#last tango in oh noooo
korasonata · 1 year
Last Words of all Limited Lifers
Jimmy: Ok. I’ve got it! I’VE FALLEN!!
Skizzleman: I have 22 minutes left and this is my final order. My time will not go to anybody else. Ties gets to the final 3. That’s it. Etho, do it.
Joel: Scar. Scar. Sc— OH NO I MESSED IT UP! Grian, it’s not going wel—!
Bdubs: Cle— Mom’s doing it!! Don’t worry! AHHHHHHHHHH!!
Tango: Come on Scar! Come on Scar! Come on! Noooo! NOOOO!
Scar: Hey wait wait wait! No no no no!! No no no! You can’t shoot a man in the back! That’s—! You just hit a man in the back! You hit a man in the back! That’s mean!
Cleo: I didn’t realize it was you. I have 8 minutes. 8 minutes.
BigB: Actually, I’m leaving. No. NO— I’m dead anyway. *sigh* What?
Grian: One death and I’m out, peeps. One death. And I’m out. It’s gonna— it’s getting pretty desp— *GASP* Oh no.
Etho: Please fall down. Please fall down. Won’t you fall down? Oh no!
Pearl: Scott! I swear! Scott! This is not a fair—!
Scott: We’ve all just respawned, so we’re all at full saturation. MAR—
Martyn: Nah, I don’t wanna play this silly game. I wanna do it this way. I wanna do it exactly this way! It doesn’t matter if you’re a Mean Gill or a Bad Boy or a Neighbour or a Clocker! YOU’RE ALL GOING DOWN!! NONE of these niceties! This is a death match for a reason! OHHHHH that feels good!! Time is delicious! HAHAHAHAHA!!
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thatonefatgumsimp · 11 months
Which Secret Life POVs I've Watched So Far (will be updated and edited as I finish)
OK so I may or may not have gotten distracted again- oops- but basically I'm putting here which POVs I've already watched in full and what my first thought about each one was.
-WARNING: wall of texts and ramblings from an mcyt obsessed audhd under the cut...and also spoilers. Don't click unless you're ready for simultaneously spoilers and an ungodly amount of text lol-
Grian: "God this series is so hype I can't wait to see what all happens and- OMG GEM IS HERE! :D GEM IS GREAT! I can't wait to see her kick Etho's ass at PvP again /lh ...waiminute...is that logo on the statue...is that the Watcher logo??? Huh??? Wait...and why does it have the same mossiness of the Entity and Grian's s9 base? Suspicious...OMG the chaotic Best Friend energy with Mumbo and Grian- tbh would be me and my best friend on any given day. Amazing. Their laughter is so infectious too lmao- Oough merch! Pretty :3 Wait it's over already? Aweeeeh ): can't wait for the next episode tho!"
Mumbo: "Wait he switched sides of the circle when Martyn punched Jimmy lmaoooo just like 'these people are crazy, save me, Grian-' 💀 The best friend energy omg still amazing I love their dynamic so much! Ooh a sideways house that *IS* an interesting idea! WHY DOES JIMMY KEEP BREAKING THE CRAFTING TABLES LMAO Hmmmmm Impulse ik cherry blossom is great, but that salesman voice is indeed very sus. I'm with Mumbo on this one."
Skizz: "Idk I watched it when I was very tired last night and all I remember is 'Awwweh a frog! Take care of him...WH- TANGO!!!' and also him apologizing to Gem which was very nice. Oh yeah and love island <3"
Jimmy: "Alright, Timmy, you've got this. Just don't die and- OMG MARTYN NOOOO LMAOO- Aweeeh it's like when you have a really young sibling or you're, like, a parent or something and you kiss the child's scraped knee to make it feel better- 🥺 wholesome. THANK YOU! I thought I was alone in recognizing that symbol, thank you for acknowledging it. JIMMY LOOK OUT OMG YOU'RE GONNA GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK! OK but the task. This man is an absolute menace lol. Aweh that's very nice of Scar to compliment Jimmy's outfit! SCOTT LMFAOOOO YOU'RE SO RIGHT, BUT AT THE SAME TIME 💀 Jimmy building in the Mesa? Tumble Town 2 electric boogaloo?? 'Hmmmm if Scar's building a shack, we're gonna have to have a shack-off, mine's better.' NO JIMMY DON'T STEAL THE CAMEL! D: pftttt Scar would- remember the Relation-ship? And the Ranch? Arson boy lol. THE VALLEY GIRL ACCENT I CAN'T- 😭"
Scar: "OK, Scar, you can do the task, I believe in you. I've seen 4 other POVs which prove that you failed, but I still believe in you. OMG THAT'S WHY HE COMPLIMENTED JIMMY'S OUTFIT LMAOOO I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION- So true, Scott. So true. But you can't stop them, they're still gonna end up neighbors. I know, I already watched Jimmy's POV. SCAR NOOOO YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL THEM- The way he jumped in the water- 💀 hc that c!Scar shook out his long-ish messy brown hair like a dog after that. Cuz he would. 'I'll make an exception for you. The first and ONLY exception.' if someone doesn't use this as, like, a fanfic title or something I swear- literally perfect material for a c!Scarian fic title. AWEEEEEEH HE CALLED GRIAN THE LIGHT OF HIS LIFE- I CAN'T BHATGLFYSJBJSRSKBLBK 🥺 Scar just like 'y'all crazy. Bye.' AWEEEEH GRIAN AND SCAR'S CAMEL RIDE! DESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUODESERTDUO! The way they stare at the hole Big B dug like *insert surprised Pikachu here* awwwwweh the way he let Grian have the cactus monopoly 🥺 you will never not convince me that bullying is their love language. c!desertduo bullies each other affectionately...I'm so normal about c!desertduo I promise- HE TALKED ABOUT ASOKA FOR 30 MINUTES OFC HE DID- 💀😭 I was wondering why he didn't include it lmao- NOT SCAR TREATING THE CAMEL LIKE A DISNEY RIDE LOL learning about the task goodies with Tango, Jimmy, and Scar 101 'IS IT A ROCKET' LMAOOOOO- HE'S SUFFOCATING AGAIN- SCAR BE CAREFULLLLL!!! Ik it's not in the comments, but, I GOT TO THIS POINT AND I'M ENJOYING IT, SCAR! Love this series sm and I'm only 5 POVs in lol. 'It's looking kinda like a shack' 'fancy house and exotic materials' indeed, Etho. Also yes, Scar, part of what gave it away is that ur favorite color is orange lol /lh the fact that Jimmy is the only one I've seen to call him 'Obi' when he says 'Hello There'- amazing. 'Nonono it's not a shack, look at that entrance!' But, Scar, you just said- ...OK- 'this is my shack' OK, Scar I'm confused. Is it or isn't it a shack? Ofc he cut out the arson threats and allegations smh /lh 'until next time, we'll see you later, and don't forget to subscribe because you may just become. SCARRRRED FOR LIFE!' ...yes I've memorized his outro-"
Martyn: "Wait OK before we start- are we sure that punching Jimmy didn't just, like, transfer the canary's curse? /lh like it could also be that he won last series and now he's the 'wet cat' of the first episode like I saw in another post, but like, what if?? I guess we'll see, huh? The awkward 'goodbye' and then walking the same way lmaooo 💀 Lizzie and Gem: 'WE HAVE TO GET TO THE CHERRY BLOSSOMS!' Martyn: 'uhhhhh anyways so-' what am I gonna get? Well uhhh probably one of the life hoodies, but I'll probably have to convince my mom to get it as a Christmas gift cuz I already spent a lot in the last month cuz I have no self control- but yeah probably the balloon hearts hoodie or the drippy hearts one. Love those. 'Ofc no wearing helmets' Scar, who has a helmet: 'Hi, Martyn!' 'oh mY GOd you scared me-' Payback for the jumpscare to Grian last series /lh /hj 'friends?' 'friends?' 'friends?' 'Helloooooo!' 'Martyn!' Idk why but that interaction made me exhale like- just imagine shouting through the walls in a cave to your friends irl. Omg now I'm imagining it with the reverb- 'you couldn't spare a heart, could you?' gives off the vibes of 'please sir, could I have some more?' Oliver Twist who? /lhj Bdubs and his chainmail lol 'THERE'S A SPAWNER?!' yeah...he's definitely having a rough first session- o7 'what is happening out there-?' I'd like to know too, Martyn, unfortunately I haven't watched their POVs yet. Also Etho saying 'BDUBS RUN! HIDE!' I- I'm normal about c!Ethubs I promise- 'YOU GOT HORSE ARMOR?!' ofc the local horsegirl /lhhj would ask about that lol- NOT ETHO TURNING INTO CANADIAN DAVID ATTENBOROUGH AND NARRATING HIS, MARTYN'S, AND BDUBS' ADVENTURES THROUGH THE CAVE- I- 💀 'this could go viral' true, Bdubs lol. BDUBS' MIC CUTTING OUT I'M CRYING- Gem's reaction of 'a what?!' and Scott's response of 'we just don't have a healer' is just perfect lol. Love that. WE'RE PLAYING THE MARTYN GETS NERFED MOD! TODAY WE CODED IT SO ALL THE MOBS ATTACK MARTYN AND ONLY MARTYN! that's the vibes Scott's comment gave me lol- 12 HEARTS?!? MARTYN!! OMG BE MORE CAREFUL!!! This Martyn nerf hitting hard- 'this could be really bad if I get poisoned-' YES IT COULD, MARTYN, YOU'RE ALREADY AT 12 HEARTS- IT'S LIKE YOU'RE TRYING TO BE THE FIRST TO YELLOW- /lh bro Martyn being risky is making my anxiety go 📈📈📈📈📈 BE MORE CAREFUL, MARTYN, PLS- I BEG OF U- MARTYN GOING TO THE NETHER- 📈📈📈 MARTYN THERE ARE GHASTS- PLEASE- I- AAAAAAAAAAAAA! MARTYNNNN! OMG! IS HE ALWAYS THIS RISKY, USUAL MARTYN VIEWERS?! CUZ IF SO IDT I'M GONNA SURVIVE BINGING ALL THE LIFE SERIES- 'ughhh I swear, dude, I swear, I'm gonna cry!!!' I AM TOO, PLEASE STOP GETTING INTO DANGER, MARTYN- Martyn saying damnit is me the whole time he's out risking his hearts. My heart can't take this kind of pressure, Martyn please stop being so riskyyyy- 😭 nINE HEARTS- MARTYN!!!! Istg I'm not surviving this episode- my heart is just- 📈📈📈📈📈📈📈 his pICKAXE BROKE?! OH YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! 'OH MY GOD, THE SUN!' I'M HAPPY TOO, HOPEFULLY HE DOESN'T LOSE TOO MANY MORE HEARTS. 'I've been to the nether and everything!' Yeah, imma be honest, I don't get that one. Like, didn't you write a song lITERALLY CALLED 'Screw The Nether' with friends????! /lh Lizzie's 'oh wow' 💀 fIVE AND A HALF HEARTS!! MARTYNNNN!!! OMG! 📈📈📈 NOT THE DROWNED- 😭 LEAVE HIM ALONE, BRUH, HE JUST TRYNA SURVIVE- Martyn panicking- same, bestie- Lizzie just like 'oh you stole my bed? Didn't notice' 💀 #1 way to tempt a horsegirl: offer something to protect his horse /lhj Cleo's laugh lol- infectious. MARTYN ZOOMING IN AND JIMMY JUST BRINGING BACK SCAR'S CAMEL IN THE BACKGROUND I CAN'T-"
OK I'm posting this and I'll rb for the other POVs, but Cleo's next.
