#and the snotty bitch
fauvester · 9 months
Ask Game for someone’s OC(s): ✨🍀🍎🍩 svsss ocs?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I like making fankids... my cringe fandom achilles heel... and it would be funny if they weren't like golden halo protags and were instead kind of cringe.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
My hot take is that moshang would earnestly do their best to parent but have a lot of baggage that would make it challenging to emotionally connect with children (in addition to 2-3 very time consuming logistical jobs taking up their time.) They're definitely the best parents in SVSSS but the bar is in the Abyss. They love them, but they're not always the best at showing it in a way that they understand.
Oldest son and crown prince Xuejiao (proud, spoiled, inclined to be lazy, prone to crippling migraines that render him indisposed and a bitch) gets along best with Qinghua. Both of them collect palace gossip and like to micromanage; Qinghua gets back into writing and Xuejiao enjoys proofreading while lounging on his father's bed like he owns the place (not the smutty stuff, though, at least he's not supposed to read that.)
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He and Mobei Jun have a respectful but distant relationship. I think deep down XJ has some shame that he isn't as proactive about preparing for and fighting for the throne as MBJ, but as a teen he doesn't want to enough to do something about it so he just avoids those feelings by avoiding his father. They're both very aloof and really need a sticky extrovert to bring them out of their shells..
Tiehan by all accounts should get along best with Qinghua because he's the BAAaAaAaAbY and he's small and smiley and very very talkative. But that's all superficial, and underneath that thin layer of cultivated silliness he's as mercenary and brutal as any demon. Mobei Jun is happy to have a child that jumps at the chance to go on hunting trips and put down minor rebellions with him (XJ is NOT leaving his chaise lounge to go OUTSIDE, THANK YOU.) He tramps around in muddy shoes and brings beasts into the palace. Qinghua feels a little guilty that he really can't stand to be around his youngest for more than an hour at a time.
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🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Other than Various influences in the Northern court that initially conspired to try to poison the crown prince as a baby (those influences are no longer present, or living, and have been rendered unto a soup like homogenate) the closest thing either has to a nemesis is probably the head disciple of Bai Zhan Peak that Xuejiao was inflicted on. She's a jock and a bit of a bully but in her defense her new shidi (who she was NOT consulted on the admission of into her cohort) is arrogant, spoiled and completely disregards her authority. And she can't beat his ass too badly because Liu Qingge himself specifically brought him in to train (at Shang Qinghua's prostrated begging request)
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It's always the lot of the Bai Zhan seniors to have beef with half demons, it's how things are done.
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askewhammer · 7 months
"I hate smokers!!!" alright in what way. do you hate the smoke or..? oh you hate them as people. alright explain to me why you hate someone as a person who most likely has an addiction they likely cannot control. also is this hatred towards them also directed towards other people who have addictions with drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc? do you view them as people or do you dehumanize them. answer quickly
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Not me crying hard as hell but stopping to laugh bc the way you have to blow your nose after a good cry session is hilarious lmao
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not to talk abt nothing but men and women and not men and not women kissing in this here ask box but i think spy should be like really snooty in the spy way like Nonsense i only dare refined individuals (lie) and then medic or engineer finds him mid battle and chokes him to death or something and hes like oh god i hope this doesnt awaken something within me (it already has) i think that twink sees everyone on that team other than scout and has to go to his smoking room and angsts over the fact that all of his team is smoking hot and he can flirt very easily but it doesnt work on any of these guys because theyre unhinged and so is he but he can admit that and then after a few weeks medic or someone just up and kisses him and is like Buddy i thought we were all dating was that not common knowledge you literally take us out to candle lit dinners every weekend and he has to pretend he pulled mad bitches with his swag and seduction and didnt just angst himself into a polycule (looking at this ask i forgot how insane i am about these men what did you DO to me)
SOOOO TRUE AND REAL one of my fave Spy characterizations is "seething in his smoking room over rivalry/romantic frustrations/his weenie Boston son/etc." I think he's steeping with rage constantly but doesn't know how to process it. He SHOULD fuck his whole team but thinks he's above all that and also can't really process that people Like That would awaken That Sort Of Thing in him. It's not even an internalized homophobia thing Spy tf2 has been having bisexual sex for like forty years he's just a snob. He needs a makeover montage where he learns to let his hair down
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
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hum-suffer · 6 months
Unfortunately all of us are living in a world where being nice can be "too nice" and being that will lead you to fall in some sort of traps and I'm upset over it
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daylighteclipsed · 7 months
Cried like a baby seeing all the allies who came to support me in the big final fight in Bg3 and I’m crying again seeing all my companions in the epilogue happy and healing and flourishing. Love and friendship are everything. Don’t loook at me
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All this hate for show Annabeth is getting really fucking annoying
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
@sayonaradumbass​ [ LUM ]
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Nanami has seen A LOT of  s t r a n g e  goings ons in her life, but another girl that thinks she can just waltz right in and take the spotlight from her AGAIN??
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Nu-uh. No. No. No. NO. She’s the queen bee around here, she’s the HBIC, She’s the one girls wish they could be, and she’s officially DONE with strange girls getting in the way, grabbing all the spotlight and taking away all her little dregs’ attentions from her. She is NOT going through another ‘weird girl drama’ show--never again. So, the coquettish blonde pulls herself together and fluffs her coiff, pretending to be the social all-powerful entity that she is, and make...nice. Not true nice, but Nanami-back-stab-you-later-and-laugh-about-it-publicly-nice. But there’s no reason to let this pretty girl know that yet. 
