#latest current affair 2017
What do you think about this article about domestic violence against men in Afghanistan?
I think it is misleading to the point of inaccuracy.
I cannot find the report they are citing, but in the article they state "the AIHRC [Afghanistan's Independent Human Rights Commission] and the Ministry of Women's Affairs documented nearly 4,000 cases of domestic violence cases nationwide during 2013, whereas the committee's latest report cited only about 20 cases of spousal abuse against men" [emphasis mine]. Please allow me to emphasize that this means that less than 1% of documented cases of domestic violence were against men, and this was in a report published in 2014 before the recent rapid and extraordinary deterioration of women's rights in Afghanistan. The article goes on to suggest that up to 10% of domestic violence may be against men, but they provide no statistical support of this statement (not official reports or victim surveys). They also explicitly indicate that the "majority of the domestic violence against husbands is mental and verbal abuse" with no difficulty escaping the marriage. This is significant in a country where "cases of physical abuse, forced marriages, and honor killings [against/of women] are well-documented, as are the difficulties women have in escaping the abuse and finding refuge."
I would also like to point out that, in the same year that this article was published, a law was passed that "ban[ned] relatives of an accused person from testifying against them". Given that "most violence against women in Afghanistan is within the family" this was a direct attack on women, "allowing men to attack their wives, children and sisters without fear of judicial punishment, undoing years of slow progress in tackling violence in a country blighted by so-called 'honour' killings, forced marriage and vicious domestic abuse." [1]
Just to highlight the situation further, a 2008 Global Rights report found that 87% of women reported experiencing at least one form of domestic violence including: 17% who reported sexual violence (a likely underestimate), 52% who reported physical violence, 59% who reported forced marriage, and 74% who reported psychological violence. [2]
A 2017 report [3] recorded men's self-reported perpetration and women's self-reported victimization of various forms of violence. They found:
76% of men reported perpetrating psychological violence and 83% of women reported experiencing psychological violence
65% of men reported perpetrating physical violence and 80% of women reported experiencing physical violence
18% of women reported experiencing partner sexual violence (given social stigma this is almost certainly an underestimate) (men were not asked about their perpetration of partner sexual violence)
Ultimately, 93% of men self-reported perpetrating either psychological or physical violence and 95% of women reported experiencing psychological, physical, or sexual violence.
And just in case anyone missed it: the current deterioration of women's rights and increase in violence against women in Afghanistan following the Taliban's takeover is extreme, horrific, and terrifying. These two articles by the Human Rights Watch [4] and the United States Institute of Peace [5] are a good place to start. (Or just google women in Afghanistan.)
References under the cut:
Tisdall, S. (2014, February 4). Afghanistan's new law to protect women from violence 'a landmark achievement.' The Guardian. https://web.archive.org/web/20240820170419/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/feb/04/afghanistan-law-victims-violence-women
Global Rights. (2008). Living with violence: Afghan women and girls. Global Rights. https://web.archive.org/web/20150726022106/http://www.globalrights.org/Library/Women's%20rights/Living%20with%20Violence%20Afghan.pdf
Equimundo. (2022). International Men And Gender Equality Survey (Images): Violence. From https://web.archive.org/web/20240529075046/https://headlines.menandgendersurvey.org/violence/
Human Rights Watch. (2024, February 6). Taliban and the global backlash against women’s rights. From https://web.archive.org/web/20240824010707/https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/02/06/taliban-and-global-backlash-against-womens-rights
United States Institute of Peace. (2023, December). How the Taliban enables violence against women. From https://web.archive.org/web/20240704125109/https://www.usip.org/publications/2023/12/how-taliban-enables-violence-against-women
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mariacallous · 16 hours
CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican candidate for governor, is facing renewed criticism amid revelations that he once called himself a “Black NAZI” and a “perv” online.
Josh Stein, his Jewish Democratic opponent, may be the biggest beneficiary.
Stein had already been leading in the polls before this week’s report, following a prior string of allegations about, and bizarre conduct by, Robinson. Stein would be North Carolina’s first Jewish governor — and a groundswell of support for him could prove to be a potential obstacle for Donald Trump’s bid to retake the White House.
Though the state has a record of electing Democrats as governors while supporting Republicans for president, the turmoil in this year’s race suggests that pattern could be broken and Stein’s popularity could buoy Kamala Harris’ candidacy.
“If Stein continues to dominate and make the broader case that Robinson is tied to Trump and other Republicans on the ballot, it may be helpful” as an additional push for Harris to win “when the margins of victory are so narrow in this state,” said Michael Bitzer, professor of politics and history at Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina.
Stein’s consistent lead — between 5 and 14 percentage points, according to recent polls — has been fueled in part by a litany of revelations about inflammatory and uncouth past comments by Robinson, currently the lieutenant governor, about women, LGBTQ people, Jews and others.
In a 2017 Facebook post, before he entered political office, he wrote, “I am so sick of seeing and hearing people STILL talk about Nazis and Hitler and how evil and manipulative they were. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, THE NAZIS (National Socialist) ARE GONE! We did away with them.”
In a post the following year, he wrote that the hit superhero movie “Black Panther” was “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxist” and was “only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets.”
The latest revelations are in a similar vein. A CNN report on Thursday unearthed Robinson’s comments between 2008 and 2012 on “Nude Africa,” a pornographic website with a message board. In the comments, Robinson declared, “I’m a black NAZI!,” said that “some people need to be slaves,” described his arousal as an adult when recalling “peeping” at women as a teen at a public gym, and characterized himself as a “perv” who appreciated transgender pornography. (Robinson opposes transgender rights.) About the Obama administration, he posted in 2012, “I’d take Hitler over any of the sh-t that’s in Washington right now!”
Following the CNN story, Politico reported that an email address belonging to Robinson was registered on Ashley Madison, a website for married people seeking to have affairs.
Robinson, 58, has denied the CNN accusations and his campaign denied that he ever had an Ashley Madison account. He has also said that he apologized for his inflammatory Facebook posts, though he did not do so publicly.
Republican leaders in the state were so concerned about the stories that they pressed Robinson to exit the race — which would potentially have teed Stein up to face a more conventional opponent. But Robinson refused to step aside before the deadline to do so passed on Friday morning.
Now, North Carolina voters will face a stark choice in November — between a Trump-endorsed Republican with a record of expressing affinity for Nazism, and a Democratic state attorney general with a long history of Jewish involvement.
Stein, 52, comes from a family that is well-known among North Carolina liberals. His father, Adam Stein, is a leading civil rights attorney whose firm successfully convinced the U.S. Supreme Court to order desegregation in Charlotte’s schools — and faced a steep backlash because of it. His mother, Jane Stein, is also a lifelong liberal activist.
Josh Stein is often described as a centrist Democrat in Democratic circles. He frequently references his parents’ activism, including in a campaign video.
“It was a couple of hours before dawn, a cold February morning in 1971 in Charlotte’s west end,” Stein says in the video. Naming famous Black civil rights heroes in the state, he adds, “Julius Chambers, James Ferguson, and my dad, Adam Stein, were leading the legal battle against discrimination and for equality when their office was firebombed and burned to the ground.”
The Chambers Ferguson Stein law firm was the first in North Carolina to be integrated. The Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case was its biggest Supreme Court win, but the firm also made an impact by addressing voting rights, employment discrimination and death penalty defense cases, in coordination with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
LDF attorneys referred to Stein’s firm as “LDF South,” said Rich Rosen, professor of law emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a former law clerk for the firm, who is Jewish. He added, “They really were the most significant locus of civil rights litigation in the country outside of the offices in New York.”
About half the firm’s white attorneys were Jewish. Rosen recalls beach trips where the white and Black attorneys’ kids played together. “That’s what Josh grew up in,” he said.
Raised in Charlotte and Chapel Hill, Stein graduated from Dartmouth College and taught high school English and economics in Zimbabwe for two years. He earned law and public policy degrees from Harvard. His legal career eventually took him to the North Carolina Department of Justice, where he served as senior deputy attorney general for consumer protection. Between 2009 and 2016, he was a state senator before assuming the attorney general’s role.
Stein’s campaign did not respond to JTA’s request for an interview. But people who know him say he has channeled the values with which he was raised.
Stein absorbed his father’s firm’s “values of justice and equity and fairness, but he pursued them from inside the government instead of being outside, trying to force the government to do the right thing,” as his father did, according to Leslie Winner, a Jewish former partner of the firm and former state senator.
Stein’s campaign commercials emphasize what he considers some of his top accomplishments. As part of a group of attorneys general, he negotiated billions in settlements to address the opioid crisis nationwide, including $26 billion from Johnson & Johnson and three prescription opioid distributors. He worked with legislators and officials across multiple jurisdictions to get a backlog of nearly 12,000 rape kits tested that had languished for years, with the hope of resolving cold cases.
Rep. Kathy Manning, a Democrat and the first Jew ever elected to Congress from North Carolina, points to a key Stein environmental victory.
“We had a huge problem with coal ash spill in this state,” she said. Stein “negotiated the largest coal ash cleanup in the country’s history.” Duke Energy agreed to pay for remediation in a settlement, rather than passing more than $1 billion in costs to electricity customers, Stein announced.
Stein has also been “very, very strong on defending women’s access to reproductive health care,” Manning said. North Carolina currently allows abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Robinson’s position on the issue has varied, but he was captured on tape at a September event saying he wants to bring that limit down to six weeks and, ideally, “zero” weeks.
Stein’s admirers describe him as warm, gregarious, kind and someone who exhibits his Jewish values in the way he lives.
“Almost every single time he mentions the fact that his faith is crucial to who he is,” said Steve Schewel, the Jewish former mayor of Durham who is involved in Stein’s campaign and has heard him speak frequently.
“I would say that his Judaism has definitely informed his values,” Schewel said. “Judaism is a religion where justice is at the forefront of everything that we do.”
Stein has not made Israel a centerpiece of his campaigning. Through the year since the war in Gaza began when Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, he has hewed to the Biden administration’s positions, supporting Israel’s right to self-defense and an ultimate two-state solution while also expressing concern about Palestinian deaths and defending pro-Palestinians’ protesters’ right to nonviolent expression.
Stein, his wife Anna, and their three children have been members for years at Temple Beth Or, a Reform synagogue of about 500 families in Raleigh.
Rabbi Lucy Dinner remembers the Steins at “all of the religious school dinners and parent events and holiday events centered around their kids.” (When Anna Stein updated her Facebook profile to reflect her marriage, 18 years into it, Dinner commented with a joke: “Come to temple and we will set up a chuppah and give you guys a glass to stomp.”) The family joined a congregational trip to a Guatemalan village that the synagogue has supported so that more children there could attend school.
“In our congregation, we teach our families and our children that we’re not only responsible for creating this Jewish community that takes care of one another and worships and studies together, but that we’re responsible to live those values in the world,” Dinner said. Stein has spoken to seniors and other temple groups and participated as an usher and reader during the High Holy Days, she said.
Stein also maintains many friendships at Beth Meyer Synagogue, Raleigh’s Conservative synagogue, according to its rabbi, Eric Solomon, who like Dinner emphasized he was speaking for himself rather than on behalf of his congregation.
Stein has given talks at the synagogue, lit the public menorah at Hanukkah celebrations and been involved in numerous Jewish Federation events. “He’s part of the community in every way,” Solomon said. Stein even coached Solomon’s son on a JCC soccer team.
For North Carolina Democrats, having Stein as governor would mean maintaining a lever of power. The current governor, Democrat Roy Cooper, is a popular, term-limited executive who was for a time on Kamala Harris’ running-mate shortlist. He has been a bulwark against a conservative wave in the state: North Carolina has attracted national attention and lawsuits over gerrymandering, and Republicans currently hold a supermajority in the state legislature, though they may not after November.
An outsized win for Democrats in the state this November could be a major impediment for Trump and his supporters. Polls show the presidential race in a dead heat and analysts say winning North Carolina is almost essential for a national Trump win in the Electoral College. Increased enthusiasm among Democratic voters over the gubernatorial race or depressed turnout among Republicans could potentially tip the balance. Stein is newly touting his support among Republicans.
A new Democratic ad campaign linking Robinson to Trump has already been launched.
Trump, for his part, is distancing himself from Robinson, whom he once endorsed as “Martin Luther King on steroids.” While Robinson has appeared frequently at Trump’s rallies in the state, he has reportedly been dropped from the lineup for one scheduled for Saturday.
The Republican Jewish Coalition is staying out of the state. North Carolina is absent from a list of battleground states where the group says it will “be knocking on doors every Sunday” until Election Day, even though polls show it most deadlocked of all.
Jews in North Carolina could see a Stein victory as an important step for reasons other than state and national political implications.
“I’m hopeful that supporting and electing Josh Stein is an indication of acceptance by many of the Jewish community in North Carolina,” said Asheville Mayor Esther Manheimer, who is Jewish.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
La passante de la Place des Vosges/ The Passerby of the Place des Vosges: in praise of Caitríona Balfe
I have recently discussed, in as much detail as possible without becoming completely boring, S's memoir Waypoints. It is, no doubt, an interesting strategic step, aiming to buy much needed time and respite from unwanted fan attention.
But if there is a memoir I would probably read in a very different, almost sentimental way, that would be hers, not his.
We have an enticing idea of the way she writes, with this lesser known essay published by the totemic NYT just a day shy of her birthday, in 2017: The First Time I Left Home (and Fell in Love), which you can read online right here - https://shorturl.at/uTX12. It is a short, dense piece with a deeply personal, even sentimental, view of Paris in autumn and spring. Something very unusual for the feisty, secretive, almost paranoid C we all know and love (admit it, you do: fair's fair). It immediately grabbed both my attention and highlighter.
Writing about Paris, especially from an Anglo-Saxon/American perspective, is a very tricky affair. So much has been said and done, from Janet Flanner's priceless Letters from Paris and Paris Journal, to Anais Nin, to Edmund White, to Hemingway, to Orwell - just to name the ones that immediately come to mind. In this particular case, we'd be dealing with a nice PR fine tuning detail, with a relatively short lifespan, aiming perhaps to reach a more sophisticated demographic than Twitter banter or a three minutes long Q&A about the current season's antics. But a wonderful detail, nevertheless.
The year is 1998. A young 19-year old Irish model wannabe just landed in the chaotic brouhaha of Roissy Airport and the first contact is brutal, language being a considerable barrier. But before that, we are treated to a masterful bistrot snapshot, with a cheeky, self-deprecating sense of humor. I mean how perfect is this?