So let's see, next rb is probably gonna be Cleo, Gem, Tango, Scott, Bdubs, and Pearl.
Third rb is probably gonna be Etho, Joel, Lizzie, Impulse, and BigB.
3 maybe 4 rb max.
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helium-vibes · 1 year
Everyone’s last words in Limited Life SMP
Spoilers of course
Jimmy: I’ve got it...I’VE FALLEN! 
Skizz: I’m gonna ask you to take this axe...Put that axe in your hand...and do it. I love you guys, I do! I have 22 minutes left. This is my final order, my time will not go to anybody else. TIES gets to the final three, that’s it. Etho, do it. Do it, buddy. 
Joel: Oh no, I’ve messed it up! Grian, it’s not going well-
BDubs: Aaahh! (*I’m not sure if he was mocking Grian or screaming in lowercase, he didn’t upload his POV)
Tango: Noooo! No! NO!
Scar: You can’t shoot a man in the back, that’s-that’s mean. You-You just hit a man in the back! You hit a man in the back, that’s mean. 
Cleo: *silence followed by a sigh after final death* Okay, that was cool.
BigB: Actually, I-I’m leaving....No. No! I’m dead anyway. What? NO!
Grian: One death and I’m out. It’s getting pretty des-*inhale* Ohh no...
Etho: Please fall down, please fall down. Why won’t you fall down? I need you to fall down, please. Oh no, nono-
Pearl: Come on, Martyn...Scott, I swear. Scott! This is not a fair...fair fight!
Scott: Mar-
Martyn: Nah I don’t wanna play this silly game, I wanna do it this way. I wanna do it exactly this way! It doesn’t matter if you’re a Mean Gill or a Bad Boy or a-a Neighbor or a Clocker! You’re all going down, none of these niceties, this is a death match for a reason. Ohhhh that feels good...Time is delicious! *evil laugh*
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lunarcrown · 2 years
Unfortunately tango got sick the last couple days and I'm pretty sure jimmy gave himself a tour of his base in a recent stream (didnt cqtch it and this man aint uploading his damn vods so I cannot confirm for sure)
OH NOOOO POOR TANGO I hope he feels better!! Being sick, especially in winter when it’s extra cold, SUUUUUCKS!!!!
And DANG JIMMY WOULD DO THAT!!! Ive gotten to catch a stream every so often but I’m so sad when he streams and doesn’t upload HAHA PLEASE I WANNA SEE
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ickmick · 11 months
Inktober days 11-15!!
I PROMISE I DIDNT FORGET TO POST THIS, I HAD IT WRITTEN AND EVERYTHING BUT YET TUMBLR DIDNT POST IT??? So erm.... I scheduled it for 'today' at like... 2 pm i think? my time, that is... LOL (turned out the queue didnt work! so its 6pm!)
so anyways, I'll upload yet again on sunday (tomorrow!) since I also need to post on Halloween!! oh boy!! so theres my uploads for the rest of the month, if you want to check back :D
I've actually gotten further than I thought I would! very proud of myself! and you should be too, even if you've only done a few days!
heres week one and week twos posts!
this one actually has the doc drawing >:3c
plus some other fun ones! its all under the cut, enjoy!
heres the key as always, referring to my prompt lists!!
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 11
wh: butterfly
hc: mischief
ink: wander
life: lava
oh noooo... our local pesky bird!! he fellll... (attempted a new perspective!! a lil wonky but I tried lol)
and can I just say I LOVE how peaceful grian is in the last drawing? hes so pretty and soft looking!! i surprised myself!!
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Day 12
life: soulmate
I got that major life series brainrot... if you cant tell, haha... and dont even get me started on secret life!! more on that in the final notes >:D
also I didnt finish bigb im sorry BFMSVSSB
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Day 13
hc: fashion
life: safety
GRIAN IN CUTE CLOTHES !! feat mumbo in the corner to make up for the last few times of neglect rip
also, was low on spoons and unfortunately did not finish the potentially adorable moment between the buttercups in grians wings... smth... xD
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Day 14
hc: hermit with a background
gore: parasite
ay more like parasyte, am I right? *ba dum tiss*... ... yeah ok sorry LOL that was def more of a meme drawing ngl
AND THE FABLED DOC DRAWING!!! I posted it on its own already because im unbelievably proud of it!! listen... i know it meant to draw a bg... like a forest or smth... BUT!! i thought it was kinda funny... and I swear i was going to actually di the prompt right! but I ran out of spoons XD
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Day 15
ink: dagger
life: spyglass
gore: fungi
another low spoon day, alas! but hey, at least we have some AHAA shenanigans (simply grian giggling) and a not so scar safe object!! (a dagger!! who gave him that?? /silly)
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whew, there we go!! i think this weeks set was pretty good! (not that I actually drew any THIS WEEK, but thats not the point XD)
also, thank you for all the love so far!! you guys are very sweet :D
Im especially blown away from this post of tango, because it was rushed!! but im appreciative still because the post is sort of funny!! <3
*vauge talk of first secret life episodes!!*
its so good already omg... ive watched quite a few of the povs lol... i wont say anything specfic because I havent properly spoiler warned! so I will leave you simply with the wise words 'the fanfic writes itself' /silly (and oh my god scar giving grian the dang blocks ACK /pos /pos /pos)
heres week fours, 5.1s and the last post (5.2)!!
okay!! have a good week!! and remember to be easier on yourself!! I hope to see you next sunday for the next week of drawings!! 💜
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ylizam · 3 years
3 sentence ficathon: LTiH, Gillian/Caroline, rainy springtime
She’d left her wellies inside Gillian’s last time she visited, so now she’s being sucked into the mud heels first as she squelches toward the door, juggling Flora and bags and herself. “Told you not to leave ‘em,” Gillian says, offering not one bit of assistance as she leans just inside, warm in the dry. “Fuck off,” Caroline mouths; she’s very, very careful to enunciate as clearly as the two-finger salute she flips through the bag handles.
[three sentence ficathon]
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Last Life session 4 out of context
transcript below the cut:
Mumbo, distantly: I love your back. Grian: *giggles* Impulse: That was an odd thing to come in to.
Skizz: THERE. That bone in the hand right THERE.
Etho, ominously: You're all alone now, Jimmy. You're all alone now! Jimmy, overlapping: Oh NOOOO! NO! NO! NOO! Etho: Ohh, you got split up from the group! Jimmy: *screaming*
Martyn, reading a chat message: "We need to"- ohhhhhhh no...
Mumbo: AWWH! Scott: You're ours now, Mumbo.
Lizzie: I can frolic in the fairy fort freely knowing that I am not a murderer.
Skizz: I only have two hands but somehow three of them are on my face right now.
Lizzie: BOO! Grian: *screams*
Joel: None of that, just sadness. That's all.
Scott: *smacks Mumbo and Jimmy with a sword*
Bdubs: Kevin Maga-doogan Meaty- Meaty- Happyshine. Skizz: *laughs* Maga-doogan? Tango: Happyshine? Etho, overlapping: Refrig- Refrigerator's in there somewhere.
