#laugh or i tell more jokes
writeouswriter · 3 years
Why does a writer want attention and comments on their work is like asking why does a stand up comedian want the audience to laugh at their jokes when they’re on stage
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sobsicles · 3 years
i don't know if any of you know this, but dean would absolutely go into full crisis mode if cas cried. like, im talking, the waterworks and trembling chin and not the happy kind of tears but the deep, achy ones that he can't hold back. after the initial frozen moment, dean would be a wreck instantly. a burst of motion and, "no, no, don't do that. please don't do that. come on, man, please don't cry," and half-panicking and half-soothing, or trying to. all reservations dean has would be swept away by cas' tears in a heartbeat. he'd throw it all out the window and touch cas all over, rubbing his shoulders, holding his hands, shamelessly begging cas to stop. he'd be so lost too, like dammit what do i do, who do i fight, how can i make sure this literally never happens again? he'd be like one of those husbands who can get into a screaming match with their spouses until their spouse breaks down into tears, and then the husband is like, ok ok ok i take it all back, you win, please stop, for the love of god please stop, do you want tea, hm? you wanna lay down and cuddle? im sorry, im awful, what do you want? you can have whatever you—
#so basically what im saying is if cas had literally cried in the midst of sorrow anywhere between s4-15 destiel woulda been canon sooner#like. not even necessarily out of manipulation reasons either.#dean would just see cas upset and crying and be like: hm. do not like this. will burn the world down to keep it from ever happening again#cas obviously isnt a huge crier. but just imagine for a second that he had actually broken down and started crying in one of their arguments#like he never would bc he's pissed more often than he's not and he's not an angry crier (like dean lowkey is)#but if he DID dean would have freaked the fuck out immediately#mans would have stumbled over himself so hard to make it stop#and he would have felt awful and shitty and hated himself more too obviously but like.#initially he'd be like: oh jesus christ cas. fuck im sorry. please don't do that. that's not fair please don't—#and dear god if someone ELSE made cas cry. Local Deranged Man Shoots Someone For Making His Spouse Cry—literal headline#im just saying that dean is like. he's a caretaker at the heart of himself. he soothes.#he tells jokes to his little brother to take the sting out of patching up his boo-boos. he tries to feed people he loves and make em laugh#like. he's a caretaker. he wants to be soothing. he wants to be warm and home and never cause pain (and hates himself for doing it so often)#so cas + tears would just send him into crisis mode immediately. he'd bend over backwards to make it better#i just think if cas had cried in like. s12 maybe. just randomly or whatever. dean would have been like#ok ok ok what's wrong come here what can i do what do you want you can have anything you want#like that man is WEAK for cas on a good day. on a day that cas cries??? ajaksks dean would hit his knees fuckin PLEADING for him to stop#he'd grip his hands and squeeze em and talk in a really high-pitched frantic voice and just flutter around trying to fix the problem#im saying that cas only getting to cry in joy in frony of dean—which is DIFFERENT—is a crime actually#gruff dean mindlessly rubbing his hands up and down cas' arms. kinda just holding him and cracking jokes to try and get him to laugh#or jesus. dont imagine cas crying during the divorce arc bc Angry Dean Winchester would have been...#oh he would have been soooo mad oh my god.#like: come the fuck on. cut that shit out. seriously cas just fucking—just stop it. just. cas just. goddAMMIT#or worse. cas crying when they like had their unofficial breakup and he was like. oh im gonna leave and dean was silent#you bet your sweet ass that dean would have opened his mouth then. probably out of anger still. but he would have still told him to stop#bc that man is weak and Cannot handle it#spn rewrite where cas is a crier. dean's whipped by his tears. they're still not dating but dean folds like a lawnchair every time cas cries#anyways. this may or may not be bc of a fic im writing. not very many ppl write cas crying and i know why. but it's founded this time#destiel#sobs says things
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almea · 2 years
All I want is for Blake's parents to come back and see Blake laughing at every single dumb joke Yang makes and Yang telling more dumb jokes when Blake's around because she likes making her laugh and both of them just Knowing.
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jigsawvevo · 2 years
you want me to play a game... the thing that killed adam stanheight
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merrysithmas · 2 years
vader's fixation on obi-wan causing his problems is the star wars equivalent of the "Thanks Obama" meme.
anything goes wrong ever in sw-
some hillybilly alien: Thanks Obiwan
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alsaurus-loves-dean · 3 years
“There’s something about being in front of the people that love the art that you’re creating. And there’s an energy, and there’s an exchange there, in my opinion. There’s-I’ve often said, you know, it’s fuel. It’s fuel I get from the people who-and it also makes me think harder about what I’m doing. You know, they’re dissecting these characters, and these relationships, and scripts. And it’s so fun to be in conversation with people who are into it just as much as you are. If not more, sometimes!”
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miamaymarry · 3 years
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I want to invite you to safe the picture and fill the speechbubble with whatever (nonsense) comes to your mind. If anyone of you missed that I’m heartbroken as fuck, just unfollow me.  