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Quite a contrast to the dream version back home:
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Touché. All the moody young Frenchmen are named Pierre, C. All. Of. Them. As for watching far too many French films, there's always been something very Nouvelle Vague about you, Jeanne Moreau and Jules et Jim & all that, and I have to say this is what I found immediately endearing. I am not talking about Claire Fraser: it is you, emphatically you. The kind of impeccably dressed woman one can find pretending to read Le Monde at Le Café de Flore's terrace in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. The kind of self-evident, celestial creature whose high heels are never heard on any pavement (what is your secret?). Late Jane Birkin didn't even come close, C., mark me. However, red lipstick stains look way better on the rim of a nervously half drunk cup of noisette coffee: but then, that is me.
It was not at all like that, of course, but then something happened just across the street from the Saint-Eustache church, at Quigley's Point, a long gone Irish pub I vaguely remember. Circa 1998, our own boisterous squad used to play darts and get plastered on cheap draft beer and that undignified, syrupy manzana Basque liqueur (idiots, I am telling you, but it was very cheap) at The Bombardier, on the Place du Panthéon, just across the Seine:
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Thick brogue, a quick laugh, kind eyes and blonde hair. An interesting combo, for sure. No further comment except well, this is very personal, isn't it? You've said it yourself: sometimes (fun fact: always) the really important people have nothing to do with fantasies. But we know, C, we know.
And then, suddenly, it all falls into place: Stendhal would talk about a crystallization moment. It is that split-second when everything becomes very clear. A pact of sorts occurs and all barriers are lifted. For C, it happened in one of the perfect places of this planet, spare perhaps the Piazza del Campo, in Siena:
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No doubt, by tomorrow evening at the latest, I will be crucified by Mordor, but this made me think of that - different setting and context, same type of seminal moment. Draw your own conclusions:
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(SRH, Waypoints, Day Four: The Hard Road)
Important things happen, too, Place du Panthéon and this moved me to bits, even if this was not a happy ending. So shamelessly glad it wasn't, by the way:
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For (and forgive me for ineptly tinkering with your words) "It’s true, you never forget your first love". And for that man on that random pavement in LA, that will always be you, passerby of the Place des Vosges. The wonder you are, despite anything else: it is perfectly irrelevant.
Jacques Brel says it best, in what is almost a prayer:
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kajenus · 2 years
Not really a specific question, I'd love to know anything about two dancing miners from Ballad of Silesia if you don't mind sharing 👀
The man on right is called Michał. He's the protagonist of Ballad about Silesia during the 1980s arc. Half-German, resident of Giszowiec and a steiger in the coal mine "Wieczorek" (hence the white feather). He's a gay man and partner of Eliasz (man on left). Michał's personality is based on a stereotypical steiger in the coal mine, i.e being sarcastic, mean and rather not liked among other miners – Michał really dislikes the communist government and has realistically-pessimistic approach to life. As a true Silesian, he hates Warsaw and everything related to the capital... Besides Eliasz. The man lives in one of the remaining twin houses in Giszowiec, instead of moving to the cold apartment buildings built to house even more miners working in the city of Katowice.
Man on left is called Eliasz and he's Michał's secret partner. He's the deuteragonist of the 1980s arc. Eliasz hails from Warsaw, where he lived until mid-1970s with his family – in 1976 he moved with his wife Alicja and son Wojtek to Katowice to work as a miner in "Wieczorek". At first, he was just a coworker of Michał, they sometimes smoked together before the administration's building, but Michał was rather wary of him because he was a Varsovian. Only after some time they caught common ground and became friends. [OUTDATED] At some point, Eliasz noticed he had a crush on the steiger – even tho he was still married, they had an affair, since his marriage with Alicja was falling apart. Eliasz is very calm and polite (says "excuse me?" instead of "what?", etc), and he's into current politics. Matfiz vibes. Paranoid about... Many things, like being in a same-sex relationship.
They stayed in a relationship for many, many years, then got married in 2017 in Germany as old men. I care them, even if their relationship is complex and often had problems.
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Here's the latest shipart I've done with them!
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Ben Affleck was ‘rude’ in disastrous Australian interview, veteran broadcaster reveals
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/ben-affleck-was-rude-in-disastrous-australian-interview-veteran-broadcaster-reveals/
Ben Affleck was ‘rude’ in disastrous Australian interview, veteran broadcaster reveals
It turns out that Jennifer Lopez isn’t the only woman who’s had to be on camera with Ben Affleck when he’s apparently not in the mood to be photographed or interviewed and can’t help but appear bored, sullen or worse. In fact, veteran Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalist and host Sarah Ferguson has rated Affleck as one of the most aggravating famous people she’s ever interviewed, according to the Daily Mail. “He was just rude, not interested, going through the motions,” said Ferguson (no relation to the British royale), who currently hosts ABC TV’s flagship news and current affairs program, “7.30.” She was speaking about Affleck in an interview to the Sydney Morning Herald’s Sunday Life magazine. Related Articles
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Ferguson’s less-than-pleasant experience with the “Argo” actor and director occurred in March 2023 when she interviewed him and his “Air” co-star, Chris Tucker, she told the Sydney Morning Herald. The actors were on “7:30” to promote the film, which depicts the origins of Nike’s iconic Air Jordan shoes. Affleck also directed the film, which co-starred Matt Damon, Jason Bateman and Viola Davis. During the interview, an unsmiling, downcast Affleck gave rambling answers and repeatedly looked off camera, as a clip of the interview shows. According to Ferguson, the interview was so bad that only four of the questions she asked could be used on air. Ferguson’s revelations come at a time when Affleck has recently appeared quite a bit in public, not smiling and looking downcast or angry. His displeasure is understandable, given that he’s being followed around Los Angeles by paparazzi who are trying to chronicle the breakdown of his two-year marriage to movie and pop mega-star Jennifer Lopez. But a sullen Ben Affleck has become part of his public persona. Supposedly, Lopez had a problem with her estranged fourth husband’s tendency to always look miserable when he joined her in public, especially when he spent the 2023 Grammys, where she was a presenter, looking bored, exhausted and unhappy. The singer/actor/influencer has always liked playing the role of fashion icon and entertainment diva for the camera. In March, Affleck admitted that he tends to be “a little bit shy,” which could explain why he always looks angry in photos. “People see me and they’re like, ‘Why is this dude always mad?’ Because somebody has their camera sticking in my face. And I’m like, ‘OK, here we go,’” Affleck said during an interview with Kevin Hart’s Peacock talk show, “Hart to Heart.” Affleck told Hart he often encounters unwelcome attempts to photograph him while he’s out in public with his three children, according to Today.com. “What I’d actually like to do is do something much more definitive than just look at you (with a frown). And I may be angry that you’re around my child,” said the actor, who also once admitted to Jimmy Kimmel to having “a very unhappy-looking resting face.” Affleck also was the subject of the “sad Ben Affleck meme” and a viral 2018 New Yorker essay, titled “The Great Sadness of Ben Affleck.”  Affleck has himself admitted that he was miserable in 2017, 2018 and 2019, when his first marriage to Jennifer Garner was breaking down and he was playing Batman in “Justice League.” The actor, who has long struggled with alcohol addiction, told The Hollywood Reporter in 2023 that he was drinking “too much” at the time. The “Good Will Hunting” Oscar winner insisted to Hart that he understands that people are interested in taking photos of him at certain work events.  “I don’t give a (expletive),” he said with an edge to his voice. “Go ahead, knock yourself out. I don’t notice you. But with my children, that’s a different thing.” Of course, Affleck can’t bring up his children as a reason for being “rude” to ABC’s Ferguson, a well-respected journalist in Australia — not an annoying tabloid reporter whom he might look down on. At the time of their interview, Affleck was said to be happy in the first year of his marriage to Lopez and, according to reports, sober and healthy. On her show, Ferguson seemed to be trying to engage him in a lively, thoughtful conversation about his film so that he could promote it.  Affleck was apparently proud of the movie, which received mostly positive reviews. Critics praised Affleck’s “sure-handed” direction, the film’s lively, funny and warm performances, its “crackling good screenplay” and Affleck’s dynamic with Damon, his longtime friend and collaborator. Maybe Affleck was having difficult with the time-zone differences in the interview. But at one point, Ferguson asked the movie star a potentially sensitive question that he had addressed in other interviews — about how “Air” is focused on a “white-run corporate entity” creating partnerships with young African American athletes that gave them a stake in future profits. But when Ferguson asked, Affleck appeared to have trouble articulating his intentions or his effort to incorporate the point of view of Black actors and collaborators in the film, including Michael Jordan. According to the Daily Mail, Affleck awkwardly told Ferguson, “It happened by my looking at the story and thinking initially, you know, knowing a little bit how these companies work, and knowing about, you know, knowing by instinct it wasn’t only white people who worked at this company who were relevant to the story.” “And I didn’t want to make that story,” Affleck continued. “Luckily, Michael (Jordan) graciously made himself available to me, and directed me to the three people he felt were principally relevant here… and also he talked about his father and his mother.” Affleck was more articulate in his 2023 interview with The Hollywood Reporter — which wasn’t a TV interview and therefore didn’t involve that kind of pressure. Affleck told THR: “I wouldn’t make a movie whose central premise is the appropriation of Black culture for profit by white Americans. That’s not my film to make. I’m telling a story that’s about a combination of things, and this is one aspect of it.”
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ippnoida · 3 months
Tackling climate change and sustainability through Green Humour
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Environmental conservation, wildlife protection and sustainability are the need of the hour as greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are on the rise, consistently inducing climate change. Encroachment of forest land and grasslands by industrial plants and deforestation due to human greed has had a massive impact on endangered species. It is, thus, important to bring public attention to these burning topics, and what better way to gain knowledge and express concern for environmental issues than through the visual medium of comic strips and cartoons?
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He has been awarded several awards and widespread recognition for his work in the field of wildlife conservation. These include the Sanctuary Nature Foundation's Young Naturalist Award in 2012; WWF International President’s Award in May 2017 for young conservationists; The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) award, and The Royal Bank of Scotland's Earth Hero Award in 2017.
In 2010, when Chakravarty was dabbling in cartoons and trying to find his feet as a cartoonist, it serendipitously struck him that combining wildlife with cartoons would result in something new and exciting as nobody else was doing it. “It was also the need of the hour as creative communication of science and ecology was something that I saw as very important. This realization came to me when I was volunteering for an organization called Kids for Tigers, which needed me to update my knowledge about wildlife as I was taking kids out for nature trails and bird-watching,” he said.
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He feels his work is no different from other cartoonists. It just happens that he works on the niche theme of environment conservation, nature, ecology, and wildlife, not touched by many other cartoonists, at least not the mainstream ones. “There is a certain visual identity to Green Humour because it's a style that I have developed over years of practice. One of the identifying features or recurring themes of my cartoon strip is that you don't see any recurring characters because the issues are new, and the animals that are being spoken about are different. So, even if there are two cartoons about tigers or two cartoons about snow leopards, they are treated differently,” he added.
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Apart from this, a lot of Chakravarty's cartoon series Green Humour focuses on politics and governance of the environment and current affairs around environmental issues that always go unnoticed as we have bigger political issues such as the elections to worry about. Climate change and the environment are issues that not many people like to read about, he said, adding that when individual narratives are presented in a simplified and attractive manner, they are more likely to click.
Chakravarty consistently reads about nature as and when he gets time to keep himself updated on the latest news and happenings related to climate change and environment conservation across the globe. He also interacts with other kinds of art forms and reads a lot of history and geopolitics as he feels it is important for a cartoonist to keep himself updated about not only what you are doing but also about the world, and this, in turn, filters into his work as well.
A lot of research goes into the making of Green Humour cartoon strips and this involves reading and researching about the behavior of a species or discovering little-known details about the latest discoveries. “I make it a point to read the scientific papers, journals, and publications related to wildlife to accurately portray the morphological details of a species. If I am drawing about an animal that I have already seen, it goes a long way in getting the description right. Species that I have not personally encountered require a lot of homework and need digging up literature from books as well as online articles, and watching documentaries whenever they are available,” he shared.
One of the recent issues that Chakravarty has brought into the limelight is the upcoming Nicobar transshipment port in the Great Nicobar Island in India. “I have been consistently addressing this issue in my Green Humour column with The Hindu as it is a major environmental catastrophe that is waiting to happen,” he said.
Amalgamating cartography & wildlife distribution
Apart from his Green Humor comic strips, Chakravarty has created illustrated maps of wildlife of India and several other countries for various national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, including the Wildlife Trust of India, the Maharashtra forest department, Bombay Natural History Society, WWF India, Save Our Seas Foundation's Shark Education Centre in Cape Town, WWF Hong Kong, Red Cross Red Crescent Centre, Bulgarian Society for Protection of Birds, and Birdlife International Asia, Singapore, among others.
Chakravarty has always been fascinated by cartography and maps, and the distribution of wildlife has never really been a focus of cartography – it was a gap he wanted to bridge with illustrated maps. He first pitched the idea to the Arunachal state forest department in 2014 and it commissioned his first wildlife map for the Pakke Tiger Reserve, after which he has drawn about 45 maps in the last 10 years.
The latest map was for the BR Hills Tiger Reserve and Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka. Chakravarty has also taken up cartography projects abroad for WWF Bhutan, WWF Hong Kong, and the Beidaihe Wetland Park, China, and hopes to take it to newer places soon.
Chakravarty counts the Wildlife Map of India, a self-assigned project, as one of his most memorable works. As no organization had commissioned this project, he had the freedom to work on it on his terms. It needed a lot of research, including consultation with scientists, and almost a year to complete it, he told Indian Printer & Publisher.
He now only takes commissions on wildlife-illustrated maps from organizations and forest departments that work on wildlife conversation. Maps always have a mutually agreed and discussed scope, he said. Depending on the requirements of the map’s illustration, it could either just be biodiversity, or an amalgamation of biodiversity, culture, and heritage.
Researching for maps involves field visits. During such visits, he gathers first-hand references such as clicking pictures and jotting down notes. “I make a lot of notes on what the habitat and the terrain looks like and what kind of vegetation is found in the surrounding areas, and what kind of biodiversity is concentrated in which parts of the park,” he said.
“I interact with forest department employees and the on-ground staff of the organization that commissioned the map. If I am drawing tribal hamlets and indigenous people that live in and around the national park, I make it a point to visit their homes, see their way of life, how they interact with the forest, and how they are dependent on the forest. I try to understand how these people celebrate the forest as a part of their culture. All this is illustrated on the map,” he added.
Though he travels as often as he can, map illustrations mostly take him to areas that need to be explored first-hand. “My hometown Nagpur is still very green and has a lot of scope for activities such as bird-watching and nature trails. I try to make the most of it by going for bird-watching every day,” he shared.
Books & beyond
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Bird Business (BNHS) was the runner-up for the best illustrator at the Publishing Next Awards 2020. Making Friends with Snakes published by Pratham Books in collaboration with Madras Crocodile Bank was the winner in the children's category at the Green Literature Festival 2021 and nominated for Valley of Words Book Awards 2021. The Great Indian Nature Trail for WWF India was nominated for best non-fiction book of the year at The Hindu Young World Goodbooks Awards 2019.
