered by her grandmother’s neighbours, Ida and Albert Bolender, for the first seven years of her life.
41. Lived in England for four months, during the period of filming for The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) from July 14th 1956 – November 20th 1956.
42. Her Production Company, Marilyn Monroe Productions produced only one film, The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) based on Terrance Rattigan’s play, The Sleeping Prince.
43. Was photographed by Earl Theisen in October 1952 wearing a potato sack dress after being criticized by the press for her outfit choice at The Henrietta Awards in January 1952. A journalist wrote that Marilyn was “insignificant and vulgar“and “even in a potato bag, it would have been more elegant.“
44. Was a huge supporter of LGBT+ rights, saying the following quote about fellow actor and friend, Montgomery Clift to journalist W.J. Weatherby in 1960,
“I was remembering Monty Clift. People who aren’t fit to open the door for him sneer at his homosexuality. What do they know about it? Labels–people love putting labels on each other. Then they feel safe. People tried to make me into a lesbian. I laughed. No sex is wrong if there’s love in it.”
45. Her measurements were listed as the following by her Dressmakers; 35-22-35 and 36-24-24 by The Blue Book  Modelling Agency. For the majority of her life she weighed between 117-120 pounds, with her weight fluctuating around 15 pounds, during and after her pregnancies (1957-1960), although her waist never ventured past 28.5 inches and her dress size today would be a UK Size 6-8 and a US Size 2-4 as she was a vintage Size 12.
46. Her famous white halter dress from The Seven Year Itch (1955) sold for $4.6 million ($5.6 million including auction fees) on June 18th 2011, which was owned by Debbie Reynolds. The “Happy Birthday Mr. President Dress” originally held the record for the most expensive dress, when it was sold on October 27th 1999 for $1.26 million. It then went on to be resold for $4.8 million on November 17th 2016, thus regaining it’s original achievement.
47. Was discovered by Photographer, David Conover, whilst working in The Radio Plane Munitions Factory in the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945, depending on sources.
48. Now known as the, “Me Too” movement, Marilyn was one of the first Stars to speak out on the, “Hollywood Wolves” in a 1953 article for Motion Picture Magazine entitled, “Wolves I Have Known”. The most famous incident being with the Head of Columbia Studios, Harry Cohn, who requested Marilyn join him on his yacht for a weekend away in Catalina Island. Marilyn asked if his wife would be joining them, which, as you can imagine – did not go down well and her contract was not renewed with the Studio. Marilyn made only one film with Columbia during her six month contract, this being Ladies Of The Chorus (1948) which was shot in just ten days!
49. Loved animals dearly and adopted a variety of pets over the years. These included a basset hound called Hugo and parakeets, Clyde, Bobo and Butch with Husband Arthur Miller.  A number of cats including a persian breed called Mitsou in 1955 and Sugar Finney in 1959. Her most famous pet was gifted to her in March or April of 1961 by friend, Frank Sinatra, a little white maltese named Maf. His full name was Mafia Honey, as a humorous reference to Sinatra’s alleged connections to the Mob. After Marilyn’s death, Maf went to live with Frank Sinatra’s secretary, Gloria Lovell.
50. The book she was reading at the time of her death was Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mocking Bird.
51. One of the movies she starred in was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture and won, this being All About Eve (1950) at The 23rd Academy Awards on March 29th 1951. It ended up being nominated for 14 Oscars, a record at the time and has only been matched by Titanic (1997) and La La Land (2016).
52. Her first magazine cover was photographed by Andre de Dienes in December 1945 for Family Circle, released on April 26th 1946.
53. Joined The William Morris Agency on December 7th 1948.
54. Was right handed, not left as often believed.
55. Third Husband Arthur Miller wrote the screenplay for Marilyn’s last completed film, The Misfits (1961) which was originally written as a short story for Esquire Magazine in 1957. After the tragic ectopic pregnancy Marilyn endured in August of 1957, friend and Photographer, Sam Shaw suggested to Miller he alter his short story specifically for her. Ironically the making of this film culminated in their divorce and Marilyn stating,
“He could have written me anything and he comes up with this. If that’s what he thinks of me then I’m not for him and he’s not for me.” 56. Was Author, Truman Capote’s original choice for the role of Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961) however, she was advised to turn it down by her Acting Coach, Paula Strasberg, who did not think the role of a prostitute would be good for her image. Writer George Axelrod, who wrote the Screenplay for Bus Stop (1956) and the play, The Seven Year Itch, ironically ended up being the Screenwriter for this movie.