Martyn: *zooms in on Mumbo's face with the spyglass*
Scott: IMPULSE, get back up here! Impulse: I got lost!
Scar: I will be right back with your resources. Etho: HEY TANGO!
Scar: I'm currently building a Pizza Hut, so come by and enjoy some pizza later on. Mumbo: No. No, Scar. No, I'm not gonna do that.
Skizz: I-I would but I forgot how to spell.
Grian, looking at his dogs as a new one is born: Ba-ding! AWWWWW!
Pearl: I will shoot this bow and arrow. Mumbo: I reckon you'd miss. I reckon you'd miss. *Mumbo gets shot instantly*
Etho, to Bdubs: I- I have- faaiiiith in you...?
Martyn, looking at Scott on fire: OHH that's awkward!
Impulse: This one's definitely gonna drop an ender pearl. I feel it. *enderman dies, dropping nothing* Mumbo: WHAT?! Impulse, overlapping: It didn't...
Tango: Don't blow up! *creeper blows up* Tango: Nevermind.
Etho, getting jumpscared by a wither skeleton: OH MY GOODNESS!
Lizzie: There's something in your... face. *pause* Ren: Yes.
Skizz: How are you alive? Tango: Well I fled in terror with extra flee.
*Grian zooms in on his eyes very very closely*
Martyn: Oh my word... Scott: *sneaks very slowly towards him* Scott: I'm just trying to have a nice time.
Impulse, to Etho: I mean... you did try to tell everybody I was a murderer last week, so...
Mumbo: Is there anything that I can do to stop you? Joel: Mmmm... you probably could, but too late now. Goodbye!
Grian, struggling with the gate: G- Gimme a sec. Gimme a sec. It's giving me a hard time. Martyn, laughing: Oh no.
Lizzie, in a funny voice: "EMMAAAAAAAAA. THE CONDENSATION!"
Mumbo, rapidly crouching and uncrouching: I mean, I'm the boogie-man!
Scott: We are here and- *spots Pearl watching him with a spyglass* I am being watched.
Tango: Your front door sucks! Skizz: It really does.
Martyn, very close to the mic: Wooord.
Ren: I'm gonna go into my tower now and... cry.
Mumbo: If I fall and die, this is going to be hugely disappointing.
Martyn, to Jimmy: How are you by yourself on a tree in the middle of nowhere?
Tango: *singing delightedly as he zooms around on soul sand with soul speed*
Mumbo: If we go really high, then d'you reckon-? Impulse: -we could fall to our deaths? Yeah?
Pearl, singing: Makin' my way downtown. Scott, singing: Swimmin' fast. Faces pass and I'm homebound. *loudly hums the tune*
Martyn: You aspire to have a peg-leg?! Etho: OH absolutely.
Joel: Don't worry about it. Mumbo: I am slightly worrying about it.
Skizz: Everybody likes a Double-Down/Skizz combo, let's do it.
Grian: *giggling* Mumbo, overlapping: Are you laughing at how stupid I look again?
Scott: It would be a shame if you were to die for whatever reason, Skizz- no, I'm joking.
Etho: *shows Tango a hidden brewing stand in complete silence* Tango, unenthusiastically: Oh, perfect. Fantastic. Okay.
Impulse, looking at a 2-wide gap in a wall: I don't know if I can get through this, Mumbo. Mumbo: Yeah, be very wary about that.
Grian: *singing "oogie boogie" ominously from somewhere around Martyn, getting louder and louder as he sneaks up on Martyn and startles him* Martyn: *screams*
*Skizz and Tango scream delightedly as they run around the soul sand with soul speed*
Grian: You're on my list. Bdubs: *noises of worried protest*
Joel: Why are you home, Mumbo? That is very annoying. Mumbo: *laughs* Joel: Why are you always home, Mumbo? D'you not go out? D'you have no social life? What is WRONG with you?
Lizzie: What happened here?! Cleo: Your husband happened here. And a creeper, but mostly your husband.
Jimmy, yelling: We've got your minecarts, we've got your TNT! And you know what, Joel?! *long pause* Jimmy: He's gone.
Grian, yeeting himself off a high place: YEET! *grabs the ladder* Mumbo: WAAAAH! GRI-!
Mumbo, laughing: It's wrong! But it works!
Etho: *spooky voice* I am the boo- wait, what? *Martyn and Jimmy laugh*
Mumbo: Is this a good time to mention that I hold shift with my thumb?
Tango: I made an accident. Lizzie: How do you make an accident this big?
*Mumbo uses the spyglass to watch Grian very slowly descend down a ladder*
Grian: What have I just stumbled on?! Scott: Nothing! Pearl: Nothing!
*Martyn is going through the nether portal and he looks through the spyglass at his friends as he does, making the swirling vortex effect even worse* Martyn: Oh, that made me feel sick. I don't know why I did that.
Grian: Joel is the least sneaky person I've ever seen. Scott: Oh, what did he do now? Grian: He's literally behind you.
Joel: *screeching in frustration* Going a bit mad! Going a bit mental!
Etho: Being alone with yourself IS awkward, isn't it, Tango? Tango: Always. Every day of my life, man.
Etho, to Bdubs: Uh, how about you hit the mushroom this time?
Scott: Why are you just IN my base?! Get out! Impulse, why do you ALWAYS find a way in here?!
Grian, rapidly crouching and uncrouching: The boogie-man!!
Skizz: All we've got now is BS.
Scott: Mumbo's just making himself a nice chair. He's having a great time.
Skizz: *making aeroplane noises* EAT.
Martyn: Do you wanna see another poltergeist? Lizzie: *gasps and spins round* Grian, placing lava on her: AHA!!!
Ren: Hi, Scott. Scott: Did you do a murder? Ren, sadly: I did. I feel so bad.
Grian: Is this a good time to tell you... I'm the other boogeyman? *long pause* Mumbo: It's a terrible time, Grian.
Scott: TANGO. Tango: What? *pause* Scott: What the heck?
Skizz: Don't wanna mess with THAT. I'm gonna go ahead and just keep on running.
Tango: I think I'm facing... north. *checks coords* Oh, that's south. I have no idea what's even happening anymore.
*Grian and Mumbo laughing as they both crouch and uncrouch rapidly*
Martyn: BigB, you're doing an awful job of protecting Lizzie, there. BigB: Where did- Ah, she might be dead now.
Grian: *mines out the block below Mumbo, only for him to immediately drop one block onto the ladder* Grian: Oh...
Tango, running away on soul sand with soul speed: GOTTA GO, GOTTA GOOOOO!
Martyn: Bye, Pete the Poltergeist!
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bananacakepie · 2 years
Double life last words:
Jimmy - Final Death: I’ve got no food so I need to make it home… and uh grab myself some… otherwise I’m a gonner. [those were his last words, as he didn’t say anything when encountering and fighting the enderman that killed him.]
Tango - Final Death: Ouh. Ouh!…No! No. No, no. (heavy exhale) Ow! No! Eat, eat- [this was a panicked response to randomly taking Jimmy’s damage.]
Ren - Final Death: Ready to go dude, ready to go! Let’s get in there man. I’m seeing people all over the place, look at this- Etho!- 
BigB - Final Death: I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready. Etho! Ge- 
[This was them getting ready to fight off the intruders of the Box together, and Ren dying as he entered.]
Grian - Final Death: As long as the warden’s in the water…(gasp) uh oh, uh oh, uh oh, ow, ow, ow! [He was trying to get a Warden to the surface, but was killed by it.]
Scar - Final Death: Okay I just heard that cackling gang of them, som- WHAT IN THE WORLD GRIAN YOU JUST TOOK A TON OF DAMAGE! Oh no, G- [he was on the surface, and started taking Grian’s random damage.]
Etho - Final Death: Uh oh. No, no, no, no.
Joel - Final Death: Oh! Etho they trapped it, get back through! 
[They were trapped by lava surrounding a nether portal, Etho accidentally set himself on fire.]
Bdubs - Final Death: Thats right. Oh! Flame them! Flame them! They’re coming, the dogs are coming!… I never touched a dog, I never touched it!… Noooo! No! 
Impulse - Final Death: Not for very long you don’t! Have dogs!… Nope! [he then proceeded to silently attack Pearl]
[They died together, their final words were spoken taunting Pearl as they attacked her and her wolves.] 
[i might’ve mixed up these two’s words]
Cleo - Final Death: Oh! Martyn! [this was once Pearl attacked after relative silence] 
Martyn - Final Death: Which- which one is she!… Which one is she, where’s Tilly? She’s the one who’s been corrupting you this entire time! Where is she! Tell me where she is!… Oh geez, they are packing a punch, holy! Holy!- Oh I’m, I’m gone. Oop- 
[This is basically what Martyn and Cleo said from the start of when Martyn started attacking Pearl’s dogs.]
Scott - Final Death: I didn’t think it would end this way. … I didn’t think it would come down to the two of us- I still don't know how Martyn and Cleo died, I don’t know what happened there. They, they tried to turn on me after they,- you killed the other two, but. … And then you managed to turn it around. … You know; there was many ways I thought this was gonna go. I don’t know if I thought a finale with me and you. I mean I though we would win but … Pearl you- you- you deserve this more. … you do, but in the same way, Tilly death do us part Pearl. … TILLY DEATH DO US PART! 