He has also worked as an illustrator for several books – Where's Gaju's Herd? – a comic-cum-coloring book for WTI's Gaj Yatra elephant campaign; Who ate all that up?, Wild Cat! Wild Cat!, Did You Hear, and Watch Out, the Tiger is Here! for Pratham Books; a food book Something to Chew On for Kalpavriksh, The Secret Garden for Nature Science Initiative; Seasonwatch – a children's activity book on trees for the Nature Conservation Foundation; A Day Out with Delphie – comic-cum-coloring book on dolphins of the Mediterranean and Black Seas for ACCOBAMS and the comic book A Walk With Shamsher the Tiger in Dudhwa for the Wildlife Trust of India.
Naturalist Ruddy- Adventurer Sleuth Mongoose is another of his most memorable projects. It deals with a mongoose which thinks it is a detective and goes around observing nature and treats everything it spots in nature as crime scenes and when the reader sees it solving these crime scenes, they get intimate with the workings of nature, he said. “This was a book I had fun doing. It's a completely different format from what I otherwise do. It became popular among young readers,” he added.
Bird Business is a book that describes bird behavior. “In India, most people in the birding community or otherwise are only concerned with identifying birds and are not bothered about how a bird behaves and how it goes about its day-to-day activities. The book illustrates a hundred bird species and what they do in their daily lives,” he concluded.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Today's Current Affairs: Kerala High Court Upholds Death Sentence for Jisha's Murderer In today’s current affairs, the Kerala High Court confirmed the death sentence for Muhammed Ameer-ul-Islam, who was convicted of the brutal rape and murder of law student Jisha in 2016. The Division Bench of Justices PB Suresh Kumar and S Manu expressed their hope that this severe penalty would act as a deterrent against such heinous crimes in the future. The Court took into account the gruesome nature of the crime and the impact on society, particularly on women, when confirming the death sentence. Ameer-ul-Islam was found guilty based on strong DNA evidence and a multitude of circumstantial proof. This landmark judgment aims to serve justice and restore a sense of security in society. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] Question 1 What was the verdict given by the Kerala High Court to Muhammed Ameer-ul-Islam? - Life imprisonment - Death sentence - Acquittal - Reduced sentence Answer: Death sentence Question 2 Who were the Justices on the Division Bench of the Kerala High Court that confirmed the death sentence? - Justice PB Suresh Kumar and Justice S Manu - Justice A K Mathur and Justice P S Narayana - Justice V R Krishna Iyer and Justice Fathima Beevi - Justice B K Mukherjee and Justice S H Kapadia Answer: Justice PB Suresh Kumar and Justice S Manu Question 3 What was the societal impact of the crime according to the Kerala High Court? - Financial instability - Profound fear and vulnerability - Increased trust in public institutions - Economic growth Answer: Profound fear and vulnerability Question 4 What was Ameerul's background as stated in the article? - Local farmer from Kerala - Migrant worker from Assam - Businessman from Delhi - Government official from Tamil Nadu Answer: Migrant worker from Assam Question 5 What type of evidence played a crucial role in the court's decision? - Direct eye witness testimonies - Surveillance footage - Mediated evidence - Circumstantial and DNA evidence Answer: Circumstantial and DNA evidence Question 6 What was the identity of the victim, Jisha? - A law enforcement officer - A law student from Ernakulam Government Law College - A school teacher - A businesswoman Answer: A law student from Ernakulam Government Law College Question 7 When was the trial court verdict convicting Ameerul given? - December 2017 - April 2016 - May 2015 - June 2018 Answer: December 2017 Question 8 What additional request did Ameerul make while appealing his conviction? - To reduce his sentence to life imprisonment - To re-investigate by a central agency - To shift his case to another state - To pardon him due to good behavior Answer: To re-investigate by a central agency Question 9 Who were appointed by the High Court to assist with the process of sentencing? - Two lawyers - Two mitigation investigators from Project 39A - Two forensic experts - Two police officers Answer: Two mitigation investigators from Project 39A Question 10 Which Nobel Laureate's statement did the Court mention in its judgment? - Albert Einstein - Mother Teresa - Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Nelson Mandela
Answer: Alexander Solzhenitsyn [ad_2] What did the Kerala High Court decide about Muhammed Ameer-ul-Islam's death sentence? The Kerala High Court confirmed the death sentence given to Muhammed Ameer-ul-Islam, who was convicted of raping and murdering a law student named Jisha in 2016. The judges said they made this decision with heavy hearts but hoped it would deter others from committing similar crimes. Who were the judges involved in this case? Justices PB Suresh Kumar and S Manu were the judges who made the decision to confirm the death sentence. They expressed their hope that the judgment would serve as a deterrent to future crimes. Why did the Court confirm the death sentence for Ameerul? The Court considered the extremely brutal nature of the crime and the fact that Jisha belonged to a scheduled caste community. They also noted how the crime affected society, causing fear and outrage, especially among women. What was the Court's sentiment while delivering the judgment? While delivering the judgment, the Court expressed that it was with a heavy heart that they upheld the death sentence. They quoted Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn, saying “Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience, but the conscience of the whole humanity,” emphasizing the broader impact of their decision. What did the Court say about the impact of such crimes on society? The Court noted that crimes like this one have a profound and far-reaching impact on society. They cause fear and a sense of vulnerability, particularly among women, and erode trust in institutions meant to ensure public safety. These crimes also lead to public outrage and demands for reforms. What happened on April 28, 2016? Jisha, a law student, was found dead in her house on April 28, 2016. Her body was mutilated. The investigation pointed to Ameerul, a migrant worker, who allegedly committed the crime after breaking into her house in a drunken state the night before. What was the trial court's decision in 2017? In December 2017, the trial court found Ameerul guilty of rape, murder, and other offences under the Indian Penal Code. He was sentenced to death. What did Ameerul do after the trial court's decision? Ameerul appealed to the High Court, challenging his conviction and sentence. He also sought a re-investigation by a central agency. What was the prosecution's case against Ameerul? The prosecution argued that Ameerul entered Jisha’s house with the intention to rape her. When she resisted, he bit, strangled, stabbed, mutilated, and eventually killed her. What kind of evidence did the Court rely on to find Ameerul guilty? The Court relied on circumstantial evidence and strong DNA evidence. This included Jisha's clothes that had Ameerul’s blood and saliva, Jisha’s nail clippings with Ameerul’s blood and tissue, and blood stains on the door that matched Ameerul’s DNA. What were the reports and judgments the Court considered in its decision? The Court reviewed mitigation reports from investigators from Project 39A at the National Law University, Delhi. They also went through multiple judgments from the Supreme Court to understand the evolution of death sentence jurisprudence. What was the final decision of the High Court regarding Ameerul's appeal? After considering all aspects, the Court decided to dismiss Ameerul’s appeal and confirm his death sentence. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0)
clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] In a significant development in today's current affairs, the Kerala High Court confirmed the death sentence of Muhammed Ameer-ul-Islam for the brutal rape and murder of law student Jisha in 2016. The court, led by Justices PB Suresh Kumar and S Manu, expressed their decision with a heavy heart, hoping it would serve as a strong deterrent against such heinous crimes. On the morning of April 28, 2016, Jisha's mutilated body was discovered in her home at Perumbavoor. Ameerul, a migrant worker from Assam, was convicted of the horrifying crime and faced the death sentence in December 2017. Moving an appeal for reconsideration, Ameerul sought relief, but today's verdict reaffirmed the trial court's decision. The case was notably upheld based on extensive circumstantial evidence and DNA proof linking Ameerul to the crime scene. The High Court highlighted the profound societal impact of such crimes, emphasizing a multifaceted approach to justice to restore public trust and safety. The judgment serves as a grim reminder of the stakes involved in ensuring justice for victims of such atrocious acts. In one of the precedent-setting aspects, the court had also appointed mitigation investigators to aid in the sentencing process, reflecting evolving jurisprudence in handling death penalty cases. Today's current affairs now mark the somber closure of a case that has deeply affected public conscience and demanded robust judicial action. [ad_1]
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journeyjottings · 5 months
Albanese Government Targets Education and Health Skills in Migration Plans
THE SKILLS GOVERNMENT targets in the points-tested Skilled Independent category give a clear signal of the skills it thinks will be in long-term demand. It also gives a signal to overseas students what courses it wants them to study if they want to maximise their chances of securing permanent residence.
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The Skilled Independent category is a purely discretionary category that governments ramp up or down depending on demand in other skill stream categories to deliver whatever level of permanent migration program has been set (currently 190,000 plus 3,000 places in the Pacific Engagement Visa and not counting New Zealand citizens who now have a direct pathway to Australian citizenship).
Prior to 2017-18, both Labor and Coalition governments maintained the Skilled Independent category at well above 40,000 places per annum. Along with a cut to the overall migration program, former Home Affairs Minister and now Opposition Leader Peter Dutton cut the Skilled Independent category in 2017-18 and 2018-19 to less than 35,000.
The Skilled Independent category was further reduced during the pandemic with the closure of international borders. The focus of the migration program shifted towards state and territory-nominated visas as well as the new Global Talent Visa and the Business Investment and Innovation Program (BIIP) visas. The Coalition also started clearing the partner visa backlog it had illegally engineered.
The new Labor Government increased the overall migration program and along with it, the size of both the Skilled Independent category and state-nominated categories. The Global Talent visa and BIIP visas were significantly reduced given a range of concerns with these visas.
To deliver the larger Skilled Independent category, the Labor Government dramatically increased the size of invitation rounds for this category, reduced the frequency of these, lowered pass marks and initially targeted a very wide range of occupations.
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The Coalition Government tended to issue small invitation rounds of usually less than 1,000, run these relatively frequently and use very high pass marks.
The very large invitation rounds under the Labor Government were partly due to an increase in the portion of invitations that did not convert to visa grant (often due to initial claims against visa criteria not being met when checks were undertaken). Nevertheless, the large invitation rounds created a backlog of applications that meant invitation rounds did not need to be run as frequently.
In late December 2023, the Government issued its first invitation round in the Skilled Independent category for 2023-2024. The two outstanding characteristics of this invitation round were its relatively small size compared to invitation rounds in 2022-2023 and the very narrow range of skilled occupations that were targeted.
This invitation round also does not distinguish between offshore and onshore applicants. That must mean the Government expects relatively few onshore applications and is seeking to attract offshore applications at a time when it is also trying to drive down net migration.
The most striking feature of the latest invitation round is that it focuses almost entirely on health and education-related occupations. There are no occupations in occupational segments such as IT, finance, engineering or trades.
This will send a very clear signal to potential offshore applicants as well as to overseas students looking to use an Australian qualification to apply for skilled migration. It will leave a large portion of the 600,000 plus students and around 200,000 temporary graduates currently in Australia (as well as possibly around 100,000 former students on a COVID-related visa) in immigration limbo if they do not have health or education-related qualifications.
While those students and temporary graduates could still migrate via an employer-sponsored or state-nominated visa, their options have now been significantly narrowed
Source: Independent Australia
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antoine-roquentin · 3 years
Protests Unite Myanmar’s Ethnic Groups Against Common Foe 
Myanmar’s military, known as the Tatmadaw, has killed at least 510 people and detained more than 2,500 others since it took power on Feb. 1. Now terrorized by the military themselves, many people from the Bamar ethnic majority are developing a sense of solidarity with the country’s numerous minority groups. Public apologies for years of indifference and denial of minority people’s experiences have proliferated. “We have learned day by day, and our point of view has changed. We feel really sorry,” said Yin Yin, a Bamar youth who worked as a hotelier in Yangon before the coup.
Many Bamar people also seem to be shifting their political objectives. Early in the protests, a split emerged between groups led by an older generation of protesters from the 1988 student uprisings who called for the release of democratic leader Aung San Suu Kyi and elected officials and a return to the previous system of governance and a diverse group of protesters who united under the General Strike Committee of Nationalities (GSCN) with more ambitious demands. The GSCN advocates for the abolition of the military-drafted 2008 constitution and the establishment of a new one based on federalism. These calls have rapidly gained momentum, especially among a young generation eager to make amends for past injustices and build a more equitable society.
Before the coup, military violence and government oppression of ethnic minorities evoked only weak responses from the Bamar public. Mass denial followed the 2017 campaign against the Rohingya, and only a few activists spoke out. When the Tatmadaw launched airstrikes in Kachin state in 2018 and the government blocked displaced people from safe passage or access to humanitarian assistance, there was little outcry beyond activist circles. The same was true when the government shut down the internet in Rakhine state and parts of Chin state for more than a year.
But the shared experience of suffering under military violence has contributed to shifting views among Bamar demonstrators. “Since the coup started, we all faced the same thing, the same tragic incidents all over the country,” Yin Yin said. “It doesn’t matter if we are Burmese, Kachin, Chin, or any ethnic group. As long as we are living in Myanmar, we have the same rights and we need the same freedom, so federal democracy is a must.”
Myanmar's ethnic rebels isolate junta ahead of Armed Forces Day 
Since then, these insurgent groups from the Karen, the Shan, and the Kachin have become emboldened in their anti-junta positions. The armed wing of the Karen National Union recently cut the food supply lines to feed soldiers deployed near the Thai-Myanmar border, according to media reports. Elsewhere, according to local sources, the armed wing of the Kachin, active close to the Myanmar-China border, launched fresh strikes against military positions this month. Last Sunday, a battalion of the Kachin Independence Army mounted dawn attacks on three Tatamadaw-held bases.
"The KNU has already condemned the coup, and no longer recognizes the Tatmadaw as a legitimate actor," said Jason Tower, a researcher working on conflict issues in Myanmar for the United States Institute of Peace, a think tank supported by the U.S. Congress. "The Tatmadaw will have to address growing push back from the ethnic armed groups."
He said the military's grip on Myanmar will be loosened as the rebel groups become emboldened by the chaos caused by the coup. "The Tatmadaw will be strategically weakened if it has to face conflict with ethnic armed groups on many fronts," he said. "This can worsen as the rebel armies strategically align themselves with the CDM."
A Tuesday statement by the Arakan Army -- a powerful rebel force that battled the Tatmadaw in 2019 and 2020 in the state of Rakhine -- was the latest warning shot to the junta about the shifting political alliances. It declared that it was closing ranks with the other armed ethnic groups in condemning the coup and subsequent crackdown. The move comes after the militant group had agreed on a ceasefire with the Tatmadaw last year, suggesting that the two adversaries were headed for peace.
But that is not all. The military's resources are also being stretched as China pressures the junta to protect its economic assets after 32 Chinese-owned factories in Yangon were torched this month. The investments were part of China's multibillion-dollar stake in Myanmar, spanning an oil-and-gas pipeline and large infrastructure projects as part of Beijing's Belt and Road infrastructure initiative.