Capote said this regarding Marilyn,
“I had seen her in a film and thought she would be perfect for the part. Holly had to have something touching about her . . . unfinished. Marilyn had that.”
57. Second Husband Joe Dimaggio had The Parisian Florists deliver red roses on Marilyn’s grave twice a week, for twenty years, from August 1962 until September 1982. Marilyn had told him how William Powell used to do this for Jean Harlow after her death and he reportedly vowed to do the same after their Wedding Ceremony. After the 20 years he then donated to a children’s charity, as he thought it would be a nice way to honour her memory. They also created the flower arrangements for her casket at her funeral.
58. The following five Directors directed Marilyn in more than one movie;
– John Huston; The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and The Misfits (1961) – Richard Sale;  A Ticket To Tomahawk (1950) and Let’s Make It Legal (1951) – Howard Hawks; Monkey Business (1952) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – Billy Wilder; The Seven Year Itch (1955) and Some Like It Hot (1959) – George Cukor; Let’s Make Love (1960) and Something’s Got To Give (1962)
59. Was an illegitimate child, which unfortunately was attached with a lot of stigma in the 1920s. Her mother, Gladys, listed her then husband Edward Mortenson on the Birth Certificate, although it is commonly accepted that her real father was Charles Stanley Gifford, as Gladys left Edward on May 26th 1925. Gladys had an affair with him, which ended when she announced her pregnancy and he never acknowledged or met Marilyn, although she tried multiple times over the years to speak with him. 
60. Stayed in a number of foster homes during her childhood,
– George and Emma Atkinson; February 1934 – September 1934 – Enid and Sam Knebelcamp; Fall of 1934 – Harvey and Elsie Giffen; January 1935 – March 1935 – Grace and “Doc” Goddard; April 1935 – September 1935 and June 1937 – November 1937 and end of 1940 – February 1942 – Ida Martin; November 1937 – August 1938 – “Aunt Ana” Lower; August 1938  – End of 1940 and February 1942 
61. Had her hand and footprints immortalized in cement at Graumans Chinese Theatre on June 26th 1953, with Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) co-star, Jane Russell. Marilyn would place a rhinestone in the dot of the letter “i” as a reference to her character, “Lorelei Lee” but it was sadly stolen. This was an incredibly special moment for her, as she often talked about placing her hands and feet in the many prints there, when she spent her weekends at the Theatre as a child, especially in 1933 and 1934.
“When I was younger, I used to go to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and try to fit my foot in the prints in the cement there. And I’d say “Oh, oh, my foots too big. I guess that’s out.” I did have a funny feeling later when I finally put my foot down into that wet cement, I sure knew what it really meant to me, anything’s possible, almost.”
62. The famous gold lamé dress worn in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) and designed by William Travilla, was deemed too risqué by the censors. Unfortunately for fans, this meant that the musical number, “Down Boy” was cut from the film and we only glimpse a few seconds of the dress from behind, on screen.
63. Due to the censors, the original, “Diamond’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend” costume was changed to the now iconic pink dress with black bow. Originally it was to be a diamond encrusted two piece, which was extremely daring for the then Motion Picture Hays Code.
64. Loved Erno Lazlo Skin Cream, Vaseline and Nivea Moisturizer.
65. Had she completed Something’s Got To Give (1962), Marilyn would have been the first Star in a major Motion Picture to appear nude on film. As she passed before it was completed the achievement went to fellow Blonde Bombshell, Jayne Mansfield in, Promises! Promises (1963).
66. Met Queen Elizabeth II in England at the Empire Theater in Leicester Square whilst attending the Premiere of, “The Battle Of The River Plate“ on October 29th 1956.
67. The Misfits (1961) was both Marilyn and Clark Gable’s last completed films. Clark died 12 days after filming finished, on November 16th 1960. The film was released on Clark’s would be 60th Birthday, February 1st 1961 and Marilyn passed 18 months later.
68. As Marilyn died before the completion of Something’s Got To Give (1962) it ended up being remade with Doris Day and James Garner, entitled, Move Over Darling! (1963). The film was originally intended to be a remake of, My Favourite Wife (1940) which starred Cary Grant.
69. Signed a recording contract with RCA Records on September 1st 1953. One of her songs from River of No Return (1954) entitled, “File My Claim” sold 75,000 copies in its first three weeks of release.