Pearl - Final Death: Hey Scott, hi. … Neither did I to be honest. … Yeah they turned on me, started killing my dogs, so, that’s what happened. … Yeah (giggling) you know its. … I honestly didn’t have a lot of faith in us, but I had faith in myself and Tilly, and Tilly’s now passed away. … Excuse me what do you mean? Wait I don’t know- … Scott! What are you doing! … Sc!-
[Yes I decided to torture myself, and record Scott and Pearl’s final conversation. The “…” in each person’s speech indicate when yhe other is speaking.]
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medusasstory · 3 years
3rd Life Quotes Week 6: The Week Of War
SmallishBeans: I’m gonna head home because I’ve got a project I’m working on.
ZombieCleo: Is it your roof?
SmallishBeans: No, Scar’s gonna fix that, it’s a secret project.
ZombieCleo: Yeah. Do you believe Scar’s gonna fix that?
SmallishBeans: Uh, no, but I like to believe. He’s my best friend. I’m very deluded.
GoodTimesWithScar: I have so much to tell you. Cleo’s on our side, Joel’s on our side, Tango’s on our side.
Grian: You actually made friends?
Etho: My bloodline was not meant to continue.
ZombieCleo: Red’s are almost dead anyways, so I don’t mind. How is that going for you?
SolidarityGaming: Oh, you know. I don’t like going outside any more.
GoodTimesWithScar: Alright, I gotta go burn down Etho’s castle, and I’ll be back in a little bit! Then we can go over our plans? Okay?
Grian: Don’t die.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh no no, I won’t die, but I will inflict pain upon them who hurt my heart.
Grian: Don’t go in the base. It is rigged to instantly explode.
GoodTimesWithScar: Oh, do you want me to test it?
GoodTimesWithScar: I can sing you a song?
ZombieCleo: How about I give you five arrows and you never do that.
GoodTimesWithScar: Did you see my skill with a bow?
TangoTek: I did not see it, but obviously it was the shot heard round the server.
Smajor: It was actually, it was a shot from a distance.
TangoTek: Well give me the play by play! Cause I’m not gonna lie, I think we’re all a little bit shocked when Scar defeats Etho.
InTheLittleWood: Incoming, incoming.
GoodTimesWithScar: That’s right! We’ve got our own *long pause* friends.
Grian: Did you forget the name for friends?
Etho: Dude, I don’t know about you. You’ve been sending me mixed messages lately.
TangoTek: How, what— what mixed message? Other than the arrow that killed you, but I mean, come on, let’s let bygones be bygones.
TangoTek: You’ve got to be ready. If he comes back, you’ve gotta lay him out.
Etho: Scar? You’re gonna die. I’m telling you right now.
GoodTimesWithScar: We played 4d chess with Etho, he was playing 3d chess.
TangoTek: A red Etho is no joke.
GoodTimesWithScar: Do you think he’s mad at me? He’s gonna come kill me?
TangoTek: Well, let’s see. Hold on, step one, you burned down his castle. Step two, you put an arrow in his face. I’m gonna guess you’re not at the top of his list of friends right now.
ZombieCleo: I know, I know, we’re your secret girlfriend.
Impulse: This plan is perfect, as long as no one finds out about it.
ZombieCleo: And no one dies.
InTheLittleWood: None of us know, Grian and Scar don’t know, Cleo doesn’t know— I’m starting to think it was you.
SolidarityGaming: Me?
Smajor: He’s done it in a sleepwalk, burnt his own wall.
SolidarityGaming: Me? Do you think I’m capable of burning a wall?
InTheLittleWood: I saw you burn yourself when trying to burn a banner last week, you’re fully capable of burning a wall, even on accident.
Skizzleman: Give us the banner and we’ll go.
GoodTimesWithScar: I need something in return.
Skizzleman: Your life, that’s what you get.
GoodTimesWithScar: I left the banner in the base, leave me alone!
Impulse: There is no banner here, he lied.
Skizzleman: Shocking.
Etho: realistically, where we’re at, everybody’s pretty much on their last life. So we only need one more gear of armour, right?
Tango: That’s a good point, how long are the villagers gonna be useful?
Impulse: That’s true.
Tango: Just make a backup set of armour now, and then who cares, right?
Impulse: We could do a ton of trading and slaughter the villagers.
Tango: no no, don’t slaughter them, leave them here as bait.
SmallishBeans: I just wanted something to burn like I did.
Etho: This is why you don’t give lighters to kids, everybody, this is what they do.
TangoTek: Right. Right. Or, Etho, the lesson might be this is why you don’t build castles out of wool. Y’know.
Etho: Noooo, it’s totally on the kid.
Etho: Somehow the kills are more satisfying when the person trusts you. It’s weird.
Smajor: Why are we trying to murder you?
Etho: I don’t know! I don’t know!
Smajor: You did something.
GoodTimesWithScar: Quick question, just innocently. I think we can all— y’know the big powers of the server, big machos— who burnt down the fence over there?
RenDog: This is the question of the session.
Etho: I know it was you, Scar.
InTheLittleWood: No one knows. We’re starting to think they did it themselves, just to throw discourse.
GoodTimesWIthScar: I burnt up my flint and steel on Etho’s castle, which is probably burning again because I made a new one.
Skizzleman: What do you want, King?
InTheLittleWood: What do you want, my lord?
ZombieCleo: Oh god they’re actually calling him king. Oh that’s really sad.
Smajor: That’s upsetting, that is. Y’all need a hobby.
Skizzleman: There is a tremendous amount of TNT inside, guys.
GoodTimesWithScar: It doesn’t work.
GoodTimesWithScar: I got the banner, guys. If you want it you can have it.
Etho: I do want it. I want that TNT so bad.
InTheLittleWood: The rules of engagement kinda just went out the window there. I just sort of saw red— on names and the fog of war, and I just left it. I just went for whoever I saw atop the wall.
ZombieCleo: Are you frightened of me, Etho?
Etho: Well, I’m just saying we have to be careful.
ZombieCleo: Yeah. And I am quite willing to suicide bomb. So that’s fine.
Etho: That’s not what I want to hear right now.
ZombieCleo: What happened? Why are you all so stressed?
Impulse: Well. Somebody burnt down our wool fortress today.
Etho: Yep.
Impulse: So that kinda put on us edge a little bit.
Etho: Somebody killed me. Like five people, all at once.
ZombieCleo: That’s why I’m quite happy to take out my life, if it’ll take out Etho.
ZombieCleo: What I’m saying Impulse, is that you have— you’ve betrayed people at this point.
Impulse: Not everyone!
ZombieCleo: No, but all the people that you went after.
Impulse: Yeah. I’ve never shot at you though, you know that.
ZombieClep: Why did your arrow hit me then?
Impulse: Did it? Oh that was lag.
ZombieCleo: Okay, it was lag.
Smajor: My thought process, if we’re kinda on the same wavelength, was either that we trade with them, to get our stuff, or we murder them.
SolidarityGaming: *pause* Yeah. So. What’s the vibe? What’s the route you want to go down?
SolidarityGaming: If we use the villagers, will you say anything?
ZombieCleo: Only if you end up trying to betray me.
SolidarityGaming: No no no.
Smajor: Oh god no.
SolidarityGaming: Scar! What’s happening?
GoodTimesWithScar: Okay, huge issue, I should have come sooner— your base is burning down.
Smajor: I was trying to think who we could actually get as an alliance, and literally with you and the Crastle I thought that might be a hard sell, because the last three sessions they have tried to take down the Crastle.
ZombieCleo: So has everybody else. Etho’s tried it, and Joel. And now we’re in the Black Book with Ren. So y’know, the enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy, but also someone I can do business with.
ZombieCleo: If they’re not at Dogwarts, what do we do? Steal? Cause I know where their gubbins used to be.
Smajor: See? Other people like to steal, it’s not just me!
SmallishBeans: Jimmy, do you wanna know something? Took the banner down myself.
Smajor: He took the banner down himself! He took the banner down himself! That’s embarrassing for you.
SolidarityGaming: You losers!
ZombieCleo: You lose, good day sir!
Smajor: Scar’s also great with a bow, as Etho can attest.
Smajor: Do I murder these villagers?
ZombieCleo: Yeah, go on. Leave them without resources.
Smajor: Thanks for the free anvils, you idiot.
InTheLittleWood: Do you like hot dogs? That’s what we’re serving up over here, dude.
SmallishBeans: Stop killing my dogs!
SmallishBeans: You should watch your back this episode, seeing as you’ve got no Bdubs to protect you any more, by the way. Be uh, very careful.
ZombieCleo: I’ve three lives to protect me. If somebody tries to take me down, I’m taking ‘em down with me. I’ve got suicide bombs. I’ve got this crossbow, and this crossbow, and this wisp—
SmallishBeans: OKAY, maybe you shouldn’t be messed with. Thank you for burning my house down, thank you for the bow, let’s be friends.
SmallishBeans: Now on my red life, I may just sew some random acts of chaos, such as burning that bridge. Because I can, as everyone is my enemy.
SmallishBeans: What’s the point of having a wall if you’re not gonna stay within its confines?