"Threats to Chinese property and lives will be taken very seriously and, as has already been seen, diplomats will want to show an immediate response," said a senior analyst at a Yangon-based think tank, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "But [Chinese] officials also know that relations will have to be maintained with all sides in the current impasse, including the military government, NLD and ethnic nationality movements because it is too early to know who will ultimately succeed."
China’s rare earth supplies disrupted by Myanmar tumult 
Chinese companies started complaining about delays in shipments of the minerals since mid-March, reportedly due to the deteriorating political and economic situation, which Chinese media reports say have had an impact on logistics.
Rare earth metals are used in aerospace, advanced military equipment, mobile phones and electric vehicles, among other tech products. Myanmar is a major supplier of rare earth ores, which are exported to China for extraction and processing, and then either used in local production or shipped on to global markets.
Hiccups in Myanmar’s supply of rare earths are the latest indicator that the audacious military coup, launched by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, and subsequent national chaos is starting to seriously disrupt Myanmar’s economy and businesses.
The impact on rare earth shipments is the latest sign the coup is adversely impacting China, which earlier expressed concern about the security of its twin oil and gas pipelines that run through Myanmar into southern China and other commercial interests amid a public backlash against Beijing for its perceived support of the country’s ruling generals.
The geopolitics of Myanmar’s black swan coup 
India is being wooed by the United States as a member of a military proto-alliance aimed at containing China, known as the Quad.
Yet the normative foundations of this arrangement were exposed as frail because India, which was also present at the parade, can’t afford to put democratic values before its interest in securing its eastern border, for which it needs close ties with the Myanmar military.
China is also in a quandary. The coup undermined all the hard work Beijing put in to building a solid relationship with a transitional democratic government led by Aung San Suu Kyi.
Beijing’s client is now under arrest and its strategic investment projects linking China to the sea along the so-called China-Myanmar Economic Corridor are exposed to risk by an army that is at best ambivalent about close ties with China.
There was therefore no hesitation on Beijing’s part to lend support to coup leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the Army Day Parade. China is key to the Myanmar military junta’s survival and while the surge in instability on its border may not be ideal, all in all this probably suits Beijing just fine.
Neighboring countries Bangladesh, Laos and Thailand were also present at the parade, highlighting their own narrow security interests, but also how divided the region is over the coup.
ASEAN member states have struggled to forge a consensus of concern and agreed action to de-escalate the situation. Indonesia has pushed for action, supported by Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore, but mainland states such a Thailand and Vietnam have dragged their feet, arguing that the coup is an internal affair – despite the rising risk of a mass outflow of refugees.
This regional divide has upset Washington’s geopolitical calculus. The new Biden administration is trying to corral ASEAN into a more effective bulwark against China. The Myanmar coup has been a distraction to that drive.
Washington’s priority is to solidify alliances with larger powers India, Japan and South Korea. In mid-March US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin paid an inaugural visit to Tokyo and Seoul. Blinken finished the trip in a testy meeting with Chinese counterparts in Alaska, while Austin went onto Delhi.
Missing from their itinerary was anywhere near Myanmar in Southeast Asia; nor was there a hoped-for joint statement on Myanmar in US talks with the Chinese, an omission that was noticed in the region.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Landlords look for an exit amid federal eviction moratorium (AP) When Ryan David bought three rental properties back in 2017, he expected the $1,000-a-month he was pocketing after expenses would be regular sources of income well into his retirement years. But then the pandemic hit and federal and state authorities imposed moratoriums on evictions. The unpaid rent began to mount. Then, just when he thought the worst was over, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced a new moratorium, lasting until Oct. 3. David, the father of a 2 1/2-year-old who is expecting another child, fears the $2,000 he’s owed in back rent will quickly climb to thousands more. The latest moratorium “was the final gut punch,” said the 39-year-old, adding that he now plans to sell the apartments. Most evictions for unpaid rent have been halted since the early days of the pandemic and there are now more than 15 million people living in households that owe as much as $20 billion in back rent, according to the Aspen Institute. A majority of single-family rental home owners have been impacted, according to a survey from the National Rental Home Council, and 50% say they have tenants who have missed rent during the pandemic. Landlords, big and small, are most angry about the moratoriums, which they consider illegal. Many believe some tenants could have paid rent, if not for the moratorium. And the $47 billion in federal rental assistance that was supposed to make landlords whole has been slow to materialize. By July, only $3 billion of the first tranche of $25 billion had been distributed.
Student loans (WSJ) The Biden administration announced it will wipe out $5.8 billion in student loans held by 323,000 people who are permanently disabled. This means the Education Department will discharge loans for borrowers with total and permanent disabilities per Social Security Administration records. Currently there is $1.6 trillion held in student loan debt, much of which could be eliminated through executive action.
New England preps for 1st hurricane in 30 years with Henri (AP) New Englanders bracing for their first direct hit by a hurricane in 30 years began hauling boats out of the water and taking other precautions Friday as Tropical Storm Henri barreled toward the Northeast coast. Henri was expected to intensify into a hurricane by Saturday, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said. Impacts could be felt in New England states by Sunday, including on Cape Cod, which is teeming with tens of thousands of summer tourists. “This storm is extremely worrisome,” said Michael Finkelstein, police chief and emergency management director in East Lyme, Connecticut. “We haven’t been down this road in quite a while and there’s no doubt that we and the rest of New England would have some real difficulties with a direct hit from a hurricane.”
Booming Colo. town asks, ‘Where will water come from?’ (AP) “Go West, young man,″ Horace Greeley famously urged. The problem for the northern Colorado town that bears the 19th-century newspaper editor’s name: Too many people have heeded his advice. By the tens of thousands newcomers have been streaming into Greeley—so much so that the city and surrounding Weld County grew by more than 30% from 2010 to 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, making it one of the fastest-growing regions in the country. And it’s not just Greeley. Figures released this month show that population growth continues unabated in the South and West, even as temperatures rise and droughts become more common. That in turn has set off a scramble of growing intensity in places like Greeley to find water for the current population, let alone those expected to arrive in coming years. “Everybody looks at the population growth and says, ‘Where is the water going to come from?’” [one local professor] said.
Everything’s Getting Bigger In Texas (AP, CNBC, Forbes) Texas has long been a popular destination for newcomers, thanks to cheaper land and housing, more job opportunities, lower taxes, and fewer regulations. There’s also the great weather, food, schools, and medical facilities, the abundant resources and year-round recreation and outdoor activities, artistic and cultural events, fairs, festivals, music venues, and the diverse and friendly people—you know, just to name a few. Texas has always been a business-friendly environment, which has certainly not been lost on tech and financial companies headquartered in strictly-regulated and high-priced states like California and New York. There are 237 corporate relocation and expansion projects in the works in Texas just since the pandemic hit. Tech giant Oracle moved its headquarters to Austin in late 2020; Tesla is building its new Gigafactory there, and Apple will have its second-largest campus there as well. Both Google and Facebook have satellite offices in Austin, and the file hosting services company Dropbox will be leaving San Francisco for Austin. Recently, the global real estate services firm CBRE and multinational financial services behemoth Charles Schwab moved their headquarters from California to the Dallas area. Hewlett Packard’s cofounders were two of the original grandfathers of Silicon Valley, who started their company in a Palo Alto garage in 1939. Now, the corporation is moving its headquarters from San Jose to Houston. And the number of mega-wealthy individuals who’ve moved to Texas are too numerous to mention. It’s not just big cities like Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio that are seeing an influx of people—bedroom communities are growing by leaps and bounds as well—places like New Braunfels, located in the Texas Hill Country, Conroe, 40 miles north of Houston, and McKinney, just 30 minutes up U.S. 75 from Dallas.
‘Bracing for the worst’ in Florida’s COVID-19 hot zone (AP) As quickly as one COVID patient is discharged, another waits for a bed in northeast Florida, the hot zone of the state’s latest surge. But the patients at Baptist Health’s five hospitals across Jacksonville are younger and getting sick from the virus faster than people did last summer. Baptist has over 500 COVID patients, more than twice the number they had at the peak of Florida’s July 2020 surge, and the onslaught isn’t letting up. Hospital officials are anxiously monitoring 10 forecast models, converting empty spaces, adding over 100 beds and “bracing for the worst,” said Dr. Timothy Groover, the hospitals’ interim chief medical officer.
Grace heads for a second hurricane hit on Mexican coast (AP) Hurricane Grace—temporarily knocked back to tropical storm force—headed Friday for a second landfall in Mexico, this time taking aim at the mainland’s Gulf coast after crashing through the country’s main tourist strip. The storm lost punch as it zipped across the Yucatan Peninsula, but it emerged late Thursday over the relatively warm Gulf of Mexico and was gaining energy. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Grace’s winds were back up to 70 mph (110 kph) early Friday and were expected to soon regain hurricane force. It was centered about 265 miles (425 kilometers) east of Tuxpan and was heading west at 16 mph (26 kph). The forecast track would take it toward a coastal region of small fishing towns and beach resorts between Tuxpan and Veracruz, likely Friday night or early Saturday, then over a mountain range toward the heart of the country and the greater Mexico City region. Forecasters said it could drop 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 centimeters) of rain, with more in a few isolated areas—bringing the threat of flash floods, mudslide and urban flooding.
“Self-determination 1, Human Rights 0” (Foreign Policy) Most Latin American governments offered little official support to the U.S. War in Afghanistan when it began in 2001. At the time, Venezuela put forward a blistering critique of meeting “terror with more terror,” and then-Cuban leader Fidel Castro said U.S. opponents’ irregular warfare abilities could draw out the conflict for 20 years. Over the weekend, as the Afghan government collapsed and chaos engulfed Kabul’s airport, today’s leaders of Cuba and Venezuela echoed their critiques while foreign ministers of other Latin American countries diplomatically issued statements of concern about Afghanistan’s humanitarian needs. Chile and Mexico made plans to accept Afghan refugees, and several countries signed on to a joint international statement protecting Afghan women’s rights. To many in Latin America’s diplomatic and foreign-policy communities, the dark events in Afghanistan confirmed the importance of the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs. The extended U.S. presence in Afghanistan was “the same mistake as always: trying to build democratic states through the use of force,” Colombian political scientist Sandra Guzmán wrote in El Tiempo. Many Latin Americans stressed that methods other than military interventions should be used to work toward human rights, even as they acknowledged how challenging it can be to make progress. “Self-determination 1, human rights 0 #Afghanistan,” tweeted Uruguayan political scientist Andrés Malamud after Kabul fell.
Afghanistan war unpopular amid chaotic pullout (AP) A significant majority of Americans doubt that the war in Afghanistan was worthwhile, even as the United States is more divided over President Joe Biden’s handling of foreign policy and national security, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Roughly two-thirds said they did not think America’s longest war was worth fighting, the poll shows. Meanwhile, 47% approve of Biden’s management of international affairs, while 52% approve of Biden on national security. The poll was conducted Aug. 12-16 as the two-decade war in Afghanistan ended with the Taliban returning to power and capturing the capital of Kabul. Biden has faced bipartisan condemnation in Washington for sparking a humanitarian crisis by being ill-prepared for the speed of the Taliban’s advance.
The U.S. Blew Billions in Afghanistan (Bloomberg) The rapid collapse of Afghanistan’s government to the Taliban fueled fears of a humanitarian disaster, sparked a political crisis for President Joe Biden and caused scenes of desperation at Kabul’s airport. It’s also raised questions about what happened to more than $1 trillion the U.S. spent trying to bring peace and stability to a country wracked by decades of war. While most of that money went to the U.S. military, billions of dollars got wasted along the way, in some cases aggravating efforts to build ties with the Afghan people Americans meant to be helping. A special watchdog set up by Congress spent the past 13 years documenting the successes and failures of America’s efforts in Afghanistan. While wars are always wasteful, the misspent American funds stand out because the U.S. had 20 years to shift course.