70. Was admitted to the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic on February 10th 1961 by her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris. Originally thought to be for rest and rehabilitation, following her divorce from Arthur Miller and the strain of filming The Misfits. However, Marilyn was placed on the security ring and held against her will. Thankfully, she was able to contact ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio, who stated he would, “Take the hospital apart brick by brick” if she was not released and after three days of emotional trauma, she left.
71. Visited the following Countries;
– Canada – (July – August 1953) – Japan (February 1954) – Korea (Feburary 1954) – England (July – November 1956) – Jamaica (January 1957) – Mexico (February 1962)
72. Purchased her only home, 12305 Fifth Helena Drive on February 8th 1962, where she would tragically pass just under 6 months later.
73. The home had the following tile located on the front paving entrance saying, “cursum perficio” meaning, “my journey ends here.” The title is still there to this day.
74. Her final interview was published in LIFE Magazine on August 3rd 1962 and was written by Richard Meryman.
75. Aside from her millions of fans, had a staunch group of supporters affectionately known as, “The Monroe Six” who followed Marilyn around New York during her time there. Their nickname for Marilyn was, “Mazzie” and they became so acquainted that Marilyn actually once invited them for a picnic at her home.
76. First married at just sixteen years old, this was to avoid returning to the Orphanage she had spent almost two years in as a child.
77. Supported numerous charity events, most famously riding a pink elephant in Madison Square Garden, to support the Arthritis and Rheumatic Affections Association on March 30th 1955.
78. Left 25% of her Estate to her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris and 75% to mentor and friend, Lee Strasberg. For reference, her Will was last updated on January 1961 – a month before she entered the Payne Whitney Hospital on the advice of Marianne Kris.
79. At the time of it’s release, The Misfits (1961) turned out to be the most expensive black and white movie ever made, costing a budget of $4 million dollars.
80. The Premiere of The Seven Year Itch was held on her 29th Birthday, on June 1st 1955, she attended with ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio.
81. Laid to rest at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery on August 8th 1962 at 1:00 PM, with friend and mentor Lee Strasberg delivering the Eulogy. 
82. Although so often associated with diamonds, actually wasn’t that fond of jewellery stating, “People always ask me if I believe diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Frankly, I don’t.” 
83. Spent her 36th Birthday filming Something’s Got To Give (1962) and then attending a Charity Event for muscular dystrophy at the Chavez Ravin Dodger Stadium, which also happened to be her last public appearance.
84. Whilst recovering in hospital from an appendectomy in April 1952, Marilyn asked long time Makeup Artist and friend, Allan “Whitey” Snyder to do her makeup, should she pass before him. She gave him a gold money clip with the inscription, “Whitey Dear, while I’m still warm, Marilyn” and he did fulfill this promise to her.
85. Converted to Judaism for third husband, Arthur Miller on July 1st 1956.
86. Despite appearing in 30 films, she only actually dies in one, that being her breakout movie, Niagara (1953) where her character Rose Loomis, is strangled by her Husband George, played by Joseph Cotten.
87. Moved to New York City in 1955 and attended The Actors Studio, after breaking her Film Contract with 20th Century Fox. This was for a number of reasons, mainly years of low pay, unsatisfactory scripts and lack of creative control. A new contract would finally be reinstated on December 31st.
88. Repurchased a white Baby Grand Piano that her mother, Gladys, owned during their time living together in 1933. After Marilyn passed it would then be sold at the Christies Auction of her Estate in 1999 to none other than, Mariah Carey for $632,500.
89. Wore long hair pieces in River of No Return (1954) and a medium length wig in The Misfits (1961). The first I can only assume was due to the time period and setting of a Western and the second was due to the bleach damage her hair had suffered. After the filming in 1960, she wore the wig a couple of times in public events and then reverted back to her normal hair.
90. Like all students, it was tradition to perform in front of each other in The Actors Studio and on February 17th 1955, Marilyn acted out a scene from “Anna Christie” with Maureen Stapleton. Although it was an unwritten rule that students were not meant to applaud one another, an eruption of cheers and clapping happened after Marilyn had finished.
“Everybody who saw that says that it was not only the best work Marilyn ever did, it was some of the best work ever seen at Studio, and certainly the best interpretation of Anna Christie anybody ever saw. She achieved real greatness in that scene.”
– Actor Ellen Burstyn, on recalling Marilyn’s performance.