ZombieCleo: We’re arsonists! We’re arsonists, not liars.
SmallishBeans: Who keeps putting light grey stained glass in my furnaces?
Smajor: Hey, Joel! Joel Beans.
SmallishBeans: Hey Scott, how’s it going?!
Smajor: You realize your trap just gave me anvils?
SmallishBeans: It didn’t work?
Smajor: You’re forgetting, you’ve decided to make allies of the people that do have lots of enchantments, whereas you don’t.
SmallishBeans: Ah, it’s true, but what I do have is spirit, am I right?
ZombieCleo: Yeah, and no allies.
Smajor: No allies, cause you’ve angered the Dogwarts people too.
SmallishBeans: I’ve got Scar!
ZombieCleo: Yeah. We’ve got Scar. There’s more of us than of you.
ZombieCleo: So we’re all in agreement— kill Martyn.
SmallishBeans: <64 dead bushes to the person who brings me InTheLittleWood’s head>
InTheLittleWood: My lord! I’ve got a bounty! That’s how you know I’m dangerous!
Smajor: <I’ll add ten diamonds>
SolidarityGaming: <+ a stack of iron>
InTheLittleWood: They want me, dude!
ZombieCleo: <and a stack of emeralds>
Grian: There’s enough TNT in there to blow up most of the lower floor.
GoodTimesWithScar: Is it a little tempting just to throw something at it, for fun?
Grian: It is very tempting, but don’t.
Grian: I’ve been gone 20 minutes, and that’s the longest I’ve ever left Scar on his own.
GoodTimesWithScar: Red alert! Red alert!
SolidarityGaming: He must be low— he’s going!
Etho: Oh dear.
Grian: Get him!
SolidarityGaming: I’ve hit him! I’ve hit him once!
Smajor: He must be low. Cut him off!
Chat: <Etho was shot by GoodTimesWithScar>
Grian: Yes! Yes, Scar!
Smajor: Yeahhhhh!
Grian: King! King! King! King!
SolidarityGaming: The new King!
GoodTimesWithScar: We did it, we did it!
InTheLittleWood: I’m a little bit exhausted, I kinda want to cool the jets this week.
Skizzleman: I’ll tell you right now, I started to feel a little bit bad about the murder of Pizza. That lasted like two seconds, then I was gleeful. I’m glad we did it. I’m glad we did it, gentlemen.
RenDog: Me mama once told me, on the beaches of the Black Isle, that if ye fail to prepare, ye prepare to fail.
InTheLittleWood: Oooooo. That’s actually really poetic.
RenDog: *laughter*. My mother didn’t actually tell me that, I heard it on some crypto channel.
BigB: Ten cookies? You guys are amazing. *sniffles* Finally I’m part of a team!
InTheLittleWood: Alright, you’re milking it now, you’re milking it. I know milk needs to go with cookies, but you’re milking it. Get out of here.
InTheLittleWoods: I saw a green name over here, who was it? I saw a green name over yonder.
RenDog: I did see a green name— why have I switched me accent?
InTheLittleWoods: What have you become?
ZombieCleo: Why have you switched your accents?
InTheLittleWoods: We’re having a bit of an identity crisis happening over here.
InTheLittleWood: Go on, make it a show, I dare ya.
ZombieCleo: I mean, I’ll give you a hint— it’s piercing. So your shield means nothing to me. And you guys mean nothing to me.
RenDog: Cleo with the fire!
ZombieCleo: Always with the fire.
Chat: <Etho was shot by GoodTimesWithScar>
RenDog: Dude!
InTheLittleWood: Oh my god, Scar just got a kill?
RenDog: Etho was shot by Scar?
InTheLittleWood: I’m more surprised that Scar killed somebody else, rather than himself, that’s unreal!
RenDog: That is unreal.
Etho: I’ve got some intel, by the way. Their bows were doing five damage to me. They are geared up.
InTheLittleWood: And that was through diamond armour.
RenDog: That’s Power V. They have Power V.
Etho: They also had Flame.
Smajor: Also, Joel, speaking of burning stuff down. Did you happen to have a meeting with a flint and steel and our wall?
SmallishBeans: Uh, no. I saw it burning though, as I was walking past.
Smajor: Why did so many people walk past and not decide to pop a message in chat? Like hey, by the way, your wall’s burning? Twice? Twice! Do you know how long it took me to make that wall?
SmallishBeans: Do you know how long it took me to make this roof?
Smajor: Less than the wall!
ZombieCleo: Look, look, look, we discussed. We discussed.
Smajor: Whoever— when I find out who it was, by the comment section ratting someone out, you’re in for it, by the way.
Skizzleman: What’s that thing called when you get close to your captor?
InTheLittleWood: Oh, uh, Stockholm Syndrome.
Skizzleman: Yes, Stockholm’s, that’s what’s going on.
InTheLittleWood: Grian has that BAD.
InTheLIttleWood: Wait, what’s that sound?
Grian: That’s Etho with a note block.
InTheLittleWood: Jeez. I thought that was some kind of precursor to doom.
SolidarityGaming: I did not burn the wall! Not a chance.
InTheLittleWood: There is literally one player left unaccounted for now, and that’s Tango.
SolidarityGaming: Yeah but you could have lied. Any of you could have lied!
Skizzleman: Martyn, make this promise to me: before we die, you and me play paint ball together.
InTheLittleWood: Absolutely.
InTheLittleWood: I looked em dead in the eyes and I said “2v1, let’s go”.  They both got scared and they logged off.
BigB: It probably would be smart if I made my own enchanting table, because then I technically won’t need anyone else’s enchanting table.
InTheLittleWood: Where were you during all the fiasco of last week? You must have seen the chat filling up with death and destruction.
BigB: Dude, I didn’t see anyone the whole time. I found so many emeralds and diamonds though. Everyone was dying up top, I was down below just chilling.
BigB: I don’t have any other options, so I guess I’m in?
InTheLittleWood: Fantastic. I mean, to be honest, we are the Blue Sword Boys. Don’t know what we’re doing about the third Blue Sword Boy, I think we’ve lost him for now.
BigB: He’s on the dark side.
BigB: The end of this series, this is how I envision it playing out. It’s going to be like that movie, I Am Legend. Everyone’s gonna be like, crazy angry, and red and infected— almost like zombies, it feels like— and I’m just going to be the only survivor, here.
ZombieCleo: I brought you an apology present.
SmallishBeans: Eh, you’re playing with fire here Cleo. Like you were last time, but now I’m the fire.
SmallishBeans: I might change my mind, I am a bit chaotic like that.
ZombieCleo: I mean, you’re speaking to me. I understand chaos.
ZombieCleo: Impulse is kinda a friend to everybody. Because he cannot make up his mind.
ZombieCleo: You’re going to try and kill me, is that what you’re saying?
InTheLittleWood: Not today, not tomorrow— because we only record once a week— but maybe next week!
GoodTimesWithScar: Cleo! Are you interested in becoming friends at no cost to you? Up front?
Smajor: See, now that I’m aware— don’t get me wrong, I’m glad Joel is on our side. But also at the same time, he did betray them very easily, which does worry me.
ZombieCleo: Oh yeah. There are alliances that you can trust, and there are alliances that are convenient.
Smajor: Yeah.
ZombieCleo: So for example— you guys I trust.
Smajor: Yeah! And Joel is convenient.
ZombieCleo: So is Grian and Scar. They’re quite convenient.
Skizzleman: Are we all gonna stand here and learn from nothing? It was Scar!
GoodTimesWithScar: This isn’t Among Us. Just because I found a body doesn’t mean I murdered them!
SolidarityGaming: I feel bad for Scar, we just bailed and left him. Grian, you’re supposed to be helping Scar!
Grian: I can’t! Sometimes Scar just can’t be helped.
ZombieCleo: Stop it, Etho! The next time that happens, I dump the lava bucket and we both go.
GoodTimesWithScar: When a British person says “honestly”, they’re lying, by the way.
InTheLittleWood: Pizza wasn’t real, but he did deserve it.
Smajor: I’m Merida with a bow, why are you trying to fight me with this?
Smajor: We are here, ready to do whatever happens today. Could be murder, could not be. I don’t know. I’m just hoping I don’t die.
Smajor: If you wanted to trade with our villager, you could just say. That’s fine.
GoodTimesWithScar: I could have just said?
Smajor: Yeah. You’re an ally, Scar.
GoodTimesWithScar: I’m used to hostility.
ZombieCleo: What do you say the Hobbits and the Crastle form a side alliance?
SolidarityGaming: Alliance!?
Smajor: Oh, Jimmy.
SolidarityGaming: Did I hear the word alliance?
ZombieCleo: Okay, okay. You’re really frightened about red, aren’t you.
SolidarityGaming: Yeah, I’m pretty sad. I’m pretty yeah.
ZombieCleo: See, Bdubs is all “I’m going to kill people!”
Smajor: Yeah, whereas Jimmy is more like a lost puppy.
Smajor: I just don’t understand why he’d burn down the wall though, he doesn’t gain anything.
Impulse: Maybe he just had like a lust to burn things today?
ZombieCleo: I mean, that is a thing. That is a real thing.
GoodTimesWithScar: Obviously I could never have set the fire, because I used up my flint and steel burning down Etho’s castle. Look, my bucket is empty of lava, and my flint and steel is no more!