Western groups desperate to save Afghan workers left behind (AP) The Italian charity Pangea helped tens of thousands of Afghan women become self-supporting in the last 20 years. Now, dozens of its staff in Afghanistan are in hiding with their families amid reports that Taliban are going door-to-door in search of citizens who worked with Westerners. Pangea founder Luca Lo Presti has asked that 30 Afghan charity workers and their families be included on Italian flights that have carried 500 people to safety this week, but the requests were flatly refused. On Thursday, the military coordinator told him: “Not today.” Dozens of flights already have brought hundreds of Western nationals and Afghan workers to safety in Europe since the Taliban captured the capital of Kabul. Those lucky enough to be rescued from feared reprisals have mostly been Afghans who worked directly with foreign missions, along with their families. European countries also have pledged to evacuate people at special risk from the Taliban—feminists, political activists and journalists—but it is unclear exactly where the line is being drawn and how many Afghan nationals Western nations will be able to evacuate.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Globe, April 12
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Cover: Brad Pitt Blindsided by Abuse Bombshell
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Page 2: Up Front & Personal -- former Vanderpump Rules hunk Jax Taylor hauling trash outside his L.A. home, tennis star Venus Williams had some courtside cuddles with her pet pup in Miami, sitcom star turned pot peddler Jim Belushi during a spin around Santa Monica
Page 3: Chrissy Metz runs errands in L.A., David Hasselhoff with his wife Hayley Roberts in Calabasas, Lena Headey buzzed around in L.A. on an electric bike
Page 4: Toxic TV talker Ellen DeGeneres is trapped in a tragic tailspin, belting back booze while struggling to get a grip on her fading career and rocky marriage -- after losing 1 million viewers this year alone, Ellen's once high-flying show is on thin ice and she's fighting with wife Portia de Rossi amid talks of a $300 million divorce -- her ratings are tanking, and her marriage is coming apart at the seams and she's knocking back the red wine to drown her sorrows -- her strategy is to let the storm about her talk show die down and then pull in some huge guest stars to win back her audience and reestablish herself as top dog on the talk show circuit -- at the same time, her 12-year marriage to Portia has been hanging by a thread and the two had been at loggerheads after serial house-flipper Ellen put the estate she bought from Maroon 5's Adam Levine on the market for $53.5 million and Portia thought it was finally going to be their forever home and it was like pulling the rug out from under her -- then another crisis struck home as Ellen rushed Portia to the hospital after she collapsed and Portia underwent an emergency appendectomy and is now recuperating but her spouse is a mess over Portia's health crisis and she's been drowning her sorrows in booze -- Ellen realizes much more than ever how much she desperately loves Portia and what she's got to lose if they split but she also knows it's be a lot of work to get the relationship back on track once Portia recovers
Page 5: Chevy Chase secretly cheated death after a secret heart condition landed him in the hospital for five long weeks and now he may never be out of the woods -- the 77-year-old, who is now recovering at his Westchester, N.Y. home, recently revealed the heart issue snuck up on him -- Chevy needed valve replacement surgery, and recovering boozer Chevy's long history of swilling alcohol had left him with an enlarged heart and acute cardiomyopathy, a disease that makes it harder for the organ to pump blood to the rest of his body and his heart problems stems from his years of drinking plain and simple and it's affected his heart, weakened it over the years -- however, before risky surgery could be performed, docs needed to make sure the comedian was stable enough for the procedure -- in 2017, Chevy claimed he'd finally gotten sober after one of his daughters said she gave up on him and his wife Jayni threatened to leave him if he didn't clean up his act but it may be too little too late for the comedy legend because valve replacement surgery could affect his activities for the rest of his life and it means his heart was pumping through an ineffective valve, and this damages heart muscles, which never grow back and he could have ongoing chest pains or dangerous heart rhythm disturbances, which could lead to heart attack or death
Page 6: Dr. Dre's estranged wife, Nicole Young, claims the rap mogul knocked her out cold in a drunken rage -- it's the latest bombshell in the couple's brutal divorce war, with Nicole making the explosive charge in an application for a restraining order that was denied by a judge and she also alleges Dre punched her squarely in the face after he felt she disrespected him at a party in 1999 and Nicole claims she woke up in their car with Andre speeding at over 100 miles per hour, drunk and out of control and he was swerving and weaving and she thought she was going to die and she also claims a drunk and angry Dre held a gun to her head during a 2012 dispute, saying she was terrified he was going to kill her -- Dre has denied all of Nicole's abuse claims
* In a desperate bid to save their crumbling romance, Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are seeing a sex therapist to spice up their fizzling bedroom romps -- the duo called off their wedding plans after a stormy four-year affair and are on the brink of the end -- A-Rod staved off a break at the last minute by dashing down to the Dominican Republic, where J.Lo's filming her new flick and patching things up for the moment -- the biggest issue has been Alex's roving eye plus sexting various women on the side, and Jennifer wants to get to the bottom of why she's not enough for him
Page 7: Jeopardy! contestants want celeb medic Dr. Mehmet Oz axed as guest host -- casting the dubious doc celebrates the elevation of talking heads at the expense of academic rigor and consensus, according to a group of the game show's former winners and contestants in a letter -- the letter cites instances in which Dr. Oz used his authority as a doctor to push harmful ideas, and referred to a 2014 letter penned by faculty at Columbia Medical School, where Oz also teaches, calling for his removal from the program and the letter concludes inviting Oz to guest host is a slap in the face to all involved
Page 8: Jeffrey Epstein's accused madam Ghislaine Maxwell's third desperate bid to get out of jail on bail has been nixed by a federal judge -- the 59-year-old British socialite it rotting in a Brooklyn, N.Y. federal slammer denying charges she recruited underage girls to be sex slaves for her late lover Epstein, whose 2019 death in his jail cell is suspected on being a staged murder, despite an official ruling of suicide -- Maxwell's offer to plunk down $22.5 million and give up her citizenships in England and France was nixed by Judge Alison Nathan, who agreed with prosecutors the suspected Israeli intelligence asset was still a flight risk -- meanwhile, Ghislaine's lawyers claim she was abused by a guard and is losing hair and weight due to poor treatment in the slammer, where she's awaiting a July trail date
Page 9: Billionaire Queen Elizabeth is bracing for a big pay cut -- due to the financial crash triggered by the COVID pandemic, the Sovereign Grant, the tax money allowance the royals get, is expected to be slashed by more than 25 percent when it comes up for its five-year renewal in 2022 -- last year, Her Highness raked in $114.2 million from taxpayers, but that bundle was exceptional and cannot expect that to be repeated -- a major cost, besides allowances for the royal family, is a renovation of Buckingham Palace, which prices out at $500 million over 10 years -- one saving is Prince Harry and wife Meghan Markle have been stripped of their titles and public paychecks -- Her Majesty is aware of the current financial situation and is happy to play her part in cutting costs
* Prince Harry has landed a job as a hot-shot exec of a firm providing mental health and life counseling but it sounds like the tech start-up company is really using him as a celebrity showhorse -- Harry, who studied art and geography in college, will be Chief Impact Officer for BetterUp Inc, saying he intends to help create impact in people's lives -- BetterUp CEO Alexi Robichaux refused to say how much he's paying the prince, but noted Harry will have a meaningful and meaty role and will attend all employee meetings at the San Francisco headquarters and Robichaux also hinted at Harry's true value, saying he'll be a special guest at company events; in other words, the company will use him as a celebrity draw and they'll lure potential clients and investors to events by saying they can run shoulders with the prince and Harry has no psychology training; he will be a showpiece -- Harry first hooked up with BetterUp by using its app that gives proactive coaching and provides endless possibilities for personal development, increased awareness and an all-around better life and Harry says he was matched with his coach who is truly awesome and has always given him sound advice and a fresh perspective, which is so valuable
Page 10: Lisa Marie Presley is getting back on track after her son Benjamin Keough's tragic suicide and bitter divorce from Michael Lockwood, but she's still a hopeless addict -- Elvis Presley's 53-year-old daughter smokes like a chimney from morning until night and is struggling for every breath and she goes through a pack or two a day minimum and she simply can't quit and she has cut out triggers like booze and coffee, but she still needs her cigarette fix from the moment she wakes up until she puts her head down at night -- she was snapped having a smoke outside a COVID-19 testing center in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley and it was the only time she was spotted in public since her son died in July -- she started smoking at age 15 and has admitted this is the one thing that got her and bit her in the ass that she can't shake even those she's kicked pain pills, cocaine, booze and opioids and she's tried everything she can think of to quit: patches, nicotine gum, going cold turkey, but nothing works and she did stop for a spell after being hypnotized but a day or two later she was lighting up again -- she's losing weight, exercising more and eating healthier, but her smoking habit is the elephant in the room
Page 11: Following the heart-crushing suicide of her brother, Elvis Presley's granddaughter Riley Keough has become a death doula, a counselor who helps terminal patients and their cope with the devastating trauma -- Riley announced she'd completed her training on social media -- the daughter of Lisa Marie Presley and her first husband Danny Keough, Riley was devastated when her brother Benjamin Keough committed suicide with a shotgun last July -- spurred by the tragedy to become a death doula, Riley says she thinks it's so important to be educated on conscious dying and death the way we educate ourselves on birth and conscious birthing
* Reality TV train wreck Mama June Shannon claims she and her boyfriend Geno Doak spent $900,000 in a year to feed their drug addiction and the couple were spending $2500 a day, if not more, on methamphetamine -- June entered rehab with $1.75 in her pocket and they've been clean 14 months
Page 12: Celebrity Buzz -- reformed boozer Luann de Lesseps sips a soft drink in Mexico (picture), Real World star Rebecca Blasband believes she had an otherwordly 15-year beyond-the-grave relationship with Beatles legend John Lennon's ghost, in Australia a not so itsy bitsy spider bite turned into a giant wallop of a headache for Melissa McCarthy, Ilana Glazer and husband David Rooklin are happily expecting their first baby ironically right before of her horror movie False Positive, Sarah Silverman says no one ever told her not to use tongue in screen kisses and it got her fired from a show called Pride & Joy
Page 13: Al Pacino gets all gussied up in Italy to play fashion godfather Aldo in the biopic House of Gucci (picture), Justine Bateman (picture), Tom Selleck covers up his signature 'stache with a mask in L.A. (picture), first-time mama Katharine McPhee hit a sour note with composer husband David Foster for blabbing their newborn son's name Rennie David Foster on Today
Page 14: Rihanna plunked down $13.8 million for a new Beverly Hills mountaintop mansion that's literally surrounded by noteworthy neighbors like Paul McCartney and Mariah Carey and Madonna who live in the same exclusive star-studded cul-de-sac, Tom Cruise is on a mission to unload his Rocky Mountain getaway for $39.5 million, Goldie Hawn gushes her life partner Kurt Russell is still hot as heck after turning 70
* Fashion Verdict -- Miranda Lambert 4/10, Taylor Swift 5/10, Phoebe Bridgers 1/10, Giuliana Rancic 7/10, Brandi Carlile 6/10
Page 16: Cover Story -- Angelina Jolie is determined to paint her ex Brad Pitt as an abusive, drunken monster, and now she's got their kids backing her claim that he's the dad from hell -- the mom of six, who's been battling Brad in court over custody and money for five years, filed new bombshell papers saying she and her children want to testify their life was the pits -- while the documents are sealed, Angelina is making sure their kids paint Brad as violent and aggressive and her shocking charges continue earlier accusations by oldest child Maddox, now 19 and in college, who accused a booze-fueled Brad of abusing him on a private flight five years ago and Maddox essentially painted his dad as a demented monster and he went into detail about Brad's terrible temper, the abuse he inflicted on the whole household with his binge drinking and the scars that exist to this day because of the appalling way he alleges Brad treated his mom during the marriage -- Brad has reportedly been sober for years and Angelina's new claims of domestic abuse are basically a rehash of the old accusations -- legal experts also maintain the minor kids can only testify if Brad agrees to it, which is doubtful -- the superstars have spent a combined $10 million in legal fees and are currently battling over visitation rights for their brood and Angelina has refused to compromise, wants full custody and calls it a fight to the death and she doesn't care about Brad or how anybody sees their fight, she just wants what she feels she is entitled to as a mother and will fight with every inch of her body and soul to get it
Page 19: 10 Things You Don't Know About Topher Grace
* Katherine Heigl boasts she's bionic after having two titanium disks inserted into her neck and the actress says the surgery has freed her from the most excruciating pain
* Wendy Williams broke wind in a stunning fart-burp combo while she was live on camera, right in the middle to discussing Kim Kardashian's divorce from Kanye West -- the gassy lassie seemed surprised at her own outburst and apologized to the audience
Page 20: True Crime
Page 23: William Shatner is creating an artificial intelligence-powered version of himself -- in true sci-fi fashion, people in the future will be able to ask him questions about his life and times -- the 90-year-old icon is the first person to be captured by an advanced video and sound system developed by the L.A.-based company StoryFile -- Shatner says with StoryFile, we can now be present for the future; your authentic self, for all time
* Furious perfume mogul William Lauder is battling to kick his former mistress Taylor Stein and their 13-year-old love child out of her home and into the street, because their supposedly secret love affair was revealed -- the big stink exploded after the 60-year-old Estee Lauder heir learned his secret teen daughter wrote on social media that her parents were divorced but actually, Lauder never wed Taylor, but kept her like a queen in a $7 million, 6000-square-foot Bel Air mansion with a $1 million annual allowance for years and the only condition was that she keep their affair and the child under wraps, but the Park Avenue playboy claims she blasted their pact to smithereens when his illicit daughter blabbed about the relationship online -- Lauder hooked up with Taylor in Aspen in 2000 while still wed to wife Karen, mom of three of his daughters -- he knocked Taylor up in 2005, but told her to get an abortion because he was then in the midst of divorcing Karen but three years before the 2009 divorce, Taylor got pregnant again and gave birth to their girl and that's when the moneybags lover boy drew up the hush-hush deal
Page 24: COVID vaccines hidden dangers -- scientists warn shots don't work and have nightmare side effects
Page 27: Gal rock roadie Tana Douglas is snitching on music superstars including George Harrison and Iggy Pop, who she got close to during her wild years traveling with bands -- in her book called Loud, she recalls her job hauling equipment for bands nearly ended at age 21 when Beatle George Harrison was ready to propose, but she blew it; the two were getting close under a kitchen table after George fled his own birthday party, where he was embarrassed by his present: strippers and she ruined the mood by firing up a cigarette and George told her he would marry her tomorrow if she gave up smoking but the first female rock roadie couldn't kick butts -- she has crazy stories about saving AC/DC's frontman Bon Scott when he overdosed, Elton John who did drugs and threw tantrums, The Go-Gos, and doing a line of coke with Iggy Pop intended for David Bowie
Page 28: Health Report
Page 30: Julianne Hough has plumped up her kisser, and her new look falls flat -- the newly single star may have gone overboard with lip fillers to the point where she's almost unrecognizable -- Julianne's had some surgical and nonsurgical things done, but her lips just look wonky and no one can understand why she'd do it because her lips looked fine to her friends and family, but Julianne obviously thought they needed more volume and clearly got carried away -- she's also totally gone overboard with the spray tanning and hair extensions and she ditched the short blond bob that suited her so well and now she's looking like a Kardashian -- her lips look a bit swollen, so it's possible they will settle down and her natural lip proportions appear to have changed, with her upper lip the same size as her lower lip
Page 32: Tori Spelling has got the marriage blues and she's been out and about without her wedding ring -- the 47-year-old mom of five was spotted buying veggies at Underwood Family Farms in California's Moorpark with her kids but minus husband Dean McDermott and her wedding ring -- Tori's fed up with her mate, whining he's not doing his share around the house or paying her enough attention and they've found themselves in a real rut where they spend less and less time together and barely mention one another on social media and they haven't had a date night since goodness knows and Dean is never in the romantic mood and lately, they're more like brother and sister than husband and wife -- Tori wants Dean to step it up and start acting like a hubby instead of a leach and Tori's exhausting herself by taking care of the domestic chores single-handedly at times while Dean has other things on his mind and he hasn't picked up a vacuum or washed the dishes in weeks and sometimes he doesn't seem to be aware she's in the room and it's frustrating her to no end -- ditching her ring is sending Dean a very clear message that he needs to stop taking her for granted and work on the marriage
* Paul McCartney dove deep into his Beatles past and emerged with a children's book inspired by the group's 1966 hit Yellow Submarine -- Grandude's Green Submarine, a sequel to Paul's picture book Hey Grandude, will be released in September and changes the color of the submerged vessel
Page 36: Reality TV momager Kris Jenner is worth an estimated $190 million and masterminded the megabucks careers of her reality star daughters, but she confesses she was clueless about dough when she became divorced -- Kris confesses first husband Robert Kardashian handled everything and she never paid a bill during their 13-year marriage that ended in 1991 -- she said she woke up to responsibilities that she didn't have the day before but she says she's a quick study and she knew she had to get it together and she felt such an enormous sense of accomplishment to be able to figure it all out and pay her own bills and make her own money and do her own taxes and there were times when she didn't have a lot of money, but she was very organized -- now she studies business for new opportunities and she's interested in different businesses and how they evolve and how they become successful and she just enjoys the business world