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“Myyyyyy, I just love your hair, it’s so colorful! I don’t think there’s a single girl here that could pull that look off but you! I hate to be rude, but I’ve never seen you around here, and I just HAD to come over and see who you are. I’m Nanami, I hope you don’t mind me being so forward, but who are you? Hmmmm?”  Saccharine sweet as always, no one ever suspects.
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you should unfollow me lalalala
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I can’t believe “I don’t give homeless people money because what if they use it for drugs” type of people still exist
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bellwitchfaggot · 1 year
Anyway ok full disclosure of my current identity while drunk but I'm gonna shotgun 2 more beers first b4 finishing the post:
>tomoyestic jewish bloodlet Haitian 2s bi separatist
>mml ancom tankie (pro aba as dchattel slave anarchocommunist war tactics but anti eugenics leninist specifically)
>idk what else the beers have kicked in at this point. Crust punk cripple punk thrash punk bulldyke faggot genuinely
>Freudian enthusiast unforch. I cannot stop sneezin
>modern day (d)chattel slavery truther
>communistic indigenune enemy of the state*
>gifted and talented programs as extenuation of genocide truther w unfortunate early adulthood high collegiate and careerfield boardment due to gifted and talented outreach (medical doctorate multiple degrees pertaining to neuro behavioral science and all ages trauma doctorate in human computer forensic psychology multiply instrumental and vocally virtuosoed diagnosed autistic savant chemical engineer quantum theorist dater of many)
>relationship anarchist still. Programs director of multiple confirmed sundown town esque genocidal area programs as area genocide harm reduction
>hiccuper genuinely. Cop kinda unforch due to undergoing the same human computer forensic psychology higher ed program w teenaged friends n coworkers w the same tomoyestic genocided intersections + multiple social work credentials + girl scouts outreach
>first gold award girlscout w a genuine hermaphroditic penis in the nation* (got it for organizing a sustainable music festival + mutual aid fair in the parking lot of a mall built on an Indigenous graveyard)
>*seems like a false statistic to me given what I know abt the hermaphroditic genocide but I have been reassured by multiple pipeline advisors w equivalent intersection that it's this one genuinely so idk it's still up for debate to me. Either way I got my fuckimg teenage tranny methhead girl scout gold award for organizing skate the mall
>bitch who can reclaim several more slurs than some ppl online realize due to historic nazi stalking and a tendency to disclose false whitegoy privilege online when irl equivalently ethnic kids r at threat due to area ritual cult abuse and ethnic cleansing
>drunk genuinely. Mom of like 13 despite being a young adult due to forced birth child sex trafficking w full custody of even my teenaged kids due to gentle parenting tactics. K bye wish I had more alcohol rn might walk to the gas station genuinely lmfao
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masquenoire · 2 years
💭 + harley uwu
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Nobody has ever pissed off Roman quite like Harley has. Their relationship was contentious enough to start with thanks to her connection with the Joker but Harley is capable of irritating him like nobody else, making him feel like an oyster that can’t get rid of an annoying itch. I’ve mentioned before how I’m not exactly... fond of Roman’s ‘Birds of Prey’ adaption but I LIVE for every petty issue this man has with her;
Calling him Romy, saying “expresso” instead of “espresso“, sticking gum under his chair, spoiling countless movies, changing the channel before stealing the television remote, forgetting to use a coaster on his tables, burping the alphabet, touching his paintings, carjacking (and crashing) his Rolls Royce  and  graffitiing his Ferrari are just a few of the many, many, many, many things she’s done that’s wildly pissed him off just as much as the last thing on this list.
Nobody, not even the Joker has gone out of his way to wind him up (because let’s face it, even if he did, what’s Roman going to do about it?) but Harley uniquely has the ability to get under his skin like nobody else, fearlessly prodding every gigantic red button that leads to a meltdown. She’s loud, she’s rude, she’s obnoxious in every imaginable way and is the definition of uncontrolled chaos which, to a control freak like Roman, is unacceptable. Very few people have offended Roman and lived to tell the tale, but she’s both angered and offended him so greatly he’s ended up passing out from sheer outrage.
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deadghosy · 2 years
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ayyponine · 2 years
ok a few hrs after the fact i do think it was kinda funny. to be at my fucking limit high strung mentally and physically going thru it etc and finally get so worked up having to b customer friendly to a woman who is very condescendingly trying to wheedle and argue her way into getting a biggger discount that my soul just quits my body and i hit my head on the floor like bonk conked the fuck out good bye. and some customers were super nice rushing to check my pulse asking the other cashier if i have a history of epilepsy offering a glass of water hell these complete strangers immediately and repeatedly insisted to give me AND my bike a ride home???? but also when i finally emerged frm behind the front desk by which i mean i got halfway there and then the guy grabbed me under the armpits to haul me the rest of the way up. the fucking lady was still standing in the exact same spot with her stupid fucking clothes placidly waiting fr the commotion to blow over so she could continue annoying me or any colleague stepping up to replace me into giving her that additional 6 euro discount she demanded to have a right on on a fucking T shirt like. do you not know shame
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asofterepilogue · 2 years
andor seems really good but I've had 6 years and a lot of astoundingly good fic to build a very detailed image of cassian in my mind, and what few andor spoilers I've seen have convinced me that andor would pretty much wreck that image, so idk that I actually want to watch andor ever
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