Smajor: The one thing I’m getting from this, is that Dogwarts is left currently unprotected.
Grian: Oh yeah. Oh Yeah! That’s so true!
SolidarityGaming: Let’s go, let’s go!
ZombieCleo: Let’s burn this bitch down.
Grian: Let’s wreck the place, I’ve got TNT on me.
SolidarityGaming: Do you want some of this?! Want some of this?!
Smajor: Jimmy, you’re gonna die. Jimmy, you’re on two hp.
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rudeinterrupti0ns · 5 years
Amazon Prime Concert
ok here are all my thoughts about the gig. i've already posted a few thoughts such as how brilliant the audience were before taylor even came on, chanting her name and then screaming to high hell when appeared, and a few other things, but i've sort of decided to live post a bit in one post to be less annoying. so here is my terrible stream of consciousness, live from my bed and thanks to a total lack of sleep!
omg she's starting with me! yay!- i loved that she played this first. her first song released which is, at the end of the day, owned by her and it's so happy and cheery and it's such a positive start to this era. love it. also the video is unbeatable. suddenly thinking about benjamin. been distracted brb.
blank space - hell yeah after the last few weeks taylor's gonna play blank space! another great big fuck you to the media's opinion of her. god i love this song. she so smort. this song will never age because the media will always be this dumb. this is why taylor's timeless.
owh she's giving a speech about everyone already being the most supportive crowd. good work gang. that's what we were aiming for tonight.
ikywt - i felt it was really interesting she played ikywt, especially given that it's one of the few songs sc**ter changed on apple music. to me it felt like she was reminding everyone that it was HER song, no matter what he did with it. ooh a slightly funky ending! ooh taylor yeah mix it up!
'I wrote all of it'' YES TAYLOR! fucking tell em! we will never forget this. and i love that this is how she's dealing with it. cause she's right. tbh it's not like she needs the money from them and although i'm sure it fucking HURTS to a) be backstabbed by someone so close to her and b) have her musical children in the hands of someone else, she knows that in the world's eyes and in the fans' eyes and especially in her eyes the music is hers. and that's so important. we're not under any pretences that entire albums were ghostwritten like some singers do. we know that taylor's work is her own and so we accredit it to her. so i'm glad she's reminding everyone publicly again who wrote those somgs because she deserves to reiterate that no matter whose hands those songs are in...that she wrote them. good for you taylor.
love story yay!! - i cried during the intro lmao happens every time. and oh my god. there's a guy in the backwards cap during the first verse and he is so intensely singing the words and staring at taylor and it is amazing someone please find him. and oh my god PAUL SIDOTI YES BB show him the love he deserves.
"A little me and you time one on one on the guitar" YES PLEASE AND NEW YORK CITY HOOOOOLD UP WHAT YOU SAYING-
"I get inspired by lots of things in life, not just my own life but books and relationships between characters... but then there's being inspired by a place. That definitely happened to me when i spent a lot of time in new york city... this is the FIRST song that I wrote which was inspired by new york city" OK GUYS SHE HAD A MAJOR INFLECTION ON THE WORD "FIRST" I BET THERE'LL BE ANOTHER IN LOVER!!!!!!
ok side note i've just noticed yellow stars on the frets of taylor's guitar WHAT IS THE STAR THING?? so many easter eggs, so few brain cells.
AND YOU CAN WANT WHO YOU WANT BOYS AND BOYS GIRLS AND GIRLS yes taylor you show them that yntcd isnt queerbaiting you've been publicly supporting lgbtqa+ for yonks give them the receipts!! also this has got to be a shout out to the us womens soccer team. so cute. so deserving.
well that was bloody beautiful taylor. what a lovely version of that song. we have been blessed.
DELICATE 123 LGB!!! her face when everyone screamed it oh my god. she loves it. she fucking gets it. i love that amazon didn't censor it in time lmao, they weren't stan enough to know it was coming. i bet there was at least 1 swiftie working there keeping their mouth shut just so we could get an hq version of 123lgb lmao. brilliant.
also isn't delicate just so fucking good? ahhhhh the switch from acoustic to the backing track! love that. the kick into the 2nd verse is my favourite bit. great stuff.
STYLE. i s2g i hear the tiniest part of the beginning of the backing track and my whole body lights on fire. there really is no song like style. it is a pop masterpiece.
she's talking about lover!! - a love letter to love itself AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! love is complexity, struggle, pain, joy, hope... love is EQUALITY YEEEEEEEEET god she's such a good precious lil bean!!!! so much support for the queer community this era i am so here for it.
"would it be ok if for the first time ever we play yntcd live?" lmao taylor WHAT DO YOU THINK? hooooly shit. i love it.
ahh she's dancing! aha omg the little boxing motions taylor u geek. owh her lil choreography ugh, soft bean. MUST HAVE TAKEN ALL NIGHT lmaoooo her face. CAUSE SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY yes the crowd went IN! well done bbs. and omg why does amazon keep cutting to people standing there being miserable??? they've done it the whole show like what are these camera people doing?!?! maybe focus on people actually obviously having fun lmao. um also i see the beachballs in the background video... is that a wango tango reference? who knows maybe she's somehow made it another easter egg, incredible work.
last song?? noooo! but SHAKE IT OFF yes!! you literally feel the vibe in the room change. there's something about that song man. you literally cannot help but dance. god i wished i lived in nyc. for so many reasons. but also so i could have attended this. so much fun!!
LIARS AND DIRTY DIRTY CHEATS OF THE WORLD yes taylor fucking TELL THEM. these are your words!!! and you own them and you can apply them to whoever you want. because you are the rich man!! you are so strong and powerful and don't you forget it!
also whenever i see the shake it off rainbow confetti i just die. the love in that room.
oh she's going around holding everyone's hand!! TAYLOR!!!!!!
ok that was so much fun. now just 2 more days til july 13th 👀 and 4 days til my birthday, what a life we lead. hope you enjoyed my stream of connsciousness it probably reads terribly but i'm very excited and underslept. CONGRATS @taylorswift you KILLED it as usual!! @taylornation
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ylizam · 4 years
what is 'they move in together!'?
oh, that’s a Last Tango in Halifax fic, set post-whenever (because what is time, really), in which—”for reasons,” according to the very much still in the mostly notes with a few sentences of actual writing phase draft—Caroline moves in with Gillian, they both end up finally getting the therapy they both need, and they realize the totally physical, no really we’re just friends with benefits, setup they’ve settled into is actually more than that? and that maybe they’re allowed to be happy? and are, in fact, happy?
also Celia disappears. possibly Caroline’s house swallows her up and she’s trapped in there forever (this could also be why Caroline leaves)? this started out life as a meme response (found here) that I liked too much and started trying to actually write.
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ylizam · 4 years
fake wip meme:
@darkbloomiana prompted: LTIH, Caz/Gillian, stranded at a ski lodge.
Caroline wakes up on the floor: head pounding, hip aching, shoulders twisted awkwardly, and back pulsing in rhythm with her head. There's some sort of fur rug monstrosity tickling her cheek and blankets and duvets twisted around her legs where she clearly tried to kick them away. And Gillian, drooling and naked, all impossible heat and sprawling everywhere. She's snoring, and has somehow managed to claim every pillow in the vicinity for herself; there's one beneath her head, one under her knees, another on her chest, and she's cuddling up to one like she'd normally be clinging to Caroline. The bed looms cold and distant. The fire sparks and flickers away. Caroline looks from one to the other, looks at Gillian and the closed door of the en suite and the bed again, before creaking and grunting her way to her feet. Toilet first, then teeth, and then she's breaking into the bottled water (no matter how Gillian will bitch and nag about the cost) and crawling into the bed to sleep for at least another day.
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ylizam · 4 years
do they really believe we have the ability to just generate fic titles on command? i, good sirs, do not have this ability! so to introduce some realism about this process, what i’m gonna need you to do, tumblr user mazily, is put your music app of choice on shuffle, take the second line of the second verse of the second song it plays and write a summary for a fic of that title on whatsoever topic should seem to you appropriate
This happiness was always inside me
Last Tango in Halifax, Caroline/Gillian
Caroline always imagined—or, rather, she never imagined, but had she imagined such a situation, she would've imagined that it would be Gillian moving in with her: the roof at hers acting up again or the sheep deciding to live indoors and kicking the human interlopers out. But here she is, pulling up to Gillian's with her belongings stacked up on every surface of the car not otherwise carrying a person (herself, and Flora in her car seat, oblivious to Caroline's ridiculous musings), her (soon to be former) house full up with interfering mothers and ex-husbands and other assorted pests. She parks. Hands on the steering wheel, steady and not at all shaking, as she breathes in, out, like that new app her assistant installed on her phone—because it's this or we drop you in some retreat somewhere, and then where will the school be?—claims will help with anxiety or nerves or some bullshit. Visualizes her (soon to be former) house burning, herself Angela Bassett strutting away while it goes up in flames behind her. Flora calls out for Gillian, and Caroline feels her face go up in flames too. Opens her eyes, and who do you think is standing in her open doorway, laughing like she does sometimes at the sight of Caroline sat in her car?
Or: the one in which Caroline and Flora move in with Gillian, everyone gets some therapy, and Caroline learns that she knows how to be happy after all. 