* Bobby Brown's son Bobby Jr. died after accidentally overdosing on a killer cocktail of alcohol, cocaine and fentanyl, his autopsy reveals, but lawmen say they are now opening a criminal investigation into the 27-year-old's death at his father's home in suburban L.A. -- the autopsy report showed in his final hours Bobby Jr. consumed a deadly mix of tequila, cocaine and the prescription medication Percocet -- he was Brown's second child with former galpal Kim Ward
Page 38: Long-lost letters written by Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's father, Alois, reveal the freaky Fuhrer grew up to be a cruel, tyrannical, arrogant lout, just like his old man -- the 31 letters were discovered by retiree Anneliese Smigielski in the attic of her house in the Austrian town of Wallern and are the basis of a new book by historian Roman Sandgruber -- penned to Anneliese's great-great-great-grandfather Joseph Radlegger, who sold retired customs official Alois a farm when future Nazi monster Adolf was six in 1895, the letters reveal Hitler's dad was a brutal boozer and boss of the house, but depended on the skills and money of his third wife, Klara, a former servant girl the cheating creep had seduced and wine-guzzling Alois was awfully rough with her and beat little Adolf and the other eight kids -- like his father, Adolf felt superior through the knowledge he had acquired in self-study and he saw himself as a military, technical and artistic genius, not only as a painter, but also as an architect, writer, composer and actor
Page 40: Bethenny Frankel is sporting an engagement ring from fiance Paul Bernon -- the three-stone ring features a huge eight- to ten-carat emerald-shaped center stone and if it's a real, natural diamond, its estimated value is up to $1 million
* Gwyneth Paltrow just babbled something her second husband, Brad Falchuk, probably doesn't want to hear: she never wanted to get divorced from Chris Martin but she wed Brad in 2018 and Gwyneth calls him the most amazing man adding they've built something that she's never had before
* Suzanne Somers brags she and husband Alan Hamel are having sizzling sex three times a day before noon -- she blames doses of hormones for their frisky urges in their golden years
* Klutzy comic Chelsea Handler jokes about her subpar skiing skills online, but later revealed she wrecked her knee and broke two toes after she flew into the trees on a snowy slope in Canada -- Chelsea confesses she took the terrible tumble in British Columbia, where she was training with a personal instructor
Page 41: Vin Diesel's son Vincent is learning it's a good career move to have a movie star dad -- the 10-year-old has landed a $1000-a-day role in his father's new Fast and Furious flick -- the kid plays the younger version of Vin's character Dominic Toretto in the already completed, ninth F&F film -- Vincent's mom is Vin's longtime galpal, Mexican model Paloma Jimenez, who also has two daughters with Vin -- unlike his dad's megabucks salary, Vincent got the basic $1005 daily rate
* The faith-based Duggar family of 19 Kids and Counting fame is still feuding after a sleazy sex scandal ripped them apart -- Jill Duggar Dillard, who's outed herself as one of four sisters molested by big brother Josh Duggar, reveals she hasn't visited her parents' home in years -- Jill and husband Derick Dillard, say they aren't allowed at Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's Big House without her father's permission and Jill reveals there's some restrictions but also they just feel like they have to prioritize their mental and emotional health -- TLC axed the family's show after Josh was exposed as a child molester and in the past, Jill's admitted she's not on the best terms with some of her family
Page 42: Kim Kardashian has been getting back in touch with her body big-time now that she has booted Kanye West from her bedroom and her life and she's been strolling around totally nude -- with the pair's six-year marriage officially kaput, Kim is gleefully letting it all hang out, while indulging in once-forbidden McDonald's french fries -- Kanye made a habit of telling Kim to cover up and picked her to pieces for wearing sexy outfits and he said she needed to class up her act and grow old gracefully but now she's free to express herself and a lot of the time, especially when Kanye's looking after the kids, she's walking around totally in the nude and it's liberating for her to be at one with her body and she's made no secret of her desire to pursue a racy image and right now Kim's priority is to get her mojo back and learn to love herself again physically
* Britney Spears confesses she's been so wrapped up in battling the conservatorship over her estate, she forgot about singing until her mom reminded her -- the singer hasn't cut an album for five years as she's battled dad Jamie Spears for control of her $60 million fortune after a court gave him control when she went bonkers in 2008 -- she now realizes she's neglected her career after mom Lynne Spears sent her a video of her signing You Got It All at a '90s concert in Singapore and Britney tweeted that her mom reminded her that she can sing and she never sings anymore
Page 44: Straight Talk -- Cradle-robbing Scott Disick has struck again, scooping up a new galpal half of his 37 years, who is barely out of high school -- the latest victim is Amelia Hamlin, 19 years old and daughter of Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin
Page 45: Sharon Osbourne is demanding at least $10 million to walk away from The Talk after being accused of racist and sexist attacks on co-hosts -- Sharon is playing hardball, saying she was wrongly vilified for branding lesbian co-star Sara Gilbert a fish eater and calling Chinese-American Julie Chen slanty eyes -- it's going to become a battle royale and Sharon's made her demands clear and will fight tooth and nail and she's a street fighter and is used to playing down and dirty, owing to her years as a hard-nosed rock manager for husband Ozzy Osbourne
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Today's Current Affairs: Celebrating the Tech-Whiz Prafulla Dhariwal and His Role in OpenAI's GPT-4o Today’s Current Affairs brings to light the incredible achievements of Prafulla Dhariwal, a brilliant tech specialist from Pune who has played a pivotal role in launching OpenAI's most advanced AI model, ChatGPT 4o. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has showered praises on Dhariwal, acknowledging his vision, talent, and determination in making GPT-4o a reality. Dhariwal's journey is a testament to dedication, from his academic excellence at MIT to his outstanding contributions to the field of artificial intelligence. His work not only enhances our interaction with AI but also promises to revolutionize computer usage worldwide. [ad_2] Download Latest Movies in HD Quality Downloading In 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Downloading In $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); [ad_1] What role does Prafulla Dhariwal currently hold at OpenAI? - Head of Engineering - Head of Omni - Head of Research - Head of Development Answer: Head of Omni In which year did Prafulla Dhariwal graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 Answer: 2017 Which AI model is Prafulla Dhariwal NOT listed as a co-creator of? - GPT-3 - DALL-E 2 - TensorFlow - Jukebox Answer: TensorFlow At which event did Prafulla Dhariwal win a gold medal in China, 2009? - International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) - International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) - International Robotics Olympiad (IRO) - International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) Answer: International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) What was Prafulla Dhariwal's all-India rank in the IIT Joint Entrance Exam (IITJEE) in 2013? - 123 - 153 - 183 - 203 Answer: 153 [ad_2] Who is Prafulla Dhariwal? Prafulla Dhariwal is originally from Pune and works as the Head of Omni at OpenAI. He has helped create several AI models including GPT-3, DALL-E 2, Jukebox, Glow, and PPO. What did Prafulla Dhariwal study? He studied computers, math, and physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and graduated in 2017. What is Prafulla Dhariwal's role at OpenAI? He has been a research scientist at OpenAI since February 2017, contributing to AI advancements. He also did a research internship at OpenAI and conducted research at MIT on deep learning for speech and computer vision. What achievements does Prafulla Dhariwal have from academic competitions? He has won a gold medal at the International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) in 2009 in China, another gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in 2012 in Argentina, and a third gold medal at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in 2013 in Denmark. What honors has Prafulla Dhariwal received from the Government of India? He received the National Talent Search Scholarship in 2009 and achieved an all-India rank of 153 in the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam (IITJEE) in 2013. [ad_1] Download Movies Now Searching for Latest movies 20 seconds Sorry There is No Latest movies link found due to technical error. Please Try Again Later. function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block';
let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000); [ad_2] Originally from Pune, Prafulla Dhariwal is the Head of Omni at OpenAI.New Delhi: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is all praise for Prafulla Dhariwal, a tech specialist from India, who played a key role in launching the company's latest flagship AI model, ChatGPT 4o (“o” for Omni).In a post on X, Mr Altman claimed that “GPT-4o would not have happened without the vision, talent, conviction, and determination” of Mr Dhariwal. He further said that his efforts, alongside those of many others, "led to what I hope will turn out to be a revolution in how we use computers."GPT-4o would not have happened without the vision, talent, conviction, and determination of @prafdhar over a long period of time. that (along with the work of many others) led to what i hope will turn out to be a revolution in how we use computers. https://t.co/f3TdQT03b0— Sam Altman (@sama) May 15, 2024Who is Prafulla Dhariwal?1. Originally from Pune, Prafulla Dhariwal is the Head of Omni at OpenAI. He is the co-creator of several AI models, including GPT-3, DALL-E 2, Jukebox, Glow, and PPO, as per his X bio.2. He studied computers, math, and physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating in 2017.3. Mr Dhariwal has been a research scientist at OpenAI since February 2017, contributing to AI advancements. He also did a research internship at OpenAI and conducted research at MIT on deep learning for speech and computer vision.4. He was awarded a gold medal at the International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) in 2009, held in China, and another gold medal at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in 2012, hosted in Argentina. He won his third gold medal at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) in Denmark in 2013.5. In 2009, the Government of India honored Mr Dhariwal with the National Talent Search Scholarship. In 2013, he scored an all-India rank of 153 in the Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam (IITJEE). In today's current affairs, Indian tech genius Prafulla Dhariwal is being celebrated for his significant role in creating OpenAI's latest AI model, ChatGPT 4o. This new development marks a potential revolution in computer use, thanks to Dhariwal's visionary contributions. [ad_1]
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Burn the House Down
essay by Olivia McDougall ⌂
IT WAS 2006 in the heart of New York City. The New York Knicks failed to make the play-offs for the third consecutive year. President George W. Bush’s approval rating had hit at an all-time low. Panic! at the Disco released “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” and Justin Timberlake performed “SexyBack” on the MTV Video Music Awards—hosted by Jack Black—at Radio City Music Hall. For the American people, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times… and three young kids were out pursuing their dream in the streets of Manhattan.
Adam, Ryan, and Jack Metzger were trying their hand at busking in Central Park and Washington Square. The youngest at nine years old, Jack led vocals while his older brothers backed him with instrumentals. The boys played covers of songs old and new, anything to get enough money for new instruments with which to experiment. The brothers spent many years on street corners serenading strangers, earning their 10,000 hours. In the following years, when YouTube started gaining traction, the boys put up videos of their covers: more and more inventive spins on pop songs. Jack and Ryan also started trying their hand at writing, directing, and acting in their own little sketches for video content. At that time, the boys had very few followers, but nonetheless continued to play, to save up, to buy more equipment, to make more music.
As they grew, the boys were exposed to their parents’ old records and the sounds of a very different generation influenced their style. The Beach Boys; the Beatles; Peter, Paul, and Mary among many others inspired them, but more contemporary artists like Kanye West also came into play. Later, while eldest brother Adam pursued his degree at Columbia University, the younger two brothers took note of sampling—the music trend of artists taking sound clips and reusing them in their songs. Jack mentioned to his brotherhow cool it would be if someone sampled Spongebob Squarepants on a track.
“Well, why don’t we do it?” was Ryan’s reply.
In spring of 2013, the brothers, naming themselves AJR after their own initials, released a video of their first single “I’m Ready.” The song sampled the popular Spongebob catchphrase, and became a classic, upbeat, dance-floor pop song. The brothers sent the link to their video to several celebrities over Twitter, until famous singer-songwriter Sia noticed them and passed it along to her manager. The song was then commercially released that summer and began to see regular radio play, and the band was labeled as the next up and comers in the music scene.
After “I’m Ready,” AJR released a five song EP of the same name. Their first song continued to grow, receiving millions of views on YouTube and going platinum in Canada and Australia. The brothers continued to create music (and go to school; the eldest was only in his early twenties at this time), releasing another single and EP titled Infinity in 2014. The majority of the band’s music was pop songs, easy to listen to with familiar rhythms and lyrics of love and youth. Remarkably, the boys chose to mix and record all their own music in their NYC apartment living room, instead of paying for studio time. Paying homage to their workspace and independence, the band released their first album Living Room in 2015. Except for some bouncier, odd-duck tracks like “Big Idea” and “Thirsty,” most of the songs fit the same earlier patterns of the pop genre. However, in 2016, the band experienced the shift that would change their music career forever.
Before the What Everyone’s Thinking EP came out, AJR had little recognition beyond their break-out hit. However, the tracks on the latest EP sounded entirely evolved from the brother’s previous style. The lyrics were brimmed with honesty, abandoning the emptiness of many other pop tunes. The boys sang about missing out on their friends while pursuing their dreams, about being unsure about what love means, about not trying so hard to be cool, about being human. Their style of composition had also matured. The band would release videos on how they made their songs, revealing that they took whatever strange sound they could make and mix it however they could to make it new and interesting. They had people who were not musicians or artists, such as their ever supportive father, come in and sing to add a new dimension to their songs. They used something they called “spokestep,” a technique of recording a someone singing, then cutting it up over a beat in editing. They continued to utilize sampling, taking bits of anything from Fountains of Wayne to yodeling competitions. The EP was well-received with hundreds of messages from fans who deeply related to the music. This was all the push the brothers needed to keep writing freely, and not what they thought would sell.
On June 9th, 2017, the three brothers dropped the album that would unknowingly launch their music career to a unimaginable level. Several songs on the album made it to regular radio play, giving the band more recognition and growing their dedicated fan base. The Click clearly communicated AJR’s desire to get real in their music, with songs about the detached feelings of growing up or distaste toward the typical party scene. One of their most successful songs, “Sober Up,” featured Weezer’s Rivers Cuomo and paved the way for more collaborations with artists such as Steve Aoki and Lil Yachty. The band had been on tours before, playing small venues where the opener drew more fans than they, but now they began to sell out everywhere. The kids who had been playing to no one on street corners now began to sing for thousands.
Shortly after their album The Click debuted, AJR announced that they had been asked to create the theme for Supersize Me 2: Holy Chicken, a documentary attempting to expose the fast food industry’s lax safety regulations. The band had been asked to write for other people before, but never for a movie. The theme song, “Burn the House Down,” would live to surpass its original purpose and become the honest encapsulation of the political attitudes of its time. “Burn the House Down” expresses the band’s indecision to either “keep things light” or to get involved in important issues. The song, with compelling lyrics such as “Or should I march with every stranger from Twitter to get shit done? / Used to hang my head low / Now I hear it loud / Every stranger from Twitter is gonna burn this down” further cemented the band’s dedication to revolution and their abandonment of passivity. The song called out deception plaguing the media cycle and public affairs, and the need to burn it all down in order to expose the truth.
*   *   *
The election of Donald Trump in 2016 acted as a catalyst for various protest movements around the country. Marches have occurred on the White House doorstep since the signing of the Constitution, but the Trump administration triggered a marked influx. Beyond Washington, protests like the Women’s March and National Pride March were seen nation-wide. People from all over rallied together to advocate for science and evidenced-based policies, for immigrant’s rights and racial justice, for transparency over Russian involvement in elections, and even for the publication of Trump’s tax returns. People, especially those liberal-leaning, felt that their voices weren’t being heard and that the President was not reflective of their values. Change in politics is gradual and incremental, but it felt like everyday a new injustice was being thrown at the American people. Families were being separated at the border, more evidence that Russia swayed the 2016 election came to light, allegations of sexual abuse from the President were revealed, racism, sexism, and hate seem to run rampant and unchecked, and overall many people felt disheartened and disgusted with the state of the nation. So, with the power of social media, users of popular sites such as Facebook and Twitter planned protests. The marches drew thousands of people together, uniting many for a common cause. Today’s youth, often labeled as lazy and entitled, came together in the March for Our Lives, an empowering result from one of many tragic school shootings. High-schoolers fed up with feeling unsafe on their campuses advocated for stricter gun control laws and led the biggest youth rally since the Vietnam War, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of people. Americans refused to take anything sitting down and demonstrated their needs loudly to those in charge.