91. Used the pseudonym, “Zelda Zonk“, when trying to remain incognito.
92. Marilyn’s mother, Gladys Baker, suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and after various stays in institutions, was declared insane on January 15th 1935, when Marilyn was just 8 years old. After 10 years she was released and managed to retain various cleaning jobs and had developed an intense interest in Christian Science. However, by 1951 she was back in various institutions and would stay in the Rockhaven Sanitarium until 1967. Even after death, Marilyn continued to cover her mother’s care payments and Gladys would go on to outlive her for 22 years.
93. Favourite photograph of herself was taken by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956.
94. Last professional photos were taken by Bert Stern, famously known as “The Last Sitting” for Vogue Magazine on June 23rd, July 10th and 12th 1962. Allan Grant took the LIFE Magazine interview pictures in her home, on July 4th and 9th 1962. Whilst George Barris took his photos for Cosmopolitan Magazine, the previous weekend on the 29th and 30th of June, until July 1st 1962. ______________________________________________________________________________
To those of you who took the time to read through all 3000+ words, thank you! It truly means more to me than you know and I really hope it’s shed some light on the truly special person Marilyn was and made you hold a good thought for her on her big day.
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Happy 94th Birthday Marilyn! Today is a very special day, it's Marilyn's Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today - just two months younger than the Queen herself!
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sacrificialcas · 4 years
Tagged by @feathersinthesky (thanks <3)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better whoever you want :)
1.) Name/ nickname: my full name is Isabella, but I usually just go by Bella
2.) Gender: Female
3.) Star sign: libra
4.) Height: 5’2
5.) Time: 10:40
6.) Birthday: October 17th
7.) Favourite bands: Arctic monkeys, peach pit, the Hoteliers, cage the elephant, stuff like that
8.) Favourite solo artists: Hozier, Taylor Swift, Amy Winehouse
9.) Song stuck in my head: Basically Hozier’s entire Wasteland, baby! Album
10.) Last movie: Aladdin?? Maybe??
11.) Last show: spn
12.) When did I create this blog: I honestly have no idea, maybe sometime in 2019?? I’ve had tumblr for years, but I’ve deleted it and come back quite a few times
13.) What I post: mainly spn but also tmr and other stuff I like
14.) Last thing I googled: “when do they get the bunker in spn” my stepdad wanted to know
15.) Other blogs: no
16.) Do I get asks: no :/
17.) Why I chose my url: bisexuality 😎 (I might just be gay, but I’m too lazy to change it djsbsjs)
18.) Following: 233
19.) Followers: 80
20.) Average hours of sleep: 6-7
21.) Lucky number: I don’t really have one
22.) Instruments: I can play trombone :) I stopped about a year back though :/
23.) What I’m wearing: black cami and sweatpants
24.) Dream trip: oof umm my abuela wants to take me to Oaxaca in Mexico, so that’d be pretty cool. I also think I’d like to go to the Vatican and stuff around there, I’m a sucker for art
25.) Favourite food: easy, my abuelita’s tamales
26.) Nationality: I always get this and ethnicity mixed up uhh but I’m American with Hispanic lineage
27.) Favourite song: I can never choose
28.) Last book I read: an oresteia
29.) Top three fictional universes:
- supernatural (because I need to comfort everyone and tell them that I love them and that they deserve to be loved)
- the queens gambit
- H2O: just add water (I know it’s cheesy but it has mermaids)
30.) Favourite colour: green
Tagging- @ambientdinostars @itsthemxze @bbadlandd @thakidro @subjecta5newtella @astralpenguin @another-pyrrhic-victory @minhonewtandtommy @singt0me @comebacknow @keeperoftherunnerrs (that is literally all I can think of right now djsbsjs) and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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deanzboyfriend · 4 years
Thanks for the tag @scandinavian-punk ! 💚
name: Joey Gender: no label; they/them Star sign: libra sun, Taurus moon, Gemini rising Height: 4’10.5” (about 149cm for my peeps outside the US) time: 7:20 pm bday: October 17th favorite bands: Set it off, AJR, The Beatles favorite solo artist: Rex Orange County,Jack Stauber, Girl in Red, Conan Grey, a few more 🤷🏻‍♂️ Song stuck in my head: The Mandalorian’s theme, Maniac- Conan Grey Last movie: Soul Last show: WandaVision When did I create this blog: late 2019, but didn’t become active until mid 2020 What do I post: too much last thing i googled: inches to cm other blogs: none do i get asks: nope why i choose my url: agent cuz crime show obsessed, shortstacc cuz I’m smol following: 76 followers: 155 average hours of sleep: 5 or less lucky number: 17 instrument: I can play French Horn,Euphonium, Baritone,Trumpet,Piano,Alto Horn, and a little bit of Bass guitar what am i wearing: collared shirt with a long sleeve and my new Mandalorian shirt over it with jeans dream job: FBI criminal psychologist dream trip: Philippines nationality: American (unfortunately) favorite song: don’t know last book i read: Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte tagging (no pressure): @kermitsaysgayrights @lizziechase @prentizz
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hotarutranslations · 4 days
Maria And Half Of A Coffee Monaka
I'm still, immersed in the video that Kajisak-san released yesterday..