[send me a fake title, and I’ll eventually write a fake summary!]
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ylizam · 4 years
dear creator: femslashex 2k20 edition
Hi, Hello, Hey. First of all–thank you! This is my standard you offered to write one of my fandoms, so thank you for being awesome opening spiel, full of generals likes and dislikes, I’m sure you know the drill. I’ll make sure the fandom specific stuff is up by the time assignments go out. (That said, if you already have an idea about how you want to write about the fandom/pairing we match on—wow, I’m jealous! tell me your secrets!—just skip over the fandom stuff and go forth with your bad self.) 
Things I like include, but are in no way limited to: fun with POV, fun with linear vs. non-linear storytelling, fun with tone, fun with writing. I really dig character studies, stories that really get into what makes a character tick (and something porny that can get at that is wonderful too), and I like relationships that are hard and prickly and worth fighting for. I like happy endings that don’t feel tacked on or forced. I like doubt, and hope, and theology; I like actors, and directors, and I like the random deity. I like fairy tales. I like (love) romance tropes. Forced to share a bed, marriages of convenience, fake dating, friends-to-lovers, idiots-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers: it’s all like unto catnip. I like interesting turns of phrase, I like the perfect line, I like any story written just for me. If you have any questions about my taste (or lack thereof), feel free to ask @summervillen​ who probably knows my fannish tastes better than I do.
DNWs: noncon, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, animal harm or death, child harm or death, pregnancy fic, A/B/O. Things that I would prefer you not include—especially gratuitously; there are obviously ways to engage with problematic actions/thoughts/etc. in fiction, but there’s such a fine line there—are as follows: non-character driven racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, anti-semitism, etc. etc. etc. I’d prefer no high school AUs. I also have a pretty big embarrassment squick. And while I'm mostly interested in these characters in the worlds in which we meet them, if you really have an AU (non high school division) you want to write I'm there. Just, you know, grounded in the characters and their relationships and all that fun stuff. That's basically it.
Babylon 5 Delenn/Susan Ivanova I just ship them post-canon so hard. Later in life chances at love are sort of a thing of mine, and add to that two of my favorite characters ever, well, it’s like this pairing is made for me. That said, if you can find a way to write them during canon (maybe John doesn’t return from Z'ha'dum, maybe Delenn and John just never get together at all, maybe you can think of something I can’t) I’d love that too. Delenn/Shaal Mayan I’d love a story about them that’s really Minbari–that understands that neither of them is human. Something set when they were young and just figuring themselves out (and first love is rarely forever but it feels like it must be) or something set when Mayan visits Babylon 5 in season one or, heck, something set after the series ends. (I have a thing for writing on skin, so if you can find a way to fit that in more power to you.)
Last Tango in Halifax Gillian Greenwood/Caroline McKenzie-Dawson Oh gosh I have so many feelings about Gillian and Caroline and their relationship. How it’s grown, changed, and now they’re at a point where they see each other all the time and talk about basically everything and it’s all so beautiful. And, I mean, come on, they both have the best chemistry with the other; it’s just a fact. So what if they get drunk and kiss (or shag or something in between)? Or just deal with things like adults (I’m sure you could convince me that’s possible)? (She wasn’t part of the tagset, but I also liked what little we saw of Olga, both how she interacted with Caroline and how she befriended Gillian when they both showed up late to the play, so if you want to go the threesome route–whether it’s a V or a triad or whatever confusing mess of emotions you prefer–I’m there.) (P.S. I haven’t seen the most recent season, but I’m spoiled and have seen all the gifs and screencaps so include or don’t as you see fit.)
Lucifer Linda Martin/Mazikeen
Their relationship on the show is a thing of delight and wonder, so basically I want that but also MORE. Maze fighting people to protect Linda! Linda, well, trying to fight people but mostly realizing that Maze loves it and is good at it so. Maze panicking again about Linda eventually dying, but also MORE SO because now they’ve been fucking and also having weird candlelight dinners and um is this romantic this might be. (Whether Amenadiel is involved (romantically with either or both, as an active parent but no longer romantically, etc.) or off doing something else stage left and never mentioned is up to you, but please no bashing, killing off somehow, etc.) Feel free to include hijinks with the rest of the gang, but I’d prefer no focus on any police work. 
 The Old Guard (Movie) Andy/Quynh
Note: I haven’t read the comics, so this is strictly a movie request (I know they’re separate fandoms and listed thusly, but I just wanted to be clear). I’d love anything about them, in all honesty. Something in the past: a first time (they kissed, they said “I love you,” they refused to say “I love you,” they had sex, etc.), a fifth time, a mission gone wrong. Or something in the present/future: angst and fractured trust and fighting on opposite sides until they’re suddenly not. All too mortal Andy. Immortal Quynh. The options are basically endless. I also love everyone on the team, so feel free to include them however you see fit. 
Star Trek: Classic Timeline
First of all, I don’t know book canon, so include it, don’t include, whatever floats your proverbial boat. Second of all, I am more than happy with “this character lives” stories here. Obviously. Third of all, please no bashing of any other characters (even that one).
Beverly Crusher/Laris
So I came out of Picard with an undying devotion to Laris and a burning curiosity about what the heck Bev is up to these days. So tell me more about both of them. Is there’s a longstanding affair, often at a distance? Did they start out prickly and reserved, wary? How are Jean-Luc and Zhaban involved? (I am happy with whatever you decide on the Jean-Luc and Zhaban front, other than gratuitous death or bashing of either. Feel free to have them off having their own adventures and don’t mention them if you prefer not to involve them.) Is Beverly’s French as terrible as Jean-Luc’s? 
Kimara Cretak/Kira Nerys
Feel free to have Kimara escape/live/etc. I’d especially love something that recognizes that neither of them is human; play around with what we know of their cultures, about how those cultures might clash or unexpectedly mesh, how that can affect a relationship both positively and negatively. I’m always interested in Nerys’s faith and religious beliefs, and how that interacts with Romulan culture would be very much something I enjoy. 
K'Ehlyer/Deanna Troi
K’Ehlyer deserved better, and who is better than Deanna? I posit no one. This is another pairing where I’d love something about the fact that they’re not fully human and the implications thereof. (Feel free to include Alexander or not, as you choose. Ditto Thaddeus and Kestra. I’d prefer they not be a focal point though.) Whether you set it during TNG or Picard or in between, I’ll be equally happy (or an alternate version of reality works too! those are just the time references I can think of right now!). (Please note that I very much also ship Deanna and Will, so please, please, please don’t bash him or kill him off for no reason or have Deanna cheating on him or whatever. I’d much rather you don’t mention him at all if you don’t want him in the fic.) 
The Untamed Jiang Yanli/Wen Qing
Is part of this my desire to have two of my favorite characters pushed together? Yes. Is it also part of my desire to have them actually live? Absolutely. (Which is to say: I’d love a “Jiang Yanli and Wen Qing live” AU here. Or at least live longer than they make it in canon?) I’d also be fine with modern AUs here, but I’d prefer cultivation be in there somewhere even if it’s set in the present (or the 1980s or basically any time period). Maybe there’s a political partnership of convenience situation! Maybe something shifts in canon and Jiang Yanli helps the Qishan Wens out and things happen and trust grows and they fall in love! Maybe they have a secret fling! Honestly, it’s all good. 
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ylizam · 4 years
4, 10, 20 for the meta asks
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Caz's mouth is a bloody miracle, once she finally stops talking.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
Slow, laborious, plodding, with rare flashes of stay-up-all-night-oh-shit-this-is-working.
(I mean, it took me how long to answer these questions? And let’s not get into the prompts I have lurking in my inbox, partially responded to but still unfinished.)
In the before times, the roommate and I went out to a coffee shop to write 1-2x a week (Tuesdays and Sundays, when practicable), which lent an air of something to the entire process. It was generally hard and slow to write then (with the odd exception; the Serena Campbell not-an-epic-but-kind-of-to-me sort of just happened, sudden and desperate and wonderful, and I can procrasti-write an exchange fic on the fly), and it's harder and slower now. We're going to try to go out for walks/sitting outside with some degree of regularity, so maybe I'll lug a notebook with me and try to use that sitting outside time as scheduled writing time? Or maybe I'll just sit and try to remember to breathe. Who can say. (Anyway I'm someone who without a set schedule or routine loses time with alarming frequency, so. It is not surprising I lose time when it comes to: writing, responding to comments, reading, doing.) 
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
So a thing about me is I don't? Necessarily tend to ramble about my writing and what it all means and this symbolism here and that callback there? (I tend to write short, so fewer opportunities for callbacks and clues and whatnot.) I write something and get it out there and then I forget what's in it five minutes later; that's part of my process, I guess, the putting it out of mind after I'm done so it doesn't linger in there for me to worry about. (Because I will worry. And fret. And want to dig in and try to edit more, fix more, do more. And sometimes a thing needs to be done already.) 
And then I ramble below anyway! Which got long and also slightly-but-not-very-don’t-get-your-hopes-up dirty, so I’m cutting for those for whom such things actually work.