The effectiveness of these protests is a tricky one to determine, as many perceived different goals for the marches. Some believe getting people out on the streets and building a community of like-minded people is a strong start, but others think success is nothing less than immediate change and tangible evidence that they have been heard. Further, some argue that current protests lack the solid political backing that are required to enact true change, and that the marches will never be as powerful as they mean to be without that factor. However, even though many of the things modern protests have demanded have yet to come to fruition, it does not necessarily mean the marches have been for naught. Many of the marches throughout history that today are viewed as world-shattering did not see the change they were fighting for immediately. Politics take time, and the justice and change in policies the people demand to see might still be a long time coming. However, it is necessary to take up the fight, for the people to demonstrate that enough is enough.
Protest songs in the past like “Fortunate Son” by Credence Clearwater Revival or “The Times They are A-Changin” by Bob Dylan rallied people for their cause, stoking the flames of change in hearts across the nation. Music was a way for artists to contribute to the fight, giving a voice to those silenced and reflecting the opinions of the oppressed or wronged. Protest songs today have the same effect, uniting thousands to sing in one voice and empowering movements. “Burn the House Down” provides a battlecry for a whole new generation of people. It is a warning of accountability for those in the corrupt establishment; the harbingers will burn it down.
Works Cited “Burn the House Down” Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnyLfqpyi94 AJR Zach Sang Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQnXGsKwaIU&t=1725 Recent Marches Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rallies_and_protest_marches_in_Washington,_D.C.#2018 Supersize Me 2 Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Size_Me_2:_Holy_Chicken! Article on political protests, bustle.com: https://www.bustle.com/p/do-political-protests-actually-change-anything-29952 2006 NYC Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2006_in_New_York_City AJR Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJR_(band) One of AJR’s “How We Made THE CLICK” Vidoes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YWj3DAo6xM  ∎
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iccpl · 3 years
Media Mapping Survey by Top PR Agencies in India for Q1-FY21-22
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This survey report provides information obtained through media analysis, regarding the news trends across major publications in the country. This survey report will pay particular attention to the news trends in the first quarter of FY2021-22 when the country was reeling under heavy pandemics. These observations do have limitations that will be noted and are based on a total number of stories categorised by different sectors. Not only India, but the entire world is experiencing a devastating wave of COVID-19. The spread of COVID-19 in India was initially characterized by fewer cases and lower case fatality rates compared with numbers in many developed countries, primarily due to a stringent lockdown and a demographic dividend. However, economic constraints forced a staggered lockdown exit strategy, resulting in a spike in COVID-19 cases. This factor, coupled with low spending on health as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), created mayhem because of inadequate numbers of hospital beds and ventilators and a lack of medical personnel, especially in the public health sector. Nevertheless, technological advances, supported by a strong research base, helped contain the damage resulting from the pandemic. In the first ten days of May, India’s reported count of COVID-19 deaths was nearly 40,000, roughly accounting for a third of deaths worldwide during this period. The media ecosystem continues to be challenging this year – and that was before the pandemic. To inform the citizens during these uncertain times, newsrooms and media houses across the country have made pandemic coverage a priority. While there is an abundance of news to be reported on the global pandemic, the esteemed media houses of the country pointed out several other news trends to keep people educated and aware.
The Indian Media Industry is one of the world’s most diverse and vibrant in addition to being largely free and fair. The Indian media landscape has changed significantly over the last one decade. With the advancement in technology, the Indian media industry has been burgeoning like never before and expanded its reach, in terms of the number of outlets, whether in television, radio, print or digital.
At this hour of the global pandemic, media has successfully played the role of a watchdog of the government functionaries and has also aided in participatory communication in raising major issues faced by the citizens of the country. Several media platforms across the country kept providing credible news and information to the citizens of the country when they most needed it without letting fear affect them amid COVID-19. The onset of the global pandemic and ensuing lockdown has dealt a severe blow to the Indian economy. It is being reported that the Indian Media & Entertainment sector, which saw a contraction of around 24 per cent at Rs 1.38 lakh crore in the pandemic-struck 2020, is expected to log growth this year and double its revenue to Rs 2.68 lakh crore by 2025.
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Print newspapers in India have been seeing a significant surge in revenue, making it the largest global market for the industry. The most popular daily in the country is “The Times of India” that had the highest average readership in 2017. India’s print industry is to be able to retain their audiences through digital platforms, while still maintaining enough advertising and subscription revenue to continue different editions.
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More than 15 countries including the US, Russia, France and the United Kingdom rushed critical emergency use equipment to enable India counter the COVID-19’s deadly second wave. Ministry of External Affairs announced that several countries are sending hundreds of oxygen concentrators, respirators and large quantities of liquid oxygen to help India at this hour of the pandemic. The Delhi High Court announced that it will take up court proceedings through virtual mode from April 9 to April 23. India became the first country in the world to report over 4 lakh new cases on April 30, 2021. It was being speculated that the COVID-19 wave that plunged India into the world’s biggest health crisis has the potential to worsen in the coming weeks, with some research models projecting that the death toll could more than double from current levels. Several states of the country introduced lockdowns, although Prime Minister Narendra Modi resisted a national effort after one imposed by the Central government last year fueled a humanitarian crisis with migrant workers fleeing the cities on foot and in some cases bringing the virus with them. A devastating second wave of coronavirus in India has seen hospitals and crematoriums overwhelmed and widespread shortages of oxygen and medicines. Hospitals across India are also experiencing oxygen shortages, with some forced to put up signs warning of a lack of supplies. War of words erupted between the Central government and several state governments such as Delhi & Maharashtra government over oxygen supply.
Fitch group company (India Ratings) said “the second wave of COVID-19 infections will be less disruptive than the first wave for the business environment as corporates are better prepared”. But it was being reported that smaller businesses including micro, small and medium enterprises are laying off more employees as demand and sales have plummeted due to localised lockdowns implemented by the state governments. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, recently said that “the unemployment rate in the country has touched a four-month high as over 70 lakh jobs have been impacted.” Amid the concerns regarding shortage of COVID-19 vaccines in the national capital, the Delhi government recently stated that “the vaccination of the 18-44 age group remained suspended for the fifth consecutive day” and further informed that there is no COVAXIN stock available for any age group.
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AAP MLA Atishi said “Delhi has already shut 235 of the 368 inoculation centres for this category due to a shortage of vaccines.” Few other states including Maharashtra suspended vaccination for 18-44 age group, citing shortage of doses. Amid the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, cases of Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) have emerged in patients who were in the recovery phase of the disease. Hundreds of corpses were also found floating in the Ganga river or buried in the sand of its banks in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, fearing they were COVID-19 infected.
Prime Minister during his latest address to the nation said "The Centre is taking back total control of vaccination now, will be implemented in next two weeks. The Centre will give free vaccines to states for all above 18. From 21 June, the Centre will provide free vaccines to states." Prime Minister also announced free ration for the poor under Prime Minister Garib Kalyan Yojana till Diwali.
As the second wave of coronavirus in the country continues to slow down, several states have started easing the strict restrictions which were imposed to check the spread of the deadly virus. Delhi resumed the Metro train services with 50 per cent seating capacity.
Malls, markets and market complexes were allowed to open between 10 am to 8 pm on odd-even basis in accordance with their shop numbers. Private offices also opened up with 50 per cent manpower. In Uttar Pradesh, the curfew continues to remain in districts that have more than 600 actives cases. With states unlocking across the country and the Delta variant still around, health experts are continuously stressing on the need to re-open with a robust vaccination strategy and COVID appropriate behaviour.
The Drugs Controller General of India (DGCA) has granted its nod to Indian pharmaceutical giant Cipla to import Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for restricted emergency use in the country. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) extended the restrictions on scheduled international passenger flights to and from India extended till July 31st, 2021. DGCA also stated “However, international scheduled flights may be allowed on selected routes by the competent authority on a case-to-case basis.”
US President Joe Biden and house unanimously passed a resolution recognizing the devastating impact of COVID-19 in India and expressing the sense of the House of Representatives to urgently facilitate assistance. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recently stated that India crossed the milestone of conducting 400 million tests for COVID-19 since the pandemic began, with the last 50 million tests being conducted over the last 24 days. The United States’ National Institutes of Health reported that India’s first indigenously developed COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin is able to effectively neutralise the Alpha and Delta variants of SARS-CoV-2. Read more on: https://www.iccpl.in
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ingek73 · 5 years
Here Are 20 Headlines Comparing Meghan Markle To Kate Middleton That Might Show Why She And Prince Harry Are Cutting Off Royal Reporters
Over the years, Meghan has been shamed for the same things for which her sister-in-law, Kate, has been praised.
Ellie Hall
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Last updated on January 13, 2020, at 12:00 p.m. ET
Posted on January 13, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle) didn't just shockingly "step back" as senior members of the royal family this week — they gave the UK media a big "fuck-you" for years of what they said was biased and unfair coverage.
The couple's new website on breaking up with years of royal protocol laid out — among a lot of other things — their media strategy, stating that they will no longer participate in the traditional royal press system that grants exclusive access to a select group of UK outlets.
Britain’s royal correspondents, they said, are seen as reliable sources of information. "This misconception propels coverage that is often carried by other outlets around the world, amplifying frequent misreporting," they wrote. Removing themselves from "royal rota" coverage has sparked an outcry among UK media and drew a protest from the National Union of Journalists.
This isn't a new complaint from the royal couple — they just took an unprecedented step to do something about it. Harry and Meghan have said publicly that they believe they have been treated unfairly by the UK press since the moment news broke of their relationship — that they are bullied, that there are racist undertones to coverage of them, and that they have been held to a different standard than Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka Prince William and Kate Middleton).
The UK media outlets that currently make up the royal rota are the Daily Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror, the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, the Times, and the Sun.
Here is a look at 20 stories from these outlets that appear to show a double standard between press coverage of Meghan and Kate. BuzzFeed News has reached out to all of the outlets featured below for comment.
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Kate: "Bumping along nicely! The Duchess was seen placing a protective hand on her tummy as she exited the event." Daily Mail: March 22, 2018
Meghan: "Personally, I find the cradling a bit like those signs in the back of cars: Baby on Board. Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars." Daily Mail: Jan. 26, 2019
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Kate and William: "Prince William was given one of the green fruit – wrapped up in a bow – by a little boy who's mother is suffering during her pregnancy too... 'He said he'd take it to [Kate] and see what happens – and said good luck for [the boy's] mummy.'" Express: Sept. 14, 2017
Meghan: "The pregnant Duchess of Sussex and so-called 'avocado on toast whisperer' is wolfing down a fruit linked to water shortages, illegal deforestation and all round general environmental devastation." Express: Jan. 23, 2019
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Kate: "Royal sources said yesterday that the Queen understood and endorsed William and Kate’s decision not to spend Christmas Day with her. One said: ‘Her Majesty understands that it is a dilemma that many young couples face and acknowledges how close Catherine’s relationship is with her family." Daily Mail: Dec. 16, 2016
Meghan: "The fact is the Queen expects to have the family around her for the festive season... to the Queen, for whom the tradition of the family gathering is a key date in her calendar, Harry and Meghan’s absence will be a matter of great sadness. It will also be a source of frustration." Daily Mail: Nov. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "Creating their own companies will allow William and Kate to bring out, should they ever chose to, myriad items of officially-endorsed merchandise from tea towels to coffee cups... Kensington Palace officials said they were doing the ‘sensible thing’ in protecting the couple’s rights." Daily Mail: Jan. 17, 2014
Meghan and Harry: "The Sussexes want to stamp their name on dozens of products including T-shirts, hoodies, journals and gloves for their newly-created foundation Sussex Royal... Experts said Harry and Meghan were actively preparing to quit the Royal Family months ago by filing trade mark applications to commercially protect their brand." Daily Mail: Jan. 9, 2020
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Kate and William: "Prince William yesterday backed brother Harry’s brave admission of his mental anguish — and blasted the monarchy’s 'stiff upper lip' tradition... William said: 'There may be a time and a place for the ‘stiff upper lip’ but not at the expense of your health... '
"'Catherine and I are clear we want both George and Charlotte to grow up feeling able to talk about their emotions and feelings. Over the past year we have visited a number of schools together where we have been amazed listening to children talk about some quite difficult subjects in a clear and emotionally articulate way, something most adults would struggle with. Seeing this has really given me hope things are changing and there is a generation coming up who find it normal to talk openly about emotions.'” Sun: April 19, 2017
Meghan and Harry: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have bucked royal tradition once again with their latest TV interview — in which they claimed they were 'existing, not living.' The couple ditched the stiff upper lip of previous Royal Family generations and flew the flag for 'Generation Therapy' as they revealed their emotions to the world - but were they right to do so?
"What you make of 'fragile' Prince Harry and Meghan's comments may depend on your generation. Sun parents and kids reveal what they think of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex airing their emotions in public - and whether they have the right to moan in such positions of privilege..." Sun: Oct. 23, 2019
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Kate: "It was reported that new Duchess of Cambridge requested her favorite scented candles and toiletries from luxury fragrance brand Jo Malone be delivered to scent the Abbey. A selection of candles, handwashes and lotions was requested, specifically in citrus spring scents including Orange Blossom, Grapefruit and the ever-popular Lime, Basil & Mandarin." Daily Mail: May 4, 2011
Meghan: "'Meghan wanted staff to go around with these atomizers, like spritzer guns, and spray the chapel with scent before anyone arrived. Royal Household staff stepped in and told her office politely, but firmly, that this was the queen's chapel and it simply wasn't appropriate. I don't believe they said no because they thought it could affect the chapel in any way. It was simply the principle of the thing. This is a place that has held royal weddings, funerals and even contains the royal vault. I don't believe a request of that nature had been made before.'" Daily Mail: Nov. 30, 2018
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Kate: "As far as bridal bouquets go there was nothing particularly regal about Kate Middleton’s modest arrangement of simple, seasonal flowers. Like the bride herself the bouquet was effortlessly elegant and understated.
"Yet behind that modest posy lay a secret story. Kate, the commoner-turned-duchess, had painstakingly selected blooms with real meaning. She is evidently well-versed in the language of flowers, a little-known romantic relic from the 19th century.