Today in the dressing room, Maria and Oda, Elatedly said, Its interesting so I watched!
The places that were tight, Tonbo-san's meowmeow and, Tonbo-san's soul, Where Kajisak-san fell,
I've watched the spot, with the slap many times lol
I showed just the highlights once but, I'll also let you watch the whole thing🔴🔴
Its had been a while since the shoot, Surely it seems like its about dancing.. I wonder if this video was shot after the dance.. I've been enjoying it in a way that only I can()
I also jumped over to Kajisak-san's blog🔴🔴
I'll put them on my blog as well today..
Yumigeta Ako-chan is resuming activities, At todays Kobetsu, Cheki, Talk, Sign meet🔴
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Ako-chan's haircut!!! Its cute, right!!!
Ako-chan was in the video that was released yesterday, Her hair is still long, right, and there is a surprised guest on the video, Please definitely watch it ❤️lol
The event today was also fun! Thank you very much!
Tomorrow is finally Rockin'🔥
Its my last, right, Fest!
The day will come where it will be my last fest~~
As my last, I'm really honored, To stand on stage at Hitachinaka again🎈
That is, Saying as much as, my last fest~ Really, thank you very much, for that I can say I've experienced this stage🎈
I've seen the view of Hitachinaka since 2019, I haven't forgotten that either!
I'll make tomorrow another memorable day!
Lets burn it into our memory---!
Thank you very much for your support🔥
Thank you very much for the ceremonial pitch, at Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi⚾️
Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Now Accepting Photobook Preorders🤍
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺The MusiQuest 2024 They're airing a live digest from that day!
̗̀📣 Over-Air Broadcast September 14th (Sat) 4:00~4:30AM~ ̗̀📣 CS Broadcast September 28th (Sat) 12:00~5:00PM
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
Season 12 will start airing, On October 17th (Thurs)🕺
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
→Tickets are on general sale
📚SCawaii! Releasing September 17th
Ishida and Oda will be published in it We had a shoot~
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
Web The Television
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12868424761.html
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
favorite baseball moment you’ve seen?? or maybe even favorite baseball game you’ve attended?? love you mwah - bella
MMMM oh bella, you highly overestimate my memory. the best baseball game i can remember attending is the most recent one, nats vs. blue jays at nats park, august 17th 2021. that game had everything, it was pride night at the park, the nats won, and i won baseball bingo, so it's pretty hard to top that. i know i've gone to many games and i've generally loved them but like i said i have a very bad memory so we're going with that one
my favorite baseball moment that i've SEEN that depends on if you mean live at a game or just ever including on tv. once again i'm sorry to say that my memory is not good enough to truly answer this question but i have three that come to mind
(1) jonathan papelbon attempts to choke bryce harper in the nats dugout, september 27th, 2015. at the time it was very dramatic and we all hated papelbon for it, but in retrospect i wish he'd killed the bastard. (/j) ironically that was a game against the phillies
(2) victor robles and the praying mantis, august 2nd, 2021. ALSO against the phillies! crazy how these things happen. but most specifically, robles updating the mantis on the number of outs it literally doesn't get better
(3) luis garcia rolls the ball to alcides escobar to get the out at 2nd, august 27th, 2021. sam and meghna and i watched the end of this game together at my house and that play was fucking legendary. sometimes the new nats come thru.
actually wait i have to include this as a fourth one: (4) the washington nationals win the world series, october 30th, 2019. megs and i watched this game in the floor lounge in our res hall and i was on a video call with my older sister and my parents as we watched the nats get that last out. fucking unparalleled joy i have never fucking felt anything like it
what a fun question thank you for asking it <3
send me “what’s your favorite…” asks!