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ducktracy · 2 years
I am curious to know how you came to like Daffy and Porky so much. :-)
HMMMM... a myriad of reasons (because nothing can ever be simple huh?) but i think the biggest is just "i relate to them and think they're funny"
there IS something funny about saying you (in a general sense) relate to LT characters since they're so often vehicles for gags and humor BUT I DO HAHA. i relate to Daffy's overzealousness and always living at every extreme/a little TOO passionate and emotional, as well as always social and a little annoying, and i relate to Porky's very oblivious/gullible but good-hearted nature, being stubborn/persnickety and Just Kinda Weird and unintentionally eccentric in general LOL. i guess that's a very bare bones example but i'm also scratching my head here like wait...... how DO i relate to these 85 year old barnyard animals who just blow each other up... but i do! they're my buds
AAAAND when i got into LT i originally wanted to get into it for Bugs (THAT WORKED OUT WELL HUH) but got sidetracked and binged all of Bob Clampett's work first, and since Clampett's first 4 years of filmography were nothing but black and white Porky (and the occasional Daffy) cartoons i got attached to them very quickly through that; i thought the fact that these cartoons were in black and white and so DIFFERENT than what i was used to was really fascinating and that fascination has always stuck with me. i'm definitely apologetic of a lot of Porky cartoons i know are bad/mediocre but i love anyway HAHA i'm just really entertained by him in general. Porky's general existence is genuinely fascinating and hilarious to me (and not in a "haha look at the funny pig stutter" way, but more so "i think the way Porky carries himself and acts the way he does naturally is absolutely hilarious and a joke in itself, even when its not intended to be") and the same can be said for Daffy too, though much of my fascination from him comes from actual things he does and says rather than just merely existing
LIKE. a few weeks ago i watched Ali-Baba Bound which is a not very fantastic Clampett-Porky cartoon (racism aside), but i found myself going "oh my god, Porky said 6 lines in this short instead of 2!! he made a reference to Blondie and i understood it! THIS IS FANTASTIC!" and had to pause and ask myself what i was even saying. that usually goes for most mediocre Porky cartoons with me
Daffy i'm much more picky about because i'm more passionate about him/maintaining the depictions i like most so to speak, but i've just always really resonated with him (not counting the later Chuck Jones/Friz Freleng versions because that makes me look terrible and not what i have in mind when i say that HAHAHAHA). he's my favorite cartoon character! i've gone into it in depth before and will again when i can articulate it more clearly but i can relate to him a lot, and i've always been taken in with his charisma/social nature and fascinated by history
AND LIKE. they're my brand at this point, everyone knows me as That Porky and Daffy Guy (including my co-workers, the first Zoom meeting i ever attended my coworker said "i didn't recognize you because you weren't a duck!") and i don't see my interest fading anytime soon
my interest in LT isn't purely for Porky and Daffy, it's the history behind it and the people who made these characters so great more than anything, BUT with that said...i'd be lying if i said the reason why i watch 90% of modern LT media wasn't because that Daffy and/or Porky were in it in some capacity
when in doubt:
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fangwhoria · 2 years
i work with little kids now and today was my first day off and i literally already miss them so much…. i kept telling these little girls id make friendship bracelets with them on tuesday and i never got a chance to so of i cant tomorrow i might actually cry
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cognitosclowns · 2 years
congrats on getting your account back! maybe in honor of it,,, could we get A.B’s s/o giving him oral? x)
OH HE LOVES ORAL <333 I'm thinking mostly bc,,, its just so slick?? His interactions w/ any form of water are extremely limited, bc,, yknow,,, Robot smdnsd.
so,,, it's just such a Delightful, Unfamiliar Sensory Experience? He knows he'll never get bored of the feeling of,, Saliva and Tongue <33 the soft, specific texture of it?? The variety of texture btwn sections of your mouth + throat?? <3333333333
Besides <33 you look darling when you're on your knees <3
The slight tilt to his head?? That half-lidded stare, just barely smirking down at you??? Deep, happy hums when you do smth he likes - a few little glitches, here and there? <333 tapping your cheekbones w/ two fingers to coax you to look up at him??
Lots of <3333 rubbing your shoulders?? vv firm grip, 
OH it definitely depends on his mood but,, the chances of him fucking your mouth are high.
Esp if you start teasing him?? Like when he gets close you,, purposefully start giving feather-light touches?? giving him this cocky grin?? <3 play stupid games, win stupid prizes - your throat is gonna HURT tmrw <333
EEE ALSO,, <333 if you really wanna get him, make it SUPER ERRATIC.Like,, bobbing your head a few times, randomly pulling back to give some vv messy swirls on the tip, before swallowing him down again?? <33 OH you’re gonna get some delightful glitches <3
usually when he cums he much prefers to see it on your tongue <33 like,, he’ll snatch your jaw after and tell you to open up?? So he can see your mouth full of it before you swallow?? <33333
theres smth about seeing it,, almost overflowing out of your mouth that gets him?? Like being able to see the exact quantity you swallow?? YEA <33
THERE ARE rare times where he,, prefers for you to swallow it down all together <33 in which case you’ll be getting some Very Nice Praise outta him <3 some spattering of pet names (read : my darling human <3).