"Hence the use of lilac in her bouquet, which signifies the first emotions of love, the lily of the valley meaning a return of happiness, hyacinth standing for constancy, myrtle meaning love and the ivy, which represents fidelity. Then of course there was the suitably named Sweet William, which is shorthand for gallantry." Express: Aug. 29, 2011
Meghan: "[Meghan Markle] was holding a wedding bouquet which flowers were replicated in Princess Charlotte and the other bridesmaids’ flower crowns. Express.co.uk can now reveal the children’ crowns were made of flowers that can be deadly, especially for children. Meghan’s bouquet was made of forget-me-nots as well as sweet peas, lily of the valley, astilbe, jasmine, and astrantia...
"Lily of the valley is a highly poisonous woodland flowering plant and ingestion could be deadly... As Meghan’s bridesmaids were so young, having this flower on their heads could be considered a dangerous decision. Other brides have also used this flowers including Kate Middleton, Princess Eugenie and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall." Express: Oct. 13, 2019
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Kate and William: "The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh missed the small family affair. The decision is understood not to have been taken on health grounds, and to have been mutually agreed by the Queen and the Cambridges some time ago. The Queen, 92, has a busy week ahead, with high-profile celebrations in central London marking the centenary of the RAF on Tuesday, and a visit by US President Donald Trump in Windsor on Friday." Daily Mail: July 9, 2018
Meghan and Harry: "The situation has surprised some senior staff at Buckingham Palace, who feel that the duke and duchess should have planned the day better. ‘There is huge support for the couple in not wanting to conform to tradition. They are young, they are striking out on a different path from other members of the Royal Family and there is enormous goodwill for them. But they shouldn’t do that without regard for tradition,’ said one. ‘Her Majesty was already scheduled to be in Scotland for her annual Holyrood Week and had a prior engagement at the weekend. There is a feeling amongst some that they should have been more accommodating about the date.’" Daily Mail: July 4, 2019
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Kate: "It is a fashion conundrum not many of us will ever face, but what exactly does one wear for tea with the Queen? The Duchess of Cambridge met this challenge head on yesterday by co-ordinating her outfit with the Queen’s powder blue ensemble... The Queen, on her first ­official event to mark her Diamond Jubilee, was dressed in a pastel hat and two-piece coat dress with military-style rows of gold buttons designed by Angela Kelly. Looking relaxed and elegant, her outfit was perfect for what looked like a fun official engagement with the girls." Mirror: Feb. 14, 2013
Meghan: "The Queen's aides had told [Meghan] she would be wearing a green hat as a mark of respect to those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire. The Queen is said to have been 'baffled' when Meghan turned up without a hat as she didn't realize she was supposed to wear one too. A senior aide said: 'I don't think the Duchess fully understood. This was not a request. Those are for others to make, not the Queen.' The Queen's staff are said to have noted the Duchess's mistake or 'lack of deference'" Mirror: Oct. 29, 2018
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Kate: "We see a woman in her prime: stylish, confident and positively radiant, nailing outfit after outfit in the style stakes — and it’s a joy to witness... That old uniform of girlish dresses, tan tights and nude heels has been replaced by dazzling super-chic outfits to satisfy even the most exacting fashionista." Daily Mail: June 16, 2019
Meghan: "Proper royalty is about tradition and duty, self-effacing service and loyalty — year after year after year, season after season... That is not to say that a monarchy cannot or must not move with the times — simply that it has to resist the temptation to be buffeted by passing cultural trends. Fashion is the exact opposite. And as fashion’s most famous bible, Vogue exemplifies the transient nature of the beast." Daily Mail: July 29, 2019
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industrialrobots11 · 3 years
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Our realization was that there was no cost-effective solution for automating the only of tasks on the factory floor. What we now have accomplished is try to put deployment of frequent functions on rails as much as attainable. Current machines used on this process are outdated and have not changed since their invention many years ago. For example, current diagnostic machines can only test 12 to 15 antibiotics at a time, even though medical doctors have more than 35 commercially obtainable antibiotics to choose from. With its combined rotational joint, two rotary joints, and a linear joint, the spherical robotic operates within the polar coordinate system to achieve a spherical-shaped work envelope. The cylindrical robot has a rotary joint alongside the joint axis for rotation motion and a prismatic joint for linear motion.
The chart above lists the entire several sorts of robots obtainable at present. According to a current survey by the World Economic Forum, two-thirds of staff say they'd belief a robotic boss more than a real one… although maybe that just reveals that individuals generally don’t belief their boss. + Pull complete layers off a pallet with a specialized pallet layer dealing with robotic. Spot welding joins two contacting metal surfaces by directing a large present through the spot, which melts the steel and forms the weld delivered to the spot in a really brief time .
A SCARA robot is principally used in assembly functions because of the nature of its motion, such as jobs that require drilling or tapping assemblies. A Cartesian robotic operates in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes to succeed in its end position. If your business isn’t listed on this record, it doesn’t imply that you just can’t use robots in your corporation. In fact, most of the hottest robotic purposes are applicable to nearly any industry. Before introducing automation into your corporation, your warehouse and processes should first be analyzed and optimized. If your operation places items in a case to be packaged, palletized, and shipped, our strategic partnership with Bastian Solutions partnership presents a robotic resolution to cut back your success instances and labor prices.
China has already made considerable progress, with robotic density—the variety of robots per 10,000 manufacturing employees—increasing from 15 in 2010 to ninety seven in 2017. Much work stays, however, since China’s robotic density is still much decrease than that reported by developed markets, such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, and the United States . A evaluate of tendencies does recommend that China has made higher strides in rising robotic density over the previous few years than different emerging markets, similar to India and Mexico, nevertheless .
Instead of moving heavy components or performing monotonous duties, employees can be taught to program and conduct upkeep on the machines. A report from a Swiss suppose tank predicts that while robots will displace 75 million jobs globally by 2022, they may create 133 million new ones - a net constructive of fifty eight million jobs. The agriculture trade has been using robotics to increase productiveness while decreasing prices. With sensor technology, farmers can monitor diseases and pests that negatively impact crop yields. Automated techniques that run operations similar to pruning, spraying, and weed removing are becoming increasingly popular.
One could soon see AMRs outfitted with robotic arms in order that manipulation capabilities may be relocated on demand. An autonomous system is one that can discover a answer to unpredictable issues without exterior intervention. A important focus area for industrial robotics startups is developing the autonomy to handle the dynamic nature of most manufacturing contexts. depth sensor which is 2 orders of magnitude cheaper than prior alternate options. However, expansion of the robotics market might be gated as long as one reality stays true… the price of programming robots is way higher than that of the hardware itself.
Since machine retailers typically have compressed air strains in their working areas, the pneumatically pushed robotic is very in style. Unfortunately, this technique does not make for easy control of either pace or position—essential components for any profitable robot. ActiNav ActiNav™ combines intelligent vision, real-time autonomous motion management and Universal Robots’ world-leading cobots to deliver the core of a machine loading system. Whether used for simple bin selecting tasks or more complicated machine tending applications, ActiNav delivers a solution that’s exact, consistent, intuitive and more agile than ever before. Despite their linguistic similarity, the terms automation and autonomy signal very completely different capabilities. Robotic automation has been occurring for many years as robots have been used to perform repetitive tasks in high-volume manufacturing contexts, largely in the automotive and electronics industries.
You will at all times find the right one, irrespective of how challenging the application. Read more about how industrial robots are used in completely different industries and purposes. For examples of how this may look in popular robotic languages see industrial robotic programming. The train pendant or PC is usually disconnected after programming and the robotic then runs on the program that has been installed in its controller. However a pc is usually used to 'supervise' the robot and any peripherals, or to provide additional storage for entry to quite a few advanced paths and routines. Manufacturing impartial robotic programming instruments are a comparatively new however versatile approach to program robot purposes.
ABB Robotics is a pioneer in robotics, machine automation and digital companies, offering revolutionary solutions for a various range of industries, from automotive to electronics to logistics. As one of the world’s main robotics and machine automation suppliers, ABB Robotics employs greater than 10,000 individuals in fifty three international locations and has shipped more than 500,000 robot solutions. Manufacturers often focus on creating tools in a number of of the essential formats for these gadgets . Others create customized grippers and EOATs, including people who handle particular materials.
Since they don't require extensive actions, they are a few of the most cost-effective industrial robots. These advantages make Cartesian robots best for meeting line applications, such as choosing up and moving bottles. As industrial robots turn out to be quicker, smarter, and cheaper, more and more companies are beginning to integrate this technology along side their workforce. While it's true that some of the more undesirable jobs are being stuffed by machines, this development has a quantity of more positive outcomes for the manufacturing business. According to the International Federation of Robotics study World Robotics 2019, there were about 2,439,543 operational industrial robots by the end of 2017. For the yr 2018 the IFR estimates the worldwide sales of commercial robots with US$16.5 billion.
Heavily used for manufacturing within the food, pharmaceutical and electronic industries, these spider-like robots are related with a common base. The delta robotic is often used for quick pick and place purposes due its precision at excessive velocity. With anyplace from two to 10 joints, articulated robots are linked to the base with a twisting joint. Resembling a human arm, they are generally utilized in packaging, painting, steel casting and different industrial applications. Sealer robots are built with quite a few robotic arm configurations that allow the robot to apply adhesives to any type of product. The major benefit on this utility is elevated high quality, speed and consistency of the ultimate product.
The eye and the hand are mimicked by amassing sensor data, particularly 2D and 3D imaginative and prescient knowledge and haptic knowledge . Parts could additionally be in numerous orientations as they arrive down the meeting line, or the product to be produced may change incessantly, as is the case in a selection of high-mix, low-volume manufacturing environments. has developed templates for dozens of widespread duties that require only some configuration by way of an iPad app earlier than being ready for use in production. and drag&bot, is to mirror a development in the broader software development world toward no-code and low-code growth platforms as an various alternative to coding software functions from scratch. These platforms identify widespread building blocks and summary them from code into higher-level representations that might be manipulated and interconnected using graphical, drag-and-drop interfaces.
An instance of a wheeled robotic is the ARTI tracked robotics platform developed by Transcend Robotics. Targeted at unmanned ground automobile operation, the design can deal with a big variety of hundreds and scale most terrain, because of its patented Safeguard Joints. The joints help stabilize the platform over tough terrain, guaranteeing that it is ready to climb steps with out flipping over. It can be utilized in uneven terrain, as nicely as to transport gear in a warehouse or workplace constructing. The robotic is customizable, meaning users can add sensors, robotic arms, or completely different payloads to complete a task. According to a current market report, the warehouse robotics trade is projected to develop at a fee of eleven.7% and attain $6,471 million by 2025.
World Robotics - Industrial Robots offers international statistics on industrial robots in standardized tables and allows nationwide comparisons to be made. It also offers robotic density, i.e. the number of robots per 10,000 workers, as a measure for the degree of automation. FANUC's FIELD system Zero Down Time software is designed to eliminate down time and improve overall robotic efficiency. While FANUC robots are extremely reliable, manufacturers nonetheless need an answer to maximize uptime. Safety-certified and with payloads from 4-35 kg, the FANUC CR and CRX collection of collaborative robots work hand in hand with humans to add worth to your processes. Equipped with anti-trap safety, the CR and CRX robotic sequence' will work side-by-side with people with out the need for extra safety gadgets.
In one state of affairs, a surgical semi-autonomous robot performed higher than the human surgeons with increased precision and fewer harm to the surrounding tissue. When even the blood pumping via a surgeon’s hand can affect a surgery’s precision, the accuracy of robots can guarantee greater charges of success in delicate medical procedures. Built from jointed parallelograms connected to a single base, delta robots have a spider-like look to make delicate, precise movements which are helpful in the meals, pharmaceutical, and digital industries.
Accuracy can range with velocity and position throughout the working envelope and with payload . This could also be defined in phrases of the angular or linear pace of every axis or as a compound velocity i.e. the pace of the end of the arm when all axes are moving. A parallel manipulator is designed so that each chain is usually quick, simple and may thus be inflexible towards unwanted motion, in comparison with a serial manipulator. Errors in one chain's positioning are averaged along side the others, somewhat than being cumulative. Each actuator must nonetheless move inside its personal diploma of freedom, as for a serial robot; however in the parallel robot the off-axis flexibility of a joint can be constrained by the impact of the opposite chains.
With the automotive and electronics sectors expected to remain leaders in automation, they will account for most industry-specific demand for end effectors. This is essential as it allows manufacturers to keep their operations in the U.S and nonetheless compete within the world marketplace. In truth, automation is changing into more and more essential for firms who want to create more jobs in the U.S and keep competitive. The FANUC normal for smarter productivity, the R-30iB controller represents a new generation of superior technology and enhanced built-in FANUC hardware.
Direct labor prices are lowered and far of the tedious and hazardous activities historically carried out by human labor are eliminated. Industrial robots have revolutionized the economic workplace throughout industries since their introduction to the manufacturing landscape. In reality, the economic robots market is projected to be price more than $66 billion by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 15.1% in the course of the forecast period. With more than 250 software capabilities for enhanced intelligence, motion, safety and productivity and all kinds of FANUC top quality equipment, we now have a solution for almost every conceivable utility.
It requires assembling or composing various pre-configured or pre-integrated building blocks to fulfill the application’s specifications. This consists of servo motor drives for motion control and environment sensors for collision avoidance as properly as auxiliary provides for sensors. Industrial robotic methods also rely on environment friendly power provides in addition to digital and analog sensing and control solutions. Manufacturers all over the world are turning to automation to help remedy labor shortages, increase productivity and improve product high quality.
We are at all times looking out for progressive ways to optimize our system solutions. One instance we're pursuing goes to drastically cut back the variety of cables inside a shifting robotic arm. In the idea, solely two wires are required for the DC or AC supply and communication. Over 200 robots are in use at our Industry 4.0-ready manufacturing facility in Dresden alone.
As the robot operates, the control system evaluates the theoretical/actual distinction, together with different measured values and stored information (e.g., theoretical speeds), and produces actuating variables to drive the robot. The control systems of an industrial robot decide its flexibility and effectivity, throughout the limits set beforehand by the design of the mechanical construction. Robotic welding has been the top robotic software within the automotive sector for a protracted time, as every automobile needs a high variety of welds before it’s full.
Including the price of software program, peripherals and systems engineering, the annual turnover for robot methods is estimated to be US$48.0 billion in 2018. Robot simulation instruments enable for robotics packages to be conveniently written and debugged off-line with the final version of the program tested on an precise robotic. The capability to preview the habits of a robotic system in a virtual world allows for quite so much of mechanisms, devices, configurations and controllers to be tried and examined before being utilized to a "real world" system.
Several Festo dosing heads and handling parts are used within the NPG machine to speed pattern testing. They were created within the lab of Radhika Nagpal, the Fred Kavli professor of computer science on the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences . Robots created by Festo exemplify this trend—they help in the examine of tips on how to use nature’s natural mechanics in present automation.
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