So in the same story quoted above (since I had it open* and can therefore remember it exists, object permanence what now, and oops there’s another typo), Caz is often and repeatedly too impatient and pushy, see:
Caz reaches back and undoes the clasp herself; impatient and fucking annoying about it, too fucking sure Gillian will be too distracted by her tits to complain (which, fair: they're stupidly magnificent, and Gillian leans forward to lick a stripe just to the side of one glorious nipple).
and later:
Caz hums. "That good?" she says, all smug satisfaction meets why aren't you reciprocating right the fuck now: a particular tone aught but Caz can manage. She shifts, sucks at Gillian's hipbone, hums again against Gillian's skin. Gillian lifts her head to try to watch her fuck herself on her own fingers--she's so bloody impatient, it makes Gillian squirm--but her stomach muscles protest. Her head drops back to the pillow, and she closes her eyes. Listens to Caz's moans and grunts, the wet slide of her fingers. Rides the sharp pain when Caz bites down as she comes.
There isn't really a theme or whatever to that fic, though, other than they're both pretty terrible (they first hooked up while with other people, getting caught in flagrante by one of them) (see also: Caroline/Kate wasn't a good relationship because Caroline was a terrible girlfriend, no matter how wonderful they looked when they snogged), they're both in love, they're in the "fucking all the time" stage of their relationship (basically everyone they know has walked in on them at some point because a) they’re in the fucking all the time stage but also b) the sense of bad-wrong (step-sisters! not straight! over 50 and fucking and loving it! take that, world!) is a feature not a bug, see e.g., season 1 Gillian), and they get each other in a way no one will ever understand (some of their family members will eventually give up and accept it, but understand? ha). There’s an entire universe of them behind this short snippet, which is what I tend to do: I have a whole world and relationship and character moments and thoughts all swirling around that I will never actually write. I set out to write that bigger story 9 times out of 10, but often what I want to tell is just this moment. And then my brain shuts down when I try to draw out more of it, which is the sign I take to mean: nope, this is enough, this is what all of that other stuff was about in the first place. The rest of it was just meant to inform the characters, the relationship, and I pepper in hints from the greater universe instead of writing it (in a way I assume would be plodding and would drag terribly because it’s just not meant to be).
*because I keep thinking about them, unexpected and ridiculous. and thinking about writing them, which is in itself ridiculous because again what are words these days and how do they work.
[ask me more fun meta asks, and I will answer within 2-10 business days!]
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Friday Night Stabby best quotes part 6 (18/12/20)
Etho: Endless, defence? Endless: Joker was just standing there, doing Simon Says. I had to kill him. Etho: That’s a good defence. I like that. Endless: I had to kill Joker. And I didn’t know Skizz was there. Etho: I dunno if I can vote him now; that was a really good defence.
*emergency meeting is called just after Impulse is killed* Etho: Nooooo! Skizz: What’s going on? Etho: I needed to ask Impulse a question! Skizz: You know what? I’ll channel him! Here, I’ll be Impulse. Ask the question. Etho: …“Impulse”, did you see Skizzle vent in weapons? Skizz, in a “dumb” voice: Duhhh, I’m a big dumb-dumb! Brody: Wooooooow…
Brody: Evil voted for Etho and I don’t know why. Evil: For fun.
*the round finishes* Impulse, imitating Skizz’s dumb voice: “HI, MY NAME IS SKIZZLEMAN, I LIKE TO DO TASKS INSTEAD OF TURNING THE LIGHTS ON.” Skizz: What are you talking about, dude? I- Impulse: Dude, I was with you to protect you that whole time cuz I was done, and then the first chance you get, you throw me under the bus like that? Skizz: What do you mean throw you under the bus? What does that mean? Impulse, mimicking Skizz mimicking him: “Hi, my name’s Impulse, I don’t knoooow” *pause* Brody: You guys need to hug it out. Tango: I’m not sure what’s happening right now but I’m enjoying it.
*Joker reports a body* Joker: Okay. *takes a deep breath* Okay… Etho: Joker’s got something spicy here, I can feel it.
*Etho reports a body* Skizz: I’ll let you go first, go ahead. *pause* Skizz: Go ahead, buddy, do it. That was slick. I’ll let you talk first, go ahead. *pause* Skizz: You gotta push-to-talk, though. *pause* Etho: I don’t know if I wanna talk. What’s going on here...?
Mrs Tango: I’ve just done the ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP thing in navigation. Tango: ...the what? Mrs Tango: The ZOOP ZOOP ZOOP thing. You know, where you’re ZOOP ZOOP ZOOPing the rocket through the ZOOP ZOOP ZOOPs. Tango: Judges? Endless: That’s an adorable sound!
Impulse: Evil was just standing around on Simon Says while the reactor was going off. Evil: It was my fourth time trying to complete it. Tango: If it was your FOURTH time, you should’ve made some progress, man. Evil: I hit the wrong button. Impulse: *votes* OOPS I hit the wrong button! I voted for Evil! (/s)
Impulse: *is dead* Etho: Well, we know it’s not Impulse for sure. Brody: That’s… kinda what I’m saying. Etho: I’m a pretty good detective :D
Joker: That was a good round, Etho. We both got three kills. Etho: Yeah. I was really slow at the start, though, sorry about that. Joker: No, you’re fine; I made up for it. Bdubs, laughing: So Canadian. “I’m sorry.” Etho, also laughing: “I’m so sorry. I should’ve killed more.”
Tango: Brody body in office. Right side. Impulse: Okay! Joker just came from there. Evil, who was with you that whole time? Was it Etho? Evil: Yeah, Etho. Impulse: And you both saw Joker in- Etho: Whoa whoa, don’t insta-vote here. Bdubs: I insta-voted, because Impulse was with me so much. I trust his- I trust him. So much. He’s so sweet. We were together holding hands - SO cute - in specimen. The two of us.
Impulse: Do we believe in Bdubs? Impulse, singing: I believe in Bduuuubs, and you know it’s truuuue. Bdubs can’t be wrong, noooo. *pause* Impulse: Apparently I sing now.
Impulse: Can we trust Skizz, is the question right now. Skizz: *kills Impulse* Impulse: ...nope.
Skizz: I found Joker’s body in O2 and I didn’t see anyone else around. Endless: I still feel pretty confident it’s Joker. Tango: Joker sus.
Brody: So I just went into laboratory and the last person I saw was Tango. Tango: I had three tasks in there. Impulse: Was- Brody: Was one of them to kill EvilNotion? Impulse: I wanted to say that!
Brody: Who did you say you found, Bdubs? Bdubs: Mrs Tango. Brody: Oh, and Etho’s dead too. Endless: Yeah but who cares about that.
Brody: So Skizz hasn’t said anything the whole meeting. Skizz: Okay, here’s exactly what’s happening. I have nothing of value to add. I saw nothing. And also every time Impulse talks, I’m using his plushie to, like, mimic him talking. Brody: Uhhhh… Bdubs: I’m voting you for that. *votes are revealed, the majority has gone with Skizz* Skizz: WHOA what is happening?! Bdubs: You rubbing the plushie, c’mon. Skizz: Not RUBBING! Using it for- That got weird! Impulse: It got weird as soon as you said it.
*after Impulse changes his hat to reindeer antlers* Brody: You look festive, Impulse. I appreciate that. Impulse: Yeah, I’m festive now. I think that that’s why I haven’t been imposter, so… Brody: It’s close to Christmas, you gotta be festive. Mrs Tango’s festive too. Look at us down here. Joker: I’m festive! :D Brody: You can festively get outta here with that hat, that’s not Christmas. Get outta here. Bdubs: I have mistletoe above my head, in case anybody’s interested. Endless: I’m pretty sure you’re a potato.
Tango: I will tell you 100% unequivocally that Endless just butchered my wife right in front of me. Skizz: I believe you Tango, but I would like you to show a little bit more remorse from watching someone murder your wife. I don’t like the giggle.
Brody: Any time I can get Endless out of this game, I’ll do it. Endless: That’s fair…
*Tango reports Impulse’s body on MIRA map* Tango: Etho? Did Etho report this one? Okay, guys, here’s what happened- Etho: Get me outta this nightmare. Tango: I opened the door to the bottom airlock of whatever that left-side nonsense is. Etho’s standing on the body, waiting to come out. Etho: Can’t move a muscle on this map… Brody: Etho, who are you voting for, just out of curiosity? You voting for Tango? Etho: ...no. Bdubs: Yes he did, yes he did! Etho: It wasn’t Tango, I promise. Brody and Bdubs simultaneously: Who was it, then? *pause* Etho: It wasn’t Impulse.
Tango: Joker, for what it’s worth, you are the worst and I’m probably gonna vote you off. Joker: *bursts out laughing* Tango: You just spent twenty minutes there, bumping your bits against the doors, doing nothing. Joker: I love the sound of those doors!
Etho: Okay, so I know it wasn’t Brody, because it looked like he was scanning. Joker: ...well he’s dead, so…
Impulse: Tango’s dead in laboratory. I know it’s not Bdubs, cuz I saw him in reactor. I feel like I saw the colour of Etho’s skin but I’m only 90% sure. Brody: ONLY 90?! That’s a pretty high percentage! Etho: ...it’s just not my night, is it?
Etho: I was in cafeteria, doing the vending machine. Brody: You mean the VENTING machine? *at the end of the round* Tango: By the way, Brody. Bonus points for “venting machine”, that was awesome, dude. Brody: Oh, thank you! I felt dirty saying it cuz you know how I feel about them, but it was there.
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