IN SUMMARY <333 HIM <333
#GUH </3 I AM THE FOOL OF FOOLS#this has happened 3 times already i need to remember to charge my laptop-#MY BRAIN DIDNT REGISTER AND THEN IWAS LIKE 'ohhh you motherfucker NO-' AND IT DIED AS I WALKED IN THE ROOM >:( SPITEFUL BASTARD#its bc i type to hard huh </3 its getting revenge on me#GUH OKIE BUT BACK TO THIS ASK <333 BC <333 HUH#he deserves to get his soul sucked out <33333333333 by YOU dear reader#i can't remember if i've already written smth like this before??? like of him getting the Sucka Sucka but <33 IDC ILL NEVER PASS UP AN#EXCUSE TO WRITE GAY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS MAN <33#also the room for comedy here??#LIKE SNDMSM his d.ick being detachable and.. you grab it n suck too hard and it just fucking pops off??#AND YOU LOCK EYES AND GOTTA BATTLE TO NOT PISS YOURSELF LAUGHING????#'well you did say you were going to suck my d.ick off but I didn't think you were being literal-' 'A.B (DEROGATORY)'#alternatively you forget for a sec that he's a robot and YELP BC OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK and then it clicks again and..#you look up and he's just WHEEZING SMDNSMD#'STOP LAUGHING I WAS SCARED >:(' 'no i got that part <3 you made that very clear with the screaming - OW'#ALSO LIKE SMDNS him changing the flavors of his c.um bc he wants to make it Taste Nice For You?? but he forgets to tell you so you#just start CRACKING UP BC.. 'honey why does your c/.um taste like fucking butterscotch-'#LIKE <3333 SORRY I LOVE GOOFY S.EX.. JOKING AROUND DURING S.EX MAKES IT SO MUCH MORE FUN SMDNSM#oh also he'll Absolutely C.um More Than Usual if you're swallowing everything down together??? bc he wants to draw it out <333#like <33 the feeling of you gulping?? esp w/ vv strong suction?? humming a bit??#HE NOW UNDERSTAND THE TERM 'SUCKING HIS SOUL OUT' SMDNSMDNAMSDNAD#<33333 he deserves life-altering head. from YOU dear citizen.#*scrambles around on the floor very fast so you can't catch me* im not going back to hrony jail you'll never get me#why must i release such filth into the world </3#DEAR GOD HOW HAVE I NOT WRITTEN THE FUCKING TAGS YET-#inside job#nsft#minors dni#alpha-beta#robotus alpha- beta
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Just realized that I’m not actually creating different personalities for people, I’m just masking my ADHD so they’ll actually like me and that’s why I feel so annoyed at myself when I actually let myself be loud and talkative, because I feel so ashamed of unmasking and not being normal. 
How fun. 
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kuroimarzipan · 2 years
thinking about how niuwyb showed up at the drowning wench at the start of ARR to sign up to the adventurer’s guild and she had no memories and no name and Baderon jokingly suggested something that literally just translates from old roegadyn to “new woman”. and she was like. yeah that’ll do it. and now the warrior of light is called. new woman.
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lemoncupcake · 3 years
no season after 5 of any show is canon, it’s all just showrunner-sanctioned fanfic
#txt#*p#i was gonna say no i won't eleborate but yes yes i fucking will because i always do lol#idk really know what to say though this is just the truth#if they haven't already done it before then after the fifth season is when they add a whole bunch of new characters to padd the cast#after some of the mains start leaving#sometimes none of the mains leave but they still do it for the ~flavour~#except after season 3 it's basically impossible to make me care about new characters#not even in a like them way but just in find them interesting way#i just don't care about them if they dropped dead next ep in the background of a scene and never showed up again i probably wouldn't notice#either that or they just change one little thing and it somehow changes the whole show??#i'm thinking about things like b99 adding swearwords which just makes it feel like a whole different show#because then the jokes didn't need to funny anymore all you need to do is add in a swearword in the middle and the audience will laugh ofc#(and like yeah i still like it but you cannot tell me any season after 5 is your favourite)#and tvd continuing even without the main character and just adding even more side characters#and teen wolf dedicating the whole last season to setting up a spin-off show that didn't even get picked up#and arrow with the new team (and the magic oh god)#it's just like dude....#i do not give a fuck about any of these people#why are they here??#like i said after 5 it's not canon anymore it's just showrunner-sanctioned fanfic#and sometimes i even like the fanfic!!! but it's not really the same show anymore#this to say: all tv shows should get a max of 5 seasons and no more#ty for coming to my ted talk :)
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lemntri · 3 years
reading lizzy's msgs on discord. im this close to crying
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bananxious · 3 years
Love how we all have our own unique styles and interpretations of Sam and Max but still with the same basic foundations and dynamics. It's like a much cuter Rorschach Test
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elijahs-wife · 3 years
alright i don't know who needs to hear this but!! you can be funny without making jokes about women or violence against women!! you can be funny without making jokes about marginalised groups or using racial slurs!! you can be funny without making jokes about fat people or disabled people or the lgbtq+ community!! it truly is possible to be funny without being a jackass :)
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