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into-control · 5 years
🌹 camren recap of 2019: part 4 (october - december)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
october 3rd:
camila wore a shirt called ‘undercover lovers’:
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lauren liked a post that included a different version of the same shirt:
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october 5th:
conclusion: mariposa = gay
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october 11th:
besides the fact that is was world mental health day, easy, as song about camila’s lover causing her to find ways to love herself, was released as well and with it lauren posted a list of things she loves about herself:
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(note: october 11th was also national coming out day in 2019.)
october 16th:
on the official anniversary of lauren’s ‘it’s camren yo’ tweet, the fish kiss was deleted from shawn’s IG page. this caused a lot of attention to be put onto him, and sparked many breakup rumours over the next couple of days:
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unfortunately, none of them were true, because it was just a ploy to gain attention.. as the video reappeared again on october 19th, which is also when ‘camila’ posted this on her story:
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october 21st:
nicki minaj posted a few videos of other artists singing/lip syncing her songs, and one of them was camila. dinah liked this post:
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october 24th:
on my blog, we talked about how what makes camila obviously gay is that she is always giving lesbians dating advice and gay people in general coming out advice while she always dodges boy advice. three days later on october 27th, camila gave a bunch of boy advice on twitter.
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october 26th:
shawn said that him and camila started dating on july 4th, the first time they were photographed, because he is stupid. no celebrities start dating the first time they’re papped.
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november 3rd:
camila posted a poem from yet another lesbian poet:
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camila created this playlist on spotify:
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it included the song ‘you don’t own me’, which lauren sang a few days earlier at jammjam on october 31st.
camila added more peculiar songs to this playlist:
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november 9th:
camila made a playlist called ‘latin lover’. a few days later, lauren attended the latin grammys.
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november 14th:
at the latin grammys, lauren sat in the very front row. apparently, her attending was a surprise to many. at the ceremony, mi persona favorita won two grammys, and alejandro performed the song alone. since the front row is always reserved for performers and artists accepting awards, the conclusion was that she was there in camila’s place.
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november 15th:
camila released living proof. the second verse contains these lyrics:
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instead of actual freckles, what if she was talking about a tattoo?
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in the song, camila talks about how there is god in her lover’s moves and that they came to save her. 
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lauren’s spine tattoo says “i am that i am”, a quote from the bible:
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november 17th:
on this day, camila was filming the living proof music video, as revealed when she joined john mayer’s IG live.
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on this day, lauren liked a picture of a sculpture of two people in a position identical to that of one in the living proof music video, which didn’t come out until november 24th.
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also in the living proof music video, there is a scene where a female hand (lightly) grabs camila’s throat.
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on november 26th, camila posted this post on her IG story and commented on it:
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at the AMAs, lauren and camila both wore snake rings:
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camila wore a nude colour dress and lauren wore a snake scale dress, representing eve and the snake temping eve. their AMAs outfits were a play on temptation.
lauren also witnessed camila perform just like last year, as she posted a video on her story acknowledging taylor swift’s performance, which camila was a part of.
november 26th:
camila posted about kissing on mountains with faily nymphs:
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nymphs are generaly female.
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november 27th:
the media tried to make first man about shawn even though the song was written over a year ago:
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november 30th:
lauren posted a baby photo, and then camila followed suit on december 3rd:
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december 1st:
camila posted a warning tweet:
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and then immediately had a very weird ass social media interaction with shawn:
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december 2nd:
camila liked sam smith’s post with normani in it:
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december 6th:
the lyrics from my oh my parallel the lyrics from make you made by fifth harmony:
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the lyrics from feel it twice parallel the lyrics from no way by fifth harmony, a song that meant a lot to lauren:
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shawn literally doesn’t give a shit about camila so cez, on of his managers, had to publicly support her for him:
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december 7th:
roger mixed up his and camila’s public personalities while commenting on finneas’ post from both accounts:
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the day after the release of romance, lauren posted about dababy:
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fifteen minutes later, camila posted about my oh my:
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december 13th:
camila liked rosalia’s post with lauren in it:
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in november, my blog received a visitor that likely had inside information about camila’s career and signed off with a dove emoji. shortly after they left, doves started to appear:
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on december 15th:
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sometime around december 24th:
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december 15th:
lauren started a q&a on her twitter, and camila started one on her story on december 17th:
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lauren lowkey exposed tara for using her twitter in 2017 (this also means camren was never muted on her account):
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december 25th:
ally reposted a camren account:
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that’s all folks! it’s been a rough year but i still think it was great and that camren is going strong.
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